The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), funded by the US Department of Defense, released a report on the eve of the start of the NATO summit on what measures should be taken to protect the Baltic states from Russia. First of all - the so-called Suwalki corridor, which separates the Kaliningrad region from the territory of Belarus.

The authors of the report note, in particular, the significantly increased ability of the Russian armed forces to maneuver on the battlefield, the ability to conduct disinformation campaigns. These skills are Russian armed forces they hone in numerous exercises - one of the most ambitious was the West-2017 maneuvers, which were also carried out on the territory of Belarus and the Kaliningrad region.

According to CEPA analysts, the escalation in the Baltics (and a hypothetical attack by Russia through the Suwalki corridor) will also be accompanied by an aggravation of all conflicts in the post-Soviet space, from the Donbass and Transnistria to Nagorno-Karabakh.

However, apart from Russia's desire to "create a land bridge" across the Suwalki and thus strengthen its political influence in the region, no other clear motives for such a scenario (which is fraught with a full-scale nuclear war, given the provisions of Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty) are given in the report. It should be noted that General Ben Hodges, who until recently was the commander of the NATO Allied Forces in Europe, acts as the author.

As measures to contain Russia, it is proposed, firstly, to strengthen the protective component in the Baltic States and redeploy closer to the Suwalki corridor and the Kaliningrad region short-range anti-missile systems M1097 Avenger. Secondly, to ensure the operational capabilities of NATO units in the region, create forward logistics points and fuel depots so that additional troops can be quickly transferred to the Baltic states from Germany and Poland.

Thirdly, it is proposed to reduce the response time to potential threats to Russia, as well as to strengthen the exchange of intelligence data between NATO member countries, as well as between NATO and partner countries that are not members of the alliance, such as Finland, Sweden and Ukraine. At the same time, the importance of restoring the competences of the member countries of the alliance in the field of Russian language proficiency and understanding is emphasized. regional problems. It is also proposed to instruct the units of the Special Operations Forces of NATO countries stationed in the Baltic States to train local law enforcement agencies in tactics to counter Russia's subversive actions.

Plus, they propose to place on the borders with Russia, instead of rotating every 90 days, a full-fledged field headquarters in the states of the division, which should "send a signal to contain Russia." It is also proposed to establish a new NATO Close Operations Command (REOC), as well as to give more authority to the NATO multinational division in the northeast, in Szczecin, Poland, in order to "transfer the decision-making initiative in the event of a Russian attack into the hands of the commanders of the units located right in the Baltics.

Anxious and sometimes alarmist notes about NATO's potential to confront Russia in the Baltics have already become a familiar leitmotif of a significant part of publications on Russian-American relations in Western media. Thus, in the American press, they complain that NATO troops, in the event of a conflict with Russia, may lose the first phase of the war due to bad roads and bureaucracy. While the main parts of the North Atlantic Alliance will reach the eastern borders, the Russian army will occupy the entire Baltic, which became clear from the results of the analysis of the latest exercises of the Saber Strike forces.

Thus, US heavy equipment was returning from exercises to its place of permanent deployment in Germany for four months by rail, and the soldiers of the unit at that time were left without vehicles. At the same time, it is specified that the equipment had to be unloaded and reloaded, since the rails on the railways in the Baltic states are wider than those in Western Europe. The movement was slowed down by the detention of the American military by the Hungarian border guards due to improper coupling of armored personnel carriers with wagons.

The increase in NATO military activity in the EU can already be observed. International military exercises of the alliance Saber Strike 2018 ("Saber strike") began in Latvia. About three thousand soldiers from 12 countries take part in them, including the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Latvia, Albania and others. According to the Latvian Ministry of Defense, the purpose of the maneuvers, which will last until June 15, is to improve the quality of cooperation between members of the alliance and NATO's regional partners.

Atlantic Resolve, for which the Pentagon received four times more funds in 2017 - $ 3.4 billion - it is planned to expand the presence of NATO troops, in particular the United States, on the "eastern flank" to "intimidate" and contain Russia. At the end of the past 1750 soldiers and 60 aircraft units of the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade have already arrived in Germany to counter Russia, from where the units were distributed to Latvia, Romania and Poland.NATO plans to strengthen the groupings of troops along the entire western border of Russia - in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia , Poland, Bulgaria and Romania.

According to the European press, NATO also intends to increase the contingent of the rapid reaction force deployed mainly in Eastern Europe - representatives of 23 EU states signed a declaration of intent to take part in "permanent structural cooperation on security and defense issues", while the final decision on the composition grouping will be adopted in December this year. In particular, it is assumed that the task force will be equipped with 30 thousand military personnel, it will also include several hundred combat aircraft and ships. It is worth noting that on this moment international rapid response teams stationed in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland are under the control of Germany, Great Britain, the USA and Canada.

According to a number of European military analysts, the increase in the degree of anti-Russian sentiment on the eve of the start of the 29th NATO summit is an attempt to torpedo Trump's course to increase the share of European spending in the alliance's budget structure - since at the moment the main financial burden of the military bloc is borne by the United States. The current American administration is inclined to change this order. Immediately, however, the bogey of the "Russian threat" reappears on the horizon, which can capture all nearby countries and spread its "authoritarian influence"...



(Based on materials foreign press)

Major GeneralI. F. Losev ,

candidate of military sciences

Lieutenant colonelA. Ya. MANACHINSKY ,

candidate of military sciences

The article, based on materials from the foreign press, the experience of local wars, the practice of combat training, reveals the main directions for improving air defense ground forces of NATO, taking into account new achievements in the development of means of armed struggle.

BASED on the experience of local wars and military conflicts of recent decades, NATO military experts focus on the ever-increasing role of troop air defense in modern combat (operations) and, in this regard, highlight the emerging trend of attracting more and more forces and means to suppress it. Therefore, in recent years, the military-political leadership of the bloc has specified tasks, revised views on its organization, construction and development of means.

The main tasks of the air defense of the ground forces are considered to be: the prohibition of the actions of enemy reconnaissance aviation in the areas of combat formations of friendly troops and on the near approaches to them; cover from air strikes of the most important objects, artillery firing positions, launching positions of missile units, control posts (PU), second echelons, reserves and rear units; preventing the other side from gaining air superiority. It is noted that a new task, on the solution of which already in the 90s the course and outcome of hostilities may largely depend, will be the fight against tactical missiles(TR), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), cruise missiles (CR) and high-precision weapons (WTO) used from air carriers.

A significant place in the publications is given to the analysis of ways to break through and suppress air defense and, on this basis, to identify its weaknesses. In particular, there is a lack of effectiveness in high altitudes and in the stratosphere. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, with an increase in altitude, the density of fire of air defense systems decreases; secondly, in connection with the constantly growing flight speeds of aircraft, the time of their stay in the zones of destruction of anti-aircraft missile systems (ADMS) is decreasing; thirdly, the ground forces do not have a sufficient number of systems capable of effectively hitting air targets at these heights. All this is manifested in the presence of a flight corridor in the area of ​​high altitudes, which is the safest for breaking through the air defense system and suppressing it. Therefore, it is concluded that when developing means of military air defense more attention should be paid to the development of anti-aircraft systems capable of forcing an air enemy to descend to extremely low altitudes (less than 100 m), where it is very difficult to break through the air defense system. Here are the most difficult conditions for aviation operations: the flight range is reduced, piloting and navigation become more complicated, and the possibilities of using airborne weapons are limited. Thus, the probability of detecting targets by an aircraft flying over a flat area at a height of about 60 m at a speed of 300 m/s is 0.05. And this is unacceptable for air combat operations, since only one out of every 20 targets will be detected and possibly fired upon. In this case, according to NATO experts, even if not a single aircraft is shot down by means of air defense, fighting they can be considered effective because they force the air enemy to descend to a height at which he is practically unable to hit ground targets. In general, it is concluded that it is advisable to “tightly close” large heights, and leave small ones “partially open”. Reliable overlapping of the latter is a complex and expensive matter.

Given the above, as well as the fact that it is practically impossible to create continuous and highly effective air defense at all altitudes in a theater of operations, the emphasis is on reliable cover for the most important groupings of troops and objects due to multi-layered zones of destruction. To implement this principle in NATO countries, it is planned to use long-range, medium-range and short-range air defense systems, portable air defense systems (MANPADS) and anti-aircraft artillery systems (ZAK). Based on the high mobility of troops and the maneuverability of combat operations, rather stringent requirements are imposed on all fire and supporting weapons in terms of mobility, noise immunity, operational reliability, and the ability to conduct prolonged autonomous combat operations in any weather conditions. The air defense groupings created on the basis of such complexes, according to the NATO military leadership, will be capable of hitting air targets at distant approaches to covered objects in a wide range of altitudes and flight speeds. At the same time, an important role is given to portable air defense systems, which have high mobility, quick response and are a means of direct cover from air strikes from extremely low and low altitudes. Units armed with them can be used to cover combined arms units and subunits, firing (starting) positions of artillery, missile units and subunits, command posts and rear facilities both independently and in combination with other air defense systems. Being in the combat formations of battalions (divisions), mainly of the first echelon, they provide cover for them on the battlefield.

The main provisions on the combat use of anti-aircraft units and subunits are also being specified. army corps. Since air defense systems are not enough for the simultaneous and reliable protection of all objects, the priority in providing cover is set based on their operational-tactical importance, which can change in each specific situation. The following ranking is most characteristic: troops in concentration areas and on the march, command posts, rear facilities, airfields, artillery units and subunits, bridges, gorges or passes on movement routes, advancing reserves, forward ammunition points and fuel and lubricants. In cases where the cover of the corps facilities by means of air defense of the senior chief is not provided or he acts in an important operational direction, then additional units with large and large air defense systems in service with medium range.

According to the foreign press, in recent years, NATO ground forces exercises have paid special attention to improving the methods of combat use of air defense systems. When formations and units are advanced to the line of a supposed meeting with the enemy, it is recommended, for example, to distribute anti-aircraft subunits in columns in such a way as to ensure the concentration of their efforts in covering the main forces on the march, in halt areas and at probable lines of deployment in battle formation. In the march formations of units, air defense systems are distributed in such a way that zones of destruction are created with dimensions exceeding the depth of the columns. It is believed that if enemy aviation inflicts group strikes on advancing units (up to 4-6 aircraft), then up to 25-30 percent is allocated for reconnaissance. anti-aircraft weapons ready to fire immediately. On halts, air defense missile systems and ZAK take up starting and firing positions near the covered units, where aviation is most likely to appear. The interaction of air defense systems with each other is carried out by assigning each of them responsible sectors for reconnaissance and fire, and with the covered troops - by allocating them places in columns in such a way that conditions are created for the timely detection and shelling, first of all, of low-flying targets from any direction. When conducting a meeting engagement, firing and starting positions are located in such a way that the open flanks of units and subunits are reliably protected from air strikes. Great importance is given to maneuver by fire and subunits for the purpose of timely concentration of air defense efforts in the main direction. The NATO command believes that in the conditions of the transience of the battle, the constantly changing situation in the organization and conduct of air defense importance has a clear, specific statement of tasks by the senior boss to the junior. In no case should the initiative of the latter be hampered, especially in matters of organizing interaction with neighboring air defense units and covered troops, choosing combat positions for assets, and regulating the degree of their combat readiness for opening fire. In the case of repelling massed strikes by means of air attack (AAS), preference is given to centralized fire control. In this case, the consumption of ammunition per destroyed target is reduced by 20-30 percent.

Analyzing the experience of local wars, military experts note that the air defense of troops should acquire a new quality: become anti-helicopter. The foreign press emphasized that the solution "of this problem is of great complexity. This is due to the significant difficulty and short range of detection of helicopters, the limited time (25-50 s, and in the future - 12-25 s) of their stay in the zones of destruction of anti-aircraft weapons, the inadequacy of the fighter Abroad came to the conclusion that the task of reliable cover for troops on the battlefield and on the march from helicopter attacks can be solved through the widespread use of self-propelled anti-aircraft installations with high mobility, combat readiness, rate of fire (600-2500 rounds / min) and reaction time (7-12 s). In addition, there was a tendency to create special air defense systems capable of fighting rotorcraft.

Continuous improvement and equipping of MANPADS troops began, special anti-helicopter projectiles for tanks and infantry fighting vehicles began to be developed. To realize the advantages of air defense systems and air defense systems in one installation, hybrid systems are created, equipped with anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft missiles. Foreign military experts believe that only complex use mobile air defense systems and air defense systems, attack aircraft and helicopters armed with air-to-air missiles, and clear coordination of the actions of all forces and means make it possible to effectively deal with combat helicopters and other aircraft at low and extremely low altitudes.

It is believed that after the year 2000, the main means of attack will be maneuverable aircraft that launch guided missiles outside the air defense strike zone, and aircraft operating at extremely low and low altitudes. Therefore, in order to increase the capabilities of anti-aircraft weapons to combat promising air targets, existing weapons are constantly being modernized and new models are being created (Table 1). US specialists developed the concept of an integrated divisional system air defense FAADS (Fig. 1), which includes: CAI multi-purpose forward-based systems - advanced models of armored vehicles (tanks, infantry fighting vehicles) capable of hitting helicopters and other low-flying targets at a distance of up to 3 km, in the future - up to 7 km; heavy weapons of the first echelon LOSF-H, operating within the line of sight and designed to destroy low-flying targets at a distance of at least 6 km firing 6-8 km, as well as air defense systems "Shahine", "Liberty" With firing range up to 12 km); anti-aircraft weapons NLOS, capable of destroying targets beyond line of sight and protecting objects from helicopters, as well as fighting tanks and infantry fighting vehicles (preference is given to the FOG-M missile system, in which a fiber-optic cable is used for visual targeting at a distance of up to 10 km ); anti-aircraft defense weapons of the second echelon LOS-R, the main purpose of which is to cover command posts, division rear facilities and other objects with insufficient mobility (it is planned to use Avenger-type air defense systems with a firing range of 5 km). Such a system, which has effective means of control and reconnaissance, according to the plan of the developers, will be able to provide cover for troops from enemy air strikes from extremely low and low altitudes throughout the entire zone of the division. The cost of the program is estimated at 11 billion dollars. It is planned to be completed in 1991.

To combat operational-tactical and tactical missiles in the United States, the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system was improved: the software, the anti-aircraft guided missile and its targeting system were improved. This makes it possible to carry out anti-missile defense of an object on an area of ​​30X30 km. Used for the first time by multinational forces in combat operations in the Persian Gulf, the complex showed high efficiency in destroying Scud missiles.

By the end of the 90s, we should expect the entry into service of anti-aircraft units and units of laser weapons, which will affect the optical-electronic guidance systems of guided weapons and the organs of vision of aircraft and helicopter crews at ranges up to 20 km and disable them, as well as hit designs of aircraft, helicopters, UAVs at ranges up to 10 km. According to foreign experts, it will find wide application against cruise missiles and guided bombs.

table 2



With the advent of new weapon systems and their adoption into service, we should expect a change in the organizational structure of air defense units and units. At present, for example, they include divisions (batteries) of mixed composition, consisting of short-range air defense systems and air defense systems, as well as MANPADS platoons (Table 2). According to foreign experts, a set of such measures will make it possible to strengthen the air defense system of the ground forces.

NATO military leadership gives special meaning increase the survivability of anti-aircraft units and units. Already at the design and development stages of weapons, such technical solutions, which would partially solve this problem. These, for example, include strengthening the armor protection of the main elements of air defense systems and air defense systems, the creation of noise-protected radio electronic equipment (RES), the placement of complexes on a mobile and highly passable base, etc. The charters and instructions for the combat use of air defense systems provide various ways maintaining survivability. However, priority is given to the tactical aspect.

The most important measure is the rational choice of starting and firing positions. It is recommended to avoid the standard formation of combat formations of units. Means of reconnaissance, control and communications are placed as far as possible at the maximum allowable distance from firing units. The sequence of engineering equipment is established in such a way that the most important elements of the air defense system and air defense system are covered first. The terrain is widely used for this purpose.

An effective way to increase survivability is to periodically change combat positions. It has been established that it should be carried out at a distance of 1-2 km as soon as possible after the reconnaissance aircraft has flown by, firing has been carried out, and also in cases where the unit has been in position for a relatively long time. For example, for divisions "Chaparel - Volcano" it should not exceed 4-6 hours, and for divisions "Hawk" - 8-12.

In order to mislead the enemy and reduce the loss of air defense forces and means, the equipment of false positions is provided. For this purpose, industrially produced imitation models of military equipment are widely used. Although the creation and maintenance of a network of such positions require significant costs, however, according to NATO experts, they justify themselves. As evidenced by the experience of local wars and military conflicts, if there are 2-3 false positions and the probability of their acceptance by the enemy as real 0.6-0.8, the expected damage from its impact on the starting (firing) positions can be reduced by 2-2.5 times.

One of the most important ways to solve the problem of survivability is the systematic, active and timely implementation of radio and radio camouflage measures in order to hide the air defense system from the enemy. Ensuring the secrecy of the operation of the RES is achieved by changing the various characteristics of the emitted channels, regulating the time of their operation and constantly monitoring it. The use of camouflage nets with properly selected material and aerosol formations, changing the outlines of military equipment by means of special painting, skillful use of the natural terrain cover significantly reduce the enemy's ability to detect air defense forces and means in positions.

In the context of the widespread use of anti-radar missiles by enemy aircraft important role acquires direct cover for medium and long-range anti-aircraft missile systems. To do this, it is recommended to use the ship ZAK "Vulkan-Phalanx", placed on the chassis truck. It is believed that the timely destruction of the most dangerous targets (electronic warfare aircraft, reconnaissance and relaying of RUK, air command posts, etc.), in which the decisive role should be assigned to long-range and medium-range air defense systems and fighter aircraft, will allow maintaining the survivability of anti-aircraft units and units and thereby prevent or significantly weaken enemy strikes against covered troops. An equally important direction in ensuring the survivability of air defense forces and means is to reduce the time for restoring weapons. For this purpose, troubleshooting and damage on site are provided.

An analysis of the views of the NATO command on the role and place of the air defense of ground forces in the system of armed struggle shows that it is given the closest attention, and measures are being planned and constantly taken to improve it. It is believed that the implementation of such measures as equipping anti-aircraft units and subunits modern means Air defense, the transition of anti-aircraft formations to a new organizational structure, as well as improving the methods and methods of conducting combat operations by them will significantly increase the ability to cover groupings of troops, command posts and rear facilities from enemy air strikes.

military technology. - 1986, - V. 10. - No. 8. - P. 70-71.

NATO "S fifteen Nations.- 1982.-Jfe.-5 * -P. 108-113.

Armed Forces Journal. - 1986. - 10.- P. 34-35.

Europaische Wehrkunde. - 1986. - No. 10.

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Foreign military experts note that if earlier the main weapons of anti-aircraft missile units and air forces of NATO countries were long-range and medium-range air defense systems and developed in the United States, now, in addition to them, short-range air defense systems () and "( ).

Rice. 1 Control position of the Nike-Hercules air defense system. In the foreground is a target tracking radar, in the background is a target acquisition radar.

Long and medium range air defense systems

The NATO command plans to use these complexes to cover large industrial facilities and areas of troop concentration from the air.

Long-range all-weather air defense system "Nike-Hercules"(USA) is designed to combat subsonic and supersonic aircraft flying mainly at medium and high altitudes. However, as reported in the foreign press, as a result of the tests, it was found that this complex in some cases can be used to combat tactical ballistic missiles.

The composition of the firing unit (batteries) includes: anti-aircraft guided missiles; five radars located at the control position (low power detection radar, target tracking radar, missile tracking radar, radio range finder, high power radar for detecting small targets); missile launch control and guidance point; up to nine fixed or mobile launchers; power supplies; auxiliary equipment (transport-loading, control and verification, etc.). The control position of the Nike-Hercules air defense system is shown in fig. 1.

In total, the division can include up to four batteries. According to the foreign press, the Nike-Hercules complex has been repeatedly upgraded in order to increase the reliability of its elements and reduce operating costs.

All-weather long-range air defense system "Bloodhound" Mk.2(Great Britain) is designed to combat subsonic and supersonic aircraft. The composition of the firing unit (batteries): SAM; Target illumination radar (stationary and more powerful or mobile, but less powerful "Firelight"); 4-8 launchers with one guide; missile launch control point. Batteries "Bloodhound" Mk.2 are combined into squadrons.

Information about air targets is transmitted directly to the target illumination radar from its own detection radar or from the radar from the general detection and warning system deployed in the given territory.

The Bloodhound air defense system is in service with the units and units of the British Air Force, which are based in the territories of this country and. In addition, they are equipped with the air forces of Sweden, Switzerland and Singapore. Mass production these systems have been discontinued, and a new air defense system is being developed to replace them in the UK and France.

All-weather medium-range air defense system "Hawk"(USA) was created to combat subsonic and supersonic aircraft flying at low and medium altitudes.

Rice. 2. Medium and short-range air defense systems: a - self-propelled launcher of anti-aircraft guided missiles "Hok" (based on the KhM-727 tracked carrier); b - post for guidance and control of the air defense system with a launcher in position; c - an anti-aircraft missile system mounted on a tracked armored personnel carrier; d - launcher of the Krotal air defense system (left) and target tracking radar (right)

The composition of the firing unit (batteries) includes: SAM; Detection radar operating in pulsed mode; Detection radar operating in continuous mode; two target illumination radars; radio rangefinder; command centre; six launchers (each has three guides); power supplies and auxiliary equipment. To illuminate the target, radars of low and high power are used (the latter is used when firing at small air targets).

The Air Force is also armed with a self-propelled version of the Hawk air defense system, created on the basis of the KhM-727 tracked transporters (Fig. 2, a). The structure of this complex includes conveyors, each of which has a launcher with three guides. On the march, these transporters tow on trailers all the radar and support equipment needed to deploy the battery.

The foreign press reports that the improved Hawk air defense system has now been adopted in the United States. Its main difference from the basic version is that the new missile (MIM-23B) has increased reliability, a more powerful warhead and a new engine. The ground control equipment was also improved. All this, according to American experts, made it possible to increase the range of the air defense system and the probability of hitting the target. It is reported that the US allies in NATO are planning to start producing under license all the necessary equipment and equipment in order to modernize their Hawk air defense systems.

short range air defense systems

Basically, these are designed to combat low-flying aircraft in the defense of air bases and other individual objects.

Clear-weather air defense system "Tiger Cat"(Great Britain) is designed to combat subsonic and transonic low-flying aircraft (it can also be used to fire at ground targets). It was created on the basis of the ship version ZURO, which has been repeatedly upgraded in recent years.

The composition of the firing unit: SAM; guidance and control post with a binocular sight, a radio transmitter of commands, a computer and a control panel; PU with three guides; a program block for preparing the launch of missiles; generator; auxiliary and spare equipment (Fig. 2, b).

The Tiger Cat complex is highly mobile. All equipment of the firing unit is placed on two Land Rover vehicles and two trailers towed by them. Combat crew five people. The possibility of placing this air defense system on various armored vehicles is envisaged. Recently, the ST-850 radar has been included in the complex, which, according to British experts, will allow it to be used in any meteorological conditions.

According to the foreign press, the Tiger Cat air defense system is also in service with the air forces of Iran, India, Jordan and Argentina.

Clear-weather SAM "Rapira"(Great Britain) was created to combat subsonic and supersonic low-flying aircraft.

The composition of the firing unit: SAM, a removable visual tracking unit, an air target detection radar (includes an identification system and a command radio transmitter), a launcher combined with it (four guides), a removable lithium unit. Calculation of five people.

The complex is highly mobile. All equipment of the firing unit is placed on two Land Rover vehicles and two trailers towed by them. The possibility of placing the air defense system equipment on tracked armored vehicles is provided (Fig. 2, c).

The main variant of the complex is clear-weather. However, for the operation of the complex in all weather conditions, a special radar was created and tested. The first air defense systems, which include this radar, have already entered service with some units of the RAF Ground Defense Regiment. SAM "Rapier" are also in service with the Air Force of Iran and Zambia.

All-weather air defense system "Krotal"(France) is designed to combat subsonic and supersonic low-flying aircraft.

Composition of the firing unit: target tracking radar, PU with four guides, radio transmitter of commands, infrared tracking device and auxiliary equipment. The control of three firing units is carried out from the command vehicle, where the pulse-Doppler radar for detecting air targets is located. It is reported that the detection range of a typical target is 18.5 km. The radar, equipped with a special computer, simultaneously detects up to 30 air targets, but in the auto-tracking mode it can only work on 12 targets. All equipment of the firing unit is placed on an armored car (Fig. 2, d).

The US Department of Defense, in the process of the ongoing arms race, is doing a lot of work to improve existing and create new air defense systems, such as the SAM-D type (developed for the US Army) and the SLIM type (for the US Air Force).

Complex SAM-D (Surface to Air Missile-Development) all-weather, long range; designed to combat subsonic and supersonic aircraft at all altitudes (excluding extremely low ones). In the early 80s, they are planned to replace the Nike-Hercules air defense systems in service.

American experts believe that the time-division multiplex data sampling method used in the radar will make it possible to simultaneously direct several missiles at different targets or select one target from a group.

Work on the air defense system is in the stage of testing experimental samples of missiles and launchers. The development of the guidance system has begun. At the same time, experts are looking for ways to simplify and reduce the cost of air defense systems.

It will be all-weather with a range of up to 1300 km. It is intended to deal mainly with supersonic air targets in the US air defense system. According to preliminary calculations, the maximum flight speed of the SLIM missile system (Fig. 3) will correspond to the number M = 4 - 6. The guidance system is combined. Possible methods of combat use: from fortified ground or underground structures and from carrier aircraft. Launch and guidance can be carried out either from an aircraft equipped with a detection and control system, or from the ground.

It was reported in the American press that preliminary theoretical calculations for the creation of the SLIM air defense system have been completed in the United States.

The integrated air defense-missile defense system in the theater of operations provides for the integrated use of forces and means against air and ballistic targets in any part of the flight path.

The deployment of a joint air defense-missile defense system in the theater is carried out on the basis of air defense systems by including new and modernized means in their composition, as well as introducing "network-centric principles of construction and operational use" (network-centric architecture & operation).

Sensors, fire weapons, centers and command posts are based on ground, sea, air and space carriers. They may belong different types Aircraft operating in the same zone.

Integration technologies include the formation of a single picture of the air situation, combat identification of air and ground targets, automation of combat control and weapon control systems. It provides for the fullest possible use of the control structure of existing air defense systems, interoperability of communication and data transmission systems in real time and the adoption of common standards for data exchange based on the principles of open architecture.

The formation of a unified picture of the air situation will be facilitated by the use of sensors that are heterogeneous in physical principles and the placement of sensors integrated into a single information network. Nevertheless, the leading role of ground-based information facilities will remain, the basis of which is over-the-horizon, over-the-horizon and multi-position air defense radar.


Ground-based over-the-horizon air defense radars as part of an information system solve the tasks of detecting targets of all classes, including ballistic missiles, in a complex jamming and target environment when exposed to enemy weapons. These radars are modernized and created on the basis of integrated approaches, taking into account the criterion "efficiency / cost".

The modernization of radar facilities will be carried out on the basis of the introduction of elements of radar subsystems developed as part of ongoing research to create advanced radar facilities. This is due to the fact that the cost of a completely new station is higher than the cost of upgrading existing radars and reaches about several million US dollars. At present, the vast majority of air defense radars in service foreign countries, make up the stations of the centimeter and decimeter ranges. Representative examples of such stations are radars: AN / FPS-117, AR 327, TRS 2215 / TRS 2230, AN / MPQ-64, GIRAFFE AMB, M3R, GM 400.

Radar AN / FPS-117, designed and manufactured by Lockheed Martin. uses a frequency range of 1-2 GHz, is a fully solid-state system designed to solve the problems of early warning, positioning and identification of targets, as well as for use in the ATC system. The station provides the possibility of adapting the operating modes depending on the emerging interference situation.

Computing tools used in the radar station allow you to constantly monitor the state of the radar subsystems. Determine and display the location of the failure on the monitor of the operator's workplace. Work continues to improve the subsystems that make up the AN / FPS-117 radar. which will make it possible to use the station to detect ballistic targets, determine their place of impact and issue target designation to interested consumers. At the same time, the main task of the station is still the detection and tracking of air targets.

AR 327, developed on the basis of the AR 325 station by specialists from the USA and Great Britain, is capable of performing the functions of a complex of low-level automation tools (when it is additionally equipped with a cabin with additional jobs). The estimated cost of one sample is 9.4-14 million dollars. The antenna system, made in the form of headlights, provides phase scanning in elevation. The station uses digital signal processing. The radar and its subsystems are controlled by the Windows operating system. The station is used in the automated control systems of European NATO countries. In addition, interfaces are being upgraded to enable the operation of the radar.

AR 327, developed on the basis of the AR 325 station by specialists from the USA and Great Britain, is capable of performing the functions of a complex of low-level automation tools (when equipped with a cab with additional jobs), the estimated cost of one sample is 9.4-14 million dollars. The antenna system, made in the form of headlights, provides phase scanning in elevation. The station uses digital signal processing. The radar and its subsystems are controlled by the Windows operating system. The station is used in the automated control systems of European NATO countries. In addition, interface means are being upgraded to ensure the operation of the radar with a further increase in the power of computing facilities.

A feature of the radar is the use of a digital system of the SDC and an active jamming protection system, which is capable of adaptively reconfiguring the operating frequency of the station in a wide frequency range. There is also a “pulse-to-pulse” frequency tuning mode, and the accuracy of determining the height at low target elevation angles has been improved. It is planned to further improve the transceiver subsystem and equipment for coherent processing of received signals to increase the range and improve the accuracy of air targets detection.

French three-coordinate radars with phased array TRS 2215 and 2230, designed to detect, identify and track ATs, developed on the basis of the SATRAPE station in mobile and transportable versions. They have the same transceiver systems, data processing facilities and components of the antenna system, and their difference lies in the size of the antenna arrays. Such unification makes it possible to increase the flexibility of the logistics of stations and the quality of their service.

Transportable three-coordinate radar AN / MPQ-64, operating in the centimeter range, created on the basis of the station AN / TPQ-36A. It is designed to detect, track, measure coordinates air objects and issuing target designation to interception systems. The station is used in the mobile units of the US Armed Forces in the organization of air defense. The radar is capable of operating in conjunction with both other detection radars and information means of short-range air defense systems.

The GIRAFFE AMB mobile radar station is designed to solve the problems of detecting, determining coordinates and tracking targets. This radar uses new technical solutions in the signal processing system. As a result of the modernization, the control subsystem makes it possible to automatically detect helicopters in hovering mode and assess the degree of threat, as well as automate combat control functions.

The M3R mobile modular multifunctional radar was developed by the French company Thales as part of the project of the same name. This is a new generation station designed for use in the combined GTVO-PRO system, created on the basis of the Master family of stations, which, having modern parameters, are the most competitive among long-range mobile detection radars. It is a multifunctional three-coordinate radar operating in the 10-cm range. The station uses the technology of "intelligent radar control" (Intelligent Radar Management), which provides for optimal control of the waveform, repetition period, etc. in various operating modes.

The GM 400 (Ground Master 400) air defense radar, developed by Thales, is intended for use in the integrated air defense-missile defense system. It is also being created on the basis of the Master family of stations and is a multifunctional three-coordinate radar operating in the 2.9-3.3 GHz band.

In the radar under consideration, a number of such promising construction concepts as “fully digital radar” (digital radar) and “fully environmentally friendly radar” (green radar) are successfully implemented.

The features of the station include: digital control of the antenna pattern; long target detection range, including NLC and BR; opportunity remote control operation of radar subsystems from remote automated workstations of operators.

In contrast to over-the-horizon stations, over-the-horizon radars provide longer warning times for airborne or ballistic targets and advance the detection line of air targets to considerable distances due to the characteristics of the propagation of radio waves in the frequency range (2-30 MHz) used in over-the-horizon systems, and also make it possible to significantly increase effective scattering surface (ESR) of detected targets and, as a result, increase the range of their detection.

The specificity of the formation of transmitting radiation patterns of over-the-horizon radars, in particular ROTHR, makes it possible to carry out multi-layer (all-altitude) coverage of the viewing area in critical areas, which is relevant in solving the problems of ensuring the security and defense of the US national territory, protection against sea and air targets, including cruise missiles . Representative examples of over-the-horizon radars are: AN / TPS-7I (USA) and Nostradamus (France).

The United States has developed and is continuously upgrading the AN / TPS-71 ZG radar, designed to detect low-flying targets. A distinctive feature of the station is the possibility of its transfer to any region of the globe and relatively fast (up to 10-14 days) deployment to previously prepared positions. For this, the station equipment is mounted in specialized containers.

Information from the over-the-horizon radar enters the target designation system of the Navy, as well as other types of aircraft. In order to detect carriers of cruise missiles in areas adjacent to the United States, in addition to stations located in the states of Virginia, Alaska and Texas, it is planned to install an upgraded over-the-horizon radar in the state of North Dakota (or Montana) to control the airspace over Mexico and the surrounding areas of the Pacific Ocean. A decision was made to deploy new stations to detect carriers of cruise missiles in the Caribbean, over Central and South America. The first such station will be installed in Puerto Rico. The transmitting point is deployed on about. Vieques, reception - in the southwestern part of about. Puerto Rico.

In France, under the Nostradamus project, the development of an oblique-reciprocating sounding radar, which detects small targets at ranges of 700-3000 km, has been completed. Important distinguishing features of this station are: the ability to simultaneously detect air targets within 360 degrees in azimuth and the use of a monostatic construction method instead of the traditional bistatic one. The station is located 100 km west of Paris. The possibility of using elements of the over-the-horizon radar "Nostradamus" on space and air platforms to solve the problems of early warning of a raid by means of air attack and effective control of interception weapons is being considered.

Foreign specialists consider over-the-horizon surface-wave radar stations (OSW radars) as relatively inexpensive means of effective control over the air and surface space of the territory of states.

The information received from such radars makes it possible to increase the warning time necessary for making appropriate decisions.

A comparative analysis of the capabilities of over-the-horizon and over-the-horizon surface wave radars for the detection of air and surface objects shows that the ground-based ZG radars are significantly superior to conventional ground-based radars in terms of detection range and ability to track both low-observable and low-flying targets, and surface ships of various displacements. At the same time, the ability to detect airborne objects at high and medium altitudes is reduced slightly, which does not affect the effectiveness of over-the-horizon radar facilities. In addition, the costs of acquiring and operating a surface bath MG radar are relatively low and commensurate with their efficiency.

The main models of surface wave radars adopted by foreign countries are SWR-503 stations (an upgraded version of SWR-603) and OVERSEER.

The SWR-503 surface wave radar was developed by the Canadian branch of Raytheon in accordance with the requirements of the Canadian Department of Defense. The radar is designed to monitor air and surface space over ocean areas adjacent to east coast countries, detection and tracking of surface and air targets within the boundaries of the exclusive economic zone.

Station SWR-503 Can also be used to detect icebergs, monitor the environment, search for ships and aircraft in distress. For monitoring air and maritime space in the Newfoundland area, which has significant fish and oil offshore areas, two stations of this type and an operational control center are already in use. It is assumed that the station will be used to control the air traffic of aircraft over the entire range of altitudes and to monitor targets below the radar horizon.

During testing, the radar detected and tracked all targets that were also observed by other air defense and coastal defense systems. In addition, experiments were carried out aimed at ensuring the possibility of detecting missiles flying over the sea surface, however, in order to effectively solve this problem in full, according to the developers of this radar, it is necessary to expand its operating range to 15-20 MHz. According to foreign experts, countries with a long coastline can install a network of such radars at intervals of up to 370 km to ensure complete coverage of the air and sea surveillance zone within their borders.

The cost of one sample of the SWR-5G3 air defense radar in service is 8-10 million dollars. The processes of operation and complex maintenance of the station cost about 400 thousand dollars a year.

The OVERSEER ZG radar represents a new family of surface wave stations, which was developed by Marconi and is intended for civil and military use. Using the effect of wave propagation over the surface, the station is able to detect air and sea objects of all classes at long ranges and different heights, which cannot be detected by conventional radars.

The subsystems of the station combine many technological advances that allow you to get a better information picture of targets over large areas of sea and air space with fast data updates.

The cost of one sample of the OVERSEER surface wave radar in a single-position version is approximately 6-8 million dollars, and the operation and comprehensive maintenance of the station, depending on the tasks being solved, are estimated at 300-400 thousand dollars.

In the implementation of the principles of "network-centric operations" in future military conflicts, according to foreign experts, it necessitates the use of new methods for constructing components information systems, including those based on multi-position (MP) and distributed sensors and elements that are part of the information infrastructure of advanced air defense and missile defense detection and control systems, taking into account the requirements of integration within NATO.

Multi-position radar systems can become the most important component of the information subsystems of advanced air defense and missile defense control systems, as well as an effective tool in solving problems of detecting UAVs of various classes and cruise missiles.


According to foreign experts, in NATO countries great attention is given to the creation of promising ground-based multi-position systems with unique opportunities for the detection of various types of air targets (AC). An important place among them is occupied by long-range systems and "distributed" systems created under the programs "Silent Sentry-2", "Rias", CELLDAR, etc. Such radars are designed to work as part of control systems when solving problems of detecting CC in all altitude ranges in the conditions of the use of electronic warfare. The data they receive will be used in the interests of advanced air defense and missile defense systems, detection and tracking of targets carried out at long ranges, as well as detection of ballistic missile launches, including through integration with similar means within NATO.

MP radar "Silent Sentry-2". According to foreign press reports, radars, which are based on the possibility of using radiation from television or radio broadcasting stations to illuminate targets, have been actively developed in NATO countries since the 1970s. A variant of such a system, created in accordance with the requirements of the US Air Force and the US Army, was the Silent Sentry MP radar, which, after improvement, received the name Silent Sentry-2.

According to foreign experts, the system makes it possible to detect aircraft, helicopters, missiles, control air traffic, control airspace in conflict zones, taking into account the secrecy of the work of US and NATO air defense and missile defense systems in these regions. It operates in the frequency ranges corresponding to the frequencies of TV or radio broadcasting transmitters existing in the theater.

The radiation pattern of the experimental receiving phased array (located in Baltimore at a distance of 50 km from the transmitter) was oriented towards Washington International Airport, where targets were detected and tracked during the testing process. A mobile version of the radar receiving station has also been developed.

In the course of work, the receiving and transmitting positions of the MP radar were combined by broadband data transmission lines, and the system includes processing facilities with high performance. According to foreign press reports, the capabilities of the Silent Sentry-2 system for detecting targets were confirmed during the flight of the MTKK STS 103 equipped with the Hubble telescope. During the experiment, targets were successfully detected, tracking of which was duplicated by onboard optical means, including a telescope. At the same time, the capabilities of the Saileng Sentry-2 radar to detect and track more than 80 ATs were confirmed. The data obtained during the experiments were used for further work on the creation of a multi-position system of the STAR type, designed to track low-orbiting spacecraft.

MP radar "Rias". Specialists from a number of NATO countries, according to foreign press reports, are also successfully working on the problem of creating MP radars. The French firms Thomson-CSF and Onera, in accordance with the requirements of the Air Force, carried out the relevant work within the framework of the Rias program. It was reported that in the period after 2015, such a system could be used to detect and track targets (including small-sized and made using stealth technology), UAVs and cruise missiles at long ranges.

According to foreign experts, the Rias system will allow solving the problems of air traffic control for military and civil aviation aircraft. Station "Rias" is a system with correlation processing of data from several receiving positions, which operates in the frequency range of 30-300 MHz. It consists of up to 25 distributed transmitters and receivers equipped with omnidirectional dipole antennas, which are similar to over-the-horizon radar antennas. Transmitting and receiving antennas on the 15th masts are located at intervals of tens of meters in concentric circles (up to 400 m in diameter). An experimental model of the "Rias" radar deployed on about. Levant (40 km from Toulon), during the test, ensured the detection of a high-altitude target (such as an airplane) at a distance of more than 100 km.

According to the foreign press, this station provides high level survivability and noise immunity due to the redundancy of the system elements (the failure of individual transmitters or receivers does not affect the efficiency of its operation as a whole). During its operation, several independent sets of data processing equipment with receivers installed on the ground, on board the aircraft (when forming MP radars with large bases) can be used. As reported, the version of the radar, designed for use in combat conditions, will include up to 100 transmitters and receivers and solve the tasks of air defense, missile defense and air traffic control.

MP radar CELLDAR. According to foreign press reports, specialists from NATO countries (Great Britain, Germany, etc.) are actively working on the creation of new types of multi-position systems and means that use the radiation of transmitters of cellular networks of mobile communications. The research is carried out by Roke Mainsr. "Siemens", "BAe Systems" and a number of others in the interests of the Air Force and the Ground Forces as part of the creation of a variant of a multi-position detection system for solving air defense and missile defense tasks using correlation processing of data from several receiving positions. The multi-position system uses radiation generated by transmitting antennas mounted on cell phone towers, which provides target illumination. As receiving devices, special equipment is used, operating in the frequency bands of the GSM 900, 1800 and 3G standards, which receives data from antenna subsystems in the form of phased array.

According to foreign press reports, the receivers of this system can be placed on the surface of the earth, mobile platforms, on board aviation facilities by integrating the AWACS system and transport and refueling aircraft into the structural elements of aircraft. To improve the accuracy characteristics of the CELLDAR system and its noise immunity, together with receiving devices, it is possible to place acoustic sensors on the same platform. To make the system more efficient, it is also possible to install individual elements on UAVs and AWACS and control aircraft.

According to foreign experts, in the period after 2015 it is planned to widely use MP radars of this type in air defense and missile defense detection and control systems. Such a station will provide detection of moving ground targets, helicopters, submarine periscopes, surface targets, reconnaissance on the battlefield, support for the actions of special forces, and protection of objects.

MP radar "Dark". According to foreign press reports, the French company "Thomson-CSF" conducted research and development to create a system for detecting air targets under the "Dark" program. In accordance with the requirements of the Air Force, the specialists of the lead developer, Thomson-CSF, tested an experimental sample of the Dark receiver, made in a stationary version. The station was located in Palaiseau and solved the problem of detecting aircraft flying from the Paris Orly airport. Radar signals for target illumination were formed by TV transmitters placed on eiffel tower(more than 20 km from the receiver), as well as television stations in the cities of Bourges and Auxerre, located 180 km from Paris. According to the developers, the accuracy of measuring the coordinates and speed of movement of air targets is comparable to those of the detection radar.

According to foreign press reports, in accordance with the plans of the company's management, work to further improve the receiving equipment of the "Dark" system will be continued, taking into account the improvement in the technical characteristics of the receiving paths and the choice of a more efficient operating system computing complex. One of the most convincing arguments in favor of this system, according to the developers, is the low cost, since in the course of its creation, well-known technologies for receiving and processing radio and TV signals were used. After completion of work in the period after 2015, such a MP radar will effectively solve the problems of detecting and tracking ATs (including small ones and those made using the Stealth technology), as well as UAVs and KR at long ranges.

AASR radar. As noted in foreign press reports, the specialists of the Swedish company Saab Microwave Systems announced that they are working on the creation of a multi-position air defense system AASR (Associative Aperture Synthesis Radar), which is designed to detect aircraft developed using stealth technology. According to the principle of operation, such a radar is similar to the CELLDAR system, which uses the radiation of transmitters of cellular mobile communication networks. According to the publication AW & ST, the new radar will ensure the interception of stealth air targets, including KR. It is planned that the station will include about 900 junction stations with diversity transmitters and receivers operating in the VHF band, while the carrier frequencies of the radio transmitters differ in ratings. Aircraft, KR and UAVs made using radio absorbing materials will create inhomogeneities in the radar field of transmitters due to absorption or re-reflection of radio waves. According to foreign experts, the accuracy of determining the coordinates of the target after joint processing of data received at the command post from several receiving positions can be about 1.5 m.

One of the significant drawbacks of the radar station being created is that effective target detection is possible only after it passes through the defended airspace, so there is little time left to intercept an air target. The design cost of the MP radar will be about $156 million, taking into account the use of 900 receiving units, which theoretically cannot be disabled by the first missile strike.

NLC Homeland Alert 100 detection system. Specialists from the American company Raytheon, together with the European company Tkhels, have developed a passive coherent NLC detection system designed to obtain data on low-speed low-altitude ATs, including UAVs, CR and targets created using stealth technology. It was developed in the interests of the Air Force and the US Army to solve air defense tasks in the context of the use of electronic warfare, in conflict zones, and to ensure the actions of special forces. protection of facilities, etc. All Homeland Alert 100 equipment is placed in a container mounted on the chassis (4x4) of an off-road vehicle, however, it can also be used in a stationary version. The system includes an antenna mast that can be deployed in a working position in a few minutes, as well as equipment for analyzing, classifying and storing data on all detected sources of radio emission and their parameters, which makes it possible to effectively detect and recognize various targets.

According to foreign press reports, the Homeland Alert 100 system uses signals generated by digital VHF broadcasting stations, analog TV broadcast transmitters, and terrestrial digital TV transmitters to illuminate targets. This provides the ability to receive signals reflected by targets, detect and determine their coordinates and speed in the azimuth sector of 360 degrees, elevation - 90 degrees, at ranges up to 100 km and up to 6000 m in height. Round-the-clock all-weather monitoring of the environment, as well as the possibility of autonomous operation or as part of an information network, allow relatively inexpensive ways to effectively solve the problem of detecting low-altitude targets, including in difficult jamming conditions, in conflict zones in the interests of air defense and missile defense. When using the Homeland Alert 100 MP radar as part of network control systems and interacting with warning and control centers, the Asterix / AWCIES protocol is used. The increased noise immunity of such a system is based on the principles of multipositional information processing and the use of passive modes of operation.

Foreign media reported that the Homeland Alert 100 system was planned to be acquired by a number of NATO countries.

Thus, the ground-based air defense-missile defense radar stations in the theater that are in service with NATO countries and are being developed remain the main source of information about air targets and are the main elements in the formation of a unified picture of the air situation.

(V. Petrov, S. Grishulin, "Foreign Military Review")

The first flight of the Tu-22M3M long-range supersonic bomber-missile carrier is scheduled for August this year at the Kazan Aviation Plant, RIA Novosti reports. This is a new modification of the Tu-22M3 bomber, put into service in 1989.

The aircraft demonstrated its combat viability in Syria, striking terrorist bases. They used Backfires, as they called this formidable car in the West, and during the Afghan war.

According to Senator Viktor Bondarev, the former commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, the aircraft has great potential for modernization. Actually, this is the whole line of Tu-22 bombers, the creation of which began in the Tupolev Design Bureau in the 60s. The first prototype made its launch flight in 1969. The very first serial machine Tu-22M2 was put into service in 1976.

In 1981, the Tu-22M3 began to enter the combat units, which became a deep modernization of the previous modification. But it was put into service only in 1989, which was associated with the refinement of a number of systems and the introduction of new generation missiles. The bomber is equipped with new NK-25 engines, more powerful and economical, with an electronic control system. The on-board equipment has been largely replaced - from the power supply system to the radar and weapons control complex. The aircraft defense complex has been significantly strengthened.

As a result, an aircraft with a variable sweep of the wing appeared with the following characteristics: Length - 42.5 m Wingspan - from 23.3 m to 34.3 m Height - 11 m Empty weight - 68 tons, maximum takeoff - 126 tons Engine thrust - 2 × 14500 kgf, afterburner thrust - 2 × 25000 kgf. The maximum speed near the ground is 1050 km / h, at an altitude of 2300 km / h. Flight range - 6800 km. Ceiling - 13300 m. Maximum missile and bomb load - 24 tons.

The main result of the modernization was the arming of the bomber with Kh-15 missiles (up to six missiles in the fuselage plus four on the external sling) and Kh-22 (two on the suspension under the wings).

For reference: Kh-15 is a supersonic aeroballistic missile. With a length of 4.87 m, it fit into the fuselage. The warhead had a mass of 150 kg. There was a nuclear version with a capacity of 300 kt. The rocket, having risen to a height of up to 40 km, when diving on a target in the final section of the route, accelerated to a speed of 5 M. The range of the Kh-15 was 300 km.

And the Kh-22 is a supersonic cruise missile with a range of up to 600 km and a maximum speed of 3.5M-4.6M. The flight altitude is 25 km. The missile also has two warheads - nuclear (up to 1 Mt) and high-explosive-cumulative with a mass of 960 kg. In this connection, she was conditionally nicknamed the "killer of aircraft carriers."

But last year, an even more advanced Kh-32 cruise missile, which is a deep modernization of the Kh-22, was put into service. The range has increased to 1000 km. But the main thing is that the noise immunity, the ability to overcome the zones of active operation of enemy electronic warfare systems, has significantly increased. At the same time, the dimensions and weight, as well as the warhead, remained the same.

And this is good. The bad thing is that in connection with the cessation of production of X-15 missiles, they began to be gradually removed from service since 2000 due to the aging of the solid fuel mixture. At the same time, the replacement of the old rocket was not prepared. In this connection, now the Tu-22M3 bomb bay is loaded only with bombs - both free-falling and adjustable.

What are the main disadvantages of the new weapon variant? First, to precision weapons listed bombs are not included. Secondly, in order to completely "unload" the ammunition, the aircraft must carry out bombing in the very heat of the enemy's air defense.

Previously, this problem was solved optimally - at first, Kh-15 missiles (among which there was an anti-radar modification) hit the radar of air defense / missile defense systems, thereby clearing the way for their main strike force - a pair of Kh-22s. Now bomber sorties are associated with increased danger, unless, of course, the collision occurs with a serious enemy who owns modern air defense systems.

There is another unpleasant moment, because of which the excellent missile carrier is significantly inferior, if possible, to its counterparts in the Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Air Force - the Tu-95MS and Tu-160. On the basis of the SALT-2 agreement, equipment for refueling in the air was removed from the "twenty-second". In this connection, the combat radius of the missile carrier does not exceed 2400 km. And even then only if you fly light, with a half rocket and bomb load.

At the same time, the Tu-22M3 does not have missiles that could significantly increase the aircraft's strike range. The Tu-95MS and Tu-160 have such, this is the Kh-101 subsonic cruise missile, which has a range of 5500 km.

So, work on upgrading the bomber to the level of the Tu-22M3M goes in parallel with much more secret work on the creation of a cruise missile that will restore the combat effectiveness of this machine.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, the Raduga Design Bureau has been developing a promising cruise missile, which was declassified to a very limited extent only last year. And even then only in terms of design and characteristics. This is the “product 715”, which is intended primarily for the Tu-22M3M, but can also be used on the Tu-95MS, Tu-160M ​​and Tu-160M2. American military-technical publications claim that this is almost a copy of their subsonic and most distant air-to-surface missile AGM-158 JASSM. However, this would not be desirable. Since these, according to Trump's characteristics, "smart missiles", as it recently turned out, are smart to the point of self-will. Some of them, during the last unsuccessful shelling of Syrian targets by the Western allies, which has become famous all over the world, against the will of the owners, actually flew to beat the Kurds. And the range of the AGM-158 JASSM is modest by modern standards - 980 km.

An improved Russian analogue of this overseas missile is the Kh-101. By the way, it was also made in KB "Rainbow". The designers managed to significantly reduce the dimensions - the length decreased from 7.5 m to 5 m or even less. The diameter was reduced by 30%, "losing weight" to 50 cm. This turned out to be enough to place the "product 715" inside the bomb bay of the new Tu-22M3M. Moreover, immediately in the amount of six missiles. That is, now, finally, from the point of view of tactics of combat use, we again have everything the same as it was during the operation of the Kh-15 missiles being decommissioned.

Inside the fuselage of the modernized bomber, the missiles will be placed in a revolver-type launcher, similar to the cartridge drum of a revolver. During the launch of the missiles, the drum rotates step by step, and the missiles are sequentially sent to the target. This placement does not impair the aerodynamic qualities of the aircraft and, therefore, allows for economical fuel consumption, as well as the maximum use of the possibilities of supersonic flight. Which, as mentioned above, is especially important for the "single-refueling" Tu-22M3M.

Of course, the designers of the "product 715" could not even theoretically, while simultaneously increasing the flight range and reducing the dimensions, also achieve supersonic speed. Actually, the Kh-101 is not a high-speed missile either. On the marching section, it flies at a speed of about 0.65 Mach, at the finish line it accelerates to 0.85 Mach. Its main advantage (besides the range) is different. The missile has a whole set of powerful tools that allow you to break through the enemy's missile defense. Here and stealth - RCS of the order of 0,01 sq.m. And the combined flight profile - from creeping to a height of 10 km. AND effective complex electronic warfare. In this case, the circular probable deviation from the target at a full distance of 5500 km is 5 meters. Such high accuracy is achieved due to the combined guidance system. In the final section, an optical-electronic homing head operates, which guides the missile along a map stored in memory.

Experts suggest that in terms of range and other characteristics, the "product 715", if inferior to the X-101, is insignificant. Estimates range from 3,000 km to 4,000 km. But, of course, the striking power will be different. X-101 has a warhead mass of 400 kilograms. So much "will not fit" into a new rocket.

As a result of the adoption of the "product 715", the bomber's high-precision ammunition load will not only increase, but will also be balanced. So, the Tu-22M3M will have the opportunity, without approaching the air defense zone, to pre-process radars and air defense systems with “babies”. And then, coming closer, strike at strategic targets with powerful Kh-32 supersonic missiles.