Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel is a political long-liver: the daughter of a pastor from the former GDR has been heading the German government for more than 12 years, assuming the post of chancellor for the fourth time. The long-term permanent head of the CDU is famous for her pragmatism: one example is the rejection of nuclear power. And even the decision to open the borders for refugees in the end only briefly affected Merkel's rating.

For most Germans, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has been the face of German diplomacy and a symbol of stability for many years. For example, as foreign minister, he earned universal respect for his persistent efforts to improve relations between Moscow and Kiev after the escalation of the conflict in 2014.

10 German politicians that Russians need to know

Heiko Mas

Foreign Minister in the new Merkel government, the Social Democrat Heiko Maas, was Minister of Justice in the previous cabinet. He is reputed to be a staunch opponent of the violation of human rights and freedoms. "I am for justice. This is the business of all my political life, my credo," emphasizes Mas. He does not belong to those who make hasty statements, but he defends his position firmly.

10 German politicians that Russians need to know

Wolfgang Schäuble, who was the German finance minister from 2009 to 2018, is the chairman of the new Bundestag. Schäuble is a real political old-timer. In 1984, he already headed the office of the Federal Chancellor under Helmut Kohl. In 1990, an assassination attempt was made on Schäuble, since then he has been confined to a wheelchair.

10 German politicians that Russians need to know

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, the former prime minister of Bavaria, is known for his high-profile statements. In November 2015, he strongly criticized Merkel's refugee policy. Another sensitive topic is the relationship between the leader of the Christian Social Union (CSU) and Vladimir Putin: in 2017, Seehofer met twice with the Russian leader in Moscow.

10 German politicians that Russians need to know

The head of the Left Party, Sahra Wagenknecht, is also in favor of dialogue with Moscow. The leader of the “leftists” has repeatedly demanded to dissolve NATO and replace the alliance with a European system. collective security with the participation of the Russian Federation, and also declared the ineffectiveness of the sanctions imposed against Moscow. In addition, the "leftists" also call for an end to the foreign missions of the Bundeswehr.

10 German politicians that Russians need to know

In the elections to the Bundestag Free Democratic Party(FDP) received 10.7% and returned to the federal parliament. This is, above all, the merit of the leader of the liberals, Christian Lindner (Christan Lindner), who reformed the party. In 2017, Lindner was in the spotlight after statements about Crimea: the 38-year-old politician called for a “freeze” on this issue for a while and cooperate with the Russian Federation where possible.

10 German politicians that Russians need to know

Cem Özdemir, co-chairman of the Union 90/Green party, argues otherwise: The Turkish-born German politician has called for tougher sanctions against Russia over the escalation of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, and has dismissed talk of easing them as inappropriate.

10 German politicians that Russians need to know

Following the results of the September 24 elections, the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party entered the Bundestag for the first time. However, its co-chair Frauke Petry, known for her tough stance on refugees, sensationally announced that she was leaving the AfD due to its radicalization. She later confirmed the registration of the domain ("blue"), stating that we are talking about the new initiative.

10 German politicians that Russians need to know

The national-conservative wing of the AfD is represented by the deputy chairman of the party, Alexander Gauland, also known for his provocative statements. His opinion that "Crimea is primordially Russian territory", popular in Russian media. At the same time, Gauland's statement that the Germans can be proud of the "exploits German soldiers"in both world wars, in the Russian Federation, few people noticed.

Public and religious holidays in Germany. Festivals and colorful carnivals in Germany. Official holidays in Germany 2019.

The Germans are punctual, pedantic and very clean. In Germany, you can not litter, spit, push and swear loudly. Here you will not find crooked paths or unswept sidewalks, but meanwhile they love and know how to have fun. How and what is celebrated in this country? What holidays and carnivals are worth visiting in 2019?

Holidays in Germany in January 2020

Day of the Three Kings (Epiphany), celebrated on January 6, in this country has its own traditions. A mandatory rule here is to attend Mass and a hearty dinner. In the evening, boys in white clothes (robes) and crowns go around the houses, singing songs. With this they bless the families living in them for the whole year. The face of one of them is smeared with soot, in memory of one of the kings. This evening, the tree pleases everyone with its lights. last time. The next day, decorations are removed from the houses, which means that the New Year holidays in Germany have come to an end.

January 27, all Germans mourn in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Ceremonies, laying wreaths on memorial plaques, solemn events. It is believed that this contributes to the understanding of the past and the emergence of hope for the future.

Excursions in Germany at the best prices

On Tripster, there is a choice of more than 100 (!) walks in Russian. You can order them anywhere in the country: Berlin, Cologne, Munich, Nuremberg, etc. Some of them are timed to coincide with German holidays: Oktoberfest, Christmas markets, etc.

Festivals and carnivals in Germany in February

In early and mid-February, the most famous film directors and producers will come to Berlin. After all, it is at this time that the world-famous Berlin Film Festival. The main focus is auteur and intellectual cinema. Receives the Golden Bear award best movie. But the “silver bear” is taken away by several winners in various categories. The scope of the event surprises and pleases - every year about 200 thousand spectators come here to view more than 350 paintings.

February carnivals in Germany can surprise many. Colorful films and happy holidays will not leave anyone indifferent. So, in a small but colorful Bremen, annually takes place Samba Carnival. Energetic and exciting dance brings thousands of dancers from all over the country to compete in the ability to tell their stories to the beat of drums. In addition, a delightful and incendiary spectacle is a great reason to come to Bremen, which is what many tourists use.

Spring is associated with Easter for many, and the Germans are no exception. In 2019, it will be celebrated on April 21 (Sunday). However, the Easter holidays in Germany begin on Friday. On this day, houses are decorated with bouquets of daffodils, it is customary to give these flowers and put them in vases on Easter in Germany. Saturday evening greets residents and guests of the country with merrily crackling bonfires. It is believed that fire is able to cleanse from filth. On the same day, the house is bought easter bunny And colored eggs. The latter are traditionally hidden along with small souvenirs. So the children's Sunday breakfast is more interesting, because first you need to find it.

On May 1, no one works in the country - this is international workers day. However, the spring festival, celebrated on the same date, is more famous. On this day, everyone dances, has fun, dances. Fairs, colorful performances, comic competitions are held in every city. As a rule, they start celebrating in the evening. For this, bonfires are kindled, and a king and queen are chosen.

Fervent holidays in Germany are loved: in some areas, for example, the custom of decorating a tree under the window of a loved one has been preserved. And only one birch can stand. Therefore, "suitors" often find out that they are right with the help of fists and cunning, and also guard the tree all night. The girl either reciprocates, or puts an empty bucket on the threshold, as a sign of indifference.

The man is offended and can smear the girl's gate with tar. This is considered a shame, so the lady of the heart also does not sleep - she guards the entrance to the house from sewage. It's not easy for everyone.

The second Sunday of May in Germany is customary to visit parents. Mothers Day has existed in this country for several centuries. They give not only gifts, but also words of love, give a helping hand, helping with the housework and in other matters.

Holidays in Germany in summer 2019

On June 9, 2019, Leipzig will host the traditional classical music festival Bach. At this time, masses, organ works, music for orchestras are performed famous musicians from all over the world. The greatest composer of the German people created timeless works whose popularity does not fade with time. The duration of the festival is proof of this; it has been gathering thousands of participants and listeners every year since 1904.

Once a year, on August 8, you can get to a unique holiday - Augsburg Peace Day. The history of the celebration has several centuries, it began in 1650. On this day (only in this particular city) no one works, there are parades, theatrical performances, festivities. The competition of children's drawings on the main theme of the holiday every year promises sweet prizes and recognition for kids, but the winners of the Peace Prize (Augsburg) are awarded less often, only once every 3 years.

There are also religious holidays in Germany. So, on August 15, a Catholic celebration is celebrated - Ascension of Mary. On this day, seven herbs are collected in churches and brought home. It is believed that decoctions of them are able to cleanse from filth.

Train / bus
- by train and plane
- how cheaper

Holidays in Germany in autumn 2019

Oktoberfest - the world beer festival (will be held from September 16 to October 3, 2019) is a very peculiar holiday. On it, everyone drinks, dances and has fun right on the meadow in the middle of Munich. Most walkers consider it their duty to try every kind of foamy drink. There is nothing surprising in this, the best beer in the whole world is collected here! The number of people wishing to visit the legendary festival in Germany is often so large that they simply do not have enough places. Therefore, you should take care of purchasing tickets and booking no later than August.

October 3 Germany celebrates unity day. As a rule, there are no parades and festivals, but you can enjoy concerts and fireworks.

November 9 is a special day for this country. Due to a strange coincidence, it is this number that accounts for major events in the fate of Germany in the 20th century. This is the collapse of the monarchy, and the well-known beer putsch of Hitler and even the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Holidays in Germany in December 2019

6 December Germany celebrates Saint Nikolaus Day. This holiday means that there is very little time left until the brightest celebration and time to buy gifts. However, this only applies to adults. The kids are expecting the first offerings this very night: there is no need to wait for Christmas anymore, because the saint has already arrived.

From this day, German Christmas markets begin their work, houses and shop windows are transformed. The traditional colors of jewelry are green and red.

Christmas in Germany 2019

Even the most colorful carnivals and state celebrations are nothing compared to Germany's favorite holiday. But the brightest festival of the year requires special preparation. Firstly, before Christmas, the Germans keep the fast - Advent. This is not so much a restriction in food as moral preparation. Secondly, on Christmas Eve it is customary to visit cathedrals and only then start eating.

Holidays in Germany: Christmas festivities in Bavaria

Christmas in Germany - family celebration. This evening you rarely meet a German in a cafe or on the street, most prefer to be in the family circle. And it is important for everyone to participate in the preparations. This is especially true for decorating the Christmas tree: they prefer to choose an evergreen beauty more fluffy.

After a hearty dinner with a traditional duck and (pastries with raisins and spices), everyone goes to bed to find surprises in socks hung by the fireplace in the morning. Some gifts (glass cucumbers) are hidden from children on the Christmas tree, in which case the process of parsing presents may be delayed, but no one is offended. After all, the surprise remains with the baby as an additional gift.

Official holidays in Germany

Germany is remarkable in that official holidays in its different regions can vary greatly. Most festivals are temporary or recreational, often local in nature. Several dates are official holidays in Germany:

  • 1st of January - New Year;
  • April 21, 2019- Easter, which is celebrated for four whole days from Good Friday to Monday (in 2019 from April 19 to 22);
  • 1st of May- Workers' Day in Germany;
  • August 15- Assumption (Ascension of Mary);
  • October 3- Day of unity of the nation;
  • October 31- Reformation Day;
  • December 25-26- Catholic Christmas.

Germany is a country of amazing people. Pedantic and correct at first glance, they know how and love to create a relaxed holiday atmosphere.

Cologne carnival - another one cool holiday Germany

Full list
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- from A to Z

IN coming days The traditional calendar for Russian Germans for 2017, prepared by the International Union of German Culture, will come out of print. The theme of the calendar is “Faith. Identity. The youth".

The pages of the calendar depict bright events in the life of the Self-Organization of Germans in Russia, taking into account the cross Russian-German Year of Youth Exchanges 2016/2017 and events dedicated to the upcoming 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Hanging on the wall with the beginning of the new year, this particular calendar has already become a good tradition for Russian Germans. Anyone can get a calendar in the nearest center of German culture.

If in your locality there is no meeting center, you can get a calendar by mail. To do this, you must send an application for a calendar indicating required amount copies on email [email protected](Victoria Shostko). Please remember to include the postal code in the address.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


    "Bibliovecher" at RND in Moscow. eyewitness notes

    On April 20, within the framework of the international campaign in support of reading "Library Night", the literary club "The World Within the Word" held its traditional "Biblio Evening" in the Russian-German House in Moscow. Vasily Geronimus, a Moscow writer and a member of the World Inside the Word Club, shared his impressions of the evening.


    Literature of Russian Germans at the book fair in Leipzig

    At the annual international book fair in Leipzig, which was held from March 21 to 24, the literature of Russian Germans, published by the MaVi Group publishing house on the initiative of International Union German culture. Ksenia Maksimova, journalist of the WDR editorial office, spoke about books and authors.


    We will tell about ourselves!

    How to quickly prepare information for the site? How to submit an article to regional newspaper? How to get the press interested in the activities of the organization?

  • “It’s like books are a generic paragraph…”

    As part of an intensive course of study German language a musical and poetic evening was held for the leaders and activists of the centers of meetings of Russian Germans in the Central and North-Western regions. Gala Kober, Vladimir Rau and Natalya Kuznetsova (Boroh) spoke at the creative meeting.

  • Events

    dotted history

    What can a high school student who carefully reads a textbook on the history of the peninsula learn about the Germans of Crimea? “MNG” flipped through the novelty and saw: how the Germans appeared in Crimea is described in some detail, but why they left it is between the lines.


    MAIIKRN is looking for a specialist to study the economy of the Republic of Volga Germans!

    A unique document has been published in the electronic library of the RusDeutsch portal - "The local budget of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of the Volga Germans for 1925-1926". Now everyone can see the scanned materials of the book!


    We invite you to "Moscow Conversations" at the RNDM!

    On April 9, the Russian-German House in Moscow will host "Moscow Conversations" - a panel discussion on topical issues of Russian-German relations. Subject new meeting– “Trust: the most important currency in international cooperation».


    Complex of events "Living heritage of Alexander von Humboldt"

    2019 is a landmark year for European science and education in connection with the 190th anniversary of Alexander von Humboldt's journey through Russia and the 250th anniversary of his birth. The outstanding scientist had a profound influence on the development of European and world science. The researcher received an official invitation from the Russian government to visit Russia in the interests of developing science and the country, scientific and educational contacts, and resource policy. The results of this trip had a noticeable impact on Russian-German relations.


    A new project has started at Zeitung für Dich

    The German-language newspaper Zeitung für Dich has been the newspaper of Russian Germans for more than 60 years. Its pages mainly publish materials about Russian Germans and current events of the Self-Organization.

  • We invite you to the events of the club "World inside the word"!

    The Literary Club of the International Union of German Culture "The World Within the Word" invites you to its traditional events of the spring season - Purishev Readings (April 11) and Library Night (April 20).

  • MSNK presented books at the Leipzig Book Fair

    The International Union of German Culture took part for the first time in the annual international book fair in Leipzig, which took place from 21 to 24 March. The German readers were presented with novelties of the literature of Russian Germans, published by the MaVi Group publishing house on the initiative of the MSNK.

  • Events

    Presentation of books about Germans took place in Altai

    A presentation of books about prominent Russian Germans took place in Barnaul. One of them - famous writer, local historian Konstantin Somov "Germans of Altai: people, destinies, accomplishments", the other is the third issue of the collection "Your Germans, Altai!", editor-compiler Peter Fitz.


    Own someone else's

    Last year, the book "Gus Fritz" by Sergei Lebedev was published in Moscow - Russian writer who now lives in Berlin and is 1/8 German. A German translation of the novel has recently appeared. "Goose Fritz" in Germany became the "Children of Kronos" (in German translation - Kronos' Kinder).


    pretending to be a child

    February 23 marks the 120th anniversary of the German writer Erich Kestner, the author of Buttons and Anton, Emil and the Detectives, Three in the Snow. Kestner was born in Dresden, where he is still remembered and loved very much. For what? The author of "MNG" from the capital of Saxony explains.

  • Literary workshop of Elena Seifert will be held at RND in Moscow

    On February 13, the Russian-German House in Moscow will host a literary workshop "On Malaya Pirogovka" at the literary club of the International Union of German Culture "The World Within the Word". The host is a poet, prose writer, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University Elena Seifert.

New Year's Eve (from 31st to 1st)

In Germany new year's eve celebrate noisily and cheerfully. The Germans do not celebrate the New Year at home, they try to celebrate this holiday with friends, at a party, or at a New Year's corporate party.

The Germans also call New Year's Eve the time of Sylvester. This saint died exactly on December 31st. Therefore, the New Year in Germany is associated with his name.

Epiphany in German style (6th number)

All Western Christians call the feast of the Epiphany Epiphany. It is on this date that at all festive concerts the story of the birth of the baby Jesus is embodied on the stage. They also honor the three Magi, who, according to legend, brought gifts to him.

It is believed that the holy magi have the ability to avert trouble from a person. They are also not forgotten at Christmas during solemn services and festivities.

Memory of the victims of the Holocaust (27th)

The prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp were released on January 27. Such a date can hardly be called accidental, on this day Germany mourns all the victims of Nazism. The media announce a moment of silence, many institutions support this tradition.

"Berlinale" (9th day)

The secular film festival takes place every year on February 9th. The cultural event is considered the most important in all of Europe. Celebrities from all over the world come to the festival.

The festival is of international importance. It features directors from different countries peace. All tapes submitted for judges' evaluation must not be shown for the first time anywhere except this festival.

German Carnival (23rd)

On February 23, there is a fun and bright event - the carnival. Participants of the holiday begin to prepare for the main procession a month in advance. Then, on the night before the carnival, many attend a solemn service in the church.

On a magnificent Monday, adults in various costumes come out onto the city streets blocked from cars. Tuesday is children's day, when children of all ages present their versions of platforms and staged dances to the public.

Carnival ends on Wednesday. Then in Germany, the Catholics begin Great Lent, so everyone is in a hurry to have fun and eat deliciously.

Fair in Leipzig (23rd)

The Leipzig Book Fair began its work in the 17th century. Since then, the city of Leipzig has been considered the second-hand center of Europe. As before, today the fair lasts 4 days. During this period, people manage to sell and exchange many books, many of which are rare copies.

April Fool's Day (1st day)

Since the 17th century, April Fool's Day has been traditional holiday for the Germans. Previously, it was customary to send each other to "April" on this day, of course, in German the wording sounded much tougher.

Good Friday (date floating)

Good Friday in Germany is celebrated by all Christians. The holiday is rather mournful, personifying the death of Jesus Christ. Another such Friday is the end of Great Lent.

Good Friday is a holiday for Germans state level. It is on Friday that bells ring almost continuously, church services and solemn religious processions take place.

Easter (date floating)

The first Sunday after the spring full moon is the beginning of Easter. The Germans celebrate it officially. Since Sunday and Monday are included in the list of generally accepted days off.

The main German Easter symbols today are considered:

  • Easter Bunny;
  • Wreath;
  • And colored eggs.

The ancient Germans, before the arrival of Christians, celebrated the spring equinox these days, and also deeply revered the Goddess Ostara. But with the advent of Christianity, the holiday was included in church calendar and modified.

Workers' Day (1st day)

All working Germans celebrate Labor Day at parties and city festivities. Even on such a day, peaceful rallies and demonstrations are organized.

In some parts of Germany, it is customary to decorate the Maypole. Sometimes its symbolism is attributed to proletarian ideas, more often to religious and social trends.

Mother's Day in Germany (date floating)

Mother's Day has been national since 1933. This holiday came to German lands from the USA in the 20th century. Its date is determined as the second Sunday of the given month.

On Mother's Day, it is customary to congratulate and bestow gifts on all mothers. Many Germans try to visit their elderly parents, schoolchildren prepare gifts for their mothers with their own hands.

Father's Day (date floating)

This date is unique to the Germans, all over the world men's day falls on other calendar days. The holiday begins at the end of Easter, it is noisy and fun.

The men go out into the countryside with picnic sets and beer, leaving their wives and daughters in the city. Such a day is considered truly masculine, so men celebrate it in a harsh society among the representatives of their sex.

Pentecost (date floating)

It is believed that on the 50th day of Easter, the Holy Spirit descended on all the apostles. That is why the holiday has such a name. In addition to attending religious services, on this date the Germans go boating, guess a little to find out about the future, weave beautiful wreaths.

Since the day is an official holiday, concerts, excursions, festivals are held on the morning of Pentecost. Small fairs are held in the villages, prayers are offered for fertility and peace.

Cologne Lights (15th)

Since 2001, Cologne has turned into a real city of fireworks on July 15th. Several hundred thousand tourists along with local residents gather on the Rhine embankment to see with their own eyes the fiery miracle that pyrotechnicians arrange in the sky.

Peace of Augsburg (8th)

On August 8, all of Germany celebrates the day of one city of Augsburg. This holiday is widespread and significant due to the fact that on this day in 1950 the persecution of Lutherans stopped. Different confessions recognized each other, making peace.

In Augsburg, such a day is a day off. Concerts, processions, military parades are held in the city. By tradition, a competition of children's drawings on the theme of peace and harmony is held.


Oktoberfest (date floating)

In the second half of September, Munich transforms into a city of fun and delicious beer. The festival has ancient roots. It originated during the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig I and Princess Teresa. Residents of the city were also invited to the wedding. The event on the meadow was fun and bright. After the crown prince issued a decree to celebrate this day every year.

Unity in Germany (3rd day)

Germans celebrate Unity Day on October 3rd. The official holiday annually becomes an occasion for parties, fairs, concerts and rallies.

The holiday symbolizes the unification of West and East Germany. The main events are held in Berlin. But also small towns they try to highlight the date with programs and festivities.

All Saints Day (1st day)

After the traditional German Halloween comes the feast of all Saints. At the end of the stormy and unbridled fun, the time for commemoration and memory comes.

On this date, the Germans go to cemeteries to clean up and decorate the graves of relatives and friends with candles. In some states of Germany, the day is an official holiday.

Saint Nikolaus Day (6th day)

Before the generally accepted New Year holidays in Germany, St. Nicholas is honored. The holiday dates back to 1555. The celebration is dedicated to children.

On the eve of the holiday, parents prepare gifts and sweets for their children. They have them in boots put out the door. This is done at night so that in the morning the kids and older children can find treats from St. Nikolaus.

You won't get bored in the homeland of Bach, Weizen and FC Bayern: interesting events in Germany follow each other at the speed of light. Before you have time to watch all the films at the Berlinale, the spring carnival is just around the corner. And from there, Oktoberfest is just a stone's throw away. Skyscanner has gone through the German holiday calendar and found out which German holidays are worth visiting in 2017.

Calendar of German holidays and festivals in 2017

HolidayDate in 2017Official name
Three Kings Festival6th JanuaryDreikonigstag
Film Festival "Berlinale"from 9 to 19 FebruaryBerlinale
Spring carnival fashingfrom February 23 to March 1Rhineland Karnival (Fasching)
Walpurgis NightApril 30 to May 1Walpurgisnacht
gothic festivalfrom 2 to 5 JuneWave Gotik Treffen
cologne lightsJuly 15Kolner Lichter
Long Night of MuseumsAugust, 26thLange Nacht der Museen
cologne lightsJuly 15Kolner Lichter
Oktoberfestfrom September 16 to October 3Oktoberfest
Frankfurt Book Fairfrom 11 to 15 OctoberFrankfurter Buchmesse
Saint Martin's Day11th of NovemberMartinstag
ChristmasDecember 25Weihnachten
New Yearfrom December 30 to January 1Silvester, Neujahr

Three Kings Day in Germany

When we have Christmas in our yard, in Germany they arrange holidays and prepare for the Feast of the Three Kings. Catholics call the kings of the biblical Magi, showered with generous gifts of the newborn Jesus Christ. While children in crowns carol around the neighbors, believers listen to a solemn mass in the Cologne Cathedral - according to legend, the holy relics of the three wise men are stored here.

Where: this holiday is celebrated in all parts of Germany, but it is especially wonderful to celebrate it in Cologne.

Berlin Film Festival "Berlinale"

Photo: Susanne Erler, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Every cinephile dreams of having a glimpse of the iconic German festival "Berlinale", where the Golden and Silver Bears are awarded. You will be lucky to be the first to see the premieres on big screen: the rest will have to wait for six months. You may not step on the red carpet this time, but there is a chance to stumble upon George Clooney in line for currywurst sausages.

Where: Berlin

Spring carnival fashing

Photo: DCR Canon, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

In Germany, slush and cold see off a holiday like Shrovetide - fascism. Instead of our usual pancakes, bakeries are bursting with Berlin donuts with jam, sprinkled with powdered sugar. The main fun of fascism is a colorful German carnival with music and dancing, during which people dressed in funny costumes the participants arrange a candy rain.

Where: the most daring holidays in Germany are in Cologne, Munich and Düsseldorf.

Spring Fashing Dates 2017: from February 23 to February 28 (in some cities - until March 1)

Walpurgis Night in Germany

Every year, German witches flock to the Sabbath in the mountain town of Harz, which Goethe mentioned in Faust. And in the absence of brooms, they get to the meeting point in a hanging booth along the "devil's wall" - this is how the name of the Teufelsmauer ridge is translated. After sunset, at a holiday in Germany, it is terribly interesting: costumed evil spirits light up fire shows and dance around blazing bonfires.

Where: the city of Harz, 150 kilometers from Hannover

Gothic Culture Festival Wave Gotik Treffen

Photo: Martin SoulStealer, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

In early June, Leipzig turns black before our very eyes: thousands of goth music fans gather for the German Wave Gotik Treffen festival. So many lace corsets, hats and frilly hairstyles in one place can only be seen in the paintings in the museum. When the goths are not crowding around the concert stage, dressed to the nines, they are having Victorian picnics on the lawns, going on a tour of cemeteries or buying Lady Gaga-style boots.

Where: Leipzig

Fireworks Festival "Cologne Lights"

Photo: Fabian Vervelde, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

The German love for pyrotechnics knows no bounds. During the German Cologne Lights festival, the Rhine embankment blooms with millions of lights, and fiery chrysanthemums bloom overhead to the roar of the orchestra. cherry on birthday cake- the final salvo, which soars into the evening sky from the 120-meter deck of the ship.

Where: Cologne

Long Night of Museums

Twenty years ago, the first museum night was held in Berlin - the idea of ​​a German festival turned out to be so successful that it instantly spread around the world. Since then, about 70 galleries and museums have opened their doors to inquisitive minds who are tormented by a thirst for knowledge at night. The matter is not limited to exhibitions alone: ​​master classes, lectures and film screenings are held near the sculptures.

Where: Berlin

Oktoberfest beer festival

For more than two hundred years, the German Oktoberfest festival has been filling heads with unbridled fun, and bellies with freshly brewed Munich beer. The Oktoberfest in Germany begins sedately and nobly: under cannon shots, the mayor deftly uncorks a beer barrel. After a couple of moments, inside the giant tents, they are already having fun until they drop - they are whipping beer in liter mugs and gobbling up ruddy sausages and fried chickens.

Where: Munich

Frankfurt Book Fair

The world's largest book fair has been pleasing book lovers for five hundred years - a low bow to pioneer printer Johannes Gutenberg, who built a printing house next door. From a book forum, it has long turned into an unofficial weekend in Germany with master classes and lectures, where Nobel laureates. Come to the fair with empty suitcases: it's not every day that you get a chance to hold a collection of poems by a Bangladeshi poet or Indonesian comics in your hands.

Where: Frankfurt am Main

Saint Martin's Day

The Germans love Saint Martin for his altruism and modesty: according to legend, he did not spare his luxurious cloak for a naked poor man. And when he was offered to become a bishop, he became shy and hid in the goose house - the townspeople had to look for him with lanterns. Since then, on St. Martin's Day in Germany, children glue homemade lanterns on sticks and follow the rider's heels, singing traditional songs. Meanwhile, a fat goose is already blushing in the ovens, and hot gluwine is poured into mugs: after a mental walk, adults wake up with a brutal appetite.

Where: throughout Germany

Christmas in Germany

In the pre-Christmas period, Advent Germany sparkles and shimmers like a Christmas decoration. Shop windows are decorated with garlands and figurines of angels, and Christmas markets open in city squares. Fried sausages, gingerbread houses and sweet donuts - the delicious smells make you dizzy. But on the very eve of Christmas in Germany, which is called Weinachten here, the streets are rapidly emptying: family Germans are trying to celebrate Christmas at home at the festive table.

Where: throughout Germany

Christmas dates in 2017: Advent begins on December 3rd, and Christmas in Germany is celebrated on December 25th.

New Year in Germany

In Germany, the New Year is called Sylvester and is celebrated on a grand scale. A record number of party-goers are partying at a grand party at the Brandenburg Gate. To raise the mood in winter evening, champagne and punch flow like water. With the last blow of the chimes, everyone lifts their heads - it's time to admire how hundreds of colorful fireworks paint the inky sky.

Where: all over the country, but these weekends in Germany are most fervently celebrated in Berlin