In Contact, it has become much more difficult to change the name. The fact is that more and more users of users know .

Given the influx of people who want to do this, new rules have been introduced on VKontakte:

  1. Name changes are made only after approval by the administrator.
  2. You can only change the name to the name that is specified in your passport.
  3. If you try to change your name to a false name, the application will be rejected by the administrator and the name will not be changed.
  4. To consider an application for a name change, you need to pay a deposit - 3 votes.
  5. The deposit will only be returned to you if you are trying to change your name to your real name.
  6. If you try to change your name to a false one, the deposit of 3 votes (~28 rubles) will be lost.

How to change the name in VK without administrator verification

Absolutely nothing. Each name change is subject to administrator approval. I repeat: everyone! The network is full of ads offering paid name changes without the knowledge of the admin. This is all a scam and you will only lose your money.

Here is one form of divorce. The pioneer first changes the HTML code on his computer, and then presents this as a name change on the VK servers. Ready to help you too. Of course, for money. I think it is not worth explaining that in the end there will be neither money nor a new name.

How to change the name in VK to English

We are talking about changing the real name to the same, but only in Latin? It's quite real. You need to apply for a name change and write why exactly you needed it. For example, you can say that it is inconvenient for your foreign friends to type a name in Cyrillic. Apply and wait. Please note that you may be required to scan your passport.

How to change the VK name to fake

Pretty hard. You will be asked to provide a scan of your passport. Do you know how to forge documents in Photoshop? If the admin can't tell by eye, you have a chance. But not everything is so simple. Be prepared to be asked why you used to be under a fake name. It’s easier for girls here: you can only change your last name to a fake one and report that the change of last name occurred due to getting married. It will be very difficult to explain the name change. In addition, this operation involves a deposit, which you will lose if you fail to convince the administrator.

How to change the name of Vkontakte for votes

Do not confuse. The votes you pay in any case, as a deposit. If you are unable to document your new name, this deposit will not be returned. Offers buy for name change votes - 100% fraud.

How to change the name of VK to another person

No way. Think for yourself, what will happen if a person discovers that someone has changed his name?! There will be a huge scandal, the VK admin will be fired. If this account was used to conduct business, then such an unauthorized change will also lead to litigation. Changing the name to another is impossible. There was not a single precedent. Which does not prevent any charlatans from making such offers.

Is it possible to change the name of Vkontakte through an anonymizer

It is possible if the IP of the anonymizer has not yet been exposed and has not been blacklisted. But why? You will still be asked to leave a deposit and confirm the new name with passport scans. If you can do that, then you don't need an anonymizer. If there is no fake passport scan for a new name, then the anonymizer will not help either.

Many people registered on VKontakte come to the decision to change their first or last name. This may be due to various reasons: marriage, an error in the initial filling of the profile, the desire to remove the fictitious name and appear on the social network under your real name.

Changing the name and surname of VKontakte today is not determined by the user's personal initiative, but depends on the decision of the social network administration. Consider the options for changing the name and surname available to users.

The easiest way is to change your VKontakte name. To do this, you need to go to your account settings using the link. "My settings" , scroll down the page to the item "Change Name" , enter new version and press the button "Change" . But if you want to change also the surname, you will need a request to the administrator.

You need to go to your page and select the tab under the avatar "Edit page" . After that, your personal data will be revealed. After changing the first and last name, click the button "Save" . After that, you will see that it is formed, which will be sent to the administrator for consideration.

If you realize that your application was not considered within a day, you can contact technical support. It is worth noting that about 70% of applications to change the name of VKontakte are rejected by the administration. The rules for using VKontakte initially provided that the user is obliged to provide only reliable information, including a reliable first and last name. If the administration does not see good reasons for changing the name, they will refuse you.

Some go for a little trick: they find a person of the opposite sex with a suitable surname and agree with him that both will put the status "In love" and name each other. After some time after that, the last name can be changed, and administrator verification is not required.

To do this, you first need to change your IP address using a proxy server or an anonymizer. The IP address must belong to the English-speaking segment of countries. After that, you need to change the language of the VKontakte interface to English (this is done by pressing the button at the bottom of the page, near the copyright sign).

English must also be specified in the page settings, while it is desirable to remove the Russian language. All changes must be saved. After that, you can change to "Settings" name and surname in English, save the changes and wait until they pass moderation.

After the changes are approved, the proxy can be disabled by returning to the original account settings. The surname and first name will remain written in English.

Each browser has its own way. For Opera, you need to right-click on the field "Name" and select item "Inspect element" . In the editing panel that opens, fix the highlighted name to a new one (double-click activation) and close the working panel. After that, press the button "Save" .

For phones, you need to open the application menu by moving your finger across the screen from left to right, click on your profile, in the menu that opens, select "Edit page" , change the first and last name, save the changes.

In the Chrome browser, open your page, click on the arrow next to the avatar, open the item « Full information» and select option "Edit page" . Make changes and save them.

It is worth noting that best option all the same - follow the rules and change the name and surname in a legal way, filling out an application with a detailed and frank indication of the reasons why you intend to make changes to your profile.

Some people at some point may need to change their first and last name on the VKontakte social network. This may be required due to the fact that the user initially provided incorrect data or made a mistake when filling out the profile, due to a change in surname in reality, marriage, etc.

VKontakte logo

VK provides the opportunity to change the surname, but in some cases, social. the network may require some patience from the user. It may be needed in cases where the user has entered an unusual name or has changed his data for the first time.

In what cases the system allows changing the first and last name without checking by the moderator

How to change the name on VKontakte

The social network understands that some initially register under fictitious names, and after some time decide, so to speak, to legalize and start using their real data. If this is your case, then you will need to change your last name:

  1. Go to the VKontakte website;
  2. Expand the spoiler with information about yourself on your profile page;
  3. Click on "Edit";
  4. Enter the correct data in the fields "First Name" and "Last Name";
  5. Click on "Save".

After performing the appropriate actions, the information on the page will be updated, and all users will see the real name.

In what cases does VKontakte check the first and last name

Moderation of changed names and surnames on VKontakte can be due to several reasons.

  • The first of them assumes that the user used words that are not very common for this as his first and last name.
  • The second option is to change the name and surname again. Usually it is enough for VK users to edit the relevant data once, so that they never return to this later. But if this happens, the system temporarily blocks the changed information and sends a notification to the moderator.

How to bypass moderator last name verification

Despite some materials on the Internet reporting the presence of such a possibility, it will not be possible to deceive the system. You will still have to wait for the moment when the specialist will consider the application.

Can a moderator refuse to change a last name?

Of course, this is precisely why such employees exist in VK. However, refusals to change the name and surname are possible only in cases where the user is not able to confirm the existence of a real need for appropriate actions.

That is, if, when changing a surname in Vkontakte, you indicate that there has been a change in passport data, for example, as a result of marriage, then the corresponding application will easily pass the test and be approved.

What to do if the moderator rejected the application

How to write to technical support "VKontakte"

If you can confirm that your real name matches those that you indicated on your page on VKontakte, then contact the administration. For this you need:

  1. Hover over the "More" menu and select "Help";
  2. In the field located at the top, enter your requirement;
  3. Click on "None of the options are suitable";
  4. State your requirement and reason;
  5. Submit and wait for the moderator's response.

If anyway it was not possible to change the surname in VK without checking the administrator, then the only option is to create a new profile.

In contact with

Initially, when the social network Vkontakte appeared, a person could enter absolutely any name, surname. Often these were fictitious words, but recently this item has been moderated by the administration. Before you rename yourself to VK, you should know that fake data will not be approved by the system.

Is it possible to change the name in VK

But people could register for themselves pages in contact under fictitious nicknames, for example, so that they would not be found by a friend with whom they do not want to communicate. Some just wanted to stand out, and they took nicknames for themselves. famous people. Now the policy of the service company prohibits the use of fake data. For the same reason, the change of name, surname is moderated.

To prevent a person from blocking an account, you should find out how to change the name of VKontakte. This procedure is feasible if you enter the real data correctly. Before this procedure, some nuances should be considered:

  1. You will not be able to change data without a linked phone. Each time you submit an application, a window will pop up asking you to link your number to the page.
  2. You will be denied editing your profile if you write in Latin, but there is a method to get around this problem.
  3. If you submit applications, and they are regularly rejected, after a certain number of attempts, this opportunity will be blocked for a certain period. The date when they can try to change again will be written to you separately.

How to change the first and last name in VK - step by step guide

If you do not know how to rename yourself to VK, then the instructions below will help you quickly, easily, without any extra effort to do this. Guidelines for changing personal data:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Under your avatar, find the inscription "Edit page", click on it.
  3. The personal data settings page opens, allowing you to change the entry in the first cell. Before changing the last name in VK and the first name, make sure that they do not contain Latin characters.
  4. After filling in the information, click the "Save" button below.
  5. At the top there will be an inscription about the creation of an application for changing data, which will be considered by the moderators.

As a rule, it takes half an hour to consider the request, but there are cases when the answer does not come within 24 hours. Then you should contact technical support in contact, describe the problem. Sometimes you receive a refusal to change without explaining the reasons, although you filled out everything correctly, according to the rules. You can do the following:

  1. When entering truthful data, click on the "Help" section (next to "Exit"). In the search bar, type in the word "How can I change the name of VKontakte" and select the item below "None of these options are suitable." Describe the problem and send it to the service. They will ask you to provide a digital copy of your passport, which shows your last name, first name, in order to confirm your data.
  2. The second method is a little strange, but it works. Find a person of the opposite sex with the desired last name and ask to put the status of married / married. Make another request and the data will be changed. It only applies to surnames.

How to change the name in VK to English

It was described above how to change the name of VKontakte, for some reason people want to enter it in Latin, which is prohibited by the rules of the service. Previously, this approach made it difficult to search the web, because the system did not match queries in transliteration and Cyrillic. Now the service accepts English characters even if they are written in Russian. The benefit of such a change is not clear, but if necessary, it will be possible to carry it out, but not in a completely standard way. Instructions on how to change the name of VKontakte in English:

  • download the program to change the ip;
  • select option from Europe, USA;
  • change the language in the settings to "English";
  • repeat the shift request from the data in English.

Find out if necessary.

Video: how to change your nickname in VK without checking the administrator

Hello! This post will be devoted to how to change the name and surname of VKontakte. There can be a lot of reasons to change your personal data, but not always the administration of social networks. network goes forward and is ready to change your last name and first name to new ones. Why? Answers below.

I’ll make a reservation right away that it’s impossible to quickly change the name and surname of VKontakte. Gone are the days when it was possible to change them at least every five minutes or carry out a shift, leaving 1 vote as a pledge. Now the rules have changed somewhat and in order to change your “I” and “F”, objective reasons are needed:

  1. Wedding
  2. Divorce
  3. sex change
  4. Error when entering data during registration
  5. Page hack
  6. etc.

Let's talk about the technical stuff first. To edit the first and last name, click on the "edit page" button under the profile picture and go to the main tab ( Here we set a new name:

Immediately when entering new data, you will receive a warning: “Your application has been accepted.
It is customary for VKontakte to use only real names in full form, written in Cyrillic. For example: Yan Ivanov, Anna Petrova. Therefore, some requests for a name change are checked by moderators. Please wait for approval.

Please note that for foreign language users, the names are transliterated into Latin automatically. Therefore, applications for writing Russian names in Latin letters are rejected. "

By the way, there is a separate article about how to make it in Latin.

After that, you have to wait. But quite often a refusal comes or they ask to send a photocopy of the passport in their hands so that the inscription and face can be clearly seen. In my opinion, this is already "brute force", but this is how it works. This was done in order to reduce the number. Of course, this works, but ordinary users who really need to change the data to real ones suffer from this.

If you failed to change your first and last name, there is another way (suitable for female accounts): you need to create a fake page of the opposite sex with the desired last name. Then you will need to add as a friend and - married. Then you should change the last name to a new one, pass the test and the old joint venture can be removed, and the last name will remain unchanged.

So everything depends on this paragraph of the VK rules:

5.3. When registering on the Site, the User is obliged to provide the Site Administration necessary credible and up-to-date information to form the User's personal page, including a login unique for each User (address Email or a combination of Latin letters and numbers to enter the Site) and the password for access to the Site, as well as last name and first name. The registration form of the Site may request additional information from the User.

And what other ways to quickly change the name and surname of VK.COM do you know?

How to change the name in VK to English, without checking the administrator, two ways.

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VKontakte is the most popular Runet. VK is convenient for communication, where you can play games, listen to music. In addition to recreation and entertainment, social network comfortable enough to handle.

However, with all the advantages of VK, there are some limitations that users do not like and cause inconvenience. One of these disadvantages is the strict check by the administration of the change of name and surname.

For various reasons, a person may need to change the name and surname. The change of data does not take place automatically, but is sent to the moderators for verification.

More than half of the applications are rejected, sometimes with no reason given at all. A person can spend a lot of time, effort and nerves on correspondence with the administration, trying again and again to change his first and last name.

Things are even worse with an attempt to change the name from Cyrillic to Latin. That is, you do not change the name as such, it remains the same, you just want to write it English letters but get rejected every time.

The thing is that the VK social network was originally designed for a Russian-speaking audience and the profile is filled in with Russian letters of the alphabet. The only exception is foreign-speaking citizens who decide to register on VKontakte. As it is written in VK, they will change the Cyrillic alphabet automatically. This is the rule we will try to use today for our purposes.

It is generally useless to submit such an application for verification to administrators in the usual mode. It is not surprising that when faced with such difficulties, a person wonders - how to change the name in VK to English, without checking the administrator?

How to change the name in VK to English, ways

I will say frankly that at the time of this writing there are two ways to change the alphabet when writing a name, but I cannot guarantee 100% success. Because what works for some doesn't always work for others. and in the VK social network, changes are constantly taking place that can affect the methods described and make them useless.

Change name with VPN extension

First of all, download the Change ID address extension from the Chrome Web Store. The extension we need is called Unlimited Free VPN - Hola for the Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex browser, activate the utility.

  1. Open a browser with the extension installed;
  2. Go to your VK page;
  3. At the top, next to the avatar, click on the checkmark - edit;
  4. Change the country in all sections - USA, language - English, save;
  5. At the bottom of the page, also, change the language to English;
  6. Go to the browser settings, to the extensions page;
  7. Find Unlimited Free VPN - Hola in the list, turn on the utility;
  8. Go to VK, click on the extension icon at the top, select the country of the USA;
  9. Now go to edit your profile and change your first and last name, writing them in Latin.

Your application for a name change will be sent to the moderators for verification, but, as I wrote above, foreign-language users change their spelling automatically. this means that robots, not real people, will check your application.

They will check that everything indicates that you are a US citizen, live in America, speak only English, and at the same time passionately want to be in VK. Changing the name in VK to English in automatic mode takes from 5 to 30 minutes.

The main thing here is not to miss anything and change the language and country of residence everywhere, not only in your profile, but also on the pages of career, education, and so on. Check several times before changing the name.

After changing the name, you can safely disable the extension and return the Russian language in the settings and indicate the real country of residence.

Via Anonymizer Chameleon Mirror

The essence of this method is almost the same as described above.

  1. Log out of VK on all devices;
  2. Log in and go to VK through Anonymizer Chameleon Mirror;
  3. Go to edit profile;
  4. Specify the English language in the settings;
  5. Write any name and surname in Latin, robots will check;
  6. Save changes;
  7. Do not close the page for 4 hours, you can minimize it to tray and go about your business;
  8. Periodically view your page from other people's devices, as soon as the name changes, you can close Anonymizer Chameleon Mirror.
  9. Log in to VK in the usual way and return the language settings to their previous state.


As you understand, there are millions of users on the VK social network, and many of them often contact support. Living people are not able to cope with such a volume of requests, therefore, many pass the initial check through automation.

If everything matches the parameters specified in the program, then the application is processed automatically. That is, the program is based on the fact that English-speaking users have the right to write the name in Latin, the program checks which language is indicated on the page and from which country the user is from.

If everything indicates that you are a foreigner, then the program will satisfy your application, the matter will not reach the administration. Thus, you have learned how to change the name in VK to English, without checking the administrator. I hope everything works out for you, good luck and success!

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Change the name in Vkontakte through the Android phone application If you want to change your personal data, such as the first or last name in a contact through the Android application, then you need to. Open the application menu by swiping the display from left to right. Click on the main link of your profile. Open menu. Select Edit Page. Make the necessary changes to the name or surname. And save the changes by clicking the Save button. How to change the name in Contact through the Chrome mobile browser (Chrome) The methods are significantly different, so I provide screenshots of all methods. Launch the Chrome browser and open your page. Click on the arrow next to your profile picture. Next, click on Complete Information. Click Edit Page. We change the first or last name in the contact and go down. We save.

How to change the name

Option number 2 - suitable exclusively for girls, and only when changing their surname. The reason here, of course, is marriage. The disadvantages of this option are obvious .. Option number 3 - sincerely repent that the current name is fictitious, and you changed your mind and decided to become a respectable user.

The option happens quite often. If you turn on the fantasy a little, you can come up with a few more coups. For example, you have become a celebrity, and your fame oppresses you. Somewhat doubtful, but why not? Or simple: well, you don't like the old name.

Or maybe you don’t use it at all, family and friends call you differently. By the way, I know real life example. In any case, the original reason for the name change will immediately attract the attention of the administration and increase the chance of a positive decision. Experiment, we are waiting for your options in the comments to the article.

How to change the last name in VK without administrator verification

That is, if, when changing a surname in Vkontakte, you indicate that there has been a change in passport data, for example, as a result of marriage, then the corresponding application will easily pass the test and be approved. What to do if the moderator rejected the application How to write to VKontakte technical support If you can confirm that your real name matches those that you indicated on your VKontakte page, then contact the administration. For this you need:

  1. Hover over the "More" menu and select "Help";
  2. In the field located at the top, enter your requirement;
  3. Click on "None of the options are suitable";
  4. State your requirement and reason;
  5. Submit and wait for the moderator's response.

If anyway it was not possible to change the surname in VK without checking the administrator, then the only option is to create a new profile.

How to change the first and last name in VK


If you try to do this many times, the function will be blocked for several days. If the initials could not be changed immediately, then wait for the moderator to consider the application. If the application is rejected, then contact the support service and explain to them why you need to change your data.

Perhaps the moderator will ask you to send a copy of your passport to confirm your identity. There is another way to automatically change the last name, which is only suitable for girls. To do this, you must set the status of "married" in the marital status and select your husband.

The husband, in turn, must do the same. After you do this, change your last name to your husband's last name. P.S VK algorithms change from time to time, perhaps one of these methods may someday no longer work.

How to change the first and last name in a contact (VK)

The social network "VKontakte" allows the possibility of replacing a first or last name in your own account without the need for verification by the administrator. You can choose to write in Cyrillic or transliteration. If you plan to replace with another option own name, and not on a fictional one, then problems usually do not arise. Questions from the administration begin if your parents have chosen a rare, little-known name for you, then it will take some time to replace, because the administrator will personally consider such an application.
Name authentication and why was it invented at all? It is needed so that those registered in VK cannot mislead other people. Some unscrupulous Internet users, under the guise of communication, promote their accounts, where instead of real data they enter: the name of the company, store or tags.

How to change the name in VK without checking the moderator.

This is done for security and ease of use reasons. It should be noted that Russian names must be written in full and in Cyrillic. Requests to change the Cyrillic spelling to the Latin text are rejected.
The names of foreign-language visitors are automatically transliterated into the Latin alphabet. Usually, the application is checked if less common words are indicated or changes are made again. Please note that an employee of the organization has the right to refuse them if the user has not justified the need for action.

That is, for example, if a woman is married, then it is desirable for her to indicate this. Just in case, it is better to scan or photograph the pages of your passport. Rejected an application to change the name in VK, what should I do? Thinking about how to change the name and surname of Vkontakte, a person tries to foresee a lot.

But it is impossible to foresee everything. Therefore, the application may be rejected.

How to change the name in VK


The probability of a quick replacement also exists for the option already previously verified by the VK administration. There is a more sophisticated way to replace the surname. To do this, you need to invite a person with the desired last name as a friend and register him as a family member. If another user does not mind and approves the application, then you can easily change your last name to his.

How to quickly change the name without administrator verification: To do this, use simple advice: no need to choose complex and unusual names. For replacement without verification, the most common and familiar options or your own verified previous name are suitable, otherwise you will have to wait for the administrator's decision. Replacing with any name: The creators of the social network excluded this possibility after the last update.
Rather, it is forbidden to use tags in your data. If you just need a different name, then there are no such problems.

How to change the first and last name in VK?

There are situations when you need to change your name in a contact, but the service stubbornly refuses to agree with your requirements. How to change the name in VK, we will learn more. The worldwide social network "Vkontakte" allows its users to change their first and last name, but only if the name is not fictitious, but real. If you registered out of habit and indicated, for example, your abbreviated name, and now you want to indicate the name, as it is written in the passport, then this is possible, you just have to wait a bit. 1 How to change the name in VK Do you have a non-standard name? Let's say your name on the passport is Nikanor. Only mom and dad and grandma and grandpa call you that. Everyone else: friends and neighbors used to call you Kolya. It's fast and convenient. But at some point, you realize that there are a lot of guys with such a name, and with such a rare one as yours, there are literally only a few.

How to change the name in VK without checking: Without checking, you can change the name in a contact only if you have a common name or if you previously had this name and have already checked it. There is also a great way to change the last name, but not the first name, without checking by the administrator. You need to find a person with the same last name you want and put him in Family status.

If he approves your application, then you can change your last name to his without verification. How to change the name in VK to any: Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to change the name in VK to any that comes to mind. This refers to the ban on the use of tags in your first and last name.

For any popular name you can still change the name. How to change the name in VK to English: This means how to change the name to transliteration. It's not clear what the benefit of this is. The first and last name are automatically changed to English, i.e.

How to quickly change the first and last name in a contact without checking

Therefore, it is so important for VK management that the service is affordable and of high quality. 3 How to change personal data without checking the administration in VK If you need to change your last name, then this can be done without verification by the administration and without waiting. That is, without wasting time. The reasons why you want to change your last name can be different. In most cases, this is marriage. Or if it has not yet come to the official registration of relations, but you really want to quickly announce to the whole world about your plans for the future. How to do it:

  • we go to our page;
  • select "Edit";
  • and so far we are not in a hurry to change the surname right away, because we need to change our status.

Thus, they manage to infiltrate the social network and get on the pages of ordinary VK users. Social networks from the beginning of their appearance set the goal of communicating with real people, not artificial bots. Some of the lovers of detective films believe that VK and similar networks are needed to collect personal data about living people for secret or overt special services. The Vkontakte network, by checking the authenticity of the name, just wants to protect users from unscrupulous marketers. For those who, apart from VK, communicate on Instagram, it is known that most of the accounts there have an advertising purpose. If VK took over this network, it would quickly put things in order there. It is difficult to communicate when you are constantly and annoyingly knocking on ads or spam.

Many of us have our own VK account. The popular social network provides ample opportunities for communication, watching videos and listening to music, getting the latest news and hobbies. interactive games. At the same time, one of important conditions is to work in VK under your real name and surname, which reduces the space for social experiments. Many would like to remain incognito, change their first and last name to fictitious ones, or otherwise veil their data for various reasons, which is hindered by the current VKontakte functionality. How to act in such a situation? Below we will analyze how you can change the name in VK without checking the administrator in 2018, and what opportunities exist for this.

Even 10 years ago, VK was quite tolerant of changing the user's first and last name. It was easy to create a fake account, register some “Peter the Happy” in them, and conveniently use all the features of the network.

Now VK has significantly tightened the requirements for registering an account. Only the real name and surname of the user are required, which may need to be backed up with a scan of your passport. Why is this happening? This is related to the following:

  • Social networks are the favorite tool of various social movements., including anti-government orientation. Knowing the real names and surnames of users, it will be easier for the special services and the VK administration to identify the inspirers and participants in such actions;
  • Barrier to spammers. It is no secret that many Instagram accounts are advertising fakes, often based on bot programs. Requiring the introduction of real first and last names of users, the Vkontakte administration, if not completely blocking, then significantly limits the possibility of creating such fake accounts;
  • More communication. It's no secret that VK is positioned as a network for user communication. Because the more there will be real people with real VK accounts, the higher the level of user communication.

If you want to change your first and last name in VK (by clicking on your profile picture in VK, selecting "Edit" and entering a new name and surname in the appropriate fields), then the new data you entered will be sent to the confirmation of the VK administration. If the administrator (moderator) has doubts about the accuracy of your data, then the changes will not be approved, and you will remain with the same name and surname. The confirmation of new data is carried out throughout the day.

Moreover, if you are changing your first and last name for the first time, then VK can change them without the participation of an administrator. In other cases, an application for a change of name (surname) is sent for approval by the VK administration.

But, as it usually happens, many rules can be tried to get around. Let's figure out how to change the name in VK without checking 2018.

How to change name in VK without verification 2018 on PC

Let's look at ways to change your name on VKontakte without checking 2018 on a computer. For the first of the methods, we need the Opera browser version 12.17 (version or bit). Download and install this browser on your PC.

Then do the following:

This method may seem strange (we change the downloaded HTML code of the page in our browser window, it remains original on the VK server). But according to some users this method turned out to be absolutely working for them.

How to change your last name on VKontakte 2018 without administrator verification

The second method is useful for users who want to change their last name in VK 2018. This method assumes a situation where in reality someone gets married (marries) and takes the name of his partner.

Do the following:

  1. Create a fake one of the opposite sex to you, where the surname you want will be indicated;
  2. Add this page as a friend to your main page;
  3. Change the marital status of your page to married (married), and indicate the fake page as the page of your significant other;
  4. Confirm the status of your relationship from the fake page;
  5. Now go to your main page, and change your last name to the last name of your other half (fake page);
  6. Your last name will change without confirmation from the administrator.

You may also be interested in our specialized material,.

How to replace the first and last name in the social. networks in Latin

To change the name and surname of VK 2018 in Latin, we need to install a VPN extension on our browser that changes our location to the USA (UK). Such an extension could be "Unlimited Free VPN - Hola" for a number of browsers. Download and install this extension on your browser.

How to change the name in VK.COM from the phone

Let's also look at how to change your name in VK from a 2018 mobile device. Do the following:


Above we have analyzed various ways change your name in VK without checking the administrator in 2018. All of the options listed have proven to work for many users, and can be recommended as effective tool to change the name in VK 2018. At the same time, please note that they do not have a 100% guarantee of the result, and the VK administration can always request documentary evidence your new first and last name. In this case, you will either have to confirm the new name with documents, or explain the reason for these changes. If the administration considers the latter respectful, they will help you change your name in VK 2018.

In contact with

VKontakte is the most popular social network, at least in Russia. Use it daily great amount people, so it is not surprising that sooner or later someone will want to change user data. This is where the question arises, and quickly. However, not everything is so simple, insidious moderators may not allow changing the data specified during registration, making life difficult for users.

So in VKontakte? More on that below.

Action algorithm

  1. To get started, go to your profile and next to the "My Page" button, click "Edit" to edit the data.
  2. Enter the desired first and last name in the special fields.
  3. Click Save.

As you can see from the screenshot, the application for a name change is subject to manual moderation, which undergoes a serious check, and is not done just as if. It can be really difficult to change the name on VKontakte, (the founder of this resource) did his best. That is why foreign, too tricky or obviously fake names and surnames can simply be rejected, considering that the data is not real.

How to change the data when the application is rejected by the moderators

How to change the name on VKontakte if you wrote everything correctly or you have too much perseverance, but the administration constantly doesn’t like something? There are 2 ways:

  1. If the data you entered is really correct, you can contact support agents to solve this problem (help (near the "logout" button) -> enter "Name", for example -> click "Solve the problem with the name" or "None of these options does not fit” and describe the situation in more detail). They will require a passport photo without important numbers, but where you can see your real name and surname.
  2. Another attempt to get around the evil administration is to find a person with the last name you want to change yours to. You must ask the person to put the status of married to you, and you bet on him, after which you again try to change the data. It is not yet known how to change the "VKontakte" name; it is quite possible to correct the surname in this way.

How to make the first and last name English

Some are interested in how to change the name on VKontakte to English, despite the ban. To do this, you have to tinker a bit:

  • change the IP address to a foreign one;
  • change the language in the settings to English;
  • try to apply again.

Other nuances