The story of the famous 79-year-old actor Valentin Gaft and his 43-year-old son, who lives in Brazil, received a happy continuation: Vadim Nikitin came to Russia and met his father.

The first meeting between Gaft and Vadim was seen by all of Russia in the Tonight program. Close friends of the actor gathered in Andrei Malakhov's studio to support him at such an important and exciting moment.

Photo: Channel One

“He is the sweetest person. He is smart. He removed all sorts of obstacles that could be, ”Gaft said with a tremor in his voice, waiting for his son to appear in the studio. When Vadim went to the set and sat next to his father, the actor could not immediately look into his eyes.

“Father, you don’t have to feel obligated to be my father. I love you like great friend, which all the time makes itself felt in my veins, ”Vadim emphasized.

Vadim Nikitin with his son Valentin Photo: Channel One

Recall that one of his lovers, Elena Nikitina, gave birth to a son, Valentina Gaft. Valentin and Elena met at one of the creative evenings. “He was charming, mysterious, witty, funny and addicting. I was in love and I thought he was in love too. Everything was like a whirlwind ... Everything was fine ... But I quickly became pregnant. This was not in the plans of anyone, and even me. When I told him, I remember he was sitting in a chair, and suddenly I saw a completely different person. The face changed, the eyes became hard. And he left. For me it was the end, - said Nikitina. - I went against society, against everyone, gave birth to a child, they called me a loner. I have an illegitimate son. And I spit on it. I was not hired because my sister married a foreigner and went abroad. I also went to Brazil because I didn’t see any other way out.”

This actor is distinguished by the brightness and eccentricity of his talent. Before ascending the cinematic Olympus, Valentin Gaft made a brilliant theatrical career. But his biography did not develop as smoothly as we would like, it consisted of struggle, rapid ups and painful falls. If someone undertook to describe his fate, a worthy dramatic work would turn out.

Real fame and all-Union love came to the actor Valentin Gaft after the release of the film "Garage".

Childhood and youth

Valentin Gaft was born on September 2, 1935 in Moscow. He had a wealthy Jewish family that used to live in the Ukrainian city of Priluki near Poltava. Father Joseph Gaft, in the rank of military lawyer III rank Western Front went through the whole war, had injuries and a medal "For military merit". IN Peaceful time provided legal services in legal advice that worked on the Leningrad highway. Mom Gita Gaft never worked, her husband and son were in her care. A hired housekeeper looked after the household. Gita was from a large village family, and often took little Valya to her homeland. He loved to be there, it was a real entertainment, the first lessons of communication with nature and animals.

In the photo, Valentin Gaft in childhood

But this fairy tale ended in 1941. Father and cousin were drafted into the army. Valentin and his mother stayed at home in Moscow. The dampness of bomb shelters and the feeling of fear of night bombings forever ran into the boy's memory.

My father returned from the war in 1944, with numerous wounds, which he healed for a long time in hospitals. But the main thing is that he was alive. The war moved farther and farther from their home, and very soon, with the voice of Levitan, peace came into their lives.

Gradually, everything began to improve. The boy ran to the cinema with friends, listened to records, loved to play football. Valya had a very addictive nature.

At one time he decided that he wanted to be a pianist. Parents never refused their son, and this time they rushed to pick up the instrument. But while they chose him, the guy had already changed his mind.

In general, Gaft's childhood was cloudless. Parents did not particularly drive him to study, but he did not show zeal for her. The boy's mother was a big fan of the theater, and she tried to develop this love in her son. The first time Valentine was in the theater at the age of 10, and what he saw shocked the boy to the core. It seemed to him that what was happening on the stage real life, not a game. He began to attend school amateur performances, and only there he realized how difficult it was to portray reality on stage. Gaft became seriously interested in theater, and by the time he graduated from school, he already knew for sure that he would enter a theater university.

Valentin started preparing for the exams. He had a great desire to enter, but even more he was tormented by doubts about his own talent - the guy was not sure that he had it. Often in fate famous people chance intervenes, which fundamentally changes everything around. It was thanks to this occasion that the meeting between Gaft and famous artist. Valentine was very indecisive, but then he plucked up courage and asked the actor to listen to him. The maestro was surprised at the request, but agreed.

Thanks to the advice of Stolyarov, Gaft managed to be among the students of the Moscow Art Theater School the first time. Before that, he tried out for Pike, but he was defeated there - he failed the exam in the second round. Valentin informed his parents about his admission when he saw his name on the list of students of the Moscow Art Theater. He was lucky to be on the course of the famous teacher Toporkov. Gaft studied with,.

Gaft received a diploma of graduation from the university in 1957.


With a brand new diploma, the aspiring artist went to theaters in search of work. But at first they didn’t take him anywhere, and if it weren’t for the protégé of the actor Dmitry Zhuravlev, it’s not known how long these searches would have stretched. Gaft got into the troupe of the Leningrad City Council Theater, and served there for only a year. The reason was trivially simple - young artist practically did not give roles, and he decided to go where he would be more in demand, and not wait for someone to notice him someday.

This time Valentine's help came in the person of Erast Garin, who recommended that he try his luck at the Theater of Satire. But this scene did not become native for Gaft. After some time, he will nevertheless light up in this theater in the production of Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro, but for now the artist again went in search.

For several years, Gaft appeared on the stage of the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, then joined the troupe of the Goncharov Theater on Spartakovskaya.

The real creative upsurge of the artist began only in 1964, when he was taken to Lenkom. The head of the theater at that time was Anatoly Efros. It was in this theater that the understanding of the power of art and creative inspiration came. Valentin's game was appreciated by critics and spectators, he is constantly awarded with thunderous applause. Gaft served in this theater for five years.

In 1969, the artist received an invitation from, and joined the Sovremennik troupe. It was on this stage that the feeling of a native home appeared, to which he returned after long separation. In this theater, Gaft was involved in numerous productions, which made him famous and recognizable. The director of Sovremennik managed to convey the talent of the artist to the viewer, and their fruitful cooperation has been going on for long years. Gaft has remained faithful to this theater to this day.

For such a long theatrical career, Valentin Gaft received many awards and honorary awards.


Gaft's career in cinema did not differ in swiftness. Fame and popularity came only years later. His first roles were minor, episodic. The first appearance on the screens happened in 1956, when Valentine flashed in one of the episodes of the film "Murder on Dante Street". His appearance was not associated with a positive image Soviet man, perhaps that is why in his early work were exclusively villains and villains.

Valentin Gaft in the film "Garage"

Changes began only with the advent of the 70s. Appear in his filmography interesting work, With prominent roles. In 1974, he got a role in the film "Night of April 14", in 1975 he was involved in the television play "From Lopatin's Notes".

Deafening fame covered the artist literally after the first pictures of the director. Their collaboration began in 1979 and was very fruitful. Gaft was Ryazanov's favorite, the director invited him to almost all of his projects. Moreover, after the release of the pictures on the screens, success accompanied not only Gaft, but also all the actors involved in the project.

1979 became finest hour in the career of Valentin Gaft. It was this year that the audience saw and appreciated the painting "Garage" by Eldar Ryazanov. Gaft reincarnated as Sidorkin, the chairman of the cooperative, his expressions quickly spread to the people, and became winged. In 1980, the audience saw another film with the participation of Gaft - "Say a word about the poor hussar." Valentin became Colonel Pokrovsky, the director of the picture was Ryazanov.

In 1987, Gaft starred in the image of Odinkov in the film Forgotten Melody for the Flute. In the 90s, the actor did not remain without work. At this time, he continues to receive offers, and he starred in "Promised Heaven", then in "Old Horses".

Valentin Gaft collaborated not only with Eldar Ryazanov. Director Titov invited the artist to the comedy "Hello, I'm your aunt!". Then there was the picture "Wizards", where Valentin got the role of Sataneev.

In the New Year's film called "Orphan of Kazan" Gaft became one of the so-called dads of the girl Nastya, a famous magician. The director of this tape was. Then the artist received an invitation from Pyotr Todorovsky and starred in his film "Anchor, more anchor!", In which he tried on the role of Colonel Vinogradov.

In the new century, projects involving Valentin Gaft have diminished. He is invited to shoot television films and serials. In 2005, he appeared in the film The Master and Margarita, directed by Bortko, where he became a Jewish priest Joseph Kaifu. Before that, the actor's filmography already had work with that name, but then Gaft got the role of Woland, and Yuri Kara was the director of the project.

Then Valentin Gaft got roles in the films "Burnt by the Sun 2: Anticipation", "Yolki 3", "Leningrad".

Later it turned out that Gaft not only has acting talent, but also has an excellent command of the epistolary genre. He became the author of sharp satirical epigrams, which he dedicates to his fellow artists.

The first book of his own poems came out in the late 80s, and since then five editions have already been published. His last work was called "Red Lights", and was released in 2008.

Personal life

In the life of the actor there were three official marriages. The first time he married the actress and fashion model Alena Izorgina. The young people did not have their own housing, and they huddled in the apartment of Alyona's mother. It was a cramped room in a gloomy apartment on the ground floor. The girl was a great lover of all living things, so Gaft had to share space with cats, dogs, pigeons, all those whom her wife dragged into the house. The wife often toured, Gaft disappeared in his theater, they had romances on the side. They lived until Alena said that she fell in love with another person. The spouses parted peacefully, without quarrels and showdowns.

The second time Valentin married the ballerina Inna Eliseeva. She was beautiful and fairly well-to-do, besides, she had a dad - a laureate of the Stalin Prize. Inna was used to not denying herself anything, dad constantly supplied his beloved daughter with money. She had her own Zhiguli car, in which she rode around the capital. The father-in-law was categorically opposed to Gaft, and even when their daughter was born in 1980, this did not change anything. He constantly terrorized Valentine, considered him mediocrity and a slacker who was unable to support his family. Soon Gaft could not stand it, and filed for divorce.

Valentin did not abandon his daughter, and tried not to lose contact with her. But in 2002, the girl suddenly voluntarily passed away, leaving a suicide note in which her own mother was the culprit of her act.

Changes in the artist's personal life began only after meeting with, who became his third wife. Their first meeting took place back in the 70s, on film set"Garage", but then they were both not free. Many years later, Gaft found out that Ostroumova was now alone, and made an attempt to meet her. The romance between them began immediately, but officially they became husband and wife in 1996.

There are no common children in this marriage, Olga has a son Misha from her first marriage, whom Gaft replaced own father. It was Olga who insisted that Valentine be baptized in Orthodox Church and converted to Christianity. Now the actor considers himself a truly happy person.

Valentin Gaft now

Despite his advanced age, Gaft continues to appear on the stage of the theater and participate in the filming of interesting projects. In 2016, he appeared in a minor role in the film The Milky Way.

Then there was work in a short film called "The Fourth", where he played the main character. In the same 2016, Gaft was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, which was presented to him by Russian President Putin.

Valentin Gaft has hard political beliefs, he fully agrees with the policy of the incumbent president and supports him in everything. In 2015, an epigram was published that criticized the authorities, and Gaft was attributed the authorship. But the actor managed to refute these rumors, and again speak out about the full support of the authorities.

In 2017, preparations for the creative evening of Gaft began in the city of Yekaterinburg. But it had to be canceled because the actor felt unwell and could not come for health reasons. Poor health could be caused by overstrain in the theater, because at that time there were rehearsals for the production of "As long as there is space", in which the actor had to embody the image of the central character on stage.

In 2016, another famous event took place - the twentieth anniversary of the marriage with his beloved wife Olga.

In 2002, a terrible tragedy occurred in the family of Valentin Gaft - his 29-year-old daughter Olga committed suicide. This was a shock for the wonderful artist and for his fans. And until now, remembering that terrible grief, everyone says: Olga was his only child. But "Only the Stars" found out: Gaft also has a son! Valentin Iosifovich never told anyone about his existence.

There is no information that Valentin Gaft has a son in any of his official biography. And this is not surprising: Valentin Iosifovich hid his existence from the very beginning. After all, it was at stake family well-being actor.

“It was a short-lived romance,” one actress told us, who asked not to be named. - Valya did not count on any serious relationship. It just so happened - the girl became pregnant. Gaft walked gloomier than a cloud, not knowing what to do. And most of all he was afraid that his wife would find out about the betrayal and the unborn child.

At this time, Gaft was married to the beautiful ballerina Inna Eliseeva. He loved her madly. In addition, their daughter Olenka was just born, in which the actor did not cherish the soul. However, becoming a married lady, Inna has changed a lot. She had to leave the ballet in order to raise a child. She was very worried that her career was collapsing, she was very quick-tempered and jealous. The couple often quarreled, and during such periods, and this is not surprising, the actor sought understanding from other women.

“Apparently, someone explained to the girl that she had nothing to count on,” the witness of those ancient events continues. “Besides, she turned out to be one of the proud ones. In general, I preferred to just step aside. They say that she gave birth to a boy. What happened to her and her child - I do not know anything about it.
Recall build happy family with Inna Eliseeva, Gaft, no matter how hard he tried, did not succeed. In the mid-80s, they officially broke up. For a long time the actor remained single. And only in the mid-90s he married actress Olga Ostroumova. According to him, he liked her from the moment they joint work in the legendary comedy Garage. But then they didn't get closer. And only a few years later, having met on corporate party in a cafe on the occasion of March 8, they realized that they had found each other. By that time, Olga Ostroumova was divorced from ex-husband directed by Mikhail Levitin. Having married Ostroumova, Gaft became the father of her two children from Levitin - Olga and Misha.
Olga Levitina is also an actress, she works at the Hermitage Theater, which is directed by her father. My meeting with her in an unexpected way shed light on how fate turned out illegitimate son Gaft.

“When my parents divorced, I was fifteen years old, and Misha, my brother, was only eight,” says Olga. - I studied in America and found out about the divorce only a year later, when I returned. She took it easy. But my brother was very worried and even went to live with his father for a while, but then returned ... In general, my dad and I always talked, we were not forbidden to do this. Mom never spoke badly about him, and I don’t remember them yelling at each other or publicly sorting things out, as is now customary. This is because both of them are intelligent people. But for mom, of course, it was a tragedy. You know, before that she had always been very cheerful, cheerful, always laughing ... And after the divorce, she was silent for several years and walked gloomy, gloomy. Even when she had already met with Valentin Gaft, she did not immediately thaw.

According to Olga, after the divorce of her mother and father, their family was in dire need of money.

“Valentin Iosifovich helped us a lot then,” Olga admits. “And even now I don’t know how we would have got out without his help.

Olga's personal life did not work out. She alone raises her four-year-old son Zakhar, who, by the way, is strikingly similar to her grandmother, Olga Ostroumova.

“To be honest, I don’t have enough money. Therefore, you have to rent your apartment and live with your son in the parents' dacha. Yes, and my brother Misha got married early, he has a three-year-old daughter, Polinka. Soon mom will be lucky to have a rest Zakhar and Polina in Bulgaria. Thanks to Valentin Iosifovich, he also gave money for this trip.

He is a human soul! Although he has someone else to take care of. He also helps his son financially.

- Son? I feigned surprise.

“Yes, to my son,” Olga confirmed. “He’s already grown up, about my age or a little older.

“Tell me more about it,” I asked.

- Valentin Iosifovich does not like to talk about personal things. And, to be honest, I had little contact with him before - from the age of 15 I went to live with a friend. And only now, when it was hard, she returned to her parents' house.

- But with the daughter of Valentin Iosifovich, the late Olya, we sometimes even met. She was a wonderful, versatile person, very talented,” says Levitina. - But I can’t talk much about this topic, this is a closed topic in our family. The death of his daughter unsettled Valentin Iosifovich for several years, he was depressed, and we all, of course, did our best to help him survive this tragedy. And now we try not to remind once again about it.

Gaft really experienced the death of his daughter very hard. His ex-wife Inna, who never had an angelic disposition, with age, increasingly began to take out her anger on her daughter. They say she envied her beauty and youth. Humiliation alternated with beatings. The poor girl could not stand it and in September 2002 she committed suicide by writing to suicide note that her unbearable relationship with her mother pushed her to die. The girl hanged herself.

- Everything that happened is very unfair to my smart and beautiful girl. I don’t even want to understand all this, ”Gaft said in an interview shortly after the incident. - I'm sure it's all my fault. ex-wife. We often met with Olenka, and she complained to me that her mother did not give her peace. Here it is. I left at one time and never went back to that house. I only regret why I left my daughter Inna.
Gaft blamed himself for this tragedy, was worried that he was cowardly, did not intervene and did not help his daughter. And it was after the death of Olya that he realized that he simply had to find his illegitimate son. He was able to find out: ex-lover emigrated a long time ago South America. The son had already grown up by that time, now he lives in Brazil with his family. When his father appeared in his life, he did not ask him where he had been all these years, but simply gratefully accepted the attention and material assistance.

According to Olga Levitina, now their family is a complete idyll. And if Valentin Iosifovich is a material support, then her mother, Olga Ostroumova, carries everything household. The acting profession did not pamper her, and she knows how to do absolutely everything with her own hands: weed the garden, repair furniture, screw in light bulbs, repair a steam boiler, treat children.

- Both mom and Valentin Iosifovich are amazing, kind people! Olga says with admiration. - I beg you, write that my brother and I are grateful to them for everything.

Valentin Iosifovich Gaft is one of the oldest Russian and Soviet actors . He is known to a wide circle of ordinary viewers, first of all, for his film roles. Many films with his participation have become classics of Russian cinema and are cited by heart by viewers of the older generation.

Gaft was born on September 2, 1935 in a Moscow Jewish family. The parents of the future actor came to the capital from Ukrainian town of Priluki, Poltava region. The head of the family, Iosif Ruvimovich - a front-line soldier, has military awards. After the war he worked as a lawyer. Mom was a housewife and was engaged in raising her son.

Valentin's childhood passed on Matrosskaya Tishina Street. According to the memoirs of the artist, not far from their house was the famous prison, as well as a psychiatric hospital, a market and a student hostel. Valentin Iosifovich, who has an extraordinary and subtle sense of humor, described this place as "The whole world in miniature."

As a fourth-grader, he first got into the theater for the play "Special Assignment", after which he firmly decided to become an artist. The boy actively began to participate in school amateur performances. At that time, boys and girls studied separately, in different schools. Valya had to play female roles, because. only boys attended the school.

Having received a certificate, the young man took the documents to two theater university at the same time - the School-Studio at the Moscow Art Theater and the Shchukin School. Literally before the entrance exams, Gaft saw an actor popular at that time on the street Sergei Stolyarov.

Gathering up courage, the young man approached the celebrity asking for an audition. Sergei Dmitrievich was surprised, but nevertheless listened to Gaft, giving him some professional advice.

Valentin managed to do the first time. True, at the Shchukin School he reached only the second round, and went to the Studio School with brilliance. Parents learned about the admission as a fait accompli, because. Gaft did not say anything to anyone in advance.

On the course with V.O. Toporkova, together with Valentin Iosifovich, studied a whole galaxy of future outstanding masters of Soviet cinema: O.P. Tabakov, M.M. Kozakov, I.V. Kvasha.

After graduating from the institute in 1957, the young actor did not immediately find "his" theater. Debuted in the theater Moscow City Council, but a year later he moved to the Theater of Satire, then to the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. The actor received his first serious roles in Lenkom.

However real home he found only in 1969, when he came to "Contemporary" to Oleg Efremov. Here, Gaft played several dozen bright roles: Firs in The Cherry Orchard, the Governor in The Government Inspector, Gusev in Valentin and Valentine, and many others.

For several decades, Valentin Iosifovich was one of the leading actors of Sovremennik, but in last years does not perform for health reasons.

The first film work of V.I. Gaft had a cameo role in "Murder on Dante Street" in 1956. However, fame came to the actor only in the seventies. Probably, there is no such person in our country who would not remember his Brasset from "Hello I'm your aunt!" or the chairman of the cooperative from Garage.

Bright characteristic appearance Gafta contributed to the fact that he mainly played the role of insidious villains (Sataneev from "Magicians").

Actor's personal life

Gaft was married three times. The first wife of the actor was a certain Elena Izorgina, mannequin. However, this marriage broke up very quickly.

WITH dancer Inna Eliseeva, second wife, Valentin Iosifovich met already being a well-known actor throughout the country. Inna was the daughter of a high-ranking party official and was used to getting everything she wanted at the first whim. When the couple had a daughter, Olga, Eliseeva had to leave the ballet.

The character of the woman completely deteriorated, she became irritable, unrestrained and jealous, often made scandals. In the mid-eighties, Gaft could not stand it and left the family.

However, the actor did not stop communicating with his daughter. Olya followed in the footsteps of her mother, becoming a professional ballerina. The girl danced in the Kremlin ballet troupe, and then entered GITIS, deciding to become a choreographer.

Olga often complained to her father about the unbearable life with her mother, who often found fault with trifles, reproached and humiliated her daughter. In 2002, after another domestic quarrel, twenty-nine-year-old Olga suffered a nervous breakdown, and she committed suicide.

For Gaft, the death of his beloved daughter became the strongest shock from which he could not recover for several years. The actor, by his own admission, was revived to a new life by his third wife, a popular actress Olga Ostroumova. The couple met on the set of "Garage" in the late seventies. However, at that time Olga was married.

The relationship between the two creative natures did not go beyond collegial, although Valentine immediately liked the beautiful and sophisticated woman. The next time they met was a few years later.

By that time, Ostroumova had already been divorced, and Gaft began courting her. A few years later they got married. Valentin Iosifovich became a father to two children Olga Mikhailovna from her first marriage, having raised them as relatives. The actors are still together and happily married.

Actor, 49

In the late 80s, Porechenkov studied at the Higher Military-Political School in Tallinn, where he met a girl, Irina Lyubimtseva. From their short relationship in 1989, the son Vladimir was born. Mikhail did not suspect the birth of his son and found out about Volodya when he was nineteen. Irina Lyubimtseva had been dead for many years at that time.

Learning about death ex girlfriend and about the existence of a son, Porechenkov invited Vladimir to Moscow. The wife and children of the actor accepted Volodya as their own. Now at Porechenkov great relationship with Vladimir, they act in films together (the TV series "Polar 17"), go out. The young man plans to move from Tallinn to Russia with his wife and daughter.

Sergey Bezrukov

Actor, 45 years old


In 2016, the actor's second wife, director Anna Matison, gave birth to a daughter, Masha. And three years before that, it became known that Sergei had two illegitimate children - daughter Alexander and son Ivan - from St. Petersburg actress Kristina Smirnova. The actor confirmed these rumors at the end of 2016 and stated that he was taking care of the heirs: “Yes, I have children. I will never leave my children - they are all mine. But to talk, to spread about personal things, means to harm children.

Alexander Serov

Musician, 64

Not always the relationship of famous fathers and their illegitimate children develops successfully. In September 2016, an adult illegitimate daughter Alexandra Serova came to the show "We Speak and Show" on NTV. Christine Tiler demanded 100 million rubles from her father.

Information about the musician's illegitimate child appeared several years ago. In 2011, the media wrote about Nadezhda Tiler, who stated that she was raising her daughter from random connection with Serov. The artist refused to recognize the child, but the fact of his paternity was proved with the help of a genetic examination.

The singer paid alimony to Christine until her 18th birthday, but at the same time categorically refused to recognize the girl as his heiress. Serov says that he has one daughter, Michelle, born in marriage to gymnast Elena Stebeneva. However, the unrecognized daughter of Serov did not leave an attempt to prove that she had the right to the singer's inheritance. So far, this story has not come to an end.

Denis Klyaver

Musician, 43

In 2005, the singer Eva Polna gave birth to a daughter, Evelyn. The artist hid the father of the child for a long time, but five years later, Denis Klyaver, a member of the Tea for Two duet, admitted that this was his daughter. The details of the novel by Eva and Denis are still unknown.

Klyaver also has two sons - 15-year-old Timofey, born in marriage to dancer Elena Shestakova, and three-year-old Daniel from his third wife Irina Klyaver.

Andrey Konchalovsky

Director, 81 years old

64-year-old actress Irina Brazgovka is the mother of two daughters, the eldest of whom she gave birth to director Andrei Konchalovsky. Daria was born in 1981 with a diagnosis of hepatitis, and for a long time the actress did not dare to tell Konchalovsky about her existence, and did not reveal her father's name to her relatives.

Irina Brazgovka with her daughters Daria (above) and Alexandra

At the age of 16, the girl herself persuaded her mother to tell her about her father, and screenwriter Viktor Kirnarsky, a friend of Irina Brazgovka, who knew her story, told Konchalovsky about his daughter. He told the director that Irina and Dasha were in poverty, and Konchalovsky decided to get to know his daughter and help her, but a close relationship did not work out. Today Dasha is the mother of four kids from different men.

Alexander Semchev

Actor, 49

In 2014, Semchev divorced his third wife Lyudmila, a costume designer who gave birth to a son, Fyodor, from the actor. Alexander also has an eldest son, Kirill, from a teacher, Yulia Panova, from Vyshny Volochok, Semchev's hometown. These are the children of the actor, which was known until April 2014. That spring, the release of the show “Let them talk” was released on TV, where a young man named Pavel Mozhinov from the Bryansk region appeared.

Semchev met Pavel's mother at a dance, and soon the girl Tatyana was in a position. According to Tatyana, Semchev offered her to terminate the pregnancy, but she refused. The artist saw his first child only once - behind the scenes of the performance, to which Mozhinova brought the boy.

" Let them talk"

Pavel made a second attempt to communicate with his father on his own, having arrived at the television studio. But Semchev refused to communicate with the young man and left the air.

Evgeny Stychkin

Actor, 44

In his youth, Stychkin had a brief affair with a girl named Julia, who gave birth to a daughter, Sonya, in 1995. Stychkin acknowledges paternity, but does not comment on the relationship with either his daughter or her mother. After the actor was married to pianist Ekaterina Skanavi, who gave birth to two sons and a daughter from Stychkin. Married to actress Olga Sutulova, whom Stychkin has been married to since 2009, there are no children.

Valentin Gaft

Actor, 83 years old

The daughter of the actor Olga Eliseeva, born in wedlock, was a ballerina and danced in the Kremlin Ballet - she took over her passion for the profession from her mother Inna, also a former ballerina. But dancing is the only thing that connected women. In September 2009, Olga hanged herself, unable to withstand the tyranny of a despotic mother. It was because of the imperious nature of the woman that Gaft once broke up with her. For a long time, the artist’s entourage was sure that the late Olga was only child Gaft, but in 2014 the actor admitted that he has an adult son, Vadim, who lives in Brazil with his mother, artist Elena Nikitina. The woman became pregnant from Gaft at the age of 32, the actor was then 36 years old, he was not yet famous. Upon learning of Elena's position, the artist broke up with her, but after 43 years he wanted to meet his already adult child. The meeting took place in September 2014 in the studio of the show "Tonight" with Andrei Malakhov. Elena Nikitina herself appeared on the air, who spoke about a short relationship with the actor, and about his negative reaction to pregnancy. According to her, at that time Gaft liked to fall in love with women, but fatherhood was not part of his plans. However, Elena did not hold a grudge. Having met with the mother of his son and with Vadim himself, Gaft asked for forgiveness from both and recognized his child, who had already become a father himself and was raising his son. By the way, Vadim also became an actor and plays in the Sao Paulo theater.

Vladimir Kuzmin

Musician, 63

Eldest daughter musician Vladimir Kuzmin and poetess Tatyana Artemyeva died at the hands of her man, who stabbed the girl during a quarrel. Seven years after the tragedy, the second child of the couple also died - son Stepan fell off the 18th floor, trying to escape from the fire in the apartment through the balcony. The youngest daughter of Kuzmin and Artemyeva is 33-year-old Sonya.

As it turned out a few years ago, Sonya has a younger sister. In 2013, it became known about a girl named Nicole, who in 1987 was born by a mulatto Tatyana Muingo from Rostov-on-Don. The woman was a big fan of Kuzmin and spent the night with him when the musician came on tour to her city.