One word "desert" causes appropriate associations. This is a space that is almost completely devoid of flora, has a very specific fauna, and is also in the zone very strong winds and monsoon. The desert zone is about 20% of the entire sushi of our planet. And among them allocate not only sandy, but also snow, tropical and many others. Well, get acquainted with this natural landscape more closely.

What is a desert

This term corresponds to the plain area, the type that is homogeneous. Flora is almost completely absent here, and the fauna has a very specific characteristic. The embossed area of \u200b\u200bthe desert is extensive territories, most of which are in tropical and subtropical belts, the desert landscape also takes the small part of South America and most of Australia. Among its features, except for plans and flatbed, also name the artery of dry rivers, or closed tanks, where lakes could have previously been. Also, the desert zone is a place where extremely few precipitation falls. On average, it is up to 200 mm per year, and in particularly arid and hot areas - up to 50 mm. The desert regions are found, where precipitation does not fall out within a decade.

Animals and plants

The desert is characterized by completely sparse vegetation. Sometimes distances that run between shrubs reach kilometers long. The main representatives of the flora in such a natural belt are spiny plants, only a few of which have the usual green foliage. Animals that live on such lands are the simplest mammals or by chance of reptiles and reptiles. If we are talking about the ice desert, then exclusively animals live here that are well tolerated low temperatures.

Climatic indicators

To begin with, we note that geological structure The desert zone is no different, say, from flat terrain in Europe or in Russia. And so severe weather conditions that are traced here are formed because of the trade winds - winds that are peculiar tropical labels. They are literally over the terrain, not giving them the opportunity to irrigate the earth with precipitation. So, in the climatic understanding of the desert zone is a region with very sharp drops of temperatures. In the afternoon, due to the scorching sun, there may be as many as 50 degrees Celsius, and at night the thermometer drops to the mark +5. In the deserts that lie in more northern belts (moderate and arctic) daily fluctuations of temperatures have the same indicator - 30-40 degrees. However, then the air heats up to zero in the afternoon, and at night cool down to -50.

Semi-desert zone and deserts: differences and similarities

In moderate and subtropical latitudes, any desert is always surrounded by a semi-desert. This is a natural zone in which there are no forests, high trees and coniferous plants. Everything that exists here is a flat terrain or a plateau, which are eliminated by herbs and shrubs, unpretentious to weather conditions. Characteristic feature The semi-desert is not aridness, but, in contrast to the desert, increased evaporation. The amount of precipitation that falls on such a belt is enough for a full-fledged existence of any animals here. In the eastern hemisphere, semi-desert is often called the steppes. These are extensive plain areas where you can often find very beautiful plants And see stunning landscapes. On the western continents, this territory is referred to as Savannaya. Her climatic features Somewhat different from the steppe, strong winds always blow here, and there are much more plants.

The most famous hot deserts of the earth

The tropical desert zone literally divides our planet into two parts - North and South. Most of them are on the eastern hemisphere, and quite a bit in the West. Now we will look at the most famous and beautiful similar zones of the Earth. Sugar - the greatest desert Planets, which occupies all North Africa and many land of the Middle East. It is divided into a lot of "sub-sections", among whom White uses popularity. It is located in Egypt and is famous for its white sands and extensive limestone deposits. Along with her there is black in this country. Here the sands are mixed with a chart of characteristic. Red widest sandy spaces - Australia's fleet. Among them, respect deserves a landscape called Simpson, where you can find the highest dunes on the continent.

Arctic desert

Natural zone, which is located on the northern latitudes of our planet, is referred to arctic desertth. It includes all the islands that are located in the North-Arctic Ocean, the extreme coast of Greenland, Russia and Alaska. Throughout the year, a large half of this natural zone is covered with glaciers, because there are practically no plants here. Only on the territory that falls on the surface in the summer, lichens, mosses grow. On the islands you can meet the excavation algae. Among the animals there are the following individuals: Arctic wolf, deer, sands, white bears - the kings of this region. Water ocean, we see the lastonous mammals - seals, walruses, marine Cotes. The most common birds here, which, perhaps, are in the Arctic Desert the only source of noise.

Climate Arctic

The icy zone of the desert is a place where the polar night passes and which are comparable to the concepts of winter and summer. Cold season here lasts about 100 days, and it happens more. The air temperature does not rise above 20 degrees, and in particularly severe times it can be -60. Summer the sky is always tightened with clouds, it's raining With snow and constant evaporation occurs, due to which the humidity of the air increases. The temperature in summer days is about 0. As in the sandy deserts, winds constantly blow in the Arctic, which form storms and terrible blizzards.


On our planet there are still a number of deserts that differ from sandy and snowy. These are salt expanses, Akatama on the territory of Chile, where a bunch of colors are growing in a dry climate. The deserts can be found in the USA, where they echo with red canyons, forming unrealistic beautiful landscapes.

The "Desert" report for children on the subject of the world will help prepare for the lesson.

Message on the topic "Desert"

The desert is a natural zone characterized by a flat surface, affection or absence of flora and a specific fauna.
Most often in the deserts, the annual precipitation amount is less than 200 mm, in the extra-warfare areas less than 50 mm, and there are no decades in some sediments.

Desert can be found on all continents, excluding Europe only. They extend along the moderate belt of the northern hemisphere and on subtropics and tropics of both hemispheres.

The biggest deserts - This is sugar, Victoria, Karakuma, Atakama, Naska, and Gobi Desert.

The deserts are usually five types:

  • sandy (vegetation occurs very rarely, mostly spiny shrubs, with roots that go deep into the ground, it is necessary to supply water)
  • clay,
  • solonchakoy,
  • Stony,
  • snow deserts (There are for polar circles and inhabited by animals that are resistant to cold).

The type of climate in the deserts is usually hot and arid. In this natural zone, daytime temperatures can rise to + 50 ° C, at night - to drop to 0 ° C. In the northern regions, the thermometer column can be lowered up to minus 40 ° C. For these reasons, the climate of the desert is considered to be continental.

Life in deserts focuses mainly near oasis - places with thick vegetation and reservoirs, as well as in the valleys of rivers.

Vegetable world of desert

The pest plant feature is that they should evaporate moisture as little as possible and produce water at great depth or have their own supply of water. Plants have small tough leaves either instead of leaves - spines. The roots penetrate deep into the ground. Plants in the desert do not form solid cover. They are singles, often grow small groups among sands or crawling clay.

Trees trunks are most often twisted. The most common desert plant - saksaul bushes. They grow in groups, forming small groves. Instead of foliage, their branches are covered with small scales.
How does this shrub survive in such arid soils? Nature provided them with mighty roots, leaving to the ground to a depth of 15 meters.

And the plating the desert - camelthorn plant Its roots can get moisture from the depth of up to 30 meters. Spines or very small leaves of the desert plants allow them to be very economical to spend moisture when evaporated.
Among the diverse cactusgrowing in the desert occurs echinocactus Carrodi. The juice of this one-year-old plant perfectly quenches thirst.

In the South African desert there is a very amazing flower - fengestrairia. Only a few of its leaves are visible on the surface of the earth, but its roots are similar to a tiny laboratory. In it and developing nutrientsThanks to which this plant even blooms underground.
It is only possible to surprise the adaptability of plants to the extreme conditions of the desert.

In the daily heat of the desert seems uninhabited. Only occasionally there are a lizard or some bug. But with the onset of the night, the desert comes to life. Animals crawl out of their shelters to replenish food reserves.

How do animals save from the heat? Some fell into the sand. Already at a depth of 30 cm, the temperature is 40 ° C is lower than on Earth. Kangury jumpermay not get out of his underground shelter for several days. In his minks there are stocks of grains that absorb moisture from the air. They are even quenching his hunger and thirst.

Shakalov and Koyotov From the heat saves frequent breathing And the narrowed tongue.

African Lisers, Hares, Jersey Surplus heat emit large ears.

Long legs of ostriches and camels Help to save hot sand.
And the camel is greater than others adapted to life in the desert. Thanks to the broad, corn feet, it can walk along the hot sand. Its thick and dense wool prevents the evaporation of moisture. Fat accumulated in humps, if necessary, processed into water. Although without water, it may well live more than two weeks.
Deserted insects "thought" reflect the scorching sunny rays with the surface of their body.
Some animals ( turtles, Tuccans, Toads, Frogs) May all hot summer spend in hibernation.
In the summer, so as not to burn desert snakes crawl on the sand sideways, and lizards run so quickly that their paws do not have time to warm up.
To find food in the desert, animals must move quickly, have a good rumor and vision, as well as be able to disguise.
Desert snakes, draw up their prey, fully buried in the sand, outwardly looks out for their head with closely located ears and eyes.

Desert Report You can write using this information.

Natural zones

Tropical deserts

In the northern and southern hemispheres about 15 and 30 latoms is located tropical desert area. Some deserts are located inside the continents, while others stretch along western coasts continents. These are very hot and dry areas. globe With a scanty vegetable and animal world. There are no permanent rivers here, and the huge areas occupy only the fluttered sands, the races of the stones and the clay surfaces flourished from the heat

. Although many believe that all the deserts consist of sand, in fact it is not.

On Earth, the stony deserts, or hams, are usually located on the plateau or in the mountains.

Tropical deserts are in the field of high atmospheric pressurewhere descending air flows are dominated. The fascinated air contains an insignificant amount of water vapor, and throughout the year its absolute and relative humidity is close to zero. The sediments in the desert areas are rarely falling, usually in the form of short rains,

but in some places, for several years there is no rain. Annual amount of precipitation 50-200 mm.

The air desert is so hot and dry that the rain is often evaporated, without having reached the earth,

but moisture, which still falls on the surface, instantly disappears. After an abundant rain, groundwater level rises, with soil capillaries, groundwater tightened to the surface and evaporate, and the salts dissolved in them accumulate in the near-surface soil layer, catching it.

Since the desert air contains very little moisture, it almost does not protect solar radiation. The value of total solar radiation on average is 200-220 kcal / cm2 per year, it is more than in equatorial beltwhere the cloudiness is great.

In the afternoon over the desert, the sun shines brightly and there is a sewage heat (in sugar, for example, about 50 ° C). At night, the earth surface quickly cools and the temperature can fall to 5 ° C. Thus, the daily amplitude of temperatures in tropical deserts approaches 40 ° C.

IN deserts constantly blow strong (80-100 km / h) winds, they capture loose material and transfer it over long distances, causing sandy and dust storms. Sugar desert dust, for example, was found more than 3,000 km from its place of education, in the north-west of Europe. And the dust from the Australian deserts was found on the coast of the island of New Zealand, distant from them by 2400 km.

Primitive soils of tropical deserts are very poor in humus, and servers are formed in relatively wet areas. Soil cover in tropical deserts is usually absent. Extensive spaces are covered with sands or growth

rashes rubble and pebbles, on the surface of which

there is a characteristic shiny dark peel, so

called desert tan protecting mountain

breeds from rapid weathered and destruction.

In the sandy deserts are formed eoliac forms

relief: dunes, vecan and others. Not fixed

tens of meters moving

in year. However, most of the sands are fixed:

Date palm

it is held by the long roots of shrubs

and herbs adapted to the conditions of permanent

moisture deficit.

irrigated agriculture and gardening, cultivation

Only plants can grow in the deserts,

cotton, wheat, barley, sugar cane,

capable of developing in extreme conditions

oliva et al. In the Arabian and North African Pous

dry and high temperatures. There are many xerophytes here

palm palm trees are growing - beautiful, building

ephemers and ephemeraids that do not form closer

a tree height up to 30 m. Its nutritious fruits

werctic cover, unusual shrubs and

date eaten raw, boil, fry and knit. In food

pilot-box type semi-stares. In sandy

top kidneys, floral shoots

the deserts of Asia are commonly dismissed

palm - palm cabbage, as well as milder

nicky (White Saksaul, Sand Acacia), in America and

core of young palm trees.

Africa is ordinary succulents (cacti, agaves, aloe and

Over the past decades, the desert area is uve-

dr.). A variety of wormwood and saltwrites are characteristic.

it fell out - this is the result of active impact

for clay deserts. Hamada, at first glance

man on a fragile natural environment. Sugar hedgehog

devoid of vegetation, also have vegetation

100 thousand hectares paste and pastures, attack

lickens - lichens.

ma moves at a speed of 2.5 km per year, Tar - 1 km

Where the groundwater is suitable close to

in year. For many northern and eastern peoples

hosts are oases. The largest is

Africa, South Asia and tropical america is

they are in river valleys. Here develops

real threat.

Clay deserts are found on all continents.

Stony deserts Hamada (translated from Arabic -

In a dry time, their surface cracks on

"Basic") are common on earth very

polygons, and after rain falling swells

wide. For example, in the greatest desert of the world

and it becomes almost waterproof.

Sugar Sands occupy only 20% of the area, clay

In Central Asia, clay deserts are called

desert - 10% of the surface, and about 70% have to

trackers, in Gobi - Tyurima.

on sandy-pebble deserts and gamada.

Hot and extremely dry climate of tropical deserts extremal for living organisms. However, animals living in these places managed to adapt to such conditions. They can not drink for a long time and overcome huge distances in search of water. In the very hot season For years in tropical deserts, many invertebrates fall into anabiosis, and reptiles and rodents are in a hibernation. Some animals are spent almost all their lives under the ground, and the hoofs and most bird species on summer period Migrate from hot regions. Many desert animals lead a nightlife. They crawl out of their holes only for a short period of time between the night cold and burning daily heat, and some animals in the daytime are hiding in the shade of shrubs or climb on high branches, away

from the hot land.

In tropical deserts, tushkanchiki, shoulders, choppers, hyenas, cheetahs, desert cats, miniature chanterelles are common; hoofs are represented by antilopes, doses, mountain rams; Birds - onbills, larks. In the deserts a lot of reptiles (Gecko, lizards, snakes), spider and insects (black-powder beetles, phalanxes, scorpions).

When rare rains fall out, the desert comes to life: the bulbs and plant seeds are wakewicked, grass green, and after the plants, animals are selected on the surface.

Feneke is a small reddish or golden fox - meets in the deserts of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Fenek received his name from the Arab "Fanak" - a fox, and the Latin name "Zerda" comes from Greek Xeros - dry, pointing to its place of habitat. Fenca body length is about 40 cm, and the weight is 1-1.5 kg. Fenca has the largest ears (15 cm) among the predatory animals. On the grilled sand, the chanterelle is easily moved on the flooded feet, and in the strongest heat can break into the sand. Teeth at Fenca are small, so he does not hunt

One-door camel Drromedar


Fencets - desert chanterelles

or a few females and their offspring. In winter, one cub is born in winter, during the first year of life he is very quickly gaining weight. One-door camels live 40-50 years.

W. typical desert birds -ryabkov long

and sharp wings adapted to the rapid flight. They feed on the seeds of herbs and shrubs, and coming on the water, wet the bass feathers having a special structure. In the goiter and wet feathers of Ryabki carry water chicks.

The nest of the Ryabki is arranged on Earth, parents take turns of 3 pending eggs.

prey, but feeds on rodents, rabbits,

Broobrukhiy Ryabok

gerbils, lizards, insects, eggs,

eating roots and fruits of plants. Fenca live a group

pami and daytime occupy one hole, they

talking - bark and purr. Twice a year

phenets are born puppies that are about 12

months live with parents.

One-door camel (driedard) for

livost and reliability are often called "Costroot

desert. Previously, Drromedar died only in the dross

In the deserts there are often tuccans:

damage areas of the Middle East, northern India

in Sakhar - sandy, and in Central Asia and Ira

and North Africa, but later one-burnt camels

not - grazing, Tolstokhosti Mokhnono-

was imported to Central Australia. Brown

gie. Funny animals with long rear legs

vata or sandy gray drieds weigh from 300 to

mi and short "handles" resemble mini

690 kg and reaches a height of 2 m, sometimes meet

aturen kangaroo. Their soft thick fur painted

black and white individuals. Additionar Long curved

in the color of sand. From their shallow, difficult to warm

neck, narrow chest and the only hump consisting of

swallowed holes with several outputs of the carcain

fat sediments - food reserves. Value

ki come out with the onset of darkness. On long

the hump varies depending on the number of food

hind legs they jump in search of food, developing

and time of year. Drromedar feeds on dry grass and

speed up to 50 km / h. Feed animals

young shoots of shrubs, carefully (40-

vegetable food, but not

50 times) chewing every portion of food. For

negregate insects and Padal.

storage of water supplies He needs salt.

Camel hoof perfectly


movement by

Tolshita Tushkhanchik

sands, and fat lips allow

use animal to use

in food even


rye live family groups for 20 individuals: one male, one



the region of the earth's surface, where because of too dry and hot climate, there may be only a very meager vegetable and animal world; These are usually areas with low population density, and sometimes unanimous. This term also refers to areas unfavorable due to cold climate (so-called cold deserts).
Physico-geographical characteristics.
Ariditythe desert can be explained by two reasons. The deserts of the moderate belt dry, because they are removed from the oceans and are unattainable for moisture-mounted winds. The dryness of the tropical desert is due to the fact that they are located in the area of \u200b\u200bprevailing downward air flows coming from the equatorial zone, where, on the contrary, strong ascending currents are observed, leading to the formation of cloudiness and loss of heavy precipitation. When lowering the air masses, already deprived of most of the moisture contained in them, heated, even more removing from the saturation point. Such a process is also occurring with the intersection of high mountain ranges with air flows: most of the precipitation falls on a viewed slope at an upward air movement, and the areas located on the lever slope of the ridge and at its foothold are "rain shadows", where the amount of precipitation is small.
The air is deserted everywhere with excessive dryness. Both absolute and relative humidity for most of the year are close to zero. It rains are extremely rare and usually fall out in the form of severe rainfall. On the meteorological station Nouadib in the West of Sugara, the average annual precipitation rate according to many years of observations is only 81 mm. In 1912, only 2.5 mm of rain fell there, but the next year one very strong shower brought 305 mm. High temperatures that increase evaporation, also condensate the dryness of the desert. Rain falling over the desert often evaporates, without reaching the surface of the earth. Most of the moisture that fell to the surface is rapidly lost due to evaporation, and only a minor share is seeping into the ground or flows in the form of surface watercourses. The water leaked into the soil replenishes the stocks of groundwater and can move over long distances until it comes to the surface in the form of a source in the oasis. It is believed that most deserts can be turned into a flowering garden with irrigation. In general, this is true, but it is necessary very much caution when designing irrigation systems in arid areas, where the danger of large loss of water from irrigation canals and reservoirs is large. As a result of seeping water into the ground, the mirror of groundwater is raised, which in conditions arid climate and high temperatures leads to capillary pull-up of groundwater to the surface and evaporation, and the salts dissolved in these waters accumulate in the near-surface soil layer, contributing to salinization.
Temperatures.The temperature of the desert depends on its specific geographic location. The desert air containing very little moisture practically does not protect the sushi from solar radiation (as opposed to wet areas with higher cloudiness). Therefore, in the daytime clock, the sun shines brightly and there is a sewage heat. Common temperatures approx. 50 ° C, and the maximum, registered in the Sahara, is 58 ° C. Night is much cooler, since the heat heated in the afternoon quickly loses heat. In the hot tropical deserts, daily amplitudes of temperatures can be more than 40 ° C. In the deserts of a moderate belt, seasonal temperature fluctuations exceed the daily.
Wind.Characteristic feature All deserts are constant winds, often reaching very great strength. The main reason for the emergence of such winds is excessive heating and related convective air currents, however great importance Local factors also have, for example, large-scale relief forms or position relative to the planetary system of air flow. Many deserts are registered wind speeds reaching 80-100 km / h. Such winds capture and carry the loose material on the surface. So the sandy and dust storms arise - the usual phenomenon in arid areas. Sometimes these storms are felt at a high distance from the focus of their origin. It is known, for example, that dust that is endured by the wind from Australia reaches sometimes new Zealand, removed by 2400 km, and the dust from the Sahara is transferred by more than 3000 km and deposited in North-Western Europe.
Relief.Molds of the relief of the desert differ significantly from those found in wet regions. Of course, there are mountains, a plateau and plains here, however, in the deserts these large forms have a completely different appearance. The reason is that the desert relief is created in the main operation of wind and stormy water flows that occur after rare rains.
Forms created by water erosion.Watercourses in the desert are two types. Some rivers, so-called. Transit (or exotic), such as Colorado in North America or Nile in Africa, originated outside the desert and are so full that, passing through the desert, do not dry completely, despite the great evaporation. There are also temporary, or episodic, watercourses that occur after intense showers and dry very quickly, as the water completely evaporates or seeps into the soil. Most of the desert watercourses carry Il, sand, gravel and pebbles, and, although they do not have a permanent flow, it is them that many features of the relief of the desert regions have been created. The wind also creates sometimes very expressive form of relief, but they are inferior to the significance of water flows.
Stacking with steep slopes into wide valleys or deserted depressions, watercourses deposit their nanos at the foot of the slope and form the removal cones - fan-shaped accumulations of the peak of the vertex facing the valley of the watercourse. Such education are extremely widespread in the deserts of the south-west of the United States; Frequently located near the cones merge, forming at the foot of the mountains the inclined subhoron plain, which here is called "Bahada" (P. Bajada - a slope, descent). Such surfaces are folded with loose sediments, in contrast to other gentle slopes, called facies and developed in indigenous rocks.
In the deserts, water flowing through steep slopes is blurring surface sediments and creates wins and ravines; Sometimes erosion dismemberment reaches such a thickness, which is formed by the so-called. Bedlendy ( see also Bedlend). Such forms formed on steep slopes of mountains and table hills are characteristic of the desert areas of the whole world. One shower is enough to form a ravine on the slope, and once formed, it will grow with every rain. Thus, as a result of rapid ravage formation, large sections of different plateaus were destroyed.
Forms created by wind erosion.Wind work (so-called. Eolk processes) creates a variety of relief forms typical of desert regions. The wind captures dust particles, transfers them and deposits both in the desert itself and far beyond. There, where the removal of sand particles occurred, there are deep hollows long a few kilometers or shallow depressions of a smaller size. Sections of air whirlwinds create strange boiler-shaped notches with steep hanging walls or caves incorrect form. The sand carried by the wind acts on the protrusions of the indigenous rocks, detecting differences in their density and hardness; So there are bizarre forms, resembling pedestals, spiers, towers, arches and windows. Often the wind from the surface is removed all the fineness, and only a mosaic of polished, places of multicolored, pebbles, so-called "Desert bridge." Such surfaces, purely "revolved" wind, are widespread in Sugar and the Arabian desert.
In other areas of the desert, the accumulation of sand and dust brought by the wind. Sand dunes are the greatest interest of the forms that form. Most often, the sand, the complication of these dunes, consists of quartz grains, but on the coral islands there are dunes from limestone particles, and sand dunes in natural national Monument White Sands ("White Sands") in New Mexico in the United States is formed by clean white plaster. The dunes are formed where the air flow meets the obstacle on its way, such as a large boulder or shrub. Sand accumulation begins with a leeward side of the barrier. The height of most dunes is in the range from several meters to several tens of meters, but are known to the dunes reaching a height of 300 m. If they are not fixed with vegetation, they are shifted in the direction dominant winds. When the dune moves, the sand is transferred to the wind up the canopy imaginary slope and crept on the crest of the leeward slope. The speed of movement of the dune is small - an average of 6-10 m per year; However, a case is known when in the desert Kyzylkum with an exceptionally strong wind dunes moved one day at 20 m. When sand moves, it overlaps everything on its path. There are cases when the sand was covered with whole cities.
Some dunes are piles of sand of the wrong shape, the other, formed by the predominance of the winds of the constant direction, have a clearly pronounced gentle slope and steep (approx. 32 °) - leverable. A special variety of dunes is called the Barhans. These dunes have the right sickle-shaped shape, with a steep and high lever slope and stretched in the direction of the wind by pointed "horns". In all areas of the distribution of the Dune Relief, there is a set of incorrect shape; Some of them are created by vortex air flows, others were formed simply as a result of uneven sand deposits.
Desert moderate beltusually arranged in the depths of the mainland, away from the oceans. The largest area they occupy in Asia, the largest part of the world; In second place is North America. In many cases, such deserts are surrounded by mountains or plateales that block access to wet seabed. Where the high mountain ranges are located near the ocean and parallel to the coastline, as in the west of North America, the deserts are suitable pretty close to the shore. However, with the exception of the desert regions of Patagonia, located in the rain shadow of the Andes in the south of South America, and the desert of Sonor in Mexico, no desert of a moderate belt goes directly to the sea.
Temperatures of the desert temperate belt detect significant seasonal oscillations, but it is difficult to call typical values, as these deserts have a greater length from north to south (in Asia and North America to 15-20 ° in latitude). Summer in such deserts is usually warm, even roast, and winter is usually cold; Winter temperatures can hold back below 0 ° C.
Consider the climate and the relief of the desert Central Asia (On the territory of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan) and the Gobi desert in Mongolia, typical of a moderate belt. All these deserts are located in the inner areas of Asia, inaccessible for wet ocean winds, since the moisture contained in them falls in the form of precipitation without reaching these areas. Himalayas block the way with wet summer monscons from the Indian Ocean, and the Mountains of Turkey and Western Europe significantly reduce the amount of moisture coming from the Atlantic. In the Western Hemisphere, a typical example of a moderate belt desert is the deserts of the Big Basin in the south-west of the US and the desert of Patagonia in Argentina.
Desert Central Asiainclude Plateau Ustyurt between the Aral and Caspian seas, the Karakumes of the south of the Aral Sea and Kyzylkum to the southeast of him. These three desert areas form an extensive pool of the indoor drain, where the rivers flow to the Aral or Caspian Sea. Three quarters of the square occupy desert plains, limited by high mountain chains of Copetdag, Hindukusha and Ala. Karakuma and Kyzylkum are sandy deserts with dunes, many of which are fixed with vegetation. The annual precipitation amount does not exceed 150 mm, but it can reach 350 mm on the mountain slopes. Snow on the plains rarely falls, in the mountains is quite common. Temperatures in the summer are high, and in the winter it is lowered to 2 ° ... -4 ° C. The main source of irrigation waters serve as taking place in the mountains of the Amudarya and Syrdarya river. On irrigated lands, the most valuable grades of cotton, wheat and other grains are grown, however, high evaporation contributes to the salinity of the soil, which makes the normal development of plants. Gold, copper and oil are mined from minerals.
Desert Gobi.Under this title, the extensive desert area is known, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is approx. 1600 thousand km 2; It is surrounded on all sides high mountains: In the north - Mongolian Altai and Hangai, in the south - Altyntag and Nanshan, in the West - Pamir and in the East - Big Hinghan. Within a large depression, busy Gobi, there are many small depressions, in which summer is going to flow from the mountains. So the temporary lakes are formed. The average annual precipitation in Gobi is less than 250 mm. In winter, a little snow falls on lowlands. In the summer, the temperature reaches 46 ° C in the shade, and in winter it is lowered to -40 ° C. Strong winds, dusty and sand storms. For many thousands of years, dust and sludge were carried out by the wind to the northeastern regions of China, where there were powerful masses formed.
The relief of the desert itself is quite diverse. The larger area occupy the exits of the ancient rocks. In other areas, the dune relief of the movable sand alternates with wavy pebble plains. Often, "bridge", consisting of fragments of rocks or multi-colored pebbles, is formed on the surface. The most amazing formations of this kind are the sections of the rocky desert, coated with black film of iron oxides and manganese (so-called "deserted tanning"). Around the oasis and drying the lakes are saline clay with sliced \u200b\u200bcrusts on the surface. Trees are growing only along the shores flowing from the mountains of rivers. On the outskirts of Gobi there are various animals. The population is mainly concentrated in oases or near wells and wells. Through the desert, iron and highways are laid.
Gobi was not always desert. In the Latery and Ranniel Time, rivers leaked here, placed sandy-orst and gravel and pebble sediments. Trees grew in the river valleys, even forests. Dinosaurs flourished here, as evidenced by the masonry of the eggs discovered in the 1920s by expeditions of the American Museum of Natural History. From the end of the Jurassic and during the Cretaceous and Tertiary Natural conditions, the habitats of mammals, reptiles, insects and probably birds were favorable. It is also known that there lived a person here, as evidenced by the findings of the neolithic, mesolitic, late- and early-altitic guns.
Big pool.The desert area of \u200b\u200bthe Bolshoi Basin in the West USA takes about half the area of \u200b\u200bthe physico-geographical province of pools and ridges; It is limited to the east Range of Wax (Rocky Mountains), and from the west ridges cascade and Sierra Nevada. Almost the entire state of Nevada, partly - South Oregon and Idaho, as well as part of Eastern California, are fitted on its territory. These are the most unfavorable people of North America. With the exception of several oasis, it is really a desert, where small depressions alternate with short mountain ranges. The depressions are usually selfless, and many of them are engaged in salted lakes. The largest - big Salt Lake in Yute, Oz.Pyramid in Nevada and Oz.mono in California; All of them feed on watercourses dragging. The only river crossing a large pool is Colorado. The climate is arid, the amount of precipitation does not exceed 250 mm per year, the air is always dry. In the summer, temperatures are usually above 35 ° C, winter is quite warm.
At a considerable part of the large pool, water fails even from wells. At the same time, the soil places are pretty fertile and irrigation can be used for agriculture. However, the only area where the desert lands managed to master with the help of irrigation, is the surroundings of Salt Lake City in Utah; On the rest of the territory, agriculture is represented by almost exclusive cattle breeding.
The large swimming pool represents bright examples of various types and forms of desert relief: in southern California, the extensive fields of sand dunes, in Nevada - inclined accumulative plains (Bahada), intermountain depressions with a flat bottom - Bolssee (Span. Bolson - bag), weakly inclined deanuding plains Foot with steep slopes - pediment, the bottom of the dry lakes and salt marshes. Near the city of Wainover in Utah extends an extensive flat plain (former bottom Oz. Bonneville, where car races are held. Multicolored cliffs of bizarre outlines, arches, through holes and narrow ridges with sharp crests separated by furrows (yarddarti) are found throughout the desert. The large swimming pool is rich in minerals (gold and silver in Nevada, the Bura in the California Valley of Death, Cook and Glauberov Salt and Uranus in Yute), continue intensive intelligence and development of deposits. In the south, the large pool goes to the Sonor's desert, according to the appearance similar to the other deserts of the pool, however, most of its part has a drain into the ocean. Sonora is located mainly in the territory of Mexico.
Patagonian deserted areait stretches to a narrow strip at the foot and at the bottom of the Eastern Slope of Andes in Argentina. Its most arid part extends from the southern tropic to about 35 ° Yu.Sh., since the entire moisture contained in the air masses coming from the Pacific Ocean falls in the form of rain above the Andes, without reaching the Eastern Bowls. The population is extremely small. Summer (January) temperatures on average are 21 ° C, and medium winter (July) range from 10 to 16 ° C. Mineral resources are limited, and due to hard-to-accessness it is one of the least studied deserts of the world.
Tropical, or trade houses, desert.This type includes the deserts of Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan; An exceptionally peculiar desert of Atakam in Chile; Tar desert in the north-west of India; Huge deserts of Australia; Calahari in South Africa; Finally, the greatest desert of the world - sugar in North Africa. Tropical Asian deserts together with sugar form a continuous arid belt stretching at 7200 km from the Atlantic Coast of Africa to the East, with an axis approximately coinciding with the Northern Tropic; In some areas within this belt, almost never happens rain. Laws total circulation The atmosphere leads to the fact that in these places are prevailing the downward movements of the air masses, which explains the exceptional climate dryness. Unlike the deserts of America, in Asian deserts and in Sugar, a person who has adapted to these conditions has long lived, but the population density is very low here.
Sahara Desertextends from the Atlantic Ocean in the West to the Red Sea in the East, and from the foot of the atlas and the Mediterranean coast in the north of about 15 ° S.Sh. In the south, where borders with the Savannan zone. Its area is OK. 7700 thousand km 2. The average July temperatures on most of the desert exceed 32 ° C, the average January ranges in the range from 16 to 27 ° C. Daily temperatures are high, for example, in el-azizia (Libya) daily temperatures of 58 ° C were recorded; Nights are quite cold. Frequent winds that can carry dust and even sand far beyond Africa, in the Atlantic Ocean or to Europe. Dust winds, nascent in sugar, are known under local names Sirocco, Hamsin and Harmattan. Precipitation everywhere, with the exception of a number mountain areasit drops less than 250 mm per year, and it occurs extremely irregularly. There are several points where it rains never have been registered. During rains, as a rule, storm, dry beds (Wadi) quickly turn into rapid flows.
In the relief of the Sahara, a number of low and medieval table hills are distinguished, over which isolated mountain arrays are raised, such as Ahaggar (Algeria) or Tibesty (Chad). To the north of them there are closed solonchak depressions, the largest of which in the period of winter rains turn into shallow salty lakes (for example, Melgir in Algeria and Jerid in Tunisia). Sugar surface is quite diverse; Extensive spaces are covered with loose sand dunes (such sites are called Ergami), stony surfaces developed in indigenous rocks and rubble (Hamada) and gravel or pebbles are widespread.
In the northern desert deep wells Or sources provide water oasis, due to which herd palms, olive trees, grapes, wheat and barley are grown. It is assumed that soil waters feeding with water these oasis are coming from the slopes of the atlas located 300-500 km north. In many areas of Sahara, the ancient cities were buried by a layer of sand; Perhaps this indicates a relatively recent climate drainage. In the east, the desert is cut by the Nile Valley; Predated this river gave residents water for irrigation and created fertile soil, deprecation during annual floods; The river regime has changed after the construction of the Asuan dam.
In the 1960s, oil production began in Algerian and Tunisian sectors of Sahara and natural Gas.. The main deposits are concentrated in the Hassi Melaud area (in Algeria). In the late 1960s, even richer oil deposits were found in the Libyan Sugar sector. The transport system on the desert territory has undergone significant improvements. Several road roads crossed the Sahara from the north to the south, without providing, however, the consecrated camel caravans.
Arabian desertthey are considered the most typical on earth. Their extensive spaces are occupied by moving vegans and sandy arrays, and indigenous yields are observed in the central part. The amount of precipitation is insignificant, the temperature is high, with large daily amplitudes for the desert. Frequent winds, sandy and dust storms. Most of the territory is completely uninhabited.
Desert Atakamalocated in the north chili at the foot of the Andes on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. This is one of the most arid areas on Earth; On average, only 75 mm precipitation falls in the year. According to perennial meteorological observations, there were no rains for 13 years. Most rivers flowing from the mountains are lost in the sands, and only three of them (Loa, Copiapo and Salado) crosses the desert and fall into the ocean. Atacama's desert is the world's largest field of sodium nitrate, 640 km long and 65-95 km width.
Australia desert.Although the Unified "Australian Desert" does not exist, the central and western part of this mainland with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 3 million km 2 receive less than 250 mm of precipitation per year. Despite the so meager and irregularly dropping rains, there are vegetation cover for most of this territory, in which very spiny cereals are dominated by Triodia. and acacia flat, or mulgar ( Acacia Aneura.). In places, as, for example, in the Alice Springs area, there is a grazing of livestock, although the forage productivity of pastures is very low and for each head of cattle, it takes from 20 to 150 hectares of pastures.
Extensive areas covered with parallel sandy ridges having a length of up to several kilometers are real deserts. They include a large sandy desert, Large desert Victoria, Gibson desert, Tans and Simpson. Even in these areas, most of the surface is covered with rarefied vegetation, but the lack of water is hampered by their economic use. There are also large spaces of rocky deserts, which are almost completely devoid of vegetation. Some significant areas engaged in moving sandy vegans are rare. Most rivers are filled with water episodically, and most of the territory does not have a developed flow system.
Fedorovich B. F. Desert Face. M., 1950.
Babayev A. Desert as it is. M., 1980.
Babaev A. G., Drozdov N. N., Zonne I. S., Frekin Z. G.

The desert is a natural zone characterized by a flat surface, affection or absence of flora and a specific fauna.

Split sand, stony, clay, salt marsh desert. Separately, arctic deserts (eng. Polar Desert.) In Antarctica and the Arctic. They can be snowy and honeycomb (dry). The area of \u200b\u200bsnow desert is more than 99% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic desert. Shopeless (dry) deserts are dry Valley McMarto. The area of \u200b\u200bthese valleys is 8 thousand km² (less than 0.06% of 14.1 million km² common Square Antarctica). Catabatic winds (cold air flows, directed down the slopes of the earth's surface, resulting from cooling air on glaciers and drought due to greater gravity down) cause moisture evaporation. Thanks to this, the valleys are practically free from ice and snow for about 8 million years.

The most famous sandy desert is sugar (the largest sandy desert in the area), which occupies the entire Northern part of the African continent. Close to semi-desert deserts, also related to extreme landscapes.

All deserts take more than 16.5 million km² (excluding Antarctica), or about 11% of the sushi surface. With Antarctica more than 20%.

general characteristics

The deserts are common in a moderate belt of the northern hemisphere, subtropical and tropical belts of the northern and southern hemispheres. Characterized by the conditions of moisture (the annual amount of precipitation is less than 200 mm, in extraaride regions - less than 50 mm, and there are no decades in some deserts). The relief is a complex combination of Nagrai, a small-scale and island mountains with structural reservoir plains, ancient river valleys and closed laketry villages. The erosion type of relief formation is severely weakened, the eologic form of the relief is widespread. Mostly, the territory of the desert deplex, sometimes transit rivers (Syrdarya, Amudarya, Neil, Juanhe and others); A lot of drying lakes and rivers that often change their outlines and sizes (Lobnor, Chad, Eyre) are characteristic of periodically dried watercourses. Groundwater often mineralized. Soils are poorly developed, characterized by a predominance in the soil solution of water-soluble salts over organic substances, ordinary salt barks. Vegetable cover is resolved (the distance between adjacent plants from several tens, see up to several meters or more) and usually covers less than 50% of the soil surface; In extracurricular conditions there is practically absent.

Sand deserts are inhabited from plants mainly by barbed shrubs, from animals - reptiles and small steppe animals. In the sandy deserts above the places of groundwater occurrence there are oases - "islands" with thick vegetation and reservoirs. Snow deserts are mainly located behind the polar circles and are inhabited by animals that are resistant to cold.

Classification of desert

By the nature of soils and soils:

  • Sandy-on loose sediments of ancient alleavial plains;
  • Lossy - on the allial sediments of underfloor plains;
  • Suglinic- on weak-robbonate coating lines of plains;
  • Clay tactful- on subgronal plains and in the ancient delta rivers;
  • Clay- on lowland, folded solenous markers and clays,
  • Pebble and sandy-pebble- on the glowing plateau and subgrogany plains;
  • Rubblystone gypsy-on plateau and young subgrogany plains;
  • Stony- on lowlands and small-scale;
  • Solonchakoy- in saline decreases of relief and sea coasts.

According to the dynamics of precipitation:

  • Coast - develop where cold sea currents (Namib, Atakama) are approached by hot coasts: almost no precipitation; Life, respectively, too.
  • Central Asian Type (Gobi, Betpak Dala): The rate of precipitation is approximately constant during the year - and therefore life here is all year, but it is barely warm.
  • Mediterranean type (sugar, kara-kuma, big sandy desert in Australia): There are as much precipitation here as in the previous type, but only they are completely poured, in two or three weeks; There is a short and rapid flowering of life (a variety of ephemers), which then goes into the latent state - until next year.

How do the desert occur?

Historical experience shows that degradation natural environment As a result of the destruction of forests occurred in such a sequence: deforestation - the emergence of savannah - desertification. A few millennia ago, sugar originated on the site of Savannan, and even earlier the forests occupied a significant part of this territory.

Desertification is the final stage of soil destruction. After cutting down the forest, climate changes, go to the depths of freshwater, erosion begins, and then waving the soil. In the XX century, desertification has become global problem. Each year of the advancing deserts capture up to 50 thousand square kilometers of the territory, on which people quite recently lived, and in the nearby past the forests were noisy. The threat of desertification is now in one degree or another affects 150 states. If it is developing with modern pace, 600-700 million people will be under threat of resettlement - the seventh part of the Earth's population. Arid lands that are threatened to come the desert, now they supply meat, wool, cotton, grain. These land have considerable potential for the further development of agricultural production. Their loss will be wrapped by another tragedy for humanity. It is necessary to stop the offensive of the desert.

The desertification process also touched the territory of our country. It is observed in Kazakhstan, in the plain regions of Central Asia, on the territory of Kalmykia. The main reason is incorrect management of agriculture: the disintegration of dry steppes, ill-impaired irrigation, lack of protective forest stations. Now the annual increase in semi-desert areas in a number of areas of our country reaches 10 percent. The true scale of this process was only now began to be figured out using satellite observations.



The relief of the hot desert is distinguished by a great variety. Only some of them are completely covered with sands. The surface of others consists of stones, pebbles and other breeds. Deserts are practically open to weathering. Strong winds pick up small fragments of stones from the surface and throw them on the rocks. The most intense erosion is manifested at the surface itself, where the winds are thrown over the rocks more than the sand and stones.

In the sandy deserts, winds endure sand over the surface, forming wave-like drips - dunes. The shape of the dune depends on the direction of the wind and the magnitude of the sand particles. The most common form of dunes - verakhans. The verakans have the shape of a crescent. They are formed in the deserts, where the winds blow in any one direction. The verakhans are slowly moved, and the sand is slept through their vertices. The height of them can reach 30m. Comb dunes are long sandy crests formed by the winds that are blowing on both sides. They can have a length of up to 100 km and height up to 100m.


During the daytime, the temperature in the desert can rise to 52 ° C, as there are no clouds in the atmosphere and nothing protects the surface from sunlight. Underground is much cooler, and therefore most animals are hiding in the afternoon from the heat in deep nora. At night, the temperature is very quickly reduced due to the lack of clouds, delaying the heat being radiated by the surface. Day Fox Fenisk hides from heat in deep hole. She hunts at night when cool. Under the skin of large ears, the foxes pass blood vessels. Walking along them, the shelter is cooled, highlighting heat into the air. This reduces the body temperature of the animal.

Rain in the desert

Although there are little rains in the hot deserts, very strong shower occurs, after which the water is not absorbed into the soil, and quickly flows over the surface, flushing with pebbles and soil particles in dry canals - Wadi.

Seeds of some plants in the deserts can fly in soil for many months, and even years. After the rain, they very quickly germinate, bloom, give seeds, and then die when the conditions become unbearable. Many plants in the deserts have a branched root system, which absorbs moisture deeply from under the ground. The leaves in such plants are very small to minimize the evaporation of moisture from their surface. Cacti, the form of which allows you to minimize evaporation, covered with sharp spines, they do not give animals embloat them. During the rain, the cacti absorb water with a juicy flesh.

Flora tropical desert

Primitive soils of tropical deserts are very poor in humus, and servers are formed in relatively wet areas. Soil cover in tropical deserts is usually absent. Extensive spaces are covered with sands or wipers of rubble and pebbles, on the surface of which a characteristic shiny dark peel is formed, the so-called desert tan, protecting rocks from rapid weathered and destruction.

Only plants can grow in the deserts that are capable of developing drought and high temperatures in extreme conditions. There are many xerophytes, ephemers and ephemeroids that are not forming closed vegetation cover, unusual shrubs and semi-stares such as "rolling-field". In the sandy deserts of Asia, noble shrubs are common (White Saksaul, Sand Acacia), in America and Africa are common succulents (cacti, agaves, aloe, etc.). A variety of wormwood and saltwrites are characteristic of clay deserts. Hamada, at first glance, devoid of vegetation, also have vegetable cover - lichens.

Where the groundwater is suitable close to the surface, oases are located. The largest of them are in river valleys. It develops irrigated agriculture and gardening, cotton, wheat, barley, sugar cane, oliva, etc. In the Arabian and North African deserts, the palm trees are growing - a beautiful, slim tree up to 30 m high. Its nutritious fruits of dates eating raw, boil, fry and knit. The food kidneys are used in food, flower shoots palm trees - palm cabbage, as well as a mild core of young palm trees.

Fauna tropical desert

Hot and extremely dry climate of tropical deserts extremal for living organisms. However, animals living in these places managed to adapt to such conditions. They can not drink for a long time and overcome huge distances in search of water. In the hottest season of the year in tropical deserts, many invertebrates fall into anabyosis, and reptiles and rodents are in a hibernation. Some animals are carried out almost all their lives under the ground, and the empty and most types of birds migrate from the hot regions for the summer period. Many desert animals lead a nightlife. From their holes, they crawl only for a short period of time between the night cold and burning daytime heat, and some animals in the daytime are hiding in the shade of shrubs or climb on high branches, away from the hot land.

In tropical deserts, tushkanchiki, shoulders, choppers, hyenas, cheetahs, desert cats, miniature chanterelles are common; hoofs are represented by antilopes, doses, mountain rams; Birds - onbills, larks. In the deserts a lot of reptiles (Gecko, lizards, snakes), spider and insects (black-powder beetles, phalanxes, scorpions).

A single burner camel (drumedar) for endurance and reliability are often called the "desert ship". Previously, Drromedar died only in the arid areas of the Middle East, Northern India and North Africa, but later one-burnt camels were imported to Central Australia. Brownish or sandy-gray Dromedars weigh from 300 to 690 kg and reach a height of 2 m, sometimes black and white individuals occur. Dromedar has a long curved neck, a narrow chest and a single hump, consisting of fatty sediments - food reserves - approx. from The magnitude of the hump varies depending on the number of food and season. Dromedar feeds on dry grass and young shoots of shrubs, carefully (40-50 times) chewing every portion of food. To save water reserves, he needs salt.

Camel hoofs are perfectly adapted for movement in the sands, and thick lips allow an animal to eat even spiny plants. Usually, Dromedars live with family groups of 20 individuals: one male, one or more females and their offspring. In winter, one cub is born in winter, during the first year of life he is very quickly gaining weight. One-door camels live 40-50 years.

Typical birds are deserts - long and sharp wings adapted to the rapid flight. They feed on the seeds of herbs and shrubs, and coming on the water, wet the bass feathers having a special structure. In the goiter and wet feathers of Ryabki carry water chicks. The nest of the Ryabki is arranged on Earth, parents take turns of 3 pending eggs.

In the deserts there are often tuccans: in Sakhar - sandy, and in Central Asia and Iran - Grebtohalla, Tolstokhaly and Mochnodium. Funny animals with long rear legs and short "handles" resemble miniature kangaroo. Their soft thick fur is painted in the color of sand - approx. from From their shallow, difficult branched holes with multiple yields, the tushkanks come out with the onset of darkness. In the long hind legs they jump in search of food, developing speed up to 50 km / h. The animals feed mostly vegetable food, but they do not neglect insects and Padal.

And in Russia there are deserts

As a rule, when mentioning the deserts to the mind, sugar, Kalahari and Gobi come to the mind, and not everyone thinks at such moments about Russia. Mostly, the native land is associated with taiga and endless snowy spaces. Nevertheless, this phenomenon is not completely alien to our country. The desert in Russia is much rich in the floral world than can be represented. Do not believe? We read on! Oddly enough, one of the Russian deserts spread only 800 km from the capital. Artined-Don Sands - this is exactly the name of the local wasteland. Most of this territory are covered with sandy arrays left since the times Glacial period Don.

Plants The deserts of Russia make this territory really unique in its kind - birch shrubs stretch among sand bugs, black alder and aspen are growing. There are juniper, a special kind of sabelnik and coarse. There are also saxauls common in desert areas around the world. In the spring, numerous tulips flourish in particular wet areas of the desert, and harsh nature turns into a real parade of colors and shades. It is them that can be called the most striking emphasis among the desert spring. Dangerous animals are practically not found here. The most common representatives of the Russian desert fauna are gophers and tushkars. From larger animals, saigas are common in this area, and the number of bird species here is truly huge.

Where the sand is replaced by ice

It should be noted that the desert in Russia is not only the Tsimlyan and Arched-Don Sands. The territories include the Arctic waste, where heat is replaced by frost. Most of the year, these expanses are covered with a thick layer of ice, and here you can find except that the moss is very resistant to low temperatures. Only in the midst of summer, white empties are transformed beyond recognition - MAY and lichens acquire new coloring, forming green-red carpets. Out of and some types of cereals are made from the soil of the soil.

The flowering plants of the deserts of Russia are found here and flowering plants - Flashing, buttercup, Arctic pinch, snowmake and even polar poppy. Some of the heavenly blue forget-me-notes and fluffy white yagel. Ice, harsh desert turns into this period in this period wonderful worldwhere the beauty and rustling of life compete with low temperatures and strong winds. Much more striking the variety of fauna of the arctic wastelands - walruses, seals and white bears are adjacent here with a huge number of bird species, deer, narrowers and whites.

Dry deserts in the world

Dry deserts in Antarctica

The dry valleys of the Antarctic can be considered the most dry place of the planet, since there were no precipitation in these places more than two million years. Dry valleys include such valleys like Victoria, Taylor and Wright. They are located nearby from the Page McMordo. This desert of Antarctica is not covered with ice, its area is about eight thousand square kilometers.

Causes of dryness in catabathic winds. They blow at a speed of at least three hundred twenty kilometers per hour, which is the maximum wind speed on the planet. It is the wind and evaporate all moisture. Almost eight million years of valleys remain free from snow and ice. Dry valleys are a guarded particularly valuable zone, where it is very convenient to carry out various kinds of research. By natural conditions, these valleys are close to the terms of Mars. This similarity Used NASA for testing.

On the territory of the valleys is the lake of the form and the onyx river. The water of the lake is extremely salty and exceeds the number of salt even the waters of the Dead Sea. Animal world in dry valleys is extremely poor, despite complete absence Ice and snow cover. This is connected just with increased dryness, due to which animals are difficult to survive there.

The most dry places of Eurasia

There are several deserts on the territory of Eurasia. They are located in Central, Central Asia, Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan, the most famous deserts - Plateau Ustyurt, Betpak Dala, Kyzylkum, Mojuncum, the Aral Karakuma. Desert expanses of Kazakhstan are truly immense. The animal world is represented by carcass, viper, gray Varanans and Jeyrana. In Central Asia, you can allocate sandy desert Takla Makan. It is recognized as the world's largest, while its conditions are one of the most severe. Known by the desert of the jungaria, the desert of Alashan and Gobi. In the deserts of Central Asia, cold winters with a maximum of precipitation in the summer.

In Central Asia, huge areas are busy deserts, there is extremely dry and extremely hot climate. They can be attributed to the southern deserts, which are the continuation of the North African deserts and the deserts of Malaya Asia. The largest Central Asian deserts are a doodle and kyzylkum. The rest is much smaller.

The hottest desert in India

One of the most significant in India and the most populated desert of the world is the desert of Tar. It is located in the Indian state of Rajasthan. The climate of the desert Tar cannot be called severe, this is a living eco-system.

Tar desert inhabited by animals. Common representatives - Indian Gazelle, reed cat, Nilga Antilope, Shakaly and Lisers. Due to the low population of deserted expanses, animals have the opportunity to live in natural conditions of the medium. The usual thing to meet there is a prehistoric appearance of lizards, rat snakes, viper and sandy boys. It is surprising that at the place of the desert Tar over the past two hundred and eighty million years have been a sea four times.

In the village of Village Akal, petsenger trees are preserved, which are the remnants of ferns and forests, which grew in those places about one hundred and eighty millions of years ago. One of the largest petrified trees in girth and a half meters, and almost seven meters long.

8 most unusual planet deserts

1. Desert with Lagunas - Lensois Maraniensis, Brazil

It's hard to believe, but this desert that extends to National Park In the state of Maranyan in Brazil, full of lagoon. An impressive species creates a contrast between white dunes and blue lagoons, which are formed due to rains, the water from which is going in lowlands between the dunes, forming small ponds with transparent water. The lagoons themselves, where fish, turtles and mollusks live, can only be seen after winter and before summer.

2. Color desert, USA

Color desert in Arizona in the USA is the expanses of hills, flatbed and individual elevations with steep slopes. This is a dry earth with scarce vegetation, which has severely undergone erosion. The name "Color Desert" refers to a variety of colorful layers of sedimentary rocks, which are visible against the background of this harsh landscape. The color desert relief is often compared with multicolored layers of the cake. The variety of shades of sandstone and argillita layers is the result of the content of various mineral substances in sedimentary rocks and at what speed they were deposited.

3. The smallest desert in the world - the desert Karkross, Canada

The desert Carcross in the state of Yukon is called the smallest desert in the world. Dry climate and wind created sand dunes here and contributed to the growth of rare vegetation, which has adapted to the environment. The size of the desert Kakros is about 2.6 square meters. km.

4. The largest plaster desert - White Sands, USA

Towering right in the center of the pool Tulaarova, is one of the greatest natural Wonders The state of New Mexico in the United States is the flickering sands of the gypsum desert. Dunes cover about 712 square meters here. km of land, which makes this desert the largest plaster desert in the world. Unlike other deserts, here the sand is really cool to the touch due to a large evaporation and humidity on the surface and the fact that the sands are more likely reflected than solar rays absorb.

5. Black Desert, Egypt

Black Desert is an area where volcanic hills are covered large quantity Small black pebbles. Pebbles lie on top of orange-drone land, and therefore the desert is not completely black. Walking on one of the peaks of numerous hills, you can admire the indescribable scenery consisting of many of the same beautiful gloomy hills. However, it is worth remembering that the Black Desert is desert and there are no amenities here.

6. The largest salt desert - Solonchak Uyuni, Bolivia

This desert, located in Bolivia, can significantly change your idea of \u200b\u200bdeserts. In fact, this is a dried salt lake, whose relief is absolutely flat, and it is so big and transparent that, it seems that the sky is reflected, creating a landscape of different shades of blue. Another attractive aspect of this desert is a lot of multicolored lakes that have acquired their color thanks to a variety of minerals.

Solonchak Uyuni is the largest wet saline, which extends 10,582 square meters. km. Solonchak contains a large amount of sodium, potassium, lithium, magnesium, as well as borants. According to some estimates, it contains about 10 billion tons of salt, of which about 25,000 tons are mined annually.

7. The desert covered with snow - Takla Maka, China

Tacla Makan is one of the largest sand deserts In the world, being the 15th in the list of the largest non-polar deserts. It extends 270,000 square meters. KM Basin River Tarim, its length is 1000 km, and the width is 400 km. From the northern and southern edges, it crosses two branches of the silk path, to which travelers usually sought to avoid a dry wasteland.

In 2008, in China's largest desert, the largest snowfall was observed, and the lowest temperatures were recorded after 11 days of continuous snowfall.

8. Red Sand Desert - Simpson Desert, Australia

Located in Australia, the Simpson desert is striking with its beauty thanks to the red sand dunes.

Another attractive aspect is that there are the most extended parallel dunes on the planet. The most famous dune is the dune Big Red, whose height reaches 40 m.

Although there is a pretty harsh climate, a spinifex plant grows here, which fixes bulk sand, and is a habitat for 180 species of birds, as well as lizards and silent.
