When applying to foreign universities, everyone for whom English is not their native language must confirm their language competence by passing a language test. In order to organize the preparation for testing most effectively, it is necessary to figure out what kind of tests a student needs, when and with what level of English you can start preparing, what time frame and budget you need to meet.

What tests do students need

You can read about general and special tests required for admission to universities in the UK.

Preparation: how to achieve the best results?

The secret of excellent results is hidden not only in the language abilities of the student. To a large extent, it depends on motivation and proper organization preparation process. Learning a foreign language is always a big and painstaking job that needs to be properly planned.

1. We formulate goals and objectives

To form a clear understanding of the goals and objectives to be solved, the following input data will help:
At what level of English can I start preparing for exams
What level of English do universities require?
When to start preparing?

1. Determine your language level

Tests and interviews offered by all reputable English language schools will help determine the current language level of a student. Tests are usually available via the Internet, interviews - face-to-face.

3. Determine the timing of preparation

The speed of learning, first of all, depends on the workload, quality and regularity of work. At the same time, there are standards developed by the Council of Europe (Council of Europe’s Common European Framework), which establish a scale of levels comparable for all European languages ​​and the amount of study time from the beginning of training to achieve each of them.

To understand what linguistic levels exist, compare them with the results of the main tests accepted by universities, and calculate how much time it will take to prepare, based on the current language level of the student, the table on this link will help.

Preparing for tests carried out according to special textbooks. Russian programs are calculated on average for 30-40 classroom lessons (from 1 to 4 months, depending on the intensity of the course). For Advanced level students, one-day programs are offered. It should be remembered that the tests impose strict requirements on the structure and content of answers and essays, and this often causes difficulties for Russian students. Regardless of the level of language proficiency, learning to clearly structure your thoughts in writing is a separate preparation task.

For high-quality assimilation of a foreign language, a large amount of independent work is required. It is necessary to read, listen, communicate and practice writing skills as much as possible, that is, to use the language just for the purposes for which it is studied. It is advisable to devote as much time to such activities as to grammar and exercises.

4. Choose where, how and with whom to prepare

Depending on the preparation tasks and personal priorities, you can choose one of the following methods:

  • Courses in the UK and Russia
  • With a teacher
  • On one's own
  • Practice

We plan and ... we act!

  • determine the level of language proficiency;
  • clarify the requirements of universities and the deadlines for submitting documents;
  • choose the most appropriate exam/certificate;
  • choose the form of classes: courses, private teacher, self-training;
  • we select the language program that is optimal in terms of content, intensity and cost.

It's time to act!

After passing the test in English, you get a grade in points. Often you also get some idea of ​​what the assessment means, expressed as an English proficiency level or a term such as "beginner" or "advanced". IN different countries around the world, a wide variety of systems are used to assess the level of language proficiency. Tests for determining the level of English vary greatly, and may be linked to uniform systems of corresponding levels, explicitly or implicitly. Some English level systems are based on a specific English test, while others are not linked to any specific test.

What you will find on this page

Rating scale

The most reliable way to find out your level of English is to take a properly designed test. There are quite a few test options, and if you don't know which one to choose, we recommend starting with the EF SET test. You can use your EF SET score as a certification result on your resume and LinkedIn profile. EFS ET is currently the only standardized English language test that accurately measures all levels of language proficiency from beginner to professional, according to the globally recognized standard, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR). Other standardized English tests will assess some skill levels, but not the entire CEFR scale. The EF SET helps you measure your English level and progress over months or years and is a standardized way to self-assess your progress in language learning.

English language proficiency certification is required for many university programs and visa systems. In the labor market, determining the level of the language is not always an official requirement, but a certificate certifying your level of English will be your advantage among other job seekers. Also, more broadly, by accurately assessing your English level, you will be able to track how your level changes over time, which is important for all English learners. After all, how else do you know that your English is getting better?

English Level Compliance

It is not a secret for many that the systems of language proficiency levels do not correlate well with each other. However, this table shows a fairly close match. If you have passed one of these tests, our table will help you find out what other test results might match yours.*

A1 - Beginner



B2 - Upper intermediate


C2 - Proficient

KET Pass, Pass with Merit / PET 45 to 69

KET Pass with Distinction / PET Pass, Pass with Merit / FCE 140 to 159

CAE 160 to 179 / FCE grade B or C / PET Pass with Distinction

CPE 180 to 199 / CAE grade B or C / FCE grade A 180 to 190

PTE General level

Classification levels (from A1-beginner to C2-professional) correspond to the CEFR scale. Comparison of results is based on data from individual sites that use the CEFR standard as the main reference for comparison.

Why is it important to know your level of English?

As a rule, to describe your knowledge of English, you are offered a certain system of levels. Your employer, school, teacher, or immigration authorities will ask you to take a specific English language test, and then you will describe your level of English using a system designed for such a test. Depending on your goals and where you live, you will be more likely to come across one English level system than another. For example, if you're applying to a university in the US, you'll probably know what a TOEFL score of 100 is. And if you want to get a UK visa, you are most likely familiar with the B1 CEFR level.

A - Elementary proficiencyB - Self OwnershipC - Fluency
A1A2B1 B2C1C2
Survival LevelPre-threshold levelthreshold level Threshold advanced levelProficiency LevelOwnership at the carrier level
, intermediate

Do you want to know if your knowledge corresponds to the Intermediate level? Take our course and get recommendations to help you improve your English.

Intermediate is the level required by most employers

Intermediate - what level is it? How to determine if your knowledge is appropriate for this level?

The level of English Intermediate, which is marked B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, comes next after Pre-Intermediate. The name of this step comes from the word intermediate, the translation of which is “medium”. So, Intermediate is the so-called "average" level of language proficiency, which allows you to speak English quite fluently, discuss many professional and everyday topics, and understand by ear almost everything said in English at a normal pace. The level of language proficiency B1 allows you to take entrance exams to Russian universities and preparatory courses abroad. However, the most important thing is that virtually all employers require that their potential or actual employees know English at a level not lower than Intermediate.

We recommend that you start learning English at the Intermediate level if you:

  • speak fluently, able to keep up the conversation, but choose your words, so you want to “talk”;
  • you have a good vocabulary, but it is not always easy to operate with it, you often have to check the dictionary;
  • correctly understand the questions of a foreign interlocutor and English speech in the recording, but only if the speaker speaks clearly and measuredly;
  • you understand the basic grammar of the English language and operate with different tenses of English, but you feel insecure in more complex grammar;
  • studied English at this level for a long time, remember a lot and now you want to refresh your knowledge;
  • recently completed an English course at the Pre-Intermediate level.

Material that people with knowledge of English at the Intermediate level should know

How to determine that you know English at level B1? The table shows what knowledge a person with the Intermediate level should have.

Skillyour knowledge
You know all tenses of English: Present, Past and Future Simple; Present, Past and Future Continuous; Present, Past and Future Perfect; Present, Past and Future Perfect Continuous.

Do you know what the essence of the sentences I used to play football and I’m used to playing football (constructs used to do and to be used to doing).

When you talk about the future tense, you understand the difference between: I'm going to visit John (construct to be going to), I'm visiting John tomorrow at 5 o'clock (Present Continuous for future action) and I'll visit John next month (Future Simple).

You understand the difference between You mustn "t do exercises and You don" t have to do exercises (modal verbs).

Understand the difference between: I stopped to rest and I stopped resting (use of gerund and infinitive after the verb).

You know the comparative degrees of adjectives (hot-hotter-hottest).

You understand in what cases the words little/few and a little/a few (words denoting quantity in English) are used.

You see the difference between: If you come home, we’ll go shopping, If you came home, we would go shopping and If you had come home, we would have gone shopping (first, second and third type conditional sentences).

Can you correctly paraphrase the direct speech She asked: “What are you doing?” into the indirect She asked what I was doing.

You easily create questions to clarify something: You don’t like coffee, do you? (Question tags)

Your vocabulary is between 2000 and 3000 words and phrases.

You are familiar with some idioms and phrasal verbs.

You can communicate with business partners without delving into special business terminology (you know basic business vocabulary).

Actively use constructions neither ... nor, in addition to, as well as, apart from, due to, because of.

You speak clearly good pronunciation people around understand your speech.

You understand where to make logical pauses in sentences, in which part of the sentence to raise or lower your voice.

You speak quite fluently, do not make long pauses during a conversation.

You can describe your appearance, talk about your education and work experience, express your opinion on various issues, you can speak on almost any topic.

You use phrasal verbs and some idioms in speech.

You do not simplify speech, you use quite complex grammatical constructions: different types of conditional sentences, passive voice, different tenses, indirect speech.

You have a good understanding of the adapted literature of your level.

You understand general articles on the Internet, newspapers and magazines, although you encounter vocabulary that is unfamiliar to you.

You perfectly understand audio recordings adapted to your level.

You understand the meaning of non-adapted audio even if you don't know some of the words and the speaker speaks with an accent.

You distinguish the accent of native speakers from the accent of non-English speakers.

You watch movies and series in the original language with subtitles.

You can listen to simple original or adapted audiobooks for your level.

You construct sentences grammatically correctly.

You can write an informal or small formal letter.

If necessary, you can fill out official papers in English.

You can give a written description of any places, events, people, comment on the proposed text.

If you are not sure that you have all the knowledge required at this level, we recommend that you check if you have knowledge of the English language at the level.

The Intermediate level program involves the study of such topics in the curriculum

Grammar TopicsConversational Topics
  • Present (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous)
  • action and state verbs
  • Past (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous)
  • Future forms (to be going to, Present Continuous, will/shall)
  • Modal verbs (must, have to, should, may, might, can, could, to be able to)
  • Gerund and Infinitive
  • Comparative and superlative adjectives
  • Used to do something and to be used to doing something
  • Articles: a/an, the, no article
  • Quantifiers (any, some, few, a lot of, a piece of)
  • First, Second and Third Conditional, Future time clauses
  • Relative clauses: defining and non-defining
  • Reported Speech: statements, questions, commands
  • Passive Voice
  • Question tags
  • Phrasal verbs
  • Family and Personality
  • Describing people's appearance and character
  • Jobs, Money and Success
  • business
  • Education
  • Modern manners
  • Transport and Travel
  • Places to live
  • nature and environment
  • climate and natural disasters
  • communication
  • Television and Media
  • Cinema and Movies
  • Shopping
  • Food and Restaurants
  • lifestyle
  • Sport
  • Friendship
  • Challenges and Success
  • good and bad luck
  • Crime and Punishment

How will your speaking skills develop in the Intermediate course?

The Intermediate level is a kind of key stage where the student really starts to "take off" in speaking skills (Speaking skills). At this stage, you become a "speaking" student. If you want to speak fluently, try to talk as much as possible in class. Do not be afraid to argue and express your point of view, try to use complex colloquial clichés.

Concerning vocabulary (Vocabulary), in addition to general vocabulary, at the Intermediate level you learn the so-called "general business" English - widely used words that are associated with communication in the business sphere. In addition, the "intermediate" level is rich in various phrases, idioms, turns of speech and set expressions. You memorize not just words, but whole phrases in context, learn to build new words using prefixes and suffixes. Much attention is paid to the ability to explain the meaning of a word in English, to name its synonyms and antonyms.

listening(listening) is still a problem for many students starting at the Intermediate level. The audio texts of this level are much longer than the texts for the Pre-Intermediate level, however, long tracks are divided into parts, to which different types of tasks are offered. An Intermediate student can understand factual information related to work, school, and everyday life, distinguishing both the general meaning and individual details; while speech can be with a slight accent.

Concerning reading(Reading), the Intermediate level allows you to understand rather complex, although still adapted texts, but you can try to read non-adapted literature. At level B1, a simple retelling of the read text is no longer enough, you need to be able to give your assessment, express an opinion for or against, imagine yourself in the place of heroes, etc. All texts for reading the Intermediate level are a kind of “context” for consolidating and automating the use of the studied vocabulary and grammar.

Another aspect that receives a lot of attention is letter (Writing). You will learn how to write English sentences not only in colloquial but also in formal style. Level B1 usually includes the following writing assignments:

  • Describing a person
  • Telling a story
  • An informal letter
  • Describing a house or flat
  • Formal letter and CV
  • A film review
  • An article for a magazine

Upon completion of the Intermediate level, the student will be able to use English quite successfully in a variety of standard situations, to clearly express his opinion. In addition, he will learn how to write letters, fill out declarations, questionnaires and other documents that require the provision of basic information about himself, take part in negotiations, make presentations and correspond with native speakers. Proficiency in English at the Intermediate level is good achievement and provides a variety of opportunities, such as an advantage in hiring. From this level, you can start preparing for exams and.

The term of study at the Intermediate level

The term for studying English at the Intermediate level may vary, it depends on the initial knowledge and personal characteristics of the student. On average, the training period is 6-9 months. It is the Intermediate level that is considered a strong base, the final stage in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge. Further levels are the deepening and expansion of the active and passive vocabulary, immersion in the subtleties and shades of the language.

To finally make sure that this course of study is right for you, we recommend that you take our course, which tests basic English skills. And if you want to not only accurately know your level of knowledge of the English language, but also improve it, we suggest enrolling in our school. The teacher will determine your level, weaknesses and strengths and help you improve your knowledge.

Additional programs:

1-2 years of full-time study at a state university in your home country

1 year of preparation in Germany (Studienkolleg, similar to Foundation) and passing exams

Average score of the certificate

The selection of candidates for enrollment in German universities is based on the average score of matriculation certificates. There are two types of specialties in German universities:

Getting into training in specialties that do not have restrictions is simple: just complete General requirements- Abitur Abitur or its equivalent or pass the FSP exams.

It is more difficult to get into specialties with admission restrictions: you need to GPA matriculation corresponded to the passing score (the minimum possible average mark of the certificate for admission to the university). The value of the passing score is set either by the university itself for this specialty, or it is a single passing score throughout the country for all universities offering certain specialties: for example, medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, dentistry, etc. When entering one of the specialties that has admission restrictions , after the completion of the preparatory course Studienkolleg exactly the same rules apply: the average score is calculated.

The average score of the certificate of 1.5 points opens the doors of almost all universities in Germany (except for some especially popular specialties). For admission to most programs, it is sufficient to have an average score of 3.0 to 1.5. However, there are specialties that are possible for matriculation holders with a very high average score, and there are those that can be entered with a rather low passing score.

Attention! in Germany, the grading system is 6 points, where 6 is the lowest (poor) of all possible ratings, and 1 is the best possible.

List of specialties with the lowest and highest requirements for admission

Passing score over 3.0 points

Passing score 1.4 or less

Production and logistics 3.2
Bildung, Außerschulische 3.3
IT-Sicherheit / Information technology 3.3
Communicationswissenschaft, Angewandte 3.4
Umweltbiowissenschaften 3.4
Elektrotechnik and Informationtechnik 3.4
Griechisch 3.4
Italianisch 3.4
IberoCultura 3.4
Werkstoffingenieurwesen 3.5
engineering and training Maschinenbau und berufliche Bildung 3.5
Elektromobilität - Elektrotechnik 3,5
Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft 3.5
Medien- und Wassertechnologie 3.6
Philosophie, Practice 3.6
Engineering Science, Computational 3.6
transport and movement Mobilität und Verkehr 3.7
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / Werkstoff- und Prozesstechnik 3.7
Elektrotechnik, Information technology and Technische Informatik 3.7
Landschaftsbau and management 3.7
Rohstoffingenieurwesen 3.8
Fachjournalistic 4.0
Biologie fur Geographie 4.0
Bioprozessinformatik 4.0

Biomedizin 1.0
Biomedizin, Moleculare 1.0
Biologie, Medizinische 1.0
Beziehungen, Internationale 1.0
Neurowissenschaften 1.0
Medieninformatik, Internationale 1.1
Medienwissenschaft, Europäische 1.1
Sozial- und Cultural 1.1
Biochemie/Molekularbiology 1.1
Law and Economics 1.1
Medienpsychologie 1.2
Medicin 1.2
Medizin, Moleculare 1.2
Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft 1.2
Wirtschaftswissenschaft / Betriebswirtschaftslehre 1.2
Wirtschaft and Politik 1.2
Betriebspädagogik and Wissenspsychologie 1.2
Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft 1.3
Medienkulturwissenschaft 1.3
Molecular biology 1.3
Politik and Verwaltung 1.3
Zahnmedizin 1.3
Biomedical Science 1.3
Psychology 1.4
Wissenschaftsjournalismus 1.4
Wirtschaftspsychologie 1.4
Wirtschaftschemie 1.4
Veterinary medicine 1.4
Lebensmittelchemie 1.4
Grundschulpädagogik 1.4


Holders of the German Abitur and equivalent certificates can be enrolled in the first year of undergraduate programs at German universities immediately after school. The selection of candidates is based on the average score of the certificate and no entrance or qualifying exams are required.

Countries with Abitur-equivalent Abiturs: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Holland, Greece, Denmark, Israel, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, USA, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, South Africa, Japan


Holders of matriculation certificates that are not considered equivalent to Abitur, in order to enroll in the first year of undergraduate programs at universities in Germany, must either study for 1 or 2 years in state university at home, or to pass exams in Germany. These exams are similar to those taken by German students for the Abitur Abitur. The only difference is that German schoolchildren take exams in a larger number of disciplines, and foreign applicants for admission to study at German universities must demonstrate knowledge of disciplines relevant for future education. Foreign applicants who do not have Abitur-equivalent matriculation certificates must prove that they have the necessary knowledge to study at a university in their chosen specialty.

Passing entrance exams can be replaced by studying at a university in your home country for 1 or 2 years. Attention! you can study only full-time, the university must be state-owned and recognized in Germany, the direction of study must coincide with the direction of study in Germany.

Countries with non-equivalent Abitur matura: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Moldova, Russia, Romania, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and others.

There are different requirements for applicants from these countries. So, for applicants from Ukraine who received a matriculation certificate before 2011 inclusive - 2 years of full-time study at a state university of Ukraine, after 2011 - 1 year. For applicants from Russia - upon receipt of a certificate in 2014 and before 2 years of full-time study at a state university in Russia, after 2015 - 1 year.


The Feststellungsprüfung entrance exams can be taken externally, without any preparation course. However, the difference in high school programs in different countries is enormous, we strongly recommend that you take a special preparation course for the Feststellungsprüfung exams - Studienkolleg. Such a course is designed for 1 year of study and is organized either by the universities themselves, or educational institutions secondary education. Passing such a course will not only significantly increase the chances of successfully passing exams, but also facilitate educational process at the university.

If you passed the FSP, then you can enroll in any specialty that does not have restrictions on admission. If you passed the exams with 1.5 points, then you can study even in those programs that have restrictions on admission. However, there are some specialties that require a GPA of 1.0 for study (medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine).

Of course, which way to enter German universities to choose - through passing exams or through studying at a Russian university for 1 or 2 years - is the decision of the applicant himself. However, the annual preparation for the Feststellungsprüfung exam and the successful passing of the exam itself is a 100% guarantee of your opportunities and readiness to study at a German university. Studying in Russia even in the very the best university does not provide such a guarantee.

Requirements for admission to the master's program

Master (Master) - the second stage of higher education. The master's degree is issued after 1-2 years of study. Starting studies either immediately after a bachelor's degree or after several years professional activity. In the master's program, emphasis is placed on deeper specialization and on scientific work. Master's degree is necessary condition for admission to graduate school.

The general requirement for all candidates is the presence of a bachelor's degree from a state or state accreditation university. Education in the bachelor's program must be full-time. The university must be recognized in Germany, and the study program must correspond to the chosen study program in Germany.

More: check if your university is consideredequivalent to the German in which you intend to enter

Attention! Even when studying in English, we recommend that you have at least a minimum level of German: most of the proposed training programs are still in German, studying only in English, you significantly reduce the choice of specialties and disciplines. Many programs are bilingual.

Postgraduate Admission Requirements

Postgraduate (Promotion)- is considered in Germany as the third stage of the Bologna process. Writing a dissertation is possible only at universities. Preparation of a dissertation (Promotion) associated with an independent scientific research, continues for 2-4 years after receiving a master's or equivalent degree (Diplom / Erstes Staatsexamen / Magister Artium). The degree of Candidate of Sciences (Doktor) is awarded after writing a dissertation and successfully passing an oral exam or dissertation defense.

The selection procedure for those wishing to study in Germany in graduate school is not as formal as in the case of a bachelor's or master's degree. The choice of a specific candidate to a large extent depends on the willingness of a particular professor to act as your supervisor. Applicants should contact directly the professors they would like to work with.

To comply with the formal requirements, the candidate is required to:

  • a master's degree or its equivalent issued by a state-accredited university
  • graduate studies must be full-time
  • the university must be recognized in Germany
  • Master's specialization should coincide with the direction of work in graduate school. The disciplines studied at the Russian University are compared with the program of the same disciplines at the German University and the correspondence in terms of the number of hours (Diploma Supplement). Dentists, lawyers from the diploma are credited with a maximum of 1-2 semesters (difference in technology, legislation).
  • proof of language proficiency (German or English, often both)
  • Language: official certificate - German C1+/C2 and/or English C1+. Even when studying in graduate school in English, we recommend that you have at least base level German.

Requirements for admission to MBA programs

Program Aufbaustudium is another type of postgraduate study. The duration of the program is 2 years. At the end, a work of 50-100 pages is written. A certificate of completion of the Aufbaustudium is issued. This is also a Postgraduate program, like Promotion, but shorter by 1 year. Aufbaustudium programs for foreign students are MBA programs.

Requirements for admission to the program:

  • Diploma of Complete Higher Education from a state-accredited university
  • training should have been face-to-face
  • The university must be recognized in Germany
  • the curriculum must comply with the required plan for each specific MBA program
  • practical work experience (at least 2 years in the specialty).
  • English: official certificate at level C1 (TOEFL 570-630 points or IELTS from 6.5 and above, CAE is accepted on a par with them in private Universities).
  • German: official certificate or certificate of German language learning for at least 250-400 hours.

Documents are accepted once a year, for the winter semester.

Language Requirements

You can only study in Germany if you prove the required level of proficiency in the language of instruction. Attention! Only official certificates are taken into account, which are issued after passing internationally accepted examinations.

Most of the programs in German universities are in German. However, there are quite a few programs offered in English as well. If you have chosen a program offered in German, then you need to prove knowledge of German. If you are interested in an English-language training program - then English.


All applicants to German universities must pass an official German language proficiency exam. The required level is C1 on the European scale, although some programs require a lower level. So, for example, for admission to Bachelor's programs in creative specialties, level B1 is enough. All universities in Germany accept TestDaF and DSH certificates for any training programs as confirmation of knowledge of the German language, other certificates are accepted by some universities. For enrollment in preparatory program Studienkolleg is sufficient for any certificate in German at B2 level or even a simple confirmation of the passage of a German course (for example, a certificate from the courses).


Programs in medicine, pharmacy and veterinary medicine are so in demand that admission to them is limited at the national level in all higher education institutions. These are the so-called Numerus Claus restrictions. The selection of candidates and the distribution of places for these programs is carried out centrally through the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung. The reason for this limitation is that professors and others scientists can fully work only with a limited number of students, thus guaranteeing the quality of training. In practice, this means that the university, in agreement with the professors, announces admission to a certain number of places for a certain specialty.

However, this restriction should not be understood as a ban or reduction in the chances of enrollment for foreigners. Everyone is accepted - both Germans and foreigners, only the requirements for both are equally stricter in relation to the average score of the certificate. Even if the average score of your certificate turned out to be below the passing one, this does not mean a refusal to enter: you are simply put on the waiting list. The fact is that applicants send their documents to several universities at once, sometimes to 20 at once. If out of 30 possible places in general for a specialty with limited admission, 10 remained free (those who pass by the average score chose another university), then the remaining 10 places are given to those applicants whose average score is as close as possible to the passing one (the second round of the admission procedure for training - zweites Nachrückverfahren).

Do not despair if the average score of your certificate is lower than the passing score established by the university: the passing score is indicated by the university based on the results of the last year.

Attention! If you want to study in one of these programs, then pay attention to the application deadlines: no later than July 15 when submitting documents for the winter semester and no later than January 15 when submitting documents for the summer semester.

Test structure:

  1. Identification of the interests of the applicant (15 minutes)
  2. Aptitude test:
  • Conversational Thinking Test (20 - 30 minutes)
  • Math test (30 minutes)
  • Test to identify the possibilities of figurative and spatial thinking (30 - 35 minutes)

No more than 90 minutes are allocated to complete the entire test. Participation in the test is completely free.

Test AS

TestAS - Test für ausländische Studierende - test for foreign university students. TestAS is the central, standardized test for international applicants. The test was created on the initiative of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD in cooperation with the Institute for German as a Foreign Language TestDaF-Institut. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Science. The results of this test show what position, in relation to other applicants, the applicant who passed it is. Good results on this test significantly increase the chances of getting a place of study at a university.

  • TestAS has the right to conduct only specialized language centers that cooperate with educational institutions in Germany and have a license
  • Persons over the age of 16 are allowed to take the exam
  • It is necessary to know a foreign language at a minimum level of B1 according to the 6-level scale of the Council of Europe
  • The number of submission attempts is unlimited. Repeatedly retaking an exam on one topic (for example, only economics), as a rule, does not improve the results significantly.
  • The test reveals the candidate's inclinations and abilities in a particular scientific field, therefore, in order to identify those, it makes sense to pass an exam on various topics.

It is forbidden to use dictionaries, translators and any other electronic devices during testing.

TestAS can be taken in German or English. It consists of the following components:

onScreen(30 minutes): language part of the test, assessment of general language competence in English or German. 6 texts are offered in which it will be necessary to supplement the missing words and phrases. This part of the test is conducted online orally.

Kerntest(110 minutes): the main part of the test, assessment of cognitive abilities in all academic areas of study. It is done in writing. 4 task groups:

  1. Solution numerical assignments- tasks in the form of texts, the solution of which is based on the ability of elementary mathematical calculations.
  2. Finding matches - two pairs of words or phrases are offered in which two words are missing. It is necessary to add the missing words so that the meaning of the left pair matches the meaning of the right pair. The task is based on understanding the language and vocabulary.
  3. Addition of figures - a number of such figures as lines, circles, squares and other geometric shapes are offered, placed according to certain rules and according to a certain pattern. The task is to identify these rules and patterns and add the desired figure to the end of the row. In this part of the test, an important role is played by logical thinking on a figurative basis. Knowledge of the language in this part of the test does not play any role.
  4. Adding numbers is a task similar to the previous one, with the difference that instead of figures, rows of numbers are offered, which will need to be supplemented based on the recognized rules and patterns.

Studienfeldspezifische Testmodule(145-150 minutes): specialized test modules, assessment of cognitive abilities necessary for training in a particular direction. It is done in writing. There are 4 modules to choose from:

Humanities, cultural and social sciences

  1. Understanding and interpreting texts: short texts and questions about them.
  2. Ability to use representational systems: texts are offered, the meaning of the content of which should be conveyed using graphic diagrams.
  3. Recognition of linguistic structures: it is proposed to familiarize yourself with texts in a "fictional" language, with a translation into German. Based on this, it is necessary to recognize the meaning of some, individual words and concepts, as well as to identify some grammatical rules for writing.

Engineering Sciences

  1. Drawing up formulas of technical phenomena: form various technical phenomena into formulas, described in the form of text.
  2. Discovery of new types: based on one type of body, it is necessary to discover its new perspectives of application.
  3. Analysis of technical relationships: analysis and interpretation of various diagrams, tables and formulas.

Mathematics, computer science and natural sciences

  1. Analysis of phenomena in the field natural sciences: descriptions in the form of texts and graphics of various phenomena in the field of natural sciences and questions to them.
  2. Understanding Formal Representation: Converting the Information Content of Text into a Graphical Diagram.

Economic Sciences

  1. Analysis of economic relationships: analysis of various charts and tables from the field of economic sciences.
  2. Process analysis: formalization of various processes and analysis of process diagrams.

The results of passing the exam are considered as a percentage, the concept of assessment or "pass-fail" does not apply.

Depending on which test module was passed, TestAS test participants after passing it receive the appropriate certificates, which are attached to the package of documents for admission to the university. In most cases, the results of the onScreen language test are not displayed in certificates. This is due to the technical capabilities of the test centers.

The TestAS test can only be performed at designated, licensed test centers. A significant part of the TestDaF Centers also conducts the TestAS test.

Exam fee: 80 EUR

Knowledge foreign languages in our time, it is not just important, it is necessary - for personal development, communication, a successful career.

Have you decided to get a business education abroad? You simply cannot do without passing international language exams.

Today, the educational market offers a huge selection of programs for learning foreign languages. And in order to correctly choose the most suitable courses, you should clearly formulate your goals and decide: "What kind of English do I really need?".

If the question "How do you do?" you instead of the traditional "fine" indulge in lengthy explanations about how and what you are currently doing, then you should first comprehend the basics of basic English. But if your level of knowledge is above average, you are fluent in the language at the everyday level, then you can safely proceed to the choice of business language courses. And the proposals of language schools to prepare for international exams in English should be especially carefully considered by those who are going to get a business education abroad.

Among the most popular and world-renowned international exams are TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT. Their results are necessary for admission to foreign colleges and universities. Passing these tests is required by government agencies, international organizations, licensing and certification organizations in different countries of the world.

TOEFL - "test in English as a foreign language" - is intended for those who are going to study at universities in the US, Canada and for those who employers put forward the presence of TOEFL as a prerequisite for employment. TOEFL is a specific exam, since it involves testing in American English with all the resulting lexical and grammatical nuances - they “catch” not on the rules that are taught at school, but on homonyms, consonances, verbs with various prepositions, idioms, special terms. There is a computer version of TOEFL, for which you can get a maximum of 300 points, but a "paper" exam with listening to a tape recorder and filling out a paper questionnaire is more common, the maximum bar of which is 667 points. The test results must be sent to Europe for evaluation.

The TOEFL test system is represented by different types of questions that require the choice of the correct answer among the proposed ones. TOEFL consists of three sections: listening comprehension (Listening), writing skills (Writing), reading comprehension (Reading and Grammar (Structure)). In the 4th part, you need to write an essay (Essay) on a specific topic.

IELTS - the International English Language Testing System - was developed to assess the level of knowledge of foreign applicants wishing to enroll in educational establishments UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. Upon admission to English universities and business schools must have at least 6.5-7 points in the IELTS language exam. This exam is aimed at testing all types of oral speech and includes listening, reading, writing and interviewing. Just look at the topics of essays that are given when entering a business school, for example, the University of Manchester - "Analyze your contribution to business development over the past 5 years", "Analyze and comment on the changes that have occurred in your organization over the past three years" - to understand what level of language proficiency should be. IELTS exams are graded on a nine-point scale, ranging from one (Nil) to nine (Professional).

TOEIC - Test of English for International Communication - is very popular abroad, but not yet known in Russia. This exam measures the level of English language proficiency in the process business communication. There is also a French version of this test - Test de français international (TFI). Passing this exam can not only be an important step in improving the knowledge of the English language, but will also be a significant plus when applying for a job. Foreign firms often rely on the results of this test when evaluating the qualifications of an employee. The TOEIC exam is divided into two parts: listening and reading tasks. The topics of questions are determined by the scope of business activity.

GMAT - an electronic test (Graduate Management Admission Test) - is designed to determine the level and qualifications of those who enter business schools in order to improve in the field of business and management. This test, which includes speaking, writing and numeracy tests, requires a high level of language proficiency. GMAT is very popular and is required for admission to most business schools (the only exceptions are the UK and Australia), since its results can be used to determine the potential of a person, to predict his success in the course of studying at a business school.

The test includes three types of questions that are selected individually, in accordance with the level of preparedness of the examinee - to test the skills of writing, counting and speaking.

The section "Analytical writing" - AWA (Analytical Writing Assessment) - requires writing two essays on topics selected by the computer. The first essay is devoted to the analysis of a controversial statement or opinion, which will require substantiation of one's own opinion. The second is devoted to the analysis of the argument: you need to consider how the proposed argument is justified, find its weaknesses, check the correctness of the conclusions drawn, etc.

The quantitative section - Quantitative Section - is designed to test basic mathematical skills, understanding of basic mathematical concepts, the ability to mathematical justification, solving quantitative problems and interpreting graphic data.

Verbal section - Verbal Section - includes reading and critical justification of texts that are devoted to the problems of natural and social sciences, including such business-related areas as marketing, economics and human resource management.

From a conversation with Isabella Vilievna Lauterpacht, Deputy Director of Sistema-3 for Curriculum.

CF: What level of language proficiency allows you to start preparing for the international exam in English?

In this matter it is difficult to give general recommendations, the level and abilities of the student and, of course, the skill and professionalism of the teacher depends on how much it will take to prepare for testing. Those with an upper-intermediate level can directly prepare for the exam, for example, TOEFL, IELTS. GMAT preparation requires more than high level. Here everyone should realistically assess their capabilities. As for language schools, there is often a situation where specialization begins at early stages education, when students who do not know enough general English begin to "prepare" for the exam. Such training is ineffective, in fact, you can prepare for tests from a level not lower than intermediate. As, however, to take any specialized courses, including a business course.

CF: If he speaks specifically about the tests to be taken, is it possible to qualify them according to the degree of difficulty?

Of course, those who are going to get an education in the USA should pay special attention to the GMAT test. After all, it is specially designed to test the level of language proficiency in those aspects that are important specifically for business education: the points given mean that the university is sure that the teacher and student will speak the same language - the language of certain realities. True, almost all British and Australian schools prefer IELTS. This test, which is very rigidly and professionally structured, provides an academic module that includes both listening comprehension and oral interview (which is not in the TOEFL system), and drawing up graphs or tables made from the results of analytical reading. And that's why good results TOEFL is still easier to get than IELTS. In addition, IELTS does not have, unlike TOEFL, a computerized version, which contributes to the growth of the personality factor. By the way, it was after the introduction of the computer version of TOEFL that the popularity of IELTS increased dramatically. The hardest part of the IELTS test is the academic reading because you will need to be able to answer the questions correctly even if it is about beekeeping. Not only that, you will also be asked to draw up a graph depicting the annual dynamics of bee mortality from bee mites.

CF: For a real businessman, time is money. How long will it take to learn a language? Maybe it is more efficient to give preference to courses that offer intensive training?

If a person sets himself a serious task, then in a year he will reach a level sufficient to prepare and pass the exam. In our courses, he will study English, alternating intensive cycles and classes 2-3 times a week. The full course will take 9-10 months, preparation for the TOEFL - another three months. I know a case where a young man who studied German at school had to prepare for the TOEFL exam in order to enter a business school, and he needed a high score. He successfully coped with the task, having quite ordinary abilities.

If the language level is high, then you can try to prepare for the test yourself, for example, by studying a specific CD or textbook. But, as practice shows, one source is not enough.

The intensive method, based on previously acquired knowledge, is designed to strengthen and develop conversational skills. It is good for those who have already reached a certain language level and now set themselves the task of bringing the basic language into active speech at the level of daily communication. True, one more aspect related to the intensive method of training should not be excluded - it “cleanses the brain” very well. We even advise you to take a month-long "intensive" course before the exam in order to psychologically prepare for the test, to feel self-confidence. Constant training, and even in an atmosphere of group communication, allows you to quickly overcome stiffness and the so-called language barrier.

CF: What is more effective: individual lessons with a teacher or group training?

If you need to undergo speech training, develop communication skills, get psychological support, then it is better to study in a group, especially if the test you are preparing for includes an "Interview" section, as, for example, in IELTS. But if you have to take TOEFL, then it is better to give preference to individual lessons or in a group, but no more than 5-6 people.

CF: One of the main questions that worries many is whether the teacher must be native speakers?

It's great when the teacher is a native speaker, but only if he has a pedagogical or linguistic education. And this, unfortunately, is not common: at best, this is a certificate of courses for the right to teach English as a foreign language, while the majority in their homeland were engaged in a completely different business (veterinary science, for example), which in no way indicates the level of literacy at school.

CF: But on the other hand, there is no doubt that a native speaker has a "true English" pronunciation.

Our addiction to pronunciation is unjustified: in English-speaking countries, you rarely hear phonetically pure English speech. The so-called "regional accents" are very common. Few people care about pronunciation, the main thing is the amount of knowledge so that you can speak and understand, the ability to adequately respond in writing or orally. And then you can be sure that your career will be successful.

Olga Baturina
Magazine "Formula Career"