Forgive me the gurus of Word and its creators. If you have a more rational solution to the problem with the last section and the last page, please let me know in the comments.

The abundance of questions “how to delete the last page in Word” and “How to keep formatting in Word after deleting a page” (more precisely, the question sounds more like this: why when I delete a page in Word, everything creeps in me), served as the reason for writing this note. I do not consider myself a WORD expert, so I do not exclude that there is a more correct (correct, convenient ...) solution.

Quite often, when editing WORD documents, you may encounter a situation where the last page is empty (the plate is over, and behind it is another sheet). What to do?

How to delete the last page in Word?

First of all, let's go to the last page and see what is there? If there are a lot of characters (paragraphs or spaces) - just put the cursor at the beginning of the page and press DEL (ete) until everything is deleted. If the only character of the paragraph remains and it does not want to be deleted - click BackSpace once - it is possible

Most likely, the reason is that the very last character in the document simply did not fit on the penultimate page. Most often, it helps to set the cursor to the last page and reduce the font size of the last paragraph (say, make it equal to 1 or 2 - you can not only select from the drop-down list, but also write with “pens”). You can also reduce the vertical indents of the same paragraph .. in general, make sure that the last paragraph “fits” into the remaining free space.

Often there is a formatting issue when deleting the last page. To be more precise, when the last section is deleted, its formatting is applied to the previous (penultimate) section. I didn’t find how to delete a section without formatting “failure” (if anyone knows, share in the comments), however, a little trick that allows you to delete the last sheet while maintaining Word formatting.

How to delete the last section in Word

First of all, go to the section with the desired formatting (the penultimate one), and go to the Page Setup window (double-click on the ruler or File-Page Setup menu). We write down all the values ​​\u200b\u200bfor the fields (you can simply erase the centimeters .. The fact is that they are already set .. but if you don’t touch them, then when you select “apply to the entire document”, all values ​​\u200b\u200bwill become empty), select the paper orientation, go to Paper Source tab and select Start On Current Page section.

It is possible (if the formatting of the last section to be deleted is different from the previous one) that additional changes will be required, but in my case (the last sheet had a “horizontal” plate that needed to be deleted), the described changes were enough.

After setting all the properties in the lower drop-down list, select “Apply to the entire document” and click “OK”. After that, boldly go to the penultimate page and transfer the section break to it - delete the characters before the break, but not the page break itself. To reduce the required space for the last paragraph, you can reduce the font and vertical indents (as in the first part of this article)

Sometimes, when pages are broken in documents, extra sheets appear - there is no information on them, nothing at all. That is why they need to be removed - why force the printer to pass excess paper through itself when printing. Today I will tell you how to easily remove a blank page in Microsoft program word. You will also learn how to delete a page with information without losing it. The main thing is to read everything to the end, and if something is not clear, read the article again.

Delete a blank page in MS Word

First, let's go to the "Home" tab, if in this moment you have another open. There is one useful tool here - "Show all characters", thanks to which you will see all the characters you typed - up to spaces.

Click on it and the text will change beyond recognition. Do you see how many dots and different signs have appeared that were not there before? The dots are spaces. If there are two or more dots in a row, then there are too many spaces and this needs to be corrected. The arrows are the Tab key presses. Separately displayed and blank pages in the form of inscriptions "Page break". It is this gap that we need to close.

Double-click on this line with the left mouse button, after which it will be highlighted in black. Then there are two options leading to the deletion of the empty page:

  1. Pressing the "Backspace" button on the keyboard
  2. Pressing the "Delete" button on the keyboard

As a result of these simple manipulations, the dummy page has been removed.

Delete a non-blank page in Microsoft Word

We have learned how to get rid of empty pages, but what about those where there is some information: text, picture or diagram? You can also delete non-blank pages, now we will do it.

We place the cursor in any part of the page that we want to delete. We return to the “Home” tab, find the arrow on the right side with the inscription “Select”, click on it and select “Select All” in the drop-down menu.

Cutting out unwanted sheets from a document is easy. It's a little harder to deal with blank pages that suddenly appear in the middle or at the end. Let's figure out how to delete a page in Word - we'll check all the methods from simple ones to manipulations with hidden characters.

The easiest way to delete an unnecessary page is to use the "Delete" or "Backspace" buttons on the keyboard. To get rid of the last sheet, move the cursor to the end of the document. If the extra content is in the middle, select it by holding the left mouse button. If the sheets are already blank, but still not deleted, place the cursor on them and press the delete keys several times to remove hidden characters.

  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the page. Hold down the left mouse button and check the cursor to the end of the fragment to be deleted.
  2. Put the cursor at the beginning. Scroll the page to the end of the section you want to erase. Hold down the Shift key and left-click at the end of a sentence. Text that falls between the two marks will be highlighted.

To erase the selection, press Backspace or Delete. In principle, you can do without selection, erasing letters in turn using the same keys.

This will take a little longer, but will lead to a similar result - extra words and sentences will be thrown out of the text, as if they were never there.

Removing an empty sheet

Why does an empty sheet appear? No, this is not a suggestion from the Word to write more than you intended. It's just that the page contains extra paragraphs, page or section breaks, and other non-printable characters. By default, they are not displayed, which is why it seems that you have a blank sheet in front of you. But if you click on such an icon on the top panel, you can find all non-printable characters. .

Note: if there are no extra sheets in the document, and they appear only when printing, check the printer settings. On some models, the options are set to print a separator page between different jobs.

This is a handy feature that allows you to quickly separate different documents if they are printed in one batch. But if you do not know about its existence, then you will probably be surprised to see Blank sheet, for some reason driven through the printer.

If the extra page is at the very end of the document, go to it using the Ctrl + End combination or simply scroll down the screen. Make sure the cursor is at the very end of the document and press the Backspace key. This will be enough if the blank sheet appeared due to extra paragraph marks or an accidentally inserted break.

Determination of the cause

If simply pressing the backspace key at the end of a document doesn't solve the problem, try to pinpoint the cause of the problem. To do this, turn on the display of non-printable characters and see what is happening on a blank page. You can do this on the Home tab - this is true for both Windows and Mac.

If the reason for the appearance of a blank sheet is extra paragraph marks, then you will see these characters. They need to be selected and erased using the Delete or Backspace key. If the gap is due to inserting a break, place the mouse cursor right in front of it and press Delete. On a Mac and in Word Online, the operation is similar.

If empty page appears after the table inserted into the document, then it's all about the empty paragraph sign, which is added by default.

You can't remove it, but you can hide it.

If you do everything right, a blank sheet will surely disappear along with thoughts that you cannot handle a simple text editing operation in Word.

If a document has an extra blank page, it may contain blank paragraphs, manually inserted page or section breaks. Get rid of the blank page different ways. The first step is to find out why this blank page appeared.


The easy way

If the extra blank page is at the end of the document, try going to the end of the document using the CTRL+END keys and pressing the BACKSPACE key. If a blank page is due to extra paragraph marks or a manually added page break by accident, it is quickly removed in this way.

Note: To delete multiple empty paragraphs, you will have to press the BACKSPACE key several times.

If this does not help, you need to look for another reason for the appearance of a blank page. In the video below, Doug will help you solve this problem.

To get rid of unwanted pages, follow the steps below.

To see what caused the blank page to appear, turn on the display of paragraph marks.

By turning on the display of paragraph marks, you can see why a blank page appears in a document.

extra paragraphs

If there are extra blank paragraphs at the end of the document, you will see paragraph marks (¶) on a blank page. Select them and delete them by pressing the DELETE key.

Force page break

If the blank page is due to a manually added page break, place the cursor in front of the page break and press the DELETE key to delete it.

The same reason very often leads to the appearance of an extra blank page in the middle of the document.

The reason for creating a new page in Word can be the section breaks "from next page", "from odd page" and "from even page". If a blank page is at the end of the document and shows a section break, position the cursor before the section break and press the DELETE key to delete it. In this case, the blank page should be deleted.

Note: If you don't see section breaks, try opening a tab View on the ribbon and switch to draft mode.

Attention: If a section break causes a blank page in the middle of a document, deleting the break might break the formatting. If you want the document content after this point to have different formatting, leave a section break. If you remove a section break, the formatting of pages after the section break will be propagated to the pages before it. Although you can change the section break type - a "on current page" break will keep the formatting changed without adding a blank page.

To convert a section break to an "on current page" break, do the following:

The blank page should be removed without compromising formatting.

Table at the end of the document

If you're still unable to get rid of the blank page at the end of the document, it's highly likely that the previous page has a table that extends to its end. In Word, an empty paragraph is required after the table, and when the table reaches the end of the page, it wraps to the next page. You will not be able to remove this empty paragraph mark.

Note: Many resume templates are formatted as full page tables.

The easiest way to solve this problem is to hide the empty paragraph at the end of the document.

    Select the paragraph mark and press CTRL+D to open the Font dialog box.

    Check box hidden to hide the paragraph.

    Turn off the display of paragraph marks by clicking the button Show or hide ¶ on the ribbon or CTRL+SHIFT+8.

The extra page should disappear.

Still have questions about Word?

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Word User Voice .

Note: If you want to delete the entire document, rather than individual blank pages within it, open the Finder, find the file you want, and drag it to the Trash. Items are permanently deleted only if you empty the Trash.

home press the button Show all non-printable characters(¶) or press the +8 keys.

Blank paragraph marks

If you find empty paragraph marks (¶), select them with your mouse and delete them.

Manually added page breaks

To delete a manually inserted page break, select it with the mouse and press the DELETE key. You can also click the left margin next to the page break to highlight it and press the DELETE key.

Section breaks

To delete a section break, select it with the mouse and press the DELETE key.

Help improve Word

Do you have suggestions on how to improve Word? Share them on Word page for Mac UserVoice .

Follow these steps to remove blank paragraphs and page breaks using Word Online.

If you have the desktop Word application, you can use the command Open in Word to open the document and remove section breaks.

Its arsenal contains several hundred different operations for working with both textual information and graphic data.
The main advantages of MS Word over other editors include:

  • performing absolutely all traditional operations on documents,
  • Availability innovative technology OLE, which allows you to embed text fragments, images, tables, etc., made using various Windows applications, into a file
  • different technological solutions that turn routine work into an exciting process (for example, a collection of ready-made templates and styles, or the ability to copy and autocorrect text).
  • Availability specialized functions publishing systems to a wide range of users. With the help of MS Word, you can not only professionally make layouts, but also prepare them for subsequent sending to the printing house.

Do you know how you can delete the history of visiting sites in Yandex - but about that.

Getting Started: Creating a Page

As a rule, it is customary to start any business from a new leaf. Work in MS Word, in this case, is no exception.
Initially, the program itself automatically creates new pages as needed.
That is, when the previous page is completely filled with information.

However, there are situations when, for example, there is Additional Information, and you need to place it between existing blocks, but on a separate page, or a transition to a new sheet requires the beginning of a section or chapter.

If you want to create a new document, you must hover over the Microsoft logo and, by activating the drop-down menu, select "Create".

To break a page (when you need to start from a new page when the previous one is not completely filled), it will be enough to place the cursor in the right place and press the combination "CTRL + ENTER" on the keyboard or in the "Insert" submenu select "Page", "Page Break" .

To insert a blank page in a Word between two filled ones, you need to place the cursor at the end of the first page and select “Page”, “Blank Page” in the “Insert” submenu.

Is it possible to recover deleted photos in classmates? Read about it.

Getting rid of an unnecessary or empty page

If the newly created document has only one page, and the information contained on it does not require saving, to delete it will be enough to select all the text and click "Delete" or "BackSpace" (the same method is suitable for deleting any individual non-blank page) or simply exit with the program, answering the question of preservation in the negative.
And then how to delete a blank page in Word?
To cut it, you need to place the cursor anywhere on this page, select the “find” section in the “Home” submenu and enter “\page” (without quotes) in the pop-up window that appears.

Thus, all the text on the sheet will be instantly selected, and to delete it, you just need to press "Delete" or "Backspace" on the keyboard.

Often a blank page appears at the end of the document, which not only carries no information, but also increases the overall weight of the file. How to delete a page in Word 2007?

➤ Secrets: Very effective method fast and easy.

There may be several options for deleting a page in a Word:

  • by pressing the combination "CTRL + END" move to the end of the document and hold down the "Backspace" key until the extra page disappears.
  • In the "Home" submenu, find and click on the "¶" symbol. This will display all non-printable characters (such as spaces).

After that, it will be enough to either remove spaces from, as it turned out, a non-blank page, or on the previous sheet before the empty one, double-click the left mouse button on “Page Break” and press one of the keys, “Delete” or “Backspace”.

"Access denied" or what to do when the text is protected from editing

To make changes to a document protected from editing with a password, it is enough to find out the password itself from its creator.

Then go to the "Review" submenu and find the "Protect Document" tab.

In the "Protect document" tab, enter the password by selecting "Disable protection".

After that, access to editing will be opened.

If it is not possible to find out the password, you can go around.

In the window that appears, you must specify a new name for the document and select the "Web Page" extension. The document is then closed.

The new file is opened with notepad. You can do this by right-clicking on it once and selecting the item in the drop-down menu "Open with", choosing notepad as your preferred program.

After that, in the opened document, find the line "w: nprotectPassword> any text" and delete it. Next, you need to save the changes and close the program.

Open the file again using MS Word and, going to the "Review" submenu, in the "Protect document" tab, select the "Disable protection" item. Then we save the document under the desired name and in the required format.

Far from always knowledge of users about work computer programs enough to get out of a difficult situation on your own, and some often have the question of how to delete a page in Word.

It is this text editor that is most often used to create, read and edit documents in all areas of activity.

To figure out how to properly remove an extra empty or filled page, saving space and not damaging the entire text, let's look at a few simple ways.

Method number 1. Delete unwanted new document

In the case when the document has just been created, and all the information entered is no longer needed (copied or used, or needs to be corrected), deleting all its contents is very simple. To do this, just close the file, refusing to save the changes.

To continue working in the document, you can simply select all the text (hot keys "Ctrl" + "A") and press Delete or BackSpace. The last deletion option is also suitable if there is only one sheet in the document.

Method number 2. Removing an empty sheet

In order to delete a blank page, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Place the cursor at the desired location;
  2. Select the icon for displaying all characters on the panel of Word 2007 (and any other version) or simply press "Ctrl", "Shift" and "8" at the same time.

Now on the sheet in the middle of the document, instead of emptiness, the paragraph icons of the transition to a new page, headers and spaces will appear. All of them take up space, but can be easily removed with the BackSpace key in turn, and by selecting all invisible characters at once.

Clearing an empty sheet of signs, they achieve its automatic removal.

Method number 3. Delete the last blank sheet

Sometimes at the end of the text you can see the last blank sheet or even several. This increases the printer's print queue and file sizes, and therefore requires deletion. To quickly fix the problem, you do not even need to include special characters.

It is enough just to place the cursor at the end of the last sheet and press BackSpace until it is deleted with all its formatting.

Method number 4. Deleting a page with text

If you need to delete not an empty part of the document, but a part of the document filled with text, images or other visible inserts, there are two main options for resolving the issue.

Deletion occurs using the cursor or special Word commands - each method has advantages for its situation.

Second page

Suppose there is a document whose second sheet you want to delete.

The simplest option, suitable for Word 2007, 2003 and even earlier versions, including the 1995 program:

  • Scroll the document to the top of the element to be deleted;
  • Hover over the field opposite the first line and select it;
  • Move with the mouse wheel to lower part(or all text, if you need to delete several sheets), without clicking the text;
  • Press "Shift" and, without releasing it, select the very last line of the part of the document to be deleted. As a result, all text on the sheet will be selected.

Now it can be erased, leaving the rest of the document intact and freeing up space from unnecessary information. In the same way, you can delete several sheets in a row, selecting them from the beginning of the first to the end of the last, and even most of the document.

Although in the latter case, when only a few paragraphs need to be saved from the entire text, and the main volume is deleted, it is easier and faster to copy the necessary information into new document.

Page inside a large document

If you have to delete not the first or second, but, for example, the 120th or even the 532nd page, their search inside a large document may take some time. To save it, use the following method.

  • First of all, a transition is made to the page that is to be cleared. To do this, simultaneously press the "Ctrl" and "F" keys on the keyboard, which open the search and replace window.

  • Next, the “Go to” tab is selected, and the page number is entered into it.

  • All that is left to do now for cleaning is to type the “\page” command instead of its number and click “Go”.

Now you can close the search panel (the cross in its upper right part) and easily get rid of the unnecessary page of one of the keyboard keys intended for this.

The method is great for large documents and saves time for users of any version of the text editor, including Word 2013. It is not always advisable to use it to delete part of a small amount of information.

Advice! Instead of highlighting with commands, some users will find it more convenient and faster to mark the text to be deleted with the mouse - in this case, only the first part of the method should be used to find the right place.

It would seem the simplest task how to delete a blank page in Word can result in a huge note with all the nuances of sections, breaks and other invisible characters. The office suite seems simple only at first glance, until there is no need to make a high-quality document.

This problem usually haunts users who edit documents created by other people. Not because they are smarter, it's about invisible characters and many other nuances of the office suite - we will work through all these little things in today's article!

I looked at what people are writing on the internet on this issue - I'm shocked! See for yourself - to delete a page in Word, we need to delete text from it. Can you delete the entire document at once? - We will delete the document and the page in it for sure, take it into service!

Just a brain explosion! Of course, I understand that the author wanted to stretch the text as much as possible so that you stay longer on his site ... and the same method works - you can’t argue, but I want to tell you about the root of the problem of empty pages in the Word and options for eliminating them.

If the poor and blank page is at the very end of the document, then you can try to delete it blindly. As a rule, there are a couple of extra paragraphs that we do not see (and they are). We poke the cursor anywhere in the document and press the key combination CTRL + END (so we will move to the real end of the document, and not visible to us) and press the "Backspace" button to remove all invisible characters on the page.

There can be several such paragraphs and therefore you will have to press Backspace several times (but if you hollowed out the backspace button and returned to the beginning of the document, then it’s not about hidden paragraphs)

The reason for the appearance of blank pages in the Word is a witch hunt!

As I said at the very beginning of the note, the main problem with blank pages in Word is the lack of a complete picture of the document being edited. To get full control over the document, let's turn on the display of paragraph marks and other hidden formatting marks.

This functionality is present in any version of Word. (even in 2003 and older). Surely, many panicked by accidentally activating this mode ... what kind of previously unknown characters appeared in my document and what to do with them ?!

To enable showing hidden characters, do the following:

  1. In feed Microsoft Word go to the "Home" tab and look for the "¶" button (show all signs) or use hotkeys "CTRL + *". A lot of people recommend CTRL + SHIFT + 8 as SHIFT + 8 gives an asterisk… it's a bit counter-intuitive (unless you have a laptop with a truncated keyboard), it is convenient to press the asterisk on the numeric keypad - all missing characters are typed exclusively from the numeric keypad.
  2. After activating this crazy mode, all paragraphs will be marked with a “¶” sign and they are easy to identify on the page and therefore figure out how to delete a blank page in Word!

I decided to copy part of the note into a Word document, selected the fragment and pasted it onto the page ... and at the end another empty paragraph was added - if it were on another page, you would never have seen it without activating the view of all characters

Invisible (blank) paragraphs

Quite often, there are extra paragraphs on an empty page - therefore, the page is not empty and it is logical that it does not disappear. You already know that you can activate the display of hidden paragraphs by clicking the "¶" button on the Office Options ribbon. Just select the extra paragraphs and delete them with the "Delete" button (well, or in any other way you know)

If the document really interfered with extra paragraphs, then after deleting them, the extra page will disappear.

The all-time leader after empty paragraphs in the reasons for the appearance of a blank page are forced breaks that users manually added to the page. As usual, we turn on the display of hidden signs and symbols and see this very page break - delete it and rejoice that we deleted the empty page in the Word!

A blank page can also be inside the document itself due to the set break. Similarly, we considered the situation with - sections and breaks are also to blame

Let's move on to the most interesting part of the note - these are the sections! If you are just learning MS WORD, then for sure this reason is incomprehensible to you and irritates you the most.

Sections are used for different page design (numbering, headers, footers, frames and other settings are individual for each of the sections)

When you set a section break, you have three options to choose from:

  1. From an even page;
  2. From an odd page;
  3. From next page;

Now imagine the situation - you finished the document, made a conclusion and, out of habit, completed the section by clicking “From the next page” ... here you have a new empty section at the end of the document. And as you already understood, a section in a Word can only be deleted by turning on the display of hidden characters and paragraphs.

Enable showing hidden characters and remove section break (do not forget that DELETE deletes to the right of the cursor, and backspace to the left)

I want to draw attention to one very important point. If there is a blank page at the end of the document, this nuance can be neglected! See what comes out - if a blank page is in the middle of the document, then by removing the section break, we risk resetting all the stylistic settings of the next section (this is both numbering and frames ...) because they will merge.

For such a situation, it would be correct to change the break type to “Break on the current page”, which I write about in addition to this paragraph.

The break on the current page is the solution to our problem

To delete an empty page in a Word, change the break type on the page:

  1. We poke the cursor in the place immediately after the break of the section that bothers us;
  2. On the tab "Layout" (Page layout) click "Page Setup" (great to hide it?)

  1. On the "Paper Source" tab in the "Start Section" section, change the parameter to "On the current page" and do not forget to click "OK"

After all this, the blank page will be deleted. In general, there is nothing difficult in understanding how section breaks work and why they exist at all. It is worth noting that when creating a document yourself, such situations practically do not arise - all because of different levels user knowledge of the office suite

Table in document

What's wrong with the table? - After the table, there is always an empty paragraph, which you cannot delete in any way by all the methods listed above (otherwise you think why I put it in a separate paragraph ...)

If the table border fits exactly to the end of the page frame, then this invisible paragraph will go to the next page and will not allow it to be deleted - I specially showed this in the picture below!

If you do not see the hidden paragraph, then on the Home tab you forgot to activate the view mode for all characters "¶"

Unfortunately, it is impossible to simply select and delete such a paragraph - a different approach and trick are needed here:

  1. Select this same paragraph symbol (¶) and right-click on the item “Font ...” (if you don’t have the skill to select this stupid sign, you can use the CTRL + D combination)

  1. Check the "Hidden" checkbox and do not forget to click "ok".

Nothing has changed and there is also a blank page with a blank paragraph after the table? - This is because you need to remove the display of hidden characters ... on the "Home" tab, deactivate the "¶" mode and the blank page after the table will disappear.

In this way, we were able to delete a blank page in the Word after the table - nothing complicated!

What is the result?

To summarize - we looked at several ways to delete a blank page in Word. I think you already understood that there is no text - there is no page ... however, there are nuances with sections and paragraphs that interfere with the simple perception of the content of the document (but this is until you read the note) and understanding how it works - it becomes very easy to remove the page!

Working with documents implies not only typing text, but also its formatting, bringing it into line with certain requirements. Therefore, it is so important to know how to delete a page in Word and get rid of extra numbers. This allows you to improve appearance document, which positively affects its readability and general perception.

Removing blank and extra pages

To delete a page in Word 2010, just remove all the characters that are on it. Even if you see a blank sheet in front of you, there may be hidden formatting marks on it.

If at the end of the Word document you see an extra blank page, then do the same with it - display the hidden characters and delete them all.

If there is text on the sheet you want to delete, it's best to select it before deleting it. Otherwise, you will have to erase each letter separately, which is inconvenient. You can select text with the cursor by holding down the left mouse button.

Another way to quickly select:

  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of a piece of text.
  2. Hold down the "Shift" key.
  3. Put courses at the end of the fragment.

The procedure for deleting blank sheets in Word 2003, 2007 and 2010 is absolutely identical. No new ways appear over the years.

How to remove page numbers in Word

Adding and removing numbering in Word 2010 is as simple as possible - all these procedures are performed by pressing one button. The procedure will be as follows:

There is an easier way:

  1. Double left click on the page number. The footer window will open.
  2. Select a number.
  3. Click "Delete".


Deleting sheets is sometimes accompanied by a change in document formatting. The user simply accidentally removes the signs that are responsible for how the text is placed on the sheet. This rarely happens, but if it happens, then fixing the flaw becomes quite problematic. The easiest way out is to copy the desired fragment and paste it into a new document.