Increasingly, on the Internet you can meet the question “where to buy leads?” and a counter offer - "I will sell leads." Such direction of operational marketing as lead generation has turned into a separate line of business. Many aspiring entrepreneurs think that the main thing in sales is to get a lead, but is it really so. Let's figure it out.

What is a "lead"

The term "lead" (from the English lead - lead) means a potential client who has performed an action that can be assessed as a manifestation of interest in the offer. In Russian, the meaning of the term "lead" is conveyed by the combination "a potential client who has shown interest", and in the slang of sellers - "hot client".

Based on the concept of a sales funnel (see article), a lead can be obtained at any of the funnel levels. Let's look at one of the sales funnel options.

Question: Can I get a lead without getting his contact?

Answer: you can. Remember how merchants sell in a subway car or train.

The sale took place - another pack of plasters, Chinese consumer goods, etc. sold.

A lead is a passenger who asked to see a product.

Question: Is it possible to get a lead after the target action of the client?

Answer: you can. Remember teleshopping.

Attract attention - arouse interest - generate desire - cause action.

A lead is a viewer who called the specified phone number.

Question: Is it possible to get a lead after attracting attention?

Answer: you can. Remember "gift with purchase".

With a promotion, the client will register on the site himself to receive information if he is given a chance to get something for free.

A lead is a buyer who left contact details on the organizers' website.

What is the conclusion? When building your sales funnel, you yourself choose the goal of communication and, accordingly, develop a communication scheme with the client. Which means you yourself determine what action the client must take in order to be considered a lead. It can be a visitor who left a contact e-mail and a client who issued an invoice - decide for yourself what increases the likelihood of a sale to the value you need.

Lead and lead generation

Based on the above definition of a lead, “lead generation” is a technology of working with a potential client aimed at generating interest in the offer, identifying leads and getting the opportunity to contact him. Lead identification, in this context, implies the client's interest in certain information (for example, about a product or service).

What follows from this? The lead, as we have already seen, can be at different levels of the funnel.

Marketing is constantly evolving, and with it new terms are emerging. Lead is a term that has to do with sales. This term is used to describe potential customers who reacted to marketing activities.

Let’s take a look at what leads are. For example, a person accepted a leaflet and filled it out with contact details.

This person is now a lead because they responded to the ad. A lead can be considered a person who has performed a specific action that he was asked about.

List of simple examples:

  1. Installed paid or free mobile application
  2. Completed application form (email + phone)
  3. Buying a product or service
  4. Registration on a dating site

The task is to get the contacts of a potential client at any cost. And also in the future to sell or resell him a product or service.

Life situation. Remember when you unknowingly filled out a questionnaire in the store, indicating your phone number in it. What happened next? That's right, you started receiving SMS with promotions and promotional offers.

We figured out what leads are, now we move on to the next topic.

Leads play important role in sales. Since leads, as mentioned above, are potential customers.

Contact data (phone number, mail) of consumers are extracted different ways, here are some of the popular ones that are used to get data:

  • phone calls;
  • an application on the site left by a person;
  • email distribution;
  • distribution of leaflets.

Such a lead can bring along other buyers through word of mouth. With the help of lead generation, you can get the contact details of potential customers and increase sales.

After the base of interested people enters the sales department or the CRM system, specialists direct their efforts to the formation of proposals. Potential customers can be divided into two groups:

  1. Consumer. Data is generated by parameters such as age, gender, income, and so on. The information may be shared with organizations for targeted advertising of goods and services that may in theory be of interest to the individual.
  2. Target. Information can be transferred to the organization that has the product that is of interest to the client.

Free offers or lead magnet

A lead magnet is a kind of gift offer for a client, which he can use if he performs the proposed action.

Lead magnet that offers a gift for user contacts

Usually this tool works according to a simple principle: you offer a lead magnet, the client leaves contact information.

If this tool is used by an online store, then it offers some kind of discount or a certain offer, in return, again, you need the client’s phone or mail.

As soon as the buyer does this, he will become a customer of the store. The person becomes a shopper.

Lead Acquisition

This is a lead buying service for organizations from third party companies. This suitable for those who cannot or does not want to independently develop the text for the application.

Many agencies offer their services in the field of lead generation. Selling leads requires the right approach.

Paying for leads looks different from paying for clicks or impressions. In the case of leads, the advertiser pays for a click on an ad and a conversion action from a potential client.

Brands define actions of this kind independently.

Actions can be different:

  • placing an order;
  • newsletter subscription;
  • filling out a questionnaire;
  • downloading files;
  • viewing video files;
  • jump to a specific page.

In such a case, a fixed fee may be charged.

The advantage of this model is that there is no risk of wasting the marketing budget. The only downside is the cost of leads.

And here are the three basic types of payment for potential customers:

  1. Cost Per Action- a certain action is paid;
  2. Cost Per Lead- the application is paid;
  3. Cost Per Sale- the fact of sale is paid.

As a rule, this kind of promotion is suitable for the following types of business:

  • online stores;
  • organizations providing services;
  • sites with various products, training sites;
  • online gaming services.

Lead manager: what kind of profession

A lead manager is engaged in attracting leads, that is, potential customers, for a business. In addition, the specialist is engaged in the sale of contacts of potential customers.

This profession has the following skills:

  • access to customers who will use the services offered;
  • creating a strategy to advance the cause;
  • development of prototype sites with a high% conversion;
  • setting up traffic sources and launching advertising;
  • analytics and adjustment of the existing business.

The lead manager can, which means that there are no territorial restrictions.

Cold and hot leads

So, let's start the discussion of hot and cold leads from afar. There are two types of requests:

  1. You and many of your competitors have received flash messages. That is, the client sends many applications, and then examines the responses. Cold leads are characterized in this way.
  2. You get a response from the person who wrote to you with a purpose. Such a buyer is ready to expect, pay for something and be loyal. Hot leads are characterized in this way.

According to practice, almost every second hot lead is a client. With cold leads, the situation looks different, they are much less likely to become customers. But such a plan also needs leads.

If you find a competent approach to this kind of customers, they can be made buyers.

Leads can also be warm. In this case, the client is interested in buying, but has not yet made a final decision.

These buyers choose between goods, brands. To convince such buyers, you need to give them more information about the product, tell them about its benefits.

What is a sales conversion?

What are leads is now clear, but the important terms related to sales do not end there. Sales conversion also plays a significant role.

Sales performance is an important part that is responsible for the positive development of the enterprise. Not only business owners are interested in increasing income, but also other participants in the work process.

Therefore, in order to generate income, they direct their efforts to control sales. Since you need to regularly monitor how specific items of a product or service are sold.

Here key factors that positively affect sales:

  • quality;
  • the principle of pricing;
  • design;
  • service level;
  • professionalism of employees;
  • range.

These factors need to be kept under control. And in order to have an accurate analysis in numbers, you need to use methods for measuring performance.

Sales conversion reveals the relationship between a possible and actual customer. Real clients These are the customers who made the purchase.

Potential customers could also become real. But something got in their way. It's important to find out exactly what.

Every customer who doesn't make a purchase is a missed opportunity for the company. This is because the company is losing revenue. Conversion makes it possible to count the number of lost customers and provides material for identifying the causes.

Having this indicator, the head of the organization receives some feedback from consumers. If out of 1,000 customers only 10 purchased something, this means that 99 percent of customers were dissatisfied because they could not satisfy their needs for some reason.

The manager can then conclude that changes need to be made.

The conversion allows you to see the reaction of customers to:

  • cost adjustment;
  • marketing operations;
  • expansion of the range;
  • staff development.

Increasing the conversion allows you to turn potential customers into real ones. And this means that the company will be able to increase revenue.


Now you know what leads are. Managers need to keep in mind the possibility of developing the company with the help of leads.

The benefits of lead generation are as follows:

  1. A large audience of potential customers is covered, since almost every person has access to the Internet.
  2. There is an opportunity to establish a constant influx of customers.
  3. No dependence on search engines.
  4. The customer pays for consumer contacts, nothing more.
  5. Actions are transparent, the fee is specified.
  6. The customer does not need to delve into the process of website promotion, he only needs to see the result.
  7. Benefit (the client can pay 500 rubles for the purchase of the client, but the client will purchase goods for 3,000 rubles, the benefit will be 2,500 rubles).

Therefore, it is important to delve into this aspect and apply it in practice. After all, it becomes possible to simplify the sale, shorten the process and reduce risks by making them predictable.

We give knowledge!

It is customary to call a lead a client who is interested in a product or service and who left his application on the site or filled out the registration form

The term "lead generation" (lead-generation), despite its wide meaning in the field of marketing, primarily refers to online promotion. If the site is not an online store where you can order and pay for goods online, then if it is not “sharpened” for direct sales, it actually works to generate leads.

A completed application, registration form, contacts left on the site by the client - this is the generated lead. Lead management (lead-management) is a general global process lead management and management. The way you then manage the received data: call, arrange delivery, make a sale, send promotional letters, and so on - this is lead management, that is, lead management. Lead management as a process consists of several stages.

One of the most significant and interesting for us (and we, as site owners, are interested in effective sales) is lead generation

We are preparing special selling pages on the site and commercial offers, we attract traffic to them - from social networks, search engines, we buy advertising. A lot of people come, and those who are really interested in our offer become potential buyers. They fill out the form, leave a request and become leads. The next step is lead management. lead management. Our task is to competently and accurately use the information received and lead the client to a purchase. We get in touch, discuss the terms of the deal.

If, for some reason, the client is not ready to make a purchase right now, we enter his contacts into the database of deferred demand and continue to periodically inform him about our promotions by mailing, call, stimulate demand - that is, we keep in touch and unobtrusively “loom on the horizon” . Lead management should lead to one goal - sales.

For this, a variety of tools are used: pent-up demand, secondary sales, up-sell technology (offering a product to the same lead at a higher price or more expensive than he was going to buy initially); cross-sell technology (offering related products).

A website is a lead generator, a resource that attracts new customers to you.

But further work with leads depends on the activity of you and your managers. On the site, you can set up an automated offer to customers of products from the cross-sell and up-sell series - we will talk about these technologies in a separate article. Build your own sales technology and don't be afraid of new terms. Contact the Internet holding SalesGeneration if something is not clear to you and you need clarity in definitions and verified accuracy in selling actions. And let your site attract more and more new customers!

Lead- this is a potential customer who is interested in the product and left his contact details for communication.

Lead generation- this is a series of actions aimed at obtaining contact details of customers who are interested in your offer.

For example, a lead to buy real estate would look like this:

Hello! I sold a 3-room apartment in Vsevolozhsk, paid off my debts, now I am looking for a 2-room apartment in a new building. There is still somewhere to live, but I would like to quickly buy an apartment. I can make a down payment of about 2 million rubles.


Where can you get leads from? Ways to attract leads.

Lead sources are selected in accordance with what product or service the company sells and most often depend on the advertising budget.

  • contextual and targeted advertising goods and services through Yandex.Direct and GoogleAdwords.
  • email marketing- Sending promotional emails to customer bases.
  • SMM– placement of advertising materials with the offer of goods and services in social networks.
  • advertising on Youtube- placement of promotional videos with contact details.
  • CPA offer in CPA affiliate program - one of the ways: placing your landing page with a product offer (offer) in an affiliate program to which webmasters, members of this affiliate network will merge traffic, and you will pay them for leads.
  • referral marketing- your existing client brings you another client and receives a certain commission for this.
  • website promotion- fill the site interesting articles with your experience and clients will be drawn to you.
  • price aggregators and platform aggregators- Yandex.Market, Avito, Yula, etc.). Allow you to post your products and their prices. The client can choose you if you offered Best offer, most often for the price.
  • lead exchange with the acquisition of contacts of customers who are interested in the service or product that you provide.
  • b2b lead generation – for example, an advertising agency sends its clients to a printing house to print promotional products, and a printing house sends its clients to an advertising agency to order the design of promotional products.

In addition to the above methods of online promotion, lead generation through offline advertising is often used: outdoor and print advertising, traditional media advertising on radio, TV, in the press.

You can track the effectiveness of such advertising using call tracking services. These services allow you to calculate how many calls (leads) were made to the number indicated in a certain advertisement and how many sales were made. So, for example, you can understand which advertising panel on the street turned out to be more effective.

They use pretty and intrusive ways of selling: sms-mailing and especially telemarketing ( sales via phone calls). Moreover, they separate cold calls (calling the base of uninterested customers) and hot calls (calling the base of customers who already use the product and service, or who have expressed a desire to try the product or service).

Who are your clients? How to define the target audience?

Your potential clients are target audience. When forming the target audience to which you want to direct your advertising, you must take into account its features:

  • age;
  • place of work or study;
  • hobbies and hobbies;
  • approximate monthly income;
  • Family status.

Based on this, ideas for promotion and advertising are generated, certain lead generation models and lead capture methods are used.

The most common mistakes at this stage are:

  • incorrectly compiled or not sufficiently detailed portrait of the target audience;
  • incorrectly described advantages and benefits that the promoted service or product provides (on a website, landing page or in an advertisement);
  • incorrectly chosen advertising strategy (telemarketing instead of the usual purchase of ready-made leads on the lead exchange).

Subsequently, adjustments are periodically made taking into account seasonality, changes in the needs of the audience and the competitiveness of the product.

What lead generation tools to use?

In order for the user who came to the page to leave their contact information, marketers use different lead generation tools:

  • landing page(landing, or landing page (English landing page) - a one-page site built in such a way as to collect the visitor's contact information.
  • lead generator: it can be an online consultant, automatic chat, a form feedback, questionnaire, etc.
  • back call- the client leaves his number in a special form and within a short time the consultant calls him back.
  • online chat on site- in the pop-up chat window, the consultant offers help and communicates with the user.
  • feedback form- when filling in the fields with the e-mail address, phone number, first and last name, the client receives a consultation.
  • contact capture form- a more aggressive tool, you can make a leaving client leave the site in a pop-up window special offer, for example, in the form of setting the 5th plastic window For a present.
  • lead magnet- offer a discount, bonus, case in exchange for contact details.

For transparency and accuracy of mutual settlements with the customer, special goals can be set on websites and landing pages. These goals can then be tracked and analyzed in the Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics, Roistst analytics systems, or in (the systems into which leads get and in which they are stored, monitored and processed by managers), for example, amoCRM is one of them.

These systems record the exact number of leads and help increase conversions and analyze traffic.

How are leads processed?

Converting to leads and converting to sales are two different things. Certain losses can also occur at the stage of collecting or storing leads, and not just at the stage of generating leads. For the sales department of the customer and the growth of his profits, it is most important not to lose a single contact.

Leads can be processed by means of a lead generation agency, or already in the customer's sales department.

Common mistakes at the lead processing stage:

  • receiving calls by the call center, not by the sales department;
  • weak or unmotivated work of the sales department;
  • automatic rejection of "difficult" clients;
  • lack of control over the work of the sales department.

How to predict the number of customers that lead generation can give your business?

The number of leads per month depends on:

  • customer niche and characteristics of the target audience;
  • the number of requests for a given service or product in the network by city or region;
  • site conversions;

Let's look at an example. Real estate agency in Moscow. In Yandex alone, 851,488 people are interested in buying an apartment every month. All of them are potential clients. You brought 50,000 data people to the site per month to the site. Of course, not all of them will leave contact details or contact the agency. The conversion of a good site will be 10%.

It is important! Do not confuse the volume of traffic and the number of leads. Also, do not confuse a lead and a ready client.

Eg, 50,000 people went to your site, this is traffic consisting of potential customers, they left you 5,000 questions and contacts - these are leads, and only 500 of them bought an apartment from you - these are clients.

How much does a lead cost in your niche?

The cost of a lead depends on:

  • business areas;
  • geography;
  • business seasonality;
  • competition;
  • probable profit from one transaction;
  • promotion costs;
  • landing page conversions.

Example. For a sector where profit is measured in hundreds of thousands of rubles, leads can be sold for 1000-5000 rubles, and, for example, the contact details of clients interested in elite mansions for millions of rubles will cost even more. Credit leads can cost from 500 to 1500 rubles.

Customer contacts in the field of sales of any goods, the margin for which is 7,000-10,000 rubles, can cost around 300-600 rubles. In general, depending on the niche, the prices per lead vary from 10 to 10 thousand rubles.

As for geography, leads in big cities due to greater competition will be more expensive than similar ones in smaller cities. For example, a lead in legal services in Moscow costs 600 rubles, and in Murmansk 100 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of lead generation.

Advantages of lead generation:

  • Reach a huge audience of potential customers. Almost everyone has access to the Internet.
  • The ability to establish a constant flow of customers. The sales department will not be bored.
  • Independence from search engines (if you buy ready-made leads on the stock exchange, or from agencies, you do not need to worry about site performance).
  • The customer pays not for the promotion of his site, but for customer contacts.
  • All actions are transparent and the advertising budget is not wasted on simple clicks and impressions. Payment only for the contact, only for the client.
  • The customer does not have to delve into the nuances of website promotion, he is interested in the result, and he gets it.
  • The cost of a transaction with the right approach is much greater than the cost of a client. For example, a customer who made a purchase cost you 500 rubles, and you received 2,000 rubles from the sale of goods. Total 1500 rubles you have a net profit.

In addition to the above benefits and growth in sales, as with the use of traditional advertising methods, the customer receives brand recognition, his image is formed, his competitiveness is growing, changing in better side market position.

The disadvantages of lead generation include:

  • Unprofitability of lead generation for business areas with a low trading margin.
  • Lead quality can get worse. For example, due to the fact that a competitor has appeared on the market and it pulls some of the good leads to itself, or a lead exchange, a lead generation agency, etc. deliberately sells you worse leads.
  • It is quite difficult to build a scheme of work at the initial stages and hire specialists.

How to increase the number of leads and sales?

Help to increase the number of leads Full time job with traffic and advertising materials.

  • Work on targeted traffic– optimize the key queries for which visitors go to your site, study which queries give you the most sales and write articles and reviews for them.
  • Optimize contextual advertising campaigns – study which announcements and keywords give you the most traffic lowest price, use remarketing, exclude non-target audience (by age, gender, display region).
  • Install a lead generator that suits your site. Learn lead conversion in it, experiment with the settings of the display algorithm, text, color, advertising offer.
  • Analyze and study competitors. Perhaps your landing page lacks reviews, or you spammed the lead forms on the page, perhaps the lead form is too long and visitors do not fill it out to the end. Do not be afraid to learn from someone else's experience, analyze your competitors, because you can get ideas for texts and design from them, use services that are effective in your industry.

Is there a service that would solve maximum lead generation tasks at minimum cost?

Combined all the best from chat, callback, lead generator and feedback form.

5 main features of Venyoo.

  1. Pay only for results (leads). We are confident in the conversion of the widget, so you will pay only for leads, applications from potential customers, but not for functionality.
  2. Various operating modes. The ability to communicate both in a real chat and in a chat bot mode. Easily switch between modes and don't miss a single client. The chatbot will work for you according to predefined settings.
  3. Customer Capture Form. It works automatically and requires almost no settings. It will stop the visitor with an excellent offer at the moment when he closes the site page and smoothly transfers his attention to the widget.
  4. Automatic call on leads. Any lead with a phone number that gets into Venyoo will automatically call you and the client.
  5. Convenient CRM. Process incoming leads in CRM Venyoo: mark leads with statuses, export contacts, follow statistics.

And get clients for free for 14 days!

We recently had a meeting with a client and I caught myself thinking that I often use the words “lead”, “lead generation”, “lead management”.

But the problem is not in these words, but in the fact that we did not understand each other at all. I know that it is necessary to speak the client's language for successful communication.

Only in this case, I decided the situation differently and conducted a mini-excursion into the terminology, because he, as the owner, will definitely come in handy in the future. So let's figure out what are leads in marketing?

Theory doesn't hurt

The word itself comes from the English word “lead” and translated into Russian means “lead, lead, lead”.

talking in simple terms, the definition of the term “lead” is the specific actions of consumers that are selected by the advertiser according to the criteria he needs.

Leads are those customers who, for example, call or write to your company to use your product.

In Russian, we can describe such a concept with the phrase “potential client”.

But this is a rather cumbersome option, plus in our country they like to use fashionable English words, so in practice we all say “Lead”.

Leads and sales

The word "Lead" is very firmly seated in marketing. But if you look at it more broadly, then it is also suitable for effective communication with sales managers.

Indeed, in fact, leads are all your potential customers who interact with the company through:

  1. Calls;
  2. Applications on the site;
  3. Messages in online chat;
  4. letters;
  5. And other things.

Therefore, we can often hear from sales managers: “Today I processed 50 leads and received 14 quality ones.”

And we can also hear from marketers: “Today we managed to generate 25 leads at 500 rubles per application.” Speaking of the cost of the application, do you know that the main thing is not the conversion, but the cost of the application? No?! Rather watch the video:

In fact, everything is simple

As a rule, a lead in marketing has certain data. This can be minimal information about the client - phone number, Email and name.

Or maybe a whole questionnaire of a dozen steps and several stages. It all depends on your area and task. Here, for example, what a subscription looks like on our website for:

Capture form

And this form of obtaining leads is made in several steps. First, under the guise of a survey and receiving a discount (the more answers, the greater the discount), you are asked to take a survey and choose which elements you need.

After that, in order to fix the discount and send the full catalog, they are asked to enter data.

Capture form in a few steps

And one more example, but not from a series of sites, but from Bitrix24, where we get all calls to the company using and synchronizing the site and social networks with .

All applications are processed by managers, and as you can see, for them they are signed as “Leads”.

Application example

In all examples, the meaning is the same - getting contact information about a potential client. The only difference is the amount of data we get about them.

Important. The fewer fields, the higher the conversion. But just do not forget that high conversion is not always good. Much more important is the cost of the application.

Lead Types

And if we figured out what a lead is, then let's look at their types. What are they and how to deal with them.

Yes, I completely forgot, in this article I will not talk about how to attract leads (about lead generation). Because we have on the blog exists great amount various articles on the topic of attracting customers.

Let's get back to the type of leads and almost draw a line under this term. So, leads are of the following types:

  1. Cold. There is a very, very small chance that they will become your customers right now. Consider these people as an investment in the future, because if they buy, it will not be soon.
  2. Warm. More conscious clients. They know what they want and are at the stage of choosing a product or company. To convince them, you need to make a lot of effort, but the probability of victory is quite high.
  3. Hot. ABOUT! These are the most beloved clients of all salespeople, marketers and businessmen. These are the people who want to buy “here and now”, it remains only to sell them correctly and not ruin everything.

Such a division of leads will be useful to you not only from the theory side, but also when choosing the right advertising channel.

After all, now you know that, first of all, you need to focus on advertising methods with hot potential applications. I talked about it in more detail in the video:

Lead management

In working with leads, we may encounter an interesting area of ​​lead management.

At first glance, this is just lead segmentation, but in fact it is much more than you imagine. For this, there is even a special position in the company “lead manager” (obviously 1).

Lead management- work on the conversion of each stage of the sales funnel until the first purchase of the client.

In Russia, all interaction with a client from his first contact to his last breath is called lead management.

But in America, contact with a client is divided into the first (before the first purchase) and the second part (after the first purchase).

In addition to the fact that before the purchase, the lead manager is engaged in the client, and after the purchase, the account manager, they also do this in different programs. Before the purchase - in the "lead management" service (obviously 2), and after the purchase - in the CRM system.

But if we take a regular retail or an online store, we will see that there is no task in lead management.

All this is relevant only in complex and long transaction cycles, where the client buys carefully and thoughtfully. This is usually a B2B (business to business) market.

View from the outside

If we take the entire lead management and look at it from the outside, we will see that this work is divided into three tasks, each of which clearly follows each other:

  1. Lead-capturing / lead-generation- building a lead base through marketing, advertising and PR.
  2. Lead Registration- confirmation of the fact that the lead is real with further registration of his input data in the system.
  3. Lead Development / Leadnursing- nurturing a lead to a purchase by working with him from the first to the last contact.
  4. leadconversion- the final part of the transaction, namely the transfer of the lead into a purchase, and the fulfillment of its obligations.

All these stages go through the transaction cycle. In America, it is fashionable to call this cycle “lead time”, and even more fashionable (among professional salespeople) “gap” (gap from contact to completed work).

By the way, this is very important point for business, to know how long it takes in a typical transaction from the first contact to the receipt of the final money. This will help you avoid falling into a money gap.

In practice, all the work of a lead manager is performed by us. And him core competence is the qualification of leads and their transfer to the appropriate employees.

Those who are better at selling a particular product, or those who can work with more complex clients. In other words, it works with individual leads.

The lead manager does all these actions based on experience and information received from the application forms or the first telephone conversation.

More advanced companies automate this activity through lead scoring. Its principle is based on a point system, where the hotter the lead, the higher the score. And points are issued on the basis of a customer card in the system.

briefly about the main

That's all. Congratulations! Now you know what leads are in marketing, what they are and how to manage them. Now you are practically a professional Internet marketer and we can communicate in the same language. It is very nice.

But do not get hung up on terms, think about how it can help you in practice. And now you probably thought that in practice it is not applicable.

But in vain. Here are the thoughts (actions) that helped our clients become better:

  • Order processing starts with hot leads;
  • We select advertising channels according to the “temperature” of the lead;
  • There is a person responsible for the distribution of applications;
  • Leads are given different statuses;
  • You need to work on improving each stage that the lead goes through.

It is not necessary to implement everything at once, this is just food for thought. A push aside that even such theoretical knowledge can be useful in a classic small business.