famous saying in application to financial markets can be interpreted in different ways. In any case, the catchphrase put in the title carries valuable information for everyone who is interested in exchanges and investments.

In terms of superstition

There are many signs and superstitions associated with money - and this is natural, because for most people financial well-being is almost the main goal in life. Moreover, these are mostly prohibitions and taboos: you can’t give money away at night, you can’t whistle in the house, you can’t leave the keys on the table ... From this point of view, the interpretation of the saying about money that loves silence is very simple: extra talk can “jinx” your financial success.

Whether you believe in the evil eye, omens and other mysticism is another matter. Note, however, that many rich people show surprising outward modesty, trying not to advertise their own wealth. In contrast to the "new Russians" who have long sunk into oblivion, whose immodesty became at one time the topic for a whole cycle of jokes.

An excellent example in this regard is the unpretentiousness of Warren Buffett. This multi-billionaire still lives in a house he bought in the late 50s and eats at a fast food chain. He buys clothes on sale and can drive a used car for 10 years.

But this is hardly the only thing that made Buffett rich - his financial genius is beyond doubt. In other words, something else must be attached to the signs. Even if you furnish your office according to Feng Shui, hang yourself with amulets and open deals only on the full moon to the sound of a shaman's tambourine, this will hardly make you rich. However, how do you know...

From the point of view of psychology

If we discard mysticism, then talking about money and demonstrating your well-being - if it is acquired legally - is, in principle, possible. But in investment activity and in stock trading, this can lead to disastrous consequences.

So, telling colleagues about their trading plans and their vision of the market, a trader - especially with not very much experience - can fall into a psychological trap. Stubbornness, self-importance, unwillingness to publicly give up your opinion and admit your own mistake often force you to stay in losing trades until the margin call. Of course, it is much easier to change your mind if no one initially knew about it. After all, you personally, by and large, do not care where the market will go. As long as it makes a profit.

Even experienced traders fall into this trap. So the famous Larry Williams in his book "The Secrets of Trading in the Futures Market" described a very revealing episode from his own practice. Speaking live live talk show Tinseltown, he argued with another well-known trader who had the opposite opinion about the current direction of the market. Then Williams received significant losses, out of stubbornness, opening unprofitable positions. " Under normal conditions, I could take a sober look at the market - especially since there were clear signals, Williams writes. – But the unwillingness to embarrass myself in front of the viewers in the end brought me significant losses».

« Talking about our future trades opens the door to trading hell' Williams concludes.

So keep quiet or talk?

The good news is that psychological problems can be solved. The same Williams over time successfully coped with his phobia of publicity. Now he conducts transactions for hundreds of thousands of dollars right in front of the students of paid courses - and even shares with his "students" part of the profits.

Not to mention the successful work experience financial companies, in whose offices traders gain invaluable experience, sharing strategies and opinions about the market situation among themselves. At the same time, for example, in some hedge funds, the position of a psychologist is almost full-time.

It turns out that talking about money - or not talking - is not as important as the ability to control your emotions. On the other hand, modesty and without any signs decorates a person. Sometimes it's better to trade than talk...

There is a saying that “money loves silence”. Nevertheless, money is the most discussed topic around which serious passions boil. Everyone knows about them. Thousands of volumes of books, useful articles, scientific works. They are passionately desired by almost all the inhabitants of the Earth. But the ratio of rich to poor remains the same as thousands of years ago. What is the reason? There is probably no clear answer to this question.

Who is author?

They say that the author of the phrase "money loves silence" is an American billionaire, the founder of the dynasty and the US oil empire, John Rockefeller. This man really knew everything about them, since from childhood he loved money, with an inner instinct he comprehended the laws of their “life”. This boy's talent was noticed by his relatives and they sent him to a trading school, where he studied accounting and trading.

John Rockefeller

The fact is that this boy was “kissed by God on the crown”, he was one of the talented people who have incredible abilities in different areas of life. His path was finance and business. He, like most wealthy people, earned his first capital, amounting to $ 800, in trade. At first he traded everything, but later switched to selling kerosene. Having benefited and realizing that with the discovery of electricity, the need for kerosene is becoming less year by year, he decided to go further and get more by investing in its processing and began to trade in gasoline.

He created his empire and led it until the age of 50. This was the milestone after which he left everything to his sons and retired, devoting the second half of his life (he lived 97 years) to rest, doing what he loved. In other words, he lived that measured and calm life that millions of people dream of. He was free and independent in everything. In addition to the famous expression “money loves silence”, his principle and attitude towards others was expressed by the motto, which says that one should not take into account the opinion of the crowd.

"Money loves silence." What can money do?

Big money gives a freedom that puts a person above the opinion of society. Money makes a person powerful and empowers, serves as protection against many things that a simple person is simply powerless before. All this allows the rich man to think that he has become omnipotent. And indeed much of what common man unattainable, accessible to a rich person. But money, having great power, cannot do much.

The Chinese have an interesting saying that says that it is better to remain silent if words do not change the silence for the better. Here is an explanation why money loves silence. Usually those who do not have money talk a lot about money. The desire to possess them makes a person constantly think about them, look for a way to earn money. People who have money don't think about it, they know how to make it.

Money, in fact, dictates our way of life and behavior. They have long subjugated human society, since laws are written to please the rich for the rest of its members. It has long been no secret that most laws are lobbied (votes of deputies are bought), written with the interests of the rich in mind.

Metaphysics of money

Studying the root cause of the appearance of money, philosophers have established the fact that they live and develop according to their own laws. Like everything in this world, they move, while creating a certain energy that does not disappear anywhere. It creates money, which, in turn, gives birth to new ones. The energy is getting stronger. Empty talk about money is a waste of energy. It does not allow attracting new cash flows. Therefore, big money loves silence and goes where they become stronger.

Two different worlds

People are divided into two parts. Most, working all their lives, buy an apartment and a car, having spent most of their lives in credit bondage. And happiness, if by old age they can get rid of it. They live in a dream that if not today something will happen tomorrow and they will become rich. But this will never happen. For a small part of people, wealth is taken for granted.

There are, relatively speaking, two worlds. One world was created for those who will forever expect money. Another world where money for a person is his natural need like air, water, food. He cannot live without them. It has a program that constantly analyzes situations and issues solutions on how to make money. There are not many such people. Exactly as much as is necessary for the normal existence of society. There are no random people in this world, here, as in everything, there is natural selection, the strongest survive. The rest just go broke.

Between them there is a "layer", which can be conditionally called " middle class", consisting of "clerks" serving the wealthy class. These include different levels deputies, employees - the bureaucracy. Their difference from the real rich is that they do not know how to make money in literally(produce, sell). They steal them from the treasury, provide services for money to the rich, that is, they take bribes. The middle class also includes people who, thanks to their abilities, education, upbringing, have become highly qualified specialists - scientists, doctors, artists, high-class masters.

What does "money loves silence" mean?

Everything related to the implementation of any financial projects must be kept secret. First, for security reasons. Secondly, no one has yet canceled envy and anger in this world. These feelings give rise to a large number of negative energy that one cannot count on a positive result.

The energy of money changes a person beyond recognition. Yesterday's friend can suddenly become a sworn enemy. You can only be completely confident in yourself, so you need to remember that money loves silence also because when talking about your financial plans, a person runs the risk that they will never come true. This is due to the fact that talking about money takes up most of the energy, it simply may not be enough to carry them out.

Middle class: difficult but possible

In human life golden mean plays positive role, and luck is a natural phenomenon, it is the result of action, moreover, purposeful. It must be remembered that all events are destined by the person himself, his faith, spirit and will. All the difficulties of life, failures can be learned to overcome. To do this, you need to go to your goal.

Failure works like a disease. It reduces immunity and thereby attracts diseases. The remedy for this is overcoming oneself: getting rid of negativity, the ability to analyze, discover the cause, correct it, overcome the black streak in life and set yourself up for the right wave. This requires silence, the ability to step aside for a while from what is in currently unable to.

American entrepreneur Jeff Goines dedicated a column to those people who beat their chests with their fists, proving their superiority over others. In fact, the author is sure, there is often not a drop of business behind big words.

Gurus, experts, computer geniuses. It feels like these people are all around us. Wherever you look, there are professionals everywhere, screaming about themselves and their success through all the mouthpieces. Are these people really who they portray themselves to be?

Let me tell you a little instructive story. I had a friend in college named Seth. He was the smartest guy I have ever known. He and I were complete opposites. I thought that I knew everything and about everything, so I often tried to be smart in lectures, he was mostly silent and listened.

But when teachers asked him to speak on a particular issue, his answers amazed everyone around - they were so accurate, unusual and complete.

I think there should be more people like Seth in this world.

Talk vs Action

Exists Feedback between how often a person talks about his merits, and what he actually achieved. The more talk, the less business, as a rule. Talkers just don't have time to do something truly great.

Most successful people, which I know, practically do not conduct any activity in in social networks. They do not brag or flaunt their accomplishments. They are too busy to tell everyone around about their success. They create real personal value, create a reputation for themselves.

Submit to Google

John Saddington, partner at The Iron Yard (a start-up accelerator), supports young entrepreneurs. When another young talent turns to him with a request for a business card, Saddington does not refuse. He gives a business card that has a Google search box with his name on it. No phone, no address Email- Nothing.

What does it mean? If a person knows how to use, he will be able to find the contacts he needs. Saddington does not intend to work with people who are not able to perform an elementary task. And you know, I agree with his approach. For example, I still don't have business card, but there is a website that already hosts over a thousand articles. People who want to know what I do can study these materials - they are much more informative than a piece of cardboard called a business card.

People who talk about their many successes churn out business cards with enviable regularity. In addition, they constantly update their resume.

I think that a resume is a completely unnecessary thing, a waste of time. Think about whether, for example, Bill Gates has a resume or?

No, these people did not become successful because of a perfectly composed and beautiful resume. They were just doing a really important thing, they let other people talk about themselves while they themselves were silent. It was other people who spread the word of their success to the world.

What would I like to advise those who want to become successful in deeds, and not in words?

· Stop talking about how beautiful you are and how full your life is.

Don't waste time talking about work. Just do it.

Do what is worth talking about.

· Help people as often as possible.

· Make others talk about you.

People know everything about money: how much you can earn and how to save. But nevertheless, there are few rich people, and they do not like to talk about money. Especially about their own. "Money loves silence." The author of this phrase is said to be the American billionaire Rockefeller. How true this is is unknown. Another important thing is that this principle has been in effect at all times in which money exists.

John Rockefeller

The founder of the dynasty, William Rockefeller, came from Germany. He was known as a petty swindler and horse thief, constantly hiding from justice in various states. He abandoned his family when his son John, the future founder of the US oil empire, was 10 years old.

John had since childhood incredible love to money and its accumulation, so at the age of 18 he was sent to a trade school, where he studied for several months, getting acquainted with accounting and basic knowledge of commerce. John began his path to wealth with sales. His initial capital was $ 800, which he successfully invested in trading. Then he completely switched to the processing and sale of kerosene, feeling big money here, despite the fact that his partners dissuaded him from this step. He broke with them and bought out the firm because he trusted his intuition.

At 50, he was the owner of an oil empire and the richest man in the world. It was then that he retired, leaving his two sons to deal with the affairs of the empire. He is credited with many popular expressions who were his guide in life. Rockefeller's motto was his father's words: "You should never take into account the crowd." He is also credited with the expression: "Money loves silence."

Why does money love peace and quiet?

Money gives a person the freedom to choose whatever he wants, raises him to an unattainable height, gives power, protects in life. An illusion of omnipotence appears, but it should be remembered: wealth cannot replace everything for a person. Money is needed only in order to enjoy all the benefits and not think about them, taking them for granted. As they say, this is what rich and successful people do.

Only those who do not have money constantly think about money. obsession about where to get them, literally drives people crazy, leads to crime and suicide. It is the heavy thoughts about the lack of funds that firmly block their flow. After all, money loves silence and does not tolerate tension and pressure. They need to send only positive emotions.

Money energy

Money is a cherished desire of almost any person. They are dreamed of, they are expected, for their sake they make any sacrifice and even murder. But despite this, they do not go to everyone. What's the matter?

From the point of view of metaphysics, money, like everything in the world, lives according to its own laws, inherent only to them. They move, which means they have a certain energy, which, as is known from physics, does not appear from anywhere and does not disappear anywhere. From this we can conclude that cash should work. They give birth to their own kind, the energy increases, so they go where they are more comfortable.

Chinese wisdom says: "Don't speak unless it improves the silence." And talking about wealth is a waste of energy that goes into the void. Why does money love silence? Because they do not like empty dreams and conversations that take energy. They are waiting for work that multiplies them, makes them stronger.

Why are "fools" lucky?

You can often see that a person is smart, hardworking and decent, but for some reason poor. Intelligence and wealth do not always coexist. This does not mean that all the rich are fools, not at all. They are different, not like everyone else. As A. Chekhov wrote, "money, like vodka, makes a person an eccentric." That is, the majority ordinary people the rich does not understand, considers not of this world. This is because they live in different dimensions.

Money loves silence, which means that it is rare that a carefully made calculation can help when obtaining capital, especially initial capital, although this also happens. But as an exception. Most lucky people intuitively feel money and go to it without thinking about any obstacles.

There is a saying that "fools always get lucky." All folk wisdom backed by life. It has long been noticed that a smart person, before starting a business, will calculate everything, mark and lay all obstacles the right way to bypass them. But he will definitely stumble upon this wall, which, despite all the calculations, will turn out to be impassable.

The fool simply and freely passes through it, showing that there was no wall, it was created by our imagination. This can be explained by the fact that, from the point of view of metaphysics, when making calculations, we consciously program impenetrable barriers that in a strange way we attract to our circumstances in life. Everything in life is relative, and the concept of "fool" was invented by people who do not understand other people who do not live by generally accepted rules.

Two lives, two universes

There are two worlds, two universes, in which there are two different people - one poor, the other rich. At the same time, they intersect, communicate and live side by side. But everyone's life is the one he modeled for himself. It depends on many factors, the most fundamental of which is education. Everything that exists around us, we invented ourselves.

A person who complains about the injustice of the world, obsessed with the lack of money, mentally, without knowing it, sends a request to the Universe and gets what he wants, what he did not even dream about - the lack of money. Another lives with the idea that the world was created for him, he knows that he will get everything he wants, and the Universe readily responds to his desire.

Therefore, away from the negative directed against the energy of abundance. Money loves silence, which implies peace and balance. Excessive joy at admission big money also creates an overstrain and will be punished by a reduction in cash flow and other troubles.

You can’t count and spend money that you haven’t earned yet

If you want to earn a lot of money, then you need to think only about how to get it, and about nothing else. As soon as you start counting the amount you want to earn and think about where you will spend, then expect unpleasant surprises. Money loves silence, which means - do not scare them with the fact that as soon as they come, they will immediately be spent. First you need to earn and receive them, and then decide how to dispose of them.

Moreover, you should not buy on credit. In the expectation that as soon as you earn, you will immediately pay off. This gives an installation and programs for the following: the money is intended not specifically for you, but for another person. This is a major barrier to cash flow.

Many people know that money should not be spent immediately after it has been received. It is necessary that they at least spend the night at home or lie down on the card. A person should enjoy the idea that he has money and can dispose of it as he sees fit. This feeling of joy and satisfaction must go to the Universe.

What you boast about, without that you will remain

The question about the size of the salary is directly answered by those who receive little. This is proven by polls that Americans like to conduct. It is not for nothing that large companies receive salaries in envelopes, and it is incorrect at best to ask about its size. They just won't answer you.

They can talk to you about life, tell interesting story, that is, it is elementary to communicate, but it is not customary to discuss personal financial issues. The principle corresponding to folk wisdom works here: "What you boast about, without that you will remain." It proves the effectiveness of the phrase that money loves silence and silence.

Negative Envy Energy

A person in the world is not alone; dozens of people face him every day. Kind, evil, envious, indifferent, different, with their own problems, including money ones. Like it or not, but envy among people is real fact. The money issue is very acute for the vast majority.

Remember that someone else's financial success breeds envy, which creates negative energy- a strong perturbation of the space around the money. And they don't like it. Hence the problems that are bound to appear. You should not upset people with your joy and create a lot of tension around your money, because money loves silence. Rockefeller knew what he was talking about.

Don't waste the energy of money

This applies not only to financial receipts, but also to business plans. Let's say there was good idea, which will allow you to get decent money. It should become a secret for everyone, even relatives. An exception may be made by partners with whom you will implement the project together. But even here there is a certain limitation.

Why is it needed? Firstly, you need to protect yourself from the negativity of envy, and secondly, by telling others about your project, you simply waste energy, which you may not have enough to implement it. Everything related to money should be kept with seven seals. Most of the people who are initiated into the plans are waiting for only one thing, so that they are not destined to be fulfilled. On this occasion, there is "If you want your plans not to be fulfilled, tell everyone about them."

This is especially true for projects where big money is involved. They love silence and other components of our life: success, luck, love and much, much more. It is not for nothing that folk wisdom called a person who talks a lot a talker. This word means a shaken egg, from which nothing will ever hatch. That is why silence is called gold.

The usurer - evil or good?

The rich people of America and Europe without fail spend their finances on charity. This is considered an undeniable act that opens their stream. This is required by the laws of money, so there is no disturbance, only peace, and money loves silence. The author of this saying is right, be it Rockefeller or anyone else.

It is not customary for the rich to lend to friends, acquaintances just like that, but lending at a certain percentage is normal. Usury, considered a sin in Christianity, made a fortune for the richest Jews in the world and gave rise to banks.

After all, if you lend money just like that, then the Universe perceives this as a sign that you do not need them, since they are superfluous. And if at a percentage, then you make them work and increase. Therefore, the bulk of the money is concentrated in banks that earn on cash trading.

Do not wait for luck, but do it yourself

Luck in life is not an accidental phenomenon, it is the result of action, moreover, purposeful. It must be remembered: all random events are predetermined by the person himself, his faith, spirit and will.

Failure acts like a disease that lowers immunity and thereby attracts another. There is a cure for this. This is self-improvement, getting rid of negativity, the ability to analyze, find the cause, step over the black line and tune in to the right wave. This requires silence, peace, the ability to temporarily give up what is in this moment you can't.

One of fundamental principles any offline and online entrepreneur – money loves silence. Every year, a story appears in my field of vision that confirms this statement. By the way: when I was in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, I constantly encountered similar situations in real life. But today is not about that. Today I will tell you about four different webmasters who have suffered at one time or another because of their publicity.

Story number 1: two days with a bag on his head

Once, webmaster "B", a well-known blogger, optimizer, moneymaker, received an offer to train a team from another city, for an adequate amount. Having thought it over carefully, he agreed and came to the customers. On the other side, strong guys met him, beat him, tied him up and kept him in the apartment for two days with a bag on his head. During this time, the webmaster laid out to the attackers all the logins and passwords from his projects and accounts in various services.

In total, 240 domains were stolen, about 100 sites, bringing in those distant times 1,500,000 hryvnias a year. We have drawn up an agreement. After signing, the webmaster was released. It turned out that the activity was put on stream, and to achieve something intelligible from law enforcement pretty hard.

Story No. 2: draining articles

Webmaster "P" specialized in the creation, promotion and monetization of "articles". In parallel, he blogged and other people for money. A lot of people didn't like it, judging by the community. Everyone can talk about the reasons for himself. As a result, someone got confused, found a large pack of these sites and put them on public display. The curious began to examine them from all sides and decided that most of these articles did not comply with Yandex's principles of high quality sites (whose contextual advertising they monetized).

Complaints flew. Under hot hand other webmasters also got in. Website ads are gone. Baths followed. Someone has lost a source of passive income that brought 50,000 rubles a month. Other numbers can only be guessed at.

Story #3: Dangerous Gambling

Webmaster "C" was engaged in sites under . I didn’t blog, I didn’t talk much on the forums, I didn’t even start profiles on social networks. He sat right on his ass, slowly earned. One evening there was phone call. The OBEP wanted to see the webmaster at their place, threatening them with article 171.2 (Illegal organization and conduct of gambling).

At first, it all looked like someone's prank, a cruel joke. But when they began to invite relatives for a conversation, “C” dumped him in another city. There were suspicions that the statement was written ex girlfriend. She always didn't like what the webmaster did. She said "it's not right".

Story number 4: removal of the apartment

Webmaster "A" has always advocated an honest "white" business in the field of affiliate marketing in Runet. He helped even the most "green" advice, to the best of his ability. Conducted. Spread useful materials on making money on the Internet. Displayed on clean water dishonest partners. Everyone knew that if you have a problem with the affiliate network, you can turn to "A".

One day in May, when the webmaster was not at home, unknown people entered his apartment. They stole money, jewelry, equipment on total amount about 6,000,000 rubles. They took computers, laptops, phones, on which valuable information was stored, including information on traffic arbitration, which had been collected over the years. They also took away not very expensive things that had great personal significance for the webmaster. As a result, "A" also got into obligations to his business partners.

How not to become a victim?

As practice shows, problems arise even for those who are not in sight on the Internet. What can we say about bloggers. Luxury cars, big apartments, luxury clothes, jewelry, expensive restaurants and the like. All this increases the risk of becoming a target for intruders. Following you home is a piece of cake.

When the amount of income begins to exceed the salary of the average resident of the country, it is necessary to strengthen your own security:

  • The apartment is not on the first and not on the last floor.
  • Video surveillance, good locks and doors, alarm system.
  • Good relations with neighbors.
  • Elementary household security, brought to automatism (windows, windows).
  • Simple clothes, minimal jewelry, inexpensive car.
  • Do not talk about work in the presence of strangers (restaurant, cinema, club).
  • Do not invite friends to your apartment.
  • Don't keep many eggs in one basket.
  • In short, don't draw unnecessary attention to yourself when it comes to money.. They can kill you, with certain amounts and the necessary information.

There are many stories. Tried to choose exactly dissimilar to each other. And yes, of course, they are all fiction of the author, any coincidence with real events, places or people - an accident.

P.S. “Just like that” does not go out to anyone, in most cases.