In August, in Vietnam, it is best to relax in a resort called Hoi An, which is located on the banks of the Thu Bon River, thirty kilometers south of Da Nang. This resort town has a truly Chinese atmosphere, as it consists of narrow streets and one-story houses with tiled roofs.

Stunning clean white sand beaches, famous sights and great diving. French and Mexican, Spanish and Indian, and in some areas Russian restaurants and cafes with dietary or vegetarian food are waiting for you in all parts of the resort towns.

Holidays in August with children in Vietnam

It is best to plan a family vacation with children in advance and choose the most comfortable and modern resort with a well-developed tourist infrastructure, as little travelers need special comfort and living conditions. The most popular family resorts are Phan Thiet, Phu Quoc and Nha Trang.

On August 2, Vietnam's Independence Day is celebrated, and a festive parade is held in the city of Hanoi, and in the late afternoon, tourists can see magnificent fireworks.

You can go to the national halong bay park. This park has the most the best landscapes on the entire planet. national park Halong Bay is one of the most popular and famous excursion places in Vietnam. One and two-day excursions are held quite often, they include a sightseeing tour of the resort city of Haiphong. A boat cruise around the bay in its vicinity lasts about five hours.

Visiting Vietnam means riding elephants and visiting snake restaurants with crocodile sanctuaries, guerrilla tunnels called Cu Chi. Exciting fishing and diving in the Condao Islands and Fukuoka.

Beach holidays in Vietnam You will never forget, because you have the opportunity to admire a huge variety of corals and all kinds of exotic shellfish. While diving, you can watch cuttlefish and octopuses, as well as see clown fish, pufferfish, rays, barracudas and moray eels.

Almost every tourist and traveler thinks about where to relax in August, because you don’t want to spoil your vacation, and the resorts of Phan Thiet and Nha Trang are suitable for family and wellness holidays. Casinos, nightclubs in resort towns reign with the onset of night.

Nha Trang is a resort for tourists who prefer leisure. Along the coast there are many restaurants, cafes and bars where you will not be bored and you can have a good rest. Exotic cuisine with seafood dishes, amazing shrimp, huge lobsters, abalone, tuna dishes, crabs of all sizes and all this is not expensive and very tasty.

August 2 - Independence Day is celebrated and a festive parade is held in the city of Hanoi, a magnificent fireworks display is expected in the late afternoon.

Many people want to relax only abroad in August, since it is during the holidays that you can see the world and learn more useful and interesting information for yourself.

In addition to the usual beach holiday in Vietnam, you can simply hire a boat and swim around the bay and islets, there are unique islands, which are completely inhabited by monkeys, and Elephant shows are held there.

In this city, you can visit the famous Cham tower called Po Nagar, as well as visit the unique exhibition hall State Institute Oceanography and in Wellness Center, where you can take therapeutic, mud baths or lie down in a special pool with hot healing mineral waters and pamper yourself with a wellness massage.

Temperature and weather in August

On the coast of Cat Ba Island and in Halong Bay this month is very hot and humid. The air temperature is +25°C …+30°C. This time is rainy throughout Vietnam. It is in August that the dry season ends throughout the country, and at the end of the month heavy rains begin to fall intensively, but they are very short and practically do not interfere with rest.

The water temperature in the South China Sea is +29°C.

IN southern Vietnam the weather in August is of average humidity, the air temperature warms up to +30°C. Salty temperature sea ​​water is +28°C. It is in this month that the city of Nha Trang receives less rain. Air temperature can rise from +24°C to +30°C, sea water temperature +28°C.

Prices for tours and trips to Vietnam

Prices for tours at this time are not too high due to the rainy season, fewer and fewer tourists visit the beaches and excursions. A tour for two can cost from 60,000 to 95,000 rubles.

Prices in Vietnam depend on the location and the level of the hotel (Vietnam hotels). Basically, Vietnam is the construction and beautification of cities. You need to choose a tour carefully and it is best to stay away from the city center. It is preferable to buy food in supermarkets and in shops for locals because for tourists the goods will cost 200% more in the hands and in the markets. You can dine in a restaurant from 1500 to 4000 rubles. Go on excursions and ride a yacht from 3,000 to 40,000 rubles.

In the cities of Vietnam, prices in August are quite patriotic, but as soon as you get to the market for tourists, prices change several times. For two, a two-week tour can cost 75,000 rubles, depending on the level of the hotel and entertainment.

In August weather in Vietnam are very ambiguous. On the one hand, it is hot and clear in the center of Vietnam, rains are rare, but by the end of the month their number gradually increases. In the south, the peak of the rainy season with daily showers, and in the north summer heat and frequent rains.

There are few tourists, and on the beaches of central Vietnam in August it is very comfortable. But for trekking in the mountains, the conditions are not suitable.

North Vietnam

Hanoi (Hanoi), Halong Bay (Halong Bay), Sapa (Sapa), Ha Giang (Ha Giang), Mu Cang Chai (Mukangchai), Ninh Binh (Ninh Binh) and Mai Chau (Maichau)

Summer reigns in the north of the country, which means that it is hot and rainy here, sometimes with storms. average temperature 30°C. Halong Bay and Hanoi are flooded with rain. In August the most a large number of precipitation per year falls in Hanoi. It is also wet in the mountains in the north, so it is better not to go hiking at this time of the year, be patient until November.

Central Vietnam

Hoi An (Hoi An), Danang (Danang), Hue (Hue), Nha Trang (Nha Trang), Quy Nhon (Quy Nhon) and Dalat (Dalat)

The beaches of Hoi An and Da Nang are still hospitable. In the center of Vietnam the whole month will stand good weather. Temperatures are expected to be high, averaging 30°C. By the end of the month the rains will become more frequent. The most best weather in Nha Trang, although by the end of the month it may also deteriorate. Rainy in the central highlands.

South Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City (Ho Chi Minh / Saigon), Phan Thiet and Mui Ne (Phan Thiet and Mui Ne), Mekong Delta(Mekong Delta), Ho Tram & Long Hai (Hotram and Long Hai), Con Dao and Phu Quoc (Kon Dao and Phu Kok)

In the south, the rainy season rules. Showers here almost every day, but most often in the evenings, so sunny days can also be captured. The average temperature is 29°C.

From mid-August on Con Dao, green turtle cubs begin to hatch and crawl towards the sea. You have every chance to enjoy this spectacle.

In August, Vietnam is not among the optional destinations for have a great holiday. On the contrary, it occupies one of the very first positions in the ranking of the least favorable countries for visiting. Nevertheless, this does not stop some travelers who were able to get on vacation only at the end of summer. How justified is a trip at this time, we tried to find out in our article on the Tour Calendar.

Weather in Vietnam in August

August is one of those months when the monsoons subjugate the entire territory of the country. However, the balance of power atmospheric fronts varies, resulting in varying amounts of precipitation in different regions. So, in the northern southern parts Vietnam's wet season crosses its "equator". In the central provinces, however, its manifestation becomes more obvious. But let's not get in the way of everything in one pile and deal with the weather forecast for each climatic region separately. Let's start with the most favorable in terms of weather. As we have already said, cities and resorts are the least rainy in the last third of “our” summer. central regions. So, in Da Nang, Hoi An and Hue, the total number of "wet" days takes a little more than a third of the entire month. The amount of precipitation there has not yet reached too high levels, so they cannot ruin their vacation yet. Moreover, they fall out at about the same time, namely in the late afternoon or at night. Most of the month the sky remains without clouds. True, sometimes it still twitches with gentle cirrus clouds, but they do not in the least prevent the sun from illuminating the earth. During the day, the air warms up here to "beach" marks of +30..+34°C, and after sunset it cools down to only +25°C. More or less comfortable rest, taking into account climatic conditions, can also be offered by the southeastern territories.

Hanoi Nha Trang Phu Quoc Phan Thiet Ho Chi Minh City Hue

According to long-term observations of weather forecasters and reviews seasoned tourists, in comparison with other zones in August, the rains here are very symbolic - unobtrusive and relatively rare. In the north of the republic, meteorologists register a record amount of precipitation. The showers are very powerful, with average duration 1 to 3 hours a day. They are especially strong in Haiphong and Halong Bay. Serious flooding caused by the arrival of typhoons is not ruled out. It is from this month that the risk of their occurrence increases. But, as a rule, in August it does without destruction. Going to Hanoi or others northern cities, bring rubber boots and a thick waterproof raincoat. Warm clothes will not be needed, since the daytime thermometer readings are in the range of +28..+30°C, and the nighttime ones vary within a narrow range of +25..+26°C. The mountainous regions are the only place where it is cool at this time. But it’s not worth going there: there is a high probability of road erosion and dangerous mudflows. But what about Phan Thiet, Mui Ne and Ho Chi Minh, beloved by many tourists? monsoon driven warm air masses gently pushed to the south, pouring out with intense streams of water. It rains here for about 17-20 days. There are very few sun hours (much less than in Moscow), so it is unlikely that you will be able to get a tan. In Fukuoka, the weather pattern can be aggravated by sharp gusts of winds that can accelerate hurricane speeds up to 20 km/h. For people with weakened health and young children, an off-scale level of humidity can become a significant problem. Therefore, you need to think carefully before you go on a trip.

What to do in Vietnam in August?

The approximate situation at the resorts in August looks like this: a lot of fruit, few people and sporadic showers. Do not think that with the progression of the wet season, beach holidays disappear. It is still available, but with the only difference that its geography is now significantly narrowed. As for "bread and circuses", Vietnam, as before, remains faithful to the tradition of hitting all the senses of an inquisitive wanderer. Therefore, if you are not afraid of sudden heavy rains, be sure to come. You will definitely find something to do with yourself.

beach holiday

In August, the South China Sea along the entire coast warms up to the state of fresh milk. Therefore, the choice of a resort is not influenced by the temperature of the water, but by completely different parameters, such as: precipitation, amount sunny days and the risk of natural disasters. Taking them into account, the the best option for solar-water procedures, in our opinion, these are tours to Da Nang, Hoi An or Nha Trang.

The latter is also attractive for diving in order to contemplate the beauty and wealth. underwater world. His Coral reefs are home to hundreds of species of colorful fish. On all other beach areas due to frequent storms and heavy rains pastime will not bring the expected pleasure.

Entertainment and excursions

Vietnam is a storehouse of unforgettable impressions and vivid emotions. This "Asian pearl" knows how to surprise its guests and how to make them come back here again and again. The wet season does not interfere with this at all. The abundance of masterpieces of nature, objects cultural heritage and modern man-made monuments, which absolutely any province can boast of, provides a rich excursion program, regardless of the time of year. Full-flowing rivers and waterfalls descending in terraces from the slopes of steep mountains, lush green rice fields and endless groves of coconut palms, quiet picturesque villages and energetic noisy megacities - every corner of this exotic country for a European deserves the most thorough acquaintance with it.

When choosing an independent mode of transportation for sightseeing, keep in mind that motorbikes and bicycles in August are not the most suitable means of transport. Even if the roads are completely dry, driving will be difficult due to the heat and high humidity. Especially during the day, when the sun's ultraviolet radiation is at its highest.

Holidays and festivals

For the Vietnamese, the peak of the rainy season is not a reason to be sad. On the contrary, he tries to brighten up the weather troubles with a series of festivities. One of them is called the Day of Wandering Souls / Trung Nguyen, where you can see a lot of outlandish rites and ritual ceremonies. The Vietnamese firmly believe that once a year, thanks to the fervent prayers of relatives, the gates of hell open, and from there the sinful souls of their deceased family members go out. According to the Buddhist religion, they return to the family altars where they find clothes and food. Those who are forgotten alive are forced to wander aimlessly on the earth. And so for them on this day in pagodas and public places are set up additional tables with offerings, consisting of many meat dishes. On the 19th, the state solemnly celebrates the anniversary of the Revolution of 1945. The most magnificent celebrations unfold in the capital.

What are the prices for holidays in Vietnam in August?

In the case of Vietnam, it is impossible to give any accurate estimate of the cost of August vouchers, because initially, like in many Asian countries, they are not cheap due to long flights. At the end of summer, the price tag, of course, falls, but everyone has different financial capabilities. For some, this is real savings, but for someone - like a dead poultice. Therefore, we will speak in the language of numbers: the approximate range of prices for August two-week tours is from $1000 to $1800 per person. If you are going to travel on domestic flights, book tickets in advance, because the Vietnamese have a busy holiday season and they fly a lot.

Summing up the above, we can conclude that the August weather is quite specific, and not everyone likes it. But if you still decide to go on vacation, we hope that after reading this article on the Tour-Calendar you will be fully equipped with information, and everything will turn out exactly the way you would like it to.

In August, almost the same weather is established in all regions. Thus, the air temperature during the day is approximately 32-34 degrees above zero, at night - 24-26 degrees. Humidity is still elevated and rainfall is increasing. Now it will not be possible to rest calmly even in the central part of the country, since the rain season, which has been going on in other regions for a long time. The undoubted advantage is that these rains are short-term, which means that a beach holiday is still possible.

Considering high temperatures, you must carefully choose the time for sunbathing and swimming in the sea. The most suitable option is morning and evening. During the day, as a rule, it is too hot and stuffy, and the sun burns badly.

But tourists at the end of summer prefer to relax in southeastern part of the country where the rains subside and it becomes quite comfortable. Although, in truth, there are very few people who want to come to Vietnam at this time. In the country stuffy and humid, even if you are on the coast, this will not save you. Needless to say, those areas that are in the central part.

High temperatures and heavy rainfall are what the weather in Vietnam is famous for in August. If the northern provinces of the country are already gradually forgetting the ups and downs of the wet season, then in other parts of Vietnam, residents will feel all the “charms” of the rainy season for a long time to come. For example, only the first precipitation appears in the central part, while in the south this time is the peak of the wet season. However, beach lovers will be able to experience all the delights bathing season, therefore, August is considered one of the most popular tourist periods of the year. Well, now about everything in order.

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Despite the fact that a full-fledged dry season begins in August, the rains here do not stop for a minute. Almost constantly the sky is covered with gray clouds, and tourists have to look sadly at the street from the windows of their rooms. There is a version that last days summer falls the largest number precipitation (over 400 mm). But when the rain stops, and the burning sun warms up the earth tired of showers, best time to plunge into warm waters sea ​​and truly relax. After all, the local climate is very conducive to this. The air temperature reaches 32 degrees Celsius, and the water warms up to 28 degrees. In general, if you characterize the weather in the northern regions, you can see that several days of good weather are replaced by typhoons, rains and even small hurricanes. Almost every second day is rainy, which, for example, in Hanoi, is the result of a real flood. The street sewer system simply cannot cope with this amount of water. The situation is similar in Halong Bay, which is often visited by typhoons.

Central regions of the country

But in the middle latitudes, residents are only preparing for the wet season, the beginning of which falls precisely on the last summer month. Therefore, tourists who do not want to waste time sitting in stuffy hotel rooms are advised to choose one of the local resorts. The average air temperature in Da Nang and Hue is 26-28 degrees above zero, and the water warms up to about these temperatures. Therefore, in any case, you will feel very comfortable on the white sand of the coast. Although, to be fair, it should be noted that August is characterized by not so attractive climatic conditions like the spring months.

Weather in the south of Vietnam

South Vietnam experiences the peak of the wet season in August. Rains here happen a little less often, and pass much faster. They fall, most of them in the afternoon. The rest of the day here is quite warm, sunny, and the sky is not obstructed by gray clouds. Air and water in the local resorts warm up to 28-30 degrees Celsius, creating excellent conditions for good rest on the seashore. The resorts of Nha Trang, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet and others can boast of favorable conditions for recreation. During the month, much less precipitation falls here than in previous periods, and the air temperature often exceeds 30-32 degrees above zero.

But travelers who are at this time in Ho Chi Minh City will not have to spend much time on the beach. There is a rather complex climatic picture here: rains come suddenly, air humidity is one of the highest in the region, and the amount sundial almost two times lower than in the same Moscow!

Do not choose the place of your tourist pilgrimage and the island of Phu Quoc. In August, there are practically no vacationers here, and it rains almost non-stop. No more than 9-12 days can be called sunny.