Kirill Leonovich Safonov - Russian actor 1973 year of birth.

Two last days I took up the study of the biography of Kirill Safonov, for a start I read the interviews that he gave, as well as those that he may not have given. You know, every public person has such incidents, they write about him in the yellow press without his knowledge, they attribute to him those "exploits" that he did not accomplish. But, oddly enough, much of this jaundice ends up being true. I don’t read the yellow press at all, and also regarding Kirill Safonov - there’s not much to invent there, everything is transparent and understandable, no scandals, so I basically gleaned honest truth. I also studied the profile of Kirill Safonov and the profiles of his relatives in in social networks. What did I know about Kirill Safonov before I decided to write this article with a selection of his photographs? The points.

I knew that Kirill Safonov was very interesting actor, I saw him briefly in some series. Made a good impression. And all why? Because the appearance is interesting, moderately cute, but brutal, disposable, solid, charming, something outwardly reminds me of the Scottish film actor Gerard Butler, especially when he has not shaved for a couple of weeks. . Played by Kirill Safonov - not to complain, this can be done not only in TV shows, he can always play the main character - colorful, textured, attracts attention.

  1. I also knew that Kirill Safonov was married to one of the soloists of the Fabrika group, Sasha Savelyeva, who was ten years younger than him. I also knew that they had been married for at least five years, the marriage was settled, they got used to it, there is love, they don’t like to be promoted, but they give interviews as needed.
  2. I also knew that Kirill Safonov sometimes falls into depression, withdraws into himself and can even be rude to his wife, then he really asks for forgiveness and generally works on himself in every possible way in this regard.

And what did I not know about Kirill Safonov, what was a discovery for me? The points.

    It turns out that Kirill Safonov is married for the second time and he has a charming adult daughter Anastasia. The girl works as a model and not anywhere, but in New York itself. Kirill Safonov is incredibly proud of his daughter and calls her Princess. You can learn more about his daughter here in this article.5 0 the best photos daughters of Kirill Safonov - model Anastasia Safonova

    Kirill Safonov married, while still very young, he was eighteen years old at that time, and his wife Elena turned sixteen. But these two got married not because Lena was pregnant, but because of deep and strong love, their daughter was born after 3-4 years. The relationship did not pass the test of strength, and ten years after registration, the couple broke up, both grew up and turned out to be completely different people, love was gone. About the ex-wife of Kirill Safonov, I have written more in this article, . Elena Safonova by the way is a real beauty.

  1. Kirill Safonov moved his first family to Israel, where his relatives moved before him: his mother and sister. In Israel, Kirill played in the local theater, did not know Hebrew, but learned it in a couple of months. Kirill Safonov has Jewish roots, his father's name was Leon Kogan, when Kirill Safonov was fourteen years old, his dad died, but before that sad moment, Kirill's parents managed to get a divorce. Leon Kogan had four higher education, he was the chief engineer of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, read a lot, knew all of Mayakovsky by heart, but fatherhood was not his main calling, despite this, Kirill Safonov speaks only positively about his father. Kirill Safonov's mother is a writer, she composes poetry and prose, now she lives in Israel, but she writes not only about this country, but also about the Siberian village, where she was born and lived for a very long time.
  2. Kirill Safonov met Sasha Savelieva in karaoke on February 23, 2009, Sasha and Kirill were in different companies. When meeting, she did not know that she was a popular actor, but this is natural, there were not enough roles at that time in Safonov's filmography. The series “Tatyana’s Day” with his participation has just died down and many housewives and pensioners went crazy for Kirill Safonov, but Sasha Savelyeva probably didn’t watch TV - the tour was in full swing. But he didn’t recognize her, since most likely he wasn’t very fond of pop music either, he didn’t watch Star Factory, he knew that the girl was most likely a singer, but he had no idea exactly what kind of girl she was. But he liked Sasha Saveliev immediately, Kirill began to look for her contacts through mutual friends, the next day the guy in love was already scribbling text messages to Sasha. Kirill Safonov rather quickly proposed to his beloved, he literally immediately realized that this was his man, the one with whom he had been waiting for so many years. According to Kirill Safonov, Sasha Savelyeva is not capable of meanness, like himself, in general, they coincide with him in many respects, these two have similar moral principles and priorities in life in the same way.
  3. Kirill Safonov is a master of all trades, he has been working since the age of 14, he has the professions of a bricklayer, concrete worker, carpenter, taxi driver, railway repair master, bartender. In addition, for fifteen years, Kirill Safonov painted paintings that he sold through galleries, they sold well, there was enough money to rent an apartment and to buy bread and butter. Kirill Safonov mastered another profession in anticipation of star roles, he became a web designer, and this already suggests that the family will not disappear with this guy, he will always find how to earn a living and even if it will not be some fabulous sums, after all, Kirill Safonov is not a businessman yet, but his loved ones will not die of hunger. This man does not shun any work, he is not a fan of lying on the couch.
  4. Fame came to Kirill Safonov only at the age of 34. By this time, he practically despaired of finding an outlet for his creative energy, but still fortune smiled at him, now his name is known to many, even to those who do not watch TV shows. Yes, and Russian actors do not have to choose too much. There are few good films released in our country, but they can’t sit without work. TV shows are like TV shows, there's nothing wrong with that.

My attitude towards Kirill Safonov is purely positive. This guy is pretty educated. Well-read, has his own personal opinion, multifaceted, like not a womanizer. If only he and his wife Sasha would stop mentioning God in their interviews. It is high time for them to understand that it is not God who gives children and other blessings of life. Well, I don’t understand how adults think that God cares about them. Well, drunks will have children and a lot, God gives them to them? It is time for many to understand that this is nature, health, compatibility, and other factors. Some get it, some don't. And it was not God who brought this couple together, they were brought together by chance. So I noticed that almost all actors like to drag God around wherever they go. When the Nazis burned whole families in the houses of living people, the god closed his eyes, and when Sasha Savelyeva was looking for a husband, the god opened them and pointed to the pleasant man Kirill Safonov in all respects. Well, in general, a very pleasant, harmonious couple Kirill Safonov and Sasha Savelyeva and everything will be fine with them. The main thing is that they are happy with each other. The reader will also forgive me Kirill Safonov and Sasha Savelyeva for a portion of tar in a barrel of honey.

In this photo, Kirill Safonov with his daughter Anastasia and wife Alexandra.

In this photo, the daughter of Kirill Safonov and his first wife Elena.

In this photo, Kirill Safonov with his daughter Anastasia.

And in this photo, Kirill Safonov's mother, this woman's name is Galina Semyonovna Safonova.

In 1973, in a small village called Ermakovskoye, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. When the boy was twelve, his parents separated. The mother raised three children alone. Cyril has two older sisters. School years Safonov were held in Lvov. In the early nineties, the family moved to Krasnoyarsk.

Actor's path

Kirill Safonov stepped on creative way in 1993. He became a student. After the first year, he transferred to the capital's GITIS.

The future husband, according to the testimonies of classmates, has always been distinguished by obstinacy. Ripped off dress rehearsal graduation performance, Cyril left the stage and left. It was because of his willfulness that he was expelled from the institute in 1997.

difficult period

Now Kirill Safonov is the husband of Sasha Savelyeva, a successful and sought-after actor. However, despite the fact that Cyril did not become a certified actor, he got a job in The actor was involved in such performances as The Taming of the Shrew and Twelfth Night.

At that time, Cyril already had a family. He had to work hard to feed his first wife Elena and their daughter Nastya. The actor fell asleep during rehearsals and, worst of all, once fell asleep while driving. Fortunately, there was no tragedy. It was the incident on the road, according to Cyril, that made him reconsider his attitude to life. On top of that, the constant need has caused disagreements in the family.

In 1999, Kirill received an offer to play in the Israeli theater "Gesher". The actor happily agreed, because he believed that an improvement in his financial situation would help with his wife. Safonov worked in Jaffa until 2001. At this time, he and his wife were already on the verge of a divorce.

Life is getting better

In 2006 future husband Sasha Savelieva came to the Moscow Film Festival. He presented the Israeli painting "Half-Russian History". The performance of the actor was well received by critics. This was a triumph for Cyril. He was ready to stay in the capital if he was offered a job. This time, luck did not turn away from Safonov. He received leading role in the TV series Tatiana's Day.

Thanks to this work, the future husband of Sasha Savelyeva gained unprecedented popularity in Russia. Now he was characterized as an actor with a capital letter. Offers to take part in various projects literally rained down on Cyril. So, over the next three years, he starred in such films as Two in the Rain, My Last Blues, Chasing the Shadow, Zhurov and Crisis of Faith.

long awaited love

Cyril could not recover from a divorce from Elena for a long time. Until 2009, he was alone. And finally, Safonov met his fate. It happened in a nightclub. It is noteworthy that both Sasha and Kirill are not regulars at such establishments. They both ended up in the club thanks to the persuasion of friends. The first acquaintance did not leave vivid impressions. The young people exchanged a few words and seemed to forget about each other's existence. However, the next day, Kirill caught himself thinking that he was constantly thinking about Sasha. Through mutual acquaintances, he managed to get the girl's phone number. Soon they began an affair.

Currently, Kirill is the happy husband of Savelyeva Sasha. Photos of lovers adorn many glossy magazines. However, at first, the couple hid their relationship from outsiders. Most of all, Safonov feared that his daughter would take her stepmother with hostility. Fortunately, quarrels on this basis were avoided. Anastasia and Alexandra became friends.

Since April 17, 2010, the legal husband of Sasha Savelyeva is Kirill Safonov. The solemn event was held under the strictest secrecy. As the lovers later explained, they did not want to share this holiday with anyone.

For many years now, rumors about the breakup of the couple have not been confirmed. Kirill and Sasha are happy together.

If the world of show business announces the nomination "The most beautiful star couples”, then a couple of Kirill Safonov and Sasha Savelyeva will certainly win in it.

The topic of personal relationships of star couples has always been quite complicated. Being in constant traveling, filming and touring, family life recedes into the background, and sometimes simply collapses.

Many star couples regularly appear on the pages of newspapers and magazines due to constant changes in marital status.

They get together, get divorced, then reunite their families. Some try to do everything quietly, others need a loud scandal.

Sometimes one gets the impression that all this is for the sake of PR, in order to flicker more often on the front pages of glossy magazines.

But, there are such star couples for whom the family remains the main thing in life. They do not sacrifice their families for career, fame and popularity. They just live in love and harmony, cherishing every moment of their happiness.

Kirill Safonov and Alexandra Savelyeva became just such a couple.

Alexandra is a soloist of the Fabrika group, a popular singer. Kirill is very famous actor, who starred in many films and TV shows, conquered more than one woman's heart.

They met quite by accident, in the estate of Tsaritsyno, in the Catherine Hall of the Opera House. Alexandra once admitted that literally the day after their chance meeting, she forgot about her and lived on her own. ordinary life. But for Cyril it was love at first sight, and their meeting became fatal. He got her phone number and called. And six months later, he made Sasha an offer.

They got married on April 17, 2010 at the Tsaritsyno estate, where they met. They played a modest quiet wedding, to which only the closest people were invited.

They never advertised their relationship, rarely appeared together at social events.

But, on May 27, Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov got married in the capital's Backstage restaurant. And even though they officially signed five years ago, they staged a real noisy celebration for all friends and star colleagues only now.

More than a hundred people gathered in the hall, decorated with huge bouquets of white orchids, including Nikolai Baskov, Olga Kabo, Olesya Sudzilovskaya and many others.

Alexandra and Cyril are still together and plan to have children soon.

Safonov, by the way, already has a child from his first marriage. Cyril's first wife, Elena, has nothing to do with the acting profession. The marriage lasted from 1991 to 2001. After divorce former spouses maintained friendly relations. Their daughter Anastasia, who was born in 1995, lives in the USA. Now Cyril's daughter is 22 years old. In the pictures, where Kirill, along with his current wife and daughter, the girls look like girlfriends. Sasha and Nastya found a common language and communicate well, which makes Safonov very happy.

We invite you to look exclusive video from the wedding anniversary of Alexandra Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov.

And in this video you can see latest photos famous couple.

We want to wish them happiness and love for many years to come!

Kirill Safonov admitted that he was bewitched by the soloist of "Factory"

You rarely meet an artist with such an impeccable reputation as Alexandra Savelyeva, the soloist of the Fabrika group. The girl was never seen with rich dads ready to open their tight wallet in exchange for spread legs. Savelyeva even rejected the tempting offer of Philip Kirkorov to bear him a child. And if the super-choosy king of our stage has his eye on Sasha, then her reputation is really crystal clear.

The only star boyfriend of the singer was the skater Alexey Yagudin. Sasha became close with him in 2007 on the TV project “ glacial period". The figure skater then blew the roof off. He shouted at every corner: “It’s so easy for me with Sasha! I found my soul mate!" Yagudin very quickly convinced Saveliev that we should live together. And one evening, seeing her home, he took out two weighty suitcases from the trunk: "I'm moving in with you." For the singer, this was new. From the age of 20, she lived separately from her parents, but none of the guys encroached on her territory. Yes, and she had a serious relationship once or twice and miscalculated. Literally.

The girl had her first man at 18. We met at the studio where he wrote the arrangements. But before everything really started, the girl was accepted to the "Star Factory". And she was no longer up to a modest sound engineer.

Then she fell in love with Denis Shashkin from the Discomafia group. But this novel quickly came to a standstill. Broke into her life Olympic champion Alexey Yagudin.

Of course, I was shocked by Lesha's swiftness. We are in too much of a hurry, obviously. We met in the summer, and in November he already lived in my apartment, ”Sasha recalled. - Quite quickly, he began to show the character of a single skater. By the way, a strange thing - he never returned the keys to my apartment. Said he lost.

Knowledgeable people, however, are sure that this is not the reason for the gap. And in a charming skater Tatyana Totyamyanina, ex-girl Evgenia Plushenko- the irreconcilable competitor of Yagudin.

Alexey and Tatyana lied to the last: “We are only friends! How can you?!” But not even a year has passed since the day Yagudin took away his striped underpants mysteriously thrown under the sofa from the “factory girl”, and Totmyanina gave birth to his daughter Liza.

I'm too selective. As my lover said Omar Khayyam: “You'd rather starve than eat anything. And it’s better to be alone than to be with just anyone.” I agree with this statement 100 percent. I’d rather refuse food altogether than eat something dubious, Savelyeva philosophized.

Although in the eyes it was read quite differently.

Safonov fell in love with Saveliev at first sight. Image:

Half-Russian history

Sasha met the main man of her life at the beginning of 2009. First time actor Kirill Safonov met these beautiful gray-green eyes in a Moscow karaoke bar. In the corridor near the toilets. Fell in love, like Yagudin, at first sight. Savelyeva then told him that she was singing in the Factory group. At that time, Cyril did not understand show business, but was friends with the producer Alexey Vorobyov - Katerina Gechmen-Waldeck. It was she who gave Safonov the coveted phone number, and the actor immediately began to scribble text messages. After the first date, Kirill confessed his love to Sasha. In Hebrew, which she did not know.

On the very first evening, writing to a girl “I love you” in a language she understands is at least to scare her, as a maximum to lose, Kirill believes.

How does Safonov know Hebrew? In 1999, he was invited to work at the Gesher Theater in the Israeli city of Jaffa. To celebrate, Kirill, tired of lack of money and shameful work (at the Stanislavsky Theater he received a penny, so he “bombed” at night”; he became nervous from lack of sleep, broke down on his wife, because of which the marriage was heading for divorce) took his family into an armful and emigrated without hesitation. It seemed to the artist that the new environment would help not only raise self-esteem, but also restore peace to the family.

But in the Promised Land, the rift between spouses only widened. After Cyril returned home again in the morning, Elena filed for divorce. And the 12-year union fell apart.

Safonov began to be seen hugging a bottle more often than with girls. Saved the movie. From time to time the actor was invited to appear. He gathered his will into a fist and tied it up, but only until the command “Stop! Taken!”

Unexpectedly, the film "Half-Russian History", where Kirill played the main role, was included in competitive program Moscow festival. Having quickly made the necessary acquaintances on it, our hero got a role in the long-running TV series Tatyana's Day. On the set of this project, he hit on a partner Natalia Rudova, but the novel did not result in a serious relationship.

And with whom did Rudova not have? - the girls from the party were discussing, - with brothers Chadov- both! And with Dima Koldun! And with Artem Pindyura! But Natasha is an eternal bride. Not in vain for a long time lived in Ivanovo. But Safonov is a grown man. He needs a well-organized life, care, hot soup on the stove, ironed shirts. Of course, Savelyeva is an ideal option: both beautiful and economic ...

Alexandra says that she never had a choice - career or family. But if I stood up, I would definitely prefer the second.

I agree with the actor Channing Tatum: “The most important thing in life is family. A career does not wait for you at home, money will not wipe away tears, and fame will not hug you at night, ”said Sasha.

The singer considers sunflower fields the most powerful energy place. Image:

Seeds predicted

Why do I love my wife? It's simple, she's a sunflower witch. And I was always terribly drawn to them, ”Kirill admitted a month ago.

Jokes are jokes, and Sasha, along the way, is really turned on these sunny flowers. The girl, in all seriousness, scatters raw seeds under the rug near the apartment, if a person comes to visit, whose intentions confuse her. Type, energy protection such.

In addition, she loves to tell fortunes on a sunflower. He will pull out 10 seeds from it, open it and count how many empty ones are inside. If at least a couple, then the immediate plans need to be changed: nothing really will work out. And he would also take, it used to be, half a handful of seeds, throw them into a glass, shake them up and watch how they lie at the bottom. If they form a circle or a triangle - everything is ok. Square is bad.

And if you get an asterisk, you need to clearly define what is most important for you now, and direct all your efforts to solving this particular problem, - Savelyeva is sure.

The first wife of Kirill Safonov

About this couple, we can say that they are "from different children." And it's not that Kirill is 10 years older than Sasha, that he is a popular actor, and she is a singer. To take place in life, in the profession and finally meet, they had to go through completely different paths.

Kirill was born in the village of Ermakovskoye, Krasnoyarsk Territory. His parents separated when he was 12 years old, and his mother, a teacher of Russian language and literature, alone raised Kirill and his two older sisters. The family lived in Lvov, and after perestroika returned to Krasnoyarsk region. There, Kirill entered the Institute of Arts, but a year later he transferred to Moscow, to RATI-GITIS. By that time, he was already married and raised his daughter Nastya. Then there was work in Moscow theaters, a meager salary of 30 dollars, for which it was impossible to support a family and pay for rented housing.

To make ends meet, at night Safonov "bombed" on the old Zhiguli. When in 1999 he was offered to work in Israel, at the Gesher Theater, he agreed without hesitation. He took his whole family with him. At first, everything went well, Cyril learned Hebrew in two months (the actor still considers this his personal feat), played in the theater. But two years later he left him - the work ceased to please. And soon followed by a divorce from his wife. Safonov went nowhere, life had to be built from scratch.

“For starters, I changed my agent and got a job as a bartender in two establishments at once - I worked day and night.” The return to the profession began with the dubbing of Hollywood films, cartoons, then came small roles in TV shows, and then the main roles in full-length films.

The invitation to the TV series "Tatya-Nin's Day" became fateful for Safonov. Crazy popularity hit the actor, he became unusually in demand. But, working in Moscow, free time Cyril spent in Israel, with his mother, sisters, daughter, whom he madly loves and takes care of.

While Russia was following the development of the plot in Tatyana's Day, Sasha Savelyeva had been singing in the Fabrika group for several years. The girl was lucky, she, as they say, caught the wave. Of course, in order to one day wake up famous, I had to learn a lot and work hard. Parents helped and supported in every possible way: Sasha is a girl from a prosperous Moscow family. She graduated with honors from the music school. Dunayevsky in the class of flute and piano, the school. Gnesins, sang in a folklore ensemble, created a musical group, wrote songs and, finally, took part in the Star Factory.

- Sasha, Cyril, how did you meet?

Cyril: We were just looking for each other for a long time.

Sasha: I think we were destined to meet. I rarely go out to noisy places. And on the eve of February 23, my girlfriends and I had dinner at a restaurant, then we went to the club, from there to karaoke. I didn’t have a particular mood to go, but the girls persuaded me. I did not want to sing, it was also impossible to talk, because it was very noisy. Nevertheless, I did not leave, but sat to myself and sat ...

Cyril: And I, like Sasha, was literally dragged into this club by my old friend. Said, "No excuses. This is my professional holiday. Come". Well, I arrived.

And even sang there. And at that moment, when Sasha went into the ladies' room, I was just returning from the men's room. And for a second our eyes met. I realized that this beautiful girl wonderful eyes and a very familiar face. But I don't remember where I saw her.

Sasha: And I see a very familiar face and I understand that I must have seen this person on TV. I said, "Your face is familiar to me." Cyril replied: "And for me - yours." In the spirit of this have a good evening proudly told him that I was singing in the Factory group, and disappeared behind the door. Later, when she returned to her company, Kirill came up to our table, kissed my hand and said: “I was very pleased to see you.” That, in fact, is all.

Cyril: Yes, only the next morning I understand that I am haunted by "these eyes on the contrary." Thanks to my wonderful friend, producer Katerina Gechmen-Waldeck, she helped to figure out that Sasha Savelyeva turned my head. “Through blat” I received the coveted mobile number and wrote sms: “It was nice to meet you. Kirill".

Sasha: Now imagine: in the evening after the concert, I’m sitting in a cafe in the same company as the day before, and, having received an SMS from an unknown number, I ask my friends: “Girls, did we meet some Kirill yesterday?” "No," they say. I write: “Which Kirill?” In response I get: "Safonov." And that last name didn't mean anything to me. Therefore, as it seemed to me, I politely wrote: “Sorry, I didn’t understand something, but where did we meet?” In response, she received a rather cool one: “Probably, Sasha, I was mistaken. Good night».
But I was interested in who wrote to me. And the whole evening this thought haunted me.

Kirill: And the next day we met with Katya at the performance, after which we stopped at my favorite Italian restaurant. Katya asked: “How are you doing with Sasha?” I briefly recounted the vicissitudes of my correspondence. “Wait,” she reassured me, “Sasha is one of the most wonderful girls I know, she is well-educated and probably just didn’t understand who was writing to her, you didn’t identify with her.”

Sasha: And now, secretly from Cyril, Katerina, with whom I have also been friends for a very long time, calls me, asks where I am, what I'm doing, what my plans are, and invites me to see. Then he says: “You know, you broke the heart of one very good man- actor Kirill Safonov. It's only here that I begin to understand who I met
in karaoke and who sent me sms. The puzzle has been completed. And Katya continues to bend her line: “He is such a positive and serious guy ...”

I say: “Katyusha, I don’t know when I will be free. If it's not too late, I'll come." By the time the shooting was over, the whole company was still assembled, and I went. At the table, in addition to Kirill and Katya, there were several of her friends. Cyril said: "Well, hello, Alexandra." And then he sent me an SMS: “Let's switch to “you”. So for some time our correspondence continued, although we sat side by side at the table.

- Cyril, why did you decide that it was with Sasha that you would find your happiness?

Cyril: I guess I just looked into Sasha's eyes and realized that this is my man. If the look makes the soul warm, what other words are needed? And when we began to communicate, I, to my joy, began to understand that in many ways we coincide - both in important life positions, and in relation to relatives, friends, and profession. You know, it was like step by step there was such a gradual scanning. Although the steps were seven-league. Three weeks later, Sasha introduced me to her parents.

Sasha: I would have done it before. Just parents were in the rest home.

Still, I will return to that evening when I got to know Kirill better at the restaurant where Katya “lured” me. As soon as I got home, I began to receive sms in an incomprehensible language - in Hebrew, as Kirill later explained.

Kirill: I used Hebrew, because on the very first evening to write to a girl “I love you” in a language she understands is at least to scare her, as much as to lose her, and in this way I expressed my overwhelming feelings, and Sasha remained intrigued. But I did not hide behind foreign words for a long time. Our explanation came pretty soon.

Sasha: March 8th. The day was just magical! Cyril wrote to me in the morning: "Let's go for gifts." And I was embarrassed: I am pleased when they give gifts, but going to choose something myself is not for me. So I said, "Let's choose for yourself." And when we met in the evening in Kirill's favorite restaurant, he presented me with a very beautiful bouquet of roses and a box with a ring: two hearts made of white and yellow gold. Not pretentious expensive, but, on the contrary, so ... sweet, touching, sincere.

Parents returned, and we gathered to celebrate the birthday of my aunt Olya. I invited Cyril, I thought: “Let all the relatives get to know him right away.” Kirill was very worried, despite the increased persuasion, he did not eat anything, he only drank coffee and smoked. And then the parents, in order to defuse the situation, began to tell some family stories which I didn't even know about. But finally Cyril conquered his parents with his acting talent.

And then it was my turn to worry. We flew to Israel. I, in principle, a sociable person, but here I was scared. But I was worried exactly until the minute we entered the apartment. Kirill's mother, Galina Semyonovna, immediately hugged me, and I felt that I was welcome here. And with Cyril's daughter Nastya and his sisters, we quickly became friends.

I really like what we have warm relationship. Although we rarely see each other, we communicate constantly. Galina Semyonovna gave me her books - she writes wonderful poetry and profound prose.

- Cyril, and in what capacity did you take Sasha to Israel?

As your bride. Almost from the first days of our acquaintance I knew: I want Sasha to become my wife. When I told my mother and Nastya about this, they were very happy. Because they worried about me, realizing that I am here, in Moscow, toiling alone.

My first wife and I separated 9 years ago. Divorce became for me the loss of a certain foundation. We met when we were practically children, and in the process of living together we realized that the connection between us is not strong. Preserving the appearance of a family did not make sense.

I made the proposal to Sasha quite consciously, and not at all under the influence of momentary love. And Sasha answered me in the same way.

Sasha: I remember once we were sitting at my house, it was a month after we met, and Cyril said: "You will be my wife." I even had nothing to answer, because it was not a question, not a request, but a statement. Like hammering a nail - in one fell swoop. (Laughs)

Cyril: We were in no hurry to move in. In my opinion, it is very important that a person has his own personal territory, then you correctly assess the situation around you, and do not stick to anyone who says a kind word to you.

Sasha: Maybe it will seem old-fashioned to some, but I think it’s right when people first just meet, get to know each other, apply to the registry office, and then they start living together and building a family.

So Cyril did not make you an official offer in a romantic setting to be remembered for a lifetime?

Sasha: What are you! He proposed to me when I did not expect it at all. And the atmosphere was more than romantic.

Cyril: I officially asked Alexandra to marry me in July. I waited for the arrival of my daughter Nastya and went with her to choose a ring. I always listen to her advice. Sasha returned from the tour, we went to visit her parents. I wanted my explanation to take place in a solemn and at the same time intimate atmosphere. For this, the church next to the house of Sasha's parents in Strogino was the best suited. But you can't say for no reason: "Let's go to church." And then Sasha's mother, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, herself suggested: "Let's go in."

Sasha: I felt that Kirill was excited about something, very focused, but I didn’t get into my soul - you never know ...

Cyril: I found the icon of Cyril and Methodius - that is, I was looking for support from my heavenly patron - and when Sasha approached her with her parents, I took out a box, which before that, worryingly, I kept with sweaty pens in my pocket. (Laughs) I got down on one knee and asked Alexandra for consent to become my wife. Or did I offer myself to you? No, I asked you for myself. In general, I do not remember the exact text.

Sasha: The moment was very solemn. It seems to me that everyone understood how serious it is if Cyril proposes to me in such an environment.

Cyril: Actually, it was not serious for everyone. Later, when you left, and for some reason I hesitated, some old woman said to me: “Go, get out of here, my dear. After the wedding, you will be flooded with a nightingale. Why are you putting on a show here?

- If the proposal was in July, why was the wedding played only in April? Ready?

Kirill: So that you understand exactly how we prepared, I will say that the suit was bought for me the night before.

Sasha: Kirill is shooting, I have performances. It was necessary not only to find the weekend, but that they also coincided with us. At first, in a panic, we decided to quickly, quickly sign and go on vacation for a honeymoon. And they already started calling somewhere ... But somehow it didn’t work out. And then Cyril said: “Where are we in such a hurry? Let's take a rest, and then, slowly, we will do everything the way we like it. And so they did.

And after submitting an application, as you know, you still have to wait two months. This is where we began to choose our own housing. I wanted to start life together V new apartment. We traveled, searched, chose, finally found an apartment that was rented out completely empty, so we were happy to furnish it to our taste.

Cyril: All this is the merit, of course, of Sasha and Sasha's mother. My function here was not the main one.

Sasha: You performed the "delight function"!

Cyril: A man should deal with electricity and plumbing, but equipping a house is the wife's business. And Sasha does a great job. Although the apartment is rented, now it is “ours”, dear, beloved. Everyone who comes to visit likes us very much.

- And how did you manage to keep such conspiracy? Did you get married on a desert island?

Cyril: No, in the estate of Tsar-tsyno, in the light of day and the crowd of people walking there. Just surrounding treated us with respect and tact. Someone tried to take pictures on a mobile phone, but I politely asked not to do this, we were met halfway. Many thanks to the workers of the Tsaritsyno registry office, who kept our secret.

Sasha: Of course, we had to go for little tricks. For example, I decided to entrust the dress to a wonderful costume designer who sewed outfits for the Fabrika group. I told her that I needed a dress for shooting. But I think she still guessed. (smiling)

Cyril: When Sasha, who spent the night before the wedding ceremony at her parents' house, appeared in a stunningly beautiful dress - I just gasped! Until that day, I had not seen her in her wedding dress.

Sasha: Except our relatives about upcoming wedding no one knew. The only person from whom I could not ask for an official blessing was my producer Igor Matvienko. I remember I came to the studio and said: “Igor, my name is to get married.” And he answered so calmly: "Well, if you are called, you have to go out." (Laughs) And my "factory girls" found out about this event when we invited them over to celebrate. We have yet to arrange a celebration to which we will invite all our friends. Many people asked us: “Why are you hiding?” But we did not hide, we just really wanted it to be only ours.

Sasha: Everything was very beautiful and solemn. And the Catherine Hall of the Opera House, decorated with ancient monograms, and the master of ceremonies in a costume from the era of Peter I, and a string quartet playing classical music.

- You both - creative people, for sure you have quarrels, quarrels ...

Sasha: In Kirill, I found the person I was looking for. He is older than me, wiser, more experienced, with an established character and habits. So I won't even try to fix it. For what? And when sometimes we have, say, misunderstandings, I am ready to give in. I hope that this is the same female wisdom that will help us avoid global quarrels. Minor showdowns, debriefings - anything can happen. But God forbid swearing big! There is a line that cannot be crossed.

Kirill: Of course, at some moments I adapt myself, at some moments Sasha adapts to me. Sometimes it happens easily, without effort, sometimes I have to overcome the barrier of my own egoism. It cannot be otherwise, because love is a carrot, at first glance it's all good, but then serious work begins. The ability to maintain relationships is daily labor two people. And love is worth it!


The wedding dress for Sasha was made by the costume designer who made outfits for the Fabrika group. But even here the bride had to cheat: the girl said that she needed a dress for filming. “Many people asked us: “Why are you hiding?” But we didn’t hide, we just really wanted it to be only ours, ”Sasha admitted in an interview with 7 Days.