Starship Fuete. Second novel. Chapter 2

The commander of the engineer company, Captain Gilbert Grant, did not hesitate long. In the end, he did not have to risk his personnel, and therefore, on the plateau where they were to build a defense, he sent all the dread tanks attached to his company, a whole dozen. Without infantry support, only accompanied by reconnaissance drones. Well, yes, it's risky, tanks without cover are an easy target. Heavy weapons, his people, just in case, were transferred from the marching state to the standby mode. However, in the event of a sudden attack, this is unlikely to help, and is more suitable for complacency. According to intelligence, there is no one and nothing on the plateau, but who believes aerial reconnaissance one hundred percent? If the enemy is not a fool and is well camouflaged, intelligence may goof off, this has happened more than once. Oh, if they had at least one orbital reconnaissance! But one can only dream of this, three days ago opposing sides overnight, everything that even slightly resembled enemy spy satellites was demolished from orbit.

Squat, pancake-shaped machines crawled out onto the line where Gilbert's company would build a line of defense and stopped. Grant carefully studied the picture on the command and control terminal. The synthesized image, built from information coming from dread-tanks and drones, spinning with a quiet rustle over the future position, was overgrown with details. After examining the image from different sides, he ordered the company to advance to the tanks and start building defenses, then contacted the commander and reported that his company had occupied the plateau.

That's what you ... Be careful, Bert, - the slightly worried voice of the chief, Erwin Fishbaum, sounded in the headset.

Erwin, is everything going according to plan? Gilbert asked, catching a note of tension in the Chief's voice.

It's all right, Bert! There is only a lot of work, so I'm sorry, it's not up to you now, - Erwin answered and hung up.

Grant considered. The boss is twitchy today. Maybe there really is a lot of work? This campaign is much larger than usual, it's true. But why is it: "more attentively"? This is not the first time he works under the supervision of the chief, and he has never called, frankly, for vigilance. Maybe the enemy’s reconnaissance began to work too well and the chief suspected that we had a “mole”?

Cases, remembering the reconnaissance of the brigade, Grant suddenly realized that they still had no data on who was fighting with them on this planet. That's how it is! Usually, analysts give a full breakdown of who they are, where they came from, where they appeared, in what cases, strong and weak sides the enemy, up to the personal characteristics of the commanders, to read, not to re-read. And this time - nothing, as if the enemy had come into the world last week after dinner.

Reconnaissance vehicles pulled up and deployed camouflage antennas, and sapper cyber-tanks began to drive towers with plasma turrets into the rocky ground. Gusts of wind played with dusty fountains, which the erection arms gnawed out of the rocky ground. The wind blew the dust to the surface, where it flowed for a long time and licked the boulders scattered in multitudes on the plateau.

Grant, once again meticulously inspecting the area, sent fighters to mine the flanks. If a well-trained enemy sits on them, there may not be any sense from the mines at all, but that's how lucky. But when repulsing a spontaneous attack on the move, it will even be very useful, especially if the enemy directs their heavy equipment not in the forehead, but from the flanks. Gilbert settled down without haste, thoroughly. It is understandable. If the company withstands the first onslaught, then the people will be safe, and the authorities will believe that here is a reliable stronghold. And that means that the company will be kept here, maybe even reinforcements will be sent. No, this, of course, is unlikely ... But they won’t even remove from positions in order to shut up, don’t bring the Cosmos, somewhere a breakthrough. So, the chances of surviving are much greater. Diversions, raids on the rear of the enemy, everything that was part of Grant's direct duties, had not yet been carried out on this planet. This means that the tension is limiting, we barely have time to fight back, to think over even a simple operation, there are no forces and opportunities for more than two moves ahead.

Gilbert played the picture of the plateau on the terminal, carefully examining each new marker. Little things don't happen here. After a little thought, he sent three fighters three hundred meters back to mount a couple of remote observation kits there, sending them to his rear. It was unlikely that anyone would come out of there, but now Grant preferred to be careful, even if it was unnecessary. Step by step, the defense came to life, finally the terminal showed that the combat control cluster took control of all the vehicles and established two-way data exchange with them.

Serge, - Gilbert turned to the deputy, - check the energy of the towers so that they are charged to the eyeballs. And give the fighters all the ammunition, all the spare power cells, everything that is available.

The deputy, Serge Korsakov, raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Why else is this? We are tormented then back to select! he grumbled back.

Distribute, do not be greedy, now we are working for a generous owner! Gilbert said cheerfully.

A dust cloud on the horizon was growing, it was visible even to the naked eye. From there, from behind the horizon line came a strained, rolling sound, as if someone had released the tightly stretched string of a giant double bass. The sound repeated, then another and another, until the peals merged into a continuous cannonade.

Let's go, Grant thought. - Artillery preparation from closed positions. Kilometers from eight, probably, they beat. The plateau reared up. If it were not for the rocky ground and the power protection of the dread tanks, one could say goodbye to the company after the very first volley. From the horizon, across the valley, dusty plumes stretched towards them. It was cyber-tanks rushing forward, accompanied by motorized infantry. The distance to the advanced positions was rapidly shrinking. Finally, the plasma turrets came to life. Bluish spitting plasma rushed towards the attackers in a dense cloud. The position was shrouded in white clouds of exhaust. A series of pops, almost inaudible in the roar, swept over the plateau: one of the fighters fired from an anti-tank gun. Following the plasma, nimble missiles rushed towards the enemy. The tank line broke down, some of the vehicles turned to the sides, to the flanks. Infantry vehicles maneuvered, looking for cover behind tank armor. From their light protective field, it seemed that the outlines of armored vehicles were floating in a quivering haze. If we add to this that the "chameleons" continuously changed the coloring of the cars, making them part of the landscape, it seemed that waves were moving along the valley. Tanks, bending around lonely boulders, came close to the minefields. Grant grinned, even screwed his eyes shut in pleasure. Now!

The first line of land mines missed enemy equipment deep into the minefield, not even working on the rearguard. This was to make it more fun to retreat, but the second and third lines raised the tanks into the air. The ground boiled under heavy machines, fiery fountains rushed from under armored monsters. Gilbert caught a look at the figure of Korsakov, who, sticking to the terminal, was giving out commands to the fighters at a pace, Grant glanced at the picture from the rear observers, empty and quiet. It seems that the first attack organized on hastily, they recaptured. Now that gaps have formed in the armored ranks of the enemy, the main thing is not to lose the initiative and transfer fire to the motorized infantry. The enemy artillery began to work again, and here Grant calmed down, if, of course, one can be calm, in hell. It looks like the enemy is retreating under cover of fire. Gilbert scanned the terminal. According to preliminary data, the company lost three fighters killed, and a little less than a dozen were wounded. And this is only the first attack! Serious losses, whatever one may say. And the boss probably already knows. Information channels, although they do not transmit data in real time, but after the retreat of the enemy, the final report must have gone to the command cluster. Maybe it's not so bad? You look, they will help suppress enemy artillery?

Bert, can you hear me? came the voice of Erwin Fishbaum in Grant's headset.

Easy to remember! Of course, the old warrior will not miss the opportunity to go through pride once again. Now it will bake.

I hear you, chief, what are the orders? Grant said in a low voice.

Why no mood? Are you expecting a bite from me? You will not get it! - Erwin said cheerfully, - And how did it happen to you?

Lost people, I know. Guilty, - said Grant, picking the toe of his boot on the ground under his feet.

Listen, Grant, stop fooling around! - unexpectedly said the chief. - In general, Gilbert Grant, thanks from me personally. Bonuses to you and your fighters.

Chief, not hearing an answer from the numb unexpected turn Grant's affairs, continued.

Grant, can you hear me?

Gilbert was dumbfounded digesting the words of the boss. Experience told him that now he should get a thrashing! For losses during the first contact with the enemy. The adversary will now gather his strength, orient himself and go to the second assault. Surely enemy reconnaissance spotted plasma turrets and firing points of fighters in the defense. Now is the time for them to pile on before the company has time to regroup.

I hear you,” Grant said softly.

Tell me better, how did you guess to mine the flanks? Erwin was interested.

Yes, how ... in case they attack immediately, without reconnaissance and preparation. Well, they climbed on the rampage, and so - there would be little sense from mining, - answered Gilbert.

In general, you understand, you knocked out almost half of the armored vehicles from the enemy's vanguard. After which they rolled back. They feared persecution. By the way, not in vain. Your neighbor, Nick Risovich, did not miss his, - Fishbaum said cheerfully.

After a pause, the chief continued:

Get ready, Grant, we'll be counterattacking in twenty minutes at the most. Risovich thoroughly pinched the enemy's artillery, so it's possible to attack!

Yes, Chief, - answered Gilbert. - From the positions completely removed, or leave cover?

Forward! - Fishbaum growled excitedly, - leave three or four people on the plateau to turn off the defense, the rest, except for the reconnaissance platoon, you will hand over to Risovich. And for you and the scouts there will be something more interesting.

Yes, boss, - Grant replied in a wooden voice. He still couldn't come to his senses. However, this "more interesting" made him wary. Well, of course, in vain is the chef generous with praise and bonuses! Got a real job? Interesting!

Commander's training did not allow Grant to stay in prostration for a long time. He quickly issued orders to his deputies and platoon commanders. Of course, the fighters had no particular desire to withdraw from the position, especially to attack, but the news of the bonuses brought a revival and things went smoothly. After sending a transport with the wounded and killed to the rear, Grant contacted Risovich. Having received a more or less intelligible idea of ​​​​what happened to the enemy after the retreat, Gilbert outlined landmarks on the map for moving his company forward. Then he, without delay, withdrew the reconnaissance platoon aside.

Guys, they don’t take us on the offensive, - the captain said, - we are at the disposal of the chief, it seems there is a real deal.

He pulled his combat helmet off his head, unhooked his comm headset, placed his helmet on the rocks so he could sit on it. Sitting down as comfortably as possible, he tried to relax. He turned his face to the already setting sun and, closing his eyes, ran his hand over the short-cropped crown. Except for the muffled sounds of the editing robots, it was quiet. The wind whistled a little audibly, occasionally bringing lumps of acrid smoke from the left flank, where the skeletons of vehicles that had fallen into the minefield burned out in shapeless black piles.

Equipment left, people left, the plateau gradually became empty. The scouts, according to the old habit, positioned themselves in such a way that only an experienced eye could spot them among the stones. Grant, who was waiting for a connection with the chief, was not at ease hiding, after all - the commander, let them see. However, the commander did not manage to bask in the sun for a long time, the headset began to sing a challenge.

Here's the deal, Grant," Erwin rumbled, "according to our gallant intelligence, a group arrived on the planet about six hours ago. And on the board of their boat, an emblem is drawn: a circle like this, with a red lizard in the middle. Do you know who it is?

Hmm, I know, Children of Purple? And what did they need here? said Grant, puzzled.

Once he had to deal with the adherents of this religious sect. Descendants of the settlers on the planet New Nevada, crazy on the worship of local creatures, most of all resembling large terrestrial lizards, like a monitor lizard. However, despite their reputation as quiet lunatics, the members of this sect were known to master the art of some unusual hypnosis. It was also rumored that some kind of military corporation seemed to be trying to use sectarians, although it is completely incomprehensible for what purposes.

I knew it, you still don't read our analysts' reports? Fishbaum said irritably. - Someday, you will take me out and I will still demote you to a platoon! To the landing! I'll roll into the penalty box! Grant, if you don't start working with your head, blame yourself!

I'm sorry, chief, - Gilbert got nervous, - but you yourself know, in these reports there is a gram of sense, a ton of useless dregs.

It's none of your business to look for meaning! You must read and remember! IN in general terms, Certainly. No one requires you to remember analytics word for word.

After a pause, Erwin continued.

Here's how you set the task, if you're not in the tooth with your foot in the subject? - Fishbaum said irritably and fell silent, for some time only his irritated sniffing was heard. - Okay, read the details later. The bottom line is this: these Purples can create new memories for people. Perhaps the most important thing: no technique, no lie detector or hypnosis can distinguish real memories from the created Purples, understand?

Clearly, only here, what should they do? Gilbert said puzzled.

But this is already interesting. Imagine, Grant, this planet has a legitimate governor, but not himself, there is a whole state here, some of them with families. When the conflict began and there was a smell of fried food, they hid somewhere. And these are the witnesses, Grant! And since what is happening here has long gone beyond the bounds of legality, sooner or later the time will come for a showdown, and then they will be listened to first of all.

Grant was silent, trying to understand what the Children of Purple had to do with it, and what would his team eventually have to do? Arrange a sortie into the enemy camp and steal the sectarians who arrived here? Yeah, to fit the armor with the landing force to the enemy headquarters! Rave.

Now about the case. Your task is to find the governor and his entire gang before the Purples. Then - act according to the situation, - Fishbaum fell silent.

It's h-how, according to the situation? - with difficulty squeezed out the company commander.

You can deliver civilians to us, you can kill these ... red sons of bitches, it doesn’t matter to the command. If the Purples find the witnesses before you do and manage to deal with them, uh, work... Well, then we don't need witnesses. Am I making it clear? - said the chief.

I don’t understand, are you ordering me to kill civilians?! Grant asked dumbfounded.

No, I'm ordering you to complete a mission: to prevent enemy sabotage. Fishbaum rasped back. - How you will carry out the task, I do not care. If you want everything to be decorous and noble, have time!

I can not hear? Erwin paused.

There is a boss, - automatically answered Grant.

“And what to do now,” Grant thought tensely, “the boss, you see, is not in the mood for jokes. It's one thing to fight mercenaries like himself, and quite another to shoot civilians, which may include children! Yes, at least in these silly, Purple ones. How?"

Chapter 3. After the jump. Board "Fuete"

The staff of the engineer-sapper company of the tank regiment
Soviet army
(isr tp)

The engineering and sapper company of a tank regiment belongs to the subdivisions combat support and is designed to perform the tasks of engineering support for the battle of the regiment.

The direct head of the company is the head of the engineering service of the regiment, who in turn reports directly to the commander of the regiment.

The structure of the engineer company

There are only 59 personnel in the company. Of these, 4 officers, 3 warrant officers, 12 sergeants and 40 privates. The company consists of the company's management and three platoons - engineering and sapper (ISV), engineering and technical (ITV) and automobile (AV).

Company management:
Only 6 people. Of these, 2 officers, 2 warrant officers, 2 privates.
*Company commander - 1 (captain).
*Deputy com. companies for the political part -1 (senior lieutenant).
* Foreman of the company - 1 (senior warrant officer).
* Company technician -1 (senior warrant officer).
*Driver of an armored personnel carrier - 1 (ordinary).
* Radiotelephonist - 1 (ordinary).
Company control technique:
-BTR-60PB -1
Company command armament:
- pistols PM -4
- AKM-2 assault rifles
- machine gun KPVT - 1 (on an armored personnel carrier)
- machine gun PKT - 1 (for armored personnel carriers)
Company control means of communication:
-radio station R-113 - 1 (on an armored personnel carrier)
-radio station R-107 -1
WIS (engineering platoon)
Only 19 people. Of these, 1 officer, 3 sergeants, 15 privates.

Weapon: PM pistol.
1 engineering - sapper department. * Squad leader - deputy platoon commander -1 (senior sergeant)
*Driver -1 (Private)
* Sappers - 4 (ordinary)
Weapon: -automatic AKM-6
- grenade launcher RPG-7 -1
Technique: -carUral -4320 -1

-Motor saw "Friendship" -1
2 engineering department * Squad leader -1 (junior sergeant-sergeant)
*Driver -1 (Private)
* Sappers - 4 (ordinary
Weapon: - AKM-6 assault rifles
Technique: -carUral -4320 -1
- trailed mine layer PMZ-4 - 1
-Motor saw "Friendship" -1
3 engineering - sapper department * Squad leader -1 (junior sergeant-sergeant)
*Driver -1 (Private)
* Sappers - 4 (ordinary
Weapon: - AKM-6 assault rifles
Technique: -carUral -4320 -1
- trailed mine layer PMZ-4 - 1
-Motor saw "Friendship" -1
ITV (engineering and technical platoon)
Only 19 people. Of these, 1 officer, 7 sergeants, 11 privates.
* Platoon commander - 1 (senior lieutenant-lieutenant).
*Field water supply laboratory assistant - 1 (senior sergeant)
Weapon: pistol PM.-1
AKM-1 assault rifle
1 road car department * Squad commander - MTU commander -1 (junior sergeant - sergeant)
*Mechanic driver MTU - 1 (ordinary)
*Senior driver BAT-M -1 private)
*Driver BAT-M -1 (Private)
Weapon: - PM-2 pistols
- AKM-2 assault rifles
- grenade launcher RPG-7 - 1

Technique: -tank bridgelayer MTU-1
- tracklayer BAT-M -1
Average connections:
2 department of road machines
Weapon: - PM-2 pistols
-automatic AKMS -1 (onboard MTU)
-machine gun DShK-M- (onboard MTU)
Average connections: -radio station R-113 - 1 (onboard MTU)
3 department of road machines * Commander MTU -1 (junior sergeant - sergeant)
*Mechanic driver MTU - 1 (ordinary)
Weapon: - PM-2 pistols
-automatic AKMS -1 (onboard MTU)
-machine gun DShK-M - (onboard MTU)
Technique: -tank bridgelayer MTU-1
Average connections: -radio station R-113 - 1 (onboard MTU)
Department of earthmoving machines * Squad leader - senior mechanic-driver PZM -1 (junior sergeant - sergeant)
* Driver-mechanic PZM -1 (ordinary)
Weapon: - AKM-2 assault rifles
Technique: - regimental earth-moving machine PZM -1
Field water department * Squad leader -1 (junior sergeant - sergeant)
*Driver-mechanic -1 (ordinary)
* Motorist -1 (Private)
Weapon: - AKM-3 assault rifles
Technique: - filtering station MAFS (VFS-2.5) -1
Department of TMM * Squad leader - senior driver -1 (junior sergeant - sergeant)
* Senior driver-1 (private)
*Drivers -2 (ordinary)
Weapon: - AKM-4 assault rifles
Technique: - heavy mechanized bridge ТММ-1 (4 vehicles)
AB (vehicle platoon)
Only 15 people. Of these, 1 warrant officer, 2 sergeants, 12 privates.
* Platoon commander -1 (senior warrant officer)
Weapon - PM-1 pistol
1 car department * Squad leader - deputy platoon leader - senior driver - 1 (senior sergeant)
* Drivers - 8 (ordinary)
Weapon: -automatic AKM-9
- grenade launcher RPG-7 - 1
Technique: - cars ZIL-131 with self-loaders -9
-trailers 2PN-2 -9
- trawls KMT-6 - 27
- tank mounted bulldozers BTU-9
2 car department * Squad leader - senior driver -1 (junior sergeant - sergeant)
* Crane driver - 1 (Private)
*Drivers -3 (ordinary)
Weapon: -automatic AKM - 5
Technique: - truck crane 8T-210 - 1
- cars Ural-4320 - 4
-trailers 2PN-4 -3
- trawls KMT-5M -3

The personnel engineering property of the company:

The personnel engineering property of the company:

Trench tool:
- small infantry shovels - 21;
-large sapper shovels - 35;
- two-handed saws - 10;
- carpentry axes - 20;
-pick-hoe - 5;
- crowbars - 5.

Lighting means:
- rechargeable flashlights AMF-8 - 1;
- lamps battery KSF -4;

Means of mining and demining:
- IMP mine detectors (RVM, RVM-2) -9;
- demining kits KR-I - 3;
- miner cord - 9;
- device for fixing minefields - 1;
-executive device for controlling the minefield KRAB-IM - 1.

Camouflage tools:
- sets of camouflage type MKT - 22;
- camouflage overalls - 24.

-life jackets - 16;
- swimming suits MPK - 2.

Demolition tools:
- demolition machine KPM-1 -1;
- set 77 - 1;
- ohmmeters M-57 (linear bridge LM-68) -2;
-bags of a demolition miner - 9.

Means of extraction and purification of water:
-reservoir RDV-1500 -1.

Means of observation and reconnaissance:
-rangefinder sapper DSP-30 -1;
- device for night work NDP -1;
- PIR periscope - 1;
- binoculars -3.

Carried ammunition:
- anti-tank mines - 600 pieces;
- anti-personnel mines- 8000 pieces;
- TNT in checkers - 500 kg.

From the author.In total, there are 28 different vehicles and 15 trailers in the company. For comparison, there are 10 tanks in a tank company and not a single other vehicle! And how many military specialties are there in the company? After all, each soldier must be taught separately. In a tank company of all specialties: tank commander, gunner, driver, loader. And the position of the commander of a sapper company, as well as the commander of a tank company, is a captain's. And the salary is not a ruble more. No, it's a thankless task to be the commander of an engineer company.

Organization of the fulfillment of the task by the commander of an engineer-sapper platoon to make passages in mine-explosive obstacles in front of the front line of enemy defense

Moscow Order of the Red Labor

Znamya Mining University.

Military Department.


for special tactical training

topic: "Organization of the task by the commander of an engineering platoon

for making passages in

minefields in front of

front line of enemy defenses.

I've done the work:

platoon student 343


lieutenant colonel

V. A. Skorobogatov

Platoon student 343

for course work on tactical and special training.

Topic: "Organization of the execution of the task by the commander of an engineer-sapper platoon to make passages in mine-explosive barriers in front of the enemy's front line of defense."

Option N6.

I. Initial situation.

Card 25000, sheets

U-32-108-V-g, U-32-108-G-v, U-32-108-G-g,

U-33-97-V-v, U-32-120-B-a, U-32-120-A-b,

U-32-120-B-b, U-33-109-A-a.

The commander of 2 isr 1 isb at 16.00 on 20.07 in the alignments of the passages set the task for the commander of 1 isv.

commander 2 isr 1 isb for making passages in the platoon minefields in front of the front line of defense.

1. 4 MPB of the enemy takes up defense with the forward edge along:

eastern edge of Rosenhorst (83-04), eastern edge of Borstel (81-03).

2. 12 SMEs go on the offensive immediately on the left flank of the defense sector of 45 SMEs (its 2 SMEs).

3. 2 isr 1 isb ordered on the night of 20.07 to make 2 passes in the minefields of the enemy.

4. Passages N 7.8 suits 1 SV, NN 9.10

5. I order: 1 sv on the night of 20.07 to make passes NN 7.8 in enemy minefields. Readiness of the completed passages by 5.00 21.07. Organize a commandant's service on the completed passages by the forces of one department. On the left, he makes passes 2 ivum. Obtain the necessary funds for making passages at the warehouse of VTI 45 MSP in the area with a mark of 56.5 (81-06) and from the foreman of the company in the area where the company is located (mark 56.0 (81-06)).

I will be in the area where the company is located. Communication with me - connected.

My assistant is you.


commander of the 2nd ISR for organizing interaction and various types of support.

1. Coordinate the actions of the platoon in place and time with the commander of the defending 6th MSR 45 SME, which is entrusted with combat cover for the platoon's actions.

2. Subdivisions of 1st motorized brigade of 12 SMEs will advance along the aisles NN 7,8, with which to organize interaction on the following issues: the place and time of making the aisles, their designations, the designation of the ways of advancing to the aisles.

3. In the platoon, have an observer for the actions of the enemy and the signals of the senior commander.

Warning signals installed in the shelf:

Chemical attack of the enemy and radioactive contamination of the area - two red rockets, in the voice of "Atom";

The appearance of an air enemy - two green missiles, with the voice "Air".

4. Personnel have gas masks with them, OZK - at the places where the task is performed.

II. Additional data

The personnel, means of engineering weapons and transport are fully staffed. All machines have one

refueling fuel.

III. Execute

The student to study the task and, in the role of the commander of the AI, organize the execution of the received task by the platoon.

State in an explanatory note:

Clarification of the task by the platoon commander;

Calculation and distribution of time;

advance directives;

Assessment of the situation with the necessary calculations;

Conclusions from the assessment of the situation and reconnaissance;

Decision to complete the task;

Combat order to subordinate units and crews, and instructions on various types of support.

On a separate sheet, submit:

The initial situation from the map with a scheme for organizing the actions of the UIS during the execution of the task;

Scheme of actions of departments for making passages;

Scheme of the organization of the commandant's service on the aisles;

Designation of passages.

IV. Guides and manuals.

1. Guide to the device and overcoming engineering barriers.

2. Tactical-special training. Textbook for cadets of military engineering schools.

3. Plyaskin V.Ya. etc. Engineering support of combined arms combat.

Deadline 1.04.97.

Coursework Supervisor

lieutenant colonel

V. A. Skorobogatov

“___” _______________ 1997

Order issuance time: 16.00 20/07

Ready time: 5.00 21/07

I. Clarification of the task by the platoon leader.

Operational time: 16.00 - 16.10

Location: aisles.

1. The enemy defends with the front line of defense along the line: the eastern outskirts of Rasenhorst, the eastern outskirts of Bortsel.

12 SMEs go on the offensive immediately on the left flank of the defense sector of 45 SMEs. 2 isr 1 isb ordered on the night of 20.07 to make 2 passes in the minefields of the enemy.

2. 1 SV was tasked to make passages 7.8 up to 100 m deep by 05.00 21.07. The method of making - manually. Organize a commandant's service on the aisles.

3. Get the necessary funds to complete the task from the foreman of the company.

4. Fire cover for the actions of the platoon is entrusted to the commander of the 6th MSR.

Organize interaction with the commander of the 6th MSR on the following issues:

What funds are allocated to cover the actions of the platoon;

Call signals and ceasefire by means of cover;

The start and end time of the platoon's actions to make passes in enemy minefields. The commander of the 2nd isr will be in the area where the company is located. Communication with him connected. Deputy

commander of 1 isr - Ya.

II. Calculation and distribution of time.

Operational time: 16.10 - 16.15

Now 16.00 20/07. Submit the report by 5.00 21/07.

Total time available to prepare and complete the task

13:00 min.

Light time - 6 hours. 00min. from 16.00 to 22.00,

Dark time - 7h.00min. from 22.00 to 5.00

The task will take up to 4 hours to complete. Start the task at 21.40 20/07.

Available time to allocate:

1. Clarification of the task .......... 16.00 - 16.10

2. Calculation and distribution of time ........ 16.10 - 16.15

3. Movement of the commander to the area of ​​concentration

platoon ................................................ 16.10 - 16.30

4. Advance Directives........ 4.30 pm - 4.35 pm

4.a Obtaining and checking the VTI from

foremen of the company .................................... 16.35 -18.10

4.b Rest of personnel

and eating .............................. 10/18-10/19

4.c Preparing for the task......10/19-21/20

5. Advancing to the area of ​​​​execution of the task of the commander

ditch of squads and platoon commander...... 16.35 - 16.55

6. Assessment of the situation, taking into account the time spent on

organization of interaction with the commander of the I SME

and reconnaissance ................................. 16.55 -18.30

7. Movement of the commander to the platoon concentration area .............................................. ............... 18.30-18.50

8. Making a decision to complete the task ....................................................... ..............18.50 - 18.55

9. Setting a task for commanders

branches ........................ 21.20 - 21.30

9. Issuing a combat order ..................... 21.30 - 21.40

10. Advancing to the area of ​​the mission.......

21.40 - 22.00

11. Completion of the task by departments..... 22.00 - 02.30

12. Report on the completion of the task ............ 04.55 - 05.00

III. Advance directives.

Operational time: 16.30 - 16.35

Our platoon was ordered to make manual passes 7.8 in the enemy minefields up to 100 m deep by 5.00 on 21.07. and organize a commandant service on the aisles.

To the deputy platoon commander, before 21.40 20.07, receive from the foreman of the company and check the completeness and serviceability of 3 sets of KRI, 18 pointers and 18 lights to indicate passages.

Platoon by 21.40 to arrive in the area of ​​the mission.

All personnel should have weapons, personal protective equipment and gas masks.

At 16.55 squad commanders to depart with me from the area where the company is located for reconnaissance.

IV. Issues to be resolved during the reconnaissance.

Operational time: 16.55 - 18.30

A. Plan of reconnaissance.

During the reconnaissance, determine:

Locations, directions and landmarks of the proposed passages.

Locations of mine barriers.

Organize interaction with the commander of the Imsb.

Ways to designate passages.

B. Organization of interaction.

In the course of organizing interaction with the commander of small and medium-sized units, the following questions are clarified:

The order of designation and fencing of passages.

Signals are set for interaction with Imsb.

B. Conclusions from the reconnaissance.

Conclusions from the assessment of the enemy:

In connection with possible application an enemy of weapons of mass destruction to be ready for action in conditions of radioactive contamination of the area, to have anti-chemical protection equipment at the ready;

When performing the task, have observers for the air and ground enemy and warning signals;

Conclusions from the assessment of their strengths:

The platoon is staffed with personnel, engineering weapons, transport is staffed according to the state, fuel and lubricants - one refueling, no losses;

The platoon is able to complete the task in 7 hours;

1.2 crews make passages 7.8, respectively, then 1 and 2 iso carry out commandant service;

Conclusions from the assessment of terrain and time:

The terrain is open, allowing you to complete the task only at night;

The time of day contributes to the successful completion of the task;

V. Decision to complete the task

Operational time: 18.50 - 18.55

1. Make passes manually, moving in a plastunsky way, with a ledge to the right.

2. 1.2 crews make passages, respectively, 7.8 in enemy minefields up to 100 m deep, after completing this task, 1 and 2 Iso carry out commandant service. While doing

passages 6 MSR provides fire cover for the actions of the platoon. Start the task at 21.40 and finish at 4.30 21.07,

Until then, prepare for the task.

3. Interaction with the commander of the 6th MSR is organized according to following questions:

The location of the passages being made has been agreed;

Issues of fire interaction in the event of the appearance of the enemy were agreed;

Agreed on the start and end time of the task;

Communication with the commander of the 6 MSR liaison;

4. I will be located with 1 iso, communication with me personally and connected.

VI. battle order

Operational time: 21.30-21.40

1. The enemy defends along the line: the eastern outskirts of Rasenhorst (8304), the eastern outskirts of Bortsel (8103).

2. 12 SMEs go on the offensive immediately on the left flank of the defense sector of 45 SMEs. 2 isr 1 isb ordered on the night of 26.07 to make 2 passes in enemy minefields up to 100 m deep.

3. Our platoon was ordered to make passages 7.8 in the enemy minefields in front of the front line of defense by 5.00 21.07. Fire cover for the actions of the platoon is entrusted to the commander of the 6th MSR.

4. On the left, passes are made by the 2nd ivum.

5. Perform the task at night manually, moving in a plastunsky way. When illuminating the area, stop all movements. When performing the task, strictly observe camouflage.

I order:

At 21.40, the squads concentrate in the first trench of our positions and at 21.40 directly proceed to the task, starting to do: 1 calculation - passage 7, 2 calculation

Pass 8.1 and 2 ISO after completion by a platoon

tasks organize the commandant's service on the passes made.

Complete the task by 4.30 21.07, until this time prepare for the task.

At each passage, leave two people with mine barriers in readiness to close the passages in case the enemy goes on the attack.

Removed mines and fuses should be concentrated at the regiment's ammunition point and placed under guard.

7. Prepare and check all necessary means.

In each department to have: 1 KRI and mine detectors for each.

8. I will be located with 1 iso, communication with me personally and connected.

9. My deputy is a full-time one.

10. Warning signals installed in the shelf:

Chemical attack of the enemy and radioactive contamination of the area - two red rockets, in the voice of "ATOM";

The appearance of an air enemy - two green rockets, with the voice "AIR";

Interaction signals with 6 msr:

calling fire -

turn tracer in the direction of the target.

Feedback when returning to the trench-

Lieutenant Colonel A. Balshoy

The Corps of Engineers, which are part of every branch of the US armed forces, are designed to perform engineering support tasks. It involves a set of measures to create necessary conditions For daily activities troops (forces) and their successful performance of combat missions in peaceful and war time, as well as to provide assistance to federal ministries and departments to ensure the internal security of the country, the safety environment, rational use natural resources, etc.

According to the nature of the tasks performed, the engineering support of the US Armed Forces is divided into three types: general engineering support, geospatial support, and engineering support for combat operations.

General engineering support is aimed at the construction, maintenance and restoration of sea and river ports, automobile and railways, bridges, military camps (forward bases), refugee camps, prisoner of war camps, as well as logistics of military operations and environmental protection. Their implementation involves mainly civilian personnel on a contract basis.

Geospatial engineering support involves solving such problems as the formation and maintenance of a geospatial database, the assessment of the terrain and the creation of its visual image, the distribution of geospatial information among consumers.

Engineering support for combat operations is a set of measures to increase the maneuverability of friendly troops (forces) and ensure their survivability, as well as to reduce the maneuverability of enemy troops. They are carried out, as a rule, by engineering units that are part of combat formations and associations of branches of the US armed forces.

Organizational structure of engineering command ground forces USA
* The total number of personnel of the US Army Engineering Command (without attached formations) is 245 military personnel (officers - 96, warrant officers - 7, soldiers and sergeants - 142).
Typical structure of the engineering command (in theater)
Typical structure of an engineering team
Typical structure of an engineering battalion
Typical structure of an engineer company
Typical structure of a mobility support company
Typical structure of a pontoon-bridge company

The solution of engineering support tasks in the US Armed Forces is entrusted to the corresponding formations of the types of the Armed Forces, which are represented by engineering (engineering and construction) commands (directions) and regular units that are part of the formations and formations of regular forces and reserve components.

In the Army (SW), the main structure that decides the issues of general and geospatial engineering support is the engineering command (headquarters in Washington, federal district Colombia), which reports to the Minister of the Army. It consists of about 650 servicemen and up to 37,000 civilian specialists.

This command has the following main tasks:
- planning, design, construction of dams and other flood protection systems;
- design and construction management of military facilities;
- restoration and protection of the environment (clearing the territory of former military facilities from hazardous waste and ammunition, ecosystem restoration, water areas etc.).

Engineering Command includes: headquarters, Humphreys Engineering Center, nine regional directorates (45 districts), Finance center, Center for Engineering and Logistics Support, Research Institute water resources, center for the design of water structures, center scientific research and development, a geospatial information collection center and the 249th Engineer Battalion of Power Equipment. When the command is deployed to remote theaters, it is given units and subunits of the 412th and 416th engineering commands (in theaters) of the army reserve.

The engineering support of combat operations of the US Army is entrusted to the regular engineering formations of formations, formations and units of regular forces and reserve components. They are subdivided into four types: control bodies of engineering formations during engineering operations, subunits as part of combat formations, main and special engineering formations.

The control bodies of engineering formations include the headquarters of engineering commands in the theater of operations, engineering brigades and engineering battalions. They manage the engineering forces and facilities in the area of ​​the respective operations.

Engineering Command is deployed in a combat zone in the interests of an area command or a joint operational formation ( army corps) and provides, if necessary, all types of engineering support. When deployed in a theater of operations, it includes units and subunits (including other types of aircraft) necessary to carry out the intended engineering operation.

Engineering brigade is part of the engineering command in the theater of operations or is deployed separately to conduct the corresponding operation in the interests of the operational-tactical formation (division).

The brigade is a modular unit, which can include up to five engineering battalions and carry out all types of engineering support if the appropriate forces and means are available. In addition, other units may be subordinate to the formation headquarters in order to effectively solve certain tasks (for example, organizing a cordon and regulating traffic when crossing water barriers).

Engineer Battalion may be part of the theater engineering command, engineering brigade or maneuver support brigade, or deployed separately when conducting a minor (in terms of scale) engineering operation in the interests of brigade or division level formations. Depending on the operation being carried out, the battalion headquarters are assigned up to five engineering companies of the appropriate direction (engineer-sapper, construction engineer, pontoon-bridge, etc.). In addition, when a battalion is deployed separately, a forward support company is included in its composition. All US Army engineer battalions (with the exception of the 249th Power Equipment Engineer Battalion) are capable of solving tasks of two types of engineering support: general and combat support.

The main and special engineering formations must carry out specific activities, the most important of which are: equipment, maintenance and restoration of communication lines; construction of protective shelters and other structures; construction of runways; production of continuous demining; water intake equipment.

The main engineering formations of the US Army include companies: engineering and sapper, mobility, pontoon bridge, sapper, engineering and construction, construction, as well as companies of engineering equipment and equipment.

Engineering sapper company designed to conduct engineering reconnaissance, increase maneuverability and ensure the survivability of friendly troops and facilities, as well as to reduce the maneuverability of enemy troops. The number of personnel of the company is 103 military personnel (five officers, 98 soldiers and sergeants). As special equipment, it is armed with demining systems based on the Husky G2 armored car, M9 ACE universal engineering vehicles and M104 Volverin tank bridge layers.

The unit may be attached to headquarters battalions of combat brigades or brigades army aviation US Army, as well as organizationally be part of the engineering battalion of the US Army Engineering Brigade. In accordance with the American normative documents The engineering and sapper company is capable of:
- Deploy from two to five mobile groups (engineering and sapper, barriers, sappers or bridge layers) to solve specific tasks of engineering support in certain areas;
- build a columned path in a day total length up to 120 km;
- make passages in minefields and blockages (to overcome on foot - six and on vehicles - three);
- to ensure the performance of engineering work by forces at the rate of 660 people per day;
- act as an infantry unit (if necessary). The mobility support company is used to conduct engineering reconnaissance, increase the maneuverability of friendly troops and reduce the maneuverability of enemy troops. Its number is 118 military personnel (five officers, 113 soldiers and sergeants). As special equipment, the company is armed with minelayers M139A1 "Volkeno", universal engineering vehicles M9 ACE and tank bridge layers Ml04 "Volverin".

The unit is attached to the headquarters battalions of combat brigades (one company in a light or mechanized Stryker brigade, two in an armored brigade), and also organizationally be part of an engineer battalion of an engineering brigade or a US Army maneuver support brigade.

The mobility support company is capable of:
- Deploy from two to five mobile groups (engineer-sapper, engineer-assault or barriers) to solve specific tasks of engineering support in certain areas;
- make passages in minefields and blockages (to overcome them on foot - four, on vehicles - from two to four 1 );
- deploy four tactical bridges to overcome ditches and ravines;
- install more than 4.4 thousand linear meters of wire fences;
- act as an infantry unit (if necessary).

Pontoon Bridge Company designed for preparation, deployment and operation of pontoon-bridge systems when forcing water barriers and overcoming sections of rough terrain. The number of personnel is 185 military personnel (five officers, one warrant officer and 179 soldiers and sergeants). As special equipment, the company is armed with M9 ACE universal engineering vehicles, Ml04 Volverin tank bridge layers, DSB heavy mechanized bridges and an IRB pontoon bridge kit.

The unit may be organizationally part of the engineering battalion of the US Army Engineering Brigade. When carrying out operations to force various obstacles, pontoon-bridge companies are included in the engineering battalions at the rate of one unit for two combat brigades.

In accordance with American regulations, a pontoon bridge company is capable of:
- install one heavy mechanized bridge with a length of up to 40 m and a carrying capacity of up to 80 tons 2 to overcome ditches and water barriers or eight bridges 20 m long and 4.3 m wide;
- deploy a set of IRB pontoon bridge with a length of up to 210 m or six ferries of 35 m each through a water barrier 3 .

Sapper company provides mine clearing of routes of advance and locations of formations of the US ground forces. The number of its personnel is 191 military personnel (six officers, 185 soldiers and sergeants).

The unit may be attached to the headquarters battalions of combat brigades or army aviation brigades, as well as organizationally be part of an engineer battalion or an engineer brigade of the US Army (based on one unit for four combat brigades).

In accordance with American regulations, a sapper company is capable of:
- deploy from three to five mobile sapper groups to solve specific tasks of engineering support in certain areas;
- during the day, check and clear mines of two routes for the advancement of troops with a total length of up to 225 km;
- during the day to check and demining the territory with total area up to 8000 m2.

Engineering and construction company is engaged in carrying out repair and restoration work of the roadway and runways of airfields, measures to prepare construction sites for the construction of military infrastructure facilities on them, as well as laying pipelines and creating drainage system. The number of its personnel is 161 military personnel (five officers and 156 soldiers and sergeants).

The unit can be organizationally part of the engineering battalion of the engineering brigade of the US Army, at the rate of one company per division (in defense, at the rate of one company per combat brigade).

construction company designed for installation and construction work on the construction or repair of military infrastructure, including sewerage, water supply and connection energy systems. The number of personnel of the company is 162 military personnel (five officers, three warrant officers and 154 soldiers and sergeants).

The unit may be organizationally part of the engineering battalion of the US Army Engineering Brigade. The company is able to ensure the performance of construction work at the rate of 1000 people per hour per day.

Engineering machinery and equipment company should carry out work on fortification equipment for the positions of ground forces units, clearing sites (without mine clearance), and also provide the necessary technical support to other engineering units. The number of personnel of the company is 122 people (five officers, 117 soldiers and sergeants).

The unit may organizationally be part of the engineering battalion of the SV engineering brigade.
In accordance with American regulations, a company of engineering equipment and equipment is capable of:
- prepare within an hour 18 double trenches for standing shooting or 12 positions for group weapon crews;
- erect a protective shaft up to 200 m long within an hour;
- ensure the performance of engineering and construction work at the rate of 1,000 people per hour per day.

Special engineering formations of the US Army are narrow-profile units that are used only as part of engineering commands, brigades and battalions or are attached to engineering companies of combat formations to increase their capabilities in solving assigned tasks. Special engineering formations include: power equipment companies; topographic companies; platoons of earth-moving machines; quarrying platoons; groups of construction management, planning and development of engineering projects; concreting departments; advanced engineering teams; fire departments; pavers teams, divers and real estate teams. In addition, these can be well drilling units, service dogs units and units for working with explosive substances, geodetic information processing centers.

The US Army Corps of Engineers is a branch of the military that is unique in composition and tasks. One of the priority areas for their further development is the formation of an engineer battalion as part of each combat brigade, which will significantly increase the connectivity. In addition, it is planned to reorganize the divisional and corps-level engineering units. .

Other important direction development engineering troops involves the use of weapons and military equipment in them, which, taking into account the experience of military conflicts of the last decade, more effectively carry out work on demining and restoring the destroyed infrastructure of settlements.

According to the US command, the experience of using the ground forces engineering units in Iraq and Afghanistan showed the high functionality of the existing structure of this type of troops and confirmed the correctness of approaches to its use in modern types wars and armed conflicts.

1 For armored brigades - two, for light and mechanized brigades "Stryker" - up to four.

2 If it is necessary to increase the carrying capacity up to 110 tons, two twin axles are installed. Eight people deploy one bridge 40 m long in 1.5 hours (during daylight hours).

3 The carrying capacity of the bridge is up to 100 tons. When crossing units on multi-purpose off-road vehicles of the Humvee type, two-lane traffic is organized (at a current speed of up to 3.5 km/h). There are 56 vehicles in the company for the transportation of bridge structures. The installation of bridge structures and the movement of ferries are carried out using 14 boats.


military unit pp 71176 "F" ---- engineering and sapper company (ISR).
k-ry: knAkhmadulin Velikam Galimullovich dec 79-july 81, senior l-tUshmundin AlexanderJuly 81-82 (translated), Ph.D. Lyshenko Nikolay 82-Aug.83, Ph.D. Salomatin Vladimir Georgievich Aug 83-Nov 84 (replaced due to illness), Ph.D.Davydov Vladimir oct84-86 (removed, became commander of special mining),Mr. Yurchenko Oleg 86 (arrived from Kabul), Mr. Kolchanov Valentin Ivanovich sept 86-may 88, st. l-tGarmash Andrey YurievichMay 88-Aug 88 (transferred from a special mining platoon).
zkrpch: st.l-t Blauva Igor Edgars-Modrisovich 79-81 (died on April 15, 2012, buried in Sertolovo, Leningrad Region), Lieutenant Startsev Pavel 81, senior lieutenant Ryabets Sergey 81-March 83, senior lieutenant l-t Puzankevich Igor Grigorievich Mar83-Dec84, l-t Kiriy Vladimir 85, senior l-t Popov Viktor VladimirovichNov 85-Aug 87 (died 01/15/2016 in Kaliningrad), l-t Fedorenko Alexander Anatolievich Aug87-Aug88.

Sapper l-t Minef Igor 79-81, Art. l-t Alexandrovich Sergey 81-May83, senior l-t Sheduikis Algis Kazisovich May 83-May 85,senior l-t Friends Vasily May 85-Sept 87,l-tKoval Igor NikolaevichSep87-Aug88.

Eng.-tech. platoon. k-ry: st.l-t Pogrebitsky Alexander Jan 80-Oct 80 (replaced due to injury after being hospitalized in March 81), senior lieutenant Igor Berezin Apr 81-Dec 81, Lieutenant Voloshchuk Alexander Vladimirovich Dec 81-Apr 82 (04/08/82 was wounded in battle and died in the hospital on April 10, 1982), st.l-t Agafonov Valery 82-july 84,senior lieutenant Sergei Orlov Jul84-Aug86, Art. l-tGurts Nikolay Vasilievich Aug86-Aug88.

Demining Platoon. to-ry: art. l-t Nagibin Vladimir 82-May84, senior lieutenant Sakharov Valentin Vladimirovich May 84-July 84 (died on 07/15/84 near the Blue Domes) , Art. l-t Pilipenko Alexey Aug84-Sep86, st.l-tKudrya Vladimir Nikolaevich sep 86-Aug88.

Platoon of special mining.(introduced to the staff of the ISR in 1985)
to-ry: Lieutenant Kulikov Valery Anatolyevich July 85-Aug 85 (was seriously wounded in an explosion on Black Square on 08/12/85, died in the hospital) , Art. l-t Klyapov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Jan 86-Apr 86(received a serious wound during an explosion in the fuel and lubricants area on April 24, 1986, lost both legs. Lives in Odessa),kn Davydov Vladimir 86, senior l-t Garmash Andrey Yurievich July 86-May 88 (in May 88 he became the commander of the ISR).

Automobile platoon. to-ry: pr-to Kostrubsky Nikolai82-84, Ave. Golovashchenko Volodymyr 86-88.

Field Water Supply Platoon. to-ry: pr-to Shalygin Victor 79-81,Boyko avenue Mikhail 83-84, Shusharin Peter avenue 84-86,

Company Senior Technician : pr-k Astapov Yuri 79-81,pr-to Tverdokhlebov Mikhail 81, Marchenko Nikolay 81-July 83, art. pr-to Pilipenko Vatslav Adamovich 84-85, Art. pr-to Nechaev Nikolay 85-86, pr-k Ershov Evgeny Borisovich Nov 86-Jan 87 (transferred to TV, died 04/20/1987), pr-to Petryashev Viktor (arrived with TB) 2.87-88 withdrawal (died 2009).
: pr-k Kravchenko Volodymyr 79-81, Ulyankin Nikolay 81-Aug83, pr-to Mikhail Ogienko avg83-84, pr-to Gasanov Nadyr 84-86, Kulunduk Petr Ave.
86-88 conclusion.


personnel of the engineering and sapper company of the 70th Guards. OMSBR 1979 - 1988

1. Abbasov Yakov - driver, 80-82
2. Ablyalimov Alexander - BIS driver (transferred from TB), 87-88
3. Averyanov Pavel - commander of the ITV department, 79-81
4. Aleichik, 80-81
5. Aliyev - ITV, 80-82
6. Adreenko Sergey - Deputy Commander of WIS, 82-84
6. Andreikovets Ivan - driver of the armored personnel carrier ISV, 84-86 (undermining, died a few years after returning home)
7. Anuchin Yury - deputy. platoon commander PVS, 86-88
8. Arpentin Victor, 80-81
9. Alexander Arsenkin - truck crane driver, 80-82
10. Oleg Artyushin - sapper, 83-84
11. Asanov Serzhan - sapper, 85-86
12. Atajanov Adylbek - Deputy special mining platoon commander, 86-87

13. Ataev - sapper, 87-88
14. Babichev Boris, 82-83
15. Baev - driver, IMR, 81-82
16. Baygulov Rustam - driver of WIS, 84-86
15. Bakbekov Shikhmurad - sapper ISV, 81-82
17. Evgeny Bannov - commander of the sapper department (died 11/30/1985)
18. Yury Balasanyan - ISV sapper, 81-83
19. Andrey Baranov - sapper, 84-86 (died, buried in Alma-Ata)
20. Vasily Bardushko - ISV sapper, 80-82
21. Barkhudarov Yuri - driver, 79-81
22. Alexander Bezrukov - driver, commander of the auto platoon 84-86 (died on 01/25/2017 in Penza)
23. Begaliev Alisher - medical instructor, 86-87
24. Bekkaliev
25. Bekmuratov Zhumabay - sapper (died 04/22/1987
26. Belousov Boris - sapper, 86-88
27. Belyavtsev Vladimir - sapper, 82-84
28. Bernikov A. - commander of the WIS department, 84-85
29. Besaev Magomed - sapper, 87-88
30. Biketov Pavel - handler of the dog MRS vvv. lamination, 86-88
31. Bogatyr Nikolai - sapper, 87-88
32. Vitaliy Bondarenko - sapper (died 07/16/1985)
32. Vladimir Borodin - 84-86
33. Bortnik Ivan - driver, 87-88
34. Sergey Bortnikov - Deputy platoon commander PVS, 80-81
35. Victor Bragin - driver, 80-82
36. Budasov Victor - sapper WIS, 81-83
37. Bunto - Deputy Commander of ITV, 80-81
38. Burlakov Yuri - sapper ISV, 82-83
39. Sergey Bystrov - deputy. commander of WIS, 83-84
40. Anatoly Varvashevich - driver, 79-81
41. Aleksey Varnakov - driver of an armored personnel carrier, 86-88
42. Dmitry Vasiliev - sapper, 80-82
43. Nikolai Vasiliev - driver of an armored personnel carrier, 86-87
44. Verbitsky Valery - sapper, 87-88
45. Vishnitsky Anatoly - radiotelephonist of WIS, 84-85
46. ​​Voitenko - sapper 84-85
47. Volik S. - sapper ISV, 85-86
47. Mikhail Volkov - driver, 79-81
48. Vorotyntsev Valery - sapper, 87-88 (died 06/03/1988)
49. Evgeniy Gadzhaev
50. Galeev Ilyas - commander of the department. PVS platoon, 87-88
51. Galiakhmetov Rifat - driver, 87-88
52. Evgeny Gaskov - sapper (died 07/20/1988)
54. Gergeledzhi Ivan - commander of the automobile department, 80-81
55. Gerko Vadim - IMR commander, 02.80-11.80
56. Gnesny Sergey - radiotelephonist, 12.83-02.85
57. Goloshchapov Vasily - com. sapper department (died 18.7.1984)
58. Gorelov Vladimir - dog handler of the MRS platoon demining. ZKV, 81-83 (Agate)
59. Grigoryan Yuri - driver, 87-88
60. Grinnik Alexander - sapper, 86-88
61. Mikhail Gudyma - BIS driver, 83-84
62. Guzha Konstantin - crane driver, 79-81
63. Gulmuradov Nurmurat - sapper-machine gunner (died 08/17/1985)
64. Nikolai Gulyaev - sapper, 80-82
65. Yury Gusarov - PVS platoon, 83-84
66. Evgeny Gusev
67. Gutsalo Ivan - sapper, 87-88
5. Gafarov Maskur - driver of an armored personnel carrier (died on 08/07/1985)
68. Davbeshko Alexander - squad leader, 87-88
69. Dakus - APC driver, 83-85
70. Jabirov - sapper, 87-88
71. Dzhalgosbaev Serik, 80-81, died
72. Juraev Archil - sapper ISV, 80-82
73. Devichenko Alexander - driver, 85-86. He went missing on January 11, 1986.
74. Dovbnya Mikhail - 82-84 (transferred to 1 dshr, died on April 19, 1984.)
75. Vitaliy Dolgopolov - ITV driver, 81-83
76. Nikolay Domantsevich - com. sapper department (died 05/21/1986)
77. Dorzhiev Oleg - com. sapper department (died 07/02/1987)
78. Doroshenko Yury - BIS driver, 11.86-88
79. Dosov Vadim - sapper, 86-87
80. Duguzhev Ibragim - deputy commander of an auto platoon, 82-84
81. Dudin Leonid - sapper, (died 4.9.1985)
82. Dyshlevy Alexander - driver of TMM, 80-82
83. Evdokimov Ivan - sapper, 87-88
84. Evdokimov Alexander - MAFS laboratory assistant (died 08/11/1983)
85. Igor Egoshin - IMR driver, 84-85
85. Erakhnovich - APC driver
86. Andrey Ermakov - squad leader (died 02/22/1987)
87. Zhakin Sergey - driver, 80-81
88. Zhanaliev Alisher - sapper (died on 19.8.1986)
89. Zherebko Sergey, 80-81
90. Vladimir Zhitkov - driver, 82-84
91. Zhikharev Viktor - radiotelephonist, 87-88
92. Zhuravlev Vladimir - driver of an armored personnel carrier
93. Zavorotny Vladimir - sapper WIS, 85-87
94. Zagoruiko Valery - sapper, 83-84
95. Vladimir Zaitsev - PVS platoon, 80-82
96. Zaitsev Nikolay - sapper ISV, 80-82
97. Nikolai Zaitsev - MAFS driver, 81-83
98. Zakharov Peter - driver, 84-86
99. Nikolai Zelenchuk - sapper, 85-87
100. Zemlyanov Alexander - sapper WIS, 79-81
101. Konstantin Zemnukhov - handler of the MRS dog cleared, 82-83 (Agate)
102. Ziyaev Mumarasum - Deputy Commander of the WIS, 84-86
103. Ziyavetdinov Alhom - sapper ISV, 81-83
104. Sign Peter - the driver of the autoplatoon, 3.83-8.85
105. Zoltners Normund - medical instructor, 85-87
106. Zudin Stanislav - sapper, 87-88
107. Ibraimov Yermek - deputy platoon commander, 4.85-11.86
108. Georgy Ibraimov - machine gunner (transferred from 4 SSB), 85-86
109. Iskra Igor - sapper, 80-81
110. Ismagilov Ravil - sapper-machine gunner, 86-88
111. Alexander Kazantsev - driver, 87-88
112. Ghazaryan Artsrun - driver, 86-88
113. Kakorin Dmitry - sapper, 87-88
114. Kamenko Gennady - ITV driver, 83-84
115. Kamensky Ivan - commander of the engineer department, 80-81
116. Sergey Kaplan - driver, 85-87
117. Kaprelov Alexander - PVS platoon, 80-82
118. Kasperovich Alexey - 83-84
119. Kaledzhan Artur - mech.-driver MTU-20, 86-88 or IMR-?
120. Kalinin Gennady - sapper, 85-87
121. Alexander Karasev - driver of the KrAZ autoplatoon, 12.82-2.85 (died 22.4.2017)
122. Karpenko Viktor - TMM driver, 80-82
123. Karshiev Saidulla - commander of the ITV department, 84-86
124. Kasumov Eduard - driver, 85-87
125. Stepan Kvyk - APC driver, 86-87
126. Keer Ivan - deputy. demining platoon commander, 85-87
127. Kelps Agris - APC driver, 87-88
128. Kleymenov Mudaris - ISV driver, 84-85
129. Kisilenko Sergey - sapper (died 09/14/1986)
126. Kovalev Vladimir, 85-87
127. Kovalevsky Victor - sapper, 80-82
128. Kozlov Peter - driver of TMM, 79-80
129. Konoplev Mikhail - PVS platoon, 80-81
130. Kononkov Vyacheslav - sapper, 87-88
116. Konyukov Vasily, 79-81
117. Kolomiets Vadim - sapper, 87-88
118 Alexander Kornev - sapper, PVS platoon, transferred to DSHB 82-84
118. Korobitsyn Gennady (Victor)
119. Anatoly Korobov - ITV compressor engineer, 81-83
120. Korolev Mikhail, 82-83
121. Andrey Korostelev - sapper ISV, 86-88
122. Kosov Vasily - sapper, 87-88
123. Kotov Valery - sapper, 83-84
124. Kochkarev Valery - sapper (died 01/24/1987)
125. Kramarenko Yuri - sapper WIS, 81-83
126. Krasnov V. - ISV driver, 84-86
125. Krymov Vasily - driver, deputy commander of a car platoon, 84-86
126. Kryukov Alexander - driver (transferred to RMO)
127. Kryuchkov Igor
128. Kudryashov Yuri - driver-mechanic (died 18.7.1984)
129. Kuznetsov Alexander - driver of a car platoon, 83-85
130. Kuzub Anatoly - driver, 86-88
131. Kuzub Vladimir - sapper WIS, 80-82
132. Kuzminykh Vladimir, 86-87
133. Kuliev A. - driver of armored personnel carrier ISV, 84-85
134. Kuliev M. - sapper, 87-88
135. Kulyk Alexander clearance, 87-88
136. Kumskov - driver, 80-81
137. Andrey Kuptsov - sapper (died 09/30/1987)
138. Kusik Alexey - handler of the dog MRS vvv. clearance, 86-88
139. Kucharov Shavkat - sapper, 85 (wounded, blown up)
138. Lebedev Sergey - sapper, 86-87
139. Lebedev Alexander - sapper, 87-88
139 Levchik -85-87
140. Levytchenkov Alexey - sapper, 83-84
139. Leonov Oleg - driver of an armored personnel carrier, 87-88
140. Lobachev Vladimir - driver of an armored personnel carrier, 87-88
141. Logvinenko Vitaly - com. departments of the PVS platoon, 83-84
141. Loskutov Andrey - deputy. platoon commander, 80-82
142. Loshkarev Mikhail - driver of a car platoon, 83-85
142. Andrey Lukin - sapper, 84-85
143. Lukyanov Yuri - 81-83
144. Lukyanov Igor - 82-84
145. Magomedaliyev Magomedali - sapper (died 04/22/1986)
146. Madaminov Bakhodyr - sapper, 86-88
147. Maltsev Yuri - driver of a car platoon, 82-84
148. Mamedgeldiyev Suleiman - sapper ISV, 80-82
149. Mamzin Sergey - deputy commander of ITV, 80-82
150. Mamlev Alexey - sapper, 87-88 (died tragically, hit by a car)
151. Mamunts Rafik - driver, 80-81
152. Mamhegov Lyon, 81-83
153. Mamyrov Sabit - squad leader, 85-87
154. Markov Vladimir - driver, IMR, 80-82
155. Martynov Pyotr - ITV driver, 80-82
156. Marchenko Alexander - dog handler MRS vzv. lamination, 82-83 (Count)
157. Mashkenov Arman - mech.-driver BMR, 87-88
158. Mayantsev Alexander - sapper (died 12/01/1982)
159. Mikitalo Yuri - commander of the MTU department
160. Milyo Igor - commander of the engineer department, 6.81-10.82
161. Milaykin Vladimir - sapper WIS, 80-82
162. Milyutin Mikhail - driver of an armored personnel carrier, 87-88
163. Mironov Vladimir - MAFS driver, 80-82
164. Mironov Sergey - sapper (died 07/15/1984)
165. Mironchik Mikhail - sapper, 85-87
166. Mikhalenya Nikolai demining, 81-83 (Elsa)
167. Mishustin Anatoly - sapper, 86-88
168. Mishchenko Vladimir - sapper WIS, 84-85
169. Morozyuk Oleg - deputy. platoon commander PVS, 84-86
170. Morozov Victor - sapper, 84-85
145. Magomedov Magomedgadzhi - sapper (died 09/03/1986)
171 Muedinov Abib - sapper, 81-83
172. Muzafarov Azim - squad leader (died 03/08/1984)
173. Musaetdinov Abbib - 83-84
174. Musin Vasily - sapper, 87-88
175. Mukhanaev Rinchin - mine clearing platoon sapper, 86-88
176. Nagibko Vladimir - driver, 84-85
177. Neplukhin Victor - driver, 86-88
178. Immodest Alexander - driver, 87-88
174. Nikitenko Nikolay - dog handler MRS vzv. clearance, 12.87-8.88
175. Nikitenko Gennady - handler of the dog MRS vvv. clearance, 12.87-8.88
176. Nikitin Sergey - sapper WIS, 79-81
177. Yuri Nikitin - TMM driver, 81-83
178. Nikiforov Nikolay, deputy. platoon commander (died 20.5.1985)
178. Nikulin Peter, 80-81
179. Nikulnikov V. - ISV driver, 84-85
180. Novikov Alexey - driver MTU-20, 12.79-4.80
181. Alexey Novikov - driver MTU-20, 82-84
181. Nosovich Evgeny - sapper ISV, 81-83
182. Nokhrin Vladimir clearance, 82-83 (Elsa)
183. Nurimanov Ralif - sapper (died 10/26/1986)
184. Nyak Anatoly - deputy. auto platoon commander, 81-83
185. Oguzov Mukhadin - ISV driver, 81-83
186. Onipchenko Valery - driver, 86-88
187. Oleinikov - sapper, 86-88
188. Opanasenko Vladimir - driver of an armored personnel carrier, 86-88
189. Orekhov Sergey - com. departments, 81-83
189. Osipenkov Alexander - commander of the department 82-83
190. Osipov Alexander - dog handler MRS vzv. size (Taiga-died)
191. Osipov Grigory - driver, 01.80-10.80
192. Andrey Ostrovidov - commander of the sapper department, 83-84
193. Ostroushko Nikolai - deputy. ITV commander, 83-84
192. Otdelnov Sergey - sapper, 82-84
193. Page Normund - sapper (died 08/08/1988)
194. Palagin Sergey - sapper, 87-88
195. Paley Sergey - sapper, 84-86
196. Pankov Yuri - sapper ISV, 84-85
197. Peleev Arnold - sapper, 87-88
198. Pelykh Alexander - sapper-machine gunner (died 05/07/1983)
199. Igor Petrov - sapper (died 05/12/1988)
200. Petrovsky Yuri - sapper, 86-88
201. Petrosyan Alik - driver, 81-83 (transferred to RMO)
202. Pogorelov Alexander - mech.-driver, 81-83
203. Courtyard Oleg - sapper, 86-88
204 Podpirigora Ivan - sapper-machine gunner, 86-88
205. Ponomarev Ivan - driver of an armored personnel carrier, 86-88
206. Ponomarenko Sergey - driver, 83-84
207. Polienko Alexander, 79-81
208. Popov Alexey, 85-86
209. Popov Victor - sapper WIS, 81-83
206. Preymachuk Yuri - sapper, 81-83
207. Prokoshenkov Sergey - sapper, 83-84
208. Protochenko Vladimir - deputy. demining platoon commander, 84-85
206. Ptakhin Vyacheslav - sapper, 87-88
207. Pchelnikov Gennady - driver, 86-88
208. Pyshkov Vladimir - sapper, 86-87
209. Drunk Anatoly - driver of WIS, 82-84
210. Raev Murat - sapper, 86-88
211. Raivo Payur - sapper, 83-85
212. Radzhepov, 81-82
213. Rakhmanov Bakhtiyer - sapper, 85 (died 30.8.1985)
213. Repin Sergey - driver of an armored personnel carrier, 86-88
214. Andrey Rogozin - ITV driver, 82-84
214. Anatoly Rodionov - MRS dog handler (died 11/21/1985)
215. Ruban Victor - com. departments of TMM, 1.80-5.81
216. Rubtsov Valery - sapper, 87-88
217. Rubtsov S.
217. Rybalko Sergey - driver of an armored personnel carrier, 86-88
218. Savinov Ivan cleared, 81-83 (Alpha)
219. Svistol Victor - excavator, 87-88
220. Savostyanov Yuri - mech.-driver MTU-20, 81-83
221. Sadovskikh Alexander - 80-82
222. Sayerula Yuri - mech.-driver BAT-M, 80-82
223. Salamatin Sergey - driver of TMM, 83-84 (transferred to 2 msb)
224. Salnikov Alexander - commander of the department. demining platoon, 83-84
225. Samoilov
226. Sannikov
225. Satarov Victor - driver of an armored personnel carrier, 80-82
226. Satygulov - sapper WIS, 81-83
227. Sauranbaev Kairat - deputy. com. PVS platoon (died 06/07/1985)
228. Safin Vladimir - sapper, 87-88
228. Svistunov Dmitry - sapper, 87-88
229. Sebedin Vladimir - sapper (died 04/22/1987)
230. Nikolai Severinov - driver, 80-82
231. Sedykh Sergey - sapper, 79-81
232. Semashkov Vladimir - sapper, 86-88
233. Nikolay Semenyuk - driver, 86-88
234. Serbiladze
235. Serdyuk Viktor - driver MTU-20, 83-84
236. Vasily Silion - BIS driver, 84-86
237. Forces
238. Sirenko Vyacheslav - sapper, 87-88
239. Situshkin Peter, 81-83
239. Skvortsov Nikolai - sapper, 81-Dec.82
240. Skotkin Leonid - crane operator, 83-84
240. Sozaev Rasul, 81-83
240. Vladimir Sokolov - BIS driver, 80-82
241. Sokolov Vyacheslav - sapper WIS, 80-82
242. Solovyov Yuri - dog handler MRS vvv. clearance, 82-83
243. Solomakhin Sergey - driver of TMM, 80-82
244. Stasenko Gennady
245. Stebunov Victor - mech.-driver BIS, 87-88
246. Stepanov - PVS platoon, 81-83
247. Nikolai Suvorov - sapper, 87-88
248. Vitaly Suleymanov - driver, IMR, 84-86
249. Sulkovsky Stanislav - sapper, 87-88
249. Syzoev Rasul - deputy. ITV commander, 81-83
250. Syadrov Dmitry - sapper, 83-84 (undermining)
251. Tabenov Ermek - sapper, 87-88
252. Taran Anatoly demining, 81-82 (Solda)
253. Taran - mech.-driver BIS, 83-85
254. Tarasenko Anatoly - driver, 79-81
255. Tatarchuk Grigory demining, 86-88
256. Tymoshenko Ivan - sapper, 83-85
256. Timoshin A. - sapper ISV, 85-86
257. Titarenko Oleg - sapper (died 09/18/1984)
258. Tikhonov Mikhail - driver, 80-81 (died 07/04/2010)
259. Tkachuk Taras - sapper, 83-84
259. Tolstoy
260. Tonkonog Alexander - deputy platoon commander, 1.80-5.81
261. Trushchenko Gennady - sapper (died 03/08/1984)
262. Turdyev - sapper, 86-88
263. Turkopoles - ITV, 80-81
264. Turpendiev - ITV, 80-81
265. Turchenyuk Nikolay - driver, 80-82
266. Injections Gennady - sapper (died 08/01/1988)
267. Ulanov Valeriy clearance, 82-83
267. Urusov Nazbiy - driver of a car platoon, 81-83
268. Utkin - sapper WIS, 81-83
269. Faiden
270. Fateev Yuri - driver of WIS, 84-85
271. Fedorov Vladimir - deputy commander of a demining platoon, 83-11.84
272. Fedotov - sapper, 83-84
273. Foksha Stepan - commander of the sapper department
274. Fomenko Sergey - sapper ISV, 80-82
275. Khaitov Anatoly - the driver of the BRDM, 81-83
276. Khairtdinov - driver of an armored personnel carrier, 84-85
277. Khairulov Ramis - sapper WIS, 84-86
278. Khasanov - mech.-driver MTU-20
279. Khatuaev Murat, 82-84
279. Khatuev Petr - driver, 81-83
280. Khalmukhamedov Sadritdin - sapper (died 10/16/1983)
281. Khamidov Ilyas - sapper, 85-87
282. Khanzhiyan Vitaly - sapper (died 12/19/1985)
283. Khankeldiev Fozil - sapper 85 (undermining)
283. Khaustov Victor - driver of a car platoon, 80-82
284. Khryap Vladimir - sapper, 83-84
284. Khudaberdiev
285. Khudaibergenov - sapper, 85-86
286. Khurshudyan S.G.
287. Khusnutdinov Akhmatgali - sapper (died 10/28/1985)
287. Khusnulin Rafik - BIS driver, 80-82
288. Hutaev Pavel - driver of a car platoon, 81-83
289. Tsygankov Gennady - medical instructor, shooter of the PVS platoon, 87-88
289. Chavchavadze Mamuka - sapper, 87-88
290. Chamlai Nikolai - BIS driver, (died 11/17/1987)
291. Chebarev V. - sapper ISV, 84-85
292. Chepurnoy Ivan - sapper, 86-88
293. Cherneykin Oleg - sapper ISV, 85-86
294. Chernov Konstantin - sapper, 87-88 (undermining 88)
295. Chechel Victor - driver of an armored personnel carrier (died on 03/20/1987)
296. Chistyakov Yuri - driver of a car platoon, 85-86
297. Chihichin Alexander - sapper, 87 (undermining July 87)
297. Chichvarin Yuri - WIS, 80-82
298. Chugaev A. - sapper ISV, 84-85
299. Igor Chumachenko - PVS platoon, 87-88
299. Chura Alexander, 85-87
300. Sharafiev Ilnur - com. transport department., 79-80 (died 06/21/2012)
301. Sharipov Shavkat, 84-86
301. Shatalov Petr - driver, 80
302. Shakhaev Vladimir - driver of an armored personnel carrier, 80-82
303. Shevchenko Alexander - commander of the engineer department, 80-81
303. Shevchik Peter - sapper ISV, 84-86
304. Shestakov Vadim - driver, IMR, 86-88
305. Shilkin Nikolai - sapper, 86-88
306. Shirobokov Yuri - sapper, 86-87
307. Shiryaev Ivan - sapper, 79-81
308. Shredare, driver, 86-88
309. Shurnyuk Alexander - sapper, 86-88
310. Ergashev - sapper, 85-86
311. Edik Ekzekov - crane operator, 81-82 (transferred to DSHB)
312. Oleg Yudin - driver, 87-88
313. Yulbarsov Yusufzhan - sapper (died of wounds on 02/08/1982)
314. Yakimov - driver of an armored personnel carrier, 83-84
315. Yakivyuk Vasily - medical instructor, 87-88
316. Yakovenko - sapper, 83-84
317. Yakovlev Vladimir - sapper WIS, 80-82
318. Yarashov Fakhritdin - sapper, 84-86 (undermining)
319. Yaremchuk S. clearance, 84-86
320. Igor Yarovenko - sapper, 82084
321. Yarosh Sergey - sapper WIS, 81-83
322. Yasnev Sergey - com. sapper department of WIS, 84-86 (died in January 2009