How many member countries are in the G20. big twenty who is in her forum. About this in the material site

Which countries are in the G20

The G20 is made up of 19 countries. The club of governments and heads of central banks of the states with the most developed and developing economies includes:

  • Argentina;
  • Australia;
  • Brazil;
  • Canada;
  • China;
  • France;
  • Germany;
  • India;
  • Indonesia;
  • Italy;
  • South Africa;
  • Türkiye;
  • United Kingdom;
  • USA;
  • as well as the European Union.

big twenty

In addition, G20 meetings are usually attended by representatives of various international organizations, including the Financial Stability Board, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, the United Nations and the World Bank.

What is the G20

G20 is:

Source: G20 Studies Centre, The Lowy Institute & The Global Carbon Atlas

GDP of the G20 and the rest of the world (2015)

Source: The World Bank, Global Carbon

What is discussed at the summit

The G20 Forum emerged in 1999 after the Asian financial crisis. Then came the realization that the countries with emerging market economies were not adequately represented in the global economic discussions and decision-making of the G7.

  • Until 2008, the group did not hold summits on highest level, its main form of activity was annual meetings at the level of finance ministers and heads of central banks, trade representatives and anti-corruption working groups.
  • Prior to the formation of the G20, there were attempts to discuss financial policy issues in two broader formats. In 1997, the G33 was formed - a group of 33 countries, which was replaced in 1999 by the G22, which lasted less than a year and gave way to the G20.

Who is invited to the G20 summit

Spain is a "permanent invitee" and the G20 host country also invites several countries. In 2016, in addition to Spain, the following were invited:

  • Azerbaijan;
  • Benin;
  • Brunei;
  • Cambodia;
  • Chile;
  • Colombia;
  • Egypt;
  • Equatorial Guinea;
  • Ethiopia;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Laos;
  • Malawi;
  • Malaysia;
  • Mauritania;
  • Myanmar;
  • Netherlands;
  • New Zealand;
  • Niger;
  • Senegal;
  • Singapore;
  • Switzerland;
  • Thailand;
  • Vietnam;
  • Zimbabwe.

Why the G20 Summit Matters

While the G7 is made up of wealthy countries, the G20 features leaders from both developed and emerging market economies to represent a broader range of opinions.

At the 2009 summit in London, in particular, discussions were held on the transition of the world economy to sustainable growth. It was decided:

  • significantly increase the resources of the IMF - up to 750 billion US dollars;
  • allocate at least $100 billion to support additional MDB lending;
  • provide $250 billion in trade finance support;
  • use additional proceeds from agreed IMF gold sales to finance the poorest countries on concessional terms.

Recall that, in 1970, in the Resolution General Assembly The UN has set a goal of providing 0.7% of the gross national income of every developed country

In early September, the Chinese city of Hangzhou will host the G20 summit ("Group of Twenty" or "Group of Twenty").

What this format is, who participates in it, why it was created and how it functions - in the TASS material.

What is G20?

  • The G20 is informal association largest economically developed and developing countries.
  • The decisions of the Group, which are taken by consensus, are not binding and are subject to approval by the IMF, the World Bank and other financial and economic institutions.
  • The G20 countries, where two-thirds of the world's population lives, account for 85% of world GDP and 75% of world trade.

How and why was the G20 created?

  • The G20 was created in response to the outbreak that broke out in Asia in 1997-1998. financial crisis that Negative consequences for the global economy.
  • One of the important goals of the G20 at the time of its creation was to involve large developing countries in the process of developing economic solutions to emerging challenges at the global level.
  • The founding conference of the G20 was held on December 15-16, 1999 in Berlin on the initiative of the finance ministers of the leading industrialized countries (the G8) - the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Japan (Russia, which was a member of the G8 "in 1997-2014, did not participate in the meetings of the heads of the ministries of finance).

What are the goals of the G20 today?

  • Now the Group's activities are aimed at achieving global economic stability, creating conditions for sustainable growth and reducing the risks of financial crises, as well as reforming the global financial architecture.

Who is in the Group?

  • Canada
  • Great Britain
  • France
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Australia
  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • China
  • South Korea
  • Mexico
  • Russia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Türkiye
  • European Union

How is the G20 Presidency organized?

  • The choice of the country-chairman is organized according to the principle of rotation.
  • At the same time, the continent represented by the chairman of the G20 should also change every year. So, in 2010, South Korea chaired, in 2011 - France, in 2012 - Mexico, in 2013 - Russia, in 2014 - Australia, in 2015 - Turkey.
  • Since January 1, 2016, China has been chairing (in 2017, Germany).
  • The presiding country determines the main directions of the G20's activities for the coming year.
  • The coordinating bodies are the interim secretariat (located in the presiding country) and the "leading troika" - the former, current and future chairmen.

How is the G20 organized?

  • At first, the main form of activity of the Group was the annual conferences at the level of finance ministers and heads of central banks, which were held in different countries"twenties".
  • After 2008, when the Group held its first meeting at the level of heads of state and government, the format of the meetings was changed - annual summits became the main event (they are prepared by Sherpas - representatives of the leaders of member countries).
  • Meetings of ministers of finance are held several times a year, in addition, meetings of heads of other ministries are organized.

How else does the G20 interact?

  • Within the framework of the G20, interaction with non-state structures is carried out. So, since 2008, meetings of representatives civil society("Civil Twenty", Civil-20), since 2009 - meetings of business circles ("Business Twenty", Business-20), since 2010 - meetings of the "Youth Twenty" (Youth-20) and chairmen of parliaments, since 2011 - representatives of trade unions (Labour-20), since 2012 - conferences of research centers (Think-20).
  • In addition, within the G20 there are working groups to support employment, to reform world agricultural markets and the global financial system, to combat corruption, as well as a Rapid Response Forum to discuss world food prices.

Who else is participating in the G20 meetings?

  • Permanent participants in key G20 meetings are the leaders of the UN, IMF, World Bank, OECD, WTO, ILO, Financial Stability Council.
  • In addition, so-called guest countries are involved in the work of the Group, who are invited by the chairman for one year.

What solutions have been achieved thanks to the G20 format?

  • Among the main results of the G20 activities is the achievement of an agreement on a fundamental reform of the world financial system.
  • In particular, with the support of the Group, the process of dismantling the "tax haven" system has begun in the world, many countries have tightened their laws regarding bank secrecy and concluded bilateral agreements on the exchange of information in the field of taxes.
  • Decisions were also made to increase IMF resources and to provide assistance to countries affected by the crisis, to regulate bonus payments to top managers of companies and banks, and to tighten control over financial markets.


G20, G20, G20, G20 finance ministers and central bankers

Flag/Coat of Arms:


permanent international forum

Structural units:

Council of Ministers of Finance,
Council of Heads of Central Banks


Cooperation and advice on issues related to the international financial system

Official languages:

Participating countries:

Australia, Argentina, Brazil, UK, Germany, European Union, India, Indonesia, Italy, Canada, China, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, USA, Turkey, France, South Africa, Republic of Korea, Japan

In addition, representatives of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are usually present at G20 meetings.


It was created in response to the financial crises of the late 1990s and the growing awareness that developing countries market economy(eng. emerging-market countries) were not adequately represented in world economic discussions and decision-making.

Until 2008, the group did not hold summits at the highest level; its main form of activity was annual meetings at the level of finance ministers and heads of central banks.

The founding conference was held on December 15-16, 1999 in Berlin. The group was created at the initiative of the finance ministers of seven leading industrialized countries - Great Britain, Italy, Canada, USA, Germany, France and Japan - to conduct a dialogue with developing countries on key economic and financial policy issues.

The anti-crisis G20 summit was held on November 14-15, 2008 in Washington to discuss issues related to the global financial crisis. The summit was held at the initiative of French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

The G-20 London Summit was held on 2 April 2009 in London, UK. This is the second G20 meeting dedicated to the global financial crisis. The main goals of the summit are to discuss the necessary actions to prevent a global recession, deflation, strengthen the financial sector and prevent protectionism, strengthen the global financial and economic system, measures for the transition of the world economy to sustainable growth.

The G-20 Pittsburgh Summit was held on September 24-25, 2009 in Pittsburgh, USA. Main results: a promise to jointly raise banking standards, including limiting unreasonably high payments to top managers; intention to create a system of coordinated actions of all G20 participants in the field of economic policy. Also, shortly after this summit, on November 6, 2009, a two-day meeting of G20 finance ministers took place in St. Andrews (Scotland).

The G-20 Toronto Summit was held June 26-27, 2010 at the Metro Toronto Convention Center. In the final declaration developed countries A commitment was made to cut the budget deficit by half by 2013.

The G-20 Seoul Summit was held November 11-12, 2010 at the Seoul Complex for international conferences(COEX). Foreign media(AFP, NY TIMES, Financial) note that the Seoul summit has great importance for both Asian and European countries. The Korean Research Center predicted that the effect of economic growth will be over 24 trillion. out. One of the main topics of the summit was the monetary policy of the US and China. The Seoul summit was also attended by directors of transnational corporations (Microsoft, HSBC, Nomura Holdings, etc.).

The Cannes G-20 summit was held on November 3-4, 2011 in Cannes (France). At the G20 summit, a decision was made to tighten control over banks and discuss measures to prevent a global crisis.


Represents the 20 economies: the 19 largest national economies and the European Union (EU), represented by the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (unless the Presidency is a member of the G8 and is thus already represented in the G20).

Together, the G20 represents 90% of the world's gross national product, 80% of world trade (including intra-EU trade) and two-thirds of the world's population.

According to Article 112 Labor Code RF, this holiday is one of the official non-working public holidays(extra days off), both for five days and for six days.

November 4, 2019 is the last additional public holiday this year. Further, the inhabitants of Russia will have the opportunity to have a good rest only at the beginning of 2020, when, after the New Year's Eve, they will expect long new year holidays, including the celebration of the Nativity of Christ.

Other events on September 21:

* Day of military glory dedicated to the victory of the Russian regiments in the Battle of Kulikovo. Six and a half centuries ago, Russian troops led by Dmitry Donskoy fought the hordes of the Golden Horde. The battle took place on the Kulikovo field and marked the beginning of the liberation of Rus' from the power of foreign invaders who came from the East.

* International Day of Peace. The event was established by the United Nations and is dedicated to "establishing peace in the world", and most importantly - the cessation of war. September 21 opposing sides temporarily stop the conduct of hostilities (introduce a "ceasefire regime").

* World Day of Russian Unity- so far this is an unofficial holiday, which has been celebrated on September 21 since 2010.

What is the reason for the conflict between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko:

Relationship between Russian MMA fighter Alexander Emelianenko and weightlifter Mikhail Koklyaev heated up in March 2019, after "Misha" posted a video in which he commented on Alexander's conflict with another MMA fighter - Sergey Kharitonov.

Koklyaev joked about "stupid jocks and fighters", summarizing that "...Now it's not only jocks who are dumb."

In a response video, Emelianenko suggested that Mikhail “be more careful,” as he could soon come to visit him at the gym.

The exchange of courtesies continued on the fighters' Instagram accounts, where they made notches on the bench press, stuffed a heavy ball, and fired from a broom.

In the end, everything ended with an agreement to resolve the dispute with the help of fists.

That is, the cause of the conflict is a joke by Mikhail Koklyaev.

When will the fight between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko take place (date and time):

"The most anticipated fight of 2019" between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko will pass on Friday 29 November 2019.

As for the start time of the fight, it is not known exactly, since it depends on how quickly the preliminary fights end. In total, 6 fights are planned in the tournament program, and the meeting between Emelianenko and Koklyaev will be the final one.

The tournament itself will begin on November 29, 2019 at 19:00 Moscow time. And Koklyaev and Emelianenko as headliners can enter the ring in a period of time from 21:30 to 22:30 Moscow time.

That is, when the fight between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko will take place (date and time):
* On Saturday 11/29/2019
* Tournament start - 19:00 Moscow time.
* The start of the fight Koklyaev - Emelianenko - after 21:30 Moscow time.

Subscribe to our updates, join the site groups in social networks, so as not to miss new important information regarding the meeting of two famous athletes. Closer to the date of the fight, we will inform exact time start of the match, and where you can watch the live broadcast.

Where will the meeting between Koklyaev and Emelianenko be held on November 29, 2019:

The venue for the fight was chosen "VTB-Arena"(Moscow, Russia) - a multi-purpose sports complex built on the site of the central Dynamo stadium in Petrovsky Park.

The fight will take place in the VTB Arena Park ring, a small indoor arena that can accommodate up to 13,000 spectators during mixed martial arts.

According to what rules will the duel between A. Emelianenko and M. Koklyaev take place:

The duel will pass by the rules of boxing.

Prediction for the fight Koklyaev vs Emelianenko:

On November 29, 2019, we will receive an answer to the question of what is preferable - strength or speed.

Speed. Russian mixed martial arts fighter Alexander Emelianenko (younger brother of Fedor Emelianenko) spent more than a hundred fights in various types martial arts. His manner of fighting is distinguished by courage, speed and entertainment. Now Alexander is in excellent physical form, which means that in the upcoming fight he will be faster than ever.

Force. Eight-time champion of the Russian Federation in weightlifting, powerlifter Mikhail Koklyaev, "The Most strong man Russia" - is a repeated winner of international power extreme tournaments. He is deservedly famous for his strength, courage and athletic character. He claims that in order to knock out Emelianenko, he "needs only 1 hit."

If the fight between Koklyaev and Emelianenko is not a freak fight (staged, for the show), then Mikhail does not have much chance. Of course, there is a video where a strongman slaps 320 kilograms, and therefore, theoretically, he can knock out Alexander. However, Emelianenko is an experienced fighter who has been performing in mixed martial arts for a long time, and therefore is the undisputed favorite of the fight.

Festival "Invasion" - where will be held in 2020:

The open-air rock festival "Invasion" is one of the largest music festivals in Russia, held annually in the open-air format by the Nashe Radio radio station.

For the past 11 years, since 2009, the venue for music festival is a field near the village of Bolshoe Zavidovo in the Konakovo district of the Tver region.

That is, the location of the "Invasion" in 2020:
* the village of Bolshoe Zavidovo, Tver region.

When will "Invasion 2020" be held, the dates of the festival:

The exact date of the festival "Invasion" is announced about a month before it starts - in June. And the dates of the "main event of the summer" vary every year. But it's always four summer days- from Thursday to Sunday in either July or August.

That is, we will find out the exact date of the festival in June 2019.

Conducted "Invasion 2020" can, for example, at the end of the first week of July 2020: from July 2, 2019 to July 5, 2019 (forecast dates!).

How many days will the Invasion festival last in 2020:

Starting from 2017, the "Invasion" festival lasts 4 days, from Thursday to Sunday.

To the question asked about this to CEO"Multimedia Holding", whether the next festivals will be held for 4 days, the answer was received that "why not". According to gen. director Kiseleva, since a lot of people are ready to come to the festival on Thursday, the organizers will leave the four-day format of the event in the future. Moreover, if it is in demand, the Invasion can be carried out for 5, or even 6 days.

That is, "Invasion" in 2020 will last:
* 4 days (Thursday to Sunday).

When will the sale of tickets for "Invasion 2020" start:

Ticket sales start now in September 2019. Tickets can be purchased on the official website of the event.

How much will tickets for "Invasion 2020" cost:

The price of one ticket in 2020 will vary from 2000 to 10000 rubles, depending on the selected category.

What is the number of the "Invasion" festival in 2020:

In 2020 the festival "Invasion" will be held 21 times (20 times under open sky) .

For the first time the festival "Invasion" was held in 1999 in the Moscow House of Culture Gorbunov. This was the only time that a musical event was held indoors, other than the "virtual" Invasion of 2003, when an outdoor performance was canceled due to an explosion a month earlier at the Wings festival, and guest bands sang "live" V live in the studio "Our radio".

Since 2000, the festival has been held in the open air.

What is the theme of "Invasion 2020":

The theme of the next festival, which will be held in 2020, has already been announced. This " Carnival".

The organizers plan to make the upcoming event costumed.

How to get to the site of the festival "Invasion 2020" from Moscow:

From Moscow to the village of Bolshoe Zavidovo can be reached by train. Electric trains depart from the Leningradsky railway station. You can get to the station from Komsomolskaya metro station. It is necessary to choose those electric trains that depart towards Konakovo. You should get off at the station Konakovskiy Mokh.

If you are going to visit the "Invasion" by car, then 115 km from Moscow, moving along the "Russia" highway, you need to turn off near Konakovo and drive to the village of Vahonino, then turn left. Also, you can get to the place along the M-11 toll highway, bypassing all traffic jams and settlements.

How to get to the site of the "Invasion" in 2020 from St. Petersburg:

To get from the northern capital of Russia to Bolshoy Zavidovo by rail, you should choose any train that goes to Tver. Further, you can walk to the bus station (it is located about 1 km from the railway station) and take a bus that goes to Konakovo. And from Konakovo to the glade "Invasion" can be reached by taxi.

G20 Leading Forum international cooperation according to the most important aspects international economic and financial agenda. The main goals and objectives of the forum:

1. Policy coordination among G20 members to achieve global economic stability and sustainable growth;
2. Promoting financial regulation that would mitigate risks and prevent future financial crises;
3. Creation of a new international financial architecture.

The G20 consists of 19 countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Great Britain, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Canada, China, Mexico, Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia, USA, France, South Africa, Republic of Korea, Japan and European Union.

The decision to formally establish the G20 was taken at a meeting of finance ministers and central bankers of the seven leading industrialized economies (Great Britain, Italy, Canada, USA, Germany, France and Japan) in Washington in September 1999. The prerequisite was the financial crisis of 1997-1998, which demonstrated the vulnerability of the international financial system in the context of the globalization of economic relations, and showed that key emerging economies are not sufficiently involved in the discussion and management of the global economy.

The main format of the forum's activities was the annual meetings at the level of finance ministers and heads of central banks. Since the founding conference, which took place on December 15-16, 1999 in Berlin, similar meetings have taken place in the following countries:

In November 2008, it was decided to change the format of the G20 meetings and hold meetings also at the level of leaders (heads of state and government), after which the forum received its modern meaning.

A total of seven meetings of the G20 leaders took place:

G20 members account for:

1. 90% of world GDP;
2. 80% of world trade;
3. 2/3 of the world's population;
4. 84% of air emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels.

More detailed information about economic indicators G20 countries can be found at:

At the first meeting in Washington, the G20 leaders discussed the causes of the global economic and financial crisis and agreed to implement an action plan on three main points:

Recovery of global economic growth;
- strengthening the international financial system;
- reforming international financial institutions.

It was decided to hold the summits in the country that is acting as chairman. The presiding country changes annually according to the principle of rotation and alternation of regions.

The G20 does not have its own secretariat. The interim secretariat is located in the presiding country and operates during the term of the presidency. Three successive chairmanships are tacitly united in the governing Troika, teamwork which ensures consistency and continuity in the work of the G20, enhancing the legitimacy and transparency of decision-making at the meetings.

The process of chairmanship itself consists in the consistent preparation and development of draft documents to be adopted and the coordination with partners of decisions in the development of the world economy and monetary and financial architecture. Questions are raised that are significant both for the chair country and for the priorities of other G20 partners.

In addition to the leaders' meeting, which is the final stage of the chairmanship, work on all issues is carried out throughout the year. The main events are divided into two areas (tracks): the Sherpa track and the financial track. In 2009, at the third G20 summit in Pittsburgh, a decision was made to formalize this format. Since November 2010, the leaders of the G20 have decided to meet no more than once a year.

Russian Federation participated in all the G20 summits since its inception and proposed for discussion issues that were invariably reflected in the final declarations of the summits. Among the most important topics proposed by Russia are the reform of international financial institutions, the approval of standards for regulation and supervision in the financial sector, and limiting the level of public debt of forum participants. Russia is one of the most major economies"Group of Twenty" and plays important role in setting the agenda. From December 1, 2012 to November 30, 2013, the Russian Federation is the chairman of the G20.