Today it became known about the parting of the musician with his wife Matilda, and more recently they swore eternal love to each other.

The 45-year-old leader of the Leningrad group shocked the public. The girls are in mourning: “There is no love!”. The guys are sure: "Shnurov has a new girlfriend." And these assumptions are not accidental: Sergei is a noble womanizer - there were always luxurious beauties next to him. But the musician was not often faithful to them.

Sergei Shnurov and Matilda (Elena Mozgovaya) seemed like the perfect couple, but something went wrong. And it seems that we know that ... We analyze all the love stories of Sergei Shnurov to make sure what a loving man he is.

First wife

Sergey met his first wife Maria Ismagilova in his student years - they studied in the same course at the Religious and Philosophical Institute at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. Shnurov fell head over heels in love, quickly proposed, and soon happily awaited the birth of their first child. At the age of 20, Sergei became a father - the couple had a daughter, Serafima. To support his family, the man dropped out of both studies and music lessons. “I left in my third year, because by that time I had my first child, I had to feed my family, and ancient Greek and Old Testament had absolutely nothing to do with money. I had to give up spirituality and deal with a specific dough, - Shnurov explained the unfinished education. - Sima appeared in my life when I was 20, and saved my life with her birth. At that time, all my friends switched from marijuana to heroin, and I switched to a child.

Sergei Shnurov with his daughter. Photo: personal archive musician

But Sergei Shnurov was passionate about music, careless, and Maria did not share his "libations" with musicians and absences from home. Sergei Shnurov did not want to stop his free lifestyle for the sake of his daughter - he preferred a divorce. The couple lived from 1992 to 1996. With daughter ex-wife she didn’t let me communicate, and Shnurov’s lifestyle during the growing up of the child was far from ideal - booze, women, noisy companies ...

And even when Sergei Shnurov with the Leningrad group became the idol of millions with his "alcoholic ska-punk", the heart of the former did not thaw. The daughter began to communicate with her father when she became independent.

Second wife

The second marriage of Sergei Shnurov was also short-lived: from 1999 to 2002. Svetlana Kostitsyna was an advanced music manager. The woman led the Pep-Ci group and began organizing concerts of the Leningrad group. In financial terms, the life of the musician was gradually getting better (although it was still far from the salaries of the 21st century). In 2000, Svetlana gave birth to Sergei's son Apollo. Soon the musician became interested in young girls. It is unlikely that even the wisest wife could like it. The couple divorced, but Svetlana and Sergey continued to work together for some time - Shnurov always financially supported his son.

Son of Sergei Shnurov Apollo. Photo: social networks

Third wife (civilian)

Sergei Shnurov and his third wife (civilian) Oksana Akinshina. Photo:

She met Sergei Shnurov on the set of the film "Games of the Moths". The star came to the shooting of the episode with his participation not very sober, but this did not stop him from having an affair. The girl studied in the 10th grade, Shnurov was 14 years older than Oksana. Love passions flared up serious.

The couple did not hide from prying eyes: in the morning, Sergei accompanied Oksana to school and, without hesitation, kissed on the school porch. Akinshina admitted to classmates that if it were not for her beloved Shnurov, she would not have come to the first lessons at all.

Teachers called Akinshina's mother - they complained about "success" in their studies. But everything was useless - the girl lived with Sergei Shnurov and she had no time for lessons.

By the way, it was Sergei who helped Oksana survive the death of Sergei Bodrov - Akinshina starred in his "" and was very upset by the tragedy. Cords supported and helped to survive a difficult period.

Young Akinshina was insanely jealous civil husband and arranged because of this noisy scenes. She paid the price for this - Shnurov abandoned her. At the beginning, he said about his relationship with Akinshina: “This is generally some kind of cosmos for me!” Escaped, tired of the scenes and scandals Sergei three years later.

Fourth wife

Sergei Shnurov and Matilda. Photo: social networks.

The musician ran away to another lover - to Elena Mozgova (Matilda). The wedding was played in 2010, during the years together, Matilda made a man out of Cord. The ballerina managed to curb "Shnurov's" drunkenness - and without the help of doctors and clinics. The leader of the "Leningrad" group learned to drink much less, became a stylish and respectable man, began to dress fashionably and expensively and earn very decent money. There are a lot of women around...

In an interview with a glossy magazine, Sergey answered the “sore question” why the couple does not have children: “We don’t talk about it and don’t think about it. I think that you should think about children when you have ... Let's say we now have two hundred and fifty square meters, Yes? Now, if five hundred, then it's worth it. And now we just won't part with them. It's hard for the two of us here." And Matilda did not hide that she was not “burning with desire” to become a mother: “I do not feel disgust for this, but there is no desire either ...”

Photo: social networks

Sergei Vladimirovich Shnurov (Shnur) is a popular Russian rock musician, film actor, TV presenter, artist, composer, leader of the Leningrad and Ruble groups. Shnurov's popularity is brought not only by incendiary songs (the Leningrad group is known for many hits), but also by bright clips for them, as well as skillful PR in social networks and shocking. In the Forbes rating for 2016, Sergey Shnurov became the third among the stars of show business and sports.

Childhood and education of Sergei Shnurov

Shnurov's parents are Soviet engineers, they had nothing to do with music, let alone rock music. Yes, and Sergei himself said that in childhood he was going to become a diplomat. Like many children of the 70s of the last century, he adored chewing gum and believed that diplomats had pockets full of chewing gum.

Sergey Shnurov in childhood (Photo:

Sergei studied at the Leningrad 256th school. At school, Sergei Shnurov had the nickname "Shurik" (and not Cord, as it is now), given to the boy by classmates for his amazing luck and cheerful disposition.

In subjects, Sergei received good grades, according to his biography on Wikipedia. But with the behavior of the boy Seryozha had problems. He early learned "informal vocabulary", which affected his future work. At school, he often acted as hooligans, and for his faults and self-will he ended up in the children's room of the police. According to Sergey, his rebellious spirit comes from his grandfather, Daniil Pavlov, who was a revolutionary and participated in the Kronstadt uprising.

WITH young years Sergey had a craving for music. Shnurov was fond of the work of Vladimir Vysotsky, then listened to the songs of Yuri Shevchuk, Viktor Tsoi, the Leningrad group "Secret".

Sergey Shnurov in his youth (Photo:

The family lived quite economically. Sergey Shnurov helped his parents, moonlighting at various jobs - he swept the streets, delivered leaflets. By the way, Sergey posted a photo with his dad and mom on Instagram only on his 40th birthday.

Sergey Shnurov with his parents (photo on the right) (Photo: TASS/

After school, Sergei entered the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute. Then he worked in the restoration "putyaga" * (he received a specialty - the restorer of works from wood of the 4th category). He studied for three courses at the Religious and Philosophical Institute at the Theological Academy. But something did not give the young man peace, and he went on academic leave, and so he stayed in it. The life of Sergei Shnurov shone with its diversity: he worked as a loader, a watchman in kindergarten, glazier, blacksmith, carpenter, designer in an advertising agency, assistant on the set of video clips, promotion director at the Modern radio station. And then Shnurov most of all liked to make fences for graves - they paid well for this work.

Sergey Shnurov (Photo:

The creative path of Sergei Shnurov

One fine day Sergey realized that his vocation was music and songs. In 1991, the hardcore rap project "Alkorepitsa" appeared. Such a project was the first in Russia, according to Wikipedia. Then in the biography of Shnur, the band "Van Gogh's Ear", which specialized in electronic music. And on January 9, 1997, the Leningrad group arose, with which Sergey Shnurov achieved all-Russian fame.

The albums "Bullet", "Summer Residents", "Mat Without Electricity" contained songs with unpretentious cheerful melodies, funny lyrics with a lot of obscene language, which quickly became popular hits.

The Leningrad group, led by their soloist Sergei Shnurov, 2003 (Photo: TASS)

At the end of 2008, the leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, unexpectedly disbanded the group and canceled upcoming concerts. The Ruble project, which was announced as a side project, became Shnurov's main group.

Musicians Sergei Shnurov and Andrei Antonenko (left to right) performing at the premiere of their solo program new group"Ruble" (Photo: TASS)

On August 9, 2010, with the announcement of two November concerts in Moscow, the revival of the Leningrad group (full name - Leningrad Group) began, on September 20, 2010, the first clip of the revived Sweet Dream group appeared on the Internet, which aroused great interest. Now vocalist Yulia Kogan appeared in the group, who was replaced a few years later by Alisa Voks-Burmistrova, and in 2016, she also left. Now Vasilisa Starshova and Florida Chanturia sing along with Shnurov in Leningrad.

Members of the Leningrad group Florida Chanturia, Sergey Shnurov and Vasilisa Starshova (Photo: TASS)

Separate place in creative way"Leningrad" is occupied by video clips. Shnurov mastered this genre especially successfully in last years. Clips "Bag", "Healthy lifestyle", "Karasik", "Road", "Vip", "Prayer", "Soon to school" used great success, but "Exhibit" (2016) from the Fancy Shot studio and director Anna Parnas broke all records, going over a million views within a day after appearing on YouTube, there were already 12 million views in a week. Almost every clip of "Leningrad" becomes an event, causes a lot of parodies, generates a huge amount of news.

In 2017, as part of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Leningrad, Shnurov began, with concerts from Paris to Israel. The tour began, of course, in Leningrad, that is, St. Petersburg. And after the end of the tour, Cord promised to release an album with songs for children.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the TRC "Class!" Alexander Mitroshenkov, musician, leader of the Leningrad group Sergei Shnurov and head of the VGRTK children's programs studio Tatyana Tsyvareva (from left to right) during a press conference dedicated to the presentation of a new format for a children's program " Goodnight, kids!", 2016 (Photo: Mikhail Pochuev / TASS)

In the Russian Orthodox Church, the new mentors of the popular show "Voice" Basta and Sergei Shnurov were severely criticized. In one of the broadcasts, Alexander Shchipkov, who is the first deputy head of the synodal department, noted that Basta and Shnurov are talented people, but their “language quality is very lame.” Shchipkov noted that this applies not only to the use of obscenities in vocabulary, but also to conversations in public. The representative of the Moscow Patriarchate believes that the artists behave this way on purpose in order to raise their popularity.

Shnurov admitted that the brightest participants in the show choose him. Sergey also said that he had set only one condition for Channel One before agreeing to become a mentor in the seventh season of the Voice musical show.

“Yes: smoke after every third participant. But such privileges - to smoke right in the studio - I did not achieve right away. At first I smoked on the street, then in a dark room, then in a corridor, and now I smoke in an armchair and in general everywhere. The management realized that it was useless to fight me. And then, it speeds up the process if I smoke without leaving my workplace, ”the musician told

Sergey Shnurov's fortune

In 2016, Shnurov earned $ 11 million, rising to 3rd place in the Forbes ranking of show business and sports stars. Sergei was only beaten by Maria Sharapova and Grigory Leps. It is curious that at the end of 2015 he was only 28th.

In St. Petersburg, Shnurov has the Blue Pushkin bar and the Kokoko restaurant, run by his wife Matilda. In 2014, he launched his own clothing line, Shnurovs.

Opera star Anna Netrebko ranked first in terms of income in 2017 in the Forbes ranking, earning $7.5 million. Philip Kirkorov earned a little less (7.4 million), followed by Timati (6.6), Grigory Leps and Dima Bilan (6 each). Sergei Shnurov, according to the magazine, has only $5 million this year.

In general, the rating takes into account, in addition to income, mentions in the media and the number of requests in Yandex. In total, Kirkorov became the best among musicians, Shnurov and Bilan were most often mentioned in the media, and Leps, Yegor Creed, Basta, Timati and, again, Kirkorov were most often searched on the Internet.

Political views of Sergei Shnurov

Sergey Shnur often talks about politics or sings about it in his songs, although he is not going to go into it. Cords denied the existence civil society in Russia, and the opportunity to "negotiate with the pro-Kremlin authorities", the leader of "Leningrad" also advocated in 2011 the release of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. However, in an interview in 2015, Shnurov said that there is freedom of speech in Russia and criticized the opposition. Here is one of Sergei Shnur's quotes: “There is no ideology, no clear ideas about the future. If you think about it, they say the following: we want to do the same as the “Putin regime”, only better. That is, the government, therefore, must be replaced, but everything is in order with society. Where would it be better? “But we will appoint honest people!” Where will they get so many honest people? From Mars?

Members of the Leningrad group Grigory Zontov and Sergei Shnurov (Shnur) (left to right) during a concert at the Fetisov Arena, 2016 (Photo: Yuri Smityuk / TASS)

Sergey Shnurov is active in public life, puts forward ideas, for example, prohibiting the sale of alcohol and drugs to persons without higher education. Shnurov is an opponent of the death penalty. In February 2013, he spoke out in support of gay teenagers in an interview with The New Times magazine. “There is neither Greek nor Jew. These words were not spoken by me, and these words are already 2000 years old. Has anything changed since then? There are people. Everything else does not matter, ”said Shnurov.

Shnurov does not support either side in the crisis in Ukraine. This did not prevent Ukraine from including him among its enemies on the Peacemaker website, reacting to a possible ban on visiting Kiev, Sergei Shnurov said that he "would not break through a closed door." And earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin proposed sending Shnurov to the Ukrainian Eurovision Song Contest, saying, “he won’t win, but he will send them all somewhere.”

In the summer of 2018, Sergey Shnurov wrote poems on his Instagram page dedicated to the unattainability of retirement age. This age, in the wake of the pension reform, Shnur compared with the afterlife.

Personal life of Sergei Shnurov

Serey Shnurov was repeatedly married and his personal life continues to be the focus of media attention, news regularly comes.

The first wife is Maria Ismailova, in 1993 Shnurov's first child was born - the daughter of Seraphim. She studies at the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University. Shnurov's second wife - Svetlana Kostitsyna, former director Pep-Ci group. From her was born the son Apollo (2000), named after the poet Apollon Grigoriev. Shnurov was the lover of actress Oksana Akinshina for several years. Oksana's love for Sergei manifested itself at the age of fifteen.

Sergey Shnurov and Oksana Akinshina (Photo: Global Look Press / TASS)

The third wife (since 2010) is Elena (Matilda) Mozgovaya. She was a restaurateur, was born in Voronezh, after school she left her parents' house and went to Moscow, and then to St. Petersburg, where she entered the Faculty of Biochemistry University of Technology. After getting married, Matilda took over the management of her husband's restaurants, the Blue Pushkin bar and the CoCoCo restaurant opened in December 2012. Matilda Shnurova also runs the Isadora dance school.

On her Instagram, Sergei Shnurov's wife introduced herself as the CEO of the COCOCO restaurant and ISADORA balletschool. On the social network, Matilda Shnurova often posted photos of restaurant dishes, herself and her husband.

Sergey Shnurov does not hide children from the press, they can also be part of PR. There is a photo in which Sergei and his children - his daughter Seraphim and the young Apollo, that is, Shnurov Jr. - are drinking together in one of the drinking establishments in St. Petersburg. Many thought that it was too early for Apollon Shnurov to drink and smoke, especially in the company of his father, but Sergei Shnurov, apparently, has his own view on raising children.

Singer Sergei Shnurov with his wife journalist Elena Mozgova at the wedding ceremony, 2010 (Photo: Ruslan Shamukov / TASS)

In May 2018, Sergei Shnurov shocked with the news of his divorce from Matilda.

“With great regret, but love and gratitude to each other, preventing all kinds of speculation and rumors, Matilda and I announce that we have decided to divorce. Request to all media not to violate our personal space. Thank you, ”Sergey Shnurov wrote on his Instagram page.

More than 1.5 thousand comments appeared under Shnurov's post about changes in his personal life in just an hour. Most fans expressed regret over the couple's decision to divorce. “I hope you change your mind, there are so few bright and beautiful couples like you now,” writes one of the musician’s fans.

Matilda (Elena Mozgovaya) on her page on the social network commented on the news about her divorce. And she did it, as it were, casually in one post with a commentary on the new film "The Case of Sobchak." She called this film "an important movie about the time and the role of the individual in the history of our country."

“It is not easy for me to comment on the sad news that many of you learned today. I will refrain and allow myself to keep personal personal. Thank you very much for the words of support to those who sent them to me, ”she wrote in a postscript.

Alice Vox, who worked with Sergei Shnurov for several years, spoke out about his divorce. She did not name any specific names in her Twitter post, but many understood that we are talking about Sergei and Matilda.

“Everyone, as one, is asked to comment difficult situation with divorce proceedings in Russia. Well, I comment: “Today, more than 50% of marriages break up in the Russian Federation. 41% - due to the alcoholism of one of the spouses. Most often, the initiator of a divorce is a woman. I got divorced 2.5 years ago. She also initiated a divorce. And I don't regret it. In general, I like the stability with which I set trends. Use it - I don’t mind, ”Vox wrote.

On October 8, 2018, Sergey Shnurov deleted the posts from the social network for an unknown reason. At the same time, about 3.7 million people subscribed to his page. Even the director could not name the exact reason for such an act of Cord musical group"Leningrad" Denis Veikov.

“I wanted it and deleted it. It is paramount that we are alive and continue to do our job, ”Veikov was quoted as saying.

According to many, such a step by Sergei Shnurov not only did not alienate followers, but even attracted new ones to the page. Users are looking forward to the resumption of communication between the outrageous artist and fans of his work on the platform of this social network.

However, soon photos began to appear again on Cord's instagram, on one of them the singer appeared with a black eye. Under the picture, as the news reported, Shnurov posted a comic poem. From the text, we can conclude that he received a black eye from one of his subscribers, offended by the disappearance of all the photos in the account.

The subscribers immediately began to discuss the photo, building various guesses. “Beats means loves”, “Kokorin? Mamaev? Connor? Khabib?”, “Are these two football players?” One wrote. “Did you open the beer with your eye?” Others suggested. There were also those who gave advice on how to quickly get rid of a bruise or simply laughed at the appearance of the musician.

New wedding Sergei Shnurov

On October 20, information appeared in the news that Sergei Shnurov remarried. It became known about Shnurov's plans to marry on October 11, an application was submitted to the Wedding Palace No. 1 in St. Petersburg. Svobodnaya Pressa reported that the leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, was spotted at the registry office with a blonde. Cords, according to media reports, warned colleagues about upcoming wedding, noting that "life has taught him nothing."

Cord became the new wife socialite from Yekaterinburg Olga Abramova.

It is reported that a secret ceremony took place in St. Petersburg. Shnurov and Abramova without fanfare drove up to the back door, quickly signed and left. They spent less than five minutes on the ceremony.

* Putyaga, - Professional technical school(jarg. - from the abbreviation PTU).

Name: Sergey Shnurov

Age: 43 years

Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg

Growth: 181 cm

Weight: 93 kg

Activity: Singer, musician, soloist of the group "Leningrad"

Family status: married to Matilda Mozgovaya

Sergey Shnurov - biography

He swears - the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to the musician Shnur. He is also a bully, a fighter and a drunkard. Although there is another opinion: all this is just an image invented for the stage.

Sergey Shnurov - childhood

Sergey's parents were ordinary engineers and thought that their son would follow in their footsteps. Maybe even become a plant manager. Why not? The boy is capable, however, not very assiduous. They hoped that with age he would take up his mind, sit down for textbooks and get decent education. It is good that in those distant times they could not know what scandalous glory awaits their son - then this would hardly have made them happy.

In the first grade, Sergei and his bosom friend decided to run away from home: they wanted extraordinary adventures, like in movies and books. There were no specific plans, but the tomboys decided that along the way they would figure out where to run and what to do. For several weeks they saved on school lunches and rented empty bottles putting coins into a piggy bank. Before the coveted amount, which they considered sufficient to hold out for the first time, there was very little left when Sergey's mother suspected something was wrong and found a hidden "common fund". I had to confess everything, postpone my escape, and spend the money on movies and ice cream.

Like all his peers, the future rocker listened to the Kino and DDT groups and, of course, tried to pick up his favorite songs on the guitar. But the idea of ​​becoming a musician did not occur to him. About choice future profession Sergey in school years didn’t think at all, and when asked, he said that he wanted to be a diplomat - because they could travel abroad and bring imported chewing gum.

About the meaning of life

Shnurov did not join the army: it was a pity to waste two years of his life on meaningless drill. When in the senior classes of the school all the young men went to the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination, he imperceptibly evaporated on the way and went about his business. At the age of 18, he was put on the wanted list, later even a criminal case was opened. But they never found him, although he didn’t hide much, he simply ignored all subpoenas and subpoenas.

Sergey Shnurov - study

After school, Sergei Shnurov entered the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute - simply because he was closest to home. At the institute, Sergei met a wonderful company of punks who did not have much interest in studying, but they knew how to have fun. Gradually, they were all expelled from the university, and Sergei, bored, left himself.

Select next educational institution was rather unusual - Shnurov entered the Theological Institute at the Theological Academy. Reading esoteric literature, which in the 90s was sold in abundance at bookstores, he increasingly asked himself philosophical questions: what is the meaning of life, who are we and why are we here?

At the academy, he met his first wife, Maria, and soon the couple had a baby, Seraphim. The young father dropped out of school and, in order to support his family, alternately worked as a loader, watchman, blacksmith and carpenter. He claims that his daughter saved his life: "At that time, many of my friends who are no longer alive switched from soft drugs to heroin, and I was not up to it."

Sergey Shnurov and the Leningrad group

The craving for creativity nevertheless took its toll: when the daughter grew up and went to kindergarten, Shnurov, together with his closest friends, created the Leningrad group. The wife was not enthusiastic about either his friends or what they were doing. The couple divorced, and Maria forbade Sergei to communicate with her daughter, fearing harmful influence on his part. Now Serafima is already an adult, she has quite friendly relations with her father, although there was no real closeness between them.

The Leningrad group thundered all over the country, frank obscene songs and eccentric performances, to the surprise of the group members themselves, turned out to be in demand. They say it's not last role Svetlana Kostitsyna, manager of Leningrad, played in the success of the group. She was connected with Sergey not only by business relations, a few months after they met they got married. When their son was born. Shnurov named him Apollo - in honor of his favorite poet Apollon Grigoriev.

Sergey Shnurov - personal life

This union was also short-lived, but the parting went quite civilized. Sergei left his wife an apartment, a car and all the acquired property. In response, he asked her to remain the group's manager and not interfere with meetings with the child.

On the set of the film "Moth Games" Shnurov met a young actress Oksana Akinshina. The girl who had been acting in films since the sixth grade was recognized star, adult beyond his years. She already had a boyfriend-colleague on the set Alexei Chadov. But how could he compare with the "tough guy" Sergei Shnurov? Almost immediately after they met, Oksana moved to a new lover.

This news caused a real scandal, because the girl was only 15, she was still in school. But Sergei did not care about public opinion. But Oksana’s education worried him: he personally took her to school in the morning, tried to take her to exhibitions, advised her to read the classics .. This unusual union lasted almost five years, but never ended in marriage.

swan princess

At one of the events, suffering from a hangover, Sergei suddenly saw her - a thin, graceful brunette, looking at him as if from a mysterious distance. "What is your name?" he asked, afraid the vision would dissipate. "Matilda," the girl replied.

It was love at first sight. Fearing to miss the embodiment of his dreams, Sergei immediately invited the girl on a date. From that moment on, they did not part. To his great relief, Sergey discovered that Matilda was not some kind of empty beauty, but a thin and a wise man who shares his outlook on life. “We have a match on all the main points,” he shares.

Matilda entered his life unobtrusively and gradually. Balanced, serene, she never dictated anything and did not insist on anything. But at the same time, she brought harmony and peace into Sergey's life, imperceptibly leading him to change. It was impossible not to notice how Cord had changed. T-shirts-alcoholics and stretched sweatpants are a thing of the past, now Sergey looks like a stylish brutal man. Well, the amount of drinking has decreased significantly.

Five years ago, the lovers got married, and before that, they had been together for almost the same number of years - these are the most long relationship in the life of Sergei. When they met, Matilda was a biochemistry student. She did not quit her studies, although it was difficult to combine it with the new rhythm of life. And then Sergei helped her realize her old dream - to open a ballet studio. She was followed by her own restaurant, which today is considered one of the best in St. Petersburg.

Each of the spouses is passionate about his work, they spend most of the day separately, and in the evening they meet bored, full of news. This is the secret of their family happiness: they have no time to quarrel and there is no way to annoy each other.

Sergey Shnurov - New songs about the same

Gradually, from a rebel and informal, Shnurov became almost a pop star, and in this role, Sergei was very uncomfortable. And then he did what no one expected from him - he dissolved the Leningrad group.

Shnurov's new group "Ruble" was conceived as something completely different from "Leningrad". Sergei is thoroughly tired of the fact that the audience always expects one thing from him: that he will now go on stage drunk, begin to hooligan and swear. And he decided to change the audience. A completely different audience goes to the concerts of the Ruble - lovers of the good old rock. The musician performed in small clubs, in front of an understanding audience, and was completely satisfied.

True, "Leningrad" stayed in oblivion for only a couple of years, Sergey and his friends decided to revive the group, in a slightly different lineup. Now most of the songs are performed by soloists. And Sergei Shnurov performs in a new role for himself - the author of songs about women and on behalf of women.

You might think that Sergei Shnurov has a split personality - two people who live peacefully in him are so different. The first one can jump onto the stage in what his mother gave birth to and sing a song with such a set of obscene expressions that even gopniks will blush. The second is friends with Yuri Bashmet, goes to classical music concerts, talks about painting and literature with knowledge, and in everyday life behaves like an intelligent, balanced person.

“Don't confuse me with the heroes of my songs,” says the musician. “If I behaved like them, I wouldn’t live to see today.”

The leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, is a very extraordinary person. And if earlier he was known in many ways, due to controversial songs with large quantity mata, now everyone recognizes his unique talent: musician, actor, poet, composer, artist, TV presenter. You can learn about the Cord using the selection interesting facts about him.


Biography of Sergei Shnurov

1. Sergey Vladimirovich Shnurov was born on April 13, 1973 in Leningrad in a family of engineers - mother Nadezhda Evdokimovna, father Vladimir Pavlovich. The musician's father worked at a military enterprise, so he had the rank of captain.

2. Alias ​​- Cord.

3. Height 1.77 m.

4. Weight 93 kg.

5. He studied at the Leningrad school No. 286, and Vladimir Putin studied at school No. 281, which was located opposite. But they could not meet, since Putin graduated long before Shnurov went to first grade.

6. In elementary school, Sergei studied well and even dreamed of becoming a diplomat. According to him, due to the fact that diplomats abroad could buy gum as much as they wanted.

7. The boy's interests changed when he started trying to earn money for his family, then he handed out flyers and became interested in music.

8. After graduating from school, he entered the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, but did not finish it.

9. After being expelled from the institute, he entered the school as a restorer of wooden products. In those days, he worked as a caretaker in a kindergarten, a carpenter, a loader, a glazier, a designer in an advertising agency. He also liked to make fences for graves, as they were well paid for in those days.

10. I studied for three courses at the theological seminary, which I got into for company with my friend. Wrote an essay, passed the interview and was enrolled. According to Sergei himself, education there was not bad, but in the third year he left the seminary to earn money for the family, by that time he already had a daughter.

11. In many interviews, the musician emphasizes the accident of entering the theological seminary, but it is obvious that in the time before the Leningrad group, he was looking for answers to his questions in faith. Since then, he has left a friend, the watchman of the temple, with whom he from time to time has conversations about God. There were rumors that Sergei had a confessor to whom he confessed.

12. Faith in God and the birth of a child saved the musician from hard drugs. Then he was 20 years old and many friends switched from light drugs to heroin, but Sergei took up the child and making money.

Sergey Shnurov's career

13. While studying at the institute (early 1990s), he created his first group called "Alkorepitsa", as the name implies, the image of a brawler and a drunkard began to take shape even then.

14. Participation in a group called Van Gogh's Ear allowed him to experiment with electronic music and techno.

15. The stage image of Cord and his style of songs were formed by 1996, it was then that the Leningrad group began to form. The official date of creation of the group is January 9, 1997.

16. At first, Sergey only wrote songs for the group and played the bass guitar, Igor Vdovin was the vocalist. When Igor left the group, various performers tried out for the role of vocalist, but in the end, Shnurov decided to sing his own songs himself.

17. The group refers to their style as "alcoholic ska-punk". It is widely believed that only gopniks listen to the group, but this is an erroneous opinion. On the contrary, now the team's fans are mostly intellectuals and office collars. This is due not only to participation a large number musicians (mainly brass), but also deep meaning songs.

18. One of the "chips" of live performances is that one or more members of the team are drunk. Many musicians drink before a performance, but in Leningrad it is an obligatory ritual. Another feature, although not permanent, was the performance of Sergei and other members of the group completely naked.

19. The first album was released in 1999 under the name "Bullet".

20. Wide popularity came to the group with the film "DMB-2" (2000), in which the songs of "Leningrad" were used as soundtracks. At the same time, the songs got into rotation on Our Radio.

21. During the temporary collapse of the Leningrad group, the Ruble group became the main project.

22. The Leningrad group was revived in 2010, since then it has had a resounding success with a wide variety of audiences.

23. In total, the group released 17 studio albums, the last of which dates back to 2014. Since then, the group has been releasing singles and accompanying them with unusual clips.

24. Clips with a plot have become a striking feature of the modern work of the Leningrad group.

In some clips, Shnurov himself, "Road" is filmed:

Some clips are very budgetary, "Bali":

"Gave, don't give":

Some have full-fledged stories, "Vacation":

Another home video, "In Short":

Clips with the plot, "VIP":

The clip that sounded throughout the country, making the actress Yulia Topolnitskaya famous, "Exhibit":

But the video for the song "In St. Petersburg - to drink", and the song itself caused a lot of controversy. The government of St. Petersburg denounced the city's negative publicity, and many denounced open propaganda alcohol:


Sobchak was filmed several times in the clips, the song “Sobchak Points” is even dedicated to her:

Clip with reverse scrolling "Kolshchik":

One of the last clips of "Ecstasy" actress Svetlana Khodchenkova starred naked in it:

25. For the abundant use of obscenities in his songs, Cord is constantly subjected to criticism and all kinds of prohibitions. In some regions, his concerts have indeed been canceled due to protests, but in most cases he pays the fine and performs. In general, officials turn a blind eye to the work of this musician, yes, his performances are always obscene and outrageous, but he does not call his fans to the barricades and in every possible way moves away from politics.

26. In 2016, the vocalist Alisa Voks-Burmistrova, who performed the already legendary song “Exhibit”, left the group with a scandal. At first, the group and the singer wanted to leave quietly, but in the end, in social networks there were mutual accusations. Alice was dissatisfied with her earnings, although she considered herself already the second person in the team, she was also reminded that before Leningrad she was nothing. Cord himself wrote this on social networks: “At my own whim, I make stars out of medium singers.”

27. solo project Vox didn't work after leaving the group. There is nothing new in the songs, and the image that Cord once created was many times more noticeable.

Acting career of Sergei Shnurov

28. Since 2001, he has played many episodic roles in films and TV shows.

29. His acting debut took place in the TV series NLS Agency, where he played an electrician-musician.

30. In addition to participating in filming, he voices cartoons and writes soundtracks. Most famous films with his music: "DMB 2" and "Boomer 2".

Personal life of Sergei Shnurov

31. First wife Maria Ismagilova gave birth to Sergei's daughter Serafima (born in 1993). He met Maria at the Theological Academy, when his daughter was born, the musician was only 20 years old. Of course, his career and lifestyle did not allow Shnurov to devote himself to his family, he divorced, he cared little for his daughter. Once, the daughter even said about him, “This is not my dad,” but now the relationship between father and daughter has clearly improved, she travels with him, uploads joint photos on social networks. The girl earns a living by photography and graphic design, she has a husband Vyacheslav Astanin. In 2015, Cord almost became a grandfather, but Serafima lost her child on early stage pregnancy.

32. The second marriage with Svetlana Kostitsyna gave Sergei the son of Apollo (born 2000). The marriage broke up two years later, but Sergey communicates regularly with his son.

33. For several years Shnurov lived in civil marriage with actress Oksana Akinshina, at the time of the beginning of the relationship she was only 15 years old. Before Shnurov, the actress met with actor Alexei Chadov.

34. The wedding with Elena (Matilda) Mozgova took place in 2010, Shnurov and Mozgova had no common children.

On May 25, 2018, the artist himself announced a divorce from his wife. In numerous interviews, he admitted that it was Matilda who left him and this was not connected with his betrayals. The musician tried to return his beloved, published poems on social networks, but in vain. It is noteworthy that the girl on social networks asked not to blame her ex-husband for the breakup.

About herself ex-wife Not much is known about Shnurov. She was born in 1990 in Voronezh, did not grow up in a complete family, and after school she left for Moscow. It was at that time that she changed her documents, changing her name to Matilda.

Other Cord Facts

35. The versatility of Sergey's talent is reflected not only on screens, but also on canvases. He paints in a style that he calls "brandrealism", in which symbols and signs dominate people. The musician's paintings have already been shown at several exhibitions, and they are stored in the Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art in St. Petersburg. In the summer of 2017, he organized an exhibition called Brand Realism Retrospective at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art. He believes that his painting in the future may end up in the Hermitage.

36. He starred in commercials, while he does not hesitate to advertise even delicate goods. So in 2012, he starred in commercials for the drug to increase potency. In 2013 he advertised a magazine and beer, in 2014 a chain of salons cellular communication, and in 2016 the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val.

37. In 2017, an impromptu rap battle took place on the program "Evening Urgant" between and Sergey Shnurov.

38. The conflict between Pozner and Shnurov occurred after the filming of the Pozner program. The presenter accused Sergey of being boring, closed and avoiding direct answers. In response, Shnurov accused him of the fact that Posner considers himself a television god.

39. In May 2017, it turned out that Sergei did not want to go to this interview, but he was forced, since he was an employee of Channel One (hosted the program “About Love”). Posner also replied that he was forced to interview, since Shnurov is now at the peak of his popularity.

40. In August 2017, the musician called Posner to a rap battle, explaining that this was not his genre and not Posner's genre, so they had equal conditions. Ksenia Sobchak commented on this with criticism of Shnur and Pozner, saying that the rap battle is closer to Shnurov's work, and she accused Pozner of shifting the failure of the interview to Sergey.

Sergei Shnurov confirmed that he is not free. Information that the artist tied the knot with 27-year-old Olga Abramova appeared at the end of last week. The artist already has three marriages, two children. But the musician was not afraid to start with clean slate and marry again.

First appearance

The romance of Sergei Shnurov and Olga Abramova began in the summer of 2018. The media often attributed Shnurov a new relationship after his divorce. They talked about the fact that the artist and Oksana Akinshina. But, as it turned out, the leader of the Leningrad group was carried away by another girl.

In September, the musician first appeared with Olga in public

Just a month and a half ago, Sergei brought his beloved into the light - he appeared with Olga Abramova at the GQ magazine's Man of the Year ceremony. Then he did not begin to tell the details of the relationship, and called his companion "the poetess Barbara." The girl was also laconic and only smiled in response to journalists' questions.

Who is she - the new wife of Sergei Shnurov

Chosen artist - daughter former leader security services of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. Olga Abramova for 18 years younger than Sergei Shnurov. The girl was born in Yekaterinburg and moved to Moscow at the age of 14, along with her parents. It is also known that Abramova graduated from Moscow State University with honors and studied in London, at the Institute of Art.

The girl moved to Moscow from Yekaterinburg

Probably, the girl has something to talk about with Sergei Shnurov. The artist is also not indifferent to art and has recently joined the jury of the Hermitage artists' competition.

"Secret" wedding

Shnurov and Olga Abramova were noticed by the media at the registry office in early October. Sergei later said that he really was going to marry again and that his life "does not teach anything." The wedding was scheduled for November 17, but unexpectedly Shnurov got married earlier.

The new wife of the artist

The registration of the marriage took place in the Wedding Palace No. 1 on the English Embankment in St. Petersburg. The artist and his fiancee did not want to draw attention to themselves - they drove up to the registry office during a lunch break and entered through the back door.

The ceremony took no more than five minutes - celebrities refused solemn registration and a wedding banquet.

Interestingly, already last Friday, at a concert of the Leningrad group in St. Petersburg, Olga was seen with a ring on her ring finger. In his Instagram profile, Sergei Shnurov posted a photo with Abramova and a poem with a confession - he is not free again.

The artist confirmed that he got married again

The artist explained that he did not plan to "part with freedom", because only a few months had passed since his divorce. However, he fell in love: “I love. The same rake. Something I’m not a bachelor at all, ”wrote the leader of the Leningrad group.

Past Relationships

Recall that the marriage with Olga for the musician is the fourth. His first wife was Maria Ismagilova. She gave birth to the artist's daughter Seraphim. Now the girl is 25 years old, she lives in St. Petersburg and works as a designer. Seraphim does not advertise his relationship with the "star father".

Daughter of Shnurov Seraphim

In the second marriage, with Svetlana Kostitsyna, Shnurov had a son, Apollo. The guy is also related to creativity - he is an artist. Apollo's works are exhibited not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Sergei Shnurov with his son from his second marriage and third wife

With his third wife, Matilda, Shnurov lived for 8 years. The initiator of the gap was the girl. She said that she no longer loves Sergei. The couple parted peacefully, without insults.

As the artist himself admits, he cannot remain a bachelor for a long time. For Abramova, marriage with Shnurov was the first. The editors of the portal site congratulate Sergey and Olga on marriage!

Photo: Instagram,,,