Feelings of shyness, embarrassment and awkwardness can take everyone by surprise. It doesn't matter if you are an introvert or an extrovert by nature. Perhaps this happens more often with people of a more quiet and modest warehouse, but everything happens in life. And getting into a situation that puts you in an awkward position and makes you feel shy, maybe an extrovert. Shyness is very closely related to such feelings as awkwardness, excessive modesty, shyness, constraint.

Where does this feeling come from?

As soon as you go out in public or get into an unfamiliar circle of people, shyness overcomes you, and there is nothing you can do about it. You begin to experience it when your attention is excessively directed only at yourself. You track your every step, gesture, words, you begin to control all your actions. And it begins to seem to you that all the attention and views of people are riveted on you, and they notice your every flaw. Such narcissism causes over-sensitivity to any words of others, and from this you feel even more shy and constrained.

Let's look at the feeling of shyness from a psychological point of view. This feeling is based on three components: excessive awkwardness, low self-esteem, negative self-attention. The feeling of awkwardness arises from the fact that you are constantly trying to control yourself everywhere and in everything, especially in the company of new people. Low self-esteem is formed from the fact that you see only your negative sides and traits. Negative self-attention is created in situations when you did something wrong, as you would like, made a mistake, an oversight in public.

Can you deal with shyness?

It is not only possible to cope, but necessary. The following will describe ways to help you with this.

1. Deal with the reasons for the formation of shyness

Observe this feeling, when it occurs, under what circumstances, why and how it manifests itself in you. Understanding yourself is the first and most important step to any change or improvement in life. The answers to these questions will form the basis for further work on yourself.

2. Break the Habit of Constantly Evaluating Yourself

How I look, how I stand, what I say, whether I behave like this, how I look from the outside, and what others think of me ... Constant control of yourself and the situation will keep you in constant voltage and stiffness. You will not be able to relax, communicate easily with other people. Nobody evaluates you, people, in fact, pay little attention to each other. Everyone is busy with their own thoughts and with themselves, and they do not care about you. So you can breathe freely, no one is watching you closely. Better direct your attention inward. Just watch your train of thought.

3. Seek to see your strengths

Undoubtedly, each of us has his own unique characteristics and qualities. Find them in yourself, look at yourself from the outside, what do you have that you could be proud of. This will help you raise your low self-esteem and restore faith in yourself. Focus your attention on your strengths until you realize your originality and uniqueness.

4. Learn to accept yourself

Only after you do this will you like yourself again. Leave self-criticism. Love yourself for being an individual, because there is no such person in the entire Universe, and there never will be again. Learn to like yourself, to accept your body, your face with all the advantages and disadvantages.

5. Watch people

To shift your focus away from yourself, try to pay attention to the people around you, especially when you are in crowded places and the feeling of awkwardness creeps in on you. During a conversation, be extremely attentive to what your interlocutor says, how he expresses his thoughts, how he keeps himself in society. This will tell you how to behave.

6. Only say good things about yourself.

It is no secret that any spoken word carries a certain energy that can influence you. What we often repeat about ourselves is what we become. It happens unconsciously. But you can make this process conscious by repeating some positive statements, affirmations. Gradually, it will take root in you and work to your advantage. If every day you tell yourself that you are sociable, courageous, active people loving to spend time among other people, it will happen. You will be able to verify their effectiveness and efficiency for your personal growth.

7. Pay attention to moments when you feel shy

After conversations, incidents and different situations where you feel shy and uncomfortable, analyze them. You need to learn how to take advantage of each such moment, work through them, making it so that you open yourself. You can always replay the situation to your advantage, using each mistake as an opportunity to work on yourself. Just be an observer of your feelings.

8. Don't be afraid when they tell you no.

Very often it is in such situations that a person feels awkward and shy. After a refusal, people are afraid to ask or ask something again. However, failures should not be afraid, it all depends on your attitude towards them. Do not take them painfully, be prepared that you may be told no to your request. Absolutely everyone in this life is denied, and you are no exception. Learn to accept rejection and respond calmly to them. No, it's not, ask someone else what you need. Learn from this lesson for yourself and draw conclusions. By the way, you will also not be superfluous to learn how to refuse people in a soft way. Being trouble-free is a thankless task that is not appreciated by anyone.

9. Don't demand too much from yourself.

When a person sets himself an overestimated bar and does not cope with it, and as a result he will be disappointed in himself and his strengths. Set realistic goals that you can achieve. Each small victory will develop your self-confidence. Self-esteem will begin to grow, and then you will be able to achieve much more.

10. Don't compare yourself to other people.

Each one is good in its own way. We are all created different, and when you compare, you erase your individuality and uniqueness. The very desire to be like someone else has a negative effect on you. There are new complexes, condemnations. You are beautiful just the way you were created, why should you be like someone else.

11. Start performing in public

This is a great way to quickly overcome shyness. Learn to express your opinion, speak first in a circle of friends, acquaintances, then at meetings and meetings with strangers or unfamiliar people. You can also perform further in large numbers of people. Just prepare your speech ahead of time to be sure. Meet new people, thanks to this you will develop your communication skills.

12. And finally, be sure to do the following task

Think, and it is better to write down somewhere all your successes, victories, achievements that you had. When you write all this down, you will be surprised how much you have accomplished without noticing. Come back often to this list of your victories. This will give you back your confidence. Shyness grows because you do not believe in yourself, that you are capable of much. But when you look at this list of successes, even if not great ones, you will be pleased with yourself. And this is the most important thing. Love, appreciate yourself, work on your qualities and fight complexes. And you will certainly succeed.

Remember how one day you walked into a room full of strangers and felt awkward and shy? Or remember that terrible pounding in your chest when you wanted to date someone, but were too shy to do so?

Or did you want to ask someone about the case, but again were embarrassed to do it? And that bad feeling in the lower abdomen in public places? Have you ever experienced a certain feeling that someone is always looking straight at your back?

Whether or not you are an introvert introvert- a person who focuses on his personal experiences, his inner world.) or extrovert ( extrovert- a person who is guided in his expressions in external world, on others.), at some point in our lives, we can all be affected feeling shy. There is a completely misconception that only introverts can experience shyness, but this is fundamentally wrong. Shyness for the most part refers to a feeling of awkwardness, inconvenience with oneself, and even more so among the people around.

This article is the result joint work extrovert Tina Su and introvert Amanda Linehan. Together we wanted to cast a ray of light on the subject of shyness from the perspective of these two extremes. We will also identify ways in which we ourselves, in most cases, overcome shyness.

The Three Components of Shyness. Excessive Awkwardness - You control yourself too much, especially in crowded places. Excessive Negative Self-Esteem - You tend to evaluate yourself negatively. Excessive Negative Self-Attention - You tend to pay excessive attention to the things you are doing wrong, especially around others. Does it look like you? When you feel inner shyness, can you choose one or several of the above components for your mood? We 100% can.

Why Do We Experience Shyness?

We all experience shyness to one degree or another. But, the main reason can be brought down to one of the following: Weak Self-expression is especially true for our life in school years. We mistakenly believed that our personal unique qualities no one is interested, not needed, not cool enough or not worthy of being admired. We tried to be like others, and this led to the fact that we did not feel ourselves. Amanda: Looking back, I didn't know about my personality at all. All I knew was that other people seemed to me more interesting, cooler people than me. I have tried unsuccessfully to imitate them.

Tina: I considered myself cool, as I was always quite liberated, cheeky. And I worked very hard to support and maintain that image. Of course, it was a false image, but I tried very hard to keep it. This made me very stressed and tired. Even though others didn't see me as shy, I felt shy most of the time. It turns out that very lively children have a rather weak self-expression and they tend to imitate someone.

Self-admiration - if we are among the people around us, we become overly sensitive, as if we were put in the center of a circle of these people. This causes concern and forces us to question every next step we take. The focus of our attention is fixed directly on ourselves and even more so on what we are doing wrong. This can trigger a downward spiral.

Amanda: In addition to weak self-expression, I very often thought that I was doing almost everything wrong - wrong! And it was vicious circle from which I could not get out. Now I understand that most people do not look at me as closely as I estimated myself. Tina: I was also overly sensitive about my actions around the people around me. My feelings were manifested in the way I spoke, laughed, walked, and so on. All my attention was focused on how not to screw up in front of others, and this annoyed me quite a lot. What I understand now is that all people are so preoccupied with their personal shortcomings that they hardly notice yours. Labeling - When we claim to be shy people, we psychologically feel compelled to live up to it. We can say to ourselves: "I am a shy person and this pure truth. Yes, I really am, and you can’t hide it. ” When we are our affirmation "stick label" on something, then the definition of this thing is taken for granted by us, and therefore it coincides with our expectations.

Amanda: Everyone knew me as a quiet and shy person, and this perception of her sometimes bothered me a lot. People expected me to behave in a certain way, which I actually did. And knowing that people around me thought I was shy, on top of my not wanting to be shy, only made me more anxious when I was around people. I really wanted to show a different side of myself, but it was easier to agree with what the others expected of me.

Tina: Deep down, I felt uncomfortable with my own shyness quite often, and yet, when I was around people, I had to live up to their expectations that I was not shy at all. I never let my shy side show, but I do feel shy. At such moments, I caught myself saying to myself: "I'm shy".

How to Overcome Shyness?

We both tried different ways to deal with shyness. With a greater understanding of the problem and with the help of practice, we both overcame it. Here are some tips that have helped us a lot.

1. Try to understand your shyness - be aware of your individual cause of shyness, and how it manifests itself in your life. Understand what situations cause this feeling? And what exactly is this condition connected with?

2. Turn Self-Consciousness into Self-Understanding - recognize the fact that the whole world is not looking at you. In addition, most people are very busy with themselves. Instead of evaluating yourself as if you are all other people, take your understanding inside yourself. Look for something in yourself that makes you shy, and become an outside observer of your own thoughts. Understanding yourself is the first and most important step to any change or improvement in life.

3. Find yours strengths- each of us has our own unique and inimitable qualities and different ways self-expression. The main thing is to know and fully accept the things in which we excel, even if they deviate from the norm. If all people were the same, the world would be a very, very boring place. Find something you know how to do and love to do and focus on that. Conscious strength will increase your natural self-respect and your ego, helping you to better define yourself. This is a short-term measure, but it will give you confidence that you will be able to destroy the barrier of fear you have erected.

See how your unique and unique strength gives you a great advantage. For example, Amanda is usually a quiet person who prefers to spend time by herself. She realized that she is a better listener and sees things that others do not notice during a conversation. She also found that being alone gave her a better understanding of herself.

4. Learn to like yourself - train yourself to appreciate yourself and love your individual unique look, who you are in reality. Write a love letter to yourself. Do what pleases you. By this you express gratitude to yourself for your body and its work. Take the time to get to know yourself. Keep getting to know yourself.

5. Never imitate anyone - trying to look like "as everybody" very tiring and not particularly interesting. Understand that it's great to be different. Almost everyone feels insecure, uncomfortable and embarrassed. Admit that you are not considered one of the most popular high society celebrities, but you may not want this. Ultimately, popularity will not make you happy. But a great understanding of your unique, inimitable qualities will help you feel much freer.

6. Pay more attention to other people - Instead of focusing on your awkwardness in places where there are a lot of people, pay more attention to them and what they are talking about. Be interested in the people around you and remember what they say about themselves first. During the conversation, you can ask yourself the question: What do I like about this person?

Another effective and powerful technique is the simple muscle exercise meditation. Lie down or sit down. Feel every cell of your body, every part, starting from the toes and moving up the body right to the top of the head. In every part of your body that this moment is in the spotlight, tense your muscles for 5-6 seconds, and then relax them. Keep doing this until you reach the top of your head. Don't forget about proper breathing.

9. - imagine yourself as happy and confident person. In some situations, it helps shape your perception of yourself when you are actually in those situations. Close your eyes, sit somewhere and relax, turn on relaxation music, imagine yourself in the right place or in the right situation and see yourself the way you would like to see yourself. What do you feel? What do you hear? Do you smell any? How are you moving? What do you see? Remember all your fictional feelings, sensations, so that later you can make them real.

10. Confirmation of what has been said () - any word can carry powerful energy. What we repeatedly say to ourselves is subconsciously deposited and ingrained in us, and then acts accordingly. If we tell ourselves many times that we are too shy to do anything, then each time we will be more and more convinced of this. And that this "fact" support, our actions will always be in line with what we tell ourselves. In the same way, if we tell ourselves many times that we can be an interesting and confident person, then our powerful subconscious mind will make decisions corresponding to this new "fact". Since we are not capable of deceiving ourselves, positive visualization and affirmations will be helpful in personal improvement.

11. Pay attention to your shyness - if we do not change the situations in which we feel constrained, then this only reinforces our shyness in us. Instead, it would be better to understand the current situation. Turn an awkward situation into an opportunity for personal growth and introspection. Become an outside observer and carefully understand yourself, answer yourself the following questions: “Why do I feel this way? What made me feel this? Are there any other explanations for what happened?

12. Be prepared to be rejected - accept that any of us can be denied something. Learn to deal with it and not take it too personally. Once and for all, remember that you are not the only one and that this happens to absolutely everyone. This is one part of life. What matters is how you deal with rejection. Here's what really helps to be mentally prepared before they happen:

You shouldn't take it personally. This is not your mistake. This is just an unfortunate set of circumstances. It just so happened that the development of events did not take place in your favor, and nothing more.

Learn valuable lessons - what did you understand from what happened? Useful valuable information can be found in absolutely any situation. And thanks to these lessons, awareness of life comes to you - to become much better, to become much stronger. Nothing is lost yet if you learn an invaluable lesson from this.

Move forward. Recognize that if you feel sorry for yourself, you can't get anywhere. Nothing changes from your self-pity. When you admit this, it immediately becomes clear that all your energy is being wasted. Gather up, discard everything unnecessary and move on to the next goal. Try, try, try. This will definitely work!

13. Don't fall into perfectionism - when we start evaluating ourselves, we have such a harmful tendency to compare ourselves to the most popular person in the room, or worse, to the celebrities we see on TV. We set excessive expectations for ourselves, unreasonably comparing ourselves with people who are completely different from us, and we are surprised - "Why can't I become like him/her?" We carry our own cultivation with us and expect that we are bound to get exactly the same results. And if we can’t fit into the desired framework, then we immediately get upset. As you can see, all the problems lie in our position, the point of view that we ourselves have created in our heads, but which does not correspond to reality. Refuse this wonderful picture, form an image that will become the essence of you; and let that image develop naturally.

14. Stop labeling yourself - stop telling yourself that you are a shy person. You are you. You are unique, unique and unrepeatable. And you are wonderful. Can you not continue further?

15. Practice Social Skills - Like all other skills, a social skill can only be developed through practice and experience. The more you put yourself in certain situations, the easier it will be next time. If you find it difficult to say what to say, you can think of what to say in advance.

16. Practice on uncomfortable situations - sometimes, this is not a social skill in which we feel uncomfortable and awkward, but rather a deficit in ourselves, in our strengths. Lack of faith that we are capable of succeeding and strong fear that we will fail. Special placement of yourself in an awkward situation will help you reduce your fear of similar situations. Moreover, if you test yourself and force yourself to endure, you will understand that, in the end, it is not so bad. In the beginning, it will most likely be difficult for you, but later you will find that you can enjoy and enjoy life.

17. Three questions to yourself - in those moments when you may feel nervous, periodically ask yourself the following three questions. By doing this, you will distract yourself from more destructive thoughts. Repeat them like a spell:
Am I moving with grace?
Am I relaxed?
I am breathing?

18. What is convenient for you? - going to clubs and bars is not for everyone, and this is very good. Understand what feelings, emotions are comfortable for you, and find people or communities that make you feel better. You don't have to do what "everyone does". In addition, these people are not always happy, as it seems to you.

19. Focus on the moment - focusing on what you are doing, no matter what you are doing, will take your attention away from yourself. When you communicate, forget about how you look, concentrate on the words, bathe in them, drown in them. Intonation. Expression. Rate it and it will help you.

20. Find and write down all your successes - as you overcome one of the worst complexes, which is called shyness, you will have many victories. You will get a clear understanding of the truth regardless of the opinions of others. You will look at yourself differently and become more confident in yourself. Once these positive changes begin to appear, keep a pen and paper handy to write them down. Keeping a diary of your progress will increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

how to stop being shy


Sudden embarrassment, shyness sometimes greatly prevent us from living, acting when it is so necessary. If such manifestations are rare, then there is nothing to worry about. It's just one of the human emotions.

And if a constant feeling of embarrassment becomes a trait of character, does not allow you to move forward - its influence on your life, of course, should be reduced. A shy person himself understands that he needs to change, only how ... How to stop being shy and start life?

Embarrassment is not always manifested, only in certain situations, in society. Maybe in anyone, or maybe among specific individuals. How to stop being shy of people? Psychologists advise the first thing to get to the bottom of the truth: why exactly these acquaintances confuse you so much? Maybe you heard from your parents or peers at school that such people should be avoided, they are not from your circle, and therefore a certain reaction has formed in you. Or maybe you just got such a character from one of your parents.

How to stop being shy if your case is similar to the first? For such reasons, the manifestation of shyness can be minimized. One has only to realize that the opinion inspired by you is erroneous. But this is not so easy to do. Look for yourself in your own principles, values, reject strangers that interfere with your life. In addition, if embarrassment occurs in the presence of any person, in a group of people - here the reason most likely lies in the lack of social experience (which means you need to gain it!), Or in low self-esteem. Learn to believe in yourself, stop picking on yourself, and finally tie your self-worth to others in life. important events. You should not make it dependent on someone else's opinion, because it is impossible to please everyone!

How to stop being shy if it's in your blood? It's more difficult here. You can rather learn not to show it to others than to eradicate an important trait of your personality. Yes, it is important, because it makes you yourself. And this has its own charm, it’s not for nothing that girls love shy guys ... Take an example from self-confident people, by whom you certainly can’t say that they can be shy. If embarrassment is not visible on their faces, this does not mean that they do not experience this feeling. Shyness does not apply to the basic, basic emotions of a person, which are immediately visible on everyone's face. It (unlike the basic ones) can be hidden. Ask yourself what it is about the behavior of a confident person that so convinces others of his inner strength? Surely there are people like that in your circle. Watch them and give yourself the answer to this question. Maybe it's in the posture, in the pose, in the look? Practice portraying (whatever it is expressed in) in front of a mirror. Yes, it won't work at first. But you practice. First with myself, then with people. Sooner or later, this skill will develop into a habit.

Feeling embarrassed, shy is also characteristic of growing up people, especially teenagers and young people who have entered the period when it is time to meet girls, to prove to friends that you are “not a miss”. And then suddenly, how inopportunely! How to stop being shy with girls? Again with experience: learn to start a conversation, do not pay attention to rudeness, do not accumulate resentment and try again. With time, positive experience more communication. And then confidence will come, and embarrassment will disappear.

All of these methods are a difficult path that you will have to go through on your own, never turning off it, without giving up. Only then will the effect of working on oneself be fixed and give the desired result. If you find it difficult to cope with this alone, consult a psychologist. There is nothing reprehensible in this, on the contrary. It will help you understand the true causes of shyness, learn to live without embarrassment. Especially if this emotion manifests itself quite violently in you (the face turns red, sweat comes out, hands are shaking).

So, the main psychological advice on the problem of how to stop being shy is given. Move in the right direction and you will succeed!

I have always felt that the habit of being shy is very limiting. I don't like myself when I'm shy. My confidence, after each instance of embarrassment, shrank and melted like April snow. And how can I stop being embarrassed?

And then I learned that shyness is a way by which I shift responsibility for my life, for my successful development from myself to some norms, decency, morality and beliefs that other people have come up with. Someone came up with decency and norms that limit me and prevent me from living the life of my dreams, and I am glad to be shy and content with little.

I noticed that mostly people are concerned about their own problems, and no one cares about my personal experiences, my shortcomings and embarrassment about this. And if so, then it is simply stupid and unreasonable - to forbid yourself to live a full and rich life.

Watch a short video where I show an experiment that proves this:

And then I decided to get rid of the habit of being shy forever. A few tricks or ways have helped me stop being shy that can help you too. Here they are.

1. How to stop being shy through being interested in people

When surrounded by people, instead of thinking about how I look and how others evaluate me, I pay more attention to the people who are nearby, to what and how they say. I'm listening carefully. I show my sincere concern. And my attention shifts from my clumsiness and awkwardness to other people's virtues. And, of course, people feel and appreciate it.

2. How to stop being shy focus on work

When I am completely absorbed in the process, when I am focused on what I am currently doing, then I forget about my shortcomings and what people might think of me. If I completely transfer attention from myself to the business that I am doing at the moment, then I simply do not have the opportunity to think about something else, for example, that I will make some kind of impression on others.

On this topic, I liked Andrey Vydryk's video about the path between the pits. When he rides a bicycle, he does not pay attention to ditches and stones, but is completely focused on that narrow strip of road on which he needs to pass. And he goes through it. And the holes are left behind.

A simple exercise to increase concentration is step counting. I developed the habit of counting steps. I count steps when I leave the house, walk from the car to the office, just walk the dog. Sometimes some crazy thought distracts me, I get lost and start over. And thus my attention is always sharpened like a surgeon's scalpel.

3. How to get shy through oh openness and transparency

I feel shy when I hide something, hide something from the people around me. As soon as I start talking about it myself, I immediately stop being ashamed of it. Moreover, you can start not with a live conversation, but with writing about it in your personal diary. Then write about it on your blog. Then say it in social network. And already by this moment it is not at all scary and not ashamed to talk about it everywhere.

4. How to stop being shy through n lifting self-esteem

The more I value myself, the less reason to be shy. A simple way to constantly raise your self-esteem is to say to yourself the phrase "I like myself." Jack Canfield told me about this method in one of his books. As soon as I start repeating the phrase "I like myself" - the shoulders straighten, the top of the head stretches up, the smile raises the cheeks! And in this state, I can talk to anyone and about anything.

5. How to get shy through with list of your successes

A great exercise for overcoming shyness is to make a list of 100 of your successes. I did this exercise for the first time at Nikolai Latansky's Breakthrough to Success training. Everyone has hundreds of successes, ranging from the first "five" in school and up to the ability to use the Internet and find necessary knowledge. Indeed, how much has already been done in life, how many results have been achieved ... It is useful to carry such a list with you (I have it in my iPhone) and re-read it in moments of doubt or uncertainty.

6. How to shy through d breath

When I start to worry or worry, I imagine that I am breathing with my eyes. I inhale through my eyes, then exhale through my eyes. I learned this from Zhenya Malinovsky, my yoga instructor. As soon as I relax my eyes and face, the whole body automatically relaxes, tension, excitement and anxiety go away. And as a result, it helps to stop being shy.

7. How to shy through the visualization

Visualization has been used by sorcerers and wizards for centuries. When I am afraid or embarrassed to do something or ask about something, I imagine in my imagination how I do it, how I ask it. I imagine how everything works out well for me, how I smile and rejoice at the desired result. This approach increases confidence, allows you to feel your strength and really works.

8. How to shy through d action

As is known, The best way overcome fear - go to meet him. It's the same here. I stop being shy as soon as I start acting. Inna Dehant wrote about this very well recently, calling it the Principle of 20 Seconds of Courage. As soon as there is a desire to do something, to say or ask something, you need to do it right there, within 20 seconds. Straightaway. No analysis, no plan. And then the shyness just stays behind.

9. How to shy through the going beyond the usual

I am a proponent of habits, and I know that the path to success is to get rid of inhibiting habits and acquire habits that promote. But there is one habit that contradicts the very essence of habits - the habit of going beyond the usual. Sorry for the pun)))

The more often I do something unusual, the less fear and embarrassment remains!

And I want to finish with a quote from my favorite classic Leo Tolstoy:

“Just tell yourself: everything that happens is the will of God, and the will of God is always good. And you will not be ashamed of anything and your life will always be good.

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Every year we have to communicate more and more with the people around us. After all, the population density is constantly growing. So, how not to be shy to communicate with people is an important issue for every shy person. After all, this fear can significantly ruin your life.

What caused the shyness of communication with people?

This psychological problem, which can develop into . embarrassment before different people caused by various factors acting on the subconscious, which include:

  • Inferiority complex;
  • Children's moral trauma;
  • Suggestion to someone (for example, parents who say that you are worse than others);
  • Depression;
  • Fear of being ridiculous and pathetic.

You can not be afraid in the open. Sometimes fears and problems are present in the subconscious of a person. At the same time, you experience problems when talking with people, and you yourself cannot understand what is the matter.

To avoid this, you should not hush up constraint. Look for the reason for its occurrence. It may lie somewhere within you.

How to stop being shy about talking to people?

To do this, you must practice an integrated approach. Try to apply several actions in this direction at once.

Anti-bullying measures include:

  1. Being in society. Get used to people, don't be afraid of them;
  2. Workout in front of a mirror. Look at yourself. You are not so bad!
  3. Humor. . Don't be afraid to be funny;
  4. Constant struggle. Even if you fail, try again;
  5. Completeness complex. Praise yourself and exalt (in moderation);
  6. Passion for something. Find a hobby that gives you confidence (such as sports).

Try to knock out the "wedge with a wedge." Ask passers-by how to get to such and such a street, pass it on in transport, make new friends on the Internet, walk along crowded streets. Over time, you will forget about constraint, becoming a part of society.

How to overcome embarrassment in front of people?

Among other things, it is worth organizing a front of struggle in your soul. Never think about your failures, problems and stupidities. Consider yourself no worse than others.

Do not scroll in your head and do not analyze the situations in which you communicate with someone. Otherwise, you will dwell on it, and the problem will intensify.

Do not think about how you will speak when communicating with someone. And don't look at yourself. Just do a simple action. And then your shyness will decrease.

Be positive, don't be a bore, don't get depressed. These are the basic rules for dealing with any constraint.

When is it worth being embarrassed?

Restraint is not always our enemy. After all, there are situations when this quality is quite normal.

For example, every person is shy about meeting people of the opposite sex. The main thing is that such embarrassment does not grow into fear.

You may also be embarrassed to speak to a stranger. It is also quite natural. Because of this, there is a culture of communication.

Embarrassment in front of a teacher, employer or other boss is also present in many people. Therefore, you should not strive for complete emancipation.

See how much your problem interferes with your life, and only then declare war on it. With the right approach, you will quickly stop experiencing awkward sensations.