Common tuna or blue (also blue-finned, blue, blue-fin, red) tuna (Latin Thunnus thynnus) is a type of ray-finned fish of the mackerel family.

Signs. Tuna, like other members of this family, has a powerfully developed skin vascular system associated with the choroid plexus of the lateral muscles and the plexus on the inner surface of the liver or in the hemal canal.

Due to this development of the circulatory system, the body temperature of the fish is higher than the water temperature.

The body is completely covered with scales (subfamily Thunnini), forming an indistinct armor in the form of a bib in the region of the pectoral fins. The pectoral fins are short, not reaching the beginning of the second dorsal fin.

Branchial stamens 37. Vertebrae 39-41; nine accessory fins behind the dorsal and anal fins.

Related forms. Our waters are home to the albacore, Germo alamnga, and the yellowfin tuna, Neothunnus macropterus. Both species differ from tuna in long pectoral fins, which protrude noticeably beyond the beginning of the second dorsal fin. By outward appearance similar to bonito tuna, Sarda sarda.

Spreading. In Europe - Mediterranean and Black Sea; East End Atlantic Ocean, from the coast of Morocco - in the south to Iceland and the northern coast of Norway - in the north (also found off the coast of Murman); North Sea, Kattegat, Baltic Sea; off the Azores and Canary Islands; atlantic coast North America, from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina to Nova Scotia.

In the Pacific Ocean - along the coast of North America, from lower California (Mexico) to Oregon and off the coast of Asia to the north to about. Simushira (Kuril Islands).

In Russia, it is distributed in the Black and Japanese (Peter the Great Bay) seas. Enters the Azov Sea. As a rarity in the Barents Sea.


Characteristic. Tuna is a warm-water schooling fish of the surface layers of the sea (pelagic), making significant migrations. The body temperature of tuna is several degrees (up to 9) higher than the temperature of the surrounding water.

Spawning. In the Mediterranean and Black Seas (near the Bosphorus) occurs in May-July, in the Sea of ​​Japan, apparently at the end of summer. Off the coast of California, spawning occurs, presumably, from December to May. Off the coast of Japan, the optimum water temperature at tuna spawning grounds is 20-21 °.

Development. Caviar is pelagic, spherical, 1.05-1.12 mm in diameter; contains a yellow fat drop with a diameter of 0.25-0.28 mm. Caviar development lasts no more than two days. Newly hatched larvae are 3 mm long.

The fry grow very quickly, reaching an average weight of 45 g in July, 120 g in August, 300-500 g in September and 900 g in October (Mediterranean Sea).

Growth. Reaches a length of 3 m and weighs up to 6 centners.

Tuna becomes sexually mature in the third year of life, being about 1 m long and weighing about 15 kg (Mediterranean Sea). The average weight of commercial fish off the coast of Japan (southeastern coast of Hokkaido) is 37.5-112.5 kg.

Nutrition. Predator. The main food (in the Sea of ​​Japan) is sardines, herring, anchovies. Chasing these fish, tuna sometimes go north to latitudes, usually not visited by them. In the northern seas, tuna also feeds mainly on fish: herring, mackerel (mackerel), sprat, sardine, anchovy, garfish, prickly shark, as well as cuttlefish, etc.

Migration. It enters the Black Sea, to the shores of the Crimea and the Caucasus from the Mediterranean; it enters the Sea of ​​Azov as well. Tuna enters the Black Sea from April to early September and returns in early October to the Sea of ​​Marmara, where some of the fish remain for the winter, and some leave for the Mediterranean. In the spring, with warming, tunas rise to the surface from the depths where they spent the winter, and then approach the shores.

In the Sea of ​​Japan in winter it keeps southern parts the coast of Japan to 32 ° N. sh., in spring it begins to move northward and in summer it reaches 46 ° N. sh. During feeding migrations to the north, tuna come close to the shores together with schools of fish that they feed on.

Young tuna are found off the east coast of Korea in waters with temperatures ranging from 5 to 20 ° (in the largest quantities at a temperature of 10-15 °). The optimum water temperature for adults is 15-17 °, fluctuations from 10 to 27 °.

In the Sea of ​​Japan off the coast of Russia, tuna are found from the end of May to September in the Gulf of Peter the Great and to the north; in the bays of Preobrazheniya, Valentin, Vladimir, Vanin, tuna appear in large flocks, sometimes grouping in huge flocks near the islands of the Peter the Great Bay.


The importance of tuna in the world industry is very great, especially in connection with the high value of its meat, which is used almost entirely for canned food. In the seas of the Atlantic Ocean basin, about 250 thousand centners are mined. different types tuna (genus Thunnus and related); in addition, in the Mediterranean basin about 40 thousand centners and in the seas of the Pacific Ocean 1000-1200 thousand centners (1935-1939).

There was no special fishing for tuna in Russia, but it seems possible to organize it.

Fishing technique and course. In California in 1937, a special high seas tuna fleet consisted of 70 vessels. Fifty of these vessels, over 90 feet (27 m) in length, are diesel powered, fast, and capable of sailing up to 3,000 miles on voyages between 6,000 and 8,000 miles. The catch per trip is 1.5-3.5 thousand. c. In Japan, off the coast, tuna is caught with stationary coastal traps (hundred-daibo-s), in the open sea with purse seines, flowing nets, and hook tackle.

In southern Europe and off the coast of Africa, tuna is caught with madrags (fixed seine) from May to July, that is, during the spawning period or immediately after it. Throughout the rest of the year, they fish with hook tackle.

Usage . Tuna meat is divided into light (white) and dark (red). Light meat is fatter than dark meat, its fat content reaches 12-14%. The meat is mainly used for the production of high-value canned food (in oil), partially consumed fresh.


Tuna is one of the most valuable commercial fish, close relative mackerel, has an exquisite taste.

It is called "sea calf" or "sea chicken" for its atypical taste for fish.

Mackerel are active swimmers, their muscles contain a large number of myoglobin, which gives the product an unusual color.

About the dangers and benefits of tuna meat for the body of men, women and children, the composition and calorie content per 100 g, contraindications, methods of cooking fish - our publication.

How to choose a quality product

Tuna goes on sale fresh, frozen or canned... The shelf life of fresh and frozen products is limited: fresh fillets are stored for no more than 4 days, frozen - up to 2 weeks.

Fresh tuna fillet resembles beef in color. Doubtful freshness is indicated by the uneven shade of the vending piece.

It is even worse if brownish spots are visible on it.

When choosing a packaged product, you need to carefully study the information on the packaging, best before date. The best time for such purchases - May-August.

Canned tuna are more readily available - in their own juice or in oil... Fish in its own juice retains more beneficial properties than canned in oil.

If we are talking about a product for dietary nutrition, it is taken into account that the addition of oil increases the calorie content of the product.

When choosing canned food examine the packaging carefully. Banks deformed, swollen, with traces of rust do not deserve your attention.

The markings and information on the label are then examined. The markings can be extruded from the inside or applied with indelible paint.

Indistinct symbols and poor paint quality are indicative of the poor quality of canned food. The most reliable marking is convex, since it is applied in production, and counterfeiting becomes impossible.

In the first row of characters the assortment code is indicated, for tuna it will be the abbreviation GTN. In the second row of characters the date of manufacture is indicated.

Better to take a product released more than 3 months ago... During this time, canned tuna acquires a rich taste.

In addition, it makes sense to shake the can, to roughly estimate the ratio of fish to liquid.

Canned tuna contain only fish meat, salt and vegetable oil if you choose canned food with added oil. Products in their own juice retain more useful properties, richer in taste.

In addition, canned food in oil has another pitfall.- some producers alternate between old and young individuals, and the oil masks differences in taste.

There are also ethical limitations. When choosing canned products, it is advisable to look for the one with the "dolphinfriendly" mark on the label.

This means that the fishing was carried out legally, without violating the technology and did not lead to the death of dolphins.

Tips on how to choose canned tuna:

Chemical composition, nutritional and energy value

Is tuna good or bad? The fish is in great demand, this is not surprising at all. The meat of these giant mackerel contains a large amount of nutrients: from essential amino acids to a rich complex of trace elements.

It contains, manganese, and sodium.

In addition to trace elements, vitamins are found in tuna(based on 100 g of product):

Tuna contains a small amount of fat, which includes the polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. These compounds support normal blood flow and the work of the cardiovascular system.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids improve vision, stimulate the brain, and support the functions of the reproductive system. The presence of Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats strengthens the skin, hair and nails.

There are no carbohydrates in tuna meat. Due to this feature, the product is classified as low-calorie. Energy value - 139-145 kcal / 100 g of product.

The calorie content of fish canned in its own juice is lower than that of a fresh product - about 110 kcal / 100 g.

Glycemic index canned product – 96.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of tuna meat are determined by its chemical composition. Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids effectively lower the content of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

This significantly reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, other diseases of cardiovascular diseases, developing due to circulatory disorders against the background of atherosclerotic lesions.

Eating 30g of this fish daily reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease(hypertension) by about half.

With the systematic use of tuna, metabolic processes are normalized, which is especially important for people prone to allergic reactions and other diseases associated with disorders of plastic metabolism, age-related changes slow down.

Tuna dishes are a useful addition to the diet for arthritis and other joint diseases. Substances with antioxidant activity protect the cell membranes from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Oxidative processes are one of the key moments in the aging and malignant transformation of cells. That is, this fish is one of the most effective means of prolonging youth and preventing cancer.

Antioxidants Strengthen Immunity, increase the body's resistance to toxic effects.

The antitoxic effect of the product is due to the presence of chromium and selenium - trace elements that help cleanse the liver.

Chromium is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Phosphorus stimulates the activity of the brain, strengthens muscles, and improves vision. Iodine is essential for the prevention of thyroid diseases.

Unique complex of B vitamins improves skin condition, stimulates regeneration processes. Tuna is useful for people with skin lesions of various origins.

Vitamin A is good for the retina, E is needed for young couples planning to have children.

Useful properties of tuna will be revealed by the program "Food: Alive and Dead"

What is good for health

During pregnancy

Is tuna good for expectant mothers? Contrary to expectations, consume this nutritious and healthy the product is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

During pregnancy, women face transient kidney problems. The high protein content in food turns from an undoubted advantage into an undoubted disadvantage.

For uncomplicated pregnancy, tuna can be included in the diet., but in very limited quantities - no more than 200 g per day and no more than twice a week.

Before making a final decision on this delicacy, you should consult your doctor.

For kids

This fish is included in the children's diet only after 3 years. due to the potential hazard of mercury content. Older children can be fed tuna at the recommended age-specific intake.

This product contributes to the normal harmonious development of the mental and physical abilities of the baby.

Complete animal protein fully covers the needs of a growing body in essential amino acids.

One serving contains approximately half daily allowance vitamins group B.

Phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D contribute to the normal development of the skeleton, iodine is essential for the development of intelligence.

For the elderly

In old age, foods that inhibit the development of cardiovascular and other diseases come to the fore. Tuna is famous for its ability to normalize metabolic processes - carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

Using this tasty product slows down the progression of atherosclerosis, reduces the likelihood of oncological processes.

Due to the rich content of vitamins and microelements, the product slows down age-related changes in cartilage tissue.

Vitamin D combined with calcium and phosphorus in an easily digestible form- an almost ideal means of preventing osteoporosis.

Potential danger, contraindications

Any product, if consumed excessively, can harm. There are categories of people for whom tuna is not recommended or contraindicated.

These are pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 3 years of age. Why is tuna harmful?

Insofar as this fish accumulates mercury in tissues, it is better to refuse its use. If expectant mothers can occasionally feast on this delicacy, then young children are introduced to it only at the age of 4.

High protein content can harm people with kidney disease... Tuna dishes are contraindicated in severe renal failure. Restrictions can be imposed on other kidney diseases as well.

How dangerous tuna can be, will tell the program "Life is healthy!":

How much and how is

For us, we are more accustomed to dishes in which the fish undergoes preliminary heat treatment. Tuna can be boiled, fried, baked; canned food is used to make salads.

The daily intake of fish for adults is about 50 g per day, but not more than 360 g per week. Nutritionists recommend serving it at least twice a week, for older people - up to 4 times.

Tuna is a dietary food, it is included in therapeutic and prophylactic diets recommended for cardiovascular and some other diseases.

Ideal for sports nutrition and correction of body weight.

Tuna salad with grapes... For cooking, you need tuna fillet (400 g), yogurt (150 g), a bunch of grapes, a glass of walnuts, 1 lemon.

Sprinkle the fish with grated zest, bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Grind the finished fillet with a fork so that small pieces remain.

Lightly fry the nuts, chop, mix with grapes, cut into halves, mix with unsweetened yogurt. Add chopped fish, stir, transfer to salad bowl, garnish lemon zest and grapes.

Stuffed tuna... For cooking you will need: tuna carcass (2-2.5 kg), (300 g) one onion, butter(170 g), 6 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (400 g), salt, bay leaves, spices.

Wash the fish, gently remove the skin, remove the bones and cut. Grate carrots and tomatoes, finely chop the onion. Fry onions and carrots separately in vegetable oil.

Melt butter, combine with carrots. Mix about a third of carrots and onions with grated tomatoes, bring to a boil, salt, add spices and bay leaf.

Pass the fish through a meat grinder, mix with onions and carrots, salt and add spices to taste. Rinse the skin, stuff.

Pour the prepared into a deep dish tomato sauce, put the fish and pour the sauce over it. Bake in the oven for an hour, periodically pouring over the sauce. The baking temperature is 180 degrees.

Tuna steak, video recipe:

Tuna - a generous gift of nature, the perfect combination of business and pleasure. It deserves to be a harmonious addition to your menu.

In contact with

Everyone knows this type of fish like tuna, but few people know that there are several types of this wonderful and tasty fish in the world. We will focus on seven types of tuna.

Common tuna, or bluefin, or bluefin (Thunnus thynnus, Bluefin tuna)

He's red tuna. At first glance, contradictory names of this fish reflect its external and internal features. The skin of the tuna is bluish-silver, bluish-black on the back, and the meat is closely red. It is the largest of the tuna, reaching up to 3 m in length with over 400 kg of live weight. Bluefin is found in the subtropical waters of the Western and Eastern Atlantic, in the Mediterranean Sea and the southern part of the Black Sea. Being the fattest and most refined of all tuna, it is the main object of desire of Japanese, and not only, chefs. In addition to sushi and sashimi, you can cook a lot of other dishes from its dense meat: stew, bake, grill.

Yellowfin tuna, or yellowfin (Thunnus albacares, Yellowfin tuna)

This species gets its name from the orange-yellow coloration of the soft dorsal and anal fins. It grows up to two meters and gains up to 130 kg in weight. Distributed everywhere in tropical and subtropical waters, almost everywhere except the Mediterranean Sea. Yellowfin's meat is dense, bright red, after temperature processing it becomes creamy, retains this color even after deep freezing.

Yellowfin tuna is widely used in European and Japanese cuisine. In addition to serving raw, it, like bluefin, can be used for cooking hot. For example, stew with vegetables in wine, bake in breadcrumbs or grill.

Skipjack, or bonito (Katsuwonus pelamis, Striped Tuna)

He's a striped tuna. Only in rare cases does a skipjack reach a length of 1 m and a weight of 25 kg (usual dimensions do not exceed 50-60 cm with a weight of 3-5 kg). Puberty this fish occurs when it reaches a length of about 40 cm, apparently in the second and third year of life. Several stripes run along the body of the skipjack, brownish in the upper part of the body and ash blue on the silvery belly.

It lives in all warm seas, but is most often obtained in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific Ocean. This species is especially popular in Japan, where dried flakes - katsuobushi - are made from it. For this, tuna is first boiled in order to get rid of fat, then smoked and dried until it is stone hard, using powerful ventilators for this. To top it off, the fish is contaminated with mold, which gives the katsuobushi a pleasant aroma. Dried bonito is eaten with rice and made into soups (dashi).

Longfin tuna, or white (Thunnus alalunga, Longfin tuna)

He's an albacore. He's a germont. The back is dark blue, the belly is silvery-white, the pectoral fins are long. Unlike bluefin tuna, this fish lives mainly in the open ocean and rarely appears off the coast. Harvested in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Keans from May to October. Albacore grows more slowly than tropical tuna species. It becomes sexually mature at the age of 4-5 years, with a length of about 90 cm, and the maximum size reaches 1.3 m with a weight of 45 kg. It is widely used in traditional Provencal cuisine. It is baked in olive oil with white wine, stewed with Chartreuse liqueur and spinach. According to the Italian recipe vitello tonnato, white tuna is used to make a delicate sauce for baked veal. Albacore meat is perfect for pan-frying and grilling.

Big-eyed tuna (Thunnus obesus, Bideye tuna)

It is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of all oceans and everywhere adheres to fairly large depths (up to 200 m and more). It feeds on fish, cephalopods and crustaceans. It reaches a length of 45-50 cm by the end of the first year of life, 70 cm at two years old and 155 cm at the age of six, and puberty occurs at a length of 90-100 cm. The largest known specimen of this species was caught off the coast of Peru: its length was 236 cm, and its weight was 197 kg. The meat of the big-eyed tuna is dark red, after cooking it brightens noticeably and acquires a dense consistency. It is grilled, stewed and simply fried.

Small Atlantic tuna (Euthynnus alletteratus, Little tuna)

The maximum body length is 122 cm, the maximum recorded weight is 17 kg, the maximum age is 10 years. The meat is red in color, but, unlike large tuna, it is lean (1-2%). It is found off the coast of America and Africa, as well as in the Mediterranean Sea. It can also enter the Black Sea, where single captures were noted off the coast of Bulgaria. Most often used for canned food.

Mackerel tuna (Auxis Thazard, Frigate Tuna)

The smallest of the tuna, feeding on plankton and small fish - atherins, anchovies, etc., in turn serves as a prey for other fish, including its counterparts - large tuna. Its dimensions do not exceed 30-40 cm with a weight of 2.5-5 kg. Distributed in tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. It is sold chilled, fresh-frozen, smoked, dried and canned.

When can you fish for tuna?

Catching this predator is possible all year round, but here such a factor as the temperature of coastal waters is important. So, if fishing takes place in winter, then you should not go out to sea (especially if it takes place in the Atlantic Ocean from the coast of Iceland to Mexico), otherwise there is a risk of failure.

In summer, you can fish both by boat, yacht or from the shore. As a rule, at this time in the sea there is an abundance of sea ​​creatures so you can get a big catch. The best time to catch this fish is morning and noon, because it is at this time that schools of fish that a representative of the Mackerel family hunt are swimming everywhere.

Fishing for tuna on the high seas

To catch a trophy on the high seas, follow these guidelines:

  1. Fishing must necessarily take place with a rod - this standard method is no less effective. A hook with a bait reminds a predator of its usual prey (small fish), so it will happily bite on it.
  2. A reliable vehicle must be present - if you are one of the species of fishermen that recognize tuna upon arrival of dolphins and soaring diving birds, then you should beware of a large accumulation of these representatives of the fauna, otherwise there is a chance of getting various kinds of injuries.
  3. Fishing for wild tuna must necessarily take place far from the fishing grounds, otherwise there is an opportunity to receive a fine from the owners of the enterprises and catch fish for sale that differ in taste from the real one caught just in warm waters.

Used tackle, bait, bait

Fishing for large specimens should be done with quality fishing equipment. Experienced anglers are advised to use what in nature attracts this predator, that is, small fish.
Some hobbyists direct a stream of water to the surface, this creates the effect of a funnel formed when a school of small fish (sardines or herring) swirls.

By nature, tuna is a predator, so this illusion is one of the most powerful baits for it. Before lowering the bait into the water, you should feed the fishing spot with small frozen fish, and only then string it on the hook. Having created the appearance of feeding, light food, the fisherman will make this robber, on a subconscious level, want to return to a certain place.

As for which tackle to fish for tuna, opinions differ here. Some say that it is necessary to fish with a spinning rod, others - with something more durable and reliable.
The fact is that catching large specimens is not an easy task, because this fish has an aggressive demeanor and is capable of speeds up to 85 kilometers per hour. The tackle can break off, and the fish can escape.

So, if you are fishing for small individuals, then you can use spinning, but if it is, for example, catching bluefin tuna, you should buy tackle for professional anglers.
The bait is portioned pieces of small frozen fish no more than 5 by 5 centimeters in size. For fishing, you should take a dozen bait at once, because tuna can be caught far from the first time.

In addition, getting this giant out of the water is far from easy, especially if it is a large individual.
You should wear practical clothes for fishing in which you can move, because this coveted fish is very resourceful and fast. Do not exclude the possibility of accidental injury when trying to catch a large trophy.

Description and appearance

Tuna belongs to the mackerel family. This is a rather large fish, some of its individuals grow up to 3-4 m in length and weigh 500-600 kg. Although, in principle, the sizes of these representatives of the family may vary significantly. There are fish "only" 50 cm long and up to 2 kg in weight. Tuna is a predator with a spindle-shaped body narrowed to the tail. The caudal peduncle is "equipped" with a large leathery keel.
The dorsal fin is presented in the form of a sickle, which helps speed and long swimming. This fish is an excellent swimmer, it is capable of accelerating to 90 km / h. Chasing prey, she overcomes enormous distances without problems. The main food for her is her smaller brother - sardine, mackerel, and also crustaceans, molluscs.


Tuna is found in tropical and subtropical regions of the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian oceans. But it can also be found in cooler temperate latitudes, for example, in the Black, Azov or Japanese seas.


In nature, there are about 50 varieties of tuna, the most basic are:

Composition and calorie content

Tuna meat contains 95% protein, which the human body absorbs almost entirely. Fish also contains such essential amino acids and a minimum of fat and calories. It is called a dietary product, because 100 g of tuna "stores" only 100 kcal. Therefore, this fish occupies an extremely important place in the diet of athletes. Tuna contains substances that make hair and skin look beautiful and well-groomed - selenium and iodine, the latter also activates metabolism. In it you will find an almost complete set of B vitamins, and not only them.

Useful and medicinal properties

You already know about the beauty of skin and hair, in the acquisition of which tuna helps, and about its dietary properties. Now let's talk about the other most useful properties of this inhabitant of the deep sea:

  • has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, helps the breakdown of cholesterol and normalizes blood circulation;
  • helps to get rid of skin diseases and other allergic skin rashes;
  • tuna has no carbohydrates (only if it is cooked without oil), which makes it useful for diabetics;
  • while eating this fish, you, without knowing it, are doing cancer prevention for yourself, since the enzymes contained in it suppress the activity of free radicals that activate the development of tumors;
  • tuna is advised to eat people with disorders nervous system, as well as with depression;
  • removes toxins from the liver, normalizes the production of useful enzymes in it;
  • helps to overcome high blood pressure;
  • protects the bones of the elderly from osteoporosis and other ailments of the skeletal system;
  • helps to curb the aging process, helps to strengthen the immune system, normalizes metabolism;
  • normalizes the reproductive sphere;
  • has a positive effect on brain function.

Canned: selection criteria

What to look for when buying canned tuna:

  • First, take a look at the canned food jar. It is good if there are no side seams on it, since rust appears in these places or the metal is oxidized. Do not take a deformed jar, pressure is redistributed inside such a tin, which adversely affects its contents.
  • The production date is usually squeezed from the inside of the jar. It must also have an assortment mark, shift number, fishing industry index - letter R. Marking made with paint must be resistant and not wipe off even under the influence of moisture.
  • It takes about 3 months for the fish to start juicing and acquire the most delicate taste. It is better to take a jar with the production date - about 3 months ago.
  • Shake the can: if there is a lot of liquid inside, then there will be few fish there.
  • If “albacor” is written on the tin, this indicates that this is tuna in front of you, and not a fake. Remember that albacore is the most valuable variety.
  • Pay attention to the manufacturer. In terms of quality, Japan, Italy and Spain are ranked first. True, here you can often find canned food from Thailand and Seychelles where they often save on quality. If you see canned food made in the Russian Federation, they are 100% frozen fish.
  • Having already opened the jar, consider the meat itself. The tuna is rather big in size, and conscientious producers put it in a container in one piece. Such meat with large fibers, pitted. If there are a couple of pieces in the jar or the fish is flaking, then you have either low-quality tuna, or not at all.

Dangerous properties of meat

Despite all its usefulness, tuna has and dangerous properties... For example, it is better not to eat the meat of very large representatives of this fish, because for their long life they often accumulate heavy metals. Tuna is contraindicated for women carrying or nursing a child, and young children (less than three years old). And, of course, allergy sufferers and people with individual intolerance to the product should not eat this fish. They say that it is not necessary to eat it and for those who suffer renal failure... But here it is better to consult with your doctor.

Description of tuna

Caught in 2012 off the coast of New Zealand by a spinning fisherman, the largest tuna in the world weighed 335 kg.

Life of this kind mackerel fish due to anatomical features is impossible without constant movement, to which they are perfectly adapted. The tuna has a fusiform body with massive lateral muscles, narrowed towards the tail. The caudal peduncle is provided with a large leathery keel, the back fin has a sickle shape, ideal for fast and long swimming. The blood is saturated with oxygen, and the body temperature is much warmer than water, which allows them to feel comfortable in cold waters.

The fish is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans, but it is also found in cooler temperate latitudes: it lives in the Black, Japanese, Azov seas. A subspecies of Atlantic bluefin tuna is found in the Barents Sea.

Tuna are excellent swimmers, capable of speeds up to 90 km / h. In pursuit of food, they are able to quickly overcome huge spaces. Tuna are kept in large shoals. The red color of the meat is explained by the presence of the iron-containing protein myoglobin, which is actively produced in the muscles during "high-speed" movement.

The main food for tuna is small fish (sardine, mackerel, herring), crustaceans and molluscs. The ability to reproduce in tuna begins at the age of three. A large female is capable of laying several million eggs. Spawning occurs in the warm waters of the subtropics in June-July.

There are about 50 species and subspecies, but the most famous of them are several:

  • Common or red tuna is widespread in the equatorial waters of the Atlantic Ocean, in the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas, in the northeastern regions of the Indian Ocean, and in the Gulf of Mexico. Occasionally, red tuna is also found in cooler latitudes: off the coast of Greenland and in the Barents Sea. The largest tuna of this species weighed 684 kg, with a length of 4.58 m.
  • Atlantic or blackfin (aka blackfin tuna) is the smallest among the tuna. Adult specimens grow no more than one meter and gain a maximum weight of 20 kg. The life span of this species is the shortest among tuna - about 4-6 years. Atlantic tuna has yellowish flanks and a yellow-tinted fin on the back. This species prefers only the warm seas of the western Atlantic (from the coast of Brazil to Cape Cod).
  • Bluefin tuna is the most large view... Maximum length - 4.6 m, weight - 680 kg. Its thick body is circular in cross-section. Large scales along the lateral line resemble a kind of shell. The habitat of bluefin tuna is very wide - from tropical to polar waters of the world's oceans. Bluefin tuna is of the greatest commercial importance.
  • Yellowfin tuna (aka yellowtail) lives in tropical and temperate latitudes, with the exception of the Mediterranean Sea. The maximum length is 2.4 m, the maximum weight is 200 kg. The hind fins of these fish are bright yellow in color. An adult yellowtail tuna has 20 vertical stripes on a silvery belly.
  • Albacore, long-finned or white tuna, is famous for the most tender and fatty meat. Longfin tuna weighs about 20 kg. Distributed in temperate and tropical latitudes of the world's oceans. White tuna meat is considered the most valuable.

Yellowtail tuna

This type of fish (they are also called yellowfin tuna) is called so because of the special color of the dorsal (soft) and anal fins. They look orange-yellow.

The largest individuals can grow up to 2 meters in length and gain 130 kg in weight. The process of tuna growth itself is very intensive, in length the rate of increase is 50 ... 60 cm annually. For 2 years, fish reach a weight of 13 kg, after 4 years - 60 kg.

Yellowtail tuna lives only in warm waters, it is found in all earthly oceans. The distribution area is limited by the border with a 20-degree water temperature. With a decrease in the indicator to + 18 ° C, this type of fish in such a region is almost impossible to meet. They catch it in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, and locals consider it their Mediterranean tuna and prepare excellent dishes from it.

Adults live only in the oceans, in open spaces, at depths of one and a half hundred meters. Young ones keep in flocks, constantly closer to the surface and to the shore. In the tropics, yellowtail tunas are found everywhere, but their number depends on the state of the food supply. There are more fish in waters in which there is an increased biological productivity and a lot of food.

Within the same range, tuna often form numerous populations that live in certain areas of the oceans. Among them there are those who make long migrations. There are others who prefer local waters and a settled life. Yellowfin tuna do not make, like some of their counterparts (bluefin tuna, albacore), Pacific movements.

Yellowtail tuna, like its relative common tuna, is indiscriminate in food, it does not have any preferences. The fish feeds everywhere on any organisms that it encounters along the path of movement. This is confirmed by the composition of food residues in the stomachs of the caught individuals, in which there are up to 50 different fish belonging to different groups.

Small tuna, whose life takes place near the surface, hunt more for fish, for which the layers of water near the surface are "home". Large ones prefer to eat gempil, moonfish, sea bream, whose habitat is medium depths.

The ability to have offspring in yellow-tails or, as they are called among professional anglers, yellowfin tuna appears only when they grow in length by 50 ... 60 cm. The number of eggs is different for individuals of different sizes. The minimum is approximately 1 million pieces, the maximum is 8.5 million pieces. The spawning period of yellowtail tunas in the tropics is all seasons of the year, closer to the boundaries of the habitat in the summer.

Longfin tuna

Such fish are also called albacores. It differs from other species by fins located on the chest, which are large in them.

You can meet individuals from this species in the oceans, in their free spaces. The most promising places for this are between the forties latitudes. They rarely approach the coastal areas of water bodies. Outside the boundaries of the range, only 2 ... 6-year-old fish can live. And only in the upper layers, if they are sufficiently warmed up by the sun. Fish only tolerate the salinity inherent in the waters of the oceans. Withstand confidently temperature fluctuations in the range + 12 ° С ... + 23 ° С). At the same time, with a low level of salinity, freshwater tuna is an unrealistic phenomenon and not found anywhere in the world.

In the first years of life, fish are in the surface layers of water. When they grow to maturity, 150… 200 meter depths "leave" and into the tropics of the Earth.

The fish that "mastered" the moderately warmed waters and lives there, feeds mainly on inhabitants (crustaceans, fish, squid) living in layers of water close to the surface of water bodies. In the tropics, its food contains deep-sea inhabitants (sea bream, gempils, some cephalopods).

Longfin tuna approaches maturity after 4 ... 5 years of life. At the same time, his condition is characterized by almost one meter (90 cm) length and 45 kg of weight. Spawning in the tropics occurs in the spring and summer, at the borders of the zone. Females lay up to 2.5 million eggs.

The fish is inherent in constant migration, and over considerable distances. For example, in the Pacific Ocean, this is observed between Japan and the shores of America all the time along almost the same path.

Today longfin tuna is protected by the International Red Book.

Black tuna

This species is the smallest among the known. Usually in length it does not exceed half a meter and 3 kg of weight. Although occasionally, individuals of a meter length and weighing over 21 kg are observed.

The habitat of blackfin tuna is very limited, which makes it stand out sharply from its counterparts. It is found only in the Atlantic, and in its western part. This is the water area in the south of Rio de Janeiro and in the north of Massachusetts. For life, he prefers near-surface places where the water is clean and warm.

The body of the fish is close to an oval in shape. It, together with its tail (it has a crescent profile), allows blackfin tuna to move at a very high speed. The body of the fish on the belly is painted white, on the sides it is silvery, the color of the back can be black, bluish-gray or intermediate in shade. There is also a stripe on the sides, with blurred borders and golden yellow colors. It is wide at the head and narrow at the tail. Below (the tail-anal fin section) and above (the tail-second dorsal fin section), there are small projections on the body.

This wild tuna becomes sexually mature faster than all of its relatives - by 2 years. Spawning occurs in different habitats in different ways - April-November. The fry appear quickly and immediately begin their independent life. They drift at the behest of the current in the water column, at about 50 meters depth. The fish grows quickly and is considered old by the age of 5.

The diet of black tuna includes amphipods, crabs, shrimps, squids, and a variety of fish. Due to their small size, they themselves often become prey for other fish living in the oceans: striped tuna, large coryphans, blue marlin.

Blackfin tuna is prized by anglers and is considered a coveted trophy.

Striped tuna

This species (aka skipjack), unlike its congeners, has several longitudinal stripes located on the body. On the belly they have a silvery color, closer to the back - ash-blue. The fish among the tuna that constantly live in the open ocean are the smallest. It is rarely possible to catch a meter in size and with a weight of 25 kg. "Standard" with catches of 5 ... 3 kg and 60 ... 50 cm.

Such tuna live only in the near-surface layers of water and only in the ocean. Sometimes it is caught near the coast, but this is only possible near coral reefs. Habitat - the Pacific Ocean, in its subtropical, tropical regions. Also lives in the seas with warm (+ 17 ° С ... + 28 ° С) water.

It prefers to be in flocks, sometimes gathering in schools of up to tens of thousands of individuals. In a flock there are more often fish of the same age and physical condition, capable of moving equally quickly (speed reaches 45 km / h). In addition to "pure" fish, schools of mixed composition (yellowfin tuna, dolphins) are less common.

Like most of its relatives, striped tunas make significant seasonal migrations. They are especially noticeable near the coast of Japan. In summer, there are accumulations of fish, sometimes up to the Kuril Islands, to the south of which, at this time, there is also big-eyed tuna, living at a great (over 200 m) depth and reaching 2.36 m in length.

Fish become capable of spawning after living for 2 ... 3 years, when their body becomes 40 centimeters long. The latter is directly related to the fertility of fish. For example, females 40 cm long throw up to 200 thousand pieces. eggs, 75 cm - up to 2 million pieces. The spawning grounds coincide completely with the distribution areas of tuna and are found only in the tropics.

This species feeds on inhabitants of surface water bodies. Their diet usually includes not big fish, crustaceans, squid. It includes more than 180 different animals. The specific set differs in each habitat.

Mackerel tuna

Fish of this species are the smallest of those living near the coast. It is an epipelagic fish that lives in the warm tropical seas of the Pacific, Indian, Atlantic oceans.

The body color on the back is dark blue and almost black on the head. The sides are bluish with dark wavy stripes. The belly is white. Pelvic and pectoral fins different color: black on inside and purple on the outside. The difference is the short length of the pectoral fins and the absence of a swim bladder.

It grows up to 40 ... 30 cm and gains only 5 ... 2.5 kg of weight. Sometimes specimens of 58 cm in length come across.

The diet of these fish includes plankton and small fish (anchovies, atherina, etc.). The tunas themselves often fall prey to their larger counterparts.

Puberty occurs when a body length of 35 ... 30 cm is reached. Fecundity of females is 200 thousand ... 1.4 million eggs, depending on the length of 30 ... 44.2 cm. Fish spawn year-round: January-April in the Pacific Ocean (eastern part) ; August-April in the Indian Ocean (southern part).

Mackerel tuna are prone to extended migrations in the waters of the oceans.

Atlantic tuna

Atlantic tuna is one of the brightest, fastest and largest fish. It is warm-blooded, which is very rare among fish. Lives in the waters of Iceland, the Gulf of Mexico. It appears in the tropical waters of the Mediterranean Sea, where it comes to spawn. This species previously lived in the Black Sea, but now this population has remained in history.

The fish have a streamlined, torpedo-shaped body, which is ideally aerodynamic and allows the fish to move quickly and for a long time. The color of the back above is metallic blue, the belly is silvery-white, with a shimmering tint.

Diet of Atlantic tunas: zooplankton, crustaceans, eels, squids. The fish's appetite is insatiable, so they usually grow two meters in length and gain weight in a quarter of a ton. There are individuals with more impressive characteristics. For example, the largest Atlantic tuna is believed to have been caught in waters near Nova Scotia. He "pulled" 680 kg.

Fishing for tuna - features of fishing in the sea

Most often, schools are at a shallow depth, in places where small fish accumulate. Tuna fish hunt recklessly and noisily, so it is not difficult to detect their presence by boiling white breakers and flying spray. Dolphins and seabirds often accompany flocks of tuna.

Usually, the hunt begins with bait: in the expected area of ​​its location, fresh or frozen small fish are thrown overboard. Tuna fish react very vividly to small water bubbles, so anglers widely use "artificial rain" as bait: a special sprinkler is installed at the stern of the boat, which waters the sea surface in the direction of the vessel's movement, creating a bubble spot on it, which fish confuse with a flock feeding fry. Fishermen throw a spoon 2-3 m into the "bubble zone" and wait for a bite. This method is good only in calm, clear weather.

In other conditions, fishing is carried out by the trolling method: the bait (heavy spoon or wobbler with a depth of up to 5 m) is transported on a strong cord behind the sailing vessel. As a tackle, a sea spinning rod is suitable. The size of the artificial lures should be quite large and bright - about 18 cm, otherwise the fish may simply not notice it, since the fishing takes place from a boat moving at speed. Choose strong trolling reel and cord (50 to 130 lb capacity).

Milk is hunted in places of its mass distribution. The design of this rod is simple: it is based on a strong rod, which is used in conjunction with a special belt. A recess is provided in the belt, into which the butt of the rod rests when playing tuna. A strong cord or line is tightly attached to the rod. The polished hook (no. 6/0) must be barless. Throw it without bait - it works like a spoon.

The fish grabs the bait confidently and decisively, so it is quite easy to hook it, but playing large trophies can take a long time: tuna is a strong and desperate fish that can resist for a long time and fiercely, testing the fisherman and his tackle for strength. Large individuals are taken out of the water using hooks and special winches.

Useful and dangerous properties of tuna meat

The benefits of meat

Tuna is a unique product that combines the beneficial qualities of fish with the nutritional and flavoring properties of meat. There are so many vitamins and phosphorus in this sea fish that the leadership of American universities has introduced tuna dishes into the mandatory menu of canteens, in order to keep students and teachers mentally active. According to the hemoglobin level and protein content, French nutritionists compare the meat of this fish with young veal. But unlike beef, proteins, which are so rich in tuna, are very quickly and almost completely (95%) absorbed by the body. Dutch scientists have confirmed the fact that the consumption of only 30 g of this fish per day can effectively prevent many cardiovascular diseases, due to the increased content of the natural complex of valuable omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. Along with other vitamins, the composition contains valuable folic acid, which effectively reduces the level of "sinister" amino acid - homocysteine, which accumulates with age in the body and damages the walls of blood vessels.

The Japanese, the main consumers of this fish, are the most obvious confirmation of the ability of tuna to maintain youth and prolong life.

Dangerous properties

However, tuna is harmful to small children and pregnant women - large individuals of marine fish are able to accumulate mercury and lead in their organs over the years.

On the contrary, the consumption of fish meat in food prevents the occurrence of cancer, leads to a normal level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Despite its record-breaking fat content, tuna is a dietary fish. Depending on the type, the nutritional value ranges from 110 to 150 kcal.

100 g includes:

  • Proteins - 23.3-24.4 g;
  • Fat - 4.6-4.8 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • Ash - 1.2-1.7 g.

The lowest-calorie species is yellowfin (110 kcal). Even fried, the energy index does not exceed 140 kcal. The calorie content of canned tuna in oil increases to 198 kcal.

Fish diet on tuna

The valuable composition and excellent taste with a low calorie content allow tuna to become the "king" of many diet programs for health improvement and weight loss. Fish is best combined with vegetables: cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, celery stalks, Chinese cabbage, bell pepper... Instead of mayonnaise, nutritionists recommend seasoning snacks and salads with tuna with olive oil. For a diet canned tuna salad, it is best to use canned Tuna in its own juice.

How to cook tuna: cooking recipes

Japanese chefs claim that this fish can be cooked with little or no waste. From the head, some viscera and fins, you can cook excellent broths and soups, steaks from large fish very tasty fried and baked, the famous toro and tuna sushi are prepared from the tender belly of fresh and fatty fish.

Unfortunately, fresh tuna is a rarity, so a tin can for most of our fellow citizens is the most affordable option for including this very healthy and tasty fish in the diet. Fortunately, canned tuna doesn't lose much of its value. natural fish, and the set interesting recipes from canned tuna, allow you to enjoy a variety of dishes at any time. Canned pies, salads, cutlets, soufflés and pâtés are prepared in minutes.

Nicoise salad with tuna (classic)

This salad is absolutely mysteriously popular in France. It would seem that in the “culinary Mecca”, a country-producer and a lover of fresh natural products, a salad can appear, the main components of which are canned tuna and boiled eggs? Nevertheless, Nicoise salad is present in the menu of the vast majority of French restaurants.

Take a shallow dish. Lay out its bottom beautifully with lettuce leaves, torn into several parts. Then, in random order, put large slices ripe tomato(3-4 pcs.), Anchovies (6-8 fillets), green onions, basil (5-7 leaves), eggs, cut into 4 parts (3 pcs.), canned tuna, disassembled into large fibers (1 jar). For the sauce: mix 40 ml of olive oil, one clove of minced garlic, salt, 1.5 tsp. wine vinegar.

Tuna pate

Mix 1 tablespoon in a blender. thick yogurt, cream cheese (100 g), zest with half a lemon, a pinch of ground paprika and a jar of canned tuna in oil. Capers can be added to the resulting homogeneous mass. This pate is especially delicious with bagels or sesame buns.


To prepare 10 cutlets, mix 1 jar of fish in your own juice (the juice must be drained), 1 glass of well-boiled rice, half a glass of wheat flour, a spoonful of mayonnaise, one egg, salt, 50 g of grated cheese, a spoonful of chili sauce, one large boiled potato, several cloves of chopped garlic. Knead the minced meat well and form 10 patties.

Fry the patties until an appetizing crust is formed on both sides.

Grilled tuna recipe

In order to feel the unique taste of tuna, it is very important not to dry it out when frying, otherwise, instead of a delicacy, you can end up with a tasteless and tough piece of fish. Ideal for frying portioned steaks that are frozen directly in the vessel, which are thawed just before cooking.

Mix equal parts salt, black pepper and red pepper in a cup. Grate the pieces of fish well with this spicy mixture, then roll in fine flour, and then in semolina. Such a thorough breading will preserve the precious tunyatine juice. Fry the steaks in oil for no more than 2 minutes on each side. The center of the steak should be slightly moist and pink. Serve fried tuna with salsa sauce or tartare with a garnish of any vegetables and a glass of good wine.

Photo of tuna

Fishing for this fish is distinguished by maximum excitement and impressive trophies. Tuna is a solid, beautiful, strong fish, and to defeat it in a worthy fight is a matter of special pride for a fisherman. To appreciate the beauty of hunting the main "gladiators" of the seas, the photo gallery presented here will help to some extent.

Fishing for tuna, video

The video demonstrates the final stage of the fisherman's duel with bluefin tuna. The fisherman has already taken up a position and started playing the fish in the fighting chair, the tackle has been transferred from the side of the vessel and securely fixed in the glass of the chair. Not the largest specimen for this type of tuna bends a powerful rod with incredible force, tests the reel brakes for strength with incredible maneuvers. It is not for nothing that blue, for its excellent fighting qualities, is considered the strongest and most courageous fish!

If earlier tourists came to Cyprus to swim and sunbathe between shopping and going out to restaurants, now there are more and more people who want to make sea fishing on a yacht. Tuna fishing on the high seas is especially popular with guests. The video shows one of these voyages, which culminated in the capture of five medium-sized tuna fish on the track. The satisfied fishermen ate the very first tuna right on the yacht, in the form of sashimi with soy sauce.

Tuna - benefits and harms to the human body

What is tuna fish?

Tuna are a group of marine fish that have become one of the most valuable species of commercial fish in the markets of many countries around the world (). The delicious taste of tuna, its availability and beneficial features make it an ideal substitute for red meat. Tuna belongs to the mackerel family (lat. Scombridae), and includes species such as striped tuna and longfin tuna (albacore). Tuna belongs to the tribe Thunnini... This tribe includes 15 types of tuna, most of which are very popular as food in various culinary traditions around the world.

Different types of tuna are found in all of the world's oceans, and although different cultures consume different varieties of this fish, the health benefits are very similar. Tuna are usually between 30cm and 4.5m long. While most tuna species live for 3-5 years, some are known to live for more than two decades. They regularly migrate for a long time across the oceans, sometimes overcoming thousands of kilometers due to mating and changing seasons. This fish is relatively easy to catch, as a number of species organize into large vertical schools near the surface of the water.

Tuna has been fished since 2000 BC. in Phenicia. Scientists believe that this fish lived on planet earth 45 million years ago. To reduce the impact of overfishing on this food source, tuna farming has become a mass industry with over 240 fish farms established in the Mediterranean. The taste of tuna makes it an ideal product for preparing various dishes. It's versatile, tasty, inexpensive, and very healthy.

Nutritional value, composition and calorie content of tuna

The benefits of tuna for the human body are associated with an impressive content of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and other organic compounds found in this delicious fish. These include antioxidants and proteins, and negligible amounts of saturated fat or sodium.

Tuna also contains impressive amounts of selenium and good amounts of phosphorus, iron, and potassium. In terms of vitamins, it is high in both niacin and good amounts of riboflavin.

100 grams of cooked bluefin tuna contains (as% of the RDA) ():

  • Caloric content: 184 kcal (9%).
  • Fat: 6.3 g (10%).
  • Protein: 29.9 g (60%)
  • : 2520 IU (50%).
  • Thiamine: 0.3 mg (19% DV)
  • Riboflavin: 0.3 mg (18%).
  • Niacin: 10.5 mg (53% DV)
  • Vitamin B6: 0.5 mg (26% DV)
  • Vitamin B12: 10.9 mcg (181% DV)
  • Pantothenic Acid: 1.4 mg (14% DV)
  • Iron: 1.3 mg (7%)
  • Magnesium: 64 mg (16% DV)
  • Phosphorus: 326 mg (33%).
  • Potassium: 323 mg (9% DV)
  • Zinc: 0.8 mg (5% DV)
  • Copper: 0.1 mg (6%).
  • Selenium: 46.8 mcg (67% DV)
  • Cholesterol: 49 mg (16%)
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: 1664 mg
  • Omega-6 fatty acids: 68 mg

The benefits of tuna for the human body

Now let's take a look at the scientifically proven health benefits of tuna that are linked to the abundance of nutrients found in the meat of this fish. Here are some of the benefits of tuna:

1. Heart health

Perhaps the most common health benefit attributed to this fish is its significant positive effects on cardiovascular health.

Tuna meat contains a significant amount and a small amount, which helps prevent and treat ischemic disease heart, as omega-3 fats help reduce "bad" LDL cholesterol and total blood cholesterol (). In addition, people often replace foods high in saturated fat with this fish, further reducing the risk of heart disease.

2. Blood pressure

In this regard, the real champion in strengthening the immune system in tuna is. This relatively rare mineral is found in huge quantities in different types tuna, which is almost 200% of the daily requirement in one serving. This makes tuna meat a very powerful antioxidant and immune system stimulant.

6. Energy levels

7. Blood circulation

Many people start consuming tuna meat because it is good for the heart, but people often forget that it is also very good for the blood! Tuna is a rich source of iron as well as B vitamins, which play an important role in the formation of red blood cells ().

Without iron, people develop iron deficiency anemia (another problem faced by many vegetarians and vegans) and their blood is unable to adequately oxygenate the limbs or vital organ systems that need fresh oxygen to function effectively. Eating tuna provides the body with iron, keeping our body functions at an optimal level.

8. Cancer prevention

As previously mentioned, tuna meat has very good antioxidant properties thanks to selenium and various other nutrient compounds, making it effective in preventing certain types of cancer ().

Numerous studies are ongoing, but studies have already linked tuna consumption to a decrease in breast cancer, while other studies have also shown its effectiveness in the fight against kidney cancer.

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals before they can cause mutations in healthy cells, turning them into cancer cells. Other promising results have shown a reduced risk of colon cancer due to high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

9. Kidney disease

10.Reduced inflammation

Eating tuna meat can help reduce overall inflammation in the body, thanks to its "good" HDL cholesterol and anti-inflammatory vitamins and minerals - this can help reduce general levels stress in the body ().

Reducing inflammation throughout the body ensures improved functioning of all organ systems by focusing efforts on core functions. It also helps prevent inflammatory diseases like arthritis and gout, both of which affect millions of people around the world.

11. Damage to cell membranes

When tuna is cooked, the proteins in its meat begin to break down into fragments called peptides, and these fragments can actually be powerful antioxidants that specifically target cell membranes, keeping them healthy, strong and functioning ().

Free radicals often attack membranes throughout the body, including the brain. Due to the protective properties of the peptides in cooked tuna, eating it protects cell membranes from free radical damage.

12. The balance of mercury and selenium

Many fish contain trace amounts of methylmercury, and when consumed in small amounts, it does not harm the human body. However, mercury poisoning can occur in large quantities, which is dangerous condition ().

Various studies have shown that eating tuna above a certain limit can cause mercury levels to become unhealthy in our bodies. The most recent research has shown that tuna contains a unique form of selenium called selenoneine... It actually binds to mercury and acts as an antioxidant, slightly altering the composition of mercury and making it less harmful. However, research is still ongoing to fully confirm this.

13. Depression

Fish consumption is also good remedy from depression. Research results show that fish consumption can be beneficial for mental health women. It can also reduce the level of depression in women ().

Harm of tuna to the human body

Despite the many health benefits of tuna, there are also some dangers associated with eating it. Here's what tuna is bad for:

  • The most common danger- This is an excess consumption of this type of fish. There is a risk of mercury poisoning if consumed in excess, but as the aforementioned studies hinted, this may not be as significant a health hazard as we previously thought. Eat only fresh, unprocessed tuna.
  • It should also be remembered- the larger the predatory fish (and tuna is predatory fish), the higher the level of methylmercury in its tissues. By choosing smaller tuna species such as mackerel tuna, you significantly reduce your risk of methylmercury poisoning.

The largest five-meter fish, racing across the world's waters at the speed of a submarine, is tuna. A predator who has become the object of research by nutritionists and doctors for the beneficial properties of meat.

Tuna is a commercial fish with 15 subspecies (from 1.8 kg to 684 kg). The name (from the ancient Greek "throw", "rush") reflects the habits of these predators constantly rushing in search of food. Tuna fish grow on fish, crustaceans and shellfish. The veins and arteries, encircling the muscular fusiform body on the sides, paint the muscle tissue that covers the white meat, rich in protein, in pink-red tones.

This predator for useful and taste properties in France it is nicknamed "sea veal". In Japan, famous sushi is made from it. It is an object of real hunting among fishermen, which has put a number of its valuable subspecies on the brink of extinction. Currently, in a number of countries, artificial cultivation of valuable species of tuna is practiced.

The nutritional value

Tuna is eaten raw, fried, stewed, smoked, baked and canned. The benefits of fish after canning practically remain. The beneficial properties of tuna meat (per 100 grams) are unique:

  • Caloric content - 139 Kcal
  • Energy value (proteins / fats / carbohydrates) - in percentage 70/30/0, in calories 98/41/0 (average), in grams 24.4 / 41/0
  • Trace elements - iron, copper, zinc, manganese, selenium, iodine
  • Macronutrients - magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium
  • Polyunsaturated acids (Omega-3, Omega-6) - 0.21-1.1 g.
  • Vitamins - A, B (1,2,3,4,6,12), D, E, PP (niacin), folic acid
  • Cholesterol - almost absent (in canned form - 17.5 mg)
  • Water - 68 g.
  • Ash - 1.2 g.

Healthy calories, high fat levels and lack of carbon make this fish a dietary product that benefits all age groups, including the growing body of children.

Tuna is a unique fish that gives people health. Where is the source of its healing properties? The chemical composition of its meat is striking in the abundance of useful elements that can reverse any disease. Researchers have proven the healing effects of tuna food in combination with treating a person for disease.

The source of miraculous power is tuna meat and its constituent vital elements - Omega-3, Omega-6, amino acids, micro and macro elements that stimulate immunity.

How much tuna meat should you eat per day? The benefits of adding even 30 grams of tuna to the diet every day is manifested in the improvement of a person from a number of diseases, including those associated with diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular and circulatory systems. It is expressed in the prevention of arthritis and arthrosis, various tumors, and thrombus formation processes.

Vitamins in fish

The beneficial properties of fish are found in parallel with the treatment of vision, osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Traced "targeted" benefits for humans of selenium, cleansing the liver, as well as vitamins that answer:

B1 - for fat and carbohydrate metabolism

B2 - for the condition of the skin, nails, hair

B3 - for lowering cholesterol and blood sugar

B4 - for weight normalization and liver support

B6 - for general metabolism.

B12 - for saving from anemia and mental disorders,

"E" - supports the reproductive function of men.

"A" - for the elderly serves as a medicine against aging, and for women and girls - a cosmetic means of rejuvenating the body.

"D" - serves as a reliable prevention of rickets in children.

For scientists and students, the properties of the healing components help boost brain activity. The amino acids involved in building muscle cells are good for athletes' diets.

Finally, children need the product. They grow healthy when taken daily. " fish fat", Since acids of the" Omega "class help to reduce allergic reactions, stimulate the development of the brain, heart, all subsystems of the body, and micro and macroelements strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

All these beneficial properties are not produced in the human body, but are vital to it and supplied from the outside. Such a dense accumulation of healing elements makes tuna an unsurpassed valuable product of medical and dietary nutrition that has the power to stop a serious illness. To restore and maintain health, you need to eat foods with the addition of tuna.

Potential harm to health

The main contraindications for eating sea giant meat are associated with individual intolerance. The harm manifests itself as an allergic effect of one or another element of tuna meat.

The older the tuna, the more mercury accumulates in its meat, which causes contraindications, which can cause certain harm to children under three years of age. Such fish meat should not be added to food for patients with renal insufficiency. Vitamin A and fatty acids can harm women during pregnancy (fetal pathology, toxicosis).

In case of violation of the technology of freezing and thawing of tuna, histamine (scombrotoxin) may appear in its meat, which can harm even a healthy body.

In all other respects, there is only benefit from eating tuna.

Selection and storage rules

Where and when can you buy tuna? This valuable fish can be purchased from spring to autumn (catching period). Tuna can be sold as fillets, steaks and minced meat. Although you can hardly find it fresh on the counter in Russia, the demand for it is growing every year. Canned food is a worthy alternative. It is better to choose in your own juice - they are more expensive than in oil, but they retain all the valuable qualities of the product, therefore, the maximum benefit to the body.

Tuna canned food is stored in a cold, dark place for several months, but after opening - no more than a day. Tuna fillet will last no more than four days, in the freezer - two weeks. Thawed meat must be cooked immediately and consumed within one day.

Cooking method

Tuna is eaten raw, fried, stewed, smoked, baked and canned. The benefits of fish after canning practically remain.

The fillets are thawed (vacuum packed), wiped dry, then pickled and cooked. Heat treatment should continue for more than 2 minutes on each side, until golden brown... For stewing tuna, 15 minutes is enough. Excessive heat treatment makes the meat tough, dry and not tasty.

Using fish for weight loss

Tuna dishes are called the dream of girls, women and athletes. It contains in sufficient quantity: easily digestible protein, useful minerals, vitamins with a minimum indicator of fat and complete absence carbohydrates.

A dietary meal using tuna is:

  • Losing weight without the effect of "flabbiness" of the skin ("correct" fats contained in tuna, activate metabolic processes in the body, from which only calories and excess fat are burned, but not muscle mass).
  • Weight loss plus excellent physical shape (a diet with tuna does not provoke weight gain).

This is why nutritionists, trainers, and doctors advise including tuna in your diets for your own health.