Hello dear readers! It is not a secret for anyone that in each period of life a person faces different tasks, based on his needs, he realizes certain goals that correspond to his age and development. At the age of three or seventeen, he will have a different attitude to life and want something of his own from her.

Age periodization is the identification of the features of psychological development at each stage of life. Numerous psychologists have attempted to identify distinctive features these periods. Many have succeeded. How good, let's find out now.

Eric Erickson

This psychologist became famous just for his theory of identifying developmental criteria in relation to age. He believed that at each stage, a person expects the solution of certain tasks. Strong qualities are a favorable completion of the stage, while weak ones will interfere in overcoming and can be fixed as a property.

This does not mean that a person cannot make the right choice, reach a new level or contribute to the change of negative traits to positive ones. It just takes more time and effort.

Although each of the stages is characterized by age, the transition will depend not only on the facts, but also on the environment and the changes associated with them: the birth of children, and so on.


Erickson called the first stage oral. It lasts up to a year. The main task of development is now built around gaining confidence in the world. The kid who manages to develop it strong quality understands that the world around is predictable and not hostile.

Attitude towards the world is the result. It is she who is now the main and significant figure in the life of the baby. Erickson argues that if , then the world will seem scary to him, cause suspicion and fear. Instead of trust, the baby will receive a diametrically opposite quality - basic distrust.


The second stage lasts up to three years. During this period, the child Permissibility within reason allows you to develop it, while it leads to internal doubts, worries, a constant feeling of fear, shame for your actions and weak willpower. Now the baby is less dependent on the mother and focuses on all the adult members of his family.

Playing age

In the third stage, which lasts from about three to seven years, the baby begins to develop in a peer society. He shows activity, initiative and seeks to take not only for himself, but also younger friends, as well as animals. He is happy to face new challenges and acquire unfamiliar skills.

If parents during this period try in every possible way to limit the baby, then passivity arises in him, which prevent him from overcoming this stage of development. In the future, this contributes to low productivity in labor.

school period

The task of becoming industrious, feeling competent in various kinds of issues, is laid at the age of 7 to 12 years, in the school period of growing up. Now the child is more dependent on classmates and teachers. In this social group, he can actively participate in public life.

Now . They give the necessary sense of competence to the child, he feels skilled in a certain area, more developed than others.

By the way, competition and the ability to work in a team are also achieved at this stage. It is now very important for parents not to interfere and in every possible way to contribute to the desires of the child. If he encounters barriers from adults, then he develops inferiority complexes.


From 12 to 18 years old, one of the most important stages of development begins. a person wants to receive autonomy from parents and society. He develops an attitude towards the family, a definition. Now a person thinks about global things: “Who am I in this world”, “What is my purpose”, “What do I want to achieve”.

Now his task is to put together all the ideas that he brought out earlier and combine them into a single . Loyalty to oneself and - the successful completion of this period, which again largely depends on the peers who surround the young man.

If during this period a person is excessively with heroes and adherents of some culture, this suppresses and limits his freedom in defining his own "I". He becomes addicted.


From 18 to 25 dominant social group for a person - friends and loved ones. The period of identification of one's own "I" is over and a person seeks to merge with someone else in order to create his own family. During this period, it is especially important how a person developed in the previous stages - he is confident in himself, he is able to take the initiative, and so on.

What strong quality can be obtained upon completion of this stage? Love. The inability to trust others and the fear of losing independence brings a sense of loneliness and social vacuum.


This stage stretches from 25 to 65 years. Now a person is learning to take care of others, finds a golden mean between productivity and inertia, development and stagnation. The main task is to find the perfect combination and parental role.

Old age

The last stage involves acceptance of oneself, the significance of one's own figure, dignity and. The task of development is to find oneself for the second time, but not among friends, but in a more global sense, in relation to all of humanity.

Wisdom helps to successfully complete this stage. A weak feature can be contempt, misunderstanding, hopelessness.

If you are interested in studying each of the above periods in more detail, I can recommend you a book. "Human Psychology from Birth to Death". It considers all the same 8 periods of human growing up, only in more detail and from the point of view of various scientists.

Unfortunately, my sense of proportion does not allow me to give a broader idea of ​​each of these stages. Well, nothing, subscribe to the newsletter to. A person keeps many secrets in himself and psychology helps to get the key to the most significant moments. You can always find out about the most interesting ones in my blog.

Every person involved in sales has their own idea of ​​a good salesman. If you ask to describe a good seller, you will hear a lot of different words, but in fact all of them can be reduced to the ability to communicate with the outside world and the results of past transactions. In general, this is certainly true, but all this does not help much in practical activities, whether it is the selection of commercial personnel, the development of your sales department, or the adjustment of a commercial strategy. Therefore, if you ask an HR specialist who confidently answered the question about a good salesperson to describe the profile of the “sales representative” position, you will most likely make him think hard. As well as asking the trade representative to formulate a plan for his professional development for three years.

I will formulate my personal vision of the minimum competencies required by businessmen in different stages their professional development. It is unlikely that this article will be useful to a commercial director with twenty years of experience in sales, but it is definitely worth reading for owners of small and medium-sized businesses, personnel officers, recruiters and ordinary line salespeople. Do not look for revelations in it, this is just an attempt to systematize rather trivial things. At first, I tried to find ready-made material on this topic on the Web using typical queries like “knowledge and skills for a salesperson” or “requirements for a sales representative”, but I didn’t find anything worthwhile right off the bat. This led me to the conclusion that this topic is little disclosed. But this is not surprising in Russian realities, since the science of sales is historically poorly developed in our country.

Career steps

The classic career of a businessman is built in approximately the same way. There may be variations in the title of the positions, depending on the size of the business and its nature, but in general, everything is something like this:

Of course, there are a lot of exceptions, but on large numbers, statistics will show approximately these figures. In the last decade, the pace of business development has grown very much, and in some small companies, careers can go much faster. But this is not a reason for pessimism in relation to the above, but a reason to think about the real competencies of 25-year-old people who indicate in their resumes that they worked as a commercial director. About possible methods to speed up your career development in commerce can be read in the excellent article "A Survival Guide for a Young Sold". I would also like to note that I do not believe in the growth of a merchant's competencies based only on practical experience Or just education. Real right skills are a blend of sound theory and intense practice in real business. And the main consequence of this is that a sales representative, standing at a higher career step, must be able to do everything that colleagues below him can do. In this sense, I like the system “went all the way from the turner to the Politburo”, it shows its viability in sales.

Key competencies

So, now let's take a quick look at the set of competencies required for each position in a commercial career. What should a person at least be able to do at each level?

Telemarketing Specialist/Junior Sales Representative

  • Find and analyze information related to sales.
  • Negotiate, handle objections and close deals.
  • Sell ​​products and services remotely.
  • Create new business opportunities and qualify new initial leads.
  • Develop commercial offers and specifications.
  • Encourage sales staff.
  • Ensure that the company's activities comply with legal, ethical and regulatory standards.

Sales Representative

  • Sell ​​products and services at exhibitions, conferences, trade fairs.
  • Implement products and services in personal communication with the customer.
  • Conduct commercial demonstrations and presentations.
  • Use up-to-date technical tools for daily commercial activities.
  • Monitor product delivery and service delivery to identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities.

Senior Sales Representative / Key Account Manager

  • Sell ​​products and services in international markets.
  • Set business goals and forecast sales.
  • Develop strategic relationships with key customers.
  • Analyze the commercial potential of customers.

Head of Sales / Territorial Sales Director

  • Manage commercial territories and portfolios.
  • Develop, implement promotions and special offers.
  • Administer commercial technical and methodological tools.
  • Plan commercial activities.
  • Control and process information for commercial planning.

Commercial Director / Regional Sales Director

  • Develop commercial strategies and plans.
  • Determine commercial priorities within the company's product and service portfolio.
  • Refine commercial strategy and practices in accordance with the purchasing policies of specific customers.

In total, there are only 24 basic competencies for all five main stages of a career. Isn't it enough? Not a little. Because behind each of these competencies is a separate large list of skills and knowledge. Below I will detail the list for one competency, but for now I want to offer you scenarios for using the information already presented:

  • Producing position profiles and job descriptions that will look appropriate to professional candidates at the right stage of commercial development.
  • Establishment of comparative criteria for assessing the quality of existing personnel.
  • Drawing up a plan for the development of staff competencies.
  • Analysis of lost transactions in the context of errors associated with a lack of specific competencies.

What does "Distribute products and services remotely" mean?

Let's take a look at one of the six items that includes a telemarketer or junior salesperson profile. To professionally and effectively sell products and services remotely, a software engineer must be able to:

  • Define targets for the sale of goods and/or services through both outgoing and incoming contacts.
  • Use public databases or provided preliminary contacts and highlight those that are most likely to lead to sales.
  • Assess the potential of each business opportunity and prioritize contacts according to the potential volume of business and the likelihood of a successful closing.
  • Plan commercial contacts, determine how to obtain information about customers and, based on it, prepare key commercial messages.
  • Where possible, choose the most appropriate form of contact with the client.
  • Use structured scripted questionnaires to get information from potential customers about their needs.
  • Use structured scenarios to explain the key benefits of using key products and/or services and demonstrate their compatibility with customer needs.
  • Explain the value of products and/or services, interpret the potential customer's reactions to them, and determine, based on this interpretation, how best to make progress in the sales process.
  • Maximize the unique selling proposition and product differentiation points in the process of communication with the customer.
  • Interpret buy-ready signals that are displayed by the customer and act appropriately in response to them to complete each stage of the sale.
  • Deal with customer requests and objections in a clear and correct manner.
  • Ensure that the contact form matches the type of contact in the job.
  • Determine the basis of the client's interest and its general requirements.
  • Find opportunities for further upsells and cross-sells before closing the current deal.
  • Receive confirmation from the client and close the deal.
  • Use every opportunity to develop positive relationship with customers and determine the ways of further contacts with them.
  • Receive feedback from customers, their reactions to products and/or services, and communicate to the appropriate professionals within your organization.

To do this, he must know and understand:

  • Legal, regulatory and ethical restrictions associated with sales by telephone or other technologies, as well as the acquisition and use of any contact lists and databases.
  • Regulatory requirements related to the preparation of documentation for transactions with buyers.
  • Organizational procedures and practices related to sales.
  • The importance of protecting the brand, image and reputation of the company in the sales process.
  • Commercial goals and plans of the organization in terms of telephone contacts.
  • Current competitor activity, current products/services, and recent developments in the company's target markets.
  • The sales cycle and how it helps salespeople structure and develop their sales contacts.
  • The difference between inbound and outbound sales.
  • Various situations in which remote selling is appropriate, and the advantages and disadvantages of selling by phone compared to other technologies.
  • The difference between active and reactive selling.
  • Techniques that can be applied in distance selling, including cross-selling, up-selling, and add-on selling.
  • Methods for assessing the maximum and minimum potential of a business and how to prioritize preliminary contacts according to cost and probability of closing a deal.
  • Verbal, non-verbal, listening and interrogating techniques suitable for remote sales.
  • How to use the phone system and other technologies available in the organization.
  • How to choose the most appropriate form of contact for a particular client.
  • Appropriate etiquette when using social media or other technologies.
  • The cost of products and/or services and how they are sold.
  • Unique trade offer, product differentiation points and ways to emphasize them.
  • How to involve the contact person on the client side in the development and closing of the transaction.
  • The range of typical responses exhibited by clients and how constructive work with them.
  • How to respectfully, constructively, and effectively overcome customer objections.
  • Methods for closing a deal at different stages of the sales process.
  • How to evaluate and measure the success of customer contacts.

Only 41 points with dry information, behind each of which there are days of training and months of practice. Many of these skills and knowledge are, of course, part of other general competencies, but already at the first stage of a career, the seller must be able to do a lot. Most of the sellers at the same time work on a whim, accumulating abilities through trial and error. This is the main reason for too long a “commercial warm-up” cycle for new sales employees. If a specialist had set himself the goal of systematically developing these skills, then his sales volumes would have reached the required level much faster. Because for each individual skill and area of ​​​​knowledge there is a sea of ​​educational literature, video lectures and trainings.

If you are involved in sales management, try to describe the competencies of your staff in the same detail. I promise you a lot of discoveries. If you are a salesperson, do this for yourself and try to gauge how strong you are in each skill. Analyze the reasons for the defeat in transactions in terms of the lack of specific skills and choose those that are most critical to develop. Here is a plan for further self-development. And by learning the competencies that are needed at the next career level, you will quickly find a common language with your boss, recruiters, and just colleagues in the shop.

27.06.2018 10:11:00

The fact that on Molodyozhnaya Street in Shchekino a local landmark with more than thirty years of experience - a puddle, aka the "Shchekinskoye Sea" - will soon disappear, we reported. But changes, and in the near future, will also take place in the building of the Children's Art School. In January of this year, Governor Alexei Dyumin, during his visit to our district, instructed to solve both of these long-standing problems.
The building of the Children's School of Arts (DSHI) in the city of Shchekino in 2018 turned 45 years old. Initially, it was designed as a cinema, but today more than a thousand children are engaged in creative work here. Parents of pupils of Children's School of Art complained to the head of the region that the assembly hall of the school is not suitable for concerts and performances, there is not even the necessary ventilation.
On behalf of Alexei Dyumin, the Perspektiva Development Fund of the Tula Region allocated 4.5 million rubles for the overhaul of the art school building.
Work began on May 10. About what has already been done and how much work remains to be done, we were told by the director of the Shchekino Children's School of Art Elena Stoyan:
- AT assembly hall the stage arrangement was completed, the floor was laid in the area of ​​the spectator seats. The heating system has been completely replaced. The repair of the ceiling will soon begin here - the frame and slabs have already been delivered. The walls will be covered with acoustic panels.
The work on the overhaul of the roof of the school building is also being completed. A cement screed has been completed, today or tomorrow the roof will be covered with roofing material.
According to Elena Valentinovna, several responsible persons and organizations monitor that the work is done efficiently and on time. Firstly, the overhaul of the DSHI building is under the personal control of the Governor of the region. At each stage of work, the assessment of the quality of building materials, compliance with design estimates, adherence to the schedule and acceptance are carried out by specialists from the Capital Construction Department, the Economic and Operational Department of the Shchekinsky District. The head of the district administration Oleg Fedosov, the chairman of the education committee Svetlana Muravyova do not disregard any of the types of work performed. Everyone, to the best of their competence, is trying to ensure that on the first of September the children come to the already renovated, meeting all modern requirements building.
Acceptance of the building of the Children's Art School is expected in early August.

Irina Chuchueva, 27.8.2014

First stage: implementation of the first forecasting model

Development of forecasting models starts with the choice of the first model. Now there are many models, there are many materials in the public domain on this topic. Usually a person finds either something familiar from university laboratories (if there were any), or just an understandable article from which it is clear how to make the first version of the model.

What is important at this stage?

  1. Don't be afraid to learn programming together with mathematics, since flexible, accurate and convenient algorithms are easier to write yourself than to take someone else's, often inconvenient, and adapt it to your problem.
  2. Choose from models one of the popular models(recommendation , ), because their popularity is a direct consequence of their effectiveness, as well as ease of development and use.

Second stage: finalization of the first forecasting model

Upon completion of the first stage, that is, the implementation of his first model, a person begins to wind it up. Moreover, the process is purely extensive: he wants to take into account an increasing number of nuances in the model, to introduce more and more exceptions or non-standard operations into the program code.

What is important at this stage?

  1. Always monitor the accuracy of the forecast. I made an innovation, test it - has it become more accurate? Made another innovation, test it! Dozens of innovations appear, one innovation begins to influence another, the model turns out to be overloaded, the algorithms are cumbersome, and the effect begins to dominate in the results. overfitted(too fitted model). Over time, usability decreases as the model takes longer to calculate. Sooner or later, there will inevitably come a point when adding a dozen innovations does not improve accuracy at all.
  2. Out of all this extensive work, out of all exceptions and innovations, like gold from sand, something that really improves accuracy. In order to do this, you need to stop for a while and think, so that after that you can look at all the heaped up “splendor” of the program code with a fresh look. It is at this point that the first significant experience in model development is formed.

Alluvium of gold, i.e. having shortened the algorithm and made the first acceptable calculation option, it is worth stopping and calming down! You are well done!

If the error is a value that requires constant work (for example, the nature of the time series changes, extreme accuracy is required, etc.), then work on algorithms will soon continue.

Third stage: repetition of the first two stages - advanced version

The continuation of the work will have the character of the second iteration: we take the first "golden" version of the algorithm and begin to make changes in it. Changes are already being made more competently, balanced, and efficiently - the work is already intensive. Over time, we get a "fancy golden algorithm", which eventually becomes cumbersome again. After that, we already in the "golden sand" should wash the "diamonds". And then ad infinitum... for it is impossible to predict with an error equal to zero.

What is important at this stage?

  1. The most important thing is that between one version of the model and another, a person has time to switch, be distracted and rest. Exactly freshness and clarity of perception allow you to generate new ideas for the development of the model.
  2. In addition, it is important that a person does not get hung up on one model. Very important look around: study other models, other problem statements, try to implement them find strengths and weak sides certain models.

Absolutely all models can give an idea for the development of one specific model created for a specific task. You just need to have a fresh look!



Evgenia Ashmarina, 27.8.2014

Irina, thank you very much for the helpful review! I work for a German company, and I'm currently working on the report "Traps in the development of forecasting models". So for my own purposes, I translated your review into German I share the translation.

Erstellung der Vorhersagemodelle beginnt mit der Wahl des ersten Modells. Zur Zeit existieren sehr viele Modelle, gibt es genug Literatur im offenen Zugang. Gewohnlich lauft es so, dass der Entwickler anfanglich etwas nimmt, was ihm aus der Universitatszeit bekannt ist, oder einen verstandlichen Artikel, aus dem klar wird, wie die erste Version des Modells zu erstellen ist.

  1. Kein Angst zu haben Programmieren und Mathematik zu lernen, weil es leichter ist flexible, genaue und bequeme Algorithmen selbst zu programmieren, als einen fremden Algorithmus zu nehmen, der zu der gegebenen
  2. Aus der Bandbreite der Modelle ein Modell nehmen, das fur die gestellte Aufgabe am haufigsten genutzt wird. Popularitat eines Modells ist eine direkte Folge dessen Effiktivitat, Bequemlichkeit der Entwicklung und der Anwendung.

Am Ende der ersten Entwicklungsstufe (Fertigstellung des ersten Modells) kann der Entwickler das Modell verfeinern und anpassen. Dieser Prozess verlauft ausserst extensiv: der Entwickler mochte mehr Nuancen und Ausnahmen im Modell erfassen und untypische Operationen in Program code einfuhren.

Was ist auf dieser Etappe wichtig?

  1. Immer die Vorhersagegenauigkeit im Fokus halten. Nach jeder Neuerung wird ein Test benotigt, ob die Vorhersagegenauigkeit sich verbessert hat. Also nach jeder Neuerung - testen! Zu viele Neuerungen uberladen das Modell, die Algorithmen werden zu komplex, und in den Ergebnissen uberwigt der Effekt von Overfitting. Das Modell braucht mehr Rechenzeit und ihre Anwendungsfreundlichkeit sinkt. Dabei kommt bestimmt ein Punkt, wenn das Hinzufugen von neuen Parametern die Vorhersagegenauigkeit uberhaupt nicht verbessert.
  2. Aus dieser ganzen extensiven Arbeit, aus allen neuen Um dies richtig zu tun, muss man sich kurz aufhalten, uberlegen und alle diese "Pracht" mit einem frischen Blick ansehen. Genau in diem Punkt bildet sich eine erste erhebliche Erfahrung in Modellenentwicklung.

Wenn genug "Gold gefiltert wird", Algorithmen gekurzt werden und erste tragbare Ergebnisse bereits erzielt sind, sollte man aufhoren und sich entspannen. Sie haben eine gute Arbeit geleistet! Wenn der Vorhersagefehler eine variable Grosse ist, die standige Anpassung des Modells benotigt (z.B. Datencharakter andert sich, Grenzgenauigkeit erzielt wird usw.), dann wird die Entwicklung bald fortgesetzt.

Diese Fortsetzung bildet die zweite Iteration: erste "goldene" Variante des Algorithmus wird genommen und angepasst. Die Anpassungen werden uberlegener und effektiver aufgenommen, die Arbeit tragt dabei intensiven Charakter. Mit der Zeit entsteht daraus ein "verkomplizierter goldener Algorithmus", der mit der Zeit wiederum sperrig wird. Danach mussen wir schon aus dem "goldenen Sand" die "Diamanten" gewinnen. Und so geht es immer wieder weiter, weil eine Vorhersagefehler gleich Null nicht existiert.

Was ist auf dieser Etappe wichtig?

  1. Das Wichtigste ist, damit der Entwickler zwischen den zwei Modellversionen sich entspannen, erholen und umschalten kann, um immer wieder mit dem frischen Kopf die Modelle zu bewerten. Frische und Klarheit bringen neue Ideen fur die Entwicklung.
  2. Wichtig ist offen zu sein und sich nicht auf einem Modell zu fixieren. Wichtig ist sich umzuschauen, welche Modelle und welche Aufgabenstellungen noch existieren; probieren diese zu implementiern; schwache und starke Seiten von verschiedenen Modellen zu erkennen; experimental.

Vollkommen verschiedene Modelle konnen eine Idea geben fur Entwicklung eines konkreten Modells fur eine konkrete Aufgabe. Es ist nur notwendig einen frischen Blick zu haben!

Evgeniya Ashmarina, 10.10.2014

And in continuation of the topic (more likely from a data mining perspective):

Pitfalls in Building Predictive Models: What Not to Do

1. Examples of common errors in forecasting models

  • overfitting the model to the training set (overfitting)
  • unrepresentative data
  • inadequate data preparation
  • model topology flaw (feature design)

2. Other traps


1. Examples of common errors in forecasting models


  • The complexity of the model should correspond to the complexity of the problem under consideration.
  • The statistical dispersion of the data (dispersion) is not necessarily a criterion for the complexity of the model.
  • An analogy to overfitting: "learning by heart" is the identification of rules that are true for the training sample, but incorrect for the general population of data.
  • Solution: cross-validation/cross-validation.

Unrepresentative data

  • Sample data should have relevant properties of the population.
  • Identify and be careful about systematic effects in the data: for example, if only "Monday data" is available.

Insufficient data preparation

  • Even a few outliers in the data can massively affect simulation results.
  • Be careful about missing values ​​in data series (missing values): they are interpreted differently depending on the implementation of the model.

Model topology flaw

  • The preparation and choice of explanatory variables (features) included in the model is often more important than the choice of the model. For example, not including the day of the week in a model for predicting electricity consumption is more detrimental to the quality of the forecast than choosing between linear regression and cluster analysis as a predictive model.
  • An intuitive criterion for the significance of explanatory variables: their values ​​change when the value of the target variable changes and do not change when the values ​​of the target variable are the same.
  • The choice of the type of explanatory variables matters: metric (interval) variables open up more possibilities for modeling than non-metric (nominal and ordinal).
  • Do not compare pears with apples: remember about data normalization.

2. Other traps

  • Lack of collaboration within the project team (eg between statistician, domain expert and software developer).
  • Interpretability: The choice of method does not match the client's requests. If it is important for the client to understand the predictive model on his own, the creation of a "black box" by the developers will not satisfy him, even if a good forecast quality is achieved.
  • "Model religiosity": a strong preference for one model over another without comparing alternatives. Solution: a fresh look from the outside, the exchange of points of view, brainstorming and other creative techniques help.

Every day you put in a lot of effort in order to build a successful career. A lot of work, a lot of invested effort; you improve your skills. But have you ever had the feeling that you did not understand what all this was for? Career growth seems to be possible, but what will the promotion lead to, will you become happier from this? Doubt overwhelms each of us, and all for one reason: many of us do not know where we are going. Sometimes you need to sit down and think about why you work and put so much effort and energy into your career. And in order to understand this, you need to ask yourself a few right questions, by answering which you will understand what you should strive for and in which direction to move on.

1. Entry level

"What will I be good at?"

Perhaps this is the most important question that you must answer before you go to get a job. As you know, a person will succeed only in the activity that he loves, for which he has a soul. When you do what you love, put all your strength into it, then the prospects for growth are almost endless, because you yourself will be interested in your own development. Find a job that brings you pleasure, and in this case you will become a professional in your field.

"What skills do I need?"

Once you have decided on the place where you want to work, think about what skills you need. Might have to raise your level, get additional education or improve existing knowledge. Remember that nothing is impossible, and if you set a goal, then with effort you can get all the necessary knowledge.

"How can I present myself in the best light?"

When applying for a prestigious job, this question torments absolutely everyone. And the sooner you start looking for answers, the better. If you have previously worked somewhere, then ask your former employer for a letter of recommendation. Collect all certificates, diplomas of additional courses that you have passed. Present yourself in the best light to get this job.

"What kind of life do I want to live?"

It is quite normal if you see work only as a source of achieving your goals, and do not consider it some kind of passion. Perhaps you chose this place in order to realize your potential, earn money and live the life you dreamed of. The main thing is to admit it to yourself in order to further develop in the right direction in accordance with your ideals.

2. Intermediate level

“What inspires me and what devastates me?”

After you work a little, you will have an understanding of what kind of work you like and inspire you to work, and what tasks devastate and suck out all your energy. You may be a great salesperson, but paperwork is unbearable for you. Or, on the contrary, you can easily process a pile of papers, but communication with people takes all your strength. In the future, try to do exactly what inspires you and gives you a charge of vivacity and energy.

“I want to stay and work here?”

You have worked in this company for some time, familiarized yourself with your official duties and have an idea of ​​what the future holds. If the work does not take all the strength and inspires, there are career prospects, then this is a good place to stay at it. If you have to leave all your strength, energy and joy at the workplace, and the prospects are not even visible on the horizon, then start looking for a new job. There's no point in sitting where the promotion is career ladder impossible, and the salary leaves much to be desired.

"Am I doing something really important?"

Do you have time after work for the really important things, family, friends, hobbies? Or is the work itself the work of your whole life, which will allow you to leave a great legacy to your ancestors? Answer these questions for yourself and, if necessary, move on.

3. Last level

“What should I do to move up the career ladder?”

Think about what efforts you will have to make in order to move up the career ladder. Of course, it will be necessary to work hard and work hard. But if the employer requires you to give 110%, to sacrifice health, personal time and family vacations, without giving anything in return, then think about leaving and starting your own business. At this point, you will have enough knowledge and skills to do business and not depend on someone else's whim.

"What will be left after me?"

The eternal question that torments every sane person. Each of us dreams of leaving behind great gifts to humanity, but most people will work all their lives in stuffy offices for the benefit of the employer. If your goal is to do something great, grandiose, which will not be ashamed to perpetuate in years, and the current place of work does not meet these needs, then you should think about leaving and develop a plan that will allow you to fulfill your dream.