Planning the sex of the child is an important occupation of future parents. It turns out that it is possible to determine in advance the birth of a boy or a girl using the right methods, the past time and many married couples.

The sex of a newborn child was laid at the cellular level. From school biology lessons, every person remembers that a cell consists of a cytoplasm and a nucleus. It is the nucleus that contains a set of specific chromosomes. A healthy cell has 46 chromosomes - i.e. 23 couples.

All 22 pairs for men and women are exactly the same. The differences are only in the last 23 pair.
In the female body, these are two "X" chromosomes, in the male - "X" and "Y".

If at the time of conception the egg (female cell) meets with the "X" sperm (male cell), then after 9 months a girl will be born, and if with the "Y" sperm, a boy will be born.

Chromosomes "X" and "Y"

Back in the 60s of last year, scientists concluded that it was possible to predetermine the future sex! It all depends on the degree of cell activity.

The fact is that male cells with X chromosomes are distinguished by their vitality, but not activity. Being in the uterine cavity, they can safely wait 48 hours for ovulation. On the other hand, cells with "Y" chromosomes are more active, but are subject to rapid death. They can quickly reach the egg and fertilize it if conception occurred on the day of ovulation.

How to influence the gender of the child?

This desire arose in mankind from time immemorial and it is still relevant today. It is interesting that it took its beginning in Ancient China and has been seen in many European countries. You can believe in it, but you can not, but the easterners are sure that girls are most often born in smoking parents. It is tobacco that can influence the number of "X" chromosomes in the male material. The Japanese even emphasize that a man must smoke one pack of cigarettes a day.

Men who smoke have more "X" chromosomes

Other researchers, from the other side of the world - Italians, have determined that the sex of the unborn child is affected by the time of year. So, they are absolutely sure that in the fall there is the greatest opportunity to conceive a boy, because this season affects the concentration of Y chromosomes in male sperm.

Autumn is the time for the conception of boys

The ancient scientists also believed that the moon could influence this decision. Couples need to plan sexual relations not only depending on its phases, but also take into account weather conditions. For example, the Egyptians knew exactly what full moon favors the birth of a son. They knew that a girl would be born if the woman was impregnated immediately after her period. Well, Aristotle himself insisted that if a couple wants a boy, she needs to conceive a child at a time when the north wind blows, and a girl when the south wind blows.

Theory of blood renewal

Modern man hardly pays attention to the weather and the phase of the moon during fertilization. However, there are several basic methods that allow you to accurately predict the sex of the unborn child. Increasingly, couples are planning the sex of the baby according to the fashionable European theory of blood renewal.

Planning the sex of the child for the renewal of blood

It is believed that, first of all, the Rh factor affects the sex of the child, and only then the age of the parents.

Chinese gender planning calendar

Table of the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the child by the age of the mother

According to the results of special studies, male blood is able to be renewed every four years. Women's blood does this more often - once every three years.

The formula for calculating the sex of the child

To determine, you need to multiply the father's age in months by four and divide by 16. Then you should multiply the mother's age in months by three and divide by 12. Compare the numbers obtained, if the male number is greater, there will be a boy, if the female number is a girl.

Formula for determining the sex of a child before conception:
For a man: Y = 4 x (whole number of months lived: 16)
For woman: X \u003d 3 x (whole number of months lived: 9).
If the male number Y is greater than the female number X, then these parents will have a boy. If possible feminine number X is greater than male Y, then these parents will have a girl.

Child gender calculation table

How to use the table? This is the Japanese calendar, which consists of two tables. According to the first table, we determine the number from 1 to 12 and look for this number in another table, and plan the gender of the unborn child.

The first table of the Japanese calendar for determining the sex of a child

The second table of the Japanese calendar for calculating the gender of the child

Medical planning techniques

Such planning is quite possible, but highly undesirable. Medical planning allows you to determine the sex of the future baby with 100% accuracy using chromosome staining. Such planning is allowed for couples undergoing artificial insemination and is prohibited in many countries, such as China. It is believed that this method is not natural and can lead to an imbalance on the planet.

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis

It is used mainly for genetic diseases in parents to prevent the transmission of this disease to the child.

In addition, preimplantation genetic diagnosis is performed in couples with an increased risk of congenital anomalies in children, which is not associated with the carriage of diagnosed mutations. Such cases include couples where the mother's age is over 35; where the father's age is above 39; if the father has severe violations spermatogenesis; in couples with habitual miscarriage; in couples with recurring unsuccessful attempts ECO.

Independent planning of the sex of the baby

How more people the more opinions.

There is also a theory among the people that says that the less often there is sex in a couple’s life, the more likely it is to conceive a girl. And vice versa: more often - to the boy.

Therefore, some couples practice the method of abstinence and then proceed to insemination, and therefore often have sex when they want to conceive a son. This theory is valid, since spermatozoa tend to mature quickly.

Nutrition for conceiving the desired child

French scientists concluded that adhering to a strict diet will allow predetermining the sex of the baby. Moreover, it is believed that a certain diet should be observed during menstruation. Before conception, mom should follow a strict two-month diet. For example, if a woman wants a boy, she should give preference to:

  • potatoes
  • mushrooms
  • bananas
  • oranges
  • dates

Food should be seasoned with plenty of salt.

If a woman wants to conceive a girl, she needs to eat:

  • eggplant
  • dairy
  • cucumbers
  • pumpkin
  • beets
  • polka dots
  • pepper

The statistics say that this method has a performance of over 80%. It should also be borne in mind that dieting can have both positive and negative effects. Lack of trace elements leads to beriberi.

Folk signs for planning the sex of the child

There are many different folk remedies, both effective and stupid, conducive to the birth of a certain sex of the baby. For example, our great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers were sure that if you put an ax under your pillow during conception, a boy will be born, and if threads - a girl.

It is also known that if mothers consume sweets, this contributes to the birth of a girl, and salty - a boy. Among all the recommendations and methods, it is important to highlight the most effective ones, in which there is some truth.

It will be useful to take into account the place of work of the father, because men working in hazardous industries rarely have the opportunity to conceive a boy.

This is because the carriers of the gene in male sperm are very susceptible to negative influence factors.

A huge role in planning can be given to the heredity of the parents, for example, if there are many children in families. This feature is important for both mom and dad.

Surprisingly, it is the female heredity that is unique. Pay attention to how many children are in the mother's family and what gender they are. The predominant gender can affect your child.

The female body has a predisposition to conceive boys or girls. Therefore, a fertilized egg can be rejected by the body at any time if it does not meet its requirements.

They also believe that sex depends on the physique and appearance of a woman.

It has been noticed that it is not tall and plump ladies that reproduce boys, but slender and tall ladies give birth to girls.

And you should not ignore the nature of the couple, because it often happens that strict "iron" people are predisposed to sons, and soft, flexible and gentle men most often raise daughters.

How to conceive a child by ovulation?

In planning the sex of a child by ovulation, the decisive role is played by what the spermatozoon that fertilizes the egg will be. How to find out?

It is no secret that the sex of the unborn child depends on the father, more precisely, on the set of sperm chromosomes that will fertilize the mother's egg.

At first glance, this is a simple and effective method that does not require complex calculations. For more information on this method of planning the sex of the child and other methods, get acquainted in this article Gender of the child before conception on our website.

If you want to give birth to a girl, try following these recommendations:

  • do not salt food, try to eat fresh food
  • include in your diet a large number of dairy and dairy products
  • eat a lot of sweets
  • eat meat, poultry, fish
  • forget about smoked meats
  • avoid pickles
  • don't drink coffee

If you dream of a son, try:

  • salt your food generously
  • eat sausage, smoked meat, pickles
  • eat bananas often
  • include potatoes in every menu
  • do not get carried away with eggs and milk

Which of the "correct" ways is more effective is up to you to decide. The main thing is not to overdo it with efforts and do not harm your body with diets or foods that can bring you allergies.

Video: We plan the sex of the child

Married couples have always been interested in the opportunity to choose the gender of their child. Some methods are simply shocking in their extremeness, but in fact it all depends on the man and the day of conception. Although even today people believe in signs, sometimes strange and absurd. Today, doctors are sure that the sex of the unborn child depends entirely on his future father, no matter how much you lead or change positions and ways daily nutrition. So, more about how the gender of the unborn child is planned, what affects it.

Diet as a planning method for children

Most known method planning for the future baby is a diet. A woman who dreams of a girl, during the menstrual cycle before conception, should eat dairy products. It is especially recommended to lean on cheese, do not forget about vegetables (everything except for starchy potatoes), drink cocoa. IN daily menu nuts and fish must be present different varieties, a variety of pastries without yeast, sweets, jam.

meat consumption expectant mother should be limited by replacing it with fish. It is recommended to completely exclude plums and apricots, bananas and currants from the menu.

If you want to conceive and give birth to a boy, you should forget about sweets, fish, fruits. The expectant mother should eat meat and sausages, potatoes, dried fruits, rice, semolina every day. As for drinks, it is better to use tea, red wine in moderation and mineral water.

In general, it is considered ideal to follow such a diet not only a month before conception, but for 3-4 months before that.

Note that gynecologists are very skeptical about diets as a way of planning a future baby. Their effectiveness has not been proven by any studies. And the main disadvantage of such nutrition is the lack of vitamins, because during the diet a taboo is imposed on vegetables and fruits.

Sex planning by cycle days and age of the expectant mother

There is a technique of the Polish doctor Benedo, which consists in calculating have a good day to conceive a son or daughter. So, a boy can be conceived 11-12 days before the onset of menstruation, and a girl - 13-14 days before this date. Sexual intercourse should be planned depending on these terms. Today there is also a technique that came to us from ancient China.

This is the dependence of the sex of the future baby on the age of the future mother. According to the methodology, the even or odd years of the woman and the month of conception are taken into account. So, for example, in an even year of the life of a future mother, a girl can be conceived in February and April, June and August, October. If the year of a woman's life is odd, then the girl is conceived in January and March, May and July, September and November.

This method has a clear limitation: it is only suitable for women with a regular cycle, whose ovulation coincides with the middle calendar month. The efficiency of this method is low.

Another option is to count lunar days. So, for example, in Europe there is an opinion that the sex of the future baby is affected by the sign of the zodiac in which the Moon is at the time of conception. Accordingly, the male signs are Aries and Gemini, Leo and Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. A female signs are Scorpio and Cancer, Pisces and Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo.

Abstinence as a planning method for a girl

The sex of the unborn child is determined by the sexual activity of a man, that is, the frequency of sexual intercourse for a specific period of time. The intensity of sexual life is the chance to conceive a boy. If a man and a woman abstain for a long time from intimate relationships(we are talking about two or three months), then most likely they will have a daughter. Supporters of this method cite as an example sailors who are absent from home for a long time, and then girls are allegedly born to them. But no one keeps such statistics, and this theory is also very doubtful.

The probability of this method of planning the sex of the baby is about 60 percent.

Planning according to the menstrual cycle

From the point of view of the menstrual cycle, it is possible to plan the sex of the child with a greater degree of probability. So, conception on the days of a woman's ovulation (with a stable cycle, this is 11 days from the start of menstruation) is the opportunity to have a boy. And if conception occurs three or four days before a woman, then there are more chances to conceive a daughter.

Especially for- Elena TOLOCHIK

Despite the popularity of the topic, real way plan gender of the unborn child still does not exist. But there are a number of myths and folk remedies. Let's talk about them.

  • Gender of the unborn child associated with the date of conception relative to ovulation.

According to this myth, in the middle of the menstrual cycle (the time of ovulation), boys should be made, and the rest of the time, girls are better.

In order to refute this myth and understand the reason for its origin, you must first understand what it actually depends on. gender of the unborn child?

Gender of the unborn child It is formed directly at the time of conception, at the time of the fusion of the female and male germ cells. Responsibility for gender of the unborn child bear male gametes - spermatozoa, which are initially divided into two groups - X and Y.

Spermatozoa with a charge Y at conception determine male sex of the embryo, and X lay the formation female. It is important to note that the spermatozoa of these groups differ not only in genetic factors that later determine the sex of the embryo, but also in physical properties. Long-term studies in the field of embryogenetics have shown that these types of male germ cells differ in size, shape, speed of movement and resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Future boys- Y spermatozoa - are small in size and equipped with a longer “tail”, which allows them to develop a significant speed of movement for this tiny cell. Thus, group Y spermatozoa are very mobile and active, which, under other favorable conditions, gives them significant advantages for fertilizing the egg. However, along with the listed outstanding "sporting" qualities characteristic of real men, spermatozoa with a Y charge also have disadvantages - they are not resistant to aggressive environmental conditions (high and low acidity, temperature changes).

Another disadvantage of "sperm-boys" is a low life expectancy; even if they enter the most favorable environment immediately after ejaculation, Y-spermatozoa live on average no more than a day.

In contrast, group X spermatozoa, which are larger and, as a result, less mobile cells, adapt much better to external conditions. adverse conditions and retain the ability to fertilize sometimes up to a week and a half! Medical studies even describe cases of "preservation" of X sperm in the vaginal fornix for the period of menstruation and subsequent conception at the beginning of the next ovulatory cycle.

One of the popular planning methods is based on these differences in the properties of spermatozoa. gender of the unborn child- ovulatory. It is believed that in the middle of the menstrual cycle (on the 12th-16th day) the conception of a boy is more likely, and at the beginning and towards the end of the cycle there are more chances to conceive a girl. This theory is explained quite simply: in the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs - the release of a mature egg from the ovary. It is during this period that, in principle, the onset of conception is most likely. Since the Y spermatozoa are more active and reach the egg faster, and the conditions for fertilization during this period are favorable, the conception of a boy is more likely in the middle of the cycle. When planning conception at the beginning of the cycle (before the onset of ovulation), Y spermatozoa are “screened out”, since their life span is limited, and there are still no conditions for fertilization during this period. But X spermatozoa, which are more stable in the vaginal environment and retain the ability to fertilize longer, can safely “wait” for ovulation and determine the female at conception. gender of the unborn child. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle (after the 16th day), the likelihood of conception decreases due to changes in the chemical and physical properties vaginal secretion. The environment of the female genital tract becomes "more aggressive" in relation to spermatozoa, and the unstable group Y has less chance of fertilization than the hardy and easily adaptable to adverse conditions X. In this regard, it is believed that closer to the end of the cycle, as well as before the onset of ovulation , more likely to conceive a girl.

In fairness, it should be noted that this method of planning gender of the unborn child, so convincing at first glance, is actually far from accurate. For such sex planning, the expectant mother must be a happy owner of an ideally regular menstrual cycle, and the future father must have an enviable fertility function (the ability to fertilize). Even with a more or less regular cycle, the date of ovulation can shift significantly - due to climate change, changes atmospheric pressure and temperature, stress, hormonal fluctuations, physical overload, past illnesses, etc. the release of several eggs from the ovary different days one cycle).

A man's fertility also fluctuates depending on his condition. nervous system, hormonal background, physical activity, stress, smoking, alcohol consumption, chronic diseases (including latent ones), and even from the diet. All of these factors influence how total spermatozoa, as well as their activity, ability to conceive and, among other things, the ratio of X- and Y-groups. It is easy to guess that planning gender of the unborn child in conditions real life may be ineffective!

Now it’s clear where the “calendar” planning technique came from gender of the unborn child- after all, in this version there is an obvious analogy with the ovulatory method. However, it is hardly worth relying on a regular calendar - after all, not every woman ovulates, on which conception depends, occurs on the 14th day of the calendar month! The same goes for linking to lunar calendar that in the middle of the month (the second decade of the calendar month or closer to the full moon according to the lunar calendar), boys “get” better, and girls the rest of the time. If the female hormonal cycle were so dependent on the phase of the moon, it would be logical to assume that all women on the planet should ovulate and menstruate at the same time!

  • Once every three years in a woman’s body, the “installation” changes to gender of the unborn child.

This method involves the choice sex of the second and subsequent children. First child in terms of planning gender of the unborn child is, as it were, a “trial”, but further, according to the authors of the myth, everything should go like clockwork: you know, wait for yourself three years - and give birth to a child of the opposite sex.

This version does not have any reasonable explanation: as you know, gender of the unborn child“Determines” the man, and not the woman at all - the egg always carries only the X chromosome. Well, from a practical point of view, this "wait and see" method does not stand up to criticism - just look around and count how many families have children of the same sex with a difference in age of three to four years.

  • The child will inherit the sex of the parent whose blood is "younger".

This version is based on the opinion that human blood is “renewed” at regular intervals, and this change can affect various physiological processes in the body, including the ability to conceive a child of a certain gender. According to this theory, the blood of a man is renewed every four years, and the blood of a woman every three years; plan gender of the unborn child it is possible, by calculating whose blood this year is “younger”, i.e. recently updated. The method is quite difficult to implement, since when calculating the "rejuvenation schedule" of blood, it is necessary to take into account blood loss (childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, surgery or injury accompanied by bleeding - it is believed that in this case there is an extraordinary "rejuvenation" of the blood).

I must say that the origin of the theory of "blood renewal" is not very clear - from a scientific point of view, such a fact cannot be confirmed. Blood is the only body tissue that exists in the liquid phase; like any other tissue, it consists of cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, lymphocytes, etc.) and the base, which is plasma (the liquid part of the blood). Plasma renewal is ongoing; As for blood cells, each type has its own “lifespan”, so there is no single “renewal” period for all - a week, a month or four years - does not exist. No differences were found in the lifespan of the same blood cells depending on human sex: in men and women, blood cells live the same amount of time. Moreover, as we already know, gender of the unborn child depends only on the "charge" of the sperm involved in fertilization.

The spermatozoon is not a blood cell, the chromosome set (X-or Y-chromosome, which determines the sex of the fetus) does not depend on the composition of the blood or the "age" of its components. Therefore, the method of planning the sex of a child according to the "blood age" of the parents is a very effective near-scientific "duck" - nothing more.

  • Gender of the unborn child depends... on the orgasm.

This way of planning gender of the unborn child based on the presence or absence of an orgasm in the expectant mother at conception. Women who dream of a daughter are advised by this technique to refrain from orgasm, and those who are planning an heir must certainly get sexual satisfaction. This method of planning the sex of the baby is justified as follows: during sexual discharge, the vaginal environment becomes alkaline, which greatly facilitates the advancement of spermatozoa. And since the sperm that determine the male sex have greater mobility, the chances of conceiving a boy are significantly increased.

The logic in such justification, of course, is present; however, it is still not worth placing high hopes on this method. The main factor on which the possibility of conception depends is the onset of ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary); if this has not happened yet, the “acceleration” of Y-spermatozoa is meaningless: after all, they do not live longer than a day and may literally not survive to conception - unlike sperm with an X chromosome, whose life expectancy in an alkaline environment will only increase.

  • Gender of the unborn child determines the posture at conception.

IN literally: a man on top - there will be a son, a woman on top - a daughter. When meeting with such an original method of planning gender of the unborn child A number of questions arise spontaneously. For example, what if other positions were used during conception (dog-style, spoons, etc.)? Or by what miracle children of different sexes appeared in Puritan religious families, where the only acceptable posture when performing marital debt considered a missionary position? Questions on this topic can be asked endlessly, but the method is not as naive as it might seem at first glance. There is a more "scientific" version of this technique, according to which the sex of the child depends on the depth of penetration of the penis into the vagina during conception. There is already some logic present here; the core of the idea is again different speed movements of X- and Y-spermatozoa.

Deeper insertion postures are thought to further shorten the path for the fast-moving Y-sperms, thus guaranteeing the birth of a boy. And vice versa - postures in which vestibular contact is possible (shallow penetration into the vagina) significantly lengthen the path for spermatozoa and reduce the chances of "future boys" to reach the egg in a short period of their life.

It should be noted that such a justification completely refutes the original version of “a woman on top - there will be a girl” - after all, the rider’s pose cannot be called vestibular. Like the previous method associated with the presence of orgasm, the positioning option can only be considered in combination with the ovulatory method - outside of ovulation, all these tricks are meaningless.

  • Gender of the unborn child depends on whose germ cell is "stronger" at the time of conception.

The authors of this version believe that at some periods of life, the egg "dominates", and at other times - the spermatozoon. That is, in the literal sense, “who is stronger” - like fighters in the ring or politicians in debates: today I won, and tomorrow the opponent will win. Accordingly, at boy planning expectant mother is offered to make various activities, designed to "exhaust" the egg, for example, follow a protein-free diet or increase physical activity.

No logical justification for this method of planning gender of the unborn child does not have; it is obvious that its creators do not know the anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive system even on school level. Firstly, the egg is a huge, largest of the cells human body: its size at the time of ovulation is 0.1 mm! The spermatozoon, on the contrary, is one of the smallest cells: its size is only 50–60 microns, and even then, taking into account the length of the “tail” (the organ of movement; the main part of the spermatozoon is the head containing genetic information, – and even 5–6 µm).

That is, if we understand the term "predominance and strength" literally, in size, the egg is always hundreds of times "stronger" than the sperm, and no diet can change this ratio. Secondly, this is exactly the case when the statement “size does not matter” is true - after all, no matter who is stronger, the sex always determines the sperm. It is from the chromosomal charge of the male reproductive cell involved in conception that the sex of the unborn child depends, and the “charge” of the egg is unchanged - it always carries the X chromosome. So exhaust yourself with diets and excessive physical activity it makes no sense; nothing but general exhaustion and a decrease in the likelihood of conceiving a healthy child, such a miracle method will not lead.

  • Can be programmed gender of the unborn child with special diets .

The authors of this method advise to review the menu of future parents a couple of months before the planned conception. If a couple dreams of a son, pickles, marinades, seafood and meat delicacies should prevail on the table. When “ordering” a daughter, according to this method, it is worth leaning on vegetables, pastries, sweets and fruits.

The history of this myth is beyond doubt: people draw an analogy between traditional taste preferences men and women and the opportunity to thus influence gender of the unborn child. In fact, dietary modification before conception is really appropriate - but only to increase the chances of conception and the health of the unborn child; seafood and fruits do not have any effect on the formation of sex.

  • Planning gender of the unborn child perhaps with the help of oriental tables.

On the Internet you can find many "ancient" tables, according to which it is proposed to accurately calculate gender of the unborn child. The most popular are the "Chinese" and "Japanese" versions.

IN Chinese calendar everything is quite simple: the age of the expectant mother is indicated vertically, and the month of conception is indicated horizontally; indicated at the intersection gender of the unborn child. The origin of this calendar is doubtful, as well as the effectiveness of the method: after all, according to this version, the sex of the child depends on the age of the mother and the time of year, while we know that sex is determined by only one factor - the charge of the sperm.

Using the "Japanese" method is more difficult: it involves the use of a special table and graph. In the table, the month of birth of a woman is indicated vertically, and the month of birth of a man is indicated horizontally. First, expectant parents are asked to find the number in the table at the intersection of their months of birth. After that, you need to find the number in the chart showing the right time to conceive. For selection optimal month you need to find the number in the upper horizontal line of the graph and then follow the change in the scale along the vertical axis corresponding to this figure. In this version, unlike the "Chinese" version, the male factor is still taken into account; however, this does not seriously affect the result - after all, we are talking about choosing the optimal month, and not the day of conception (that is, again, not tied to ovulation). These methods are more like divination than the scientific method that can be used for planning. gender of the unborn child.

Finally, I would like to give advice to all future parents planning to increase the family. Don't get too hung up on the question of choice gender of the unborn child: there are simply no exact methods of planning today. Nature is not a table of orders; moreover, in the event of a mistake, the disappointment of the parents can greatly harm the child, affect his self-esteem, cause various complexes and doubt in the love of the parents. The main thing is that the child should be desired - and whether it is a boy or a girl is really not so important!

About how to give birth to a boy or a girl, they thought back in antiquity. And today this problem remains relevant for many couples. The most burning questions for expectant mothers are:

  • When can I determine the sex of the child on ultrasound? (as a rule, ultrasound determines from 4 months)
  • How to find out the sex of the child by the date of conception?
  • How to determine the sex of the unborn child by heartbeat?
  • How to calculate the sex of a child by updating the blood?
  • Is it possible to determine the sex of a child by toxicosis?

Let's look at the truth and fiction regarding the future sex of the child.

What affects the sex of the child at conception

Everything would be simple if, in order to know how to calculate the sex of a child before conception, it would be enough to determine the% of spermatozoa. Importance have special features in this matter. female body. You should also take into account the fact of a 9-month gestation, which takes place in an atmosphere of serious survival tests. Doctors say that only 20% of conceptions end in successful delivery, the other part leads to miscarriages. The fetus in these cases does not cope with extreme moments for him and dies.

Interestingly, unborn children are mostly boys, and male babies predominate among newborn babies. From this it is clear that in fact the chances of giving birth to a boy are much higher than it seems at first glance.

Scientists have long come to the unequivocal conclusion that the sex of the child depends on many factors, and not only on the set of chromosomes in the spermatozoon, and it is not possible to calculate the sex of the child by the month of conception.

Here they play essential role a lot of processes, characteristics of organisms of both father and mother, and not only at conception, but also during the development of the fetus. All this together is a wise natural mechanism that provides a balance between the sexes, which is a guarantee of the existence of mankind on Earth. Therefore, if you decide to intervene in the process due to nature itself, then know that the struggle will be serious.

But not everything is so gloomy. It turns out that nature is so wise that it is ready to give a little slack in front of human desires, and its super-protected balancing mechanism still has some flexibility. She invites a person to play a game with her, but she dictates the rules of the game herself.

Will rituals, spells and dances with a tambourine help?

In ancient times, when all sorts of shamanistic rituals, signs and spells were in use, they tried to influence the conception of a child of a certain gender with the help of them. For example, scissors or a hammer were placed under the pillow, when performing marital duties, a man spent them in a special headdress, grandmothers told how to determine the sex of a child by the fetal heartbeat, from how many weeks you can find out the sex of a child, bandaging of the left testicle was popular, etc. Of course, some couples were satisfied with these rituals if they had a child of the right sex, and some were not, if there was no hit.

By the way, even now it is not forbidden to experiment with rituals. Some more fatalistic couples believe that everything was planned earlier, you just need to tune in to this program. For example, there are ancient Chinese and Japanese special tables for programming the sex of a child, with which you can mathematically calculate the most favorable date for conceiving a boy or girl, learn how to calculate the sex of a child by the date of conception.

There are also more recent updated tables based on algorithms for calculating female and male dates, taking into account blood updates and others. modern research in this area. Usually these tables talk about statistics, which indicates the exceptional correctness of this method. But in serious medical writings, neither such research methods themselves, nor reviews about them, nor reliable data from how many weeks it is possible to determine the sex of a child, have ever been made public. There is no evidence and real evidence the actual reliability of these calculations.

It follows that those who are trying to conceive the “right” child, guided by the tables of our ancestors, albeit updated ones, are just playing a game with nature.

If we talk about the fatal side of the process of conception, then in its defense speaks, for example, dependence climatic conditions and fertility of one or another offspring.

How climate and nutrition affect the sex of the child

Scientists note that the climate can affect the sex of the child, in hot countries a little more boys are born, but in the North, on the contrary, girls appear more often. Another fact - scientists talk about the relationship between the predominance of male babies and high level testosterone (male sex hormone) in their mothers. The attempts of young couples to influence the natural mechanisms of conception through nutrition are very interesting. There are special diets that, according to their adherents, ensure the appearance of babies of a certain gender. The meaning of such nutrition is that before conception, the wife should adhere to a special diet and consume only those foods that guarantee the conception of a son or daughter.

From a scientific point of view, this method is highly questionable. The only way to explain it scientifically is the influence of a certain composition of food on the hormonal background, and as a result, on the result of conception. This explanation has real grounds, because it is known that the imbalance of the hormonal background entails shifts in the probability of conceiving a boy or girl by 15 percent.

The importance of parental hormones for the sex of the child is very important, this is also confirmed by French pediatricians who are conducting scientific developments on this issue. Various options diets for conception of the desired sex are widely presented both on the Internet and in specialized literature. All of them cause controversy, as they are poorly combined with each other, and sometimes even completely mutually exclusive.

Diet for planning the sex of the child

Here are the foods that allegedly promote the birth of boys:

  1. Meat and fish
  2. legumes
  3. potato
  4. corn
  5. cereals
  6. mushrooms
  7. pasta and bread
  8. salinity and smoked meats
  9. yeast
  10. fresh and dry fruits (bananas, peaches, apricots)
  11. coffee and chocolate
  12. tea and jam

Exclude from the diet:

  1. milk and its derivatives
  2. pancakes and fritters
  3. seafood
  4. cocoa
  5. mineral water

To conceive a girl you need to eat:

  1. Dairy
  2. sea ​​fish
  3. cooked meat
  4. oil
  5. vegetables
  6. pasta and rice
  7. spicy seasonings
  8. fresh fruits and berries (raspberries, strawberries, pineapple, pears, watermelons)
  9. fruit juices
  10. nuts without salt
  1. sausage and smoked meats
  2. a lot of salt
  3. pate and cheese
  4. tea, coffee and beer
  5. chocolate, dates and dried apricots

And does the time before or after ovulation affect?

Another aspect that brings about shifts in the balance of the natural mechanism of conception is a change in positions during intimacy and sexual contact techniques. The basis for the reliability of this maxim is the difference in motor activity and survival of spermatozoa with X or Y chromosomes. In this regard, if intimacy occurs just before ovulation, then there is a higher chance that there will be a boy. If you have sexual intercourse three days before her, then the chance of conceiving a girl increases.

In addition to depending on the day of ovulation, which is about 15-17 days after the start of the last menstruation, the spouses must change the usual way of relations, develop new positions during intercourse. So, for a boyish conception, it is better when a man is located behind a woman, and for a girlish one, the usual position is suitable when a man is on top.

What does medicine offer?

Of course, modern doctors are keenly interested in the issue of programming the sex of the child. With today's technology, there are previously unimaginable ways to help parents-to-be with this issue. For example, doctors are able to artificially form the desired set of chromosomes in the sperm of a man. It's about about the use of a laser that sorts sperm according to the desired principle. In this case, the natural way of fertilization is excluded, the spouses must accept artificial insemination. The efficiency of such sorting is very high - up to 92%.

Another modern option with a high positive result is the selection of embryos by gender. It is performed as follows. A woman is induced to ovulate multiple times with the help of artificial stimulation, and several viable eggs are obtained. They are placed in test tubes and fertilized with the husband's sperm.

When the embryos develop to the state of a blastocyst, cells are removed from them with a microsurgical laser and molecular level determine gender. Then the desired blastocyst is introduced into the woman's uterus, where the baby continues to develop successfully. This method has the highest guarantee of the accuracy of programming the sex of the unborn child.

There is another way to determine the sex of the fetus, but WHO is sharply negative about this method, considering it unethical and unacceptable in a developed modern society. This refers to the prenatal determination of the sex of the embryo by examining the genes of the embryo and biopsy of the chorion. If the field of the embryo is undesirable, it is subject to abortion, and this is contrary to ethical and religious standards. WHO gives permission for such an approach to the sex of the fetus only when it is possible to see the sex of the child on ultrasound, and if the unborn child is threatened by severe genetic diseases, and there is no way to establish the presence of pathologies and mutations in the cells of the embryo.

Discussions on the topic of expediency, morality and ethics of programming the sex of a child are just around the corner. This problem is becoming more and more pronounced, it is sad that often such interference in the course of natural processes occurs not out of serious necessity, but simply out of whim. Many tend to label gender programming as gender discrimination. They are probably right. One should also think about the fact that nature does not forgive people for intrusion into the course of its plans, and such a violation of the balance of fertility will inevitably lead to the extinction of the human race. But this will not happen to us. Therefore, if there is desire encroach on the natural program of life, try, maybe you will succeed.

All female eggs contain an X chromosome. Of the hundred million male spermatozoa (that's one serving of sperm), half contain the X chromosome, half the Y chromosome.

If the X-sperm cell merges with the egg, then you get a girl (XX), and if the Y-sperm cell, you get a boy (XY).

Based on this simple biology, half of the sites "for mothers" conclude that the sex of the unborn child depends on male chromosomes, and the other half - on the mother's diet. Make peace, girls! The sex of the unborn child depends on the male chromosomes, and on the nutrition of the mother, and on the nutrition of the father, and on the female chromosomes, and on the characteristics of sexual intercourse ... For lovers simple solutions it is better not to read further.

X sperm vs Y sperm

X sperm have an X chromosome, and Y sperm have a Y chromosome, you know. If, for example, there is some harmful mutation in the X chromosome (inherited from the ancestors), then this can easily lead to the non-viability of the X spermatozoa. Such a man will have only solid boys.

It usually does not reach such extremes, but the difference is still felt: in X-spermatozoa this man there are some specific features (encoded on the X chromosome), Y spermatozoa have other features (encoded on the Y chromosome). Because of this, X- and Y-spermatozoa have different properties- react differently to the many vicissitudes of life that await them in the depths of the female body. If, because of this difference, X-spermatozoa receive an advantage, then girls will be born more often in such a couple, and if Y-spermatozoa, then boys.

Escape from the vagina

In the vagina, the environment for spermatozoa is unfavorable (acidic), here most of them die. Therefore, their combat mission- leave the vagina as soon as possible, move to a safe uterus. In the vagina, therefore, two things are required of spermatozoa: firstly, speed, Secondly, acid resistant. Both of these qualities may well be different in X- and Y-spermatozoa.

The importance of these qualities may be lessened if:

  • the seminal fluid of a man (part of the sperm, neutralizes acid, is secreted by three glands at once, including the famous prostate) will High Quality(it depends on the genes of the man, the nutrition of the man, on the period of abstinence);
  • the contents of the woman's vagina will not be very acidic (it depends on the woman's genes, on the woman's nutrition, on what kind of sexual intercourse this evening is - the first or, say, the fourth);
  • during orgasm, throw the sperm deep, at the very end of the vagina, to the entrance to the uterus, directly to the alkaline.

spermatozoa in tubes

The uterus is alkaline, so the “acid resistance” factor does not work there. The speed factor is also in question - it will only be important if, by the time of sexual intercourse, the woman's egg has already entered the genital tract (ovulation has occurred). Of course, the first to come to the finish line are spermatozoa that swim faster than others.

But if sexual intercourse occurred before ovulation, then high-speed spermatozoa will not find anyone at the finish line. Bummer! The egg will have to. Spermatozoa can live in the fallopian tubes for up to 3-5 days - for these centenarians, not speed, but completely different qualities will be important.

1) Sperm ability(cell, which, in fact, for the sake of speed, is deprived of half of the organelles) for a long time survive in the fallopian tubes of a woman (this quality can also be affected by the difference between the genes in the X and Y chromosomes: if any gene in the X chromosome makes spermatozoa long-lived, then in the case of a “tubal expectation”, such a man will most likely be born girl). The importance of the long-term survival factor may be reduced if:

  • in the fallopian tubes of a woman is very, very favorable culture medium(depends on the woman's genes, on the woman's nutrition);
  • there is very little time left before the release of the egg (depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle of the woman who had the sexual intercourse).

2) The vagina, and even more so the uterus and the fallopian tubes- this is the inside of the female body, where the female immune system works with might and main. Everyone has probably heard that in extreme cases of incompatibility, a woman develops an allergy to sperm (itching, swelling, redness)? - You do not think that if all this is not there, then immunity does not work? It works, of course: the immune system quietly but methodically destroys spermatozoa that it especially dislikes. Imagine that the reason for this “dislike” is encoded in the X chromosome - then after a day or two of waiting, the number of X spermatozoa will greatly decrease, and the likelihood of conceiving a boy will increase. Factor Importance immune compatibility of spermatozoa can be reduced if

  • there is very little time left before the release of the egg (the immune system will not affect the sperm for long)
  • the female immune system is suppressed, for example, due to stress.

What to do

I strongly doubt that at least one "for-mom" has read this article to the end - and I completely agree with it. What is this text? Some solid ambiguities, "specific features", "any differences" ... Damn it, how exactly do X- and Y-spermatozoa differ ?! After all, this is known for sure!

Well, on popular sites (both Russian and English) it is generally accepted that X-sperms swim slower, but are more stable. But, dear citizens, if this were true (and the difference would be significant), then obtaining “same sex sperm” would be a fairly simple matter.

  • You could just let the sperm stand for a couple of days, the "weak" Y-spermatozoa would die, the "resistant" X-spermatozoa remained - and that's it, you can go to make girls.
  • We could arrange a swimming competition among the spermatozoa (technically, this is not difficult to do), and we would single out the "high-speed" Y-spermatozoa, and we would go after the boys.

However, in modern medical practice, completely different, much more complex and expensive methods of "planning the sex of the child" are used.

  • Flow cytometry (laser separation of spermatozoa) has been used for quite a long time (since the 90s) in agriculture. The use of this method in planning the sex of human children is still limited, because, firstly, it gives only an 80% guarantee, and secondly, the devil knows how exactly the laser beam and electric fields affect the genetic material of the sperm.
  • IVF with pre-implantation diagnosis.(Before transplanting an embryo obtained “in a test tube” into a woman, several cells are chopped off from it and their detailed analysis is carried out - including gender.) The use of this method is also limited, because not every doctor without serious reasons will go to chip off cells from a human embryo; in addition, the whole procedure costs quite a lot of money.