It is already impossible to imagine your life without a computer. At home, people prefer the Internet instead of real communication, and at work, all documents must be printed. The ability to do it quickly to save your precious time is priceless. Learn how to learn to type on a computer.

Rules for quick typing on the keyboard

The most popular method of fast typing is touch typing, which means that a person does not look at the keys, but only at the monitor. This method of printing has long been used by secretaries and typists who had to type large and small texts for their bosses and not only. Given that touch typing has been around for over 100 years, there are some basic rules for how to quickly learn how to type on a keyboard:

  • only a straight posture, while the back should be relaxed;
  • it is forbidden even to glance at the keyboard;
  • while typing, you need to use all your fingers;
  • the last phalanges of the thumbs of both hands should lie exclusively on the gap.

Methods for learning fast typing on the keyboard

There are several different ways how to quickly learn to type on the keyboard. The surest option is to enroll in courses in educational institution where you will be watched experienced teacher and give helpful tips. If you do not want to attend classes, then you will have to be patient and perseverance for home schooling. It is up to you to correct your own mistakes. For learning at home, there are a lot of programs and online services that make it possible to master the skill of touch typing from anywhere the globe.

Blind typing method - ten-finger typing

It is easy to guess by the name of the printing method that all the fingers of both hands are involved in the process. In addition, it is forbidden to look at the keyboard during training, and then there is simply no need. The brain is able to remember where which finger is located and which key is responsible. The most convenient way to develop such a memory is with the help of a special ergonomic keyboard, which has a special wrist rest, and the keys are separated by an empty space, the boundaries of the work of the right and left hands are indicated. Important points:

Finger placement

The most important thing to remember when learning how to type quickly on a keyboard is the correct position. Each finger has a specific set of keys. It's not just that the arrangement of letters does not change over the years. This is because it is designed specifically for the daily work of a machinist using a blind printing method. So, how do you need to correctly position your fingers on the keys:

  • the right hand - the little finger - lies on the key "g", the nameless one - "d", the middle one - "l", the index finger - "o";
  • left hand - the little finger is located at the "f" key, the ring finger - "s", the middle one - "v", the index finger - "a";
  • thumbs are responsible for the space.

Each hand must be trained separately. The main thing is not to rush, because in this case it is very important to bring the result to the ideal. Otherwise, later on you will have to check your texts and spend a lot of time correcting typos. You can train with the help of special dictionaries that offer texts for blind typing - from the simplest to the most complicated.

Impact technique

When you press a key, it happens automatically. No one thinks about how to hit them correctly. However, according to the rules, it is necessary to do this as follows: firstly, not only the fingers are involved, but the entire brush, and secondly, the pressure occurs with a sharp blow, and then the finger returns to its original position. Space should be pressed edgewise thumb not a pillow.

Printing Rhythm

The better you keep the same rhythm of finger strikes during training, the sooner this process will become more automated. In some cases, it may seem that you can type some key combinations much faster than others, but you should not do this. The touch typing rhythm should remain the same throughout the process.

Keyboard Typing Tutorials

To the question of how you can quickly learn to type on the keyboard, many answers have already been invented. Some have been found to be really effective in teaching fast typing. These tutorials will help you learn everything from scratch. Typical software designed for the average student and consists of separate blocks of classes with an intermediate control of the results. In addition, you do not have to attend courses outside the home, because such training is designed for independent and regular:

  • Stamina. A great program that will quickly teach you how to type without looking at the keyboard. Developed back in 2000, then refined several times, brought almost to perfection. All lessons are structured in such a way that they need to be completed only in the order in which they are offered. If you try to learn touch typing with this program, then you will definitely achieve results. The main plus is that the program is absolutely free.
  • SOLO. The program for training quick typing "Solo" was written by a teacher of the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University Shakhidzhanyan V.V. According to him, this method is the simplest and most correct for grasping the basic skills of a difficult process. It can be found and downloaded on the Internet or bought on the official website and start learning at any time.
  • VerseQ. The creators of the VerseQ program claim that this is one of the the best options how to quickly learn how to type on the keyboard. According to their calculations, the average person who wants to master the touch typing method will be able to do this after an hour of classes. After 8-15 hours of training, the speed and quality of printing can be compared with a graduate of a typist school.

Online Services

In addition to training programs, you can also find online services. They're in game form offer ways to learn touch typing. The advantage of these services is that you can study on any device that has a keyboard without installing the program. Today there are several options for online learning:

  1. Keyboard racers. By far the most popular game for learning the touch typing method. Go online anytime and start exercising. The game runs like a competition among users, so you will always be motivated to move forward to overtake your rivals. You will see the results of your own and other people's victories in a special list.
  2. All 10. Convenient online simulator for self-study touch typing method. The program website describes in detail all the tips not only on the layout of the fingers, but also on posture, rhythm of beats, and so on. Just by visiting the site, you will get a lot useful information, and then you can immediately use it for training.
  3. time speed. Another online way to learn typing without looking at the prompts. The creators claim that literally for the first lesson, the student has the first results. With each new workout, the typing speed increases, and as a result, any articles, letters, etc. printed in minutes. If only there was enough inspiration!
  4. VerseQ online. Online version of the above program. Allows you to learn typing from anywhere in the world at any time, and besides that, compete with other students and show your skills. Those who have a competitive spirit will definitely like it, and learning in this way will be much more interesting.

Video tutorial: how to type text on a computer

Do you want to become a master speed dial? Typing 100 words per minute and typing boring documents faster?

Fast typing is almost a vital necessity. Correct use keyboards greatly affect our productivity. By quickly typing texts, you become more productive and "keep up with your brain." The speed typing skill allows you to write down the thoughts that are constantly playing in your head before you lose them.

In addition, it reduces fatigue. When you type a long text and constantly move your eyes from the keyboard to the screen and back, your eyes get tired very quickly and start to hurt. The thing is that they constantly have to change focus. And if you add the difference in lighting, it becomes clear why unpleasant sensations appear even after a short work on the computer.

These 7 tips will help you type quickly and efficiently even when blindfolded:

1. Get rid of bad habits

This point is the most difficult on the way to the art of fast printing. And I'm not talking about eating cake at 2 in the morning. Although it is also better to get rid of this habit :) Most likely, you are typing the same text that you used when you first met the keyboard. Right? This also applies to the position of the hands on the keyboard, and peeping.

If you like to play games, then most likely keep your hands over the keys "C", "F", "S", "V". And there are those who use only 2 fingers out of 10. If you are one of them, you have to look at the keyboard all the time to hit the correct letter.

But you want to work at speed, don't you? You urgently need to get rid of this habit and start using your hands correctly.

2. Use all 10 fingers

You ask, What is the right way to place your hands on the keyboard? If you look closely at your keyboard, you will see that the letters "A" and "O" ("F" and "J" in the Latin layout) have small protrusions. This will help you find the correct place for each finger without looking at the keyboard.

Place your fingers of your left hand on the keys "F", "S", "B", "A", and your right hand on the keys "F", "D", "L", "O". This is the middle main row of the keyboard. Place the index fingers of both hands on the keys with ledges.And then look at this diagram:

The colors indicate the keys that are convenient to press with each finger from the starting position.

There is an alternative hand position that many will find more comfortable. Position your fingers right hand over the letters "Y", "B", "A", "M", and the right - over the "T", "O", "L", "D". In this case, the hands are in a more natural position, but your little finger will have a good time.

Choose the position you like best. This factor does not greatly affect the speed.

3. Learn to touch type

People who type large amounts of text every day remember where each key is located. Looking at the keyboard only slows things down.Learning to keep your eyes open takes practice. And it will take you more than one hour. But if you train constantly, you will notice in a few weeks thatyour fingers "remember" which area "each of them is responsible for".

Even if it slows down your game a lot right now, try not to look at the keyboard. Try to enter some suggestion. Remember where each letter is. You can stealthily peek at one symbol. But you do not need to look where each letter is located. Every day it will be easier for you to type.When you remember where everything is, you will only have to choose the speed of typing.

4. Remember basic keyboard shortcuts

It is not surprising that in each operating system there is a set of "hot keys" that perform different functions. Your hands are already on the keyboard, so why waste time and be distracted by the mouse?You don't have to memorize all combinations.Only the most basic:

  • Ctrl+C - copy;
  • Ctrl + X - cut;
  • Ctrl + V - paste;
  • Ctrl+Z - cancel;
  • Ctrl+S - save;
  • Ctrl+F - find a word;
  • Ctrl+A - select all;
  • Shift+→/← - highlight the next letter;
  • Ctrl+Shift+→/← - highlight the next word;
  • Ctrl+→/← - go to the next word without highlighting;
  • Home - go to the beginning of the line;
  • End - go to the end of the line;
  • Page Up - go up;
  • Page Down - go down.

you can use some keyboard shortcuts for fast work with pages in browsers. Here are some of them that will be useful for you:

  • Ctrl + Tab - go to the next tab;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab - go to the previous tab;
  • Ctrl + T - open a new tab;
  • Ctrl + W - close the current tab;
  • Ctrl + Shift + T - open a tab that was just closed;
  • Ctrl + R - refresh the page;
  • Ctrl + N - open in a new browser window;
  • Shift + Backspace - go one page forward;
  • Backspace - go back one page.

Most of these keys are located near the little finger, so he will be involved in a set of "hot combinations" most often.

5. How to learn to type at speed online

It is not necessary to turn the art of super-speed typing into a boring gray occupation. There are many programs you can use to make this process more fun. Here are a few "allies" to help you beat the keyboard and enjoy typing:

  • TypeRacer

This funny program will teach you how to quickly type on the Latin layout. Your typing speed is shown as a typewriter. You are given a small piece of text that you need to type faster than other users. It's like racing. The one who does it first is the winner.

  • Touch Typing Study

This application allows you to learn how to type on the most different languages. There are even hieroglyphs. You are offered a list of lessons. With each new task becomes more difficult. It all starts with memorizing the main row. In the first lessons, you are offered to type a meaningless set of letters. This helps to concentrate not on the meaning, but on the arrangement of characters, in order to print full-fledged texts at speed in the future.

  • Stamina

One of the most popular simulators in the CIS. This little program can be downloaded from the official website. Adds some fun to your workouts and offers a set different letters and words.

  • Sense language

Also provides you with a set of lessons. First, you need to print a set of letters, with an increase in complexity and speed, words and sentences appear. You can take a quiz to test your typing speed and choose any language, or print your chosen piece of text.

6. Practice the rhythm

The typing rhythm is the amount of time between keystrokes. The smoother it is, the faster you will learn touch typing techniques. Return your fingers to their original position after pressing the key.

7. How to learn to type quickly

Take your time when you first begin to master the technique of touch typing. Increase the speed only when you feel that you have learned the location of the keys and press them out of habit without thinking. Take your time to keep out, and always keep 1-2 words in mind that go on. Gradually increasing the speed, you will not only print quickly, but also begin to do it efficiently.


Now you know how to learn how to type quickly. You may ask if there is a difference on what type of device and manufacturer to type on? Not!Of course, there are several designs, models and layouts. Choose their design according to your taste. And these recruiting rules are universal. The only thing that changes if you have a keyboard with a layout other than the standard "QWERTY" is the location of the letter "Ё" and some other characters.

Today, the ability to quickly and competently type on the keyboard is necessary for almost everyone. But how to learn it? Many who want to learn the techniques and techniques of high-speed printing go to courses, to trainings, throw out money (often rather big ones) for a variety of simulators and lessons. In fact, it is not necessary to fork out for advertised training materials. You can learn to type quickly and competently with both hands on your own and absolutely free.

Below will be considered free speed typing training programs, described and techniques and tips for the speedy acquisition of this valuable skill. But first - a little information about the benefits that this skill gives a person.

Why learn high-speed typing with two hands?

The first and main benefit is a reduction in time costs. The skill is priceless for people who type large texts every day. The simplest example: fast printing will increase productivity, and then the earnings of a copywriter. Equally useful is this skill for writers, editors, executives of the most various areas activities - in general, for everyone who deals with letters and numbers.

Also, the ability to type quickly will allow you to type text more rhythmically, and this will significantly reduce fatigue from prolonged work. Moreover, when the fingers begin to freely “fly” through the letters, and the text is typed as if by magic, this helps to enjoy the process.

Attention! For job seekers the ability to type quickly will serve as a trump card that will help you beat your competitors and get a coveted job or position.

Another plus of fast typing is the ability to keep up with your thoughts. This is very important for those who create texts. Why? Because sometimes interesting thoughts are lost in that split second when a person is looking for the right key on the keyboard.

And the quick typing skill will help you take care of your eye health. Because vision is overstrained when, in the process of work, the eyes run from the monitor to the keyboard and back.

Methods for teaching speed typing on the keyboard

Basic rules for blind typing:

  1. The first thing to do is remember the layout of the keys. Here is an exercise that will help. 10 - 15 seconds to consider one of the rows of the keyboard on which the letters "live". It is best to memorize in a row from top to bottom. After a while, take a piece of paper and try to write down on it the order in which the signs are located. Repeat the action for each row for as long as you need to remember. The goal will be achieved when the set of letters begins to be reproduced automatically in the mind or on a piece of paper.
  2. The second stage of learning is typing the alphabet on the keyboard in order, from a to z. You need to repeat this exercise until you get it with good speed and without slips.

Advice. It is also important to choose the right tool for those who are learning touch typing. An ergonomic keyboard is ideal, on which the buttons are divided in two, under each of the palms. But just a curved keyboard will do.

The correct posture is also very important, which, in principle, differs little from the ideal posture of a student at a desk. Do not hunch over, sit too close or far, cross your legs. The back should be straight, this will help maintain good posture.

Today, many people type fast enough with a few fingers - and they think that this is enough. However, blind typing with ten fingers is much faster. Therefore, when learning on your own to speed typing, you need to try to use all your fingers.

Many speed typing programs "fix" their own keys for each individual finger. It helps a lot, although it is difficult at first. But when the adaptation period passes, the two-finger typing method is forgotten. It is important not to allow reversions to the old typing style.

Starting to learn the touch typing skill, it is better not to rush. It is clear that speed is at the forefront, but haste gives rise to typos - and editing them takes time. Therefore, it is much more important to train regularly and develop the rhythm of typing.

How to type with ten fingers?

Blind typing is, roughly speaking, typing with all fingers without peeping into the keyboard. At the same time, the brushes lie on the buttons in a special way. Their foundations should be laid on Front edge keyboard or laptop case. The brushes need to be bent as if there were balls in the hands.

You will need to get used to the correct position of the hands.

The arrangement of letters on the keyboard is not at all random. It is based on determining the frequency of use of keys. And this principle is designed specifically for the method of blind recruitment!

On any keyboard, the buttons are arranged in 6 rows. The top one, with "hot" keys, is used infrequently. Someone likes the next "digital" series, and someone doesn't. "Hatees" of the upper numbers can use the side block located to the right of the main one instead.

The classic way of placing fingers on the keyboard looks like this:

  • Right hand. Little finger - on the letter "Zh", nameless - on "D", middle - above the letter "L", index - above the letter "O";
    Left hand. The little finger - on the letter "F", the ring finger - above the "Y", the middle one - on the "B", the index finger - on the letter "A";
    Both thumbs are on the space bar.

At first, to control the location of the hands with the index fingers, you should always “cling” to the letters “O” and “A”. Gradually, the fingers will get used to it, and the need for support will disappear. This will be a transition to a qualitatively new level of skill.

How to remember all the buttons on the keyboard? This is a long process of hard training for each finger. You should start with the index right hand, then go to the index left, then to the right middle - and so on to both little fingers. You can try to type texts right away, but this is fraught with an increase in training time. The ideal material for training is the "dictionaries" for each finger, which are equipped with all keyboard trainers.

Also, in the learning process, it is important to monitor the rhythm of printing and the correct percussive technique of the fingers. Everything is clear with the first point, but what kind of percussion technique is this? It's simple: the fingers should touch the keys easily and quickly, and then immediately return to their place.

What programs can help?

  1. Stamina is a free 10-finger typing trainer.
  2. "Solo on the keyboard" - developed by an employee of the Department of Journalism of Moscow State University, helps to learn quickly and easily.
  3. VerseQ is a very popular touch typing tutorial. Its developers promise that the skill will be developed from scratch in fifteen hours of training.

The blind typing technique is based on the fact that a set of keys is defined for any finger. All training in this skill is simply a process of developing muscle memory with the fingers. Therefore, in order to be able to quickly and without errors type text with two hands, you need to want it very much and work hard.

How to learn to type quickly: video

What should a copywriter do first? Correct, fast typing and touch typing. If this is not learned, then it is simply unrealistic to achieve noticeable success in work. You can get this skill at special trainings or courses in typing, as well as purchase textbooks or disks with information. However, we offer you to learn how to type quickly and completely free of charge.

How to Learn to Type Fast - Choose Your Method

There are different ways of typing on the keyboard, if you choose for yourself and use a convenient and suitable method, you can significantly increase the speed of typing. The most commonly used two-finger method, although it is the simplest, but not the fastest. Also, 8 fingers are used for printing: everything except the thumb. This method is more convenient, because the hands above the keyboard move much less than in the previous method, naturally, the typing speed increases. The most popular ten-finger method. It is the most effective, albeit complex.

How to Learn to Type Fast - The Ten-Finger Method

It may seem to many that it is unrealistic to apply it in practice, but having mastered this method, you can type with all your fingers, and most importantly, without even looking at the keyboard. The essence of the method is simple - each finger is responsible for its specific keys. Having mastered this typing technique, you will have the skill of rhythmic text input. You will enjoy your work because you will be less tired. The main thing is that not such a strong load will go on the eyes, because fatigue appears precisely from frequent translation looking from the keyboard to the monitor.

The first step in learning how to type quickly is to remember how your fingers should lie on the keyboard. In addition to the "home" keys, each finger is also assigned buttons under and above the original one. Remembering everything is hard, but with the desire and with constant practice, you will learn this.

How to learn to type quickly - assistant programs

There are many programs to improve blind typing. However, not everyone will give you the desired result. You should not grab the first link that came across to you, go through long registrations, wait for account confirmation. It often happens that the time that will be spent on these programs or web services will be wasted by you. The chosen program will not justify itself, and you will not get what you expected. We will advise you three proven programs designed for learning speed typing.

All 10

quality new program, which will help get rid of the habit of typing with two or three fingers. First you need to pass a test on your typing speed, then you will receive assignments. By doing them, your skills will grow and progress. You can choose the keyboard option in the options - English and Russian layout.

Speed ​​Printing School

Not only is this program useful, but it is also interesting. Here everything happens in games that will distract from boring workouts. Remember school dictations? Here it is exactly the same, the voice will dictate the text, and you will need to type it as quickly as possible.


Unpretentious and simple program which can be downloaded for free. In itself, it contains the exercises that you need to perform in order to get good results. There are a hundred such exercises, having completed them all, you will be considered a master of speed dialing. It’s up to you to decide whether to end your workouts on this or continue and move on to more complex programs.

  • If you know how to print, although not the most effective, it is better to improve it, rather than trying to learn a new one, because it will be very difficult to relearn because of the memory of your hands.
  • In the early stages of training, decide on the level of speed that you own. Special programs will help you with this, they great amount on the Internet.
  • Do not take up training after stress or in a tired state, there will be no effect from this.
  • Use free programs, the main thing during training is not to look at the keyboard. If you have previously worked on the keyboard, then it will be difficult for you to get rid of this habit. Alternatively, seal the buttons and practice.
  • You should not spend more than one hour per day on training, it is advisable to divide it into a couple of parts. This way you can avoid overwork.
  • No need to hurry, in typing quality is more important and then speed.
  • Optimize yours properly workplace- the position of the computer, chair and table should not give you any inconvenience.

Now you can learn to type quickly or improve your skills. Be prepared for the fact that for a good result you will need time and constant training. The methods and programs we have proposed have helped many people learn how to type quickly, we hope they will help you too.

Hello! Today you will learn how to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard! You will also understand how you can master the ten-finger typing method. These skills are necessary for people who are obligated by the profession to print articles quickly.

Ordinary people are just as interested in learning how to learn how to type text on a computer. There are two types of people working with a computer. The first ones look at the keyboard and type, while others, on the contrary, have figured out for themselves how to learn to type without looking at the keyboard and successfully use it.

You can type with one hand or with all fingers. Of course, it is better to use 10 fingers, since in this case typing will be faster. Plus, if you print without looking at the buttons, then it's generally super!

Keyboard trainers for fast typing on a computer

Printing speed most often depends on how trained a person is. As you know, the more an athlete trains, the higher his athletic performance. So here too! Long-term typing speed training through special programs, simulators, online services allows you to increase results a hundred times.

Before you get started, read some rules for typing text on a computer:

  • Sit up straight and don't slouch.
  • Always leave only one space between words.
  • Remember that there are no spaces between punctuation marks.
  • A number and another sign, such as a percentage, are written together.
  • Em dashes are placed between words whenever possible.
  • It is not recommended to put a dash between the numbers, a hyphen is needed.
  • Correct quotes are written only like this: "".
  • It is considered erroneous to put several punctuation marks, for example, like this: "???", "!!!"

It is desirable to sit in front of the computer on a chair or armchairs. Make sure that the angle is 90 degrees between the lower leg and thigh and between the thigh and lower leg. Landing should be straight without any bends. The head should also not be bent. Direct your gaze forward to the very center of the monitor. Make sure that your wrists do not sag, and the distance from the eyes to the display is from 40 to 70 cm.

By following these printing rules, your texts will be of good quality.

Typewriting course

If someone does not want to learn on their own and he needs constant supervision, then you can hire a special teacher for copy printing. Such courses are now a dime a dozen, especially in Moscow!

But what is it worth to go online and download the same solo on the keyboard and start training. Do 100 exercises in a couple of months, and you already master the touch typing method. You can download any other program and start training on your own!

There is also an option to take courses on a special service! This project just deals with typing courses and allows you to master printing online!

Keyboard typing tutorial

This tool is distributed on the Internet absolutely free of charge. Its role is played by any program or online service with printing lessons.

You can download the program or do take classes directly on the Internet! These trainers will be discussed below!

Keyboard simulator program

The speed typing program is the most used option for learning shorthand. In addition to programs for typing text on a computer, there are online services that allow you to do the same via the Internet.

If you want to learn how to type on a computer, then you can use one of the programs described below, and for free!

This program is by far the most popular among many beginners. Solo is distributed as a regular program on a computer, as well as an online version. The cost of the program is not high, if you wish, you can download it for free.

Solo on the keyboard can be learned by both children and adults. After each exercise, cognitive information comes out with anecdotes and more.

In my opinion, this is one of the best trainers on the market. this moment. Teaching typing on the keyboard, I personally went through it.

Thanks to this program, you can easily master the blind ten-finger typing method. It's actually very cool! You sit, look out the window somewhere, and your hands seem to be typing something there regardless of your body. Plus, my eyes don't get tired. By the way, they can be completely closed! Just look, don't fall asleep! 🙂

The essence of the program is that at first you begin to remember where, what letters are located. Everything goes in stages. Maybe you noticed that there are some “papillae” on two letters of the keyboard. That is, two dashes for the letters "a" and "o". It is they who allow printing without looking. Just feel for them and off you go!

Thus, even after going through a month of training, you can easily type text in a printing program.

Simulator program

This software, unlike the above, is distributed completely free of charge. Teaching abilities are just as good.

In this program, you can study alone or with a partner. This keyboard learning program has three levels of difficulty. Lessons are conducted in one of 3 languages. It is also possible to monitor the statistics of achievements. Based on your results, the Sámi program decides what to rely on. Roughly speaking, she sees your weaknesses.

Rapid Typing Software

Such a short typing program is well suited for schoolchildren. Its interface is very colorful and kids love it. The program has a teacher mode, which makes it possible to make user groups, make adjustments and create different levels. Just like the previous program, there are 3 languages ​​here. With each new level, it becomes more and more difficult to complete the exercise.

This program for training typing on the keyboard allows you to customize literally everything! You can change the font, color and even the sound!

Program for typing on a computer TypingMaster

This software is designed to quickly type on the keyboard and give you the opportunity to improve your skills. Its main difference from all the others is the presence of a large number of different games! There are three built-in games, which become more and more difficult with each level.

The program for printing text on a computer has a special indicator that shows your typing speed. It also counts the number of words typed.

You can use this program for as long as you want, but the paid version will get rid of ads. The software only allows printing in English.

Program for training typing on the Bombin keyboard

This keyboard trainer is suitable for both young children and middle-aged children. The free typing tutorial even allows you to organize typing competitions! For each level passed, the student receives a reward in the form of points, then everything is calculated and the top winners are displayed!

This keyboard learning program has two learning languages ​​Russian and English. This software allows the teacher to monitor how the training is going. The student's profile can be diversified by changing the picture and changing the name.

All of the above programs can be used both on a regular desktop computer and on a laptop!

Keyboard simulator online services

At the moment, many programs are becoming online services. They are equipped online keyboard, statistics counters and other necessary components. Below are the most common projects where users register and learn how to quickly print on the keyboard.

Recruiting. RU

The www nabiraem ru project is the same keyboard solo only in the online version. The project allows you to learn online touch typing. The site is presented in several languages: Russian, English, Spanish, French, Italian.

Dial ru, great suitable for those people who do not want to install the program on their computer. Or they just use several PCs during the day. In theory, solo online is very convenient, since you can log in and train from any computer.

All 10 ru

This keyboard simulator allows you to easily master the touch typing method and teach you how to type quickly! To register for all 10 dot ru, you need to come up with a username and password. It is possible to view statistics by lessons. The project even certifies students and allows them to participate in an internal ranking.

With the help of the project all ten ru, mastering the computer keyboard will be a great success!

Klava org

The sites klava org and klava rus allow you to test your typing speed. To do this, simply select the language and start typing the words presented in the line. More precisely, it is a combination of letters. The top column on the right will show the speed and statistics of your results. For example, I managed to type 209 characters per minute.

This clave is for children, well, I think it will not hurt adults either!


The online stamina simulator is designed for typing on the Internet. Honestly, not very impressive. It seems that the site was created in order to make money on advertising. Before you appears two lines dark and light. You need to press the letter that came up to the dark line.

The online stamina simulator is distributed for free, so if you want, come and try it out.

Verseq online

The verseq ru online simulator is a special service that allows you to master touch typing for 5 points! The program can be downloaded for free, or you can purchase and remove all restrictions.

Touch typing study

Website typing study good option to learn how to type quickly on the keyboard. It is very informative, but unfortunately grayish and not very attractive.

In addition, for some reason this simulator does not have a Russian keyboard layout. To check I had to connect Belarusian.

Online simulatorsense language org

An interesting project with a good design. Choose a lesson and start practicing on the keyboard.

Before starting classes, you can turn the sound on or off, you can also select the typing option.

Sense lang is a great project to develop your typing skills.

Keyboard typing sounds

Some programs have clave voice acting, while others go silent. Although I don’t understand why clave sounds are needed if you already hear them when typing. Perhaps someone wants to enhance the effect!

Ten-finger typing method or keyboard typing technique

Using the above programs and services, you can easily master the 10-finger printing method. And you will no longer ask how to quickly learn to type on the keyboard! Because after doing 100 exercises on the same " SOLO» you will have the skill of fast touch typing! This keyboard typing technique will speed up your skills several times!

Ten-finger printing has several variations that are similar to each other.

  1. Before proceeding, your fingers must be in a certain place. They return to these zones at the moment of pauses between entering sentences or words.
  2. You need to find the base row of letters. It's fourth from the top.
  3. The index finger of the left hand is placed on the letter "A", and the right finger on the letter "O".
  4. Other fingers are placed on adjacent buttons.
  5. The support buttons are located due to special notches or protrusions.
  6. The more you practice, the faster you can find the right keys and put your hands in the right position.
  7. Sometimes you can find recommendations that fingers should be kept on "YVAM and TOLD"
  8. The finger presses on the buttons that are within its reach.
  9. The function buttons are also pressed with the right finger.
  10. Letters are easier to find than other signs, numbers, commas, etc.
  11. The BACKSPACE button is usually pressed with the little finger of the right hand.
  12. TAB - pressed with the little finger of the left hand.
  13. The Enter key is pressed with the right little finger.
  14. If there are two Shift buttons, then pressing the left and right little fingers is used.
  15. Space and Alt are pressed with the thumb left or right finger.
  16. CTRL - presses with the right or left little finger.

Such pressing options allow you to avoid unnecessary load and enable long time work actively at the computer.

The ten-finger typing technique will give you more speed than if you were typing with two fingers.

How to learn touch typing

Blind typing is certainly cool, but to master it you will have to work hard. I advise you to use the SOLO program on the keyboard, because I myself learned to do blind typing on it.

The essence of the program is simple:

  1. Download the file to your computer.
  2. Install.
  3. You write down your first name, you can also use your last name.
  4. Read the information provided.
  5. Move on to workouts.
  6. Initially, you type 5 lines of letters a, o and others.
  7. Then the process gets more complicated.
  8. All this is accompanied by interesting information.
  9. Go through 100 exercises and now your eyes are not looking at the keyboard, but your hands are typing!

Thus, the blind printing method in intensive mode can be mastered in 1-2 months of daily training. Initially, it seems that learning to print blindly is difficult and very problematic, but when you start doing it stupidly, all doubts disappear, and confidence appears. Just do the exercises every day and you will succeed!

Print speed test

You can take the keyboard test online and check the typing speed on this site:

Just go to the project and click the " TAKE A SPEED TEST»

A window with text will appear.

Here comes the keyboard typing speed test online! Type text and see statistics.

Keyboard text

Text for printing on a computer can be absolutely anything. Just enter a query into the search, such as parenting or something else. And open some site, then copy the text into Word and print. Or you can print directly from the site.

Then just print the text on the computer from an A4 sheet and that's it! Don't forget to choose print in Russian or print in English, or translate the keyboard layout into any other desired language! Constant practice will allow you to type the rhythm on the keyboard!

Games to improve typing

In order to learn how to type, many people like to use games to learn the keyboard. Several keyboard games will be presented below.


At the time of this writing, I found this game at this address: The bottom line is that you just need to assemble the keyboards from memory. Most likely, this flash game trains remembering the location of the buttons.

Great for stretching your brain!

Typing Bubble

Cool keyboard game with rhythmic music. The essence of the game is that soap bubbles are flying, and words are written in them. You need to write these words in a special scoreboard, and then press the "Enter" key. Do not press spaces, otherwise they will not be counted, just do not forget to write the word with capital letter if required.

This game allows you to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard English letters. If you are learning English layout, then this simulator is for you!

Keyboard racing

This game allows you to print and show how your car will move to the finish line. There is nothing complicated. Just go to the site and press the quick start. Then write the text and reach the end. After, you will be given all the statistics for your race!

Thus, games for learning the keyboard will help you consolidate your knowledge well after completing the simulator programs!

You can also find races for beginners on this site:

How to print on a computer?

If you haven't figured out how to type properly yet, then let's learn the basics.

Arrangement of letters on the keyboard and fingers

All your fingers should be above the keyboard opposite the letters FYVY and OLDZH. These symbols lie on the main row, it is named so because it contains frequently used letters. Blind orientation, where which letter is possible due to the marks on the letters "A" and "O".

This arrangement of fingers on the clave will allow you to always be on alert!

Working with a keyboard for beginners can be difficult, but it's okay, once you didn't know the alphabet either. But they did learn! So don't worry, keep practicing and you'll be fine!

Learning the computer keyboard

To study the layout of the computer, start by simply looking at the buttons, where which one is located. In theory, you need to learn the keyboard, and for this you need to practice daily, for example, according to the “keyboard solo” program.

At first, of course, it’s scary, your eyes run wide, because there are so many buttons. But after a few exercises and the first victories, all fear and doubt disappear! So keep it up!

Below is a photo, this is a sample of a keyboard or a diagram of a computer keyboard.


Below in the picture you can see a set of keys on the keyboard.

All these keys for typing on the keyboard are necessary for correct operation.

How to remember the keyboard

To remember, just follow the tips below.

Council number 1.

Choose one of the simulators for yourself and work with it daily.

Council number 2.

Grab one of the keyboard games and practice typing letters.

Council number 3.

Bring the exercises to their logical conclusion and do not stop halfway. We decided to study the keyboard and understand how you can learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, bring it to the end!

Council number 4.

Always try to keep your posture straight and not tilt your head forward. Also make sure that your hands are comfortable.

Council number 5.

Before going to bed, imagine the keyboard and try to remember where which letter is. This will help you learn quickly.

Thus, you will quickly master the lessons on memorization and fast typing. The main thing is regularity!

To learn how to type quickly, you need to do regular typing exercises. Let's say you went solo on the keyboard. Now you know the ten-finger blind method. The next thing to do is to improve the speed and quality of printing. And for this you need to regularly work with the keyboard and write texts.

You can take re-training to help reduce errors and improve your typing skills. Watch your typing speed, if it starts to drop, take a break and start training the next day. This way you can better increase your typing speed.

Keyboard typing record

Scientists have set a printing record and it is 940 characters per minute! This record was set by Mikhail Shestov. This is not an ordinary person, since his impulses in the brain, when printed, go to the nerves immediately from the subcortex, bypassing the cortex. This ability allows him to type very fast!

If you are interested, you can watch a short video on this topic.

But among ordinary people in the typing championship, a certain American Barbara Blackburn broke the record. Its typing speed is 750 characters per minute!

Keyboard for typing

Keyboard for typing should be different from all the others good quality assemblies. Agree on a sloppy and falling somewhere keyboard will work problematic. I don't know about you, but I work on my laptop most of the time. And the usual built-in keyboard suits me perfectly.

But I heard that mechanical keyboards are considered good enough. They can be used for both typing and gaming. But I believe that for the text of the buttons should not fall through much. Otherwise, your fingers may touch other buttons.

There is a keyboard for children, but there is no particular difference from the clave for adults. The same buttons and the same functions.

Sometimes the keyboard built into the computer can be very convenient, and sometimes the online keyboard can come in handy! Which one to use for work specifically for you, I can’t say. The main thing is that she likes and is comfortable.

In order to print the computer keyboard on the paper shown in the picture, just right-click on the picture and open it in a new tab. Then you can print or save to your computer.

Keyboard typing practice online

The methods described in the article allow you to make your typing practice perfect!

I would like to give beginners a couple of tips:

  1. Get started, finish it, don't give up.
  2. Spend at least a few minutes a day exercising.
  3. After completing the training, according to any program, repeat it after a while.
  4. Organize yourself typing practice on the keyboard several times a year or a month!

So having gone all the way, you now understand how to learn how to type quickly on the keyboard! Today you learned about coaching programs, keyboard games, online services printing, and also got acquainted with the keyboard layout! This article has come to an end! I wish you fast printing and good mood!