In order not to get confused, I will form a formula from your task, i.e.

    Need to find - specific gravity

    There are two meanings:

    1 - some indicator

    2 — a common part

    We need to find it in percentage.

    So the formula will look like this:

    Specific gravity = some indicator / total part * 100%

    There is some common part. She takes 100%. It is made up of individual components. Their specific gravity can be calculated using the following template (formula):

    Thus, in the numerator there will be a part of the whole, and in the denominator the whole itself, and the fraction itself is multiplied by one hundred percent.

    There are two things to keep in mind when calculating specific gravity. important rules, otherwise the solution will be wrong:

    Examples of calculation in a simple and complex structure can be viewed at the link.

    Consider the calculation of the share as a percentage using the example of calculating the share of the average number of employees, for the convenience of writing, this term will be defined by the abbreviation SCR.

    The procedure for calculating the NFR is provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1, article 11.

    To calculate the NFR for each individual division, head office and organization in full, you need to calculate the NFR for each month, then the NFR for the reporting period.

    The amount of CFR for each calendar day of the month, divided by the number of days of the month, will equal the CFR for the month.

    The amount of NFR for each month of the reporting period, divided by the number of months of the reporting period, equals the NFR for the reporting period.

    In accordance with paragraph 8-1.4 of the instructions of Rosstat, the NFR is indicated only in full units. For young, newly formed separate subdivisions, the value of the NFR for reporting period may be less than an integer. Therefore, in order not to conflict with tax authorities, for taxation purposes, it is proposed to apply mathematical rules when calculating the NFR, disregard less than 0.5, and round up to one if more than 0.5.

    The value of the NFR separate subdivision/ of the parent organization, divided by the value of the NFR for the organization as a whole for the reporting period, will be equal to the indicator of the specific weight of the NFR of each individual unit and the parent organization.

    First, let's understand what the specific gravity of a component of a substance is. This is its ratio to the total mass of the substance, multiplied by 100%. Everything is simple. You know how much the whole substance (mixture, etc.) weighs, you know the weight of a particular ingredient, divide the weight of the ingredient by the total weight, multiply by 100% and get the answer. Specific gravity can also be estimated in terms of specific gravity.

    In order to assess the importance of a particular indicator, one needs to calculate specific gravity as a percentage. For example, in the budget, you need to calculate the share of each item in order to deal with the most important budget items in the first place.

    To calculate the share of indicators, you need to divide the sum of each indicator by the total total of all indicators and multiply by 100, that is: (indicator / sum) x100. We get the weight of each indicator as a percentage.

    For example: (255/844)x100=30.21%, that is, the weight of this indicator is 30.21%.

    The sum of all specific weights should eventually equal 100, so you can check the correctness of the calculation of the specific gravity in percent.

    The specific gravity is calculated as a percentage. You find the share of the particular from the general, which, in turn, is taken as 100%.

    Let's explain with an example. We have a package/bag of fruit that weighs 10 kg. The bag contains bananas, oranges and tangerines. The weight of bananas is 3 kg, the weight of oranges is 5 kg, and the weight of tangerines is 2 kg.

    To determine specific gravity For example, for oranges, you need to take the weight of the oranges divided by the total weight of the fruit and multiply by 100%.

    So, 5kg/10kg and multiply by 100%. We get 50% - this is the proportion of oranges.

    The specific gravity is considered as a percentage! Let's say a part of the whole. So the part is divided by the whole number and multiplied by 100%.

    Then 10002000 * 100% = 50. and so each specific gravity must be calculated.

    To calculate the share of an indicator as a percentage of the total, you need to directly divide the value of this indicator by the value of the common part and multiply the resulting number by one hundred percent. This will give you the specific gravity as a percentage.

    Specific gravity as physical indicator calculated by the formula:

    Where P is the weight

    and V is the volume.

    Percentage specific gravity is calculated by the simple ratio of Whole Specific Gravity to Part Specific Gravity. To get a percentage, you need to multiply the final result by 100:

Specific Gravity Determination

The physical quantity, which is the ratio of the weight of a material to the volume it occupies, is called the HC of the material.

Materials science of the 21st century has gone far ahead and has already mastered technologies that were considered science fiction just a hundred years ago. This science can offer modern industry alloys that differ from each other in qualitative parameters, but also in physical and technical properties.

To determine how a certain alloy can be used for production, it is advisable to determine the HC. All items made with equal volume, but for their production was used different types metals will have a different mass, it is in a clear relationship with the volume. That is, the ratio of volume to mass is a certain constant number characteristic of this alloy.

To calculate the density of the material, a special formula is used that has a direct relationship with the HC of the material.

By the way, the HC of cast iron, the main material for creating steel alloys, can be determined by the weight of 1 cm 3, reflected in grams. The more HC metal, the heavier the finished product will be.

Specific Gravity Formula

The formula for calculating HC looks like the ratio of weight to volume. To calculate the SW, it is permissible to apply the calculation algorithm, which is set out in the school physics course.
To do this, you need to use the law of Archimedes, more precise definition force that is buoyant. That is, a load with a certain mass and at the same time it rests on the water. In other words, it is influenced by two forces - gravity and Archimedes.

Formula for calculation Archimedean strength as follows

where g is the SW of the liquid. After the substitution, the formula takes the following form F=y×V, from here we obtain the formula for the SW load y=F/V.

The difference between weight and mass

What is the difference between weight and mass. In fact, in everyday life, it does not play any role. Indeed, in the kitchen, we do not develop between the weight of the chicken and its mass, but between these terms there are serious differences.

This difference is clearly visible when solving problems related to the movement of bodies in interstellar space and not related to our planet, and under these conditions these terms differ significantly from each other.
We can say the following, the term weight has meaning only in the zone of action of gravity, i.e. if an object is located near a planet, star, etc. Weight can be called the force with which the body presses on an obstacle between it and the source of attraction. This force is measured in newtons. As an example, we can imagine the following picture - there is a plate next to the paid education, with a certain object located on its surface. The force with which the object presses on the surface of the plate and will be the weight.

The mass of a body is directly related to inertia. If we consider this concept in detail, then we can say that the mass determines the size of the gravitational field created by the body. In fact, this is one of the key characteristics of the universe. Key difference between weight and mass is as follows - the mass does not depend on the distance between the object and the source of gravitational force.

Many quantities are used to measure mass - a kilogram, a pound, etc. There is an international SI system in which kilograms, grams, etc., which are familiar to us, are used. But besides it, many countries, for example, the British Isles, have their own system of measures and weights, where weight is measured in pounds.

UV - what is it?

Specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of matter to its volume. IN international system SI measurements it is measured as a newton per cubic meter. To solve certain problems in physics, hydrocarbons are determined as follows - how much the substance being examined is heavier than water at a temperature of 4 degrees, provided that the substance and water have equal volumes.

For the most part, such a definition is used in geological and biological research. Sometimes, the SW calculated by this method is called relative density.

What are the differences

As already noted, these two terms are often confused, but since the weight is directly dependent on the distance between the object and the gravitational source, and the mass does not depend on this, therefore the terms SW and density differ from each other.
But it must be taken into account that, under certain conditions, mass and weight may coincide. It is almost impossible to measure HC at home. But even at the level school laboratory this operation is quite easy to perform. The main thing is that the laboratory should be equipped with scales with deep bowls.

The item must be weighed under normal conditions. The resulting value can be designated as X1, after which the bowl with the load is placed in water. In this case, in accordance with the law of Archimedes, the cargo will lose part of its weight. In this case, the yoke of the scales will warp. To achieve balance, a weight must be added to the other bowl. Its value can be designated as X2. As a result of these manipulations, the SW will be obtained, which will be expressed as the ratio of X1 and X2. In addition to substances in the solid state, specific ones can also be measured for liquids and gases. In this case, measurements can be made in different conditions e.g. at elevated temperatures environment or low temperature. To obtain the desired data, instruments such as a pycnometer or a hydrometer are used.

Specific Gravity Units

In the world, several systems of measures and weights are used, in particular, in the SI system, hydrocarbons are measured in the ratio of N (Newton) to a cubic meter. In other systems, for example, the CGS, specific gravity uses such a unit of measurement d (dyn) to a cubic centimeter.

Metals with the highest and lowest specific gravity

In addition to the fact that the concept of specific gravity, used in mathematics and physics, exists and quite Interesting Facts, for example, about specific gravity metals from the periodic table. if we talk about non-ferrous metals, then gold and platinum can be attributed to the most “heavy” ones.

These materials exceed in specific gravity such metals as silver, lead and many others. The "light" materials include magnesium with a weight lower than that of vanadium. We must not forget radioactive materials, for example, the weight of uranium is 19.05 grams per cubic cm. That is, 1 cubic meter weighs 19 tons.

Specific gravity of other materials

Our world is hard to imagine without many materials used in production and everyday life. For example, without iron and its compounds (steel alloys). The HC of these materials fluctuates in the range of one or two units and these are not the highest results. Aluminum, for example, has a low density and low specific gravity. These indicators allowed it to be used in the aviation and space industries.

Copper and its alloys have a specific gravity comparable to lead. But its compounds - brass, bronze are lighter than other materials, due to the fact that they use substances with a lower specific gravity.

How to Calculate the Specific Gravity of Metals

How to determine HC - this question often arises among specialists employed in heavy industry. This procedure is necessary in order to determine exactly those materials that will differ from each other with improved characteristics.

One of key features metal alloys is what metal is the basis of the alloy. That is, iron, magnesium or brass, having the same volume, will have a different mass.

The density of the material, which is calculated on the basis of a given formula, is directly related to the issue under consideration. As already noted, SW is the ratio of body weight to its volume, we must remember that this value can be defined as the force of gravity and the volume of a certain substance.

For metals, hydrocarbons and density are determined in the same proportion. It is permissible to use another formula that allows you to calculate the SW. It looks like this: SW (density) is equal to the ratio of weight and mass, taking into account g, a constant value. It can be said that the hydrocarbon of a metal can, is called the weight of a unit volume. In order to determine the HC, it is necessary to divide the mass of dry material by its volume. In fact, this formula can be used to get the weight of the metal.

By the way, the concept of specific gravity is widely used in the creation of metal calculators used to calculate the parameters of rolled metal of various types and purposes.

The HC of metals is measured under qualified laboratory conditions. In practice, this term is rarely used. Much more often, the concept of light and heavy metals is used, metals with a low specific gravity are classified as light, respectively, metals with a high specific gravity are classified as heavy.

The difference between weight and mass

To begin with, it is worth discussing the difference, which is completely unimportant in everyday life. But if you decide physical tasks about the movement of bodies in space not connected with the surface of the planet Earth, then the differences that we will present are very significant. So, let's describe the difference between weight and mass.

Determination of weight

Weight only makes sense in a gravitational field, that is, near large objects. In other words, if a person is in the zone of attraction of a star, planet, large satellite or a decent size asteroid, then the weight is the force that the body exerts on the obstacle between it and the source of gravity in a fixed frame of reference. This value is measured in newtons. Imagine that a star is hanging in space, a stone slab is located at some distance from it, and an iron ball lies on the slab. With what force he presses on the obstacle, this will be the weight.

As you know, gravity depends on the distance and mass of the attracting object. That is, if the ball lies far from a heavy star or close to a small and relatively light planet, then it will act on the plate in the same way. But on different distances from the source of gravity, the resistance force of the same object will be different. What does it mean? If a person moves within the same city, then nothing. But if we are talking about a climber or a submariner, then let him know: deep under the ocean, closer to the core, objects have more weight than at sea level, and high in the mountains - less. However, within our planet (by the way, not the largest even in the solar system), the difference is not so significant. It becomes noticeable when entering outer space, outside the atmosphere.

Determination of mass

Mass is closely related to inertia. If you go deeper, then it determines what gravitational field the body creates. This physical quantity is one of the most fundamental characteristics. It depends only on matter at non-relativistic (that is, close to light) speeds. Unlike weight, mass does not depend on the distance to another object, it determines the force of interaction with it.

Also, the value of the object's mass is invariant to the system in which it is determined. It is measured in such quantities as a kilogram, a ton, a pound (not to be confused with a foot) and even a stone (which means “stone” in English). It all depends on what country the person lives in.

Specific Gravity Determination

Now that the reader has understood this important difference between two similar concepts and does not confuse them with each other, we will move on to what specific gravity is. This term refers to the ratio of the weight of a substance to its volume. IN universal system The SI stands for newton per cubic metre. Note that the definition refers to a substance that is mentioned either in a purely theoretical (usually chemical) aspect, or in relation to homogeneous bodies.

In some problems solved in specific areas of physical knowledge, the specific gravity is considered as the following ratio: how much the substance under study is heavier than water at four degrees Celsius at equal volumes. As a rule, this approximate and relative value is used in sciences related, rather, to biology or geology. This conclusion comes from the fact that the specified temperature is the average in the ocean for the planet. In another way, the specific gravity determined by the second method may be called relative density.

Difference Between Specific Gravity and Density

The ratio by which this value is determined is easily confused with density, since it is mass divided by volume. However, the weight, as we have already found out, depends on the distance to the source of gravity and its mass, and these concepts are different. At the same time, it should be noted that under certain conditions, namely, at a low (nonrelativistic) velocity, constant g, and small accelerations, the density and specific gravity can numerically coincide. This means that by calculating two quantities, one can obtain for them same value. When the above conditions are met, such a coincidence can lead to the idea that these two concepts are one and the same. This delusion is dangerous due to the fundamental difference between the properties laid down in their foundation.

Specific gravity measurement

At home, getting the specific gravity of metals, and other solids, is difficult. However, in the simplest laboratory equipped with deep-bowl balances, say, in a school, this will not be difficult. metal object weighed under normal conditions - that is, just in the air. We will register this value as x1. Then the bowl in which the object lies is immersed in water. At the same time, according to the well-known law of Archimedes, he loses weight. The device loses its original position, the rocker is warped. Weight is added to balance. Let's denote its value as x2.

The specific weight of the body will be the ratio of x1 to x2. In addition to metals, specific gravity is measured for substances in various states of aggregation, at unequal pressure, temperature, other characteristics. To determine the desired value, methods of weighing, pycnometer, hydrometer are used. In each particular case, such experimental setups should be selected that take into account all factors.

Substances with the highest and lowest specific gravity

In addition to pure mathematical and physical theory, original records are of interest. Here we will try to list those of the elements of the chemical system that have the largest and smallest registered specific gravity. Among non-ferrous metals, the most "heavy" are the noble platinum and gold, followed by tantalum, named after ancient Greek hero. The first two substances in terms of specific gravity are almost twice as high as similar values followed by silver, molybdenum and lead. Well, magnesium became the lightest among the noble metals, which is almost six times smaller than slightly heavier vanadium.

Specific Gravity Values ​​for Some Other Substances

The modern world would not be possible without iron and its various alloys, and their specific gravity undoubtedly depends on the composition. Its value varies within one or two units, but on average these are not the highest rates among all substances. But what can we say about aluminum? Like density, its specific gravity is very low - only twice that of magnesium. This is a significant advantage for the construction of high-rise buildings, for example, or aircraft, especially in combination with its properties such as strength and malleability.

But copper has a very high specific gravity, almost on a par with silver and lead. At the same time, its alloys, bronze and brass, are slightly lighter due to other metals that have a lower value of the value under discussion. A very beautiful and incredibly expensive diamond has, rather, a low specific gravity - only three times that of magnesium. Silicon and germanium, without which modern miniature gadgets would be impossible, despite the fact that they have similar structures, nevertheless differ. The specific gravity of the first is almost half that of the second, although both are relatively light substances on this scale.

Specific gravity and its calculation is one of the most common indicators. Its calculation is used in statistics, economics of the organization, analysis of financial economic activity, economic analysis, sociology and many other disciplines. In addition, the indicator of specific gravity is used when writing analytical chapters of term papers and theses.

Initially, the specific gravity is one of the methods of statistical analysis, or rather, even one of the varieties of relative values.

The relative value of the structure is the specific gravity. Sometimes the specific gravity is called the share of the phenomenon, i.e. is the proportion of the element in the total volume of the population. The calculation of the share of an element or specific gravity (as you like) is most often carried out as a percentage.

Specific Gravity Formula

The formula itself can be presented in various interpretations, but its meaning is the same and the principle of calculation is the same.

Two important rules:

- The structure of the phenomenon should always be equal to 100%, no more, no less, if adding 100 shares did not work, then perform additional rounding, and the calculations themselves are best done with hundredths.

- It is not so important what structure you calculate - the structure of assets, the share of income or expenses, the share of personnel by age, gender, length of service, education, the share of products, the structure of the population, the share of costs in the cost - the meaning of the calculation will be the same, divide the part by the total, multiply by 100 and get the specific gravity. Do not be afraid of different words in the text of the problem, the calculation principle is always the same.

Specific Gravity Example

We check the sum of shares ∑d \u003d 15.56 + 32.22 + 45.56 + 6.67 \u003d 100.01%, with this calculation there is a deviation from 100%, which means you need to remove 0.01%. If we remove it from the group 50 and older, the adjusted share of this group will be 6.66%.

We enter the received data into the final calculation table

All direct problems for determining the specific gravity have this principle of calculation.

Complex structure - there are situations when a complex structure is presented in the initial data, several groupings are carried out as part of the phenomenon. The object is divided into groups, and each group, in turn, is not yet a subgroup.

In this situation, there are two ways to calculate:

- either we calculate all groups and subgroups according to a simple scheme, divide each number by the final data;

- or we count groups from a common given, and subgroups from the value of this group.

We use a simple structure calculation. We divide each group and subgroup by the total population. In this way of calculation, we find out the share of each group and subgroup in the total population. When checking, it will be necessary to add only groups - in this example urban and rural population in the total, otherwise if you add up all the data, then the sum of the shares will be 200%, a double count will appear.

We enter the calculation data in the table

Let us calculate the share of each group in the total population and the share of each subgroup in the group. The share of urban and rural population in the total population will remain the same as in the calculation above 65.33% and 34.67%.

But the calculation of the shares of men and women will change. Now we will need to calculate the proportion of men and women in relation to the urban population or rural population.

That's actually all. Nothing complicated or difficult.

Good luck with your calculations!

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The concept of specific gravity is very common in various fields of science and life. What does it mean and how to calculate the specific gravity?

Concept in physics

Specific gravity in physics is defined as the weight of a substance per unit volume. In the SI measurement system, this value is measured in N/m3. To understand how much it is 1 N / m3, it can be compared with a value of 0.102 kgf / m3.

where P is the weight of the body in Newtons; V is the volume of the body in cubic meters.

Considering for example plain water, it can be seen that its density and specific gravity are almost the same and change very slightly with changes in pressure or temperature. Her at. V. equal to 1020 kgf/m3. The more salts are dissolved in the composition of this water, the greater the value of y. V. This indicator for sea ​​water much more than for fresh water, and is equal to 1150 - 1300 kgf / m3.

The scientist Archimedes once noticed a long time ago that a buoyant force acts on a body immersed in water. This force is equal to the amount of fluid that the body displaced. When the body weighs less than the volume of the displaced liquid, then it floats on the surface and goes to the bottom if the situation is reversed.

Specific Gravity Calculation

"How to calculate the specific gravity of metals?" - such a question often occupies those who develop heavy industry. This procedure is needed in order to find among the various variations of metals those that will differ in better characteristics.

The features of various alloys are as follows: depending on which metal is used, whether it be iron, aluminum or brass, of the same volume, the alloy will have a different mass. The density of a substance, calculated according to a certain formula, is most directly related to the question that workers ask when processing metals: "How to calculate the specific gravity?"

As mentioned above, u. V. is the ratio of the weight of a body to its volume. Do not forget that this value is also defined as the force of gravity of the volume of the substance being determined taken as the basis. For metals, their V. and density are in the same ratio as the weight to the mass of the test subject. Then you can use another formula that will answer the question of how to calculate the specific gravity: s.v. / density = weight / mass = g, where g is a constant value. The unit of measurement is y. V. metals is also N/m3.

Thus, we have come to the conclusion that the specific gravity of a metal is called the weight per unit volume of a dense or non-porous material. To determine u. c., you need to divide the mass of dry material by its volume in an absolutely dense state - in fact, this is a formula used to determine the weight of a metal. To achieve this result, the metal is brought into such a state that there are no pores left in its particles, and it has a uniform structure.

Share in the economy

The share in the economy is one of the most frequently discussed indicators. It is calculated to analyze the economic, financial part of the economic activity of the organization, etc. This is one of the main methods of statistical analysis, or rather, the relative value of this structure.

Often the concept of specific weight in the economy is the designation of a certain share of the total volume. The unit of measure in this case is a percentage.

U. in. = (Part of the whole / Whole)X100%.

As you can see, this is a well-known formula for finding the percentage ratio between the whole and its part. This leads to the observance of 2 very important rules:

  1. The overall structure of the phenomenon under consideration should in total be no more and no less than 100%.
  2. It absolutely does not matter what specific structure is being considered, whether it is the structure of assets or the share of personnel, the structure of the population or the share of costs, the calculation in any case will be carried out according to the above formula.

Share in medicine

Specific gravity in medicine is a fairly common concept. It is used in analysis. It has long been known that the w.v. water is proportional to the concentration of dissolved substances in it, the more there are, the greater the specific gravity. U.v. distilled water at 4 degrees Celsius is 1,000. Hence it follows that the r.v. urine can give an idea of ​​the amount of substances dissolved in it. From here it is possible to make this or that diagnosis.

The specific gravity of human urine ranges from 1.001 to 1.060. Children early age have less concentrated urine with values ​​from 1.002 to 1.030. In the first days after birth, the specific gravity of urine ranges from 1.002 to 1.020. According to these data, doctors can judge the work of the kidneys and make one or another diagnosis.

The calculation of specific gravity is actively used in various fields. This indicator is used in economics, statistics, when analyzing financial activities, sociology and other areas. How to determine the specific gravity of a substance, we will describe in this article. Sometimes this calculation is used in writing analytical sections of diploma and term papers.

Specific gravity is a method of statistical analysis, one of the types of relative values. Less often, the indicator is called the share of the phenomenon, that is, the percentage of the element in the total volume of the population. Its calculations are usually carried out directly in percentage using one or another formula - depending on the specific gravity of which is determined.

How to calculate the specific gravity of any substances or elements

Each thing or tool has a certain set of characteristics. The main property of any substance is specific gravity, that is, the ratio of the mass of a particular object and the volume that it occupies. This indicator we get based on the mechanical definition of matter (matter). Through it we pass to the area of ​​qualitative definitions. The material is no longer perceived as amorphous substance, which tends to its center of gravity.

For example, all bodies solar system differ in specific gravity, as they differ in their weight and volume. If we disassemble our planet and its shells (atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere), it turns out that they differ in their characteristics, including specific gravity. Also chemical elements have their own weight, but in their case - atomic.

Share in the economy - formula

Many mistakenly take the specific gravity of the density, but these are two fundamentally different concepts. The first is not related to the number of physicochemical characteristics and differs from the density indicator, for example, as weight from mass. The formula for calculating the specific gravity looks like this: \u003d mg / V. If the density is the ratio of the mass of an object to its volume, then the desired indicator can be calculated using the formula \u003d g.

Specific gravity is calculated in two ways:

  • using volume and mass;
  • experimentally by comparing pressure values. Here it is necessary to use the hydrostatic equation: P = Po + h. However, this way of calculating specific gravity is acceptable if all measured quantities are known. Based on the data obtained using the experimental method, we conclude that each substance that is in the vessels will have a different height and speed of outflow.

To calculate the specific gravity, use another formula that we learned in school physics lessons. The Archimedes force, as we remember, is the buoyant energy. For example, there is a load with a certain mass (we will denote the load with the letter “m”), and it floats on the water. IN this moment the load is affected by two forces - gravity and Archimedes. According to the formula, the Archimedes force looks like this: Fapx = gV. Since g is equal to the specific gravity of the liquid, we get another equation: Fapx = yV. It follows from this: y = Fapx / V.

Simply put, specific gravity is equal to weight divided by volume. Moreover, the formula can be presented in various interpretations. However, the content and method of calculation will be the same. So, the specific gravity is: divide the part of the whole by the whole and multiply by 100%. There are two important rules to keep in mind when making calculations:

  • The sum of all particles must always be equal to 100%. Otherwise, additional rounding should be carried out, and calculations should be carried out using hundredths.
  • There is no fundamental difference in what exactly you calculate: population, income of the organization, manufactured products, balance sheet, debt, active capital, revenue - the calculation methodology will be the same: distribution of the part by the total and multiplication by 100% \u003d share.

Examples of economic calculations of the share

Let's bring good example. The director of a woodworking plant wants to calculate the share of sales of a particular type of product - boards. He must know the value of the sale of this product and the total volume. For example, a product is a board, a bar, a slab. The revenue from each type of product is 155 thousand, 30 thousand and 5 thousand rubles. The value of the specific weight is 81.6%, 15.8%, 26%. Therefore, the total revenue is 190 thousand, and the total share is 100%. To calculate the specific weight of the board, we divide 155 thousand by 190 thousand and multiply by 100. We get 816%.

Workers (staff)

Calculation of the proportion of workers is one of the most popular types of calculations in the study of a group of workers. The study of qualitative and quantitative indicators of personnel is often used for statistical reporting of firms. Let's try to figure out what options for calculating the share of personnel exist. The calculation of this indicator has the form of a relative value of the structure. Therefore, it is necessary to use the same formula: divide the part of the whole (group of workers) by the whole ( total workers) and multiply by 100%.

VAT deductions

To determine the share of tax deductions attributable to a certain amount of cash turnover from sales, it is necessary to divide this number by the total amount of turnover and multiply the result by the amount tax deductions attributable to the total amount of sales turnover. The specific gravity is calculated with an accuracy of at least four decimal places. And the amount of turnover is the number of the tax base and VAT calculated from this tax base, and the amount of decrease (increase) in the tax base.

In balance

Determining the liquidity of the balance sheet is based on a comparison of the assets of the asset with the liabilities of the liability. Moreover, the first are distributed into groups according to their liquidity and placed in descending order of liquidity. And the latter are grouped in accordance with their maturity and arranged in ascending order of maturity. According to the degree of liquidity (the rate of transformation into cash equivalent), the assets of the organization are divided into:

  • The most liquid assets (A1) - the entire set of items Money organizations and short-term investments (securities). This group is calculated as follows: A1 = Money on the balance sheet of the firm + Short-term investments.
  • Marketable assets (A2) - debit debt, payments of which are expected within a year after the reporting date. Formula: A2 = Short-term receivables.
  • Slowly realizable assets (A3) are components of the second asset of the balance sheet, including stocks, receivables (with payments that will be received no earlier than in a year), VAT and other defensive assets. To get the A3 indicator, you need to sum up all the listed assets.
  • Difficult to sell assets (A4) - non-current assets of the company's balance sheet.


To determine the specific indicator of any assets of the enterprise, you need to get the sum of all its assets. To do this, use the formula: A \u003d B + C + D + E + F + G. Moreover, A is all the assets of the organization, its real estate, C is the total number of deposits, D is all machinery, equipment; E - quantity valuable papers; F - cash available in the assets of the company; G-patents, trademarks of the enterprise. Having the amount, you can find the proportion of a certain type of organization's assets.

fixed assets

The share of various groups of fixed assets in the total value represents the structure of fixed assets. The share of fixed assets at the beginning of the year is calculated by dividing the value of fixed assets (on the balance sheet of the enterprise at the beginning of the year) by the amount of the balance sheet at the same point in time. First you need to determine what the company belongs to fixed assets. This:

  • real estate (workshops, industrial architectural and construction facilities, warehouses, laboratories, engineering and construction facilities, including tunnels, roads, flyovers, etc.);
  • transmission devices (equipment for the transport of gaseous, liquid substances and electricity, for example, gas networks, heating networks)
  • machinery and equipment (generators, steam engines, transformers, turbines, measuring instruments, various machine tools, laboratory equipment, computers and much more);
  • vehicles (wagons, motorcycles, passenger car for the transport of goods, trolleys)
  • tools (except special tools and accessories)
  • production facilities, inventory (racks, machines, work tables)
  • household inventory (furniture, appliances);
  • other fixed assets (museum and library materials).


In the course of calculating the share of costs, parts of individual material or other (for example, raw materials) costs are used. The calculation formula looks like this: expenses divided by cost and multiplied by 100%. For example, the cost of production consists of the price of raw materials (150,000 rubles), Salaries of employees (100,000 rubles), Energy costs (20,000 rubles) and rent (50,000 rubles). So, the cost is 320,000 rubles. And the share of expenses for salaries is 31% (100 / 320x100%), for raw materials - 47% (150 / 32x100%), for rent - 16% (50 / 320x100%), the rest - 6% falls on electricity costs.

How to automate calculations in Excel?

The specific gravity is determined by the ratio of the weight of matter (P) to the volume it occupies (V). For example, 85 students study at the university, of which 11 people passed the exam for "5". How to calculate their specific gravity in an Excel spreadsheet? In the cell with the result, you should set the percentage format, then there will be no need to multiply by 100 - this, like the conversion to percentages, happens automatically. We expose in one cell (say, R4C2) the values ​​85 in another (R4C3) - 11. In the resulting cell, you should write the formula = R4C3 / R4C2.

how to calculate the share of receivables formula Video.

From school physics, everything is known that even bodies of the same volume, but from different material, have fundamentally different masses. From this statement it follows that if the bodies are made of the same material and have the same mass, then their volumes are identical. That is, the mass is directly proportional to the volume for one substance. The quantity that determines the ratio of mass to volume is called density.

Often, density is denoted by the letter of the Latin alphabet d. As already known, the volume, as well as the mass, is denoted by the letters m and V, respectively.

The concept of density is widely used in physics. For example, using a known density, you can easily find the mass of a substance. To do this, you just need to use the formula m=Vd.

One unit of density is taken as the density of a substance whose mass is equal to one per unit volume. According to the SI system, density is measured in kg / m3, in the CGS system, density is measured in g / cm3, and in the MKSS system, it is customary to measure density in them / m3.

How to calculate specific gravity? Incredibly often, together with the concept of density, such a concept as specific gravity is also used. Specific gravity is usually called the ratio of the weight of a completely homogeneous body from a certain substance to its volume. The specific gravity is denoted Latin letter?. That is, specific gravity can be considered the force of gravity, which is inherent in one unit of volume of a substance.

How to Calculate Specific Gravity: Formula

Specific gravity is calculated using the formula y=P/V. The ratio of specific gravity and density is proportional to the ratio of weight and body mass. That is: y/d=P/m=g.

These quantities are often used to calculate various physical data. To facilitate such calculations, special tables were created with information on the density of both solid and liquid substances in different measuring systems. It should be borne in mind that in such tables, measurement data are often rounded off for substances that do not have an exact, strict density (such substances include wood, concrete, etc.). Remember also that very often when moving from one system of units to another, 1/10 is taken as a conversion factor (instead of the accepted 1/9.8).