Good afternoon, dear ecologists of Moscow and the Moscow region. Have you already filled in the Waste Cadastre of Moscow and the Moscow Region with your information?

We inform you that before March 1, 2017, all enterprises and organizations of the Moscow Region must provide the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Moscow Region with information on the production and consumption waste generated by them for inclusion in the waste cadastre of the Moscow Region.

Economic entities of the Moscow Region annually, by March 1, fill out the necessary information for the formation and maintenance of the Cadastre in in electronic format information forms of initial information of the Waste Accounting System of the Moscow Region on the official website for the reporting calendar year.

From March 1, 2016, individual entrepreneurs, as well as legal entities of the Moscow Region, may be held administratively liable for failure to submit or untimely and incomplete submission of information to the Waste Cadastre of the Moscow Region. environment”, adopted by the Moscow Regional Duma on December 24, 2015.

On January 10, 2016, the amendments made to the Law of the Moscow Region dated December 22, 2006 No. 240/2006-OZ “On Environmental Protection in the Moscow Region” came into force, which introduced new article 11.3, which provides for penalties for non-submission and late submission of information to the waste cadastre.

Why is waste information needed?

The cadastre is a database of all types of waste that is taken to landfills. Includes the name of the organization, type of activity, quantity, type of waste, hazard class. Now the question of the filling of landfills is quite acute. We strive to convey to representatives of small and medium-sized businesses the need to provide information to the waste cadastre in order to fully form a territorial scheme for waste management in the future. More reliable information means a more complete picture.

Where can I get information about the volumes and types of waste generated?

Waste type: waste passport of I–IV hazard classes, waste classifier.

Waste volume:

Form of federal statistical observation No. 2-TP (waste) "Information on the formation, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of production and consumption waste" (Order Federal Service state statistics dated January 28, 2011 No. 17 “On approval of statistical tools for the organization by Rosprirodnadzor of federal statistical monitoring of production and consumption waste”).

Information from the primary documentation - when concluding an agreement with a waste disposal company, implementing the transfer of waste, individual entrepreneur / legal entity. the person is presented with an act containing the amount of waste. Summing up these volumes of waste at the end of the year, it seems possible to submit information to the waste cadastre.

How is a waste passport of I-IV hazard classes issued?

In accordance with the rules for certification of waste of hazard classes I–IV, a passport is drawn up by individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, in the course of which waste is generated (in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2013 No. 712).

Where can I find the necessary materials (forms and information of a legislative nature) to fill in and send information?

On the website of the Ministry of Ecology in the section "Waste Cadastre" posted:

  • list of typical questions and answers;
  • a memo on maintaining a waste cadastre;
  • order on approval of the procedure for maintaining a waste inventory;
  • an order to approve instructions for filling out information forms of initial information;
  • standard forms to fill in information;
  • guidelines.

How does the program posted on the website of the Ministry of Ecology work?

The information program "Waste Cadastre of the Moscow Region" is timely updated and finalized. Including a simplified interface. The format for submitting information is also taken into account, it is possible to report not only in this program, but in any convenient way: on hard copy, registered mail, courier.

What are the consequences of late submission of information (after 04/01/2016) for 2015?

In case of proper submission of information for 2015 after April 1, 2016, the organization / individual entrepreneur will not be fined. When submitting information in 2017 for 2016, the submission must be timely - before March 1.

The Ministry of Ecology of the Moscow Region has a list of organizations of all municipalities, on the basis of which a list of organizations that did not provide information is made. According to this code of the Ministry of Ecology, the Ministry of Defense notifies organizations (in accordance with 184-RM) of a violation of the Procedure and the need to eliminate the violation within a period of 30 days.

What is the amount of fines?

Failure to comply with the Procedure for maintaining a waste cadastre, ignoring the relevant notices, entails the imposition of an administrative fine.

Failure to provide information: individual entrepreneur - 10-20 thousand rubles, legal entity - 100-200 thousand rubles.

Late submission of information: individual entrepreneur - 5-10 thousand rubles, legal entity - 50-150 thousand rubles.


The note was prepared by my assistant for the development of the “Environmental Safety” column, Ksenia Raldugina.

That's all. Subscribe to the site, put rating stars a little lower 😉 Thank you for your support!

To be continued...

Initial information about the waste

(name of the waste according to the initial information)

State of aggregation And physical form: ________________________________

(aggregate state and physical form of waste: solid, liquid,

pasty, sludge, gel, emulsion, suspension, free-flowing, granulate,

powdery, dusty, fiber, ready product who lost their

consumer properties, other)
Waste composition: __________________________________________________________

(component composition of the waste in percent)
formed as a result of: _________________________________________________

(Name technological process, as a result of which

a waste was formed, or a process, as a result of which the goods (products)

lost consumer properties, indicating the original product)
Waste hazard class: _________________________________________________

properties: _______________________________________________________________
Information about the conditions and objects of waste disposal: ______________________


Information about the use and disposal of waste:



Additional information: ________________________________________________

Full name individual entrepreneur or the full name of the legal entity

persons ________________________________________________________________________
Abbreviated name: _______________________________________________

TIN: ____________________________ OKATO: _____________________________

OKPO: ____________________________ OKVED: _____________________________

E-mail: ___________________________ Tel./Fax:
Legal address: ____________________________________________________________

Postal address: _________________________________________________________

Head of the enterprise:

________________________________ ______________ _______________________

(surname, name, patronymic) (date) (signature)

The list of documents submitted for approval of hazardous waste passports and obtaining certificates ofwaste hazard class for the environment :

  • application for issuance of certificate(s) on the hazard class of waste for the environment and approval of the passport(s) of hazardous waste indicating in it: a list of waste, name, legal form, location, OGRN, a document confirming the fact of entering information about legal entities (or individual entrepreneurs) in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (or EGRIP), TIN in the form of the Office;

  • initial information about the waste, according to the form of Appendix No. 2 to the "Procedure for organizing work on the certification of hazardous waste", approved. by order of Rostekhnadzor dated August 15, 2007 No. No. 570 for each type of waste.

  • materials for assigning waste to a specific class of danger to the environment (prepared by the applicant in accordance with the "Criteria for classifying hazardous waste as a class of danger to the environment", approved by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2001 N 511);

  • copies of the laboratory accreditation document and its appendix indicating the relevant scope of accreditation;

  • hazardous waste passport(s);
In case of revealing the incompleteness of the information indicated in the submitted materials of the applicant, and (or) the incompleteness of the materials, the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor shall notify the applicant in writing within 5 days from the date of receipt of the applicant's materials.

Based on the applicant's materials for types of waste not registered with the FKKO, the territorial authority, after checking their completeness and reliability, provides, within 15 days from the date of their registration, the submission of the 2nd set of materials to Rosprirodnadzor. Rosprirodnadzor organizes the consideration of materials, and sends them for verification of the validity of the establishment of waste hazard classes for the environment. natural environment and their identification to the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

Based on the results of the audit conducted by the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, Rosprirodnadzor, within 45 days from the date of receipt of the specified materials, sends to the territorial body information on the results of the verification of the validity of establishing a hazard class for the environment (on confirmation or non-confirmation of the hazard classes of waste for environmental waste not registered with the FCCC).

The territorial authority, within 10 days from the date of receipt of information from Rosprirodnadzor, notifies the applicant and ensures the issuance of certificates of the hazard class of the waste for the environment and the approval of hazardous waste passports, or sends the applicant a notice of refusal to issue a certificate of the hazard class of the waste for the environment and approval of a hazardous waste passport indicating the reasons for refusal.
Hazardous Waste Passport Validity

  • for waste included in the FCC not installed, i.e. after agreement it valid for an unlimited time;

  • for waste not included in the FCC, - is limited for the period of registration of this waste in FKKO, i.е. this waste is not registered and the waste passport is sent for approval to Moscow, and has a temporary nature of action until the release of a new version of the supplement to the FKKO, where this species waste will be registered.
The latest additions to the FKKO, presented in the letter of Rostekhnadzor No. 00-07-12/308 dated 02.02.2010 "On the certification of hazardous waste", have not been registered with the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation. Despite this design and approval of materials for the certification of waste for a long time carried out using the add-on.

Previously agreed waste passports, drawn up in accordance with the list of wastes proposed for inclusion in the FCS, are currently valid and do not require additional re-issuance.

Responsibility for the lack of approved hazardous waste passports

Responsibility for the lack of approved hazardous waste passports provided for in article 8.2. Code of Administrative Offenses “Failure to comply with environmental and sanitary and epidemiological requirements when handling production and consumption waste or other hazardous substances».
Failure to comply with environmental and sanitary-epidemiological requirements in the course of collection, accumulation, use, neutralization, transportation, placement and other handling of production and consumption waste or other hazardous substances - entails:

  • imposition of an administrative fine on officials - from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles;

  • the imposition of an administrative fine on persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days;

  • imposition of an administrative fine on legal entities- from 100,000 to 250,000 rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

2.5. Development of draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal (PNWLR)

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, as a result of economic and other activities of which waste is generated (with the exception of small and medium-sized businesses), develop draft standards for the generation of waste and limits on their disposal(Article 18 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 N 89-FZ (as amended on July 28, 2012) "On Production and Consumption Wastes").

Development of PNOOLR - compulsory procedure for each enterprise (excluding small and medium-sized businesses) which results in the generation of waste.

The PNELR is being developed to protect the environment and reduce the amount of waste generated during production activities individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

On the basis of the PNOLR, the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor issues a document on the approval of waste generation standards and limits on their disposal (limit).

Waste disposal limits are calculated based on:

  • standards for maximum permissible harmful effects on the environment,

  • the amount of waste generated

  • their hazard class

  • characteristics of facilities intended for waste storage (their area, capacity, ability to ensure the safety of stored substances),

  • ecological situation in the area.
PNOOLR is issued on the basis of the Guidelines for the development of draft standards for the generation of waste and limits for their disposal, approved. Order of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated October 19, 2007 N 703.

PNOOLR contains information about:

  • types of waste;

  • the amount of waste;

  • waste hazard classes;

  • scheme of operational movement of waste;

  • emergency response measures and measures aimed at reducing the impact of waste on the environment;

  • places for temporary storage of waste.
According to paragraph 31 of the Order of Rostekhnadzor No. 703, the "Appendices" section of the PNOOLR includes:

  • copies of hazardous waste passports, copies of environmental hazard class certificates;

  • documents confirming the intention to dispose of waste at specialized facilities, transfer (or receive) waste for the purpose of their use and (or) neutralization;

  • documents confirming the facts of use, neutralization, disposal of waste;

  • copies of documents, certified by the economic entity, on the use, disposal of waste by the economic entity, storage and disposal of waste at independently operated facilities for reporting period;

  • copies of contracts (acts), certified by an economic entity, on the transfer and acceptance of waste to other economic entities for the reporting period for use, neutralization, storage and disposal;

  • copies of licenses for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, disposal of waste issued to business entities to which hazardous waste is transferred into ownership, or on the basis of possession, use or disposal for use, neutralization, storage and disposal;

  • a map-scheme of the location of objects of use, neutralization and waste disposal facilities on the territory of the enterprise with an explication;

  • documents confirming the data of the material and raw materials balance and production indicators;

  • documents confirming the obligations of the tenant to independently carry out waste management activities.
Separately, it should be noted that when transferring waste for disposal at a facility whose owner does not have a license to carry out activities for the disposal of waste of hazard classes I-IV, limits on waste disposal are not issued.

Approved in 2010 new order development and approval PNOOLR, approved. Order of the Ministry natural resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2010 N 50, intended for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities that are not related to small and medium-sized businesses. This order came into force on February 22, 2011.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation No. 50 dated February 25, 2010, the masses (volumes) of waste intended for accumulation (for a period not exceeding six months) in places (sites) equipped in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, in waste disposal limits are not included.

List of documents submitted for approval of waste generation standards and limits on their disposal:

  1. a statement on the approval of waste generation standards and limits on their disposal, indicating the following information:

  • full and abbreviated name, including company name, organizational and legal form of a legal entity, its location, state registration number of the entry on the creation of a legal entity and data of a document confirming the fact of making an entry about a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - for legal entity;

  • surname, name and patronymic (the last name - if any) of an individual entrepreneur, his place of residence, data of an identity document, state registration number of an entry on state registration as an individual entrepreneur and data of a document confirming the fact of making an entry about an individual entrepreneur in the Unified State register of individual entrepreneurs, - for an individual entrepreneur;

  1. a copy of the license for carrying out activities for the neutralization and disposal of waste of I - IV hazard class (for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities engaged in activities for the neutralization and disposal of waste of I - IV hazard class);

  2. draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal;

  3. a copy of the license to use subsoil plots for the purpose of dumping toxic and other hazardous waste (for a legal entity - a subsoil user that has a license to use subsoil plots for the purpose of dumping toxic and other hazardous waste);

  4. a document confirming the payment of the state fee for issuing a document approving the standards for the generation of production and consumption waste and limits for their disposal (1000 rubles for issuing, 200 rubles for issuing a duplicate - in accordance with Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by the Federal Law of December 27, 2009 No. 374-FZ)).
In case of detection of incompleteness of the submitted application and documents and (or) incompleteness of the information contained in them, the territorial bodies of Rosprirodnadzor within 5 days from the date of their receipt in writing notify the individual entrepreneur and legal entity.

Territorial authorities Rosprirodnadzor, within a period not exceeding 30 working days from the date of receipt of the application and documents, make a decision to approve the standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal or to refuse to approve them (with a reasoned justification).

The basis for refusal to approve the standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal is the presence of unreliable information in the composition of the said application and documents.

Approval of waste generation standards and limits on their disposal is not allowed if the amount of waste proposed for disposal exceeds the available production capacity of the waste disposal facility (according to the results of its inventory), necessary for the planned waste disposal.

Waste generation standards and limits on their disposal are approved for a period of 5 years, subject to annual confirmation by individual entrepreneurs and legal entities of the invariance of the production process and the raw materials used in the form of a technical report.







In accordance with Federal Law No. 89-FZ of 24.06.1998 "On Production and Consumption Waste", Law of the Moscow Region No. 171/2001-OZ "On Production and Consumption Waste in the Moscow Region", Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of 02.10.2009 No. 802/41 "On Approval of the Procedure for Maintaining the Waste Cadastre of the Moscow Region", in order to ensure a uniform presentation of information used to maintain the waste cadastre of the Moscow Region:

1. Approve the Instructions for filling out information forms of initial information used to maintain the cadastre of waste in the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) (attached).

2. The Department of Information Protection and Human Resources shall ensure the official publication of this order in the newspaper "Ezhednevnye Novosti. Podmoskovye" and on the official website of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Moscow Region.

3. Put the Instruction into effect from the date of its official publication.


A.S. Kachan


by order of the Ministry

ecology and nature management

Moscow region





I. General provisions

Instructions for filling out information forms of initial information used to maintain the inventory of waste in the Moscow Region determines the procedure for filling out information forms of initial information used to maintain the inventory of waste in the Moscow Region, which are an annex to the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated 02.10.2009 N 802/41 "On Approval The Procedure for Maintaining the Waste Cadastre of the Moscow Region" (hereinafter referred to as the forms).

II. The procedure for filling out the form "Initial data on waste",

which is Appendix N 1 to the Procedure for maintaining the cadastre

waste of the Moscow region, approved by the resolution

Government of the Moscow Region of 02.10.2009 N 802/41

(hereinafter referred to as the Procedure for Maintaining the Waste Cadastre)

Line 1 "Waste code" indicates the waste code corresponding to its name in the federal waste classification catalog (hereinafter - FKKO). For waste, the name of which is not found in the FKKO, put down the code of the corresponding group or subgroup in which this waste should be included.

Line 2 indicates the name of the waste according to the initial information.

Line 3 "State of aggregation and physical form" indicates data on the aggregate state and physical form of the waste (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 9).

Line 4 "Waste composition" indicates data on component composition percentage waste.

Line 5 "Formed as a result" shall contain data on the name of the technological process, as a result of which the waste was formed, or the process, as a result of which the product (product) lost its consumer properties, indicating the original product (product).

Line 6 "Waste Hazard Class" indicates the waste hazard class in relation to the environment (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 10). The hazard class of the waste corresponds to the last digit of the waste code in the FCC. If the waste is not identified with any of the waste names available in the FKKO, the hazard class can be established in accordance with the Criteria for classifying hazardous waste as a hazard class for the environment, approved by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2001 N 511. If for waste hazard class is not defined, the column is put "n / a" (not installed).

On line 7" Hazardous Properties"Hazardous properties of the waste in relation to the environment are indicated (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 11).

Line 8 "Information on the conditions and facilities for waste disposal" indicates the types (types) of waste disposal facilities (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 1) and methods of waste disposal (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 7).

Line 9 "Information on the use and disposal of waste" indicates the purpose of the object of use and disposal of waste (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 12).

Line 10 "Additional information" indicates additional information about leaving.

Lines 11-16 indicate the full and abbreviated name of the legal entity (last name, first name, patronymic of the individual entrepreneur), TIN, codes OKPO, OKATO, OKVED, location of the legal entity (place of residence of the individual entrepreneur), postal address, telephones, fax and address Email.

III. The procedure for filling out the form "Data on actual volumes

transported waste", which is Appendix No. 2

Columns 1, 2 indicate the name (last name, first name, patronymic), TIN of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) transporting waste.

Columns 3, 4 indicate the name (last name, first name, patronymic), TIN of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) that transferred the waste for transportation.

Columns 5, 6 indicate the name of the transported waste and the waste code according to the FKKO.

Columns 7, 8 indicate the name and code for machine processing (hereinafter referred to as the code), the purpose of waste removal (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 13).

Columns 9-10 indicate the actual volume of transported waste differentiated by destination in tons / year and cubic meters. m/year.

Column 11 indicates the destination of waste transportation: the name of the waste disposal facility or the number of the industrial site of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur).

Columns 12, 13 indicate the name (last name, first name, patronymic), TIN of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) operating the waste disposal facility.

IV. The procedure for filling out the form "Characteristics of the object

waste disposal", which is Appendix No. 3

to the Procedure for maintaining a cadastre of waste

Column 1 indicates the code of the waste disposal facility, which is established by the Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to the Procedure for maintaining a waste cadastre. If the number is not defined, then a dash is put.

Column 2 indicates the purpose of the waste disposal facility and its code (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 2).

Column 3 indicates the location of the waste disposal facility (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 4).

Column 4 indicates the OKATO code for the territory where the waste disposal facility is located (the first 5 characters).

Column 5.1 indicates the name of the waste disposal facility adopted by the legal entity (individual entrepreneur).

Column 5.2 indicates the type (kind) of the waste disposal facility and its code (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 1).

Column 6.1 indicates the state of the waste disposal facility and its code (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 3).

In column 6.2 for decommissioned, mothballed and liquidated waste disposal facilities, the name and details of the document confirming the state of the waste disposal facility are indicated.

In column 6.3 for reclaimed waste disposal sites, the date of recultivation is indicated.

In column 6.4, for reclaimed waste disposal sites, the types of recultivation are indicated: technical, chemical, biological.

In columns 7.1-7.3, information is entered on the location of the waste disposal facility in relation to the nearest settlement in accordance with the following rule: the name is entered locality indicating the municipal district of the Moscow Region or the urban district of the Moscow Region, the direction along the cardinal points (N, N-E, E, S-E, S, S-W, W, N-W), the distance from the border of the settlement to the border of the object waste disposal in kilometers in the indicated direction.

If the waste disposal facility is located within the boundaries of a settlement, then only the name of the settlement is indicated, indicating the municipal district of the Moscow Region or the urban district of the Moscow Region.

Columns 8.1-8.2 are filled in if the waste disposal facility is located at a distance of less than 1 km from water body(river, lake, etc., as well as drinking water supply wells), the name of the water body (well number) and the distance to it in kilometers are indicated.

Columns 9.1-9.3 are filled in for waste disposal facilities located in a specially allocated area, indicating the type of document on the targeted land acquisition, the name of the authority that issued it, the details of this document.

Column 10.1 indicates the name of the project for the waste disposal facility, if the specified project is absent, then "no" is indicated.

In columns 10.2-10.5, a separate line indicates the presence of a positive opinion on the project documentation of the state expertise carried out in accordance with the legislation on urban planning, and the state environmental expertise (name of the conclusion); name of the body that issued the positive opinion, details of the document.

Column 11.1 indicates the year of putting the waste disposal facility into operation.

Column 11.2 shall indicate: for existing waste disposal facilities - the year of completion of operation of the waste disposal facility under the project; for the rest, the year of decommissioning.

Column 12 indicates the numerical value of the area occupied by the waste disposal facility directly, in hectares; for waste disposal facilities located in specially designated areas, the area is additionally indicated through a fraction, taking into account the sanitary protection zone (if any).

Column 13 indicates the size of the sanitary protection zone of the waste disposal facility in meters.

Columns 14.1-14.4 are intended to describe the waste placed at the waste disposal facility.

In column 14.1, a separate line indicates the waste codes according to the FKKO, actually placed at the waste disposal facility.

In column 14.2, a separate line shall indicate the names of wastes corresponding to the waste codes according to the FKKO indicated in column 14.1.

In column 14.3, for each waste, the method of its disposal at the waste disposal facility is indicated (appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 7).

In column 14.4, for each waste, the amount of accumulated waste is indicated in tons and cubic meters. m. If several wastes in a mixture are placed at the waste disposal facility, it is allowed to indicate their total amount by combining the lines with the names of these types of waste with a curly bracket.

Column 15 indicates the capacity of the waste disposal facility in tons and cubic meters. m. Capacity is taken either from the project, or is established by calculation on the basis of direct measurements.

Column 16 indicates the annual capacity of the waste disposal facility under the project in t / year and cubic meters. m/year.

Column 17 indicates the amount of waste accumulated at the beginning of the year, in tons and cubic meters. m.

Column 18 is filled in for waste disposal facilities located in territories for which restrictions on waste disposal are introduced, the type of territory and code are indicated (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 8).

In column 19, a separate line lists the types of environmental protection systems actually available at the waste disposal facility and their codes (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 5).

In column 20.1, a separate line lists the types of environmental monitoring that are actually carried out at the waste disposal facility, and their codes (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 6).

In column 20.2, for each environmental component, summarized results of environmental monitoring are given. The entry options are as follows:

There are no excesses of the established environmental quality standards;

There are excesses of the established environmental quality standards for certain indicators;

There are excesses of the established environmental quality standards in many respects.

Columns 21.1-21.3 indicate the type of right to the waste disposal facility, the name of the document confirming the right, the name of the body (organization) that issued it, the date and number of this document.

Columns 22.1 and 22.2 indicate the date of registration of the waste disposal facility in state register waste disposal facilities and its registration number; if the waste disposal facility is not registered, a dash is put.

V. The procedure for filling out the form "Information on education,

use, disposal, transportation

and disposal of production and consumption waste,

which is Appendix No. 6 to the Procedure for maintaining

waste inventory

In each completed line of the form, columns 1 to 15 contain data or a sign of the absence of a phenomenon - a dash. A separate line is allocated for each type of waste included in the corresponding grouping according to environmental hazard classes. Line numbers are indicated three-digit numbers. For wastes of I class of environmental hazard, numbers from 100 to 199 inclusive should be used, for II, III, IV and V classes of hazard - from 200 to 299, from 300 to 399, from 400 to 499, from 500 to 599, respectively. At the same time, lines 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 show summary information about the amount of waste grouped according to the corresponding hazard classes.

Filling out the form begins with the final line 010, which reflects total waste of all environmental hazard classes (from I to V). The data of line 010 in columns 1-15 must be equal to the sum of the data in lines 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500, respectively, in columns 1-15.

On line 100, columns 1-15 shall indicate the total reporting data for all waste of the I class of environmental hazard. The data is formed by summing up information about waste of the 1st hazard class by type of waste circulated by an individual entrepreneur or legal entity (data by type of waste are given in lines 101-199).

Lines 101-199 in columns B, C, D, 1-15 provide information on each item of waste of I class of environmental hazard included in the grouping by hazard class. Line numbers for reflecting information on the name of the waste are put down strictly in order: 101, 102, 103, etc. In this case, the number of numbers and, accordingly, the lines filled in the form by waste names are used, equal to the number types of waste. If there is only one type of waste in circulation, the information on line 101 in columns 1-15 is repeated on line 100. If there is no waste of I hazard class (including previously accumulated) in circulation, numbers from 100 to 199 are not used when filling out the form .

On line 200, columns 1-15 shall indicate the total reporting data for all types of waste of the II class of environmental hazard. These lines 200 are formed by summing up information about waste of hazard class II by type of waste in circulation with a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) (data on waste are given in lines 201-299 similarly to lines 101-199).

On line 300, columns 1-15 indicate the total reporting data for all types of waste III class a hazard to the environment. These lines 300 are formed by summing up information about waste of hazard class III by type of waste in circulation with a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) (data on waste are given in lines 301-399 similarly to lines 101-199).

On line 400, columns 1-15 shall indicate the total reporting data for all types of waste of the IV class of environmental hazard. These lines 400 are formed by summing up information about waste of hazard class IV by type of waste in circulation with a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) (data on waste are given in lines 401-499 similarly to lines 101-199).

On line 500, columns 1-15 shall indicate the total reporting data for all types of waste of the V class of environmental hazard. These lines 500 are formed by summing up information about waste of hazard class V by type of waste in circulation with a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) (data on waste are given in lines 501-599 similarly to lines 101-199).

Line 600 shows the number of waste disposal facilities owned by a legal entity (individual entrepreneur).

Line 601 indicates the number of waste disposal facilities owned by a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) that do not meet current standards.

Line 602 indicates the area occupied by all waste disposal facilities owned by a legal entity (individual entrepreneur).

Column A indicates the line number.

Column B gives the names of the types of waste grouped by hazard classes for the environment.

Column B indicates the waste code according to the FKKO.

Column D reflects the number of the group of hazardous properties of the waste in accordance with the passport of this waste.

Column 1 indicates the total amount of waste accumulated during previous years, as of the beginning of the reporting year, located both on the territory of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) and outside it in the waste storage sites (storage facilities) belonging to the legal entity (individual entrepreneur). storage, warehouses, etc.).

Column 2 shows the amount of waste generated during the reporting year (excluding waste from other legal entities (individual entrepreneurs).

Column 3 indicates the amount of waste received from other legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) (from outside) to a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) for further neutralization, use, transportation, burial, storage, etc.

Column 4 reflects the amount of waste received during the reporting year on imports from other states.

Column 5 shows the amount of waste used by a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) during the reporting year to obtain any product or provide services (performance of work) (including for obtaining heat and electrical energy). This also takes into account the use of previously accumulated waste and received from outside in the reporting year.

Column 6 indicates the amount of waste completely neutralized during the reporting year (including at specialized waste incinerators owned by a legal entity (individual entrepreneur). The subsequent movement of completely neutralized waste (removal, storage, processing, sale to the side, etc.) is not reflected in the report.

Partially neutralized waste is not reflected in this column, but is indicated in columns 2, 5, 7-15.

Column 7 indicates the total amount of waste transferred during the reporting year to other legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) for use, neutralization, storage or disposal.

Column 8 shows the amount of waste transferred during the reporting year to other legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) for use.

Column 9 indicates the amount of waste transferred during the reporting year to other legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) for neutralization.

Column 10 reflects the amount of waste transferred during the reporting year to other legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) for storage.

Column 11 indicates the amount of waste transferred during the reporting year to other persons (individual entrepreneurs) for disposal.

Column 12 shows the total amount of waste disposed during the reporting year at own waste storage and disposal facilities (including leased waste disposal facilities).

Column 13 indicates the amount of waste disposed during the reporting year at own waste storage facilities (including leased waste disposal facilities).

Column 14 indicates the amount of waste buried during the reporting year at own waste disposal facilities (including leased waste disposal facilities).

Column 15 shows the amount of waste accumulated at facilities owned by a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) at the end of the reporting year (including leased waste storage facilities). This indicator is defined as the sum of the amount of waste accumulated at the beginning of the reporting year, generated by a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) and received from other legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) during the reporting year, minus the amount of waste used and disposed of during the reporting year, and also transferred to other legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) and placed at their own burial sites during the reporting year (group 1 + group 2 + group 3 - group 5 - group 6 - group 7 - group 14).

VI. The procedure for filling out the form "Data on technologies

use and neutralization of waste", which is

Appendix No. 7 to the Procedure for maintaining the inventory of waste

In the line "Inventory date" indicates the date of completion of the inventory.

The line "Total sheets" indicates the total number of sheets on which the inventory data is presented.

The line "Object code" indicates the code of the object of use and disposal of waste; if the object code is missing, then the string is left empty.

The line "Name of the object" contains the name of the production, within which the object of use and disposal of waste operates.

The line "Purpose of the object" includes the purpose of the object of use and disposal of waste and its code (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 12).

The line "Full and abbreviated name of the legal entity (last name, first name, patronymic name of an individual entrepreneur)" shall indicate the full and abbreviated name of the legal entity (surname, first name, patronymic name of an individual entrepreneur) that operates the facility for the use and disposal of waste.

In the lines "OGRN", "INN", "OKVED", "OKPO", "Location of the legal entity (place of residence of an individual entrepreneur)", "Postal address", "Telephone / fax", "e-mail" are indicated respectively PSRN , TIN, OKVED, OKPO, location of the legal entity (place of residence of an individual entrepreneur), postal address, telephone / fax, e-mail address of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) operating an object for the use and disposal of waste.

In the line "OKATO of the territory of the facility location" the code of the OKATO of the territory of the location of the facility for use and disposal of waste is indicated (the first 5 characters).

In the line "Size of the sanitary protection zone, m" for facilities for the use and disposal of waste located in a separate area, the size of the sanitary protection zone in meters is indicated. For facilities for the use and disposal of waste located in the main production area, the size of the sanitary protection zone in meters, determined for the main production, is indicated.

In column 1, a separate line lists the names of technologies for the use or disposal of waste; the name should reflect the essence of the applied technologies.

Columns 2-7 shall contain the name of the legal entity (last name, first name, patronymic of the individual entrepreneur) - the developer of the technology for the use and disposal of waste, the location of the legal entity (the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur), PSRN, TIN, OKVED, OKPO.

Column 8 indicates the year of development of the technology for the use and disposal of waste.

Columns 9-11 are filled in if there is a positive conclusion of the state environmental review of project documentation for the object of use and neutralization. The name of the body that issued the positive conclusion of the state environmental review, the details of the document are indicated.

In columns 12-13, a separate line lists the names of waste and FKKO codes that can be used or disposed of at the facility for use and disposal of waste.

Columns 14-15 indicate the amount of used and (or) neutralized waste for each of the waste items listed in column 12.

Columns 16-17 indicate the numerical value of the actual capacity of the technological line for the use and (or) disposal of waste in tons / year and cubic meters. m/year.

In columns 18-23, a separate line lists the names of the installations used, design capacities, type (stationary / mobile), operation mode (continuous, pulsed, periodic, on demand), temperature range of installations.

Column 24 indicates the name of the organization - the manufacturer of the installation.

In columns 25-27, a separate line lists the names of products manufactured at the facility for the use and disposal of waste, and OKP codes, as well as the details of the safety or conformity certificates received for the specified products.

In columns 28-29, a separate line indicates the quantity of products manufactured for each of the products listed in column 25.

Columns 30-31 give the names of the waste generated during the operation of the facility for the use and disposal of waste, upon receipt of products or after the use or disposal of waste, and codes according to FKKO.

In column 32, a separate line lists the names of the types of environmental monitoring that are actually carried out in connection with the operation of the facility, and their codes (Appendix to this Instruction, Codifier 6).

In column 33, for each type of environmental monitoring, generalized results of environmental monitoring are given. The entry options are as follows:

there are no excesses of the established environmental quality standards;

there are excesses of the established environmental quality standards for individual indicators;

there are excesses of the established environmental quality standards in many respects.

VII. How to fill out the "License Information" form,

which is Appendix No. 8 to the Procedure for maintaining

waste inventory

The section "Information about a legal entity (individual entrepreneur)" contains information about the name of the legal entity (last name, first name, patronymic of the individual entrepreneur), codes of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur), location of the legal entity (place of residence of the individual entrepreneur), telephone number, position , surname, name, patronymic of the head, information about the license.

The section "Information on the places of implementation of waste management activities" indicates the name, code of the territory according to OKATO, number, address of the industrial site, as well as permitted types of activities at this industrial site.


to the Instruction



Codifier 1. Types (kinds) of waste disposal facilities:

Types (kinds) of waste disposal facilities

Code for

minerals are not organic origin(For example,
tailings, hydraulic dumps, etc.)

Accumulator of liquid and pasty wastes of mining and enrichment
minerals of organic origin (for example,
sludge pits for oil sludge)

Dump of mining and enrichment waste

Accumulator of liquid and pasty inorganic waste
processing industries (for example, sludge storage facilities, including
number of treatment facilities)

Accumulator of liquid and pasty organic waste
processing industries, except for manure and dung storage
(e.g. sludge beds of sewage treatment plants)

Waste dump of processing industries

manure storage

Litter storage

Landfill industrial waste(with the exception of
underground burials)

Underground Liquid Waste Disposal System

Underground solid and solid waste disposal system

Municipal Solid Waste Landfill

Solid municipal waste dump

Other waste disposal sites (e.g. reclaimed
using solid household waste career)

Codifier 2. Purpose of waste disposal facilities:

Purpose of the object

Code for machine processing

Storage for up to 3 years

Storage for more than 3 years


Codifier 3. Condition of waste disposal facilities:

Object state

Code for machine


Mothballed (temporarily out of service)

Decommissioned, uncultivated

Decommissioned, reclaimed


Codifier 4. Location of waste disposal facilities:

Property location

Code for

The facility is located in the main production area

The object is located in a specially allocated area


Codifier 5. Environmental protection systems:

Types of environmental protection systems

Code for

1. For sites, land plots and landfills:

Ground screens

Concrete and reinforced concrete screens

Asphalt concrete and asphalt polymer concrete screens

Film screens

natural screen



Stormwater drainage (upland ditches)

Filtrate withdrawal

Collection and treatment of storm water

Collection and purification of leachate

Biogas collection

Anti-dust arrangement


Visual input control waste

Weighing incoming waste

Maintain records of incoming waste

No protection system

2. For buildings (premises):

The building is stone

The building is wooden

ground floor

Concrete or reinforced concrete floor

asphalt concrete floor

Film floor

Wooden floor

Ventilation natural

forced ventilation

The presence of bars on the windows

The presence of locks on the doors

The degree of deterioration of the building is insignificant

The degree of deterioration of the building is average

The degree of deterioration of the building is high

Building with signs of destruction

Codifier 6. Environmental monitoring systems at waste disposal sites:

Types of environmental monitoring

Code for

Groundwater monitoring (observation wells)

Surface water monitoring

Soil cover monitoring

Atmospheric air monitoring

Precipitation monitoring

No monitoring

Codifier 7. Waste disposal methods:

Placement method

Code for

Without containers (in bulk, in bulk, etc.) separately from other waste

Without containers (in bulk, in bulk, etc.) mixed with other waste

In an open metal container separately

In an open metal container in a mixture

In an open plastic (polyethylene) container separately

In an open plastic (polyethylene) container in a mixture

In other open containers (wooden, cardboard, etc.) separately

In other open containers (wooden, cardboard, etc.) in a mixture

In a closed metal container separately

In a closed metal container in a mixture

In a closed plastic (polyethylene) container separately

In a closed plastic (polyethylene) container in a mixture

In a closed glass container separately

In a closed glass container in a mixture

burlap) separately

In other closed containers (wooden, cardboard, paper,
burlap) in a mixture

In sealed metal containers (cylinders, barrels,
containers, etc.) separately

In a sealed plastic (polyethylene) container

In a sealed glass container separately

In other sealed containers separately

Codifier 8. Types of territories for which restrictions on waste disposal are introduced:

Territory types

Code for

Territories of urban and other settlements

Reserve territories for housing construction

forest park zone

Agricultural land, pastures

Resort zone (sanitary protection zone),
health-improving zone

recreational area

Water protection zone of a water body

Zone of sanitary protection of water supply sources and water pipelines
household and drinking purposes

The catchment area of ​​groundwater bodies used
for drinking and domestic purposes

Mineral deposits

Mining sites

Places of mass spawning and fattening of fish

Zones of active karst (places of development of the karst process)

Zone of landslides, mudflows, snow avalanches


Territories with subsidence and swelling soils

Specially Protected Areas

Other (specify)

Codifier 9. Aggregate state and physical form of waste:

Aggregate state of waste

Code for

Data not set





Gel, colloid








Finished product that has lost consumer properties


Codifier 10. Waste hazard classes:

Name of waste hazard class

Code for

Extremely dangerous, hazard class I

Highly hazardous, hazard class II

Moderately hazardous, III hazard class

Low-hazard, IV hazard class

Practically harmless, hazard class V

Codifier 11. Hazardous properties of waste:

Hazardous Properties

Code for

(r) toxicity

(c) explosiveness

(o) fire hazard

(p) high reactivity

(t + c) toxicity + explosiveness

(t + n) toxicity + fire hazard

(t + p) toxicity + high reactivity

(v + n) explosion hazard + fire hazard

(v + p) explosiveness + high reactivity

(c + i) explosiveness + content of infectious agents

(n + r) fire hazard + high reactivity

(n + i) fire hazard + content of infectious agents

(p + u) high reactivity + content

(t + w + p) toxicity + explosiveness + fire hazard

(t + v + p) toxicity + explosiveness + high reactivity

(t + p + p) toxicity + fire hazard + high reactivity

(v + n + r) explosive + fire hazard + high

(v + n + i) explosiveness + fire hazard + content
pathogens of infectious diseases

(p + p + i) fire hazard + high reactivity +
content of pathogens of infectious diseases

(t + w + p + p) toxicity + explosiveness + fire hazard
+ high reactivity

(v + n + r + u) explosion hazard + fire hazard + high
reactivity + content of infectious agents

No hazardous properties

Codifier 12. Purpose of the object of use and disposal of waste:

Purpose of the object

Code for

Use as raw materials or additives to raw materials

Regeneration (recovery)

Extraction of valuable components

Use as fuel (other than destruction by incineration)

Biological processing to obtain products (for example,

Physico-chemical treatment not mentioned before (for example,
evaporation, drying, calcination, neutralization, precipitation

Shredding for later use

Sort for later use

Neutralization biochemical

Reagent neutralization (chemical)

Thermal neutralization, including destruction by incineration

Other (specify)

Codifier 13. Purposes of waste disposal:

Purpose of export

Code for machine processing






The Association assists in the provision of services in the sale of timber: at competitive prices on an ongoing basis. Timber products of excellent quality.

In preschool educational institution in 2018 in different months from 23 to 27 people worked, in 2019 - 27 people (of which one employee is on maternity leave). In what order should an institution submit to the FSS the information necessary for the appointment and payment of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, at the birth of a child and other benefits related to motherhood: in electronic form or on paper (the institution is located in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, involved in the pilot project)? The buyer - VAT payer has the right to use the deduction of the tax presented to him on goods, works, services, property rights in the event that the prescribed in Art. 171 and 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation conditions: the purchase is intended for a VAT-taxable operation and is registered, the buyer has an invoice drawn up accordingly. True, if this document is received late, the taxpayer may have additional questions. For what period to declare a deduction? How can it be transferred to subsequent tax periods and not miscalculate the deadline set by the legislator for this event? Is it possible to defer only part of the deduction? Four court instances, including the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, denied citizen Zh. the right to register a new D LLC. The formal basis for this refusal was the applicant’s failure to submit the documents required for state registration, determined by Federal Law No. executive body of a legal entity within its location, and there are also signs that the founders - legal entities LLC "P", LLC "B" and their heads do not have the ability to manage in the newly created legal entity.

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