After the mother of three sons, Yana Rudkovskaya, spoke about the conflict in the family of Alexander and Milana Kerzhakov, there was a lot of criticism against her. The famous producer was reproached for supporting her father, not her mother, in this difficult family history. But Rudkovskaya knows how to stand up for herself. It taught her long fight in court for their sons. In social networks under the publications of Rudkovskaya about the conflict in the Kerzhakov family, there are thousands of comments. In some of them, Rudkovskaya was also reminded that she was raising the child of Yulia Saltovets. Indeed, Yana Rudkovskaya brings up: Alexander (5 years old, son of Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko), Nikolai (16 years old, son of Rudkovskaya and Viktor Baturin) and Andrei (16 years old, son of Viktor Baturin and Yulia Saltovets). Rudkovskaya raised Andrei from the cradle. Are the reproaches against the producer fair? Why biological mother the boy did not participate in his life? The history is confusing. We tried to figure it out.

Yulia Saltovets version

Wedding of Yulia Saltovets and Viktor Baturin. Photo: archive, program frame.

In the 90s, Yulia Saltovets danced in nightclubs in Sochi, then the girl met a wealthy businessman from Moscow, Viktor Baturin. Soon Baturin made an offer to a pretty dancer, they played a wedding, then got married. The groom was 45 years old, the bride was 21 years old. And Yana Rudkovskaya walked at the wedding of Yulia and Victor. Saltovets and Rudkovskaya at one time in Sochi were introduced by Baturin.

Yulia Saltovets and Yana Rudkovskaya were introduced in Sochi by Viktor Baturin. Photo: archive, program frame.

“Happiness began to end at the moment when Yana Rudkovskaya began to tell me that Victor was sleeping with one model from Sochi, then with another. We lived with Viktor for less than a year ... Viktor's guards told me that Yana had a relationship with Viktor. I left him for my parents... Of course, I regret that I divorced Victor, we would have a wonderful family. I was young and hot-tempered. We all make a lot of mistakes in our youth ... ”- Yulia Saltovets told her story on the air of the Mirror for a Hero program (NTV).
Saltovets gave birth to a boy in September 2001: “I asked the child to feed, I was told that he should not be given milk. They didn’t even explain why ... They brought the child, and on the third day they took it away ... ”Julia said on the air that her son was taken from her directly from the hospital. The boy was taken to Moscow, and from birth he was brought up in the family of Viktor Baturin and Yana Rudkovskaya - the couple had already formalized the relationship by that time.

In an effort to arouse sympathy, Saltovets told on TV for decent fees that the ex-husband took her son without her consent - he simply took it away. But for some reason, Yulia “forgets” about one important detail: in the maternity hospital, she wrote a refusal of the child. When asked about this document, she replies that she does not remember how she signed the paper.

“When they got divorced, Viktor Baturin came to me in Krasnodar to improve relations,” Saltovets recalled on the TV show that she saw her son after 7 years. At that moment, Baturin and Rudkovskaya broke up, and the businessman took the children from Yana. He suddenly allowed Saltovets to see his son. By that time, Yulia was already raising her daughter (Saltovets did not have a relationship with her father), and a woman from Krasnodar Territory brought his half-sister. Julia periodically flew to meet with the boy. In 2011, when Viktor Baturin was put in a pre-trial detention center, the children were returned to Yana Rudkovskaya.

Yulia Saltovets with her daughter Polina. Photo: archive, program frame.

Saltovets disappeared for a while. She arranged life in Spain: at first she worked there as a dancer, and then she successfully married. When she appeared in Russia, she gave interviews about her difficult female lobe. “In 2015, I met with Andrei. I told him, Andrei, you know that I am your mother, and I love you very much. It’s not my fault that they took you away from me ... ”Saltovets voiced her feelings throughout the country. After next vacation in Russia, the woman was returning to Spain.

It is worth noting that Andrei Baturin himself always wanted to live in the family of Yana Rudkovskaya.

Yana Rudkovskaya's version

Since Yulia Saltovets was giving an interview, Yana Rudkovskaya had to answer. After the divorce, the producer fought for her sons, went through many court cases, but even when the truth triumphed and the children had to return to their mother, another problem arose.
“... But Baturin continued in a different way. “Please,” he said. - Here is Kolya, this is your son, take it. And Andrei is adopted and has nothing to do with you, ”the producer recalled in an interview with Elle.
Yana Rudkovskaya was able to arrange custody of Baturin's son from her marriage to Yulia Saltovets, after the boy's mother wrote a refusal from him in the maternity hospital. “Unfortunately, the adoption papers were not made quite correctly: it was written in the metric that I own mother Andrei, and Baturin arranged another trial, where they demanded that I conduct a genetic examination, which was pointless to go. Taking advantage of this, he offered to sign a settlement agreement for me (when the children live alternately with me, then with him). And in 2010, in order not to lose Andryusha, I signed this agreement, ”Rudkovskaya explained the situation.
In 2011, Baturin was imprisoned, and the children returned to Rudkovskaya. Yana, answering journalists' questions, said that she loves boys equally. She noticed with a smile: “Moreover, Kolya sometimes complains that I pay Andryusha more attention. This is true. Kolya can get a slap on the back of the head, but Andrei can’t ... "
Rudkovskaya, even after court battles for children (there were more than 200 of them), never spoke badly about her father to the boys. Andrei and Nikolai are brought up by Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko. After Viktor Baturin was released from prison, Rudkovskaya managed to restore relations with him. The father meets with his sons, participates in their upbringing, gives expensive gifts.

Rudkovskaya tried to restore relations with Saltovets. Yana responded to Yulia's requests to see her son, and organized the very meeting between Saltovets and her son in 2015, which Yulia talked about. “For a week, the whole family persuaded Andrei to go,” Rudkovskaya said in an interview. The meeting took place in a cafe, Andrey came in the company of his brother, Evgeni Plushenko and his friend. “Then I tried to maintain a relationship: I sent Andrey’s sizes to Yulia so that she would have the opportunity to show a sign of attention: buy him something from clothes as a gift, because his birthday was approaching. I told her that he was fond of golf, sent a photo. She was invited to come to Andrei at any time. When Viktor Nikolaevich Baturin left the places of detention, he also supported my idea, and we offered three options for seeing Andrey. The first is to negotiate through my assistant, the second - through Viktor Nikolayevich, the third - directly by phone with Andrey. They sent her his number, ”said Yana Rudkovskaya in an interview with Hello.

But instead of winning the trust of the child, Saltovets returned to her new husband in Spain, and when she once again came to Russia, she gave a “sensational” interview. Children grow up quickly and soon Yulia Saltovets will no longer have anything to reproach her “rival” with - an adult guy will be able to make all decisions himself ...

By the way, after Alexander and Milan Kerzhakova began to negotiate and were able to come to an agreement on raising their son, Yana Rudkovskaya promised to get Milan Kerzhakova a job. The producer demonstrated that she helps not only in word, but also in deed: “I invited Milana to work in our team, to head our St. Petersburg ice show department. She is already at the finish line in treatment, and I am sure that she will succeed! And even though all these days it was unpleasant and painful for all of us, I am happy that the guys agreed. So for me, a few more days of my life have not been lived in vain!

Yana Rudkovskaya at the wedding of Yulia Saltovets and Viktor Baturin with the bride. Photo: archive, program frame.

Well, who in Russia does not know about Yana Rudkovskaya, the famous TV presenter and talented producer. Each of us is talented in something, you just need to find your industry. Yana was able to do this and conquered the country with her work and opportunities.

Yana Rudkovskaya is today one of the richest businesswomen in Russia and successful producer. Her name is closely associated with the media space of the CIS. She proves to us that business is not only the world of men, but also of successful women.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yana Rudkovskaya?

Yana is the owner of an excellent figure and enviable parameters. With a height of 165, she weighs only 48 kg. She is not that thin, but a truly petite woman. At 42, Yana looks great and has been shown to the press in unusually open and seductive outfits more than once.

Height, weight, age, how old is Yana Rudkovskaya, this question worries many, because the life and appearance of a famous producer and TV presenter is very much discussed and so loved by reporters. She maintains her figure with the help of sports and proper nutrition, and even the birth of three children did not spoil her beautiful appearance.

Biography of Yana Rudkovskaya

The future star was born on January 2, 1975 in Moscow. Her family was ordinary and had nothing to do with show business. She grew up in a military family, so the girl knew from childhood that constant moving was like that. Mom was a doctor, and now she is already a candidate of medical sciences. Immediately after the birth of her daughter, the family moved to Barnaul, where the girl spent her childhood.

At school, the girl studied well, was obedient and was fond of figure skating. After school, an obedient student was able to enter the Altai State medical University and complete it successfully. And after graduation, she decided to leave for Sochi. Here she met her first husband, Evgeny Mukhin, and actually signed here.

The biography of Yana Rudkovskaya is filled with interesting events and moments. After graduating from university as a cosmetologist, Yana did an internship in Holland, which later gave her a great start to starting her own business. In 1998, Yana managed to become the founder of a whole network of beauty salons. Success accompanied the enterprising girl in all her endeavors, and already in 2001 she was able to afford to buy the right to use the international brand of Frank Pravost beauty salons in Russia. Gradually branches appeared in other parts of the country. And until now, Yana is doing what she loves.

A little later, when the business developed, and Yana had a lot of free time to improve various kinds of skills, she decided to try herself in the production business, and the now famous Dima Bilan became her first protégé. It was thanks to her that he achieved such heights and even managed to win the Eurovision Song Contest.

After Dima, Rudkovskaya had several more successful projects and now famous stars, such as: Sabrina, Alexa. In 2008, the whole country realized how important Rudkovskaya's contribution was to Russian show business, from that moment on, awards and recognitions rained down on Yana. Then invitations to various shows began as a participant and even a host. That is how the dizzying career of Yana Rudkovskaya began.

Personal life of Yana Rudkovskaya

In the life of Yana there were two famous men which made her life interesting, and in some cases even sad. Yana's first husband, Viktor Baturin, helped her a lot in developing her career. Their marriage had two children, two boys, but as it turned out later, after the divorce, Yana admitted that their eldest son Andrei, in fact foster Yane, namely that the real mother of the boy is Baturin's ex-wife. But still, Yana considers both sons her own and has never divided them. After living together for 7 years, the couple decided to divorce, but it was not so easy. The divorce was very loud, difficult, and the couple could not divide property, children, and even Dima Bilan among themselves, as a project.

The process was very complicated, and the court took a long time to make a decision. By a court decision, Baturin must pay Yana 5 million compensation, and he is also forbidden to sell the property that they have acquired in marriage. And it is worth noting that the property is not small, namely a large castle, an apartment in the center of Moscow and several other plots.

But the biggest problem was who the children would end up with. This decision changed very often. First, the court ruled that the children would stay with their father, then Yana sued for a long time and she was allowed to have the children live with her on weekends and holidays. A little later than Baturin, namely in 2011, Baturin was arrested, after which Yana, despite the prohibitions of the court, took her children. Of course, ex-husband did not accept such behavior and sued to take the children to himself, he proved that Andrei is not the son of Yana, then the court decided to annul it parental right on the eldest son and remove her name from the “mother” column in the documents. Of course, Yana was not pleased with this course of events, and she again filed a lawsuit.

As a result, Yana got her way, and the children stayed with her, and the ex-husband can see them freely whenever he wants.

While this whole complicated divorce process lasted, Yana met and even married a famous Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko. As you can see, the personal life of Yana Rudkovskaya was filled with both pleasant and negative moments, but this woman does not succumb to difficulties. Often various reporter articles appear on the Internet about her, for various requests, for example: “Yana Rudkovskaya is pregnant with her third child 2016-2017, photo, when to give birth”, but you should not trust unverified sources, if you are interested in Yana’s life, it’s better to contact verified ones, official sites.

Family of Yana Rudkovskaya

On this moment the family of Yana Rudkovskaya consists of her beloved husband Evgeny and the glorious boys Nikolai and Andrei from their first marriage and Sasha from their second marriage. Yana walked for a long time happy life and now she is really happy, because she has everything that she needed so much: female happiness and her beloved sons are nearby.

Yana is surrounded by the love and care of the three most important men in her life. And even though fate tripped her more than once, she coped with every failure. The family of Yana Rudkovskaya is currently a model example for many.

Children of Yana Rudkovskaya

There were moments in Yana's life when she could not see her children at all, because her ex-husband, to spite her, decided to completely take away her female happiness. But because of her persistent nature, she managed to defend her right. Agree that the child will always be better with his mother.

Of course, it is ideal when both parents are nearby, but if such a situation occurs, as in Yana's family, then there is no particular choice. The children of Yana Rudkovskaya, Nikolai and Andrey, are growing up as good guys and the real pride of their mother, and not so long ago, Yana had a third son, Sasha, from her second marriage.

The son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Andrey Baturin

As it became known after Yana's divorce from her first husband, in fact, Andrei, their eldest son, was adopted by her. He is the son of Yulia Saltovets, ex-wife Baturin. But, despite this, Yana fell in love with him as her own and now does not see the difference between her two sons. During the divorce proceedings, she fought to have the right to both sons and the opportunity to take care of them on her own.

After living with Plushenko, who became a true friend for Andrei and Nikolai, Yana began to notice in Andrei an awakened love for sports. The son of Yana Rudkovskaya, Andrey Baturin, grows up as a truly happy child and receives maximum care not only from his mother and father, but also from a responsible stepfather.

The son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Nikolai Baturin

Yana's middle son from his first marriage grows up a real fine fellow and, like his older brother, he only takes from his mother, father and stepfather best qualities. After Yana married Plushenko, the children began to change into better side and even show a love for sports.

Eugene helps Yana raise real men who are not afraid of even rafting in this life. mountain river. After one of the next sports trips with Eugene, Nikolai managed to lose 10 kg, after which he was accepted into the football team. Now the Son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Nikolai Baturin is already showing good progress in football.

The son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Alexander Plushenko

Another sports guy is growing up in the Plushenko family. The youngest son Sasha grows up in happy family, surrounded by the care and attention of parents, as well as older brothers. The boy has real support and protection, so that in the future he is not afraid of anything.

As Yana herself says, with Evgeni Plushenko, children become real men, and all thanks to him male character and love for sports. The son of Yana Rudkovskaya, Alexander Plushenko, is still quite a baby, but even now he is a very active and nimble child who will conquer the world with his achievements in the future.

Former husband of Yana Rudkovskaya - Viktor Baturin

Everything in our life is not always sweet and sometimes it seems to us that we have met the “same” person, everything is getting better and a good future awaits us, but one day everything collapses. This happened to Yana as well. Viktor Baturin was not best husband and after several years of married life, the couple divorced with a scandal.

Ex-husband of Yana Rudkovskaya - Viktor Baturin photo

Not so long ago, the ex-husband of Yana Rudkovskaya, Viktor Baturin, was convicted and accused of fraud. But, the person involved in the high-profile case of fraud with bills of the Inteko company is preparing to leave the place of detention in Kalmykia. According to media reports, the court ruled to release former businessman.

Husband of Yana Rudkovskaya - Evgeni Plushenko

Famous Russian figure skater, performing in single skating, master of sports of Russia, best dad and just very talented person, who never ceases to delight the world with his merits, yes, all this is Yana Rudkovskaya's husband - Evgeni Plushenko.

He became a winner in many sports competitions, and also became the first to perform complex tricks while skating, which were not given to anyone, for example, such as: cascade quadruple toe loop - triple toe loop - triple rittberger. And this is just the beginning of the list. This man has become a real example for the children of Yana Rudkovskaya and you can be sure that this Strong woman finally can feel weak.

Such a phenomenon as Yang's plastic does not support. As a cosmetologist, she says that high-quality cosmetology will always help to rejuvenate the face and tone up. After three children, she still looks as charming and graceful as ever. sports, proper nutrition and cosmetology allow her to always stay in shape.

She is an example for many women and shows that there are no barriers to beauty. By virtue of her profession, Yana must always remain beautiful, and she is not weak at it. If you see a photo of Yana Rudkovskaya before and after plastic surgery somewhere, do not believe them and know that such a beautiful appearance can be even without the intervention of surgeons.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yana Rudkovskaya

Yana's Instagram is full of colorful photos of her life and the life of her children. If you want to cheer yourself up with colorful and high-quality photos, then you definitely need to go to the profile of this producer. Instagram and Wikipedia Yana Rudkovskaya is replete with vivid information about her life, shows, where she goes, vacations and many other moments that are so interesting to the public.

If you are interested in personal and public life Yana Rudkovskaya, in which case her social media great to satisfy your curiosity. As a public person, Yana does not hide anything from her fans.

Yana Rudkovskaya was born on January 2, 1975. Received higher education, having graduated from the Altai State Medical University with a degree in dermatologist-venereologist. Since the end of 2005, Yana has been in show business.
“I broke into show business knowing almost nothing about it. I had to study how charts are built, rotations, how tracks are launched, how PR campaigns are created.

In the early 90s, with one stroke of the pen, Alla Rudkovskaya turned into Yana and dropped as many as 7 years!

Not everything always worked out for Yana equally successfully. She did not happen to become an outstanding figure skater, although in Barnaul, where she studied, they remember that she was very diligent in figure skating. However, the profession of a dermatologist-venereologist has become purely applied in her life.

“But in my direct specialty, I worked for only six months. Then she left for an internship in Holland, and after returning from there, she went to Sochi, where she soon opened her first beauty salon.

This salon was located in the most expensive and luxurious hotel in Sochi, the Radisson SAS Lazurnaya.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that it was brought into show business from a beauty salon. It should be well understood that a beauty salon in Sochi is more than a salon, and Radisson SAS Lazurnaya is more than a hotel. Hardly any city in Russia can be compared with Sochi in terms of a developed entertainment industry and all kinds of services ... Many who knew her closely at that time still sigh sweetly when “Never, never let you go ...” comes from the speakers

It was then, in a semi-secular society of users of the VIP services of the "beauty salon", Yana Rudkovskaya began to be called Yanka the Inkwell. Not for passion literary creativity, and for the strange and almost mystical feature of leaving black marks on everything, no matter what she touches, writes Kompromat.Ru.

Yanka-Chernilnitsa met her future husband, millionaire Viktor Baturin, precisely in Sochi "at a football match between Spartak Moscow and the local Zhemchuzhina club, which at that time played in the big leagues and was sponsored by Viktor."

“... almost all the players of the Sochi Zhemchuzhina went to my salon - someone to get a haircut, someone to go through certain wellness procedures. As a token of gratitude, the guys often invited me to their matches, always giving me an invitation ticket to the VIP zone, from where honored guests - the mayor of the city, the governor, sponsors - watched the fights ... It was there that Victor first saw me and paid attention. We met. For three years, arriving in Sochi, every time he came to my salon for procedures.

It is not enough to say that the marriage of Yana and Victor has become an excellent business alliance. The "young" exchanged not only wedding rings but also reputation. Rudkovskaya, for example, inherited from her husband an amazing ability to sue for any reason. In Sochi alone, almost all the objects purchased by Viktor were in different time under the courts. And, although Yana's scale at that time was not yet the same, she would have betrayed herself if she had not left a black mark in the famous hotel. The wife of a millionaire, for almost two years, dragged the general director of Radisson SAS "Lazurnaya" Boris Averyanov through the courts because of the missing hairdressing accessories, including combs ... The case reached the Supreme Arbitration Court.

While the “Comb Case” was gaining momentum, Yana was carrying out one of the main projects of her biography, injecting poison drop by drop into the relationship between her brother and sister Baturin. Of course, this "talent" is inherent in a great many women, but here we were talking about millions. Rudkovskaya got her way by quarreling close people and recapturing 50 percent of the shares of Inteko-Agro, as well as the Inteko business in Sochi, from her new relatives.

It was during the turbulent Sochi period of Yana Rudkovskaya's life that she first met with producer Yuri Aizenshpis and his singer Dima Bilan, who had already taken place by that time.

“I called Yuri Shmilevich and persuaded him to come to me with Dima for a lot of money. They flew in and stayed with me for three days. We became friends. And then on the set of the clips “You should be next to me” and “As I wanted”, I was already Dima's stylist.

“... From the very first day we met, Dimka somehow immediately became a member of my family. You know, my parents always raised me alone, but I always wanted to have a brother. And in the face of Dimka, I found him .. "

This touching style should cause delight among Dima's fans and tears from inexperienced old women. So an orphan writes about the sensitive and disinterested help of strangers.

And here is the official piece of Yana's biography, posted on the website of the international fan club of Dima Bilan:

“It so happened that before his death, Y. Sh. Aizenshpis asked Yana to accompany his ward to the Russian Music Awards 2005 ceremony, which was to be held the next day.

Naturally, Yana did not refuse Yuri Shmilyevich, but she not only supported Dima at the ceremony, where he received two awards as the best performer and as the best artist, but also did not leave him in further activities.

Isn't it reminiscent of the description of the life of Mother Teresa.

But, even if you don’t pick up crafty words for Rudkovskaya’s tough and pragmatic actions, the fact remains that Aizenshnis’s acquaintance and cooperation with Yana turned out to be fatal for the famous producer. And whoever says anything about 12 years of imprisonment that undermined the health of Yuri Shmilyevich, it happened exactly when Yanka-Inkwell invaded his life and business. And just when she had her vital interest in this matter. Time will pass and the new producer will perform a ritual act on the ashes of his predecessor.

“On the anniversary of the death of Yuri Aizenshpis, Dimka and I went to his grave. I brought three Bilan's discs and said: "Yuri Shmilevich, I have something to show you."

One of the favorite questions of the obliging press: "But how do you Yana combine the chores of a stylist, caring for your beauty salons with show business." The answer today sounds categorical: “I now have one priority - Dima Bilan. I give him 80 percent of my time. Weren't these 80% just enough to get Bilan hooked on the "nonsense" again, from which, with incredible difficulty, the singer managed to keep Yuri Aizenshpis?

Often, on days of special celebrations, Rudkovskaya can be found in Sochi. As we already know South Capital occupies a special place in her biography. On January 2, on her birthday, she accepted gifts at the Sochi Park Hotel. In general, Yana is not one of those who coquettishly hides her age. Like, don't ask, I'm still a girl! Moreover, everyone knows: Yana is 32! However, her classmates, childhood friends, will never understand: how did it happen that all of them are already 39-40 years old, and Yanka is still barely over 30. This paradox should be looked for in one of the passport offices in Sochi. There, in the early 90s, with one stroke of the pen, Alla Rudkovskaya turned into Yana and dropped as many as 7 years!

IN Lately Prestigious awards began to pour on Yana's head. Recently, she became a laureate of the Moscow FashionTV People Awards in the nomination Fashion and Business. Lady".

Needless to say, there are no barriers for a true lady. The new target of Rudkovskaya is the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. Apparently, he is closest to that romantic period in Yana's life, when the fragile girl cut the ice at a small provincial skating rink and dreamed to tears of a career as a figure skater. However, everyone who saw Lady Rudkovskaya that day in Plushenko's company has every reason to believe that this is not just nostalgia. This is, if you like, the “mandatory program” of the Yankee Ink Machine. Today, rumors about the affair between Plushenko and Rudkovskaya are extremely stable.

The couple was photographed at the airport in Atlanta. Both behaved in such a way that from the outside it might seem that they were young spouses or lovers.

And, it would seem, quite recently, a Barnaul figure skater student said goodbye to her childhood dream of becoming a dermatovenereologist, so that through thorny path Sochi business lady to enter the expressway of show business. It seems everything worked out. However, a little is missing. For extravagance and the good of the case, Yana Rudkovskaya recently applied to the party. What would you think? Wrong! To the LDPR! One of the oldest parties in Russia decided on a desperate experiment. Obviously, the lady is haunted by the laurels of Masha Malinovskaya. But here is the fate of the LDPR itself. Doesn't the sense of self-preservation, the intuition of the leader of all liberals, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, tell him that this innocent step could become fatal. On the political horizon, perhaps the most incredible intrigue is emerging recent years. But the choice has been made. The black mark already knows its addressee.

TV presenter Maxim Galkin invited the spouses Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko to the program “Tonight” on Channel One. The couple remembered how they met, shared family videos. Yana's friends and parents joined them. It turned out that the producer had a sore subject that she wanted to clarify once and for all: “Today the program is about us with Eugene! I hope after her talk about my age will finally end. The first channel found a recording of my graduation, brought my classmate Ulechka and even the class teacher Sofia Fedorovna from Barnaul!

Rumors have long circulated on the Internet that Yana is actually older than her years and even forged information in her passport. During the transfer, it turned out that this was not a secret, but a “parting gift” from her first husband, Viktor Baturin. He was older than Yana for 19 years, from their marriage the woman had two children. During the divorce in 2008, Viktor, according to Yana, promised that he would start some kind of rumor: “This is the only blow that I took hard”. Maxim Galkin confirmed that Viktor personally also told him that Yana was seven years older than he told everyone. By the way, the couple was married for just seven years.

Numerous guests and video documents confirmed that Yana was born in 1975.

The network noted that Yana looks good for her 42 years. Although they thought that she was much smaller, and not older, as the woman experienced.

"Honestly, I did not believe that you are so old, I thought much less."

“Why does everyone call a 42 year old woman a girl? What a Girl? Call a spade a spade. With the possibilities of Yana, it would be strange to look bad at 42 years old.

"Looks her age, well-groomed woman."

"Yana, you're still 20. You look great."

“If Yana is 49, then there are even more pluses for her. Not everyone can look like this at 49, and at 42 they rarely look like that either. It turns out that she gave birth to a child at 45. My admiration. But Yana is 42, why should she hide?

“Yana, I heard stories about your age for the first time yesterday from you at Galkin’s program.”

“Honestly, I didn’t know how old you are, but I definitely wouldn’t give 42.”

Among the guests was the 35-year-old singer Dima Bilan, whose Yana Rudkovskaya has been acting as a producer since 2005. Recently, they were just discussing on the Internet

Yana Rudkovskaya is a successful business woman, TV presenter, music producer, native Muscovite, born on 01/02/1975 in Altai in Kustanai.


As a child, the girl almost did not differ from her peers. She studied normally at school, was naughty to the best of her ability, occasionally skipped classes. The only difference, perhaps, was that since childhood she wanted to be successful and always achieved her goals. Moreover, the more difficult they were, the more interesting the process became for Yana.

In childhood

Maybe that's why Yana studied well and easily entered the medical university, which she graduated with honors, choosing a specialization in hardware cosmetology, which had just begun to develop actively.


Almost simultaneously with receiving a diploma, Yana opens her first beauty salon, which is rapidly gaining popularity. Inspired by the first success, Yana begins to expand the boundaries of her business to other cities.

In 2001, she acquires exclusive rights to represent the world-famous French cosmetic chain "Frank Provost" and opens three such salons in Sochi at once, and a year later - the first in Moscow.

In 2003, she decides to also engage in a trading business and creates a network of multi-brand stores that collect products from the world's most famous manufacturers GUCCI, D & G, YSL, etc. And to this day, she personally selects models from the latest collections during shows in Paris and Milan Fashion Weeks.

But in 2005, at the request of his close friend, producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who at that time was very ill and was practically dying, Yana took under her wing a young and then just a beginner performer.

She had known the singer before and worked on his style, but after the death of Aizenshpis, she began to officially represent the interests of the singer, receiving an appropriate fee for this.

Having quickly mastered the music business, Yana begins to promote other novice performers. Among her wards were Alexa and Sabrina. She does not forget about her beloved, periodically appearing in the clips of her ward Bilan and recording her own clips.

Rudkovskaya was recognized as a successful producer after Bilan's victory at Eurovision in 2008. At the same time, she receives an award as the most stylish producer and gets into the top 100 beautiful women Russia.

In addition to business and creativity, she manages to engage in charity work. She actively cooperates with the Duma Committee on Youth Affairs, promoting projects that support young talents.

Personal life

There were few men in Rudkovskaya's personal life, but many scandals. Of course, the successful and bright blonde has always had many fans. But she prefers not to talk about her personal life. Therefore, almost nothing is known about her novels before marriage, except that they took place.

In 2001, she officially marries the brother-in-law of the ex-mayor of the capital Luzhkov, Viktor Baturin. This was his second marriage, and from the first there was a son who continued to live with his father. Rudkovskaya gave birth to Baturin another son, but the marriage fell apart in 2008.

With Viktor Baturin and children

Behind the ups and downs scandalous divorce the whole country followed. The couple actively shared not only Baturin's business and children, whom he took by force to himself and excluded their contact with his mother, but also Dima Bilan, whose touring activities already brought a very decent income.

After long litigation Rudkovskaya was allowed to take the children for the weekend, and the property jointly acquired during the marriage was arrested and given to the lawyers of the parties for division. In 2011, Baturina was arrested and Yana took the boys to her place. The court decision was changed in favor of the mother, leaving the right for the father to see the children on demand.

But while the litigation lasted, Yana managed to arrange her personal life again. During Bilan's preparation for Eurovision, his team included a famous figure skater who choreographed the singer's number.

With Evgeni Plushenko

There they started with him warm relationship from Rudkovskaya. And in 2009 they officially got married. In 2013, Yana gave birth to her third son.