First European university considered the University of Bologna (Università di Bologna, UNIBO), founded in 1088. In fairness, it should be noted that, like many things, "universities" also came to Europe from the east, from the Arab world. IN Arab world Bologna's competitor is the Al-Karaouine University, the oldest continuously existing university in the world, but unlike in Europe, the Arab religious schools did not issue diplomas on behalf of the institution itself.

And motto oldest university Europe, University of Bologna:
"Alma mater studiorum - Petrus ubique pater legum Bononia mater"
(Alma mater studiorum - Mother-nurse of the doctrine)

Although ... It can be said that the first European educational institution, scientific community was the School of the Pythagoreans. And the first university Plato Academy, and we know its "motto": "Entrance is forbidden to those who do not know geometry" or "Let not those who do not know geometry enter" (Μηδείς αγεωμέτρητος εισίτω).

The first domestic university was, of course, Moscow State University. The creation of the university was proposed by I. I. Shuvalov and M. V. Lomonosov. Initially, the opening of the university was planned for 1754, however, due to preparatory work connected, first of all, with the repair of the building, the opening took place only in 1755. The decree on the establishment of the university was signed by Empress Elizaveta Petrovna on January 12 (23), 1755. In memory of the day of signing the decree, Tatyana's Day is celebrated annually at the university (January 12 to julian calendar, By Gregorian calendar in the XX-XXI centuries - January 25).

Motto Moscow State University: "Science is clear knowledge truth, enlightenment of the mind"

Phystech is believed to have been founded in 1946. November 25, 1946 is considered to be the birth date of Phystech, when the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued a resolution on the establishment of the Faculty of Physics and Technology (FTF) of Moscow State University. Five years later, in 1951, the FTF MSU is closed - but in the same 1951, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the organization on the basis of the FTF MGU of a new university - the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, which began its existence in 1952 The first rector of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology was Ivan Fedorovich Petrov, a Soviet military and scientific figure, lieutenant general of aviation (!). It was this group of academicians that included P.L. Kapitsa, S.A. Khristianovich, N.N. Semyonov asked for help. It was necessary to save the idea, to save the future of the Land of the Soviets. Authoritative Soviet scientists convinced the general of the advantage of a new type of institution, of the rightness of their noble cause. And he convinced the top leadership of the country (he personally went to an appointment with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Comrade Stalin). You can read more about the history of the Fiztekh at dragon_moscow , the beginning, as I understand it, .

Motto Moscow Physical-Technical University:
"Sapere aude"
("Dare to know")

Otherwise - "Dare to be wise!". This call is contained in one of the "Messages" of the ancient Roman poet Quintus Horace Flaccus. He wrote: "The one who started half the battle is already done: dare to be wise and start!"...

Mottos of others domestic universities and institutions:

Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
"The road will be mastered by the walking one"

Moscow State Technical University them. N. E. Bauman
"Courage, will, work and perseverance!"

Saint Petersburg State University
"Hic tuta perennat"
("Here he is safe")

Ural State Economic University
“The knowledge is the power, the science is the might”
Exists only in English version, can be translated into Russian as "Knowledge is power, science is power"

Ural Mining University
“Think of things above” (Apostle Paul, Colossians Col. 3:2)

Ural State University named after A. M. Gorky
"Fear the man of one book!" (Thomas Aquinas)

Moscow State University technology and management
“Faster in thought, brighter in word, stronger in deed!”

State University - Graduate School Economy
"Non scholae, sed vitae discimus"
("Not for school, but for life we ​​study")

European University at St. Petersburg
"Bringing the Best Together"

St. Petersburg National research university information technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO)
"More than a university" ("It's more than a university")

Russian State Humanities University(RGGU)
"Century traditions - modern technologies"

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR)
"Scientia unescamus"
("Let us unite in knowledge")

Novosibirsk State University
"We will not make you smarter, we will teach you to think"

Irkutsk State University
"Intellect. Humanism. Uniqueness"

Amur State University
"Keeping traditions, looking to the future"

London School of Economics
"Rerum cognoscere causa"
("To understand the causes of things" - "To understand the causes of things")

Imperial College London
"Scientia imperii decus et tutamen"
("Knowledge is the adornment and protection of the State" - "Knowledge is the adornment and protection of the state")

Cambridge university
"Hinc lucem et pocula sacra"
("From here, light and sacred drafts" - "Here [we gain] light and sacred vessels [knowledge]")

University of Oxford
"Dominus Illuminatio Mea"
(“The Lord is my enlightenment”)

Harvard University

Stanford University
"Die Luft der Freiheit weht" (Stanford's motto, oddly enough, in German is a quote from the humanist poet Ulrich von Hutten)
("The wind of freedom blows")

Princeton University
"Dei sub numine viget"
("Prosperous under God's power")

Yale university
"Lux et Veritas"
("Light and Truth")
The inscription on the book is in Hebrew: URIM AND TUMMIM, which can be translated as "heads or tails"

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mens et Manus
("Head and Hands")

California Institute of Technology
The truth shall make you free
("The Truth Sets Free")

University of Berkeley, California
"Fiat Lux" (Eng. "Let there be light")
("Let there be light")

heidelberg university
"Semper Apertus" (German "Immer offen")
("The book of knowledge is always open")

Tubingen University
(“I dare!” or “I dare!”)

University of Nijmegen (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
"In Dei nomine feliciter"
(Fortunately in the name of God)

University of the Basque Country (Universidad del Pais Vasco)
“Eman ta zabal zazu” (Phrase taken from the Basque anthem)
("Give knowledge and expand it")

Carlos III University of Madrid (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Homo homini sacra res
("Man must be sacred to man")

University of Calgary
“Mo Shjile Togam Suas” (and this is in Scottish, although official languages Canada are English and French)
("I'll lift my eyes")

Technical University of Eindhoven
"Mens Agitat Molem"
("Spirit moves matter")

Essex University (University of Essex)
"Thought the harder, heart the keener."
("A bolder thought, and a more sensitive heart")

Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa (Stellenbosch University)
Pectora roborant cultus recti (Latin approximately " A good education strengthens the spirit"

At the entrance to Stellenbosch University (South Africa) hangs the following message:
"The destruction of any nation does not require atomic bombs or the use of long-range missiles. All that is required is a reduction in the quality of education and the resolution of cheating in exams by students. Patients die at the hands of such doctors. Buildings are destroyed at the hands of such engineers.
Money is lost at the hands of such economists and accountants. Justice is lost in the hands of such lawyers and judges. The collapse of education is the collapse of the nation."

Federal University Espirito Santo (Holy Spirit), Brazil (Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo)
"Docete Omnes Gentes"
("Teach all people")

University of Lisbon
"Ad lucem"
("The sun rises for all") (approximately)

University of Padua, Italy
"Universa Universis Patavina Libertas"
("Freedom of Padua, universal and for all")

Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko
"Utilitas, Honor et Gloria"
("Benefit, Honor and Glory")

Belarusian State University
"University is your step into the future!"

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
"Siddhirbhavati Karmaja" "Effort Yields Success"
("Perfection is born from action")

Chinese University of Hong Kong
博文約禮 "Through learning and temperance to virtue"
("Expand the intellectual horizon and keep within the limits of decency")

Actually, what has been found so far. The post can be made updated - suggest, add!

    A friend of mine studies there and loves it. In general, I know many who study at ISME, but I don’t understand HOW ?, because, well, they are far from geniuses. :))

    you will pay only for retaking tests, tests, exams, with normal academic performance, everything is free

    no, attendance is compulsory

    Judging by the avatar, you will not be accepted anywhere.
    Only, maybe, on a vegetable warehouse as a loader

    Seriously, you need to find out at the university where you are going to enter ... They have different rules

    I think so.

    Controllable system of closed-loop informational-energetic flows?

    There can be many reasons:
    incompatible hardware, insufficient memory, insufficient access rights, incompatible software, not met the necessary conditions installations, viruses, glitches or missing OS components...and so on.
    It is necessary to look for the program log and determine what causes it to refuse to start.

    I am for the economy.

    TSI is much more student friendly. Convenient (everything in one district). In MOUTH, you walk around the city from different buildings throughout your life. I studied at both RTU and TSI. Therefore, I can compare, and not according to rumors :) Just for nerds - this is MOUTH. Mouth swamp. TSI after him was like a ray of light :) Everything is available, everything is friendly
    In TSI, knowledge is very good if you study full-time. (daytime, evening). Diplomas of both are quoted equally. But the correspondence TSI is not a study. It's just a piece of paper. The fact that in the daytime subject with coursework, with a bunch of laboratories, a bunch of theoretical hours .. then in absentia - one brochure for 10 sheets "adapted material for correspondence students." And an account. It is passed without even reading this pamphlet. :)
    If you like to solve quests on organizational issues - you are in MOUTH. If you like dark, gloomy corridors. And the specialists in RTU are also very good. Knowledge gives deep

ABOUT THE BIRTH OF OUR GROUP Our group was born in September 2010. AND THERE WAS 30 of us. And today we are 19 - the most in love with the profession. people are brought together by a common cause. And we are no exception! Our joint business began with a carrot. Here is the joy: we will go to nature, we will not study, it will be very fun. THE FURTHER, THE HARDER IT WAS: the fields evoked melancholy, the bright orange carrots did not please us, we were tired. WE TRIED OUR BEST

Once a week we have Classroom hour and we discuss different issues. DECIDED: take care of your appearance, learn to dress (after all, we will go to practice at school). get rid of bad habits. But not just from them, from harmful ones, to refuse, oh, not easy! No wonder they are called harmful! Some even a psychologist could not help! But we are fighting...

THANKSGIVING This is how the college celebrates Teacher's Day. A surprise lesson passed, at which we first realized that we had been living together for 4 years, that we were now a group. Then we were accepted as students. We introduced our group to other students and teachers.


And we continued to study and finished academic year no debt! HOORAY! Now we are real students. Thanks to all the teachers of the college - they did not divide students into friends and foes, they spent a lot of their personal time on us. We will try to be worthy of their care. All of us have been transferred to the 2nd course, now we are the 224th group. And our motto is this (in unison and loudly):

We spend a lot of time studying. At the lessons we are very attentive, we look at the notes on the board not only through a microscope, but even through a telescope. Just as conscientiously, we work for the benefit of all our students. For example, while on duty in the wardrobe, we greet everyone with sweet, pleasant, affectionate smiles: “Hi! We are glad to see you! Do not be afraid! You've come home!"

Our girls - Gulya and Nastya twice defended the honor of the college on the track. The first time - on the Ski Track of Russia. For the second time, together with other students of our college, they participated in ski competitions among the city's colleges. And we also love the sport of skipping rope competitions. volleyball competition.

The Center for Student Sociology of the Campus Student Communications Agency, together with the National Research University Higher School of Economics, on the eve of Student Day, conducted an online survey among students of Russian secondary and higher educational institutions. Participants were asked to determine the main motto of the student.

The results of the study showed that young people are ready to change the future of the country and work for the good of Russia. So, among the most popular quotes: “Students are the future of Russia”, “ Strong Russia begins with us”, “Russia is me, Russia is us, it is the best people countries”, “Let's make Russia even greater”, “Seek your calling, open up new horizons, benefit your country. There are no barriers - they are in your head, etc.

Most quotes and mottos Russian students devoted learning process: "Did you teach? – No, I read it”, “And so it will do”, “Everything that does not kill us, we will hand over at the end of the semester”, etc.

Some survey participants recalled aphorisms on Latin, for example, Vivere est cogitare (To live is to think). Many students who took part in the survey changed the composition of well-known phraseological units - "Learning is light, ignorance is also nothing."

More than five thousand students took part in the study, which was conducted from January 19 to 23, 2017. Participants were asked to evaluate the conditions of study, the quality of education, and also answer questions about forms of leisure, their hobbies.

The results of the survey also showed that the majority of students (73%) want to live and work in Russia; do not plan to move abroad after graduation.

The most popular mottos of Russian students (TOP-10)

  1. And so it goes.
  2. Live and learn.
  3. Together - we are force.
  4. Forward!
  5. All in your hands.
  6. Survive!
  7. Live while young.
  8. Sleep is for dweebs.
  9. Knowledge is power.
  10. We'll give up somehow.

The most popular Russian student quotes (TOP-10)

1. Students are the future of Russia.

2. Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

3. - Did you teach? - No, I read it.

4. Strong Russia starts with us.

5. God save Russian education.

6. In places where a cockroach cannot live even a day, a Russian student will last a month.

7. All these 5 years I plowed like a galley slave.

8. Survive, in last resort, out of mind.

9. University - learned, learned, forgotten.

10. Thank you Wikipedia, Red Bull and my smartphone for making this possible.

Head of the Student Sociology Center of the Campus Student Communications Agency Irina Volodchenko:

– This Internet research allows us to draw up a portrait of a modern Russian student: this is a person who seeks to gain knowledge in order to use it in the future. It became apparent that the students are very focused on the future both in personal and professional development. In addition, the thesis is quite popular for students that, in addition to self-development, it is necessary to develop both the hometown and the country as a whole (here, for example, quotes that are often found in different variations: Russia is behind us! Healthy youth is a happy Russia! We are proud you, Russia, and you will be proud of us!). Free time the modern student prefers to go to the cinema, go in for sports, go to concerts. Russian students continue to live in the system of traditional coordinates: they value and respect their parents, they are an example historical figures.

From this we can conclude that periodically appearing criticism of student youth looks inappropriate. current generation young people are no worse and no better than the previous ones. It is different. Yes, they have leisure activities (concerts, movies and other recreational activities), but at the same time they are active in sports and reading books.

Modern student youth is actually a new emerging generation, born and raised in a new, post-Soviet Russia. Despite the fact that the majority of young people are not involved in social and political activities, historical figures and our President are their idols. And here the emotional factor, the attitude towards Putin as a strong leader, a person who enjoys respect among those around him, has a greater influence.

These are just touches to the collective image of the Russian student. We will continue our research, study the socio-cultural and value attitudes of students.

Curator of the Student Sociology Center of the Campus Student Communications Agency
Elena Evstegneeva:

– Today, young people are becoming more conscious, more sympathetic and go through life with humor and ease, but also through humor they express their concern about certain problems through such mottos as “And so it will do”, “God save Russian education”, “ Get out the corrupt! Way to the new student! This is one of the tasks that the Center sets for itself - to hear and understand what excites Russian students.

Its current mission is "to provide an excellent liberal arts education to women who will have influence in the world." The college's motto "Non Ministrari sed Ministrare" (Do not accept service, but serve) reflects this mission.

Wellesley College
original name wellesley college
Motto Non Ministrari sed Ministrare
Year of foundation 1870, first opened doors in 1875
Type Private
Rector Kim Bottomley
students 2 474
teachers 347
Location Wellesley, Massachusetts , USA
Campus Suburban, 450 acres

Located in the city Wellesley, Massachusetts (12 miles west of Boston). College education lasts 4 years and ends with the issuance of a bachelor's degree. This institution is also part of the Seven Sisters group. At the same time, about 2,300 students receive education in it.

Groups in the college are made up of 12-14 female students, and the ratio of the number of students to the number of teachers is approximately 9:1. The college library contains over 1.5 million books, journals, media records, maps, and other storage items.

The college operates special program to provide education to women who, for one reason or another, could not get a bachelor's degree.


Like many other colleges, and especially the Seven Sisters, Wellesley College has many traditions. Every fall semester there is an event called Flower Sunday. Senior students date freshmen who become their "little sisters". In the morning, the upperclassmen give flowers to their little sisters. The event itself has evolved quite a bit over the years, and today consists of speeches by the college president and deans, poetry readings, and choir performances. In addition, student representatives from each of the many religious groups present short passages from the sacred books of their faith.

Every graduation from college plants a tree on campus. These trees grow throughout the campus and are each marked with a special stone with the year of issue, which lies at the roots of the tree.

Another tradition is “singing on the steps”, which takes place several times during the year. Each graduation group dresses in his own colors (purple, red, green or yellow) and sings on the steps of the chapel. In between songs, students shout out congratulations to each other.