Program tasks:

  1. Summarize the knowledge gained. Consolidate skills throughout the material covered: the number and count within 5; the ability to compare objects by size, orientation in time and space; identify geometric shapes.
  2. Develop children's perceptions and representations through the accumulation and expansion of sensory experience. Develop visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking by teaching the methods of mental actions (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, establishing cause-and-effect relationships).
  3. Raise interest in mathematics, and the desire to work in a team.

Equipment : Doll, 3 sets of houses of different heights, 5 each, 3 cut cards depicting heroes of fairy tales, 2 bagels, 3 bear cubs, 4 hares, 2 roses, 5 puppies. Volumetric geometric shapes, balls, sets of circles in 4 colors (yellow, red, blue, purple), cards with geometric shapes, 2 pieces for each child.

Lesson progress:

Part I (introductory).

(The teacher sets up the children for the beginning of the lesson, using psycho-gymnastics.)

caregiver : Hello! You tell the person.

Hello! He smiles back.

And probably won't go to the pharmacy.

And will be healthy for many years.

caregiver : Let's guys wish our guests health and say hello!

(Children lie down on the carpet and close their eyes (sleep).

Surprise moment.

(The teacher holds a Masha doll in his hands.)

caregiver : Let's go, Masha, in kindergarten to the guys, you will see that even in kindergarten the children are busy with work, no one is idle. Because you can't even take the fish out of the pond without difficulty.

- Oh, Masha, what happened? Why do children sleep when they have to study? Let's wake them up.

(the teacher touches the children, they do not wake up)

caregiver : I guessed what happened, it was Baba Yaga who bewitched our children. She found out that today I want to invite them on a trip.

- Now we will affectionately call them by name and they will definitely wake up.

(the teacher touches each child with his hand and affectionately calls him by name, the children wake up, get up)

caregiver : Are you all awake? Stretched! Smiled!

Guys, do you like to travel?

Children: yes.

caregiver : Aren't you afraid of difficulties?

Children: no.

caregiver : Today I invite you on a journey to a fairy-tale land.

Get up on your toes

And turn around twice

Find yourself in a fairy tale.

II part (main).

caregiver A: Our journey begins. Guys, take one geometric figure. Now the children who have a cube in their hands will come to the table on which the cube lies, who has the ball to the table where the ball lies, and who has the cylinder - to the table where the cylinder lies.

(children were divided into 3 subgroups)

caregiver : Guys, in front of you is a street where fairy-tale characters live - a bear, a wolf, a fox, a hare and a mouse. Our houses fairytale heroes should be placed in right order- from the highest to the lowest.

(work in subgroups - children lay out houses on the tables in size)

caregiver : Guys, what do you think, who lives in the first house? In the second? In third? In the fourth? Fifth?

Children : A bear lives in the first house. A wolf lives in the second house. A fox lives in the third house. A hare lives in the fourth house. In the fifth - a mouse.

caregiver : Guys, Masha did not come to us empty-handed, she brought you magical pictures. These are portraits of her beloved friends, but the evil Baba Yaga was naughty here too, and the portraits fell apart. Would you like to try collecting them?

(the teacher offers children cut pictures depicting fairy-tale characters, children in subgroups collect pictures)

caregiver : Who has a frown there?

What - does the head hurt?

The pain will drive away this hour

Anti-stress massage.

caregiver : Guys, and now we are in the country of giants. They've got some great peas this year. Let's play with him.

(the teacher invites the children to the dry pool and offers to take the children one green "pea")

Finger game with peas.

(the game uses balls from a dry pool, which children pass around in a circle during the game)

Finger, finger, my good,

Strongly you squeeze the peas

Spin and roll and pass it on to someone else. (2-3 times)

Educator: Guys, our Masha is a little tired, let her rest a little, we will put her here.

(The teacher sits the doll on a chair and invites the children, holding the ball in their hands, to sit on the carpet in random order. The teacher gives verbal instructions.)

The teacher offers the children: Take the ball in left hand. To the right. Put the ball in front of you. On your right side. From the left side. Put the ball behind you.

(The instructions are repeated 2-3 times in a different order)

The teacher continues: I'll sit next to the bench,

I will sit with you

I'll give you a riddle

Who is smarter look.

(The teacher takes out objects from the “magic chest” and plays with the tasks with the help of toys. The teacher clearly demonstrates the content of the problem by showing toys, adding or removing them to the chest along the way.)

— How many bagels in a bag

Did you put a cock?

- Two. But let's give grandfather

And will remain: (one)

Three bear cubs in the apiary

They played hide and seek by the barrel.

One barely fit into the barrel.

How many ran away into the woods? (two)

Four hares came from school

But suddenly they were attacked by bees.

Two bunnies barely escaped

And how many didn't make it? (two)

Masha plucked two roses,

Brought it as a gift to my mother.

Rip off and give

You are not two to mommy, but: (three)

Five puppies playing football

One was called home

He looks out the window, he thinks

How many are playing now? (4)


- One - rise, pull up,

- Two - bend, unbend,

- Three - in the hands of three claps,

Three head nods.

- Four - arms wider.

- Five - wave your hands.

- Squat down for six. (2-3 times)

Part III. Surprise moment.

(In the hands of the teacher is a magic bag with paired cards, which depict geometric shapes: squares, circles, rectangles, red, green, yellow, of blue color, number from 2 to 5. For example: there are 4 green squares on the card)

Educator: Now you will come up to me one by one, put your right hand into the magic bag and take out one card with geometric shapes.

Well done! All cards found!

What do you see on them?

Children : geometric shapes on the cards.

caregiver : Now be careful. What figures do you have on the card? How many?

Children: I have 5 red rectangles on the card. There are 4 blue circles on my card. I have 3 green squares on the card.

Educator: You need to find a chair that contains a card similar to yours. It has figures of the same shape, the same color as yours, and the same number. Find your place. Whoever finds it sits on this chair.

(Children are seated at tables. Each child has 4 circles, which correspond to the color of a certain part of the day: morning - yellow, day - red, evening - blue, night - purple.)

caregiver : Guys, let's show and tell Masha what a "day" is. I will read a poem, and you will show a circle with that part of the day that I am reading about.

(for the first part of the poem, the children show a yellow circle, for the second part - red, on the third - blue, on the fourth - purple)


In the morning the sun rises

Don't let the kids sleep!

Come on, kids, get up

Recharge, wash

Dress smartly

And take breakfast.

At noon the sun is at its zenith,

He has rays like threads,

The earth is generously warmed

Everyone is invited to dine.

Our proverb says:

The day is long until the evening, when there is nothing to do.

Well, in the evening, guys,

Everything is covered in coldness

The sun needs rest too.

And the kids have a delicious dinner.

At night in the sky - the moon,

She is very strict.

Is it watching everything?

Have you settled down in bed?

Close your eyes

Let you dream of fairy tales.

close your eyes

Good night everybody!

From morning to morning

The kids know the day.

Educator: Guys, and now I suggest that you independently decompose the parts of the day in the correct order..

(children complete the task, starting to lay out colored circles from left to right, starting with "morning" and ending with "night")

Educator: Well done, everyone coped with such a difficult task.

IV part.

(The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle.)

Educator: Guys, this is the end of our magical journey.

Get up on your toes

And turn around twice

Find yourself in the group again.

Educator: So Masha says goodbye to us.

Masha: We played, we had fun.

I really liked you guys.

Educator: Guys, did you like traveling with Masha? If you like it, take the sun for yourself. And if someone did not like it - take a cloud.

(feedback, reflection)

Tamara Gapeeva
Synopsis of GCD for FEMP in the middle group " Geometric figures»


consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, square, rectangle, triangle, circle, exercise counting within 4

Program content:


Continue to learn how to make a drawing from ready-made forms;

To consolidate the ability to stick ready-made forms on a cardboard base.

Educational: Develop interest in the application as an activity.

Educational: To cultivate a desire to help others who need our help.

Materials and equipment:

wonderful bag, geometric figures, picture from geometric shapes.

vocabulary work:

round, round, square, square, triangular.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical

GCD progress:

caregiver: Guys, look, guests have come to us today. Let's say hello to the guests. Let's join hands, make an even circle and smile at each other, pass good mood to our comrades, we will show how dazzling we can smile.

Let's show our teeth.

We laugh all day

We are not too lazy to smile!

caregiver A: Oh, guys, do you hear someone knocking? Let's see who is it?

Children: This is Dunno.

caregiver: Why are you Dunno so upset?

Dunno: blew strong wind and destroyed the houses of my friends - geometric shapes. I collected them all in this wonderful bag

caregiver: And how can we help Dunno? Can we build new houses?

What is the name of the people who build new houses?

Children: Builders.

caregiver: Right. And today we will be in the role of builders and help Dunno build new houses. Look how much Dunno has in the bag geometric shapes.

caregiver: - Now listen to the riddles and guess which figure comes from a wonderful bag speech:

1. Since childhood, I've been your friend,

Every corner is right here.

All four sides are the same length.

I am glad to introduce you

And my name is... (square).

Guys, look what is missing from the houses?

Children; houses lack roofs

2. My riddle is short:

Three sides and three corners

Who am I? (triangle)

caregiver: Guys, what else is missing in our geometric town?

Children: in our geometric the town lacks sun and windows

3. What will we see now?

All my angles are straight

There are four sides

But not all of them are equal.

I am a quadrilateral

Which?. (rectangle).

caregiver: Well done guys, and now the bright sun will shine in the sky

4. I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On a plate and on a lid

On the ring, on the wheel.

I am an old friend to people

They call me …. (circle).

caregiver: - Well done, guys, helped Dunno build houses. Look how happy he is. Let's count them

D/game "How much?"

Children: count 4 of them at home

caregiver: Well done! Let's rest m:

One two three four five!

We can also rest

Put your hands behind your back

Let's raise our heads higher

And easy - easy to breathe.

D/game "Find Your Mate"

caregiver: Well done! Guessed everything geometric figures, built an unusual geometric town and came to visit them. And now sit down, at the tables I will tell you fairy tale: Our friends sat like a square, a circle, a triangle in their house and drank tea.

Guys, what do their saucers resemble?

Children: Circle.

caregiver: And cookies, what shape is it?

Children: Square.

caregiver: They drank tea and went for a walk outside. We started playing hide and seek. Everyone hid, but they couldn't find each other. Can we help them? Let's find everything figures in the picture?

Show where the triangle is hidden? (roof)

Where is the circle hiding? (Sun)

Where is the square (wall of houses)

Or maybe someone else sees where the rectangle hid (window)

caregiver: Well done, guys, and what will we tell today, parents, to whom did we visit?

Children: geometric shapes.

caregiver: What?

Children's answers. Square, circle, triangle, rectangle, what number did you meet 4

caregiver: Did you enjoy visiting them? And now let's say goodbye to Dunno, say goodbye to him, and our fascinating acquaintance with geometric shapes came to an end.

Related publications:

Synopsis of GCD for FEMP in the middle group "Geometric shapes" OSI: cognition, communication, socialization, reading fiction. Types of activity: game, communicative, cognitive,.

Synopsis of GCD on FEMP in the second junior group "Geometric shapes" SUMMARY OF GCD IN THE EDUCATIONAL FIELD “KNOWLEDGE. FEMP" in the second junior group No. 5 FINAL LESSON “GEOMETRIC FIGURES: CIRCLE, SQUARE,.

The purpose of the project: to form children's ideas about geometric shapes (circle, square). Tasks: Formation of knowledge experience.

Synopsis of OOD on FEMP in the junior group "Geometric shapes" Synopsis of OOD on FEMP in the younger group "Geometric Figures" Prepared by: Educator Pologutina I.N. Purpose: to create favorable.

Synopsis of OOD on FEMP in the second junior group "Geometric shapes" Topic: "Geometric figures" Targets: the child correctly determines the quantitative ratio of two groups of objects; understands.

Abstract of the lesson on FEMP in the middle group "Visiting geometric shapes"
Purpose: To acquaint children with a geometric figure - an oval.
Program content:
Continue to teach to see geometric shapes in the shapes of surrounding objects.
To consolidate the ideas of a circle, square, triangle.
Consolidation of classification on two grounds, generalizations.
Develop visual and auditory perception, figurative thinking.
Build communication skills.
Continue to teach how to evaluate the quality of the tasks of the partners in the game.
Handout: tickets - paired cards with the image of geometric shapes to indicate seats in the cinema; sets of Gyenes Blocks for 2 children.
Demonstration: a poster with the image of vegetables, a schematic image of animals (hare, bear, fox), geometric shapes for flannelgraph.
Vocabulary work: Oval, round, round, square, square, triangular.
Preliminary work:
- Conversation about the rules of conduct in the cinema;
- Role-playing game"Cinema";
- Didactic games "Color and shape", "Pick up an object in shape", laying out different objects using Gyenesh blocks (according to the scheme and according to the plan);
- Learning finger gymnastics;,
- Outdoor game "If yes - slap, if not - stomp!";
- Collecting and examining vegetables in the garden, determining their shape;
- Modeling "Vegetables" (zucchini, cucumber, eggplant);
- Drawing "Vegetables on a plate";
- Application "Let's prepare cucumbers and zucchini for the winter";
- Learning the musical-rhythmic composition "Garden-round dance", "Ay dili!".
Methods and techniques:
Visual: displaying geometric figures, schematic images of animals on a flannelograph; examining models of vegetables.
Verbal: conversation, questions to children, pronunciation of the words of finger gymnastics, guessing riddles, playing a role - verbal description geometric shapes.
Practical: finger gymnastics, jumping, didactic games: “Find a couple”, “What does it look like”, “Make an animal figure from geometric shapes using Gyenesh blocks.”.
Description of directly educational activity.
Organizing time
Children, together with the teacher, enter the music room, stand in a circle.
Teacher: Good afternoon, children! I'm very glad to see you.
Children: Good afternoon! We are glad to see you too.
Then finger gymnastics is carried out.
Educator: And now children, say hello to each other. (children stand in pairs).
Children: Good afternoon! (Shake hands using all fingers.)
I'm glad to see you! (greet with all fingers except the thumb)
Finally met! (Hello only with thumbs).
If something happens, contact me, I will help! (rearrange index and middle fingers right hand on the partner’s left hand, “reach the neck, lightly pat each other on the shoulder with the palm of their hand.)
Teacher: Do you like fairy tales? (children's answers). Today I want to invite you to the cinema, where you can see the fairy tale "Merry Friends". To get to the performance, you must first purchase a ticket at the ticket office. Let's decide how to get there.
Children: In pairs, together, calmly.
Educator: It's not interesting, it's boring. Can we jump on the right leg? (children agree and move to the table, on which cards with the image of geometric shapes are laid out).
Main part.
Educator. Who works at the box office?
Children. Cashier.
Educator. Tanya will be our cashier, and you, the children, get in line and, having received a ticket, take your seats in the auditorium. (children take one ticket each and look for a chair on which the card lies).
Educator: If you cannot find the right place, ask your comrades for help.
Before the start of the session, the controller (one of the children) checks the completion of the task. If the place is chosen correctly by the child, he expresses his approval with applause, if not, he stomps and helps the child who made a mistake find his place.
Educator. Once upon a time there were cheerful friends. And who they are, you will find out if you guess riddles.
I have no corners
And I look like a saucer.
For a medal, for a pancake,
On an aspen leaf.
Do you think, friends?
And tell me who am I? (Circle)
my three sides
May be of different lengths.
Where the parties meet
Angle is obtained.
What happened? Look!
After all, there are also three corners.
You look at me
Call my name. (Triangle)

You can't roll it into the goal like a ball.

And he won't run after you.

Four corners and four sides

Similar, exactly like sisters,

The figure is familiar to many guys.

Did you recognize him? After all, this is ... (Square)

Children guess riddles and show geometric shapes (Gyenes blocks).

Educator. Friends lived in a cozy house (exposes an image of the house). What shape were the walls of this house, its roof, window? (children's answers) Friends often sat on chairs with comfortable ... (square) seats. They had a table ... (round). When laying the table, friends put ... (round) plates. In tea they put ... (square) pieces of sugar. Friends were very fond of ... (triangular) cookies. One day someone knocked on the door of their house. Friends came out on the threshold and see: there is an amazing figure in front of them, a bit like a circle. (Exposes an oval on a flannelograph.) They began to get acquainted.

The teacher invites willing children to play the role of geometric shapes.

1st child (takes a triangle and speaks on its behalf): Hello, friend! I am a triangle. I have three sides and three corners. I am like ... (lists objects).

2nd child (takes a square): And I am a Square, I have four sides and four corners. I'm like...

3rd child (takes a circle): And I am a Circle, I don’t have a single corner, I can roll. I'm like...

Children (in chorus). And who are you?

Oval (the teacher speaks for him): Hello friends! My name is Oval, I look like a circle in shape, look. (the teacher puts an oval next to the circle, puts the circle on the oval, the children highlight the similarities and differences of the figures).

Educator. Children, name the objects that are similar in shape to an oval (children's answers).

Oval. Let me live with you.

Educator. The figures agreed and they began to live together. Every morning they went outside and did exercises. And how they did it, I'll show you now.

Children get up from their chairs and do physical exercises.

One - bend, unbend,

Two - bend, stretch,

Three hands, three claps, three head nods.

Four - arms wider

Five and six - sit quietly.

Educator. One day they decided a circle, a square and a triangle and an oval to go for a walk. The prankster oval ran away from his friends and hid in the garden (the teacher puts a “garden” poster in front of the children on which there are images of vegetables). Friends looked around, there was no oval, they began to look for it. They search, they search, they can't find it. Children, help the figures find the oval. To do this, select vegetables that resemble an oval in shape (children choose cucumber, eggplant, zucchini ...) Among the vegetables, friends found an oval. They went further. After some time, a dense forest stood in their way. Animals came out from behind the trees. Guess what?

Children call them and list the geometric shapes that make up the images. (Task cards where you need to lay out animals using Gyenes blocks)

Educator (addressing the children): Seryozha, what geometric shapes do you see in the image of a fox? ... a bear? ... a hare?

Educator. We met Circle, Oval, Square Triangle with forest dwellers and decided to make their portraits as a keepsake.

Children sit at the tables, and using the sample diagrams and Gyenesh blocks, lay out images of animals.

Educator. The circle, square, triangle and oval said goodbye to the forest inhabitants and went for a walk in the forest (children walk through the music hall to quiet music). Whether they walked for a long time, shortly, but now it's time to return home (children sit on chairs, the teacher puts geom. figures on former place around the house).

Reflective moment.

Educator. Well guys, our fairy tale is over. It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Did you enjoy being at the cinema? What did you learn new today, what (whom) did you meet? I also liked you today: Dima Sasha - listened carefully and quickly answered questions; Lena and Anya were the fastest to lay out the figures of animals ... (to summarize the positive achievements of the children).

1. Play with the children in the didactic games "Find an oval-shaped object" (invite the children to find oval-shaped objects in the environment); “What it looks like” (show the children an oval and invite the children to think and name what it looks like, for example, on the body of an animal, on a balloon ...).

FEMP lesson in the middle group No. 7

On the topic: "SQUARE"


Educator MBDOU No. 46 Nutfullina L.M.



1. Introduce children on a subject basis with a square, consolidate information known to children about geometric shapes.

2. Fix the score within 4, the ability to correlate the numbers 1-4 with the quantity.

3. To form the ability to find signs of similarities and differences in objects.

4. Contribute to the development of thought processes in children: memory, thinking, imagination.

5. Raise interest in mathematics, and the desire to work in a team.

METHODOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES: questions, explanation, visual demonstration, generalizations, evaluation, physical education minutes, surprise moment, diagrams.

EQUIPMENT: counting sticks, geometric shapes, books, cubes.

INDIVIDUAL WORK:Activate more: Sasha, Slava, Daria. Continue to consolidate knowledge about color and geometric shapes with Artem, Sasha.



Educator: The guys came to visit us today. Let's say hello to the guests.

Children: Hello.

V .: “Once upon a time there was a circle and a triangle, they were walking somehow and saw a square. The circle and the triangle were frightened, hid behind a bush and thought: Who is this?

Does it look like a circle? (No)

Why? (there are corners)

Does it look like a triangle? (No)

Count the angles.(4)

Krug said: Let's go and ask him his name?

That's where they met.

“I am a circle. I don't have corners. I'm like the sun, I can roll."

“I am a triangle. I have 3 corners and 3 sides, I'm like a roof."

“And my name is square. What do I look like? (cube ...) "

Well done boys.

V .: Guys, now we sit down at the table and find out how you understand geometric shapes?

V .: Guys, you have figures of a circle, a triangle and a square on your table. Show me the green square, please?

Blue circle? Red triangle? Yellow square?



V .: Guys, look at the picture, a figure is drawn here. You need to lay out these figures on the table with the help of counting sticks.


V .: Guys, now we are not sitting down, but are returning to see how the geometric shapes that we met are doing.

And who did we meet?

D: With a triangle, a circle, and a square. V: Right. Square, triangle and circle, they came up with the math game “The Fourth Extra” for us, let's play.

V .: Guys, look at the sheet and please tell me which item is superfluous and why?

Well done.

V .: Guys, geometric shapes have one more game for us. It's called "Find one that looks like a square." You need to find and take an object similar to a square from this basket.

(Children take)

V .: Now raise your hand with the object up and show me. Well done.


V .: Guys, what geometric shapes came to visit us?

D: Circle, square, triangle.

Q: Does a circle have corners? (No). What is he? (round).

How many angles does a triangle have? (three) Parties? (three) How many corners does a square have? (four) Parties? (four)

What games do you like the most?

Guys, did you like the lesson?

"Journey to the country of geometric shapes" Lesson on FEMP in the middle group using
multimedia support.

Author: Likhovskikh Ruzigul Gardulloevna teacher of KGKOU orphanage 18 p. Otradnoye, Vyazemsky district, Khabarovsk Territory.

In working with children, the use of multimedia technologies (colors, graphics, sound, modern means video technology) allows me to model various situations, activate cognitive activity pupils and enhance the assimilation of the material. The use of information technology in preschool educational institution possible and necessary, it contributes to an increase in interest in learning, develops the child comprehensively. The visibility of the material increases its assimilation, because. all channels of perception of children are involved - visual, mechanical, auditory and emotional.
The use of multimedia support in mathematics classes ensures the activity of children when examining, examining and visually highlighting the signs and properties of objects, forms ways of visual perception, examination, highlighting qualitative, quantitative and spatio-temporal signs and properties in the objective world. Formation of elementary mathematical representations is based on the construction and use by children visual models. The use of new unusual methods of explanation and consolidation, especially in game form, increases involuntary attention of children, helps to develop voluntary attention. Information Technology provide a person-centered approach.

Program tasks:
1. Acquaintance with three-dimensional geometric shapes;
2. the ability to compare objects by size, to distinguish between three-dimensional and flat geometric shapes; cube, cylinder, cone, etc. square, triangle, circle, etc.
3. Formation of visual perception, examination, selection of qualitative, quantitative and spatio-temporal signs and properties in the objective world.
4. Development of visual attention and visual memory.
5. Replenishment of vocabulary.
6. Raise interest in mathematics, and the desire to work in a team.
Demo; training video "Chukh-Chukh Train and Geometric Shapes"
Dispensing; voluminous, plastic geometric shapes, (you can make figures out of paper); sheets of paper A-4, pencils.

Lesson progress

Guys, today we, together with the train Chuh-Chukh, will go on a journey to the country of geometric shapes, the journey will be interesting and exciting. And you look carefully and try to remember everything that the train will show you.
So let's start our journey...

Did you like the trip with the train Chuh-Chukh?
- Now let's see how attentive you were during the trip.
- Pay attention, in front of you there are geometric figures the same as those transported by a train.
- Show and name the figures transported by the Chuh-Chukh train? (cube, cuboid, pyramid, cone, cylinder, ball, torus, prism)
- What are all these geometric shapes called and why? (volume figures, by the fact that they have volume, i.e. take up space in space).
- And let's see what happens if we circle the base of each three-dimensional figure on a piece of paper. What are the names of the figures drawn on paper? (flat figures; cube-square, rectangular parallelepiped-parallelepiped, pyramid-square-triangle-polygon, cone-circle, cylinder-circles, prism-triangle-polygons).
- Show me the pyramid and the cone, please. What is the difference? (the base pyramid has a square, rectangle, triangle, polygon, while the base of a cone is always a circle and has no faces).
- What are their similarities? (both the pyramid and the cone have a base and a vertex).
- And who will show me the ball? How is it different from all figures? (the ball has no base, corners, sides).
What are prisms? (triangular, polygonal), why are they called that? (because they are based on a triangle, polygons).
- Well done guys, today you were attentive and learned to distinguish three-dimensional geometric shapes. And now you can play with figures, build houses, a palace, gates and other buildings. Fantasize yourself.