Status. Common and widespread.

Spreading. Inhabits the temperate and subtropical zones of Eurasia, from Europe through the Front and Central Asia, Southern Siberia and Mongolia to Far East and Northeast China. The range in Russia has a large area: it covers the south and southeast of the European part, South Siberia, Primorye.

The geography of collections stored in the funds of the Department of Zoology and Ecology of the Penza State Pedagogical University (Ilyin et al., 1998 a) and the Zoological Museum of Saratov state university(Zavialov et al., 2002 a) is quite extensive. So, the meetings of animals in the village are reliably confirmed. Dyakovka, Krasnokutsky district and the village. Oktyabrsky, Dergachevsky district (Strelkov, Ilyin, 1990), pos. Bazaar Karabulak, in the cities of Volsk and Saratov. In addition, it is known from numerous finds dating back to the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries, in the village. Pads of the Balashovsky region (Silantyev, 1894), p. Duralovka of the Petrovsky district (Bianki, 1922), the city of Pugachev and the Pugachevsky district (Ognev, 1925; Bazhanov, 1930). It is quite obvious that the kozhan inhabits almost the entire territory of the region, however, it avoids the highly arid regions of the Volga region, where only migratory animals can be found. At the same time, its occurrences are most common not only in the Volga valley and the mouth of the right and left tributaries, but also in the basin of the Khopra and Medveditsa rivers in the west of the region.

Number. The bicolor kozhan accounts for 8.0% of all finds of bats recorded in the region. According to the number of harvested or counted individuals, the proportion of the species is 2.2%.

Short description. Body length 55-64 mm, forearms 40-8 mm, weight 8-20 g. Fur is thick, hair is distinctly two-tone: on the back - from dark to reddish-brown with almost white tips, creating a "frosty" ripple, on the belly - gray-whitish with brownish bases, contrasting sharply with the color of the back. Behind the ears and on the throat areas of yellowish wool.

Habitat. It occurs in a variety of landscapes, including anthropogenic ones. There is a certain connection with reservoirs of various types and forests with extensive clearings and edges. In treeless areas, encounters are more rare, although in this case, the proximity of any reservoir is obviously the determining factor in the organization of the settlement. With regard to shelters, the species is quite plastic, but always prefers human buildings; brood colonies in natural hiding places are not known in the region. Does not avoid urban areas, such as the city of Saratov.

Features of biology. The joint stay of adult females and males of kozhan in the same shelter during the birth of offspring in the Saratov region is not known. Males during this period lead, as a rule, a solitary lifestyle and hide in natural and artificial shelters, however, in adjacent areas, there are examples of several dozen males living together in one settlement. Females usually form single-species brood colonies, the number of adult animals in which varies from 5 to 35 individuals. In the south of the Trans-Volga region and in other semiarid steppe regions, it is also possible to meet larger settlements, reaching 100 or more adult animals, as, for example, was recorded on the river. Eruslan in the Volgograd region (Stroganova, 1954). After the collapse of the brood colonies in the second half of summer, some of the animals move to natural shelters (in cracks, behind the lagging tree bark, hollows) or unite in small same-sex moulting groups.

Females that appear in the reproductive areas in the second decade of May already pregnant, bring one or two (rarely three) cubs in the second decade of June. The timing of the appearance of offspring, as well as in other species of bats in the region, is significantly affected by weather season. After the young animals acquire the skills of independent living, the disintegration of the brood colonies begins. We are not aware of examples of the formation of harem groups and mating in places where offspring are bred. Most individuals leave the territory Saratov region already at the end of August, and only a few individuals remain until the beginning of the second decade of September. The maximum known flight distance is 1440 km (Masing et al., 1999).

An assumption is made (Strelkov, Ilyin, 1990) about the possibility of wintering of some individuals near their breeding sites, however, specific data from the valley of the river. Volga this opinion has not yet been confirmed. In the central part of Saratov, on November 22, 2002, a female bicolored kozhan was found on a landing near the attic of a stone two-story building (Zavyalov et al., 2002b). Apparently, the animal hibernated alone, since a thorough examination of the place where it was found did not reveal other animals. Kozhan was active and well-fed, there were no signs of illness. The presence of reliable cases of wintering of the two-colored kozhan significantly north of Saratov - in the Penza region (Ilyin et al., 2006), in Moscow (Morozov, 1998) and near St. Petersburg (Strelkov, 2001) - allows us to assume that the winter finding of an individual of this species in the Lower Volga region is not accidental. We share the opinion of P.P. Strelkov (2001) that this species tends to form sedentary populations within urban areas. It obtains food by flying between the rare trees of city parks (Strelkov, Ilyin, 1990). It feeds mainly on Lepidoptera from the families of True moths, True moths, True leafworms, as well as mass species of Diptera from the Chironomids and Culicids families. The maximum known life span is 12 years (Schober and Grimmberger, 1998).

Vispertilio murinus

Appearance. Dimensions are larger than average, body length 54-64 mm, forearm 41-48 mm, tail 36-47 mm, ear 14-16.5, tragus 5.5-8.5 mm. The coloration on the back is sharply two-tone: on a dark (from black to brownish-red) main background, light tops of the hair stand out in contrast, creating small silvery ripples. On the underside of the body, long light hair tips mask the dark bases, so the overall color tone is light, yellowish gray or light fawn. On the throat and along the edges of the body, the coloration may be pure white. The membranes, ears and bare skin on the muzzle are brown. The ears are short, wide, thick-skinned. The wing membrane is attached to the base of the outer toe. There is a well-developed epiblema with a transverse septum. Females have two pairs of nipples, spaced a few millimeters apart. Young animals are darker and look more elegant.

Spreading. Eurasia from Eastern France and the Netherlands to the east to the coasts of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan. To the north in the European part of Russia it reaches the 63rd parallel, in the Urals and Western Siberia - up to the 60th parallel, in Eastern Siberia - to the line Minusinsk - Irkutsk - Ulan-Ude - Chita - Nerchinsk. To the east, the northern border runs along Shilka and the Amur region to the mouth of the Amur. To the south, in Europe, it goes to the line connecting Central Italy and Northern Greece, to the southern coast of the Black Sea, then to the Hindu Kush and Gilgit. To the east, the range covers Northwest China, Mongolia, Manchuria and Korea. Only three reliable finds are known on the territory of the region: in the vicinity of the city of Minusinsk (1972), the settlements of Ermakovskoye (1987) and Shushenskoye (2000) . The two-colored kozhan is noted in Khakassia and other adjacent territories: Altai Territory, Tuva, Kemerovo region.

Ecology and biology. Relatively thermophilic species of southern origin. Relates to the number bats, which prey on flying insects high above the ground. It is an excellent flyer with relatively narrow wings and high speed flight. It prefers light forests and open spaces, although it can also live in the forest. More common in forest-steppe regions and wide river valleys. Willingly inhabits cities and towns. IN summer period spends daylight hours in a variety of shelters: wooden buildings, in hollows of trees with a slit-like entrance, between the trunk and pieces of lagged bark on old trees, in a pile of stones on the top of a mountain. They settle in shelters singly, in pairs or in small colonies (10-30 adults), often with other species of bats. It flies out at dusk for evening feeding. Kozhan usually hunt among arboreal vegetation and other areas protected from the wind, but they can feed on swampy lowlands. They feed most of the night, without a noticeable break. Females usually give birth to two cubs. Young growth appears at the end of June-beginning of July. At the end of August-beginning of September, two-tone leathers disappear. According to biology, this is a species that makes long-distance seasonal migrations, but nothing is known about the flights and wintering places of the animals inhabiting the region. Not found in the region for wintering.

Information sources. 1. Kuzyakin, 1950; 2. Botvinkin, 2002; 3. Kozhurina, 2009; 4. Kashchenko, 1905; 5. Kokhanovsky, 1962; 6. Ognev, 1928; 7. Orlova et al., 1983; 8. Ochirov et al., 1975; 9. Putintsev et al., 1980; 10. Stukanova, 1974; 11. Stukanova, 1976; 12. Fetisov, 1956; 13. Fetisov et al., 1948; 14. Panyutin, 1968; 15. Kurskov, 1965; 16. Strelkov, 2001; 17. Red Book Krasnoyarsk Territory, 2004; 18. Tiunov, 1997.
Compiled by: ON THE. Zhilenko (Efanova), M.M. Senotrusova.

3.1 Least Concern :


  • Animals alphabetically
  • Species out of danger
  • smooth-nosed bats
  • Animals described in 1758
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From the Smooth-nosed family. Outwardly, this animal is not very attractive, but has interesting structure and behavioral features characteristic only for this species. That is why it is of interest to many animal lovers.


Bicolor kozhan is common in the center and west of Europe, in Asia, inhabits the territory of Ukraine. Prefers to settle in forests, in the steppes and mountains. Sometimes found in metropolitan areas. This species is protected in sanctuaries and reserves. different countries world, because the threats of its disappearance are great. This situation was caused by global changes. climatic conditions, insecticides, as well as the negative of people in relation to all types of bats.

Accurate data on the number of kozhanovs has not been recorded. They are rather fragmentary. Two tone leather summer time inhabits tree hollows, attics, spaces under eaves, rock cracks, etc. Sometimes these mice share their shelter with other bats. They are found in England and in France, Norway and central Russia, in Iran and China, in the Himalayas. In many regions, the two-tone leather is considered a vulnerable species. The Red Book, for example, was replenished with these animals a few years ago.

The species has not been sufficiently studied, but there is an assumption that the two-colored kozhan flies south for wintering. Two wintering areas of these animals were found in Perm region and caves of Bashkiria. There is information about wintering in the caves of the Sverdlovsk region.


The two-tone kozhan does not exceed six and a half centimeters in length, and its wingspan reaches thirty-three centimeters. The weight of the animal ranges from twelve to twenty-four grams. This mouse on the back has dark brown fur interspersed with red hairs. On the abdomen, it has a grayish tint.

The wings are noticeably narrowed, the ears are wide and round. Life expectancy is five to twelve years. The hands are equipped with flying membranes, which are attached at the base of the fingers. Supraocular lobes strongly developed.

Two-tone leather: behavioral features

This animal flies out to hunt half an hour after sunset, but more often with the onset of deep twilight. All night long he hunts, flying at a height of about thirty meters above the edges and clearings, along mountain gorges, among trees, over steppes and even over water. The flight is very fast, reminiscent of the flight of vespers.

Bicolor leather hunts using ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 25 kHz. When the weather is very cold or windy, the kozhan may miss hunting. In areas where kozhan is widely distributed, it regulates the population of some insects.

Since these bats are quite rare, little information has been collected from researchers. At the time of the birth of the cubs, the females form small colonies, in rare cases, large clusters, which include more than fifty individuals. Groups of males can reach two hundred and fifty animals, but more often they prefer loneliness.

Quite often kozhan migrate, flying quite long distances (about one and a half thousand kilometers). From October to March, the two-tone kozhan hibernates. These mice hibernate, as a rule, alone and tolerate temperatures down to -2.6 ° C. In my own way economic importance leathers are recognized as useful animals - they destroy many harmful insects.

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IN last years there is a decrease in the number of these animals. The reason for this is a complex of anthropogenic factors: the limitation of places for settlement in modern buildings, the modernization of old buildings, the sealing of attics, the destruction a large number individuals with the use of pesticides used for pest control and conservation of wood.

Dimensions two-tone (two-tone) leather medium. Body length 54 - 64 mm. Body weight from 8 to 20 g. Body length 54-64 mm, forearm length 41-48 mm. The condylobasal length of the skull is 13.9–16.2 ​​mm; the length of the upper row of teeth is 5.0–6.1 mm. Females usually have two pairs of nipples. The color of the fur is dark with a silvery coating. The throat is white.

Spreading. From England and France to the coast Pacific Ocean. The northern border of distribution passes through Norway, the Central regions of the RSFSR, southern Siberia, southern - through middle Italy, along the coast of the Black Sea, Iran, Kashgaria, the Himalayas, Northeast China. In the USSR, it inhabits the European part north to the Kalinin and Moscow regions, the Caucasus, the South Urals, Kazakhstan, the Central Asian republics and southern Siberia north to about the Novosibirsk-mouth line. Cupid. Within a vast range, the bicolor leather is distributed unevenly.

Biology. It is found both in forests and in open spaces; in the mountains rises up to 3000 m above sea level. m. Summer shelters are diverse: hollow trees, attics, voids behind wall sheathing and under eaves, cracks in rocks, etc.

Two-color leathers often live in common shelters with other types of bats. During pregnancy and rearing of young, females settle in colonies of up to 40-50 individuals. Males during this period are kept in small groups or singly. In June, females give birth to 2, less often 1 cub; the latter in the first 8-10 days of life are well distinguished from the naked cubs of other species by the dark color of the ears, tip of the muzzle and limbs. After the transition of the young to independent life, the brood colonies begin to disintegrate and a strict separation of the sexes is no longer observed.

The flight of the skin is fast and agile, they hunt all night, until dawn. They willingly feed among woody vegetation. Feeds on night butterflies, mosquitoes, beetles. It flies out to feed after sunset and feeds all night. Most of the population flies to the south for wintering outside of Russia. Wintering areas are not known. Wintering in the area of ​​kozhana gather in caves. Life span over 5 years.

Wintering places two-tone leather are unknown; single wintering individuals were noted in the caves of Kyrgyzstan and, according to unverified data, Southern Urals. The bulk of the animals inhabiting the European part of the USSR apparently perform long-distance seasonal migrations. Migrating animals are regularly noted in August-September in Ukraine. Two-colored kozhan, ringed in western Belarus, was caught in autumn in Romania, more than 1000 km from the place of ringing.

Special protection measures have not been developed. Together with other species of animals, it is protected in the reserves and reserves of the region.

Literature. Mammals of the fauna of the USSR. Part 1. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Moscow-Leningrad, 1963