July 10 Harper, younger child David and Victoria Beckham, turns five. The family in which the girl grows up is one of the most famous in the world, and the attention of millions is riveted to David, Victoria, Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper herself. At the same time, the Beckhams, apparently, lead a fairly ordinary (as far as possible) life. ELLE is about what this life consists of.

The Beckhams still keep a piece of paper with Victoria's number written down - a reminder of their first meeting at a football match in 1997. Having met Victoria, David demanded (without special efforts) her phone number, and at home he immediately copied it into six sheets - he would suddenly lose it.

At one time, Victoria was given - and repeatedly - a clear diagnosis - polycystic ovary. With such a diagnosis, she should not have become pregnant on her own, only with the help of special procedures. Therefore, having learned that she was expecting a child, Victoria was, to put it mildly, shocked.

Baptism ceremonies for children star couple were held in a chapel built next door to their home in England. On the arch in front of the entrance to the chapel is a white angel, the same one that is carved on David's back. Around the chapel are artificial (!) ruins, exact copies those that can be seen at the church where the Beckhams got married in 1999. The family paid $200,000 for these replicas.

On New Year's Day 2000, British police received information about the planned kidnapping of Brooklyn Beckham. As a result, the entire family had to temporarily disappear until the attackers who were going to commit such a crime (in order to demand a ransom of 10 million pounds) were caught.

In 2004, the Beckhams were at the center of a scandal: an athlete's assistant, Rebecca Luz, gave an interview in which she spoke about an affair with her boss. The star couple said that all this was “ridiculous”, but no rebuttals were made.

In February 2005, the Beckhams became parents for the third time. The boy was named Cruise (in honor of a family friend of Tom Cruise), but it is known for sure that at home his name is Cement - because he held the family together at a difficult moment.

It is Victoria who introduces the rules for the children in the family and monitors their implementation. As a result, strict orders reign at home. Children get up at seven, go to bed at half past nine at most (however, more recently this rule does not apply to the eldest son, Brooklyn). And no guests can influence this routine. The tone for this schedule is set by daughter Harper, who prefers to wake up at six in the morning. Victoria herself sleeps in this scenario for no more than six hours. “I can’t go to bed before twelve. And I pack every day at 6 in the morning, because my daughter likes to wake up early. I do a little exercise, wake up the others, we have breakfast, the kids go to school, and I go about my business. It's simple."

By the way, the father takes the children to school. On this occasion, David himself jokes, calling himself a child taxi driver. “I like it, I won’t lie. The kids love it too. Romeo, before jumping out of the car, offers his cheek for me to kiss him, but Brooklyn demands to drop him around the corner - so that the boys from the class do not see. But I'm smarter - I drive around the school while he turns the corner, open the window, and passing by his buddies, I shout "Brooklyn, I love you!".

Being very busy with home and children, Victoria wisely allows herself fasting days- sometimes leaves the family for David and goes on a weekend with friends out of town. “This allowed me to instill in my sons the understanding that I am not just their mother, but also a woman who needs strong shoulder. This, I think, is right, because at some point I will need my boys much more than they will need me.

There is a so-called “punishment chair” in the family. If one of the children did something not very good, he should sit in this chair and reflect on how he behaved, as much as Victoria sees fit.

With regard to Harper, this rule works with difficulty. At least David can't bring himself to be strict with his daughter. “I'm pretty strict with boys, but Harper... she's so calm, she's a real lady. She is a very gentle girl, you can see it in her smile, in her intonation, in her movements. She is amazing, in general, ”he admits, adding that Victoria does not like such softness.

David himself speaks of his daughter extremely enthusiastically, no matter what it is about. “Harper can come to me in the morning and tell me which belt I should wear, for example. It's incredible! And recently I was bathing her, then drying her with a towel, and suddenly Harper says, “Dad, I love you very much. But I don't like you... You're so chubby!" But I didn’t even think about it!”

The Beckhams are talking


“We want to lead an ordinary, normal life, we intend to give our children a decent, shall we say, standard education.”

"Wife, children and football are the three pillars on which my world rests."

“For me, there is only one woman in this world - my wife. And this is enough for my male happiness.

“I just get sick when I have to leave my kids.”

“It happens that I choose my costume without her help. Then she looks at me and says: “You tried and it's not bad. Now go and change."

"Our house is just full of testosterone, it's kind of crazy."

“Before meeting David, I had absolutely no plans and desires to become someone's wife and mother. I was only interested in my career."

“David and I are very close, as always, and very strongly attached to each other. I remember we were at some kind of holiday with my mother, then the press rinsed us for another terrible, made-up occasion. And, therefore, we were with my mother, I sat on David's lap and thought - we are the only strong couple in our circle. We are kindred spirits."

Sources close to the designer's family and former football player recounted that Victoria cried for two days after her husband David described their marriage as "a daily hard work". According to The Sun, Mrs. Beckham was completely disheartened and "totally devastated" that the father of her four children was so insensitive.

Victoria's friends claimed that after her husband's scandalous interview, she was not herself, and after two days of hysteria, the star settled in an elite resort in Germany, which specializes in restoring emotional balance. However, this information official representative spouses refuted - the former member of the Spice Girls really rested in body and soul, but before her husband's unexpected performance, and not after.

In a recent interview on The Sunday Project David Beckham made several sensational statements. Among other things, the athlete spoke about the biggest regret of his life.

During his conversation with journalist Lisa Wilkinson, it turned out that David felt worst during a meeting in 2003 with one of the political leaders - namely, with former president South Africa.

Mandela, who passed away in 2013, was even asked to comment on the football captain's hairstyle at their meeting in Johannesburg, but the peacemaker didn't fall for the provocation and said he was "too old to express an opinion on the latest trends among young people."

The same interview became the subject of discord in the family, but Victoria worried in vain - according to the father of the family, "the essence of any marriage is always hard work."

The couple started dating in 1997, and Brooklyn, the oldest of their children, is already 19 years old. Ever since they got married in Ireland in 1999, the Beckhams have been fighting off rumors of an impending divorce.

The former Posh Spice in all her interviews throughout for long years continues to state that she and her husband rarely spend time in each other's company, but this only makes their meetings brighter. In an interview with Vogue magazine two years ago, when asked who, living or dead, she would like to have dinner with, she answered: “With my husband.”

Not only journalists have to convince that they are doing well - in September 2018, the 44-year-old designer said that during family vacation in the south of France, he and David had to talk with their 7-year-old daughter Harper and three teenage sons to convince them that mom and dad were not going to divorce.

That interview was timed to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the Victoria Beckham brand, but the star wanted to highlight the false rumors about difficult situation in her family. In September, family friends confirmed to The Sun that David and Victoria are always "crystal honest" with their children. “The rumors about the state of their marriage and the ridiculous claims about David are painful and, of course, very detrimental to the children,” commented a source close to the couple.

Spouses revealingly mock all the gossips, who several times a year speculate on the imminent end of the relationship of one of the most beautiful couples show business, in their house they take this much more seriously.

At the women's summit in June, 44-year-old Victoria Beckham took the time to show off her husband once again: “I have the support of an amazing husband. We are truly equal in everything we do at home with our children. When I'm away, he drives and picks up the kids from school and cooks."

The need for this statement arose after the content of the email was made public, which said that David cheated on Victoria with school teacher Harper, and now the woman is pregnant. However, these false accusations quickly came to an end - immediately after the furious father of the unborn child showed up.

Their marriage could be called a misalliance. But love, as you know, does not recognize class differences. Victoria and David Beckham have been considered the most stylish public couple and a truly exemplary English family for eighteen years now.

Victoria Adams

Victoria was born into a fairly wealthy family of Anthony and Jacqueline Adams, where, in addition to her, two more children grew up. She was embarrassed by wealth and really disliked driving to school with her father in his luxurious Rolls-Royce. She had no friends, and peers often pestered the girl with ridicule and mockery.

Already in her teens, she decided to become an actress and persuaded her parents to send her to drama school. There, she not only forgot about all her problems with her peers, but also actively learned the basics of theatrical skills, while developing her vocal abilities.

Having entered college after school, young Victoria also took up dancing and studied classical choreography with pleasure. In the spring of 1994, Victoria decided to take part in the casting, which was quite successful, becoming one of the soloists of the popular Spice Girls band.

It was from this moment that the confident ascent to the glory of Victoria Adams, who received the nickname Posh Spice in the group, began.

David Beckham

David Beckham was born into a poor family of a kitchen assembler and a hairdresser. The boy's father, who dreamed of a son, gave all his strength to raising a famous athlete out of him. He began to train the baby, barely two years old. However, David himself was enthusiastically involved in football, showing remarkable abilities.

Already at the age of 11, the talented boy was noticed by Manchester United recruiters. He was invited to the exams, after successfully passing which he was enrolled in the youth team. At the age of 14, the talented teenager had already signed his first contract with his favorite team, and at 17 he won the FA Youth Cup with Manchester United. Soon he is included in the main part of this club. And although David did not score many goals, he gained football fame with the ingenious execution of free kicks.

The stars aligned

Teammate Mel B dragged Posh Spice to a Manchester United match. She was an avid cheerleader and promised that Pepper (as Victoria was often called in the team) would certainly receive many vivid impressions and emotions from the game of football players.

Victoria Beckham at the match PSG - Marseille. / Photo: www.fashiony.ru

True, Victoria herself did not share the stormy enthusiasm of her friend, and did not see anything exciting in this sport. But she still agreed to go to the match. And never regretted it. After all, it was during the match that she drew attention to rising star English football, immediately deciding to definitely get to know him after the match.

Mel put all her strength and connections so that she and Victoria got into the locker room of the athletes. They flew in to the tired, gloomy athletes like two restless birds. And they flew away, leaving in the locker room a light trail of perfume and a feeling of some kind of understatement. However, Vicki was not going to say much, she simply put her ticket for the match into the hand of David, who did not understand anything, and reverse side ticket had her phone number neatly displayed. Two stars converged at one point, never to part again.

star romance

Both of them were so popular and famous that not a single step of the lovers went unnoticed. Their romance developed quite rapidly. They appeared everywhere, touchingly holding hands and being a real personification of youth, beauty, love.

Less than a year later, the lovers announced their engagement and began to slowly prepare for the wedding. However, all their plans were disrupted by the unexpected pregnancy of the bride. The news of this was so overwhelming also because the doctors had informed Victoria shortly before that it was impossible to have children. The bride and groom adjusted their plans and played their wedding four months after the birth of their first child, Brooklyn Joseph.

Victoria Adams and David Beckham vowed to each other to be together in wealth and poverty, in sorrow and in joy on July 4, 1999. Their wedding at the Irish castle of Luttrellstone was truly a royal ceremony.

Second marriage

After the wedding, the newlyweds showed the world true English restraint: they categorically refused to talk about relationships in their family, and in public they always looked like an ideal couple. In 2002, the second son Romeo James was born in the Beckham family, and in 2005 the third son, Cruz David.

Whatever rumors and gossip arose around them, she always remained only rumors. Repeatedly, the tabloids were full of news about the upcoming divorce of the star couple. But Victoria briefly answered all questions that she believed David. And then she went to him on the other side of the globe.

After the birth of Cruz and another batch of divorce rumors, David again arranged a marriage with Victoria. They again stood in front of the altar and repeated the words of the oath. After this ceremony, David and Victoria got the same tattoos on their arms: "All over again."

The coming of age of love

This stylish, bright, extraordinary couple is admirable. David and Victoria are incredibly hardworking and dedicated. For 18 years of marriage, they managed not only to build real family, to give birth to four children (in July 2001, the daughter of the Beckhams Harper Seven was born), but also to create their own fashion empire.

At the same time, Victoria and David still look at each other with loving eyes, and in social networks exchanging touching messages.

When they appear in public, there is no shadow of a doubt that this is love. The one that “covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything.” True love based on mutual respect and trust.

The love story of David and Victoria Beckham inspires faith in the omnipotence of love. The history of a star marriage proves that true love knows no barriers.

In 1994, in the UK, against the backdrop of wildly popular boy bands, an all-female pop group emerges. Then no one thought that it would be a success, and at the time of its creation it even seemed like a utopia...

But the band not only became popular - they became famous all over the world and sold more than 55 million albums. The name of the team is known to everyone - Spice Girls.

It consisted of five girls, including the famous singer, designer and wife of the famous football player David Beckham - Victoria Beckham (Adams).

Fans are interested in the details of the biography and personal life of Victoria Beckham, whose height and weight cause the envy of girls: height - 163 cm, and weight - 45 kg.

Biography of Victoria Beckham

Victoria Caroline Adams was born in England on April 17, 1974 in Essex. Father's name is Anthony Adams and mother's name is Jacqueline Adams. The family still has a brother and sister - Christian and Louise. They grew up in the vicinity of the village of Goffs Oak, Broxbon, Hertfordshire.

Victoria's father was an electronic engineer, owned own business so Victoria's family had a good income. As a child, she had a complex because of her financial situation and asked not to be dropped out of a Rolls Royce car near the school. She studied at Cheshunt (Hertfordshire), in high school St. Mary's High School.

According to the recollections of the star, in childhood they were not friends with her. She considered herself an ugly duckling and therefore worked hard on herself. I learned how to walk, sit, talk, how to combine things.

Victoria Beckham in her youth set the goal of becoming famous. The musical Fame became the impetus for her. Around the same period, she begins attending the Jason Theater School. When she was 17, she enrolled at the Laine Theater Arts Dance College in Epsom, Surrey. In the same period, Vicki Adams becomes a member of the group Persuasion.

Career in the Spice Girls

Victoria got into the Spice Girls group quite by accident. In March 1993, she read an advertisement in The Stage newspaper that an all-female pop group needed ambitious and confident girls who could sing and dance well. More than four hundred young talents then responded to the newspaper ad. The result of the casting was a place in the main line-up of the group.

As a result, the participants were Melanie Brown, Emma Bunton, Melanie Chisholmie (Mel C), Geri Halliwell and Victoria Beckham. The girls in the photo do not differ much in height, but the smallest of them is Geri Halliwell, and the tallest is Melanie Chisholmie. The height and weight of Victoria Beckham (Adams) was average among them.

An interesting fact is that the creators of the group called the team Touch, but later they came up with the idea to rename the group to Spice Girls. The first song Wannabe, released in 1996, became number one in the 31st country in the world.

Since that moment, the group has repeatedly occupied a leading position in the world charts. Each performer had her own style of dress, and Victoria's main theme was a little black dress and shoes on high heels. Later it will be called Posh Spice.

The band's first two albums were successful, but the third, Forever, was not. Victoria decides to start solo career, and on August 14, 2000, she, already being Beckham, recorded her first album, Out of Your Mind. Victoria's composition took second place in the charts. This was followed by several more singles, but they only took the sixth line. The last one was recorded in 2002.

In 2007, the Spice Girls decided to reunite and go on tour with their new album Greatest Hits. To participate, Vicki dyed her hair brunette. Later, a film about the Spice Girls: Giving You Everything was released, directed by Bob Smeaton. The film was first shown in Australia and later on BBC One in the UK.

In addition, the girls accepted Tesco's offer to appear in commercials and earned £1 million each.

Getting to know David Beckham

In addition to successful career development, Victoria's personal life also did not stand still, although she did not set herself the goal of getting married and was fully engaged in creative activities.

Her bandmate Melanie Chisholm suggested that Vicki attend a football game with David Beckham. Mel C loved sports events, which is why she was called "Sports Spice". Victoria agreed, and the match took place fateful acquaintance couples.

It turned out that David had seen Victoria before on TV and he immediately liked her. And at the meeting, she made an even stronger impression on him with her energy and self-confidence, besides, the girl did not ask the eminent football player for an autograph. She also liked him outwardly and a spark immediately slipped between them. She wrote down her phone on the boarding pass from the match.

When he returned home, he rewrote her number six times so that it would not be lost. By the way, Beckham still keeps this coupon with trepidation. From that moment, a stormy relationship began between them.

Despite the fact that they were both popular at that moment, the couple's financial situation was different. Victoria was from a wealthy family, and the income of David's parents was more than modest. His father was a kitchen assembler and his mother was a hairdresser. Both parents loved football and instilled this passion in little Beckham.

Their parents were skeptical about the close relationship between them. The singer's father did not understand what she found in an ordinary athlete, although when they met, her parents were pleasantly surprised that David loves to help wash the dishes.

Beckham's mother feared that an affair with a capricious singer would ruin her son's career. And few people thought that the relationship of the stars would last for a long time. But David Beckham continued to date the future Victoria Beckham, and photos of their tumultuous relationship continued to surface in the media. Fears were in vain - a year later the couple announced their engagement.

fairytale wedding

At that moment future wife Beckham was already in position, although doctors had previously diagnosed her as infertile. Their first child was born four months before the wedding, on March 4, 1999. He was given unusual name- Brooklyn.

July 4, 1999 took place gorgeous wedding David and Victoria Beckham at Luttrellstown, Ireland. The celebration was attended by 300 people, and the pavilion where the wedding took place was consecrated by the Bishop of County Cork. The bride wore a $100,000 Vera Wang dress.

For the bride and groom, two chic thrones were built, and for baby Brooklyn, another, smaller one. The celebration cost about eight hundred thousand dollars, however, they easily compensated for all costs. The stars sold the rights to Ok magazine exclusive photo essay and earned half a million dollars for it.

Victoria Beckham children

In 2018, the star couple has four children. Three sons and one daughter. Three years after the wedding, on September 1, 2002, the couple had their second child, Romeo James Beckham. Cruz David Beckham was born on February 20, 2005, and in July 2011, Victoria Beckham gave birth to a daughter, Harper Seven Beckham. Victoria Beckham's children love their father very much.

Family problems

Despite the fact that the Beckham family looks perfect, and the photos show an undisguised reverent attitude towards each other, the couple periodically experienced crises, like any other family.

In 2003, their second child was diagnosed with epilepsy. And this was not the only blow for Victoria Beckham: photos of her husband with his assistant in an informal setting began to appear regularly in the media. At that moment he was under contract in Spain without his wife.

Victoria did not comment on what was happening and went with her family to Spain. Later in an interview, she will say that these were very difficult times that affected the whole family. Victoria realized that everything in the world has a price, and people too. David swore his loyalty, Victoria believed him.

David and Victoria Beckham were able to survive this difficult period, moreover, they decided to get married again. After remarrying, they made themselves tattoos with the inscription "All over again."

But that's not all the tests that they faced. Scotland Yard prevented the kidnapping of Victoria Beckham with children from the house. The terrorists planned to get a multi-million dollar ransom for the kidnapping, but, having learned about this, David turned their house into a real impregnable fortress.

Career after the Spice Girls

After finishing musical career In 2003, Victoria was offered to become the face of the Italian brand Dolce & Gabbana. And from that moment on, Mrs. Beckham decided to connect her life with fashion.

In the early stages, she collaborated with the Rock and Republic brand, and then released her own denim line under the dVb Style brand. In parallel, Victoria took up the line of optics and perfumery.

After moving to America in 2007, a year later, at New York Fashion Week, Beckham presented the first collection of formal dresses from the Victoria Beckham brand. The collection received positive reviews from fashion critics and the press. Later, she launched her handbag line and the Victoria by Victoria Beckham democratic clothing line.

She has two books to her credit. The first is an autobiography, the second is style lessons from a truly English lady.

Victoria Beckham tattoos

The star has several tattoos that she dedicated to her husband and children. Some of them are paired and also made by her husband.

The inscriptions and drawings are located on the lower back, between the shoulder blades, on the wrists of the right and left hands. The inscriptions are made in Arabic, Hebrew, Latin.

Eight-pointed stars on the lower back symbolize her, David and their children.

Along the spine is an inscription in Hebrew, which translates as "My man belongs to me, and I belong to my man."

Victoria made the initials of her husband on her left wrist, and later added an inscription in Hebrew, which translates as "Forever together."

On her right wrist, she imprinted the date of their first lovemaking with David - VIII-V-MCMXCVII, but later decided to change the meaning and corrected the year 1997 for 2006 and wrote the word "Anew" in Latin.

On July 10, David and Victoria Beckham had their fourth child: a long-awaited girl. Read all about the babies of the Beckham family!

In 1996, Victoria Adams, along with her Spice Girls colleague Mel C (Melanie Chisholm), decided to go to a football game.
Victoria knew absolutely nothing about the game, but she immediately noticed the charismatic and insanely sexy midfielder of the Manchester United team, David Beckham.

Melanie had been friends with David for a long time and after the match hand in hand with Vicki went backstage to congratulate him on his victory. Thus began the romance of one of the most beautiful couples in the world.


"Football , wife and children are the three pillars on which my world stands, ”David Robert Joseph Beckham repeats over the years in all his interviews. Children are the real pride of David. The family arsenal of the 36-year-old football player and his 37-year-old wife already has 3 sons and a baby daughter.

Brooklyn Joseph Beckham
The first child in the Beckham family was born on March 4, 1999, and 4 months after this event, David and Victoria got married. The baby got his name in honor of the area in New York, where he was conceived. Brooklyn is a real daddy's boy. He copies David literally in everything: he adopts his clothing style and learns to perform complex football tricks. Despite the fact that the 12-year-old son of the Beckhams plays in a team with older guys, he is already considered one of the best players on the field.

In addition to football, Brooklyn, like his father, surfs and snowboards.

But most of all, the teenager is driven crazy by David's tattoos. Trying to look like his tattooed dad, Brooklyn got his first tattoo at the age of 8. True, to the delight of the parents, it was just a harmless translation. “Brooklyn asks after each of his birthdays:“ Dad, can I go to a real tattoo parlor now? ”To which I answer that he still needs to grow up,” David admits.

Various funny stories constantly happen to the tomboy Brooklyn. One day he went to a lesson in American school. When asked what he collects, Brooklyn answered without hesitation: "Rubbers (rubbers)", which in American English means "condoms." "Your son collects contraceptives, take some action," Victoria's teacher called in horror. Later it turned out that under the word rubbers Briton Brooklyn had in mind only erasers!

By the way , Brooklyn Beckham one of the heirs multi-million dollar fortune Sir Elton John. The legendary singer is godfather Brooklyn and from childhood teaches him music lessons.

Romeo James Beckham
On September 1, 2002, Brooklyn had a brother, Romeo. His parents named him after the hero of Shakespeare's play. By nature, Romeo is calmer than Brooklyn, spends more time with his mother, loves teddy bears and is fond of fashion.

Romeo entered the list of the most stylish gentlemen in Britain in 2010, according to GQ magazine, proudly taking 26th place there. The boy confidently outstripped even Prince William and was only 10 positions behind his father David (he is in 16th place). Romeo is so sensitive to his appearance that he does not stick his nose out into the street until he picks up perfectly matching things.

AT ordinary life Romeo prefers casual style. In his wardrobe you can find dozens of stylish jeans, sweatshirts, T-shirts with funny designs and a huge number of sunglasses. Sunglasses are Romeo's weakness. Last year, there were even rumors that the Beckham son was planning to launch his own line of children's sunglasses called Bambino Beckham.

Romeo is both the joy of parents and their great pain: the child has serious health problems. This became known a few years ago, when Romeo, who was attacked by the paparazzi, began to have a strong tantrum. Victoria grabbed the baby in her arms, covered his face and begged the photographers: “Please leave my son alone. He has epilepsy. Each outbreak increases the chance of an attack.

Cruz David Beckham
On February 20, 2005, a third was added to the two Beckham sons. The couple named the baby after close friend family, Hollywood actor Tom Cruise, and friends of the star couple gave the baby the nickname Cement. The fact is that Cruz was born at a very difficult period for the Beckham family. It was then that rumors spread about David's adultery with his own assistant, and only the birth of a child helped to cement and hold the union of Victoria and David.

Cruise's main hobby is dancing. Surely Victoria's fans remember the touching moment when in 2007 former members The Spice Girls reunited and embarked on a world tour. During the song Mama, I Love You, 2-year-old Cruz took the stage and broke dance. After this incident, the parents decided to develop their son's talent and hired him a star dance teacher, Asher Raymond.

And a few years later, Cruz went to choreographic school in company with his cousin, the daughter of Victoria's sister Louise. And classical dances seemed to him much more interesting than hip-hop frills. Cruise was not even embarrassed by the fact that he was the only boy in the classroom. Now the youngest son of the Beckhams is seriously interested in choreography and dreams of becoming a ballet dancer.

Harper Seven Beckham
The long-awaited first daughter was born to the Beckhams on July 10, 2011. Harper is an old British name that Victoria literally fell in love with after reading Harper Lee's book To Kill a Mockingbird. Seven - translated from English means the number 7. This lucky number for David - at number 7 he played for England.

Victoria dreamed of a daughter for several years. As the star mother herself admitted, she wanted to give the girl a manicure, teach how to paint and go shopping together. By the way, before the birth of Harper, Victoria regularly arranged a beauty salon in the house for her bulldog Coco.