Located in the southern hemisphere of the Earth, the winter season in this country begins on June 21 and ends on September 21.

Approximately 70% of tourists visit Peru in winter. Why? It is winter here that is a kind of " velvet season”, when the most comfortable average daily air temperature is around +20°C. In addition, during this period, a large number of spectacular holidays and festivals are celebrated in the country, and finally, winter is the most favorable period visiting the main Peruvian "star" - ancient city. Every winter season a unique museum under open sky“feeds” the entire country with income from tourism.

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Climate zones

In all these zones, the weather conditions in winter differ significantly from each other. In the western regions, the tropical desert type of climate prevails, in the east - subequatorial, and in the mountainous regions, the altitude of the terrain affects the climatic conditions.

Costa: coast, 10.5% - strip sandy deserts(width 80 - 150 km), running along the entire coast Pacific Ocean. Due to the cold passing off the coast, the climate of the Costa is dry. IN winter time(June - August) during the day the air temperature warms up to +19°C, respectively, at night it drops to +13°C.

Almost all major tourist cities, as well as the famous one, are located in this zone.

Sierra: mountainous area, 31.5% - a zone in the central region of the country, extensive alpine plateaus and steep canyons. The further east into the mountains, the more the temperature drops. In the period June-August, the average daytime temperature is +16-18°C, at night - from +6 to -2°C. The period April-October is the dry season, the rest of the time there is a large amount of precipitation.

Popular here tourist route is cryptic (r.), in addition, obligatory item for all tourists visiting the country, is the famous one, the crown of which is the “city of the sun” Machu Picchu.

Selva: jungle, 58% - area moist forests in the northeast of the country. The Selva is always humid and hot. In winter, the air warms up to +30°C during the day, and drops to +20°C at night.

The interest of travelers in this area is a lot National parks such as Otisi, Madre de Dios, Bawaja, Sierra Del Divisor etc.

Hotels and their prices in winter

During the "high" season, housing prices in Peru increase significantly, and even several times during national holidays and international festivals. This is due to the holiday seasons of the Peruvians themselves, and the influx a large number tourists (according to statistics, primarily from the USA and). Despite big choice hotels, guest houses and hostels in large tourist centers When traveling to Peru in winter, you need to take care of the reservation in advance.

Average checks in restaurants and cafes, as well as fares in public and intercity transport in holidays also increase, usually by 30-50%.

Holiday calendar in Peru in winter


  • Last Thursday of June: The Corpus Christi festival in the city is the most important religious festival in the city. A colorful mass procession begins here on Wednesday.
  • June 24 : Sun Festival Inti Raymi (Inti Raymi) - day winter solstice in the southern hemisphere. This festival attracts thousands of tourists every year. ancient capital— Cusco.
  • June 24: Feast of St. John (Fiesta de San Juan) - an analogue of the Slavic Ivan Kupala, is celebrated in most Catholic countries, including throughout South America.


  • Second week of July (15-16): Virgen del Carmen is a big Catholic holiday dedicated to the worship of Our Lady of Virgen del Carmen or Nuestra Señora del Carmen (analogue of the Virgin Mary), which in Peru is considered the Patroness of the capital.
  • July 28 - 29: National festivities, marked by the proclamation of Independence in 1821 by the general. These days, a series of colorful celebrations are held throughout the country, for example, traditional rituals, representing an installation of the struggle between the Incas and the Spanish conquistadors (Yawar Fiesta). There is a grand military parade in Lima, as well as a special mass in the central Cathedral.


  • August 15: Anniversary of the founding of the city (1540) - already a week before this date, the city is full of diversity cultural events: fairs, craft exhibitions, dance and song festivals, etc. The week ends with a stormy celebration that begins on the night of the 14th to the 15th and lasts all night.
  • August 25-30: Anniversary (tourist) week of the city of Oxapampa - various gastronomic fairs, fireworks, exhibitions and competitions are held, the main of which is the selection of the Queen of the Anniversary Week.
  • August 30: On this day, the Peruvians pay tribute to Rose of Lim(Santa Rosa de Lima) - the first Catholic saint Latin America, patroness of Peru and all South America. This day is a public holiday throughout the country.

Consent to the processing of personal data

I hereby, being the Customer of the tourist services included in the tourist product and an authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give my consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of the persons (tourists) contained in the Application: surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; address of residence and registration; home and mobile phone; address Email; as well as any other data relating to my personality and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those that are part of the tourist product formed by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by applicable law Russian Federation, with the use of automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows in accordance with a given algorithm, the search for personal data recorded on a material carrier and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and / or access to such personal data, as well as for the transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and the Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) in order to fulfill this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement, for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate foreign state, resolving claim issues when they arise, providing information to authorized government bodies(including at the request of the courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data transferred by me to the Agent are reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and the Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and I undertake to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with the sanctions of the inspection authorities.

I agree (to) that the text given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, consent to the processing of personal data is stored in in electronic format in the database and/or hard copy and confirms the fact of consent to the processing and transfer of personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be revoked by me at any time, and in terms of a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person, by sending a written notification to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights, as a subject of personal data, have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.

Peru is, first of all, hiking, eco-tourism and nature reserves, That's why good weather extremely important. Who wants to look famous city Incas in heavy rain or during thick fog. But even the locals will not tell you when, what month is the best time to go to this South American country. Peru has several climatic zones, but none of them can boast of stable weather. The reason for this Mountain landscape and cold flow. And, of course, we must not forget that Peru is located below the equator, which means that everything is the other way around there: our winter is summer; our summer is winter.

Summer months: December-January-February

Until mid-December, you need to have time to visit all the places you are interested in, because then the rainy season begins. This heavy rains that wash away roads and villages, rivers overflow their banks. There is a chance to get stuck in some village, faced with a blockage of stones on the road. In January 2010, about 4 thousand people were taken hostage due to weather conditions and they were evacuated by helicopter. The locals are accustomed to this and are practically in no hurry, taking the weather for granted. The mountains can be foggy.

Off-season: March-April-May

Arriving in Peru in March, it is still possible to catch the rains, but every day they will be less and less. Machu Picchu opens in April.

The dry season has begun. The chance of rain in April-May is very low. Hotel prices are starting to rise.

Winter months: June-July-August

Temperatures can drop to zero degrees at night. Warm clothes are a must! There is practically no heating in hotels, they can bring a heater upon request, but this will not save the situation much. But for hiking, mountain climbing - it's time. The temperature during the day rises to 20-22 degrees. But you can burn in the sun in an instant, so be careful and use creams. It is best to dress in layers so that if the temperature rises, you can throw off some of your clothes.

Off-season: September-October-November

If someone tells you what is the most best time to visit Peru September-October, do not believe it. At this time, it is still quite uncomfortable. The temperature is certainly quite high at about 10 degrees in the morning, but with 100% humidity and constant wind, it feels a little different. And here November is really the MOST best month for the trip. The weather is becoming more stable, the rains have not yet come, and the prices in hotels have not yet risen (they rise in December) and there are no crowds of tourists yet.

In addition to the disgusting (you can’t say otherwise) climate, Peru has another big problem - earthquakes. This is a real disaster for a poor country, but the Peruvians somehow manage to coexist with it, rebuilding their simple dwellings anew and restoring roads. Most likely, kinship with the Incas, these imperturbable and wise people, affects.

Clothing should be light and comfortable. Luggage should be stowed depending on what your plans are.

Two pairs of shoes: sneakers, preferably not wet and like open sports sandals.

In the jungle, clothes should be lighter: a couple of T-shirts, shorts and linen pants for an evening with a shirt. Long socks will allow you to cover your legs so that midges do not bite. If the rainy season is coming, then you can take light rubber semi boots.

For the mountains, take warm and closed clothes with you: a pair of jeans, a pair of shirts, a jacket with sleeves, a light jacket, a cap, a windbreaker for cool nights. Sweater - you can buy in Peru on the way.

When visiting Machu Picchu in the rainy season, you need to take a rain coat with you, in the dry season - a hat, insect repellent and sunscreen.

In the desert, you should spend time in linen or cotton clothes that cover your shoulders and knees.

In areas of the Amazon, you should be prepared for unusual climatic conditions: heat, rain, insects, etc.

toothpaste, shampoo, soap or toilet paper You can purchase on the spot.

Take personal medicines, including those for disinfecting wounds: iodine, brilliant green, etc.

A belt wallet for storing money will allow you not to worry about dropping or losing money.

Sunscreen and sunglasses. Swimming trunks. Flashlight, camera with big amount memory.

Spanish phrasebook and dictionary will help you find a common language with local residents. The guide will solve problems with orientation in space.

For long hikes, take a warm jumper, more durable boots, thick clothes.

If you want to follow the path of the Incas, then you will have to get more reliable ammunition. Be sure to bring a pocket knife and flashlight, water purification tablets, mosquito nets and a raincoat. In principle, you can buy most of these items in Peru, but if you want to save money, it is better to take it from home. You can rent a sleeping bag or a tent for the duration of the hike, so you don't have to take it all from home.


One in Peru international Airport- located in Lima.And several national ones: Arequipa, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura, Tumbes, Iquitos, Pucallpa, Puerto Maldonado, Cusco, Juliaca.

Air travel:

Lima - Pucallpa: 1 hour 15 minutes
Lima - Cusco: 1 hour 20 minutes
Lima - Iquitos: 1 hour 55 minutes
Lima - Puerto Maldonado 1 h 35 min.
Lima - Arequipa: 1 hour 25 minutes
Lima - Juliaca: 1 hour 30 minutes
Lima - Trujillo: 1 hour 15 minutes
Lima - Tumbes: 1 hour 55 minutes
Lima - Chiclayo: 1 h 30 min
Lima - Santiago: 3 hours 40 minutes
Santiago - Oh. Easter: 5 hours 55 minutes

Rail connection:

Central Railway- starts in Lima (Lima - Huancayo) crosses the Andes, and is the highest mountain railway in the world.
Southern Railway - connects the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Cusco, Machu Picchu with Lake Titicaca, and Arequipa with Titicaca.

Lima - Huancayo: 8 hours
Arequipa - Juliaca: 10 hours
Puno - Cusco: 10 hours
Cusco - Machu Picchu: 4 hours
Cusco - Ollantaytambo: 2 hours 30 minutes
Ollantaytambo - Machu Picchu: 1 h 45 min.

By bus:

Length highways in Peru, is about 71.4 thousand km.
Pan American Highway - crosses the territory of Peru along the coast from north to south - from the border with Ecuador through Lima and Arequipa, further to the border of Chile.
Central highway - links the cities of Lima, Oroya, Huancayo, Ayacucho, Cusco and Puno.

Cusco - Ollantaytambo: 1 h 45 min
Cusco - Puno: 8 hours
Juliaca - Puno: 20 min


220 volts, European sockets. In most hotels, the voltage is 110 volts, in this case you will need to take an adapter at the hotel reception, or purchase it in a store.


New salt. Approximately 1 USD = 2.9946 PEN

US dollars are widely accepted. Most international credit cards are accepted for payment in hotels, restaurants and shops.


Citizens of Russia for a trip to Peru for up to 90 days, if the purpose of the visit is tourism, transit, visiting friends / relatives or a short business visit, a visa is not required.
In all other cases, a visa must be issued in advance at the consular section of the Embassy of Peru in Moscow.

It is possible to extend the stay on the spot, at the office of the General Directorate of the Immigration Service in Lima. You can extend your stay three times, each time for up to 30 days. In this case, you must pay a fee of $20.

Children under 16 fit into the visa of the parents (mother). For a child traveling accompanied by one of the parents or third parties, a notarized power of attorney to leave from the remaining parent must be issued (in the absence of such, a certificate of divorce or death thereof is required).

Airport fees and customs rules:

Airport taxes: on domestic flights - 10 USD, on international flights - 30 USD (paid locally).
Prohibited import: non-canned food. It is forbidden to import / export without special permission objects and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value.
Export is allowed: products made of wool and leather, jewelry, souvenirs, while you need to present a receipt from the store where these products were purchased. When exporting fur products Receipt and export stamp required.
Import and export of national and foreign currencies is not limited.
We do not recommend taking coca leaves "as a keepsake" - luggage can be checked.

Border crossing

When crossing the border, you must present the following documents:
a passport valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry;
return tickets with closed date.
In some cases, the officer border service may also require a hotel reservation confirmation or voucher, or proof of solvency (cash, traveler's checks, credit card).


People suffering from cardiovascular diseases should consult their doctor before visiting the highlands of Peru. To avoid the weakness common in the highlands, it is necessary to eat light food and drink mate tea. Some hotels in Cusco have special oxygen bottles. For more obvious signs of altitude sickness, you need to see a doctor or buy special pills (Soroche Pills). If possible, climb to the highlands should be gradual, for example, before Cusco, make a stop in the lower regions of the Sacred Valley.

Avoid cheap transport companies as their drivers don't care about safety and vehicles are poorly equipped. Use the services of trusted taxis (Taxi Real, Taxinet, Taxi Seguro)

If you travel alone (especially in transport), try not to fall asleep and keep your luggage safe, as thefts are not uncommon small items, at night moving, between cities.

Keep copies of all documents with you as tourist cities there are robberies and pickpocketing.

Do not walk alone at night outside the tourist areas.

Do not accept invitations to drink from strangers, especially in nightclubs.

No official vaccinations are required to travel to Peru, but those planning to visit the jungle should be vaccinated against yellow fever (further vaccinations depend on destinations), although this is optional

In case of an earthquake, stay away from windows and heavy objects if indoors; take cover in doorway or under a sturdy table. Never use the elevator or hide under the stairs, do not approach power lines, poles and tall buildings on the street. Find a shelter marked with a green and white sign as soon as possible (most hotels and office buildings have such shelters).

Best time to visit Peru

The best time to travel to Peru is from June to September. This is the best for traveling both in the Andes (for example, the Inca route to Machu Picchu) and in the Amazon region. Also, tourists usually visit the coastal region of Peru, most often in the north of the country.

Not worth it in Peru during the months of January to March. These months are the peak of the "rainy season", which occurs in both the Andes and the Amazon. It is worth noting that those tourists who travel only for the sake of the beaches in Peru rightly consider the months from December to April to be the best time to travel to Peru.

Best time to travel to Peru

- a diverse country, tourists visit it all year round. However, good planning can save you a lot of time. Peru is divided into three main regions. Below we have described the best travel times for each of them:

Andes and highlands

Andes and highlands (e.g. Machu Picchu, leisure): The best time to travel to the Andes and highlands of Peru is the dry season, which lasts from May to October. The sky is clear, the sun is shining, very rarely it's raining.

The mountains offer an excellent view (photos are simply excellent), and nothing threatens mountaineering. So this period perfect time for outdoor activities, for example, you can walk along the path of the ancient Incas to Machu Picchu, or other attractions. Be aware that it can be very cold at night (temperatures can drop to 0°C) and much warmer during the day - temperatures can rise to 70-78°F (20-25°C).

The very, very best time to travel to the Andes, it is also the most crowded - June, July and August (weather, accessibility and visibility on the roads are simply excellent). May and September are perfect for those who don't like crowds and price gouging.

summer months also ideal for traveling to other parts of the country. During the months of May and September, Peru is in the midst of changing seasons. The Andes are famous for the discovery of the ancient Inca empire - ancient villages, for mountain activities and for magnificent panoramas. The Andes are located in the middle of the country.

coastal desert

Coastal desert (, Chan-Chan, natural Park Paracas, Sipan and Trujillo: The best time to visit Peru's dry coastline is summer, which lasts from December to April, when it is dry and hot weather. Temperatures hover around 77-95°F (25-35°C) and the beaches are crowded with tourists and locals. Winter is cold and snowy. Only in the north of Peru is the water warm enough to swim there even in winter.

It is worth noting that in the cities of Ica it is both dry and sunny all year round. However, in the city of Lima, which is located somewhat to the north, the temperature is moderate with high humidity. In winter, the sky on the central and southern coasts (including Lima) is gray and cloudy. If you want to relax on the beaches in winter, it is best to go to the north of Peru.


Remember that in winter (from May to November) the Peruvian coast has the highest waves, which is ideal for surfing.

Amazon and eastern lowlands

The Amazon has two main seasons - the dry season (June to October) and the rainy season (November to May). Need to know what's in the wilds rainforest The Amazons are hot (86-100°F or 30-38°C), the humidity is 85% and it rains all year round! However, the Amazon clearly has two distinct seasons.

During the rainy season it rains for many hours all year round. During the drought period, it also often rains, but much less. River levels drop during the dry season, reducing the risk of flooding and washed out roads.

Therefore, in our opinion, the best time to travel to the Peruvian jungle of the Amazon and the eastern lowlands is from June to September. Also, this time is perfect for fishing, watching the flight of birds and many animals on the banks of the river and many mosquitoes!

Houses in the Amazon jungle are immersed in stunning plants and animals. Moreover, the jungle is home to many primitive tribes, leading an unchanged way of life since ancient times. To protect the fragile ecosystem, tourists are barred from entering many parts of the Amazon.

When is the best time not to go to Peru?

Andes and high mountain region(Machu Picchu, outdoor activities): During the rainy season (which lasts from November to April), it can rain every day, but not for long. The rainiest months are January and February. Because of the rain, the roads are washed out, it becomes impassable, because of the clouds - poor visibility. If possible, the Peruvian Andes and highlands are best avoided during the rainy season, at least certainly not in January, February and March.

Coastal Desert Area (, Chan Chan, Paracas Natural Park, Sipan and Trujillo): in the months from May to November, the sky is gray and cloudy on the central and southern coast of Peru. If you can plan your trips in advance, then it is best not to go to the coasts of Peru during these months, or it is best to go to the north of the country at this time, where the weather is good all year round.

Amazon and Eastern Lowlands: during the “wet season” (September to May), roads are washed out and clouds of mosquitoes fly. If you can plan ahead for travel, we recommend that you do not travel during these months.

Weather and seasons in Peru

Peru has two main seasons (unlike the Northern Hemisphere):
Dry season (winter): May to October.
Rainy season (summer): November to April.

The rainiest period in Peru is from January to April. The temperature in Peru, like almost everywhere, depends on the height above sea level.

Due to the low amount of rain, the months from June to September are the best time for mountain climbing or to visit Amazonian jungle. Also the temperature is lower during little rains. Therefore, cold evenings and nights happen, especially in the mountains. In our opinion, less rain is much better for mountain climbing than lower temperatures.

Skiing in Peru

Peru has no official ski resorts, since there is no infrastructure and the authorities do not invest in the development of this business.

Pay Special attention on the:


Ascent to Cusco

People who booked a direct flight to , should be prepared to wait for an elevator (approximately 11,000 feet / 3,300 meters above sea level).

Peruvian Independence Day (July 28/29)

Many Peruvians celebrate this holiday, so it can sometimes be difficult to find a hotel.

Security in Lima

Make sure your hotel is in a secure location.

UV Protection

Protect yourself reliably from UV radiation, especially at mountain heights.