Reputable manufacturers is a modern replacement for obsolete uneconomical incandescent lamps. They are produced in the most various forms, so the first time it is quite difficult to understand which of them is better to buy to illuminate your apartment. Yes, and within the same dwelling, you can use several types of fluorescent lamps.

Design and advantages

As in conventional fluorescent tubes, CFL tubes (compact fluorescent lamps) are filled with an inert gas and mercury vapor, and the inner walls of the tubes are coated with a phosphor. When the mains voltage is turned on, an electric discharge in mercury vapor initiates ultraviolet radiation. When it passes through the phosphor, visible to the eye glow.

The shape of CFL tubes may differ from spiral or arc; it is also spherical, cylindrical, in the form of a candle or pear. Often the original form is a design element of the lamp.

Fluorescent lamps with different form tubes

The heat dissipation of a CFL is much lower than that of a conventional incandescent lamp. They can be safely used in plastic lamps and chandeliers with limited power. Unlike conventional fluorescent lamps, CFLs do not flicker at a frequency of 50 Hz, which is harmful to the eyes. Read more about the dangers of fluorescent lamps.

As the name implies, energy-saving lamps differ from conventional ones in significantly lower power consumption.

Indeed, instead of a 75 W incandescent lamp, you can use 15-20 W CFLs.

Their stated service life is an order of magnitude longer than that of the first. But the price of an energy-saving lamp is several dozen times more. A simple arithmetic calculation shows that energy saving really occurs only if the declared service life coincides with the real one. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Criterias of choice


The power of manufactured CFLs ranges from 7 to 250 watts. If you do not know how to choose a fluorescent lamp, then when buying, use a factor of 5 relative to an incandescent lamp. For example, if you need to replace a 100 W incandescent lamp, then it is enough to choose an energy-saving power of only 20 W from well-known manufacturers on the market. If the name of the manufacturer does not tell you anything, then it is better to take a CFL with a power of 25 W (coefficient - 4).

Colorful temperature

The filament temperature of an ordinary incandescent light bulb is 2427 degrees Celsius, or 2700 degrees Kelvin. Fluorescent lamps are available in the following Kelvin temperature ranges:

  • 2700 - "warm" white;
  • 3300-3500 - white;
  • 4000-4200 - "cold" white; gives light with a bluish tint;
  • 6000-6500 - daily.

CFL color temperature

The first 2 ranges are close to normal lighting with an incandescent lamp. When choosing energy-saving lamps for the home, it should be noted that it is advisable to use the first range for the bedroom and nursery, the second for the living room and kitchen. The third range more accurately reproduces colors and is appropriate for use in offices. Lamps of the same day range are mainly used in non-residential premises.

However, it should be borne in mind that the temperature may not be directly indicated on the packaging.

For example, the abbreviation 25W/833 means:

  • power 25 W;
  • color rendering index - 8;
  • color temperature - 3300 degrees Kelvin.

Color rendering index

The spectrum of light emitted by the CFL phosphor is not linear, but has several peaks in the visible range. The color rendering index is associated with them and is measured in units up to the number 100. Cheap lamps have an index of 60, mid-range lamps - from 80, and the index of lamps with high color rendering should not be less than 90. If the color rendering index is less than 80, then their light is foggy, with bluish or greenish highlights; Such lamps are suitable only for the garage.

Light flow

When choosing energy-saving lamps, one should take into account their luminous flux, which more accurately characterizes the brightness of the glow of these lamps. Brightness depends on both the power of the light bulb and its color temperature. Cool lamps produce light that is brighter than warm lamps. For cheap lamps, the luminous flux is not indicated for the simple reason that a factor of 5 is not applicable to them and companies do not want to engage in anti-advertising.

Below is the correspondence between the power of high-quality CFLs in W and their luminous flux in phosphors (lm):

  • 5 W - 250 lm;
  • 8 – 400;
  • 12 – 630;
  • 15 – 900;
  • 20 – 1200;
  • 24 – 1500;
  • 30 – 1900.

Plinth type

The most common for CFLs is the E-type base, which is available in three sizes - E14 ("minion"), E27 and E40 ("goliath").

The numbers correspond to the thread size.

Most lighting fixtures use an E27 base. Type E14 is used in sconces and miniature table lamps, while E40 is used in massive fixtures. Read more about where which plinths are used.

Fluorescent lamps with E socket

Life time

In high-quality energy-saving lamps there is a special device for preheating the electrodes and ignition of the lamp not instantly, but with a slight delay ("smooth start"). Warming up significantly extends the life of the CFL. Its absence in cheap lamps leads to the fact that the durability of such lamps is almost the same as the service life of incandescent lamps. But high-quality CFLs work up to 15 thousand hours.

It is believed that each inclusion of a CFL consumes up to 2 hours from the declared service life. Turning on / off is especially harmful: the fact is that a soft start that saves electrodes does not work in a hot lamp. Therefore, the switched off lamp should not be switched on again earlier than after a few minutes.

Operation features

From the foregoing, it is obvious that CFLs are poorly compatible with switches with night illumination and dimmers common in the lighting infrastructure. Under such conditions, fluorescent lamps may start flashing and operate abnormally after being turned off, which adversely affects their durability. How to deal with this problem and combine CFL with backlight, read.

Whenever possible, use of energy-saving lamps in the base-up position should be avoided.

The fact is that in this case, electronic components located near the base can overheat, as a rule, they are not designed for temperatures above 85 0 C. The exception is expensive longlife models from well-known manufacturers, such as OSRAM.

Longlife lamp from OSRAM

The presence of mercury inside CFLs requires special care in their operation and. If so, then this place should be disinfected. It is advisable to take a failed light bulb to special items recycling, a list of which is presented here.


The most reputable manufacturers of energy-saving lamps are GE, OSRAM, Philips. Good CFLs produce Ecola, Cosmos. Average characteristics for light bulbs from SunLuxe Electrum, Pila, DeLuxe, Zeon, Kanlux.

CFLs actually save energy if the actual service life coincides with the declared one. Such a match is provided by products of companies with a good reputation in the market. A high-quality energy-saving lamp cannot be cheap. To understand which energy-saving lamps to choose for your home, it is best to carefully study all of the listed parameters. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the most comfortable and economical lighting.

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Greetings, comrades! Today I'm going to tell you what energy-saving lamps the current one offers. Russian market how they are arranged and how they differ from each other. We will get to know you key features different types of light bulbs and find out which ones are best for lighting your home.

dark times

First, a few words about the reasons for the sudden increase in demand for energy-saving light bulbs. In 2010, the country's government officially announced a change of course in the field of energy optimization.

Since 2011, a ban has been introduced on the production of lamps with a power consumption of 100 watts or more. In two years, it was planned to decommission 75-watt lamps, and in a couple of years, all incandescent lamps as a class.

The experience of Europe was cited as a positive example: by 2010, at least 40 energy saving light bulbs. In China - even more: 80 lamps per 100 inhabitants of the country. We have 2-3.

The purpose of replacing light sources was to reduce domestic energy consumption and offload power grids. The goal, no doubt, is good, if not for one “but”.

For 2011 Russian Federation exported 22.7 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity. Imports in the same year amounted to 3.4 billion. With an obvious excess of generating capacity, it is at least strange not to give the domestic consumer the opportunity to buy electricity and spend it in any way at his discretion.

Fortunately, it didn’t come to outright insanity: incandescent lamps with a power of up to 95 watts (to be honest, these are simply relabeled “hundreds”) remained on free sale.

  • The luminous flux from such a lamp does not exceed 1100-1200 lumens, which, according to the current sanitary standards (150 lm / m2), is enough to illuminate a residential area of ​​\u200b\u200bonly 6-8 squares;
  • Modern fixtures do not like heat. They use plastics, plexiglass and vinyl insulation that do not tolerate high temperatures. Therefore, the maximum power consumption of one lamp is limited to 60 watts.

All in white and on a white horse

Energy-saving lamps solve both problems:

  • With a modest electrical power, they provide luminosity up to 3000 lumens, which is already enough for a 20-meter room;
  • At the same time, heat dissipation does not exceed 35-30 watts. Plastic diffusers and wires in the luminaire body remain safe: they are not threatened by overheating.


An energy-saving lamp is a light source that provides at least the same luminous flux as incandescent lamps, with less power consumption. In the view of most readers, an economy light bulb is a very specific light source, a compact fluorescent lamp.

In fact, two more light sources fall into this category:

Image Variety

fluorescent, or fluorescent lamps. They have been widely used for several decades. Compact fluorescent light bulbs differ from them only in the form factor: the bulb with ionized gas glowing in a glowing electric discharge is curled with a spiral, and the electronic ballast (power converter that ignites the discharge) is placed in the base.

LED. Light source - LEDs soldered on a flat or cylindrical platform, as an option - forming luminous threads (the so-called "filament" lamps). A compact switching power supply located in the base or in the lamp housing is responsible for their energy supply.

The switching power supply differs from the transformer one by converting alternating current into direct current with a high pulse frequency. This feature allows you to get the maximum power of the PSU with its minimum size.

Halogen lamps are not energy saving. They are valued primarily for their brightness and for their spectrum, which most closely matches the spectrum of daylight. sunlight. Both qualities are achieved due to the high temperature of the spiral. Halogen vapors prevent the evaporation of tungsten, from which it is made, with strong heating.

Features of light sources


Form Factor: for household lamps - a cylinder with contact pins on both ends. Ring lamps are produced for hanging lamps, for advertising purposes - light sources in the form of letters, numbers, etc.

Operating principle: the bulb of the lamp is filled with mercury vapours. An electrical discharge in it causes the ionized gas to radiate in the ultraviolet spectrum. UV radiation is converted into visible light by the phosphor coating of the bulb.

Light output: up to 70 lumens per watt.

Life time: up to 20 thousand hours.

Note that a conventional incandescent lamp has a typical lifespan of less than 1000 hours.


  • Diffused light that does not give shadows with sharp edges. This is very convenient if you work in a home workshop with small parts. Makeup artists and stylists also use fluorescent lamps. great success: Uniformity of illumination helps to avoid mistakes when applying makeup;

  • Variety of color temperatures. By changing the composition of the phosphor, you can get a lamp with warm, neutral or cold. Often used in discotheques ultraviolet lamps, giving a purple tint to white clothes illuminated by them.


  • Mercury vapor is toxic. If you accidentally break a fluorescent lamp, you need to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Yes, we usually neglect safety, and completely in vain: cases of mercury vapor poisoning are not uncommon;

  • The bulb of the lamp is glass and breaks when falling from a small height;
  • The phosphor produces light with a narrow spectral band (that is, 90% of the emitted color has a color temperature of 3000, 4000 or 6400K), which distorts the color reproduction;
  • The phosphor degrades over time, and the luminosity of the lamp decreases. At the same time, its energy consumption is preserved;
  • The lamp needs a ballast in the luminaire housing. Without it, the discharge simply will not light up.


A compact fluorescent lamp has all the key features of a conventional one - with a couple of amendments:

Form Factor: CFLs are compatible with most types of cartridges. Largest Choice lamp models - in the E27 form factor, compatible with conventional incandescent lamps. Well, it is quite logical: CFLs are intended, first of all, to replace them in existing fixtures.

Light output: up to 50-60 lumens per watt. The drop in luminous flux per unit of power consumption relative to full-sized fluorescent lamps is associated with a compact power converter: increased losses on it are the flip side of miniaturization and extreme simplification of circuitry.

Attention, comrades: most CFLs have limited compatibility with LED-lit switches. When the power is off, the lamp flashes every few seconds. The light is not too bright and is visible only in the dark, but the resource of the phosphor and the power converter is consumed.


LED energy-saving lamps appeared later than CFLs and by now (early 2017) are close to being forced out of the market. The main reason for such an active expansion is the steadily falling price. Over the past two years, despite all the fluctuations in the exchange rate of the national currency, it has decreased by about half: now a lamp with a luminosity of 1000 lumens costs about 100 rubles.

Let's see how LED lamps look against the background of competing solutions.

Form Factor: compatible with all existing cartridges.

Operating principle: the light source is LEDs soldered on a common board and equipped with a common switching power supply. Outside, a platform or a cylinder with LEDs is usually covered with a diffuser - a cap made of matte plastic.

Light output: up to 110 lumens per watt.

Note: light output is limited by the efficiency of the switching power supply. Modern LEDs give up to 170 lm/W.

Life time: up to 50 thousand hours.

Here it is worth making one caveat.

Manufacturers are often cunning, wishful thinking. LEDs are really capable of serving the coveted 50,000 hours (with a typical mode of operation of lighting in an apartment, this corresponds to 50 years of service).

  • Their resource decreases with high temperature (over 50-65 °С). Meanwhile, high-power LED lamps can have a working temperature of up to 70-80 degrees. Especially if they are in a closed ceiling;

  • The lamp power converter often contains an electrolytic capacitor.. At high temperatures, it swells and loses its capacity after 2-3 years of operation. The lamp starts to turn off periodically during operation, and one day it just does not light up.

It is easy to solder the capacitor with your own hands by prying a plastic lamp diffuser glued to the case with a knife and unscrewing the board under it. To increase the life of a new capacitor will help you simple instruction: Use Low ESR electrolyte with an operating temperature of 105°C.


  • Cost-effectiveness unattainable for fluorescent lamps;
  • Long service life;

The number of on-off cycles does not affect the life of the LEDs. In this they compare favorably with fluorescent lamps, for which manufacturers guarantee no more than 2000 inclusions.

  • Absolute safety: the lamp does not contain harmful substances and can be disposed of along with other household waste;
  • Accurate color reproduction. White light (4000 K) in terms of spectral composition corresponds as closely as possible to daytime solar light;

Extremely cheap lamps from little-known manufacturers sin with poor color reproduction. They can distort colors, shifting them to the red side of the spectrum.

  • In lamps with a flat board, the beam of light is directional. This is very advantageous for downlights and spotlights.

Filament lamp shines in all directions during operation - just like a conventional incandescent lamp.

Minuses: connected, first of all, with the price race between producers. In attempts to reduce the cost of production suffer:

  • Heat sink. Instead of a full-fledged aluminum radiator, the heat is transferred to the plastic case. The result is the operation of LEDs and the power supply at elevated temperatures and their accelerated degradation;

  • Driver circuitry. The constant simplification of the power supply leads to a decrease in the operating voltage range. Most recently, I encountered good example: when the voltage in the network drops below 190 volts, the LED energy-saving lamps released two years ago continued to shine, and the light bulbs on LED filaments produced six months ago went out.

General properties

There are a couple of differences between incandescent and energy-saving lamps, common to all types of the latter.

  1. Energy-saving lamps in the bulk are not dimmable. The reason is pretty obvious: they have their own PSU with their own voltage regulator. As long as the voltage at the input of the lamp driver does not go beyond the permissible limits, it shines at full power; as soon as the voltage drops below, the PSU will simply turn off;

  1. Both fluorescent and LED light sources are sensitive to high humidity. Dampness causes a short circuit in a leaky PSU and lamp failure. An exception is protected IP 67 luminaires in housings impervious to water and dust.

How to choose

On what grounds and how to choose energy-saving lamps for the home?

First and foremost: our choice is LEDs. They have come close to CFLs in terms of cost and have long gone far ahead in terms of efficiency, durability and quality of lighting.

The color temperature of the light source and the perception of light.

  1. Power consumption. The luminosity of the lamp depends on it, but not at all linearly: the luminosity is determined, in addition, by the coefficient useful action power supply and (in the case of LED lamps) the generation of LEDs used;
  2. Luminosity in lumens. You need to pay attention to the ratio of luminosity to power. It must be at least 50 lm / W for CFLs and 90 lm / W for LED bulbs.

If you have the opportunity to turn on the lamp, do a couple more tests:

Image Test Description

Color. White list paper in the light of a lamp with a color temperature of 4000K should be exactly white, and not give off redness. For warm light lamps, a yellow tint is acceptable.

pencil test(when you look at the lamp and quickly wave a pencil in front of your eyes) should not give a "strobe" effect. If you see such an effect, it means the LEDs are flickering at a low frequency. Eyes are noticeably tired of it, and it is better not to take such a lamp.


We will consider our acquaintance with modern light sources to have taken place. The video in this article will help you decide which energy-saving lamps are best for your home in your particular case. As always, I would appreciate your comments and additions. Good luck, comrades!

At the moment there is a serious struggle between manufacturers of fluorescent and LED lamps, as both technologies are chosen to replace the outgoing star of incandescent lamps.

Before the advent of bright LEDs, luminescent products did not know the competition and were, as they say, the highest grade.

From strengths fluorescent lamps the following can be distinguished:

1. Duration of operation - from 2000 to 20000 hours of work.

2. Low power consumption, measured in lumens produced by the lamp.

3. The best curvature of the light wave in defiance of incandescent lamps, which improves the illumination of visible objects.

Of the shortcomings:

2. Optional for individuals(mandatory for the industry), worth the money competent recycling of used lamps. Few people use this service, and everyone tends to basically throw the lamps into ordinary garbage, thereby creating a "green" danger.

3. Frequent need for inspection, control and troubleshooting of lighting fixtures due to heating, replacement of lamps (despite the duration of operation).

As can be seen from all the pros and cons, the fundamental and only drawback of fluorescent lamps is mercury.

After the advent of LEDs capable of producing a similar or greater number of lumens with less or equal power consumption, LED lamps and fixtures began to compete with fluorescent lamps.

Of the primary advantages of LED lamps It should be noted:

1. Equal or more production lumens in the peak of luminescent products.

2. The best curvature of the light wave, unlike fluorescent lamps, so even with less light output in lumens, illuminated objects in the light of LEDs will be seen better.

3. Minimum power consumption.

4. "Secular" period of operation of LEDs (from 30,000 to 50,000 hours).

5. Stopping the need for periodic repairs, inspections and control of lighting fixtures due to heating, replacement of lamps.

6. Electrical safety as LEDs use voltage up to 50V.

Of the negative points of LED products:

1. A very tangible price of lighting fixtures and LED technology. That is, LED technology is good in every sense of the word, but has a long payback period and initial high cost.

Considering the above data, you can easily decide on the type and type of lamp, based on the needs for which you need it.

To calculate the required proportion of fixtures in a room, you can use special methods and regulatory and technical documentation that regulates the desired / mandatory number of lumens per square meter (i.e., lux) of the agreed area.

Energy-saving fluorescent lamps are produced today in a fairly extensive range. Different models may differ in their own configuration, quantity, parameters of fluorescent lamps, electronics. This is not the whole list of differences between models of such lighting equipment, which can be purchased in specialized stores of lighting products. Despite so many differences, features, fluorescent lighting devices have general device, connection diagram, principle of operation.

In this article:

Scope of application

The main sources of lighting in residential premises are ceiling lighting fixtures. For rooms with low ceilings, pantries, corridors, bathrooms, overhead lights are usually used, for rooms with high ceilings - built-in lighting devices.

  • Fluorescent lamps are most often used to illuminate tables, niches, kitchen furniture, in combination with LED lighting devices.
  • Devices with miniature lamps are mounted in furniture sets for interior lighting.
  • Wall options are used to illuminate paintings, mirrors, etc.
  • Special linear lighting devices are used to illuminate aquariums, indoor plants. They are distinguished by the presence of a blue, red light spectrum, which is very useful for any vegetation. Such a light flux perfectly replaces the ultraviolet rays of the sun, which are necessary for vegetation, which contribute to the efficiency of photobiological processes.

Installation of daylight fixtures 2x18 W is carried out along the perimeter of the room, thus forming a hidden illumination. In this case, a modular system is used.

Sheds, room cornices, multi-level ceiling structures will look effective only with properly organized lighting.

Design features, principle of operation

The fluorescent lamp is one of the most common lighting devices used in residential and administrative buildings due to ease of installation and subsequent energy savings.

The principle of operation of such a device is based on the ability of gas and metal vapors to form a luminous flux under the influence of an electric field. Fluorescent light bulbs They look like glass tubes.

The main elements of the design of such a lamp:

  • phosphor - the inner coating of the lamp;
  • a tube filled with an inert gas, mercury vapor;
  • tungsten spirals located at the edges of the lamp structure, coated with barium oxide, which performs the properties of the cathode;
  • two connecting pins between the coils that directly connect the devices to the power supply.

Important to remember! When installing motion sensors, it is not advisable to use fluorescent lighting devices in conjunction with automatic switching on, because the fairly frequent switching on of this type of lamps quickly disables them, significantly reducing their operating period.

Well-known manufacturers of fluorescent lamps, their products

When buying fluorescent lighting devices, first of all, each buyer is interested in the question of which manufacturer is popular, produces the highest quality products and other points. Indeed, today on the market there is a huge assortment of various goods, of which not all of good quality. According to the recommendations of experts, user reviews, you should pay attention to the brands listed below.

German company SLV

This company occupies a leading position in the European market, its products are sold all over the world. Thanks to the use of modern production technologies, the latest equipment, and the attractive cost of the finished product, the brand has won the trust of many users.

Some suggestions from SLV

Model materials Lamps Options
plafond fittings Power plinth Qty L, mm H, mm B, mm M, kg
Suspended SLV160831 Kuno Aluminum + white plastic White aluminum 2х35W 2xG5 2 1490 30 135 2,5
Suspended SLV160832 Kuno Aluminum + silver plastic White aluminum 2х35W 2xG5 2 1490 30 135 2,5
Ceiling SLV160773 Kuno Aluminum + white plastic White aluminum 2х54W 2xG5 2 1490 30 135 2,5

Suspension lamps with Kuno fluorescent lamps are produced in modern style, their suspension is adjustable up to 1.5 m.

Hungarian company "Novotech"

Also a fairly well-known manufacturer on the market, which uses in its own developments latest trends lighting equipment. The company's specialists pay special attention to halogen, luminescent energy-saving lighting devices.

Lighting devices of the SIDE series of closed types with a switch. The main purpose is to illuminate furniture elements, interior items, and are used for the kitchen.

Slovak company OMS

The products of this company are also quite popular. Thanks to its own production lines, equipped with modern equipment, it covers all segments of the European market - from the most economical luminaires to premium lighting fixtures.

Suspended fluorescent lamps OMS are able to satisfy the most demanding customer.

Almost everyone is engaged in the manufacture of fluorescent lighting devices today. manufacturing companies in Europe, producing lighting products. A huge variety of lamps in this category on the market allows you to select products for any interior space, while they are distinguished by significant efficiency and a long operating period.


  • An essential advantage of fluorescent lighting devices 2x18 W is the saving of electrical energy. They are inferior in this regard only to LED designs.
  • Efficiency - the efficiency of fluorescent lamps is five times higher than that of standard incandescent lamps.
  • The service life of such a lighting system, depending on the operating conditions, can be from 5000 to 12000 hours. Therefore, such devices are ideal for installation in hard-to-reach areas.
  • The radiation of the light flux occurs over the entire surface.
  • Light can be of different colors.

For improvement specifications fluorescent lamps (to reduce flickering, unpleasant hum emitted during operation), it is recommended to use electronic ballasts instead of standard electromagnetic ballasts.


  • The main drawback of the equipment is the presence of mercury in the structure. Therefore, the lamps must be handled very carefully.
  • The efficiency of this type of lighting equipment depends on the external temperature. Luminous flux will decrease at minimum and maximum temperatures. Of course, when used in residential premises, this fact is inappropriate.
  • The high sensitivity of luminescent devices to frequent power outages creates some inconvenience, and their service life is reduced. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such a lighting system for objects, premises where voltage drops and power outages constantly occur in the network.

Possible malfunctions of fluorescent lamps, their elimination

If the lighting device does not even try to light up, it is necessary to measure the presence of voltage at the input terminals before looking for a malfunction in it. If it is present, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The lamps must be slightly scrolled along the axis. If the installation is done correctly, its contacts will be parallel to the plane of the lighting fixture. This position can be set according to the maximum force generated when the lamp rotates, you can remember the initial location of the product relative to space.
  2. Replace starter. When called professional master, he always has a set of spare starters for fluorescent lamps. To check, you can also use the starter of a neighboring working device.
  3. Check lamps for proper operation. In devices using two lamps, they have a series connection, a common choke and starter. Four-lamp fluorescent lighting devices are two two-lamp devices combined in one housing. If one bulb breaks, the other one goes out as well.
  4. To check the serviceability of the lamp, it is necessary to change it to a serviceable product or measure the resistance of the filaments with a multimeter, which should be no more than a dozen ohms. If the lamp bulb is blackened from the inside, this does not yet indicate a breakdown, but it is worth checking it first.
  5. The lamp, the starter are working, so you need to check the throttle resistance, which should be no more than 100 ohms. For this, a multimeter is used. Using a screwdriver-indicator, you can check the presence of a phase on the inductor. If it is present at the input, then it must be at the output. If in doubt, the throttle should be replaced with a new one.
  6. Checking the electrical wiring of the fluorescent lamp itself. It is necessary to carefully examine the connecting contacts of lamp sockets, starter, throttle. For convenience, safety of this procedure, it is recommended to dismantle the lamp from the ceiling, check it on the table.

If the 2x18 W lighting device tries unsuccessfully to light up, then it is necessary to look for the causes of the malfunction in sequence: in the starter, the lamp itself, the throttle, since in such a situation there is an equal percentage of the probability of failure of any of these elements.

In the event of a decrease in the brightness of the light flux, the lamp must be changed.

It is important to know! Lamps of industrial street luminescent lamps at negative temperatures can light up for a long time, they may not light up at all.


Luminaires with fluorescent lamps are considered to be one of the most economical sources of light today, and despite having some disadvantages, they deserve special attention consumer.

First of all, lighting should provide conditions for the performance of certain visual tasks. Depending on the type of work performed lighting requirements different.

At choice of fixtures and lighting systems, first of all, it is necessary to proceed from the functional purpose of the illuminated room. Approximately one can distinguish the following types premises:

manufacturing (among them individual groups- “clean”, dusty and damp, with an aggressive environment, explosive, etc.).
Offices with big amount computers.
Ordinary offices.
Health care institutions.
Museum and exhibition.
Halls, lobbies, etc.
Auxiliary (corridors, changing rooms, toilets, etc.).
Warehouse and auxiliary.
Color designations for fluorescent lamps
Conference halls, rooms for business meetings, negotiations, etc.

Type of illuminated room

Offices with a lot of



Offices in which work with computers


is not the main

trading floors


"Clean" industrial enterprises


Industrial enterprises with heavy


School classes, auditoriums

Hotels, foyers, lobbies, etc.


Lounges, conference rooms





Exhibition halls


Auxiliary premises (corridors, stairs, wardrobes)


Sport halls


car parks

Catering establishments


Gas stations

Architectural structures (outdoor lighting)

The most important problem in design lighting installations is choice of light sources. Table 2 shows the boundary values ​​of the parameters of all contemporary sources light of mass application, their advantages and disadvantages are noted, the main areas of application are named.

Summary table of comparison of light sources table 2


Fluorescent lamps

Incandescent lamps




general purpose


Power, W

Luminous flux, lm

Light output, lm/W

Color temperature, K

Color rendering index, R a

Service life, hour





Interior lighting of administrative premises, shops, etc.

Street lighting, industrial lighting enterprises.

Architect-art. lighting, accent lighting.

Street lighting.


residential premises.

Architect-art. lighting, accent lighting.

In the line "Disadvantages" the numbers indicate: 1 - large dimensions; 2 - the presence of mercury; 3 - the need for special switching equipment; 4 - poor color rendering; 5 - pulsations of the light flux; 6 - low light output; 7 - short service life.

In the line "Dignity" the numbers indicate: 1 - high luminous efficiency; 2 - long service life; 3 - compactness; 4 - good color rendering; 5 - perfect color reproduction; 6 - ease of inclusion; 7 - cheapness.

As can be seen from the table, there are no ideal light sources today - each type has a number of disadvantages. Perhaps LEDs are closest to the concept of an “ideal light source”, but so far it is still more exotic than a mass source.

Obviously, when illuminating industrial and public premises, it makes no sense to use incandescent lamps because of their low luminous efficiency and short service life. However, in everyday life, these lamps so far have almost no alternative due to their low cost, ease of switching on and the absence of mercury. In addition to these advantages, incandescent lamps, including halogen ones, provide perfect color reproduction and are therefore widely used in retail and showrooms for showcase and accent lighting. Cheap luminaires with conventional incandescent lamps can also be recommended for lighting small auxiliary rooms with low levels illumination.

For lighting administrative and public premises (offices, schools, hospitals, design bureaus, etc.), fluorescent lamps, including compact ones, are best suited. Of the fluorescent lamps, lamps in flasks with a diameter of 16 mm (T5 series) stand out especially - they have the highest luminous efficiency, a very long service life, a small decline in luminous flux during their service life, good color rendering, and fit well into the dimensions of standard suspended ceiling modules.

In all rooms with long stay people, preference should be given to high-frequency lamp power. Despite the high cost of lamps with electronic switching devices, their use is always justified in many rooms, especially in offices with computers or intensive visual work.

Luminaires of the same type, for example, ARS, are made with lamps of different power (18, 36 and 58 W) and with different amount lamps. The luminous efficiency of fluorescent lamps increases with their length, and the proportion of power losses in the chokes decreases, which leads to an even greater increase in the luminous efficiency of the "lamp-ballast" set. For example, four 18 W lamps create a luminous flux of approximately 4200 lm and consume power (with chokes) 98 W, and two 36 W lamps - 5600 lm and 85 W, respectively. Therefore, from a lighting point of view, the use of luminaires with lamps with a power of 36 W is preferable than with lamps with a power of 18 W. However, when choice of power and number of lamps it is necessary to take into account not only the luminous efficiency of the lamps, but also all other factors. Practice shows that in rooms with relatively low ceilings it is better to use lamps with lamps with a power of 18 W, and in high rooms (3.5 m and above) - 36 and 58 W.

At choice of fluorescent lamps in terms of color rendering quality, one should be guided by the requirements of the new European lighting standards: in rooms with a long stay of people, Ra should not be less than 80. Obviously, much cheaper lamps with “standard” color rendering are quite suitable in corridors, toilets and other auxiliary rooms. Lamps with "excellent" color rendering (Ra not less than 90) should only be used where color rendering is one of the main lighting criteria - in the printing industry, textile and paint industries, in art galleries, flower shops, etc.

Table 3 gives color designations for fluorescent lamps with different color rendering quality in accordance with GOST 6825 and in the documentation of the world's leading lamp manufacturers - Philips and Osram.

Table 3

Radiation color

Standard lamps (R a

Warm white (T w = 2700-2900)

White (T color = 3500-3900)

Universal (bright)-white 0^=4000-4100)

Cold white (T color = 4500-4800)

Daily (T color = 6200-6500)

Lamps with improved color rendering

warm white

bright white

Lamps with excellent color rendering (R a » 90)

warm white

bright white

cold white

low power metal halide lamps, especially with ceramic burners (CDM type), are now quite widely used for showcase and accent lighting instead of halogen incandescent lamps, since with good color rendering they have much longer service life and light output. In addition, metal halide lamps are widely used in projectors for outdoor architectural lighting.

Sodium lamps high pressure indispensable for street lighting and for lighting industrial premises where there are no requirements for the quality of color reproduction (metallurgical, metalworking shops, warehouses, etc.).

High pressure mercury lamps with phosphor (DRL) are widely used in street lighting of small towns and secondary streets in big cities, since they are much cheaper than sodium lamps and do not require the use of igniters. In interior lighting, the scope of such lamps is industrial premises without special requirements for the quality of color rendering (warehouses, woodworking, chemical shops, etc.).

In places where maintenance of lighting fixtures is difficult, electrodeless fluorescent lamps are preferred, having the longest service life among mass light sources.

It's obvious that same values illumination can be provided by many various options. What criteria should be followed when choosing fixtures that provide good lighting, and what is “good lighting”? This question is not so naive - in Germany, for example, there is even a special scientific and technical society, which is called “Good Lighting”. This society has already published 16 brochures with the titles "Good Lighting for Industrial Premises", "Good Lighting for Administrative Premises" and the like.

Criteria lighting quality it could be considered:

1. Ensuring normalized quantitative parameters (illuminance).
2. Comfort.
3. Safety.
4. Reliability.
5. Profitability.
6. Ease of use.
7. Aesthetics.

These criteria are closely related. The importance of each of them is determined by the type of illuminated room or object and the nature of the work performed. For example, for industrial premises, it is necessary, first of all, to provide the levels of illumination required by the standards, and for representative premises, the appearance of luminaires, their aesthetics, is often the most significant.