Each month of any year is radically different from the other. Likewise according to characteristics children born in different times years. It is believed that summer period gives the kids a firm and confident character, beautiful and successful babies are born at this time of the year. In the spring, romantic natures appear in the white light, but they often become capricious, as well as a little selfish. Autumn time gives kids a positive and gentle character, but in winter time years, babies are born who are distinguished by wise and stubborn character traits. And what will become the nature of children who are born in January 2019? Which distinctive features will be for babies given period of the year?

Children born in January 2019

According to the calendar events, the month of January is wonderful and long-awaited. It is this period of the year that begins another time, which must necessarily give people happiness and obvious success.Characteristics of children who were born in January 2019, is distinguished by excellent and strong qualities. This frosty period brings extraordinary wisdom and originality into the child's disposition.

January kids are born already with solid character traits. From the first days of their lives, they will show their parents how well they can achieve what they sincerely desire. It will not be possible to ignore the sonorous cry of the baby, who will simply demand to take him in his arms. In the same way, circumstances will develop with the growth of the baby, the January child will always achieve what he wants. Of course, he will not use any inexplicable methods for this, he will achieve with his wisdom and confidence in character that his parents will fulfill his wishes themselves.

Uniqueness and uniqueness will become the dominant features in the character of such a baby. To many people around him it will seem that such a child is wise and surprisingly serious beyond his years. But the baby, who was born in the initial month of the year, loves to frolic and play pranks. Of course, his mindset is more focused on concentration and wise thoughts, so he will easily succeed in various sciences.

With age, all adults will see strong qualities in the character of kids. For such a child, the stars prepared a prosperous and very successful fate. On them life path there will be minor and major troubles, but the January people will instantly and completely deal with them.Children born in January 2019 , can be called courageous, but they will never risk wasted or climb into dubious situations.Parents need not be afraid that their child will contact a bad company, as a rule, such kids perfectly distinguish the line between good and negative-bad. Of course, such a circumstance can be achieved only with the correct upbringing of the child. In the educational process it is strictly forbidden to use force, January kids understand everything perfectly if you just talk heart to heart with them. It is very important to establish a trusting sincere relationship with a child, then it will be possible to avoid crisis moments during the transitional age.

These kids will be very different from their peers.First, this circumstance will be noticeable in physical plane. January kids, as a rule, develop faster, they have excellent appetite and often suffer from excess body weight. The children will be wise and stubbornly self-confident. On the path of life, there will be situations that can make the child become thoughtful and indecisive, but it is important for parents to convey to their beloved and dear child that such troubles must be dealt with, and not put at the head of their own destiny. Such children cannot be called overly energetic people, but they will never refuse to participate in sports or gambling activities.

Children born in January 2019 they will definitely have the makings of a leader, they will often want everything to happen only according to their plan. But such children cannot be called egoists, they know how to respect the people around them, as well as reckon with their opinion. Such children are kind and open, but they will not trust everyone in a row, and their environment will always choose only those people who are positive, first of all, for their own personality.

Certainly,children born in January 2019 by nature also have negative features. For example, they like to be arrogant and show off. But boasting will never become far-fetched or unreal, children will not deceive for the benefit of their own merits. And, perhaps, stubbornness can be called the most negative and dominant feature of the January child. This quality kids will use in those situations that cause bewilderment or misunderstanding in their soul. The stubbornness of the January child is almost impossible to break, and it will also be impossible to convince him of the circumstance in which he is exactly, in his opinion, sure.

The coming period is Year of the Red Fire Rooster. And parents of children who must be born in 2017 it is extremely important to know in advance how this symbol will affect the baby - what character, what features Fire Rooster reward the little one.

The sign of the Zodiac, just like the eastern sign, has unique individual properties and qualities that are manifested in the character of each person and in his relations with society. It forms some tactical abilities in human nature and is one of the methods of the twelve-level system of behavior.

Eastern sign horoscope according to the year of birth forms the laws and conditions of communication of a person with his environment, in the process of which one of the systems of behavior according to the sign of the Zodiac is used. The Eastern sign can be called a strategy, since it forms the field of activity for a person and the principles of attitude. outside world to this person.

2017: what will be the child born under the sign of the Fire Rooster

The Fiery Red Rooster will begin to rule 2017 only on January 28 and will resign only on February 15, 2018.

The tenth earthly branch of the eastern lunar cycle is called YU , and its symbol is the Rooster. This Chinese branch indicates perseverance and, accordingly, children born this year will be distinguished by the greatest industriousness, diligence and endurance.

Such a child learns quickly, is proactive and loves to work. The Fire Rooster always needs to be busy with something. Baby Rooster is naturally optimistic and good-natured. He always has several plans at the ready. Everything should be in perfect order, and if something seems wrong, then the child will not hesitate to start redoing everything that comes to hand.

The rooster is bright, straightforward, but loyal to others, domineering, courageous, loyal, emotional, generous and, at the same time, practical and economic, somewhat self-centered and self-willed.

Children born in will grow up creative people with exceptional willpower and outstanding leadership abilities. The Fire Rooster knows how to achieve the goal most quickly and efficiently, successfully overcoming difficulties.

Children born in the year of the Rooster of the element of fire are future directors, musicians, inventors, engineers and architects.

Judging by the horoscope for 2017 of the Red Rooster, children of a deep and insightful mind are born at this time. In the future, these kids will become talented workers who excel in any matter. In childhood, these girls and boys develop more actively and show independence at an early age.

Note to parents: children of the year of the Rooster should be encouraged for their work and achievements. However, it is not worth pampering the kids. The child must understand that only by making the right decisions and doing the right things will he receive a reward.

Children's horoscope 2017 according to the signs of the zodiac

Rooster and Aries (03/21 - 04/20)

Aries children born in the year of the Rooster are distinguished by their strong-willed character and warlike behavior. Aries is extremely cunning, able to find a way out of any difficult situation, relying only on his sharp mind and willpower. Aries born in 2017 are surrounded, as a rule, by people in high positions. Aries is able to involve others in solving their problems. In other words, Aries under the sign of the Rooster knows how to subordinate others to his opinion. Roosters-Aries are usually extremely honest and require the same from others.

Rooster and Taurus (21.04 - 20.05)

Taurus born under the sign of the Rooster are usually bold, self-confident, in no way inferior to the people around them, they are strong and energetic. Such a combination of signs means the predominance of leadership qualities, they know how and love to dissemble. Roosters-Taurus always help all those who suffer. They do not like to be pushed around and do not intend to fulfill other people's whims, even those closest and loved ones. The Taurus of the Year of the Rooster boldly admits the mistakes they have made and always asks for forgiveness.

Rooster and Gemini (21.05 - 21.06)

Perhaps Gemini is the most windy sign from Roosters. Extremely active and versatile developed personalities. Often Gemini Roosters overestimate their capabilities, but their energy helps them to always be in business. This sign has an incredible flair for both love and business. If you give Gemini freedom and eliminate jealousy, then he will never change or betray.

Rooster and Cancer (22.06 - 22.07)

Cancer is probably the most controversial sign of the Rooster. While Cancer knows what he wants, he cannot go ahead because of his doubts. Crayfish-Roosters are easily vulnerable and very sensual, which makes them somewhat vindictive. They do not like to be disappointed and constantly seek recognition. It is extremely difficult for Cancers of the year of the Rooster to adapt to something new. They are big homebodies. Cancers are the most faithful of the Roosters, they are often happy in the family. Passive as long as something does not hurt their interests.

Rooster and Lion (23.07 - 23.08)

Lions-Roosters love luxury and beautiful things. Commanders in spirit, they always make grandiose plans and strictly follow them, seeking the same from the environment. Proud and a little arrogant. Such people are always grateful for the help rendered to them and are extremely honest. Leo, born in the year of the Rooster, is the only sign that has not adopted the cock's selfishness. Leo is always noble and generous. However, one should not abuse their angelic patience, so as not to wake up a predator in him.

Rooster and Virgo (24.08 - 23.09)

An extremely favorable combination of heavenly signs. The Rooster adds to the Virgo the courage she lacks, which translates into the achievement of goals and promises success. Roosters-Virgos work hard and do not allow themselves to stop for a minute. They are very restless and have a sense of hypertrophied justice, they are extremely principled and ambitious. Virgos born in the year of the Rooster are thrifty and economical. However, cock boasting blooms here in a riotous color.

Rooster and Libra (24.09 - 23.10)

Libra-Roosters are diplomatic and not a bit aggressive, they have flexibility, but it does not develop into sensitivity and understanding. Libra knows how to bypass sharp corners. Despite their talkativeness and love for disputes of any nature, Libra-Roosters cannot stand nonsense, therefore all their arguments are well-reasoned, and their speeches are honest. Such people make excellent guardians of the law or the military. Libra is in love with themselves, they are wary of new business acquaintances and proposals. They can do stupid things only in love affairs.

Rooster and Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)

With Scorpio, born in the year of the Rooster, it is extremely difficult to argue and compete in anything. Energetic and bold, Scorpio Roosters do not know how to keep their emotions under control. They know how to work and make others work. They are unshakable in their decisions, not used to lying, have a sharp mind and are very eloquent. These people have a well developed sense of humor. A favorite tactic to eliminate an opponent is to take him by surprise. Scorpions-Roosters need love and affection. Otherwise they become aggressive.

Rooster and Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)

Sagittarians under the sign of the Rooster are extremely boastful people, able to chat non-stop, have the gift of persuasion. Bold and outspoken. The imagination of Sagittarius-Roosters is developed on some highest level and enthusiasm is on the rise. Representatives similar combination signs rarely manage to finish what they started, but they are very fond of change and travel. They become good families.

Rooster and Capricorn (22.12 - 20.01)

Capricorns are not boastful, like all Roosters, but this quality turns here into cold authority. Such people do not tolerate any untruth, they are unusually frank. The diligence and hard work of Capricorn-Roosters helps them quickly achieve perfection in any business. Modest and laid-back Capricorns are very much loved in society. Representatives of these signs put intellectual life above love.

Rooster and Aquarius (21.01 - 18.02)

The Rooster reinforces the utopian thoughts of Aquarius, who suffers from super-idealism and is always busy with impossible projects. Roosters-Aquarians are cheerful and expect only goodness from the world. They are capable of making sacrifices for the sake of a higher goal - to make humanity happier. This is often used by bad people. It is easy to fall in love with Aquarius, as he is good at listening as well as making sweet speeches.

Rooster and Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)

Pisces, born in the year of the Rooster, are able to listen to any troubles, sympathize with all their hearts and give advice. However, they themselves are not always self-confident, contradictory. Pisces-Roosters often soar in the clouds, physically remaining nearby. They are very hard to take by surprise, from any conflict situation these people will come out without a single scratch, they know how to please and successfully use it.

Video rubric

Children born in 2017 will be born during the dominance period. This fighting bird is distinguished by perseverance and activity, therefore, under its auspices, children are born, characterized by endurance, hard work and incredible determination. Rooster children from an early age amaze their parents with diligence and attentiveness. They are quite conservative, so they rarely go off the beaten track. From the first days of life, habits and preferences begin to form, which they will defend to the bitter end, so that parents will have to pay increased attention to the educational process.

At school, little Roosters show organization and a methodical approach to completing tasks. You will be surprised how easy mathematics, physics and chemistry are given to a child. Nothing amazing - Roosters love sciences that involve accuracy and systematicity. However, excessive diligence leads to the fact that the Rooster child spends a lot of time at home.

Children born in the year of the Rooster will grow up stubborn and sociable.

Forecast for children born in 2017

You will certainly rejoice in the fact that you have produced an indomitable optimist - your child will never shy away from difficulties and will be ready to try to achieve the goal again and again. Fire Roosters tend to be creative, but too often they cannot decide on the main hobby. Parents need to carefully look at the child and his hobby in order to gently push, giving to the appropriate circle or studio.

Children born in the year of the Fire Rooster are economical, so you can always count on a little helper in the kitchen or in the workshop. The parents of the Rooster can be advised not to take too much care of the child - you need to feel the moment when you have to let go of the reins so as not to force the Rooster to defend his right to personal independence.

Although your child has exceptional willpower, be aware that he is sensitive and sensitive to hurt. Watch for changes in the mood of the Rooster child and find out the cause of anxiety in time to show sympathy and understanding. It is better to clarify all the issues in advance than to let an upset kid hold his emotions.

Our horoscope for 2017 will predict the fate of your baby!

Most likely, the little Rooster will start bringing friends to the house early - a large number of friends always gather around this charismatic personality. Do not worry that the little Rooster may fall under the influence of bad company. He is too picky in acquaintances and never follows the opinions of others. As for the influence of the zodiac sign on the personality and characteristics of the Rooster child, the following points can be noted here.

ARIES, born in the year of the Rooster

Aries born during this period will be especially different strong character. Such a kid has a sharp mind and knows how to get out of the most hopeless situation. You can be sure that the child will always be extremely honest with you, will never hide a prank and will be ready to be punished for misconduct. A child born in the year of the Rooster will be able to make useful acquaintances and will lead the team from childhood.

TAURUS born in the year of the Rooster

Most likely, your baby early years will be overconfident. Get ready for the fact that he can come home more than once in bruises and bumps after another feat. These are strong and energetic children who have leadership qualities. Little Roosters are very kind and caring, but some cunning is inherent in them. You need to carefully monitor the baby in order to wean him from the habit of shielding himself at the expense of others.

GEMINI born in the year of the Rooster

These are the most windy and fickle of the Roosters. Such children are active and diversified, but often tend to overestimate their abilities. Take a closer look at the inclinations of the child in order to be able to direct excess energy in a peaceful direction in time. As soon as the baby grows up, give it to several sections - sports and creative, as you always need to be active in business. You will have to look after the child at school - he will often be distracted from the lessons.

CANCER, born in the year of the Rooster

Perhaps this is the most controversial Rooster. Such children are vulnerable and touchy - they often cry if they feel powerless. -Roosters constantly doubt the correctness of the decisions made - this does not mean that you should take full responsibility and deprive the child of independence, but take the time to dispel his doubts. It is difficult for such individuals to change habits - try to injure the baby less with transfers in new school or kindergarten. In a comfortable environment, your child will achieve the highest results.

LION born in the year of the Rooster

From infancy, the child will try to become the head of the family and subjugate those around him. Rooster is a born commander, so you have to make an effort to make him obey a certain order. You may notice a certain tendency to pride and arrogance in the baby of this sign, but they will be based on real achievements. This Rooster, unlike others, is absolutely alien to selfishness - he is generous and noble to the extreme.

VIRGO, born in the year of the Rooster

If you have the opportunity to plan the month of the child's birth, guess so that he was born during the Virgo rule. This combination of signs is one of the most favorable in 2017. will add courage to the indecisive Virgo, and the pragmatic will reduce the recklessness of the Rooster. These kids are hardworking. developed sense fairness and integrity. True, you will have to wean the baby from excessive boasting.

LIBRA born in the year of the Rooster

Perhaps such children are distinguished by not too developed sensitivity to other people's problems. However, they are very skilled diplomats and can smooth out any conflict. These kids are always honest with their parents and know how to present a reasoned position on any issue, so don't worry and don't expect cunning from them. In adolescence, you will need to carefully monitor the child - Roosters - are particularly loving and capable of doing stupid things.

SCORPIO born in the year of the Rooster

Such children from birth are distinguished by courage and irrepressible energy, so you should not leave the little experimenter without attention and control. Roosters have an inquisitive mind and a sharp intellect - you don’t have to worry about their school grades. But the behavior of the child can give you unpleasant moments for parent meeting- These children are completely unable to keep their emotions in check. However, this is only a consequence of the lack of love and affection. Be caring and kind to exclude the manifestation of aggression in the character of the child.

Sagittarius, born in the year of the Rooster

Roosters born during the dominance period are distinguished by a special gift for convincing other people. These are outspoken kids who are ready to chat with anyone, so teach your baby to be vigilant when he walks on the street. Sagittarius Roosters are little enthusiasts who love change and new experiences, and in the company of friends they always gush with ideas. They rarely get things done, so you need to teach your child to focus on one thing.

CAPRICORN, born in the year of the Rooster

These are the only Roosters who are not prone to excessive boasting. Since childhood, they have been distinguished by modesty and ease, therefore they easily make new acquaintances and quickly win the sympathy of the team. Little Roosters are honest with their parents and friends, they are hardworking and diligent, so you can be sure of the quality of your homework. Prepare for the fact that the child will be honest to the extreme, which will sometimes harm himself.

AQUARIUS born in the year of the Rooster

Totem 2017 will further enhance the idealism

Children who appeared in the year of the Rooster will never go unnoticed. Bright and impulsive by nature, they are ready to share their energy and attract the attention of others. For successful self-determination in life, parents of Petushkov children must help them. Otherwise, they can scare everyone away with their activity.

In this article:

The influence of the sign of the Rooster on personality

Its influence extends only to those babies who were born after January 28. The closer to the middle of the year the date of birth, the more pronounced are the features characteristic of the representatives of this sign. The main characteristics that are noted in all those born this year:

  • emotionality;
  • a pronounced tendency to leadership;
  • straightness;
  • generosity;
  • mercy;
  • attentiveness and openness;
  • impulsiveness;
  • courage;
  • purposefulness.

There is no big difference between the character of boys and girls. More importantly, in what period of the year babies are born. Girls and boys who appeared in the summer tend to realize leadership qualities more. They are talkative and become the soul of the company.

Those who have a birth in autumn or winter are more prone to creativity. Girls are more likely to become actresses or workers social centers. Boys can study architecture or drawing.

Egocentrism is also inherent in them. If you strongly indulge their whims in childhood, you can face serious problems in the future.

Features of raising children-Petushkov

The element of Fire makes children explosive and unpredictable. Parents need a lot of patience to instill perseverance in the kids of the Year of the Rooster. Their desire to know everything and run somewhere for new experiences quickly tires. But only adults. Petushki children themselves can donate own sleep for new discoveries.

In order for a relationship to develop, the following must be done:

  • kids in 2017 should be well aware of the boundaries of what is permitted;
  • you need to teach them to calmly accept failures, as well as the fact that they cannot always be the center in any company;
  • praise them for their attentiveness, participation in the process of performing household functions;
  • force them to maintain a daily routine and nutrition so that they learn self-discipline from an early age;
  • do not follow the lead for any reason, they easily learn to manipulate their parents and close relatives.

Children born in the year of the Fire Rooster especially need love and attention.

The nature and temperament of children in 2017

The rooster endows them with incredible perseverance. Wishing to achieve the intended goal, they can sweep away everything in their path. So people are rightfully afraid. As children grow up, they learn patience and perseverance.

By temperament, the children of the year of the Rooster are usually sanguine or choleric. Among those who appeared in the autumn-winter period, there are more phlegmatic natures. Therefore, they are less quick-tempered and more diligent. Children like to do routine work and understand small details. They are more inclined towards contemplation and creating things with their own hands.

Such children love fun, so where there is none, they are ready to create themselves. As a result, they easily make friends. They are jealous of the appearance of other babies in the family, which should be taken into account by parents when planning a pregnancy.

If children do not feel enough attention, they are capable of self-destruction:

  • fall into depression;
  • be aggressive;
  • to do deeds out of spite;
  • hush up problems.

This is easy to fix. It is enough to show the fiery children who appeared in 2017 the year of the Rooster their love. Moreover, in the adult state, they retain the need for this.

They like to surround themselves with bright things and objects. In clothes, they are looking for ways for self-realization. This attracts other extraordinary personalities to them.

Talents and future professions

Babies born in 2017 quickly begin to understand the power of money. Therefore, any profession related to business and finance brings them success:

  • bankers;
  • accountants;
  • brokers;
  • insurance agents;
  • credit specialists;
  • sales managers;
  • entrepreneurs.

Gift oratory And natural leader often brings kids into politics. The ability to lead is also noted in the case of organization charitable foundations, social and creative projects.

There are even more famous Roosters among representatives of the creative industry. Successful artists, musicians, artists are obtained from those who were born under the influence of the element of Fire. It is only necessary to support these talents from childhood. Otherwise they will fight inner world which will lead to unnecessary energy consumption.

Health of the children of the year of the Rooster

All parents are concerned about the health of their babies. The kids of 2017 do not have big problems in this area. Like others, they sometimes get colds. Particularly naughty children may catch ARI a little more often because they do not take care of themselves while walking.

If conditions are created for self-closure, neurological disorders can be observed:

  • memory impairment;
  • enuresis;
  • skin itching;
  • biting nails.

For active Petushki, the risk of injury increases, because they want to reach everything on their own. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct educational conversations with them about maintaining their health.

During the period of growth, they need more vitamins, because the level of energy costs and they are always high.

Successes and difficulties in learning

The main problems in teaching babies born in 2017 are associated with two opposite reasons:

  • they are ahead of other children in mastering the material, they get bored in the lessons;
  • they are not assiduous, therefore it is difficult to learn what the teacher is trying to give. They prefer to acquire knowledge on their own.

It is not easy for a teacher to work with Petushki. But if you manage to interest them in the process or the topic of the lesson, the children will give real pleasure. After all, they have an inquisitive mind, and also like to work in a team. A large number of Leadership among classmates always results in a high grade point average.

To develop attention and perseverance at school, parents should do small exercises from the first year of life.

Children born in 2017 year of the Rooster will delight their mom and dad. Parents are waiting vivid impressions from communicating with fiery kids. If they are attentive to the crumbs, then they will give them a reason for pride more than once.

Since ancient times, people have believed in the power of signs, and when they introduced a 12-year system with 12 animal patrons, their influence on the character and fate of a person was recognized as no less than the sign of the Zodiac. That an Aries person born in the year of the Hare will already be different than an Aries person born in the year of the Monkey.

A person acquires character and individual qualities at the time of birth. This is a unique set of chromosomes along with the influence of the stars. Every parent wants to see their child successful, happy and healthy. Character has a considerable influence on fate, in this all psychologists agree with astrologers. find out in our article.

Children 2017 - under the wing of the Rooster
Getting ready for winter holidays, people remember everything that they know about the character and habits of the Rooster, but it is worth remembering that he will take under the protection of the year only from January 28, and lay down his powers on February 15, 2018. This period of power does not correspond to the usual calendar. Great connoisseurs of stars and signs of fate, the Chinese say that children born after January 28 will be hardworking and hardy, as well as their strong trait character will be perseverance and diligence. good foundation for future success.

The birth of a child in the year of the Rooster 2017, you need to wait for children who are not afraid of work, they learn quickly and take the initiative. The Fire Rooster himself is an active animal, he notices a lot and does not like to sit idle. Little Roosters are real optimists, they are ready to meet every day with a smile, they are good-natured and delight with a light disposition.

They always have several plans in their heads and if one fails, they take on the next one. There is simply no time to be discouraged. They are more often idealists, everything should be only in its place, and order should reign around. If some thing, according to the child, is not there, he will quickly correct it.

The rooster is always noticeable, it is a bright, direct character, not afraid to express his opinion, loyal and sociable. In character there is authority, courage. Most of all, he values ​​\u200b\u200bloyalty to himself and does not recognize betrayal himself. Emotional, generous in everything - in the manifestation of warmth and care, generous with gifts. Rooster children are still practical and thrifty, they do not like it when something is wasted, they like to save more than spend. Disadvantages - self-centeredness and self-will. It is difficult to convince the Rooster of something.

The birth of a child in the year of the Rooster 2017 should be expected creative personality with great willpower and excellent developed abilities leader. It is enough for him to set a goal and, after thinking, the Rooster will find the best way to achieve it quickly and efficiently. Difficulties do not scare him.

Often Rooster children become directors or musicians, talented inventors, engineers or architects. Thanks to willpower and perseverance, they can overcome all difficulties, the main thing is to realize the seriousness of the goal and the path to it.

Scorpio Roosters are energetic, courageous, dangerous debaters. However, it is easy to get them out. Scorpios are ready to work hard and make others work. The birth of a child in the year of the Rooster 2017, such children adhere to the decisions made, do not like lies, a sharp mind and eloquence ensure success in many ways.

Sagittarius Roosters - they love to brag, they are ready to chat all day long, they know how to convince. Bold and easy to open up. Enthusiasm is more than enough, and a vivid imagination only amazes others. True, it is difficult for such people to finish the work they have begun, but they love travel and change.

Roosters-Capricorns - their ability to keep themselves in check and be even can be envied. Real cold authorities. They do not like lies, they are frank and appreciate the truth. Hardworking and diligent.

Roosters-Aquarius - The Rooster will help strengthen the thoughts of Aquarius, this is an incorrigible idealist, ready to remake the world if it does not fit into the ideal. They are cheerful, ready to hug everyone and expect only good. Aquarius knows how to speak and listen beautifully.

Roosters-Pisces are real listeners. They can express all the problems, they are ready to sincerely sympathize and share advice. They often dream about something, but they internally keep ready, it is difficult to take them by surprise. Any dispute can come out unscathed. They know how to get along with people, they like it.