Poor posture is a consequence of the fact that children and adults, sitting at a computer, at a desk or standing in a long line, relax and forget to keep their back straight. Once forgotten, twice forgotten - it turned into a habit, and you, in turn, turned into a question mark.

Now the problem is how to fix the stoop is practically not worth it. Medicine has come a long way in this regard. Developed special exercises, how in preventive purposes, and in order to correct already acquired defects.

Posture Correction Exercises

  1. The easiest way to eliminate and prevent stoop is to carry a load. A wide, weighty book must be placed on the head and try to hold it. maximum amount time. During this exercise, you can go about your usual business without letting the book slip off your head. This exercise allows you to strengthen the muscles of the neck and form the correct posture.
  2. The next exercise is to stand straight and close your straight arms behind your back. Try to forcefully bring your elbows closer to each other, while the chest should be bent forward, and the head and shoulders should be taken back. Hold this position for 1 second, relax and lower your arms. This exercise is recommended to be done twice every hour.
  3. We sit on the floor, bending our knees. We throw our head back as far as possible, connect the shoulder blades and straighten our shoulders, pull the neck with effort, as far as possible. This exercise should be done at least 6 times.
  4. We lie down on our back, leaning on bent elbows and the back of the head. Then slowly and smoothly bend the spine in the chest area, while taking a deep breath. On exhalation, we return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

Swimming assistance is invaluable. In water, our body seems to be lighter and more flexible, so we can do some exercises that we could not do in the gym. The very process of swimming, especially breaststroke and backstroke, has a strengthening effect on the necessary muscle groups, posture correction is less difficult.

Important: back hurts - what could be the cause?

Ways to fix slouching

  • We lie down on our stomach and slowly begin to bend the spine with a little tension, taking a breath. At the same time, we throw our head back and lean on our elbows. We return to the starting position and exhale. We do the exercise 5-8 times.
  • Get on all fours, back straight. We begin to smoothly bend our back and stretch the body a little forward, as if we are trying to crawl under a chair or crossbar. We perform at least 6 times.
  • We stand straight and spread straight arms to the sides. Slowly, but with tension, we try to take straight arms back, as far as possible behind the back. We repeat 12 times.
  • Prepare a backpack and put various weighty items in it: dumbbells (up to 3 kg), books or stones. Put a backpack with a weight on your chest and walk upright for a while. In order to cope with the load, the shoulders will instinctively move back. After a few days, it is advisable to slightly increase the load (no more than 1 kg).
  • Get on your right knee and left leg take aside and pull out the sock. Spread your arms out to the sides. Then do two short springy swings with your hands as far back as possible. Then lean forward, turn your body to the left, and right hand reach to the toe of the outstretched left leg, left hand take it aside and make two springy movements with it, without lifting the body. Do the exercise on the other side.
  • Stand with your back to the wall so that the distance from the wall is one step. Touch the wall with your back and arms bent at the elbows above your head. Take a slow breath, gently bending your chest forward, forming a semicircle. Then slowly exhale, gradually returning to the starting position. Do 7 times.

Posture Corrector

Probably the most convenient method is a posture corrector. It is made in such a way that you can freely wear it under your clothes, and it will do its job of supporting your spine and pulling your shoulders back.

The posture corrector is not constricting at all - this is not a plaster corset that parents threatened us with so that children would have a straight back. However, the corrector should be used wisely.

  • First, you can't wear it all the time, otherwise your muscles will get used to the external support, become relaxed and kind of atrophied, and stop supporting your back when you eventually remove the corrector.
  • Secondly, if you wear a corrector, this does not mean that you should forget about the exercises.

But, all this (exercises, swimming, corrector) can be ineffective without your own understanding of the importance of straightening your posture. Your main thought, so to speak, a traveling beacon should be the thought "My goal is the correct posture."

Many psychologists advise different things: some suggest that you have a jug of water on your head (a dish of fruit, a ball, etc.) and you must walk all the time so as not to spill water (do not drop fruit, a ball); I advise others to imagine that you have a third eye on your neck (in the place where the neck passes into the jaw region), which should always be able to see everything.

There are many options, the main thing is discipline, faith in one's strength and the desire to straighten one's posture. Incorrect posture is not only aesthetically unattractive, but also leads to a shift in the position of internal organs and the development of many diseases.


Stoop is a condition characterized by a strong deflection of the thoracic spine. Normally, in a healthy person, the spine has bends (cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral). Their increase leads to a violation of posture.

In normal posture, a person's stomach does not protrude behind the chest. With a stoop, the head is tilted forward, and the chest becomes sunken. This pathology is otherwise called pathological thoracic kyphosis. There are 2 forms of stoop: functional and associated with various diseases. This problem is most often encountered by children and the elderly. This pathology is often combined with increased lumbar lordosis. hallmark stoop is that it disappears when the back is straightened. This is a functional disorder.


A stooped back occurs for several reasons. The main etiological factors are:

  • hypodynamia;
  • improper organization of the workplace;
  • psychological problems;
  • scoliosis;
  • underdevelopment of the back muscles;
  • low physical activity;
  • congenital anomalies in the development of the spine;
  • rickets;
  • back injury;
  • polio.

In children and adolescents, stooped posture is most often due to a sedentary lifestyle. IN Lately dropped sharply physical activity. This is due to the use of computers, phones and tablets. Children spend a lot of time at school at study desks. They started doing less sports. Hypodynamia leads to weakening of the back muscles and stoop.

An interesting question is disease. She was handled by Louise Hay. She revealed the mechanism of development of various diseases from a psychological point of view. At a young age, poor posture is often due to social and personal problems. Risk factors are:

  • complexes;
  • fear of communication;
  • shyness of big growth.

Such children begin to slouch. All this happens unconsciously. In some children, posture disorder is observed due to increased flexibility of the joints in the spine. This condition is congenital. Slouching may be one of the first manifestations of scoliosis, but no changes are found on x-rays.

In an adult, this condition can occur with improper exercise in gym. This happens with a large load on the pectoral muscles. The latter begin to pull their shoulders towards themselves, which causes a violation of posture. The appearance of stoop in adults is also possible against the background of osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis.

Symptoms and possible complications

You need to know not only psychological reasons stoop, but also how it manifests itself. People with this pathology have a specific appearance. They walk with their head and belly extended forward. The legs are often slightly bent at the knees. There is a rounding of the back. In some cases, pterygoid scapulae are determined. The shoulders of such people are raised. A photo of a person with a violation of posture was seen by every experienced doctor. Along with stooping, the following symptoms are possible:

  • pain;
  • feeling of heaviness in the back;
  • fast fatigue.

If you do not treat a person, then over time a hump forms. Postural scoliosis often develops. This is a persistent curvature of the spinal column to the side.

Survey plan

Before you align your back, you need to clarify the diagnosis. You need to see a doctor. To clarify the diagnosis will need:

  • radiography;
  • visual inspection;
  • palpation;
  • survey;
  • physical examination.

At the first x-ray examination The picture is taken only in a standing position. Subsequently, radiography is performed immediately in 2 projections. With functional kyphosis (stoop), no changes are observed, since during the picture the person's back is straightened. Laboratory tests are not required. Treatment is carried out after examination and questioning of the patient.

The doctor must determine:

  • the duration of the violation of posture;
  • main complaints;
  • possible risk factors.

Need to exclude various diseases spine (ankylosing spondylitis).

Medical tactics

You can restore your posture at home, but for this you need to see a doctor. In this condition, medical and surgical treatment is not carried out. The main aspects of therapy are:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • manual therapy.

The presence of stoop is not an absolute indication for wearing corsets. In this condition, it is possible to use chest belts, correctors and reclinators, but they will be effective only when combined with exercise therapy. These products help to strengthen the muscles. The most effective thoracolumbar correctors. These devices are temporary.

They stimulate a person to take the correct position of the body, but after removing the belt or corrector, signs of stoop may reappear. Correction of posture is most effective in an active way. It involves training the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. children, teenagers, people aged 30 and older are engaged.

The main tasks of exercise therapy are:

  • stretching the pectoral muscles;
  • strengthening the gluteal, rhomboid and trapezius muscles;
  • increase in motor mode.

Gymnastics from stoop should be done for at least six months. It all depends on the age of the person. At the age of 30, posture correction may take 2-3 years. After 40 years, correction is almost impossible.

A set of exercises is selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the age and fitness of the person, as well as contraindications.

Performing therapeutic exercises

A variety of exercises help against stoop. When conducting exercise therapy, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • exercise for at least 30 minutes;
  • repeat exercises 6-10 times;
  • gradually increase the load;
  • pay great attention to the muscles of the middle part of the back;
  • relax the muscles of the neck and lower back;
  • do not use heavy dumbbells and a barbell;
  • refuse exercises to train the muscles of the chest.

To straighten your back, you may need the following exercises:

  • the institution of straightened arms behind the back with a slight delay in the standing position;
  • abduction and adduction of the arms parallel to the floor;
  • raising the shoulders and shoulder blades up on inspiration, followed by lowering on the exhale;
  • raising the upper back, followed by a delay in the supine position;
  • torso tilts with straightened arms to the left and right with legs apart;
  • raising the hands and feet up with the chest lowered in the supine position;
  • bending the torso upwards with hands resting on the floor in the supine position;
  • forward bends with straightened legs in a standing position;
  • back deflection standing on all fours;
  • lifting the pelvis and hips up from the floor in the supine position.

It is very important to relax after class. Most effective exercises from stoop should be known to every doctor of exercise therapy. Helps many patients. Its essence is not only in physical training, but also in psychological relief. When practicing yoga, it is very important to breathe correctly. If you do not exercise and self-medicate, then it is possible Negative consequences like scoliosis.

Lifestyle change

To correct your posture, you will need not only yoga and gymnastics, but also a change in lifestyle. Necessary:

  • choose the best furniture for work;
  • teach your child to sit up straight;
  • move more;
  • exercise;
  • swim more;
  • spend less time sitting on a sofa or chair at a computer or TV.

When buying furniture and equipment for homework you need to pay attention to the equipment of the chair, the height of the slot and chairs, the size of the computer monitor. A person will not slouch if properly organized workplace. The chair must be equipped with a backrest, armrests, a headrest and a footrest.

It is better if it is height adjustable. Armrests should be in line with the table. The monitor is installed in the central part of the table at eye level. Stooped people need to sleep on a flat and firm mattress. When walking, you need to keep your posture straight. Needs to be recharged in the morning. It is recommended to swim in the pool, as moving under water strengthens the back muscles.

Some people may need the help of a psychologist. It is necessary if the appearance of stoop is due to the isolation of a person or his fears.

In case of violation of posture, you need to abandon weightlifting. When stooping, push-ups and bench presses are not recommended.

Stoop Prevention

Slouching posture can be prevented. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • exercise back muscles
  • lead healthy lifestyle life;
  • periodically swim in the pool;
  • do not complex about your growth;
  • walk and sit with a straight back;
  • sleep on a hard surface on your back;
  • use special orthopedic mattresses;
  • exclude any spinal injury;
  • evenly distribute the load when exercising in the gym;
  • eat well;
  • move more;
  • don't sit in one place for a long time.

Parents and teachers should monitor the posture of children and adolescents, otherwise deformation (curvature) of the spine is possible.

Thus, the occurrence of stoop does not pose a great danger. Posture can be improved by following the doctor's instructions. physical exercise for muscle training.

We tell you how to change your body and thoughts. Today, a personal trainer explains why we slouch and often have back pain. She also shows exercises to deal with it.

Angelina Mazieva- trainer in the club of mixed martial arts, personal trainer, methodologist of training programs for fitness instructors.


This is not normal: your body is screaming at you and asking you to solve the problem. But for many, this is the case: in the evening, the back hurts, the next morning it goes away, and the person does not see much point in going to the doctor. And the back should never hurt.

We have developed a rather unpleasant attitude towards our body: we only exploit it, although in the first place we must take care of it. Diagnosis by a doctor is the least you can do for yourself. And there are many ways to get rid of the problem: exercise therapy, yoga, Pilates, individual sessions with a trainer.

And even if you do not have pain, it is not a fact that everything is in order with you. Organism - one system, it will always unscrew to provide mobility. You will be capable, but the question is - due to what, what losses will you suffer: will you limp or walk with a skew?


In the lumbar region, and I will explain why. Previously, our ancestors either hunted or gathered, that is, they were constantly on the move. And rested lying or reclining. Then people came up with a chair and began to spend more time sitting, and this position gives compression to the lumbar spine. And the lower back suffers from improper walking.


We forget to control ourselves every day. First, we must provide ourselves with the correct ergonomics of the workplace. Secondly, to control our postures: how we sit at the table, how we bend over, how we eat, etc. It's hard to do it all the time - any important thing will immediately distract you, turn you off. But it will become easier if you do exercises that will help to properly strengthen the muscle corset.

We wear uncomfortable shoes. Feet are our everything, we spend most of our time on them. Therefore, everyone needs comfortable, and ideally individually selected orthopedic shoes (or an insole in shoes).

We move a little. There is no need to be surprised that there is no result if you sit at work in one position for 8 hours (it would be better if it was correct!), Then you study for an hour, and then come home and just fall on the sofa or chair in front of the computer. You need to move a lot, every day. At least walk a lot.

We do nothing for hearing and visual impairments. If you have problems with this, solve them right away. A person with poor hearing or vision will unconsciously stretch their chin forward, and this leads to deformation not only of the cervical region.

We don't go to doctors, we self-medicate. The cause of back pain can be anything from a deformity in the foot to a deformity in the hip joint. We forget about the important thing: the articles and exercises you read will help you live with the problem, but will not solve it. If the stoop is due to a curved pelvis, then no matter how we level the back, it will still return to the wrong position, simply because it is more convenient for the body to keep balance.

People who do everything right do not live with pain, but go to kinesiologists, orthopedists, get diagnosed, work competently with their bodies.


First, keep your back straight. Secondly, do not cross your legs: this affects the hip joint, blood flow and lymph movement. Third, don't sit still. It is harmful to sit for two hours moving only your hands, even if you are sitting correctly. We have fascia in our body (a connective tissue sheath that covers organs, blood vessels, nerves), which many people forget about and for which it is important that we change our position every 15 minutes. This is necessary so that there are no streaks, muscle spasms and clamps. Even in sleep, we are constantly moving and not staying in one position.

Therefore, 15 minutes have passed - change the position a little, one minute in a different mode will not hurt. Walk around, sit down, pour yourself some water, etc.


The first reason is muscle imbalance: the back muscles are very relaxed, and the pectoral muscles (sometimes the abdominal muscles) are shortened.

The second reason, one of the main ones, is school-office lifestyle. Lifestyle affects everything. Yes, many people train for 1-2 hours a couple of times a week, but the correctness of all other postures and movements is no less important than exercising in the gym.

And the coolest reason psychological. For some people, stoop is an indicator of subconscious submission to a stronger one, a desire to hide, hide. For example, they shouted at a child in childhood, he huddled in a corner, got used to it. And now, when he sees the elders, he automatically tries to shrink.


Due to the fact that the person's shoulders are bent forward, decreased chest mobility and lung capacity: you breathe with the tops of the lungs, there is no full inhalation and exhalation.

The vertebral artery may be clamped, which threatens to reduce the blood supply to the brain: dizziness, semi-consciousness.

The pectoralis minor muscle is shortened (but this can also be the cause of stoop), under which we have lymphatic ducts. As a result, the ducts are squeezed, and as a result - swelling on the face, arms and legs. Don't be surprised, it's true!

Under the pectoral muscles is a neurovascular bundle, which can also be compressed, and this leads to numbness of the limbs. And because of the violation of intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure, we earn prolapse of the internal organs.


stoop - general concept. She has many varieties, and each has its own solution and set of exercises. Yes, even there, and lower back pain can be caused by problems that have nothing to do with the lower back, while you can have a hernia, but it will not hurt. Therefore, the most correct decision is an examination by a specialist.

It is also important to remember that it will take a long time to recover. We have lived with deformities for many years, and for a month of classes once a week they cannot be corrected. But even without physical activity it is impossible in any way: if the muscles are not included, it is impossible to constantly keep the posture even. Therefore, with the help of exercises, we change the usual posture to the correct one. The muscles get used to the new position, and it becomes easier for you.


Many, trying to get rid of stoop, begin to pump only the back muscles, but this is not entirely correct: with spasmodic pectoral muscles, the result will be minimal. Therefore, we first relax them, pull them, and only then work with the back, so that there is a competent distribution of the load.

These exercises in 90% of cases will not harm you, but they will not solve all problems. This is the minimum complex that can make your life easier.

1. We relax the pectoral muscles

First you need to find a point for pressure. We do it this way: we put four fingers in the armpit and look for the point where the thumb connects to them through the muscle. into place thumb drop the ball.

We fix the ball with a light block or a book and begin to press it in with rotational movements - 4 turns.

Then we still press on the muscle, but we make a circle with the elbow of one hand. Also 4 times.

4 twists and 4 elbow circles is one series. We need to make 4 such series on each side. This is a very deep and precise study of large and small chest muscle.

There is a version of this exercise against the wall. We do the twisting by rising on our toes, and the rotational arm is not bent at the elbow.

This exercise causes pain, and this is normal. Therefore, if you are in a lot of pain, alternate sides, and do not immediately do all the approaches on one and then on the other.

Important: it is contraindicated for nursing mothers, pregnant women, people with inflammatory processes (mastopathy, etc.) and with implants.

2. Stretching the chest muscle

We do the exercise either at the pole or at the wall. One hand rests against the wall (while the elbow should not be bent), the second on the belt. We make a rotational movement of the body. We do everything smoothly, on the exhale and in no case do we tolerate pain.

We change the position of the hand: a little higher, exactly, a little lower. This helps to capture and stretch more fibers. For each hand, we do 2-3 approaches in all positions, with a delay on the turn for 15-20 seconds.

3. Stretching the pectoral muscle and opening the shoulder joint

Lie on your stomach, arms out to the sides parallel to your shoulders. We focus with one hand and slowly, with an exhalation, turn around. First we put one foot on the floor, then the second, then we move our hand and linger. But in any case, do not endure the pain! We turn to our limit: for some it will be only a couple of centimeters from the floor. You can not try to immediately put two legs and turn around completely.

We do 2-3 approaches with a delay of 5-7 seconds for each hand. We alternate hands. The exercise helps to test the mobility of the scapula - or to achieve its mobility

Important: the motionless arm always lies in line with the shoulders.

4. Exercise for scapular traction

Shoulder, elbow and hand - in one line. Two shoulders and two pelvic bones forward, the stomach is in good shape, the buttocks are clamped, the shoulders are lowered. We pull our body forward due to the movement of the scapula, without bending the elbow. We do this 15 times for each hand.

5. For back muscles

The exercise allows you to include the middle and lower portions of the trapezoid and the deep layers of the back muscles (rhomboid muscles).

We bring the shoulder blades to the spine and pull it down, only due to this we rise. The lower back is completely relaxed, the upper part of the body rises slightly, the arms are apart and bent 90 degrees. We do 7-10 repetitions with a delay of 5-7 seconds.

Another version of the exercise: we do everything the same, only the arms are spread apart, and the thumbs turn up when lifting the body.

6. Exercise for connecting the external rotators of the shoulder

This exercise is done with light dumbbells or small bottles of water. Light weight is needed so that there are no spasms. We lower the shoulders, draw in the stomach, bring the shoulder blades to the spine, press the elbows to the body. Keep your arms bent at the elbows at a right angle and rotate the forearms outward (using only the shoulder rotators).

It can also be done on loops, working with your own weight. The most important thing is not to strain the muscles leading from the neck to the shoulder (upper trapezoid).

7. Horizontal pull exercise

The exercise will include the middle and lower portion of the trapezius and rhomboid muscles. That is, those who work with a shovel. When lowering the scapula down, the latissimus dorsi muscles are also included.

It could be rubber bands, TRX bodyweight loops, dumbbells, whatever. The main thing is horizontal thrust. We bend our knees, providing support to the body, go into a slope with a straight back, draw in the stomach (it is not relaxed) and work to bring the scapula to the spine. We do not raise the shoulder to the ear. We pull the dumbbell as if to a pocket and look at the floor so that there is no bending of the cervical region.

This exercise is an example of how to properly pick up packages, a cat, children, and everything else from the floor. We either squat or tense the muscles of the back, but do not bend one unfortunate lower back.

8. Plank

This exercise is not for the press, but for working out the muscles of the abdominal zone, deep stabilization of the core: the transverse abdominal muscle, the pelvic floor muscle and the multifidus muscles of the back. We focus on the forearms, pull the heels back, straining the calf muscle and quadriceps, clamp the buttocks, pull in the stomach, stabilize the shoulder blades and stretch the crown forward. And the last thing - we are trying to “break” the floor with our feet.

You need to stand in the bar for no more than 40 seconds: it is better to do 10-15 sets with breaks of 3-5 seconds. Thus we bring total time in the plank up to 1-2 minutes. For more than 40 seconds, these muscles cannot work, the person begins to compensate for the tension: bend the shoulders, joints, etc. Exercise can be done both the very first and the last.

In medical practice, the term "stoop" is commonly understood as a curvature of the spine in the form of a bulge at the back. This phenomenon is also called a violation of posture. It manifests itself in people different ages- children, young boys and girls, adult men and women. A stooped person from the outside looks rather ugly. Therefore, the question arises: how to get rid of stoop?

External signs of stoop: is it worth worrying

Stoop, as already mentioned, is manifested by a violation of posture. Under such a violation should be understood the arching of the thoracic spine back. At the same time, a stooped person looks like this: the head is pushed forward, the chest flows back, and the back is rounded. Specialists, in addition to these main signs of stoop, also call noticeable symptoms of postural disorders:

  • constant tilt of the head to one side - to the left or right;
  • dropped shoulders;
  • involuntary protrusion of the abdomen;
  • shoulder blades protruding over the back.

As a result of the incorrect position of the spine column, involuntary shortening of the chest muscles and stretching of the back muscles occur.

Causes of stoop

A common reason for the appearance of stoop in people of different ages, experts call a sedentary lifestyle. The fact is that in a sitting position, the more prolonged, the back muscles gradually weaken, and this just leads to a violation of posture.

For the development of children's stoop, other factors affecting the formation are also inherent:

  • rapid growth (the spine stretches during growth, while the back muscles do not keep up with this, therefore they cease to support the entire back due to lack of strength);
  • psychological problems (this may be an unwillingness to stand out from their peers, complexes, an unconscious attempt to hide their high growth beyond their years, to go into a protective fetal position for additional protection and peace of mind);
  • scoliosis (stoop doctors consider early stage the development of this disease associated with the curvature of the spinal column);
  • joint hypermobility syndrome (a disease of a genetic type, the main characteristic of which is excessive flexibility of the joints and the spine as a whole, in this case, the spinal muscles do not cope with their functional duties);
  • anomalies and pathologies of intrauterine development (for example, congenital kyphosis - hunchback).

As for adults, their stoop is mainly formed in childhood and adolescence. Namely, in adulthood A person can get scoliosis due to:

  • muscle imbalance (overdeveloped chest muscles pull on the shoulders, and weak dorsal muscles, obeying this movement, distort the posture);
  • diseases of the spine (for example, spondylosis - the appearance of bone growths, osteochondrosis - changes in the intervertebral discs, osteoporosis - a decrease in bone density).

The so-called adult psychological causes of stoop should not be excluded: often the back bends under the weight of everyday problems.

Stoop treatment methods

When do you need to see a doctor and is it necessary? Experts say that if you visually observe in yourself or your child all the signs of stoop, with a clear curvature of the spinal column, then consultation with a qualified orthopedist is still needed.

An orthopedic surgeon during the initial examination will determine the degree of stoop, and, depending on this, prescribe the appropriate treatment. Such a medical complex under the supervision of a specialist includes:

  1. exercise therapy. Certain gymnastic exercises performed under the supervision of an instructor or independently at home.
  2. Therapeutic weight. Based on relaxing movements that improve blood circulation.
  3. Swimming lessons. Great for quality preventive measure prevention of pathological changes in the spinal column (mainly breaststroke, crawl).
  4. Manual therapy. Allowed only if pain and some signs of displacement of the vertebrae.
  5. Wearing a special orthopedic corset. With the help of this device, a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spine is fixed.

In the case of stoop, surgical intervention is possible with the rapid progress of changes in the patient's posture, which does not slow down and is not treated by conventional methods.

Experts say that you can get rid of stoop even at home. To do this, you need to perform some gymnastic exercises and choose the right furniture.

All home gymnastics exercises should be aimed at strengthening the dorsal muscles and stretching the pectoral muscles. The main ones are:

  1. Pulling the arms back (while the shoulder blades should close).
  2. Raising your arms and shoulders up (try to reach your ears with your shoulders).
  3. Mahi hands up and down along the body (tilts to the sides are allowed).
  4. Forward bends with arching of the back in the lumbar region.
  5. Raising the upper body from a prone position (there are several options for this exercise - take your arms back, raise them up, raise your legs, and the like).

The basic rules for independent gymnastics are simple: repeat exercises 6 to 10 times, at a slow pace, the duration of one lesson is about 30 minutes. It should also be remembered: the effect of such physical education will be effective in the case of systematic exercise.

The appearance of a person primarily depends on his posture. But many people hold it incorrectly. And as a result of this, a weakening of the muscles is formed. And there is stoop. This defect not only spoils the appearance, but also affects the state of health. In order to get rid of stoop, it is necessary to do exercises from stoop and to strengthen the muscles of the back. How to do this we will tell in this article.

Causes of curvature of the back

Stoop appears primarily in children school age. And the reason for this is the wrong sitting at the desk. Because of this, pathologies such as:

  • Lordosis, in this case, the back curves forward.
  • Kyphosis is the name given to the curvature of the back.
  • Scoliosis, in this case, the spine has a curvature on its side.
  • Flat back, in this case, the child's stomach is very protruding.

In addition, there are cases of a mixed type of curvature.

A crooked back not only spoils your posture, but also negatively affects your health. The curvature of the spine is followed by a deformity of the chest, internal organs are shifting. The lungs and diaphragm succumb to pressure and therefore have difficulty breathing. For children, this is dangerous because it can lead to oxygen starvation of the brain. Because of this, the child is constantly tired and his slow development begins.

Stoop Prevention

In order not to look for ways to get rid of stoop, you can prevent it with the help of some rules:

How to get rid of stoop

If the problem has already arisen and the child is already stooping, then it is necessary to immediately get rid of this pathology, first of all, with the help of exercises that are aimed at strengthening the back muscles. Because otherwise a stooped person may subsequently get more severe form curvature of the spine.

Swimming - training for the muscles of the back

If you are stooping, you should immediately consult a doctor who will conduct an examination, give the necessary advice and then prescribe a set of exercises with which the muscles on the back will be strengthened. In this case, the exercises themselves are selected depending on the complexity of the pathology.

In order to align the posture, the child needs to do gymnastics from stoop. What kind of charging is needed for a particular person, the specialist selects individually. Because every exercise from stoop must be adjusted according to the peculiarities of the body structure.

Also good option for an exercise against stoop - this is an exercise in the pool. Swimming is a great workout for the back muscles and also aligns the spine itself.

Posture Correction Exercises

The stoop of the back is a very unfavorable circumstance for a person, especially for a woman. In order to correct stoop, exercises are done even at home. First of all, you need to independently monitor your posture. To do this, you need to keep your back straight, align your shoulders, keep your neck and head straight.

The simplest, but at the same time important exercise for correcting stoop is the bridge. In addition, it is recommended to stand against a flat wall for half an hour. In this case, you need to choose a position in which the shoulders, back of the head and heels should touch the surface of the wall.

In order to correct posture and strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, it is necessary to use exercises using a small load.

Aligning the back

In order to straighten your back, take a small weight, put it in a bag and hang it on your chest. In this case, the body aligns the back on its own, because, trying to hold the load, the back itself is pulled back.

Strengthening the muscles of the neck

Strengthening the muscles of the shoulders

To perform this exercise, you need to sit on the floor and tilt your head back. At the same time, stretch the neck so that the shoulder blades touch. And thus, it is necessary to repeat the exercise several times.

Strengthening the muscles of the shoulders

To perform these asanas, you need to spread straight arms far back, repeat several times. Then, in turn, raise the left, then the right shoulder. After that, clasp your hands in the lock and raise them up, while leaning forward with the whole body. Then you should raise one hand and bring it behind your back, with the other hand, do the same only from below and interlace your fingers in the lock.

posture correction

In order for the posture to be perfect, in most cases a weight is used that must be worn on the head. For this you can use big book An encyclopedia would be best. To improve the effect, the exercises are complicated by various movements. To do this, you can squat or dance.

Other back alignment exercises

For use the following types of exercises:

Plank against the wall

To do this, you need to put your hands on the wall and gradually move back. In this case, it is necessary to gradually stretch the back so that the pelvis gradually moves away from the ribs. At the same time, the stomach is also tightened. If at first such a pose is difficult, then you need to bend a little at the knees. Then hold your breath and stand in this position for several minutes.

pigeon pose

pigeon pose

Before assuming this pose, you need to stand in the pyramid pose for several minutes. And then bend one leg at the knee, and the other must be extended from behind, knee to the floor. Put your hands on the floor and at the same time the position of the body should be such that the hips completely touch the surface. The pelvis and navel should be directed downwards, and the upper body should be raised up. In this position, you need to stay for several minutes.

Back lift

This exercise should be performed after the previous pose. To do this, you need to lie on the floor. Bending your knees, raise your pelvis and place a small block under your hips. Then transfer the weight of the body to the installation and raise the legs, bent at the knees, up. In this position, you need to stay for a few seconds.

child pose

For this exercise, you need to take the “child in the womb” position while stretching the feet so that the thumbs touch each other. The head should touch the floor, if this is not yet possible, then a folded towel can be placed under the forehead. Breathing in this position should be even.

Among other things, you need to take into account what you need to do with small loads to start, but gradually increase the load each time. And at the same time increase the time for gymnastics.

To learn more how to do back exercises, you can watch this video.