The artist is mourned by his fans, colleagues, friends and family. Andrei Vladimirovich left three children: daughter Nadezhda and sons Alexander and Peter.

Panin was married twice. The actor got married for the first time at the age of 25. Little is known about this union. Wife - economist Tatyana. In marriage, a daughter, Nadezhda, was born. She is now 25 years old and lives in the USA. However, the actor still constantly remained in touch with her.

The second wife of Panin was a theater and film actress Natalia Rogozhkina. They met 18 years ago.

According to Rogozhkina, she did not immediately pay attention to the then little-known actor. But when I saw him play on stage, I instantly fell in love.

However, then both were in other relationships. Only two years later, Natalya moved to Andrei in a hostel, and over time they got their own apartment.

The couple formalized the relationship after the birth of the children in order to avoid problems with the documents. Andrey and Natalya did not organize celebrations. According to the actress, the wedding date was never celebrated, and she does not even remember it.

The couple had two sons. Both are copies of the red-haired mother. The eldest Sasha is now ten years old, the youngest Petya is four years old. The children are not yet told about the death of their father ...

Now a lot of people are talking about difficult relationship Natalia and Andrey. The actor's neighbors admit that the couple has not lived together for the past two years. In their opinion, that is why at the time of death the actor was left alone. It is known that Natalia immediately after the ambulance came to her husband's house, but did not enter the apartment to avoid meeting with the paparazzi.

However close friend actor Gennady Rusin claims that Natalya and Andrey did not part. Rusin admitted that he himself did not let the actor's wife into the apartment so that she would not see the blood-stained room.

Natalya Rogozhkina's friends noted that the actress is grieving the loss of her husband and is not ready to share her grief with others.

We express our sincere condolences to the family of a wonderful actor.

Andrei Vladimirovich Panin is a brilliant Russian theater and film actor. He rightfully received in 1999 the title of Honored Artist Russian Federation. In 2001 he became a laureate of the State Prize of Russia, and in 2003 and 2013 (posthumously) the Nika Prize. He was also repeatedly nominated for the Golden Eagle award.

All awards and prizes speak of the undeniable acting talent of Andrei Panin. He was an outstanding artist. During his life, he managed to achieve public recognition, earn the love of the audience and become famous. Andrey Panin's merits are still equaled by his contemporaries.

“He is not an artist. He is a person. And this is very important, ”the film director Alexei Balabanov once described Andrei Panin.

And, indeed, the actor cannot be attributed to one specific niche: he is not a comedian, and not a hero-lover, and not Social worker. He is a very talented actor. He played his characters perfectly. For the first time, it became known about him after the release of the film "Brigada" on television.

by Andrey Panin a large number of fans. The biography and creative path of the actor is quite rich and unpredictable, and therefore interesting to everyone.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Andrei Panin

Andrei Panin was not handsome, he was never attractive. The actor was "ordinary", rustic in appearance. Skeptics did not believe in his acting future, believing that they did not act in films with such an appearance. But Andrei Panin managed to achieve a lot and become famous. Admirers of his work are interested in the biography and creative path of the actor, as well as his physical parameters, including his height, weight, age. The years of life of Andrei Panin - 05/23/1962 to 06/03/2013. It turns out that Andrei Panin died at the age of fifty. Photo in his youth and now remains a popular request on the Internet.

The growth of the Actor was 177 centimeters, weighed 81 kilograms. According to the sign of the Zodiac, the actor is Gemini. Perhaps it was precisely this arrangement of stars at his birth that endowed him with some kind of duplicity, not in the bad sense of the word: either the actor was open, became the soul of the company, or closed in on himself, considered himself lonely.

Biography and personal life of Andrei Panin

The biography and personal life of Andrei Panin began in Novosibirsk. The actor was born on May 28, 1962 in a family of scientists. Father - Vladimir Panin, was a radio physicist. Mother - Anna Panina, taught physics at school. Two years after the birth of the future actor, the family moved to Chelyabinsk. And already, when Andrei Panin was 6 years old - in Kemerovo. It is this city that the actor considers his native. Immediately his younger sister, Nina Panina, was born.

As a child, Andrei Panin was engaged in boxing, karate and dancing. After graduation, the actor, on the recommendation of his parents, entered the Kemerovo Food Institute, but was later expelled for his behavior. Soon he entered the Kemerovo Institute of Culture.

He entered the Moscow Art Theater School only with fourth time. He was not taken because of a speech defect and a "rustic" appearance. After graduation, he worked at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov.

Filmography: films starring Andrey Panin

Since 1992, the actor began acting in films. His debut took place in the film "In a straight line."

His filmography includes more than 70 films: "The Brigade", "Mother, Do not Cry", "Taiga Romance", etc.

Family and children of Andrei Panin

The family and children of Andrei Panin are the property of the actor. The actor was married twice. He loved his wives sincerely and truly.

Andrei Panin has three children - two sons Alexander and Peter, and one daughter - Nadezhda. Now they are growing up, arranging their lives. The sons are proud of their talented and outstanding father and miss him very much. The family could not come to terms with his loss for a long time.

Many are interested in the question "Andrey Panin and Alexei Panin - who are they to each other?". Note that in addition to the surname and creative activity there is nothing to connect them. They are not relatives or even friends. Note that Alexey Panin is an admirer of the work of Andrei Panin.

The son of Andrei Panin - Alexander

The son of Andrei Panin is Alexander, the eldest son of the actor. The boy was born in 2001 in the second marriage of the artist. Then Andrei Panin was married to actress Natalya Rogozhkina. When Alexander was 12 years old, his father died. Now he is already 17 years old. During this time, he noticeably matured and even managed to fall in love. It is noteworthy that young people try not to advertise their relationship, only occasionally leaving comments under the photo, where the couple looks very happy.

All free time Alexander dedicates to sports, music and friends. It is known that the guy is also interested in theater. Sometimes he sees his colleagues in the workshop. Shows interest in operatorship. Perhaps Alexander will follow in his father's footsteps.

The son of Andrei Panin - Peter

The son of Andrei Panin is Peter, the youngest and third child of the actor. The boy was born on January 30, 2008 in the second marriage of the artist. His mother is also an actress - Natalia Rogozhkina. Now the boy is 9 years old. He studies well and goes in for sports.

Note that both sons are red-haired, like their mother. Andrei Panin called them with love Neanderthals, a rarity.

There is very little information about Peter. Andrei Panin did not talk about his family, did not like to make public what was happening at his house. And after the death of the actor, his family remained a taboo topic for discussion. His sons and now do not try to play on the celebrity of their father.

Andrey Panin's daughter - Nadezhda

The daughter of Andrei Panin is Nadezhda, the first child of the actor. Born in 1993. Then the artist was first married to Tatyana Frantsuzova. Hope appeared when Andrei Panin served in the Moscow Art Theater, but among the spares. Due to lack of money, his wife went to give birth at home in Kemerovo. It is known that then Andrey Panin started drinking for the first time. The young father did not come to the birth of his daughter, and later also did not appear. Hope was brought up by the wife's parents.

Nadezhda is now 25 years old. Together with her mother, she lives in the United States and receives her education in New York. About the presence of actor Andrei Panin ex-wife and daughter are trying to forget. Nadezhda even took her mother's surname. But outwardly she is very similar to her father.

The ex-wife of Andrei Panin - Tatyana Frantsuzova

The ex-wife of Andrei Panin is Tatyana Frantsuzova, the first chosen one of the actor. The girl was from a fairly wealthy family. For her parents, the actor was a rather rustic guy. They did not approve of their daughter's choice. Tatyana Frantsuzova herself was madly in love with the actor. She forgave him a lot: insults, living conditions, possible betrayals.

The young met as students. It was then, at the age of twenty, that Andrey Panin entered the university on his fourth attempt. Theatre Institute. Tatyana Frantsuzova also studied economics.

After the wedding, Andrei Panin and Tatyana Frantsuzova huddled in an ordinary communal apartment. There was not enough money for living. Soon, in order to obtain housing, the couple divorced fictitiously.

Having become pregnant, Tatyana Frantsuzova decided to give birth to a child at home, in Kemerovo. It is known that Andrei Panin did not come to the birth of his daughter, and later also did not appear.

Now Tatyana Farntsuzova and her daughter live in the United States.

Andrey Panin's wife - Natalya Rogozhikna

Andrey Panin's wife - Natalya Rogozhkina, Russian actress theater and cinema. Young people met in 2000. Then the actress was 20 years old, and Andrei Panin was 32 years old.

Natalya Rogozhkina admired her husband. She noted his directorial talent and artistic abilities. It was she who became the organizer of the exhibition of the actor's paintings.

Two sons were born in the marriage - Alexander and Peter. When the first son appeared, Andrei Panin experienced two feelings - joy and fear.

Andrei Panin was very careful about his family, he loved his wife and children. The family often vacationed together. But then the relationship deteriorated. Rumor has it that the last two years of their lives, the couple lived separately. Perhaps this is just a rumor. But Andrei Panin still had a second apartment. He bought it in order to work quietly, without being distracted by fuss.

Natalya Rogozhkina and the sons of Andrei Panin for a long time could not come to terms with the death of their husband and father.

Cause of death of Andrei Panin

Andrey Panin died on March 6, 2013. His body was found on March 7 in an apartment building on Balaklavsky Prospekt in Moscow. The main cause of death of Andrei Panin is an accident.

A few days before his death, Andrei Panin did not get in touch. They found him in a pool of blood. A little later, forensic experts came to the conclusion that before his death, the actor was severely beaten: many bruises and abrasions were found on his body. Neighbors noted that they heard groans from the apartment of the deceased, but no one paid due attention. A large number of empty bottles from under the vodka. But Andrei Panin's friends assure that the actor stopped drinking a long time ago.

The funeral took place at the Troekurovsky cemetery, where Panin's grave is now located.

Wikipedia Andrey Panin

There are quite a lot on the Internet various information about the actor Andrey Panin. good source Wikipedia is Andrey Panin. Here are the main facts from the biography of the actor, his personal life, creative way, the formation of personality and career growth artist. You can also get acquainted with the filmography of Andrei Panin, his prizes and awards.

It should be noted that Wikipedia provides reliable information, it is written in an understandable language, without frills and is available to every Internet user. The article was found on

Panin Andrei Vladimirovich (1962-2013) - Russian film and theater actor, director. In 1999 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.


His father, Vladimir Alekseevich, was from a wealthy family. But because of some extra acres of land, the Panins' grandparents were recognized as fists and exiled to Siberia in the village of Kolpashevo. They were brought on a steamer with other equally prosperous peasants and landed in the taiga - survive as you wish. Many people died, and the Panins managed to spend the winter in the dugout thanks to grass and a bag of crackers, which the grandmother farsightedly took with her on the road instead of other belongings.

Andrei Panin's mother, Anna Georgievna, is a hereditary Cossack woman, was born in the Volgograd region (then the city of Volgograd was called Stalingrad). They lived very hard, at the age of eleven she already worked on a farm and looked after collective farm chickens. After all, her father fought at the front, and Anya had to help her mother with younger children. On the collective farm, she was assigned two hundred chickens to care for, the girl fed them with waste after threshed grain, and if there were whole grains there, she took them home in her pocket. Of course, they could have been imprisoned for this according to the law of war, but this is how Anya and her mother and five younger brothers and sisters survived the war.

Andrei's parents met in Tomsk, where both studied at higher educational institutions. Vladimir Alekseevich graduated from school with excellent marks, then received a degree in radiophysics from the university. Anna Georgievna was also a diligent and good student at school, but when she announced to her relatives that she would go further to study in Tomsk, her grandmother chased her around the village, she did not want to let her granddaughter go so far. But Andrei's mother still left, graduated pedagogical institute and received a diploma in physics.

Fate brought them together at the end of the fourth year, the young people met at the wedding of a mutual friend. They fell in love at first sight, six months later they got married, and six months later both were assigned to Novosibirsk, where the couple had their first child, son Andryusha. The young parents were so happy that they even forgot to name the child. The boy lived without a name for almost a month, then grandfather could not stand it anymore and asked: “When are you going to register the kid?” Vladimir Alekseevich ran to the registry office and recorded his son Andryushka in honor of the hero of the novel "War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky.


When Andrei was two years old, the family moved from Novosibirsk to Chelyabinsk. Little Panin was not registered in the kindergarten, since he was not yet three years and had to hire a nanny - an old grandmother. But elderly woman it was only enough for six months, she did not keep up with the child running around the yard, she was afraid that she would not keep track, and refused. My mom had to take him to work with her. Anna Georgievna will put the baby under the teacher’s table before the lesson and says: “Sit quietly, don’t give a voice!” And he stood for 45 minutes, playing there quietly with a gun.

In 1968, the Panins moved to Kemerovo. At first, they lived with their grandparents, then Andrei had a younger sister, Nina, and then dad was given a separate apartment from work.

For the first time, Andryusha's acting abilities manifested themselves in the kindergarten. In the evening, to put their son to bed, the parents turned on the tape recorder and played fairy tales on reel-to-reel cassettes. The boy listened attentively and fell asleep, and the next day in kindergarten he played out what he heard by roles, portraying the Little Humpbacked Horse, Ivan or the Tsar.

The father brought up the boy rather harshly, often taking him with him on hikes in the mountains and in the taiga. Vladimir Alekseevich, a Siberian, has never been to the sea in his entire life, says that no Crimea can compare in beauty with the taiga. He loaded heavy backpacks for himself and his son, and went into the forest in any weather. They climbed the cedars, shaking the branches at the top and then collecting cones full of nuts. They often went out in large companies and then set up tents for the night, made a fire, and during the day they picked mushrooms and berries, brought home full baskets of cranberries.

But Andrei did not like the forest very much, early childhood a purely urban dweller began to appear in him. The boy really liked to draw, and in the new Kemerovo apartment he hung all the walls with his art. Later, the parents regretted that they might have overlooked their son's talent, but then they sent him not to an art school, but to a music school. Andrei began to learn to play the accordion, but two years later he went on strike and picked up the guitar.


At school, Panin studied well - at "four" and "five". He had an excellent memory, he could run a textbook page diagonally and retell it without hesitation. He especially liked geography, he immediately showed any city, country or river on the map. He was very fond of reading, greedily swallowed the works of Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Gogol, Tolstoy, adored "The Master and Margarita" by M. Bulgakov.

Among sports hobbies in school years Andrey was present at first boxing, he was engaged in it until he was ten years old and even went to competitions. Then he became interested in karate and freestyle wrestling. He sang well, for some time he went to a circle of folk dances. In the class he was considered a leader, the first merry fellow and a joker. Especially both the children and the teachers liked how Andrey read the fables by roles. Teachers often said to him: "Well, artist!", without even suspecting how close to the truth.

But, before learning the acting profession, Panin managed to become a student at the Kemerovo Institute Food Industry. Parents insisted that a man should have a serious and stable profession, and he went to study as a master refrigeration units. However, soon the guy was expelled from educational institution. Having passed the third session, he went with friends to the Shakhtar rest house. There, at the dance club, a fight broke out, the locals fled, and the students were taken by the police. As a result, they received fifteen days of arrest, then working off and expulsion from the institute.

Andrey was not very upset about this, he told his parents: “Everything that is not done is for the best” and began to prepare for the entrance exams for the directing department of the Kemerovo Institute of Culture. He entered the first time, mom and dad realized that after all, their son is not a techie, but a humanist. At the institute, as well as at school, Panin was loved by everyone, he was the soul of the company, led discos and others. cultural events. He kept in touch with fellow students all his life, despite the fact that he later became a celebrity.

After graduation, Panin was assigned to the Minusinsk Drama Theater near Abakan. From there, Andrei went four times to enter the Moscow Art Theater School. At the entrance exams, he was told that he would be a "non-removable actor", it makes no sense to get involved in this profession, but Panin got his way and entered.

Andrei studied with actor Vladimir Mashkov. They were connected not only by friendship, but also by attempts to engage in commerce. In those difficult years, it was necessary to somehow survive and take money from somewhere, so the guys started selling fartsovka, reselling jeans, vodka.

In 1990, Panin received a diploma from the Moscow Art Theater School in the workshop of Alexander Kalyagin.


How wrong were the members of the selection committee when they told Andrei that this was not his profession and he would not be a filmed actor. Panin played his first film role when he was already over thirty - the episodic character of a man on the stock exchange in Prohindiad-2. And already in 1998 and in 1999, three films with his participation were released. The viewer immediately drew attention to the role interesting actor:

  • a sailor in the crime comedy "Mom, do not cry!";
  • the captain in Karen Shakhnazarov's film-parable "Full Moon Day";
  • the father of the Yuriev family in the drama "Mom";
  • private detective Stasov in the series "Kamenskaya".

Fame throughout the country came to Andrei after the release of the screens:

  • film by Pavel Lungin "Wedding" (scandalist Garkusha);
  • series "Border. Taiga novel "(head of the special department, Major Vyacheslav Voron);
  • the dramatic action movie "24 Hours" (criminal authority Lyova Shalamov);
  • Pyotr Todorovsky's film "Life is full of fun" (Victor);
  • drama television series family secrets"(killer banker Maxim Andreevich Savin);
  • comedy by Karen Shakhnazarov "Poisons, or The World History poisoning" (Cesare Borgia).

Real fame fell on Andrey after the release of the crime saga "Brigada" in 2002. The actor skillfully played one of the main roles - Vladimir Evgenievich Kaverin, a corrupt policeman who went into the criminal world in the early 1990s. He was never afraid to play villains, because someone has to do it. Most of Panin's characters were negative, but he had such charisma that the audience idolized the actor.

Andrei so successfully embodied on the screen vivid images, which was remembered for a long time not only by the audience, but also by the directors. The versatility of his talent amazed the masters of Russian cinema, Panin received a lot of filming offers, in the early 2000s he became one of the most sought-after Russian actors.

It cannot be said that some of his roles were the best, he devoted himself to any work without a trace, each character played was not forgotten the next day after watching the film, but settled somewhere in the depths of the audience's heart for a long time:

  • police major Nikolai Agapov in the action movie "Trio";
  • Georges in the historical drama "The Rider Called Death";
  • KGB captain Savelyev in the drama "Driver for Vera";
  • promoter Vagit Valiev in the crime action movie Shadow Fight;
  • Lieutenant Colonel Vishnevetsky military drama"Bastards";
  • Porfiry Petrovich in "Crime and Punishment";
  • prosecutor's office investigator Ivan Zhurov in the series "Zhurov";
  • navigator Gotov in "Kandahar";
  • pioneer leader Kravets in the film "Burnt by the Sun 2: Anticipation";
  • doctor Anatoly Nefyodov in the film "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive";
  • Major Sokolov in the series "Major Sokolov's Getters";
  • Doctor Watson in the detective Sherlock Holmes.

As a director, Panin did not have much time to become famous; before his death, he shot only two films - “Full speed ahead” and “Grandson of a cosmonaut”. But the work in the theater was no less significant than in the cinema. Immediately after graduating from the studio school, Andrei was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater named after Chekhov, since 1994 he appeared on the stage of the studio theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov. Participated in private productions, since the beginning of the 2000s he has been involved in the Pushkin Moscow Drama Theater.

Personal life

The first time Panin married a girl who lived next door to him in Kemerovo. Tanya Frantsuzova was very beautiful, an economist by profession, belonged to a difficult family, her parents worked in the party elite. Tanya's mother was categorically against her daughter's relationship with Andrei, but the young people loved each other and insisted on the wedding.

Shortly after the wedding, they went with friends on vacation to Jurmala, where they got into a terrible car accident. Tanya and Andrei were sitting in the back seat, so they survived, but he had a severe concussion, and she had fractures of both legs. For a long time Tatyana was treated by Dikul, her legs were straightened and her spine was stretched. She was afraid that she would not be able to give birth later, but she courageously endured all the operations, and after some time a daughter, Nadia, appeared in the Panin family.

However, when the girl went to first grade, Andrei and Tanya divorced. main reason became the lack of money of the actor. As mother-in-law Panina said, she always wished for her daughter a more successful party. Tatyana listened to her mother unquestioningly, which influenced them family relationships.

Andrei's second wife was the actress Natalya Rogozhkina, she was his student at the Moscow Art Theater School, where Panin taught a master class. The spouses had a fourteen-year age difference, despite this, the second marriage turned out to be happy for Andrei, they had two sons with Natasha - in 2001 Alexander, in 2008 Peter.

In 2000, Andrei moved his mother and father from Kemerovo closer to him so that he could visit them more often. Panin loved to visit his parents, and especially to eat his mother's dishes. Called ahead of time and said he was leaving. And mom rushed to the kitchen, twisting his favorite cutlets and mashing mashed potatoes.


He was a great son, husband, father, talented actor. But fate measured Andrei little time. On March 6, 2013, Panin was found dead at home. The first version was an accident, but then the forensic experts said that the actor was killed. Andrey was buried in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery, and a year later the criminal case on the fact of his death was closed for lack of corpus delicti...

But Natalia Rogozhkina does not want to think about a new marriage

On May 28, Andrei PANIN would have turned 55. But he did not live to see the anniversary - on March 7, 2013, the popular actor was found dead in his own apartment. The first version is an accident. Say, he fell, hit his head and lost a lot of blood. However, forensic experts came to the conclusion that the people's favorite was severely beaten. Who did it has not yet been established. About how the relatives of Andrei Vladimirovich survived the loss, his closest person told.

Natalia Rogozhkina, widow Andrey Panin, has not given a single interview since the day of his death. Friends and colleagues unanimously explain:

Despite the fact that her relationship with Andrei in recent months were almost exhausted, his unexpected departure became a huge tragedy for Natasha. She'd always been a little aloof, and now she's completely closed off. Believe me, the fact that she does not want to open her soul to anyone is not theatrical antics. She's still on fire inside. Andryusha just will not be forgotten!

Actor with wife Natasha, son Sasha, father Vova and mother Anya (2002)

Only one survived

The artist's parents - Vladimir Alekseevich and Anna Georgievna - live in Bronnitsy near Moscow. In that two-storey house on 15 acres, Andrey moved them from Kemerovo when their parents retired. And he often came to visit them with his family - his wife Natasha and sons Sasha and Petya. He built a bathhouse there, made a swing for children. He loved to fry kebabs in a secluded place under a branchy pear tree.

Andrew was very kind and caring. Wherever he was, he always called, asked how he was doing. He came at the first opportunity. Now we have desolation here, - the actor's dad sighs, showing his possessions. - Without a son, everything has lost its meaning. Without it, my wife and I do not live, but we live - the white light is not nice.

Two years ago, Gennady RUSIN and Natalia ROGOZHKINA organized an exhibition of Andrey's drawings. And yes, they do have a lot in common. Photo: ()

Portraits of Andrey and clippings of his interviews from newspapers and magazines hang everywhere in the Panin's house. Parents know these texts by heart, but still reread them almost every day.

Anna Georgievna is now resting in the next room - let's not wake her up, - Vladimir Alekseevich whispered to me. - After Andryusha left, she lost a lot, I try not to disturb her once again. Of course, we were very proud of our son, but we could not even imagine that an artist would grow out of him. Although he was always funny - at school the teachers told him so: “Panin, you need to go to the clowns!”

The modest house of the parents of the movie star is lost among the "big neighbors". Photo by Ruslan VORONOY ()

Is that why he became an artist?

No, after the end of the ten-year period, Andrei went to the Food Institute - to become a technologist. There he began to actively participate in amateur performances, but after the first year he was expelled. I went with the guys to the camp site and got into some kind of fight. They called the police, and they slapped him with 10 days. Previously, this case was strict - so they kicked me out of the institute. He did not begin to recover - he decided to try himself as a director. Disaccustomed and went to Moscow.

- Were you not afraid to let one go to the capital?

I knew that Andrei would not disappear anywhere, but I always told him: “Study, and my mother and I will help in any way we can.” In addition, he did not leave for Moscow alone, but with his first wife Tanya French and three best friends. Two of them are no longer alive, like our Andryusha ...

Photo by Ruslan VORONOY ()

- And what happened to his wife Tatyana?

Something did not grow together with them, - Vladimir Alekseevich sighed, sorting through the black-and-white wedding pictures of his son. - Tanya was our neighbor in Kemerovo, she and Andryusha knew each other since childhood. But her parents always opposed their relationship. Maybe they considered him unlucky, did not believe that he would be good. I don't know... As a result, they moved to Moscow, gave birth to Nadenka. And then they parted anyway. The granddaughter is already an adult - she is 24 years old. Lives in America, but does not keep in touch with us at all. After the divorce, Tanya hardly gave us Nadia. Although we tearfully asked. Tatyana now lives in Prague. Almost immediately after her divorce from Andryusha, she got married and gave birth to a second child. When she found out about our grief, she immediately called. And after the funeral came to visit. We cried together. But we still never saw our granddaughter.


Don't give up on yourself!

- How is the departure of her husband going through last wife Andrey - Natalya Rogozhkina?

Bad ... But where should she go? She has two boyfriends growing up - she can’t get sour in any way. The eldest - Sanka, after Andryushin's departure, became very withdrawn and silent. My wife and I were worried, but Natasha reassured me: his age, they say, is like that. Then the grandson confessed: “I love you all very much, but I loved my dad more,” Vladimir Alekseevich’s voice trembled treacherously. Waving his hand like a man in the air, this 79-year-old grandfather with kind sad eyes continued: Now Sasha is 15 - a big guy already. Natasha said that she was already friends with the girl. However, he rarely visits us. Last time saw him a year ago. But we are not offended, we understand everything - young people have their own concerns.

... devoted all his free time to his sons

- The younger grandson also does not look?

Petka Natasha often brings. When other grandchildren are visiting us - the children of our daughter Nina, Petya stays with pleasure, he is then interested.

- Do you know anything about Natalia's personal life? Five years have passed.

My wife and I don't go there. Once she was only told: “Natasha, you are young - do not give up on yourself! We will only be happy if you are happy again. Yes, and the boys need a male upbringing. But she only remained silent in response. We also don’t ask grandchildren - it’s none of our business. Although at one time we thought that Gena Rusin was caring for Natasha - former director Andrew. He is a good person - he always helped her in everything. Again, he promised not to leave the boys. So we didn't mind if they got together. But then it turned out that Natasha and Gena are just friends. Besides, he has a wife.

The eldest heir (in the center) is slowly trying himself in the theater (pictured with actress Ksenia LAVROVOYA-GLINKA, her son Daniil and Oleg TABAKOV)

- At one time they stubbornly said that you and Natasha were in conflict because of the inheritance ...

Yes you! What nonsense. If you believe everything that is said in the acting party and on TV ... We immediately abandoned Andryushkin's inheritance in favor of Natasha. She knows better how to make sure that Sasha and Petya have everything. And my wife and I have enough pensions. The only thing I would really like is to see my grandchildren more often. This is all we have left of our son.

We took this interview shortly before Andrei Panin died. But for us and for millions of our readers, he remains alive: in his work, in his films, in his family, in his children. And so we decided to publish this interview exactly as it sounded when we talked with Andrey Panin's wife, actress Natalia Rogozhkina.

Andrew and I have been together for 18 years. And our relationship is a real roller coaster.

We are completely different people! Polar opposites with diametrical views on family life. It's good that we have such a happy profession that we have the opportunity to rest from each other. I cannot imagine without horror how we would meet for 18 years without a break after working at home - without having time to get bored, without having time to analyze everything and come to the conclusion that we cannot replace each other with someone on the side.

- But if thoughts on this matter arise at all, it means that it is difficult for you to put up with some shortcomings of your husband ...

It was only at first that Andrei seemed to me a man without flaws. Not in the sense that I did not notice them, just at that time it would even be strange for me to call some features of his character flaws.

I saw in them only a manifestation of his eccentricity. Which is not surprising: at the time of our acquaintance I was 19 years old, Andrei was 32. That is, I am just a girl and he is a mature man. Of course, I accepted him for who he is. It suited me that he was an absolutely self-sufficient planet. You can only rotate around it as a kind of satellite. And that he is a chaos man. Andrei burst into my life and disappeared, then reappeared and again disappeared for a long time, and then reappeared. Until people live together, such fragmentary appearances seem to be the norm. A person brings a holiday into your life, gives you communication with yourself - and you perceive it as a kind of gift. But when you start living with this person as a family, and the fragmentation of his appearances does not change, this affects family life.

You suddenly discover that other people also have the same greedy need for it. And now you are on the other side of the barricades...

- And how did you meet Andrei Panin?

He appeared on our course at the Moscow Art Theater School as an assistant teacher at the invitation of Dmitry Vladimirovich Brusnikin - to stage the play Balzaminov's Marriage. Although, in my opinion, people like Panin should not be allowed to visit students. This is a mad man, with insane charm. I remember that he was constantly saying something, running around the audience, in general he was a clot of some unthinkable energy. I did not feel love at first sight for him, but it was impossible not to pay attention to such a person. I don’t know what kind of emotions Andrei felt towards me at that moment, but under his close male attention I got.


Perhaps due to the magical action of his redhead. I just didn’t have time to hide behind someone, and the bright color of my hair caught Andrei Vladimirovich in the eyes ...

And at the end of the third year I was offered to play at the Moscow Art Theater leading role in the play "Ondine". Andrei participated in it and undertook to help me at the introductory rehearsals. We touched again. Now already in the theater, that is, on its territory. And I looked at him with great interest. After all, the charm of talent is fascinating! And then I saw Andrei in the play "Death Number". And for me it really became a “death number” - I “died” completely and irrevocably. (With a smile.) True, over time I realized that I was dying under the very clear sight of Panin's optical rifle, which fired the final shot.

- Did Andrei captivate you exclusively from the stage and there was no flirting on his part, no special male lures?

It's just that Andrei, in some miraculous way, began to constantly appear near me - backstage, in the dining room, at rehearsals and banquets.