Trout is a member of the salmon family. It is valued in cooking, has red, white or Pink colour depending on habitat, food and species. It can be found in many reservoirs of our country, but it is not so easy to catch. The fish is fried, smoked, salted and eaten raw. Recently, it has been artificially bred for subsequent sale. Caviar is considered a delicacy.

sea ​​trout

Trout is a valuable prey for the angler.

If the fish has red meat, it means that it was caught in the sea, and if it is light, in a lake or river.

The body of the fish is compressed, with multi-colored specks. The color of the body depends on the conditions of life. Usually the back is olive green with a green sheen, and the sides are yellow with white, black or red spots. In well-fed individuals, there are no spots. Abdomen white with gray tint, can cast copper. Sometimes only one shade prevails, so the fish is either dark or light, depending on the habitat conditions, food, season. If the water is calcareous, then the fish is of silvery light shades, and if the bottom is peaty or muddy, then it is dark.

The head is not proportional to the body. The teeth are massive and sharp, located on the bottom row.

Females and males differ from each other in body size. Females are larger and have fewer teeth. Males have a small body, but a larger head and many teeth. Their lower jaw may be bent upwards.

Trout have sizes from half a meter to a meter. Weight can reach 20-25 kg. The standard weight of one fish is 400-700 g.

Species and subspecies

Trout is sea, river, lake and stream. The Pacific specimen is considered the largest. The marine species is more saturated red in color, its meat is fatter and tastier than others.

Species and subspecies of sea trout:

  • salmon clark;
  • Amu Darya;
  • golden;
  • mykizha;
  • biwa;
  • Caucasian;
  • Sevan;
  • iridescent;
  • Arizona;
  • summer trout;
  • marble;
  • flathead;
  • Adriatic;
  • Turkish;
  • silver char;
  • American palia.

Habitats, spawning and food

Trout lives in the seas, lakes, rivers and large streams. Widespread in Norway and the USA. In Europe it is found in forest and mountain rivers ah and streams with a fast current, as well as in the Baltic countries. In Russia, this fish lives in Ladoga and Onega lakes, on the Kola Peninsula. In Armenia, on the alpine Lake Sevan, there is a unique species of trout that cannot be found anywhere else.

Habitat may expand or change as trout are artificially bred.

During spawning, the fish lives on the surface of the reservoir, where mating games: individuals splash, swim at a very high speed. After them, the youngest fish return to their usual habitats, and the rest remains to increase their offspring.

The fertility of females is low. Maturity occurs only in the 3rd year of life, when an individual weighs 2 kg.

Spawning occurs in spring or autumn once a year. At first, the fry are motionless, remain in the bag from which they feed. Only after 1.5 months they begin to get out, grow rapidly. At this time, they feed on the larvae of small insects. For a year, individuals grow over 12 cm in length. The growth rate depends on the reservoir.

When fry reach large sizes they switch to eating fish, begin to hunt fry of other species of fish and frogs. There are individuals who engage in cannibalism. But the basis of nutrition is insects and their larvae, fish, tadpoles, beetles, mollusks, crustaceans, meat waste and fish giblets. During the spawning period, it prefers bloodworms.

The larger the body of water, therefore, the more food it contains. This means that the fish will grow faster.

Trout is bred for industrial purposes for the food industry. Grow it in ponds, cages on large reservoirs. River (brook) and rainbow individuals are best suited for cultivation.

In nature, fish can only be caught with a line and in a certain amount. And breeding contributes to the catch in large volumes.

It takes 1.5 years to obtain 500 g of marketable weight. In an artificial environment, a larger specimen is found when raised as a mother herd or for caviar for sale. The value of caviar is very high due to the characteristics of spawning.


Trout is allowed to be caught throughout the year, except for the spawning season. In summer, the fish go to the depths and wait for the sun to set and the water to cool. That's why best time for fishing in the summer - it's evening, night, morning. Fishing during the day is a waste of time. Trout is caught only in clean water.

In spring, with the first melt waters, the first activity of an individual begins. The fish has not yet spread over the reservoir and keeps winter camps (in the bottom pits, on the borders of the fast and slow currents). Finding trout in melt water is difficult.

In spring it is better to fish in the afternoon, and in autumn it bites around the clock.

A fish always stands with its head against the current. In this regard, during spinning fishing, it is necessary to move towards the current. This will allow the angler to stay invisible longer. Clothing should be dim, better than camouflage coloring. In the place of fishing, you can not adjust the float rod, as this can scare away the future catch for a long time.

Since trout is found in rivers and lakes, any gear can be used depending on the place of fishing.

Basic gear:

  • spinning;
  • float rod;
  • fly fishing

When fishing with a float rod, the following baits are used:

With spinning fishing, excellent results can be achieved with such a bait as a “castmaster”. Fish are also well caught on “oscillators” and spinners. The main thing is to choose the right lure in size and color. Suitable "popper", "wobbler". Fly fishing is very effective, which involves the use of artificial flies that realistically imitate insects.

Beneficial features

Trout meat has a high nutritional value contains vitamins and amino acids. It helps fight depressive states, improves metabolism and memory, lowers cholesterol. It also prevents oncological diseases, restores protein and fat metabolism.

Trout in cooking

Sea trout has a pleasant and delicate taste, without a strong smell. It goes well with side dishes, can act as a separate dish. For cooking, fresh and frozen carcasses are used.

You can drink with white semi-dry wine, as well as grape or pomegranate juice.

Steak with sour cream sauce

For cooking you need:

  • two trout steaks, weighing about 600-700 g;
  • 2 oranges;
  • salt, sugar to taste;
  • a pinch of black pepper;

For sauce:

  • 50 g sour cream;
  • fresh dill;
  • 2 tsp horseradish (sauce);
  • 1 st. l. orange juice or 0.5 tsp. apple cider vinegar;
  • salt to taste.

Remove the zest from the oranges (you can use a grater), then mix it with sugar, salt, pepper, mix thoroughly and spread the steaks with this mixture. Next, put the fish on a wire rack and put in the refrigerator for an hour.

Then it must be taken out, washed and dried. Then preheat a grill pan, drizzle with oil (optional), put the fish in and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side. After that, preheat the oven, transfer the steaks to a baking dish, pour over them with fat from frying. Bake at 200 degrees for ten minutes.

To prepare the sauce, you need to finely chop the dill, then mix it with sour cream and horseradish, salt. Next, squeeze Orange juice. Mix everything thoroughly.

If you use apple cider vinegar, the sauce will be more acidic.

Rainbow trout in the oven

Rinse the fish, clean, remove the insides, cut off the fins and tail. Then rinse again and dry with paper towels. Then you need to mix salt and pepper and rub the carcass inside and out with this mixture.

Cut the lemon into four pieces. Cut thin slices from one quarter, and squeeze juice from the other and mix with vegetable oil. Rub the fish with this mixture.

Next, you should cover the baking sheet with foil, put the fish. On one side of the carcass, you need to make incisions and put lemon slices and a small piece of butter in them. Chop the parsley, mix with the remaining lemon slices and fill the fish with it. Then the trout must be tightly wrapped in foil.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the fish for 30-40 minutes. Five minutes before cooking, you need to take out the baking sheet and unfold the foil so that the dish is browned.

Ear in Finnish

  • 700 g of trout;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 1 pc. carrots and onions;
  • 0.5 l of 20% cream;
  • bay leaf, salt, black peppercorns, dill.

Pour the head, abdomen and fins with water and cook over medium heat. Shortly before cooking, add salt, pepper and bay leaf. After that, the broth must be filtered. Then chop the potatoes, chop the onions and carrots, add to the broth and cook over low heat. Clean the fish fillet from skin and bones, cut into small pieces. After the potatoes are ready, add pieces of fish and cream, boil for a couple of minutes. Sprinkle with dill before serving.

Salting fish

Rinse the trout, dry it, cut into thin plates and put in a saucepan. Mix sugar and salt in a ratio of 1 to 2, add seasonings and rub the fish with this mixture. Store the container in the refrigerator for a day. Optionally, you can add lemon juice or vegetable oil.

Baked dish with vegetables


Cut the fillet into pieces. Mix salt and spices, rub the fish with it and cover with lemon rings. Leave for 30 minutes to soak in the marinade. Then you need to prepare the vegetables. Cut carrots into strips, tomatoes into slices, and onions into rings.

Preheat the oven, cover a baking sheet with foil and put the vegetables on it, and on top of the pieces of trout and a slice of lemon. So that the marinade does not leak out, and the fish is baked in its own juice, the edges of the foil need to be pinched. Add wine to the resulting pockets. Bake in the oven for half an hour.

Fish pie

Would need:

  • 2 kg of trout;
  • 1 kg yeast dough;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 50 g butter;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • bay leaf, peppercorns and salt.

Divide the dough into three parts. The first two need to be connected and rolled out into an oval of 1 cm, and from the 3rd part make a small circle.

Rinse the fish, cut into pieces, salt and pepper. Cut greens and mix with fish pieces. Onion cut into rings.

Put the dough in a baking dish, fish with greens on top, and then onions. Raise the edges with a "side". Grate the butter and add to the filling. Next, you need to close the cake with a small circle, pinch the edges. Poke holes in the center with a fork.

Bake in a preheated oven (up to 180 degrees) for an hour.

Trout - valuable and useful fish. Knowing how to cook this fish will allow you to enjoy its delicate taste and get the necessary nutrients for the body.

A significant part of the species salmon fish have great plasticity and adaptability to external conditions. From the point of view of most ichthyologists, brown trout and all types of trout, except rainbow (mikizhi), are one species, but in different ecological forms. In this case, it is customary to call brown trout - a migratory form, and various settled ones - trout. In this description, the marine, migratory form - trout will be considered. The maximum size of this fish can approach 50 kg. There are several subspecies, which can vary greatly in size and appearance.

Ways to catch trout

Brown trout are caught, like most salmon, on spinning, fly fishing, float fishing rods. Trolling in the sea and lakes.

Catching trout on spinning

It is quite possible to find “specialized” rods and baits for catching brown trout. The basic principles for choosing gear are the same as for other trout. On medium-sized tributaries, light one-handed spinning rods are used. The choice of the "building" of the rod is influenced by the fact that the lure often takes place in the main stream of the river or the fish can be played on fast current. When choosing a coil, Special attention it is worth paying attention to the friction clutch device. Due to difficult fishing conditions, forced hauling is possible. When fishing for brown trout with spinning tackle, on artificial baits, anglers use spinners, spinnerbaits, oscillating lures, silicone lures, wobblers. An important point is the presence of baits that hold well in the desired layer of water. For this, “turntables” with a small petal and a heavy core or medium-sized wobblers with a narrow, pursuing body and a small “minnow” type blade are suitable. It is possible to use sinking wobblers or suspenders.

Catching trout with a float rod

For fishing trout on float rigs, it is preferable to have a light rod of “fast action”. For fishing on small rivers with “running” snaps, large-capacity inertial reels are convenient. It is important to understand the conditions of fishing and prepare gear accordingly. In most cases, traditional rigs will do.

Fly fishing for trout

Brown trout are caught by fly fishing not only in the river, but also during coastal fishing in the sea. The choice of gear may depend not only on the preferences and experience of the angler, but also on the conditions of fishing. It is important to know and possible sizes catch. Most often, for catching medium and small trout, one-handed rods of light and medium classes up to the 7th, inclusive, are chosen. But in some cases, they prefer various surf, switch rods and light “spey” rods. The choice of reels when fishing for trout has its own peculiarity. There is a special category of fly fishermen who prefer to fish this strong fish with reels that do not have a braking system. As for the lines, it is worth noting that there are a significant number of products specially designed for this fish. The choice depends, rather, on the conditions of fishing. And because lures for trout, in general, do not differ in large size or weight, fly anglers have a lot of "space for creativity."


Spinning lures have been discussed above, and as for fly fishing lures, their choice is very wide. Along with other trout, fishing for this fish "sets the fashion in fly fishing", both on tackle and popular lures. For “dry fly” fishing, baits connected on hooks No. 20 can be used, even despite the large size of the object of fishing, while the fish actively reacts to both “wet flies” and medium-sized streamers. Brown trout bite perfectly on salmon flies. Trout and brown trout react to surface baits, such as "Mouse". When fishing with float rods, various insects and their larvae are used. The traditional bait is the worm. Check your food habits before travelling. local fish, they may vary slightly.

Places of fishing and habitat

Brown trout lives in the basins of the rivers of the North Atlantic, the Caspian and Black Seas. In the east, its range ends with the Czech Guba. Fish were actively settled in the Northern and South America, in Australia and dozens of other places where a person planned to fish for it. Can stay in rivers different places. General ecological features behavior in the mainland reservoir, are similar to other migratory salmon, but after entering the fresh water of rivers and lakes, unlike most salmon, it actively feeds. Large individuals prefer to stay in depressions of the bottom, near the channel edge or near obstacles. Before spawning, it can accumulate near streams with spring water or near small spawning rivers.


Among the anadromous form of trout - brown trout, females predominate, i.e. For the successful existence of the species, it is necessary that both ecological forms of fish live in the spawning reservoir. For spawning, it can enter both rivers and channel and source lakes, where it mixes with settled forms. The homing of the fish is weak. Fish entering the river can spawn only after a year. Lays eggs in nests in stony-pebble soil. Spawning takes place in October-November. After spawning, the fish goes to feed or stay in the river for a while. It can spawn 4-11 times.

Trout - freshwater fish salmon family. Its habitat is the lakes and rivers of Russia, Transcaucasia, the European coast from the Atlantic. Trout is sensitive to environmental factors environment: in muddy, polluted waters, it does not survive. Fish meat is white or pale pink. it real delicacy. The color depends on the diet, the composition of the water, the habitat of the individual.

Trout is a cold-water fish that needs a high concentration of oxygen in water bodies. Juveniles feed on invertebrates, larvae and insects, and as they grow, they switch to fish. In its natural habitat, the size of a trout does not exceed 50 centimeters, and its body weight is 1.8 kilograms. However, in aquaculture conditions, the growth of an individual is faster and the weight can exceed 6 kilograms.

At present, the volume of trout rearing is 550,000 tons per year, which is 3 times lower than the volume for salmon.

Representatives of the salmon family contain a large amount of useful fatty acids, macro- and microelements, which are very valuable for the human body: they prevent the appearance and relieve depression, and prevent the accumulation of harmful toxins. In addition, they clean blood vessels, improve blood circulation, brain function, and normalize metabolism. And the lecithin, iron, vitamins A, E, easily digestible fats and high-value proteins included in the trout regulate blood pressure, improve the condition skin, maintain hemoglobin within normal limits, enhance human sexual functions, slow down the aging of the body.

In addition, offal sea ​​fish contains iodine, which strengthens the immune system, nourishes the thyroid gland, fights vascular diseases.


Most representatives of trout are fish, weighing 200 - 500 grams and with a body length of up to 30 centimeters. Some copies in wild nature gain up to 2 kilograms.

Sea trout are larger than freshwater trout.

The classic color of the fish is dark olive with a greenish tint. Light colors are clearly visible on the sides. transverse stripes with spots of black, crimson color. The color of an individual depends on the habitat, season, food, transparency of the reservoir. Fish living in lime water has a light silvery back, in depths where the bottom is covered with peat or silt - dark brownish.

With an abundance of food in the river and lakes, spots, stripes on the sides of the trout may be absent, and after changing the reservoir, appear or disappear. The meat of sea fish is red, freshwater - pink. The protein content in it reaches 18%.

The body of the trout is laterally compressed, covered with matte scales, the head is truncated, short, the eyes are large, the teeth are located on the vomer.

Trout is a commercial fish that is grown in cage farms, special farms. Norway is considered the leader in salmon breeding.

Due to the genetic proximity to the variety, the name "trout" is predatory fish belonging to three genera:

  1. Pacific salmon:
  • "Biva";
  • "Apache";
  • Rainbow;
  • Gold;
  • Caucasian;
  • Gila.
  1. Atlantic (noble) salmon:
  • Amudaryinsky;
  • Adriatic;
  • Flathead;
  • Sevan;
  • Marble;
  • Ohrid;
  • Brown trout.
  1. Charr of the subfamily Salmonidae:
  • Silver;
  • "Malma";
  • Ozerny;
  • Big Head;
  • "Palia".

Red fish spawn exclusively in clean running waters. The female trout are larger than the males. They have fewer teeth and a smaller head.

Chemical composition

The meat of representatives of the salmon family is tender, oily, bright red or milky-cream in color with a fragrant intermuscular layer of fat. Trout lends itself to all types of heat treatment: frying, smoking, boiling, marinating, stewing, steaming, skewering. It can be dried and served as an appetizer for alcoholic beverages. Delicious meat is baked whole or stuffed with nuts, fruits. On its basis, fragrant oily first courses (ear, soups) are obtained. Sashimi, tartar, Japanese sushi are prepared from raw fish.

100 grams of trout fillet contains:

  • - 71.87 grams;
  • - 19.20 grams;
  • - 2.10 grams;
  • ash - 1.31 grams;
  • - 0 grams.

The ratio B: W: U is equal to 80% : 20% : 0%.

Table No. 1 " Chemical composition trout fillet»
Nutrient name Nutrient content per 100 grams, milligrams

The nutritional value of trout depends on the method of cooking. Boiled in 100 grams royal fish contains 89 kilocalories, smoked - 132, canned - 162, slightly salted - 186, fried - 223.

Trout benefits

Red fish meat is a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and.

  • depression
  • osteoporosis;
  • oncology;
  • psoriasis;
  • allergies;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • heart disease.

Boiled fish has a low calorie content, so it is included in the weight loss menu.

Why eat trout?

The substances that make up red fish have a complex effect on the human body:

  1. Take out the extra.
  2. Regulate blood levels, secretion of gastric juice, water metabolism.
  3. Improve blood circulation, keep the heart healthy.
  4. They participate in the breakdown of fats, the metabolism of amino acids, the synthesis of hormones, and energy metabolism.
  5. Reduce the risk of developing myocardial infarction (primary or repeated).
  6. Activate mental activity.
  7. Strengthen the immune system, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  8. Slow down the aging of the body.
  9. They prevent the formation of tumors of the malignant spectrum (fight free radicals).
  10. Improve the absorption of iron and the condition of the skin and hair.
  11. Increase the strength of tooth enamel.
  12. Break down and remove carcinogens.
  13. Fight stress, relieve fatigue, have a tonic effect.
  14. Support reproductive function.
  15. Reduce blood pressure.

Thus, trout meat has a healing effect on the human body. Nutritionists recommend eating fish 3-4 times a week, 200-300 grams per day.


Trout meat does not cause serious damage to human health, since it is recognized as hypoallergenic. However, fish may contain mercury, which is dangerous for pregnant and lactating women, as it causes poisoning of the baby's body and can cause miscarriage.

Apart from natural environment trout are grown on fish farms, where unscrupulous entrepreneurs use chemical additives to speed up the growth of individuals and give the meat a presentable pink hue. Allergy sufferers should be wary of such fish, first of all, since artificial dyes can cause an attack.

Contraindications for use: diseases of the liver, kidneys, digestive organs in acute and chronic form, individual intolerance.

Due to the low calorie content, fish is not recommended for people doing heavy physical work and athletes. Otherwise, a poor diet causes a breakdown, loss of vigor, lack of energy. To avoid depletion of the body, combine the intake of trout with vegetables, cereals,.

The piquant taste of trout is emphasized by greens and lemon.

In the Caucasus, red fish meat is usually served with pomegranate sauce. In oriental dishes, it is used to create sashimi, rolls, sushi, stews, soups.

Salted fish goes well with strong alcoholic drinks, and smoked - with dry wine, beer.

Interestingly, in Japan, trout is not subjected to prolonged heat treatment, while in the West it is customary to boil and fry the product well.

In European countries, spicy fish meat is baked with nuts and fruits, marinated in spices, lemon juice and cooked on a barbecue or grill.


For the food industry, for industrial purposes, trout is artificially grown in clean ponds and cages in the pools of fish farms.

Species most suitable for breeding fish of the salmon family: stream (river) or rainbow.

It takes 1.5 years to grow a trout weighing 500 grams. Larger specimens are bred as a mother flock in order to obtain red caviar, which is subsequently subject to processing (salting) for sale.

The fish becomes sexually mature in the fourth year of life. In one female, the number of eggs does not exceed 3000 eggs. Because of this, the product belongs to the category of delicacies and is highly valued.


For the angler-athlete, the following types of trout are of greatest interest: brook (pied), sea (trout), lake. Salmon spend most of their lives sedentary, with the exception of small movements to search for spawning grounds (rifts). Trout spawn during the cold season, when the water temperature drops to 1 - 6 degrees Celsius (October to February).

Fishing gear

The choice of devices for the extraction of a skilled predator depends on the planned place of fishing. For river fishing you will need a compact rod or spinning rod. When fishing for trout in a lake or pond, give preference to a telescopic rod of the middle class, 5 meters long with a safe reel. Fly fishing is also used.

When fishing for trout, take off your bracelets, wrist watch, shiny objects, because they reflect the glare from the sun and this scares off the underwater inhabitant.

For trout fishing, high-quality hooks No. 6 - 10 and tackle line 016 - 018 are used.

Fishing methods

The traditional method of fishing for trout with a float rod is used in the calm part of mountain rivers and streams. The ideal place for catching red fish is considered opposite side from the rocky shore of the reservoir. In this case, the bait is thrown upstream, so it slowly melts, swimming near the lurking individual, and the bite immediately occurs.

As with whitefish, the "Drazkovic method" is widely used, which involves fishing with dead bait.

When hit on the hook, the trout behaves aggressively, putting up strong resistance at the moment of capturing the bait. She makes powerful jerks down, abruptly jumps out of the water, tries to stop behind a stone, which often leads to a bend in the tip of the rod, a break in the fishing line.

Trout are well caught all year round, however, in order to lure and fish it out, you need a lot of endurance and skill. In the cold season (winter), the caution of the fish increases. Despite the fact that in given period the trout is in a state of inhibition, it instantly reacts to the slightest sound and movement of the angler. When danger is detected, the individual hides in the depths of the reservoir and lies on the bottom. To catch trout, fresh holes are drilled, since they are not found near old ones.

With the thaw and the appearance of the first glades on the surface of rivers, lakes, and seas, its activity intensifies.

In the spring, the fish stays in the "wintering pits" or moves to the riffles, where the water is more quickly saturated with oxygen. In summer, it rarely appears off the coast. The most likely places where it can be found are spring rivers with tributaries, streams. Optimum temperature water for trout - 18 degrees Celsius. On hot days, fish come out to bite at night when the pond cools down.

Spawning begins in autumn, and she is constantly on the move, actively feeding, gaining weight. At this time, different baits work: tadpoles, spinners, wobblers, and juveniles.

Trout's favorite bait: larvae, fish roe, crustaceans, insects, minnows.

How to feed the fish?

Mix eggs, milk and pour into a heated pan. Don't add oil! Stir the mixture until the liquid evaporates. Cool a third of the "omelette" to 50 degrees.

Pass fatty and salty canned meat through a meat grinder, add to the mixture, mix. Trout loves salt, so complementary foods can be supplied with it.

The traditional component for winter fishing - canned corn. Drain the liquid, grind the grains into a homogeneous mass, add the raw materials to the mixture. Wrap the resulting mass in a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator overnight. Ready lure has a uniform taste and a pronounced aroma that attracts fish. Transfer the required amount of the mixture into a thermos in the morning, and place the rest in the freezer, where it can be stored for a month from the moment of preparation.


Most often, trout is sold in salted or frozen form. At the same time, the cost of these products differs significantly. To save money, you can salt the fish yourself at home using a dry or wet method.

Regardless of the cooking technology, pre-wash, dry and cut fresh fish into thin plates. Place the fillet in a ceramic or enamel bowl.

For dry salting, mix granulated sugar and table salt in a ratio of 1:2, add seasonings, pepper and carefully sprinkle each layer with the resulting mixture. Place the container with the fish in the refrigerator. You can use it after a day. If desired, add lemon juice or vegetable oil to the marinade.

To get rid of the taste of raw fish, increase the salting time. To do this, sprinkle the trout carcass with salt and sugar, observing the indicated proportions, and wrap it in a damp towel, then in polyethylene film and wrapping paper. Place in the freezer for 5 days.

"Royal" recipes


  • onions - 1 head;
  • - 1 piece;
  • broccoli;
  • trout fillet - 600 grams;
  • white wine - 200 milliliters;
  • lemon - 0.5 pieces;
  • fresh tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  • salt;
  • a set of spices (rosemary, savory, oregano, mustard seeds, allspice, cardamom, paprika, fennel).

Cooking principle:

  1. Cut the fish meat into portions.
  2. Mix salt and spices. Generously supply the trout with a fragrant mixture, cover with lemon rings.

So that the fish is saturated with spices and acquires a pleasant aroma, leave it in the marinade for 30 minutes.

  1. Prepare vegetables. Peel them, cut the carrots into strips, onions into rings, tomatoes into slices.
  2. Preheat the oven.
  3. Line a baking sheet with foil (15 x 15 cm squares). Put a vegetable pillow in portions, on top of which place pieces of trout, a slice of lemon.
  4. Pinch the edges of the foil, so the juice does not leak out, and the fish will be baked in its own marinade.

To enhance the taste and spice up the dish, pour 50 milliliters of wine into the resulting "pockets".

  1. Place a baking sheet with fish in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Fish pie


  • trout fillet - 2 kilograms;
  • dough - 1 kilogram;
  • butter- 50 grams;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • Bay leaf;
  • allspice peas;
  • salt.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Divide the dough into 3 pieces. Connect the first two and roll out an oval, 1 centimeter thick. From the third part, make a small circle.
  2. Wash and cut the trout into pieces. Salt and pepper it.
  3. Cut greens, mix with fish.
  4. Peel the onion from the peel, cut into rings.
  5. Put the dough in a baking dish, spread the fish with herbs on top of it, then the onion rings. Raise the edges of the oval with a “side”.
  6. Grate the butter on a grater and put it on the filling.
  7. “Close” the pie with a small oval, pinch the ends of the dough with sides.
  8. Poke holes in the center with a fork to release steam.
  9. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  10. Place the pie dish in the oven for 60 minutes.

Before serving, cut the hot fishmonger into portions.


Trout - valuable fish which contains essential amino acids, fats, vitamins and minerals. All its components have a beneficial effect on fat, cholesterol, protein metabolism, improve absorption, and participate in the formation of red blood cells. Trout meat resists oxidative processes, prolongs the youth of the body, and normalizes blood pressure.

The uniqueness of the fish lies in great content useful omega-3 acids that the human body is not able to produce on its own. These compounds have an anti-inflammatory effect, maintain vascular tone, increase immunity, improve the condition of mucous membranes, slow down the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clotting. In addition, omega-3 is included in the structure of cell membranes, the properties of which determine the efficiency of the heart, retina, brain and signal transmission between nerve cells.

In fresh fish, the skin is shiny, the eyes are clear and bulging, the gills are red, moist, the flesh is white or light pink, dense. Frozen carcasses can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months. To prevent the fish from breaking apart and losing its piquant taste, the pieces are boiled or fried for no more than 10 minutes.

Japanese sushi, main courses, soups, sashimi, tartare, sauces are prepared on the basis of trout.

Trout is the common name for several species of fish that belong to the salmon family. At the same time, some varieties of trout are often very difficult to distinguish from each other.

Trout meat is a delicacy product revered in the cuisine of many countries of the world. This is meat with a very tender texture and a pleasant aroma. It is quite oily, and the color can be not only white or red, but also cream.

Trout can be cooked in all known ways: this fish makes a wonderful fish soup or soup, it is great for frying and smoking, raw trout sushi is also very popular. Trout dishes are plentiful.

Sea and river trout

Sea trout and river trout differ in the size and color of the meat. River meat is pinkish, while sea meat is red. Trout from fresh water There are lakes and streams. The lake is larger, and the stream is smaller, it is also called "pied".

The most delicious river trout is considered to be from Lake Sevan (Armenia). Of the marine specimens, the rainbow, which lives off the coast of Norway, is most valued.

Trout in cooking

Trout is widely used in dietary nutrition. It is best to use fresh or chilled fish. Most often, trout is baked, fried or salted. Trout is ideal for grilling. Its taste is well revealed by lemon and ginger.

Composition and properties

Trout meat contains many vitamins (A, D, B12) and essential amino acids. AT in large numbers it contains omega-3 fatty acids. When there are enough of these substances in our food, then the level of cholesterol in the blood will be normal, the vessels will be strong and elastic, and nervous system and the brain will work fine. So, according to the results of numerous studies, trout lovers are almost three times less likely to suffer from cancer, hypertension, they have a good memory, and there is practically no depression.

The calorie content of trout is almost two times lower than that of salmon - about 88 kcal per 100 grams. Trout meat contains vitamins A, B, E, D, minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, nickel, copper and others.

A number of researchers claim that the frequent use of red fish helps protect the skin from the negative effects of sunlight, protects against sunburn.

Composition of trout meat

in 100 grams of product

Main elements vitamins Minerals

Water - 71.87 g

Proteins - 20.48 g

Fat - 3.46 g

Carbohydrates - 0 g

Ash - 1.31 g

Vitamin A (retinol) 19 mcg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.123 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.105 mg

Niacin (vitamin B3 or PP) - 5.384 mg

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.928 mg

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.406 mg

Folic acid(vitamin B9) - 12 mcg

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 4.45 mcg

Have you ever eaten white or red trout? Which fish is best? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. It is known that trout is a common name for several freshwater forms and species of fish that belong to (Salmonidae). There are trout in three of the seven genera of the family: char (Salvelinus), salmon (Salmo), contains Atlantic species, and Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus).


Have you ever seen a white trout? What kind of fish is this? Trout is a common (collective) name for several types of salmon fish, as we discussed above. Each type of meat has its own color, and can be white, red or pink. In many ways, this nuance depends on the amount and type of food, habitats.

The fish that is sold in large quantities in supermarkets and shops is white trout, which is artificially raised in fish farms. It has white meat, and sometimes pink.


white trout. What is this fish? Representatives of trout in their vast majority do not differ in large sizes. Usually their weight is 200-500 g, and the length of the body is 25-30 cm.

These parameters are mainly characteristic of brook (river) and rainbow trout, which are grown in ponds, pools and cages. Some individuals grow large and gain weight up to 2 kg. But such giants can only be found in the wild.

Different types of trout are colored differently. It all depends on the conditions you grew up in. The coloring of individuals is considered classic, in which the back is olive dark in color with a greenish tint. These fish have light sides with transverse stripes. Small spots of black or dark red color are clearly visible on them (in some individuals they are also circled with a light border). Abdomen white color with a shade of gray (sometimes casts of copper).

Basically, one species has predominantly light tones, and the other has dark ones. It depends on the transparency of the reservoir in which the fish lives, food, season and sometimes on the composition of the bottom. For example, light silvery fish live in lime water, and if the bottom is peat or covered with silt, then individuals will have dark color. If the trout is well fed, you will not see spots on its sides. When changing their place of residence, they may appear along with the stripes and disappear again.


Many people like white trout. What kind of fish is this, people often ask. Trout lives in small streams, seas, large rivers and freshwater lakes. Some species often change habitats. So, he goes into the river to spawn, leaving his offspring there, some of which return to the lake, and some remain to live in the river. The same thing happens with sea ​​view, which spawns in freshwater rivers.

All types of trout are included in three basic genera, which consist of the following varieties:

  • Genus of loaches: large-headed, lacustrine, Dolly Varden, silver, American trout (palia).
  • The genus of Pacific salmon contains the following species: Apache salmon, sea gold, rainbow, "Gila", Caucasian, "sea Biwa".
  • The genus of noble salmon consists of the following species: Sevan, Ohrid, marble, brown trout, Adriatic, Amu Darya, flathead.


Everyone wants to try white trout. What kind of fish this is, not everyone knows. So, we have already said that she lives in streams, rivers, sea, lakes. This fish is most common in Norway and the United States, countries where trout sport fishing is popular. In Europe, it can be found in forest or mountain streams (rivers) with a rapid current, in the water of which there is a lot of oxygen.

A large number of trout is found in Ladoga and Onega lakes. She also lives in Armenia in the waters of the alpine lake Sevan. There is a type of trout here that you will not find anywhere else, which is why it is unique. There is this fish in the Baltic states: here it lives in the rivers that flow into the Baltic Sea. There are many deep-water reservoirs in which trout also live.

The habitats of this fish may expand or change. For example, this happened with rainbow trout, which at first could only be seen in North America. Today it is distributed throughout Europe, as it was brought and propagated artificially.

amazing fish

Do you like trout? red or white fish you prefer? Trout dishes are exquisite, very tasty and healthy. Its meat contains a huge amount of vitamins (D, E, A), amino acids, minerals, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Latest for human body especially helpful. Trout is used for heart ailments, it removes excess cholesterol, and is also a great diet food.

White fillet in the oven with vegetables

So, let's find out how to cook white trout. This fish is very tasty. Her meat is really white. Its price is low, so this fish is available to everyone. To prepare this dish, you need to buy one carcass of white trout, seven potatoes, one bell pepper, salt, leek, sunflower oil, seasoning (basil, marjoram or thyme).

You also need to prepare a baking dish with high sides for baking. So, first, the walls and bottom of the mold are thoroughly treated with oil. Then wash the onion, cut into rings and arrange them in a form. Next, peel the potatoes and chop finely. Put it in a mold and sprinkle with seasonings and salt.

After that, clean the white trout carcass, cut off the gills and tail, cut into pieces up to 2 cm thick. Rub each piece of trout with salt, and put on top of the potatoes. Then you need to wash the pepper and peel (remove the core). Cut it into small pieces and place on top of the fish.

Now preheat the oven and put the dish in it for about 30 minutes. White trout with vegetables can be served without salad. Enjoy your meal!


Many have seen photos of white trout. What kind of fish, you already know. Find out how to cook a trout steak. It is prepared very quickly and easily, and looks royal on the table. Rustic potatoes (crumbly boiled tubers with greens) are suitable as a side dish.

So, you need to take: 700 g of trout, cut into steaks, half a lemon, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, pepper, rosemary, salt and herbs. Wash the steaks first cold water, put in a bowl. Then sprinkle them with pepper and salt, rosemary, pour lemon juice. Leave for half an hour. Heat oil in a frying pan. Next, transfer the trout to a hot surface. Grill over medium heat for 8 minutes, then flip each steak with a spatula and cook for another 5 minutes.

Then cover the pan with a lid. Reduce heat and simmer steaks for 6 minutes. Serve this dish on the table immediately, garnishing it with lemon slices and herbs.