Hello dear reader!

After a break, in almost incomplete, five years, I again return to writing articles and communicating on the pages of the site.

What caused such a long break in my activity?

Initially, the site was created as a mouthpiece of my entrepreneurship in the Tianshi company, and the domain name of the site testifies to this - http://site MLM Territory of success.

I wanted to share with people around me, including those who are thousands of kilometers away, my knowledge, my skills, my values.

I wanted to tell people about what I do, what brings me income and call them with me. After all, the aspirations of all of us, in the end, are the same - success and happiness!

But how to implement it in life?

What can set me apart from thousands of other distributors and encourage a candidate to contact me?

Probably the uniqueness of my proposal !

The ancient sages said:

It doesn't matter what you do, it matters how you do it

What's the point? It is also very important on the way to your goal to fulfill right action. By performing primitive, not environmentally friendly actions, we spoil our karma.

By our actions, aimed at attracting the cooperation of the people around us in any way, we simultaneously cause irritation, and others negative emotions many other people with whom we have to contact in the course of the search.

What do you think these people will wish us? That's right, nothing good! But desires tend to come true, and both your desires and the desires of other people are fulfilled. And all wishes and curses will sooner or later find their addressee.

It was necessary to study the wise, beautiful and effective ways, allowing you to build trusting relationships with hundreds of people and invite them to your business.

One of these ways is, of course, business through the Internet.

But the Internet, as a way of doing business, has two sides of the coin.

One side is what everyone is talking about, that the Internet expands the possibilities of doing business indefinitely. The Internet allows you to do business at breakneck speeds, with a huge number of people and in vast spaces.

It is thanks to the speed of information dissemination through the Internet that it is possible to enter large markets very quickly.

The second side - for fruitful work on the Internet, you need to learn a lot. The level of requirements here is an order of magnitude higher!

First of all, you need to become a person because -

your business in network marketing- it's you first and foremost

You need to learn how to help other people, as one of the most important skills successful business online is help, service to other people.

Understanding these things led to the fact that I started blogging not with business, but with those values, from those areas human life which are dear to every person and outside of which neither success nor happiness is possible.

These are areas such as relationships, health, financial independence and personal growth.

I decided to learn on my own. Only knowing myself, I can offer something, teach other people something.

For more than a year I kept my blog, attended various trainings, read books, listened to and watched CDs. I passed through a lot of information, understood a lot, figured out a lot of things.

And all this on the pages of the site I shared with my readers, showing my position in life, my worldview and understanding of life.

Around me formed my the target audience sharing my values.

People are ambitious and open to new things, looking for answers to the questions that life has put before them.

Looking for their purpose in this life, looking for themselves in various fields activities.

Those wishing to realize themselves in this life, to reveal their creative potential, its superior qualities.

Those who want to change their lives and try different ways development of your personality.

Feeling the need to help other people, but not knowing how to do it.

During this time, in fact, a brand was created, a business project, my company, consisting of my name and surname.

In March 2013, I stopped, took some time out to understand which way to move on. The minimum program is completed, it's time to start the maximum program.

The essence of this program is the development of Internet entrepreneurship, based on knowledge of the laws of life, that is in an environmentally friendly way.

Creation of a system that automates as much as possible all the processes that are only possible in this business, which does not harm either yourself or the people around you and allows you to live a full life.

In other words business in MLM through the Internet.

But for reasons beyond my control, the implementation of this program was postponed. I stopped filling my site with original content, I stopped cooperating with the Tienshi company, and in general I moved to permanent place residence in another region of Russia.

And now there is everything to start. . I open a business in the company AYU DRIMS. And with today my company, my brand is starting to pay dividends for me. The future starts today!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. And each of us can go this way.
But, before taking the first step along the chosen path, you need to understand what goals we are pursuing, and most importantly, what Dream we are striving for.

But, before taking the first step along the chosen path, we need to understand what goals we are pursuing, and most importantly, what Dream we are striving for.

How to distinguish a dream from a goal? A goal is a stage in achieving a Dream. Our goals are the steps by which we rise to our Guiding Star. And the Dream is something global, grandiose. This is a great idea that brings benefit and goodness to the world. When we go from goal to goal, we are getting closer to our Dream with every step. But only when we are in love and joy do we connect with our Star. It is this feeling of lightness, joy, inspiration that is a sign that you are going the right way. As long as you keep it, all paths are open to you.

In order for you to connect your Dream and your gift, you need to see your goal. After all, if we have a goal, all obstacles become insignificant. But remember: Your goal is not what you want to acquire. And what you want to give to the world, with the help of which you will make it better, brighter, kinder. It is the pursuit of such a goal that will give you energy, enthusiasm and the desire to move forward.

And this practice will help you find and see your Dream:

Stand up and place your hands on your chest. Close your eyes and take a breath. As you exhale, take a step forward, as if connecting with your Dream, and imagine how everything you dreamed about has come true. Feel inside your Dream, see how you look, who surrounds you, who is with you, what you are doing. Enjoy your triumph, see how it changes the world and the people around you. The more clearly you see your Dream, the faster it will come true. Add colors, sounds, emotions, applause, laughter, joy to it. Take this energy, feel how it overwhelms you, how you become a Star shining on the whole world. You are unique, you are priceless simply because you are.

Exhale, open your eyes as you exhale and take a step back.

It is very important to designate your Dream in space. Describe, draw an image of your Dream, create a collage that will help you keep this Dream in focus.

Sometimes there are a lot of projects and desires. For example, I want to make films, write books, change training programs ... All dreams are wonderful, beautiful, I see how to realize them, what needs to be done and who to attract. But I know that there is not enough time for everything, and I choose one Dream. Believe it or not, this is the hardest part. But as the sages say: "If we want everything at once, then we never get anything."

Choose one thing that really inspires you and move towards the goal. And along the way, you will find opportunities to realize your other desires, resources, knowledge, and the right people will come. And the result will give you the strength to move on.

The following practice will help you take the first step towards your Dream:

Get up, close your eyes and imagine the image of your Dream, Idea, Guiding Star. Breathe in and connect with your Guiding Star. Take one step forward and think to yourself, “What can I do right now? Today, tomorrow, within a week? It is very important to start acting within a week. If we do nothing, our energy goes away. Take the first, tiny step. Let it be a very small action: a call the right person, enrolling in courses, creating an action plan, drawing the image of your Dream.

Decide what you will do this week - and the world will definitely give you a sign that you are doing the right thing!

A lot depends on our morning mood. I understood this during the experiment "". If as soon as you open your eyes, you feel a huge surge of energy, and you immediately want to work, then the whole day will pass productively. But most often in the morning you feel somehow overwhelmed and uncollected ...

In such situations, it helps me, a couple of and great sayings of people. If I already wrote about the first two methods (you can follow the links and read), then the last point has not yet been considered.

In fact, such quotes not only give strength, but also allow you to become more wise and aware. Of course, if you read them not for the sake of entertainment or constant quoting (I wanted to give a link, but then I remembered that I had not yet written a post about show-offs), namely, to reflect on the meaning and draw important conclusions.

I have plenty of such statements in my quote book, but I chose nine of them, which, in my opinion, most effectively tune in to a wave of success and self-confidence.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" - Lao Tzu.

It doesn't matter what goals you set for yourself. It does not matter the severity and length of the path. All journeys start the same way - with the first step. Without doing it, you will never know what you are worth.

Building your business starts with the first step. A successful managerial career will only begin when you take the first step. You can't set an Olympic record if you don't start training. You can do the first one right now, you can do it in a week, or you can postpone it indefinitely.

Just remember that this period may not come.

"Logic will take you from point A to point B. Imagination will pave the way everywhere" - Albert Einstein

Use your imagination to create the life you want. Surely you have heard about the law of attraction and this is wonderful, but many people forget about the law of action.

Use your imagination to plant seeds of success in your mind, but then take action so that those seeds grow.

You can become whoever you want to be if you work hard at it every day. I often repeat these words out loud because they are really true, and I want you to understand this. I advise you to read the post "".

“Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been in pain. Dance like no one is watching you.” — Unknown

If you find a job that you would love to work for free, then you will find your true passion and calling in life. I don't think it's worth pointing out how many people go to jobs they hate every day just because they don't know what they want.

And people should not be treated with prejudice, as if everyone is trying to deceive you, but on the contrary, try to help others and people will respond to this. I am fully convinced that how you treat a person is how he treats you. Moreover, you do not need to listen to other people's opinions about someone and draw conclusions. I can give a lot of examples from own life when people who, in the opinion of the majority, could never find a common language, became real friends.

And don't be afraid to do what you love. No matter how stupid you are called, no matter how they laugh at you and dissuade you, never go astray. Don't be afraid to dance as best you can, even when everyone is looking at you. After all, life is meant to be driven. It is so?

“We are what we do all the time. Perfection is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

Courage, self-discipline, skills are not inherent in us from birth. Only by hard work can we develop everything necessary qualities and skills to achieve their goals. We can develop the habit of being productive, we can develop the habit of never giving up, we can develop the habit of doing something every day that brings us closer to our dreams.

The people we call successful did not sit idly by, but continuously moved forward. They overcame the force of gravity and move on by inertia. Most can't even do that.

difference successful people is that they continued to move forward even when problems got in their way, when the fear of failure completely enveloped the heart, when it seemed that moving on was unrealistic.

You are capable of doing the same. You can justify yourself at any time. Everyone on earth is capable of this. But you hide a huge potential that has yet to be revealed. If, of course, you want to do so.

I couldn't resist inserting one of my favorite videos here:

"Of the shots you didn't make, 100% missed the net" - Wayne Gretzky

How often do you regret that you could have done something and didn't? How often do you think about the fact that “I wish I could go back and…”

If you are like most people living, then this happens quite often. What can I say, I myself am often subject to such thoughts.

Use this feeling the next time you have a choice. Just take the first step right away, even if you don't realize it actually happened.

Sign up for a volleyball section, start doing yoga, adjust English language, take up painting or start creating a new website right now. You will be surprised how simple it really is.

"You can do anything, but not everything" - David Allen

IN this moment time reading this post, you can do anything, but you can never do everything at the same time. You have to choose a few main tasks, goals and priorities and move in that direction. Most people suffer from the so-called dispersion, that is, they grab everything in a row, regardless of whether they need it or not.

It is advisable to choose one, the most priority direction for any period (month, year or 10 years) and move towards it. This direction can be and.

In addition to the fact that you can noticeably increase the speed of achieving real results, it also motivates and inspires you to take serious action. Where is the probability of hitting more: if you throw all the balls into one basket or if you throw each ball into a different one? I think the answer is obvious.

"Remember that your own decision to succeed is more important than hundreds of others" - Abraham Lincoln

Only your own decision determines whether you can succeed in any area or not.

It doesn't matter how much failed attempts you had before. If you don't stop moving forward, you will inevitably succeed.

You can become successful, you can live a life full of adventure and passion, you can do whatever you want if make your own decision.

“Anxiety is like a rocking chair. You seem to be doing something, but you won’t get far with it.” – Van Wilder

We often worry more than the situation calls for. Remember such moments. Has your anxiety helped get rid of any problems? I think it only did harm.

Anxiety is such a weed that switches all attention to itself and does not allow you to look for a normal solution to the problem. This is tantamount to resentment (“”), from it, as a rule, only you become worse.

Therefore, you do not need to constantly think about how many things are planned for today. Just sit down and do it. Worrying about the result, we often make mistakes. Think of yourself in an exam. We had cases when even lost consciousness. Did the result get any better? Not at all!

“Only your mindset determines whether you are going to succeed or fail.” – Henry Ford.

Most people remain happy only because they do not look for any unnecessary problems in themselves and enjoy what they have. Recently I posted a parable about that, I advise you to read it.

One of important features purposeful people is that they are tuned to a positive result and do not cry every day about how cruel life is. They can easily run where most see a minefield, because for them it is a green meadow.

If you want to put your life in order, then you need to start with thoughts.

And to that I bid you farewell. Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss a new interesting post. If after reading you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. Bye!