Thailand is located in the zone tropical climate, so it is mostly hot and relatively high in humidity. The seasons are not expressed in the usual sense, but three clear periods stand out:

  • March-May - hot time, when the air temperature can reach +42°С;
  • June-October is the rainy season, which can go up to three hours in a row. But they mostly happen at night or in the evening. The air temperature ranges from +26°С to +32°С;
  • November-February is the coldest time of the year when the air temperature is +18-32°С.

Accordingly, when it is better to go to Thailand depends on what air temperature is easier for you to endure. In general, the country is suitable for visiting all year round. But still, the influx of tourists is not uniform throughout the year. It depends not so much on the features climatic conditions countries, how much of the possibilities of other resorts in the world to take vacationers.

The low season in Thailand is the period from March to October, when most vacationers are dispersed to other warm places on the planet. But this is exactly the period when traveling to Thailand is the cheapest.

It's not hard to guess that high season in Thailand it starts in November and lasts until the end of February. At this time on the popular European resorts it becomes cool, so tourists are happy to go to this tropical country.

This is a period when flying to Thailand will not be so cheap, because airlines are clearly responding to increased consumer demand.

Holidays in Thailand in winter

Winter is considered the best time to visit the country. Tourists often come here to meet New Year and Christmas. On average, the air warms up to +7-30°С during the day and up to +10-15°С at night. At the same time, the northern territories are slightly different. climatic features. Here the air temperature is usually 3-6°C lower than in the southern provinces.

But in general, throughout the country there is a dry and warm weather sometimes even dry. Such weather conditions enable tourists to choose holidays in Thailand in winter in any direction. Nothing spoils a beach holiday Pattaya, Phi Phi Island, Koh Samui and other resorts. On the Phuket it may rain a couple of times during the season.

In the northern provinces of Pai, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, the humidity is not so high, so it is easy to breathe and nothing overshadows the pleasure of excursions to the amazing places of these cities.

But favorable weather has become the reason for the only disadvantage of rest in the winter - a huge influx of tourists and high prices. If this does not bother you, then it is worth starting your acquaintance with Thailand during this period.

Holidays in Thailand in the spring

In the spring in Thailand, the most difficult weather for residents of relatively cool parts of the world. During the day, the usual air temperature is approximately + 35 ° C, and at night - + 25 ° C, although sometimes + 40 ° C heat is recorded during the day.

At the same time, air humidity rises, although the rainy season is still far away and the first raindrops irrigate the sand of the beaches by the end of spring. And until that time, the air literally envelops the body, preventing it from cooling properly.

Staying on the street during the day is not easy for all tourists to endure, so in the spring, as a rule, vacationers tend to settle on seaside resorts where it is much easier to transfer such weather conditions. There they sit in the shade of deck chairs and palm trees, from time to time cooling off in the sea waves, the temperature of which is also not too cool - an average of +29°C.

Only towards the end of spring the heat recedes a little, giving way to the rainy season. But despite hot weather in Thailand in the spring, you can find places with less extreme temperatures. For example, in the northeastern, eastern or central provinces during this period, it is not so hot and dry, but it often rains.

Relatively resort holiday Spring is the best time to visit Thailand on a budget. Even for such popular resorts as, islands, Kood, prices for tours are noticeably lower than in other periods.

Holidays in Thailand in the summer

Many travel agencies do not recommend traveling to the country during this period, arguing that this is a period heavy rains. There is some truth in their words. Due to the rains and the increasing wind, the sea becomes restless, high waves rise, and undercurrents intensify.

During this period, sometimes even experienced swimmers do not dare to enter the water. Also, it is better to refuse a trip if you can hardly tolerate high humidity. In all other respects, the weather in Thailand in summer is perfect time for recreation, especially if your goal is to get to know the sights of the country.

True, during this period they will have to be examined on the mainland, where the rains are not so protracted. On the islands, they can walk for three to four hours. They happen often, but they go mostly in the evening and at night, bringing with them the long-awaited coolness.

The air temperature in the resorts does not exceed +35°C, the water warms up to +28°C. Another indisputable plus of rest during this period is that there are few tourists here in summer, so the beaches are more spacious, you can see the sights without too much fuss.

The island is considered the hottest at this time, the wettest -. It is most comfortable to rest in the north and northeast of the country.

Before deciding on a holiday in Thailand, the tourist must answer some questions, one of which is the choice of season. Perhaps this point is the most important, since the cost of the tour and air tickets depend on it.

Everything is connected with the "peak" season, just like with the weather. A massive influx of tourists is noted at a time when there is no rain. People from all over the world come to this country South-East Asia to recuperate and get recharged positive emotions. Thanks to this, many tourists already know when it is better to fly to Thailand on vacation. The question of choosing the season is quite simple, but often complicated due to the location of this resort state (different climatic zones).

In different periods, different weather conditions operate on each part of it. To a greater extent, this applies to Pattaya, a resort city located on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, but does not operate in Phuket. This should be addressed Special attention before collection in this country.

The Malay Peninsula is dominated by equatorial climate, and in other places - tropical, where monsoon winds are more common. In this regard, in different regions there is an uneven air temperature and humidity level. For example, it is dry and sunny on the sea coast, while at this time it is raining in the capital, which creates stuffiness.

Seasonal weather conditions

Who is going to the resort for the first time does not know when to fly to thailand, therefore, can draw a conclusion based on the following factors. Weather can be divided into three seasons: rainy, cool and hot. The main resorts are located in the south, and the cool season is considered the most favorable. It starts in December and ends in March. The name of the season is completely unrelated to the cold, and the daytime temperature at this time is no less than 27°C and no more than 30°C. For Europeans, this is the most acceptable option. By the way, during this period, the beaches are quite calm, vacationers are not bothered by too big waves.

The most unprecedented influx of tourists is observed in December and January.

If a potential tourist has made a decision about when it is better to fly to Thailand, then you should worry about the place of residence. It is better to book a hotel room in advance. Then you can get apartments at lower prices than upon arrival at the resort. You can rent an apartment or a big house.

Those who prefer the hot season arrive here in March, April or May. At this time there is a moderate amount of rain. The daily temperature is kept at 38°C. Humidity is so low that it is not even felt. By the way, in hot season there are certain advantages. At this time, in shops and markets, sellers significantly reduce prices for everything from fruits, vegetables and ending with any equipment.

The rainy season starts in May and ends in October. Naturally, it does not rain all over the country, but only in some regions. Most of the precipitation occurs in August and September. Despite this, the rains here are not long, but torrential.

Those who prefer to relax on an island located in the Andaman Sea should know when is the best time to fly to Phuket. Experienced tourists prefer to relax in this resort from November to the end of May. This is no coincidence, since the rainy season ends in November and the so-called dry period begins, which lasts for a long seven months.

Expected increase in tourists

The humidity level at this time becomes acceptable, and the water temperature rises to comfortable limits. Thereby, beach season starts during this period. Tourists are completely different, so their interests and needs also differ. couples with children, the elderly and young people feel comfortable in Phuket. Foreign flow here is noted from all countries of the world, but the leading positions are occupied by:

  • Russia;
  • China;
  • Australia;
  • Sweden;
  • South Korea.

Recently, Russian tourists are increasingly paying attention to Thailand. To some extent, this is due to the improvement in the well-being of Russians and big amount international charter flights. However, in the future, an increase in tourists is expected due to the development of transport infrastructure and new comfortable terminals. international airport. This will greatly affect the expansion bandwidth. Thailand will build modern hotels with affordable rooms. As for Phuket, during the "peak hours" the tourist hype here does not subside even today. A particularly large influx of Russians is celebrated during the New Year and Christmas.

Tourists choose the best time for holidays in this country based on their interests and preferences. Many do not tolerate heat, so they prefer the cool season. August and September are perfect for surfers. During these months it is celebrated a big wave. Tourists who prefer excursions and enjoyment wildlife heading to Thailand during the rainy season. This best option, since at this time there are the fewest tourists here, which means that vouchers are distributed at the lowest prices.

Most travel agencies offer the following:

  • Vouchers from tour operators without intermediaries.
  • "Hot" tours. This is due to the fact that the information is updated in real time.
  • Search and compare rates for individual resort towns and hotels in Thailand.
  • Instant notification when a new "burning" tour appears.
  • Reservation and payment by any known method.

Question " When is the best time to go to Thailand?”, just those who have never been there are asked, in rare cases, if they didn’t particularly like their vacation in this country. There is so much information on Thailand on the World Wide Web that the only true thing is that there are three seasons in this country - relatively dry, rainy, and between them "chill". The rest of the conflicting information was written either by those who work in travel agencies, or, most likely, by copywriters who have never been to.

Tourist season in Thailand

The complexity of choosing the time of the year, the most successful for a trip to this country, is also due to the fact that it is located several climatic zones Oh. Therefore, an attempt to focus only on the peak or "dead" tourist season in Thailand- not the most best idea. If you read on the Internet that best season for visiting is, for example, the period from May to August, this does not mean that it will be just as good at this time and in. In order not to get completely confused in the choice, it is best to get objective information about what is the climate in thailand.

Thailand stretches in a relatively narrow strip from north to south from the foothills of the Himalayas to the Malay Archipelago, located almost on the equator, only 200 kilometers before reaching the extreme southern point of the Malay Peninsula. Therefore, there are two main climatic zones - the tropical monsoon climate zone and the equatorial one. This is mainly reflected in relative humidity air and precipitation. If you show up at the peak of the rainy season - August to September, then it will most likely be cloudy, rainy and hot. But on the beaches of the coast andaman sea during the same period there are rather long periods of clear, cloudless weather, interrupted by gentle warm rains.

Seasons in Thailand

As we have already mentioned, there are two main seasons in Thailand and one transitional season between them. The hottest, "hot" The season starts in March and continues until the end of May. At this time, the least precipitation falls. However, the fact is that water, as such, does not particularly disappear anywhere. Evaporating from the earth saturated with moisture, it turns the surrounding space into a kind of Russian bath. This is especially noticeable in the continental regions of Thailand and its capital, Bangkok. The daytime temperature peak this season reaches plus 38 degrees Celsius, but subjectively, the heat is much more difficult in Bangkok than at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, which is blown through by winds from South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.

rainy season in thailand(from last numbers May to the end of October) brings relative coolness. Its name should not mislead the tourist that all this period it rains every day. They are really very plentiful, but they are never excessively long, and even more protracted. In addition, on the same day of the rainy season, there is always a place where it is relatively dry and clear.

Winter in Thailand starts in November () and does not last long - until the first days of March. This so-called "cool period", but its name is based only on subjective sensations. At this time of the year the most low humidity air, because the thermometer does not rise above 32-33 Celsius. For Russians, this is the most comfortable period, as it is a very attractive offer.

Best time to go to Thailand

When choosing a time to visit Thailand, it is best to proceed from what you want to see there and on your own health. If a beach holiday is not the main thing, but you want to get acquainted with nature, waterfalls, monuments - best to go during the rainy season! By the way, this is the time when everything is the cheapest in Thailand.

If you want a good wave for training, then from August to September Holidays in Phuket will be just what you need. The same high wave can ruin your vacation if you are a fan of sea excursions. For example, they will most likely be cancelled.


If we sum up the comparison of the seasons, it turns out that it is always good in Thailand. Even if it turned out that the chosen place of stay is not too comfortable for one reason or another, then "change location" in this relatively small, by Russian standards, country is very easy.

When choosing a place to stay, more and more tourists from Russia choose Thailand. A country like Thailand definitely deserves to go there all year round. Every tourist at any time of the year will find something to their liking. However, it should be borne in mind that, despite hot climate, you need to understand which holiday season in Thailand will be most comfortable, depending on the purpose of the trip.

Winter holidays in Thailand

Winter in Thailand starts in October and ends somewhere in mid-March. Actually, this period is considered the most favorable for travel to Thailand. The air temperature during the day is about 28 degrees, and the water temperature is 23 degrees, sometimes reaching 25. Mostly the weather is warm, comfortable and dry throughout the season, which will undoubtedly please tourists who prefer a beach holiday. Also, this weather will be extremely favorable for visiting various excursions, whether it is an elephant ride or a visit to the main religious sites of Thailand, of which there are a great many.

Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that it is the “winter” season in Thailand that is the most popular for visiting this country, especially for tourists from Russia. This period is not suitable for lovers of secluded relaxation, for sure the hotel will be overcrowded, a sunbed near the pool in the hotel will have to be occupied from the very early morning, and breakfast may not be available favorite dish. If, on the contrary, you prefer a noisy outdoor activity in a big company, then this season is ideal for you to not only enjoy the sea and the sun, but also find new friends, both from Russia and from other countries.

Summer holidays in Thailand

It is not for nothing that Thailand is called the country of the eternal sun, because it is warm and comfortable here all year round. Summer in Thailand starts in mid-March and ends in late June. It would seem that here he is favorable period for relaxation, but this opinion is not always correct. During this period, the air temperature warms up to 40 degrees during the day. Such heat can force even those who want to get a chocolate tan to leave the beach. In such heat it is impossible to be in the sun, because you can easily get sunburn. The advantage of such heat can be considered that the water is so warm that even the most heat-loving tourists can swim in it.

Concerning sightseeing holiday, then in such weather such an event will become tiring. But here, too, there are advantages. In summer, there are much fewer tourists, which means that the groups on the tour are getting smaller, the roads are freer, and there is also the opportunity to get a tour at a discount.

Such a vacation is suitable for lovers of secluded relaxation, during the day you can sunbathe in the shade or visit spas to enjoy a real Thai massage. By the way, the cost of all services becomes slightly lower than in the season of active influx of tourists. In the evening, when the air gradually becomes cooler, you can get out “in people”. Thailand is ready to provide entertainment for every taste, even the most demanding tourist will find something to do in the evening.

Rain season

Asking the question of when to go to Thailand, it is impossible to answer unambiguously. Each season has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to remember that from July the "rainy season" begins in Thailand. Naturally, this does not mean that the rain will not stop. During the rainy season, the air remains quite warm, but from time to time several times a day it starts to rain, which can last even several hours. Unfortunately, this period is unlikely to be to the taste of amateurs. beach holiday, they will not be able to soak up the sun and swim in plenty, because at any moment an endless downpour can begin. That is why during such a period, even in all hotel rooms in Thailand there is an umbrella, which is better to take with you.

Even at such a time, Thailand never ceases to amaze its guests with an abundance of various entertainment, so not a single tourist here will definitely be bored, even during pouring rain. Shopping centers are open from morning until late at night, by the way, it is during this period that you can buy the things you like most profitably, because the “rainy season” coincides with sales.

For lovers nightlife also the rain will not be a barrier. As soon as it gets dark, bars, restaurants, clubs and other entertainment venues immediately begin to open their doors. They usually work until the morning, and some even until the last client.

When to go to save money?

In order to make your holiday in Thailand budget. It is worth remembering the simple rules that cheaper to travel in the so-called "low" seasons, namely at the peak of the heat - June, or, conversely, during the rainy season, the peak of which usually falls on the month of September. Accordingly, in such seasons there are much fewer tourists, while the quality of service increases, both in restaurants and in hotels or health centers.

What to take?

When deciding what to take with you to Thailand, you should rely on which season you have chosen for your vacation. If the summer is hot, then it is important not to forget to take a hat, sunglasses, and also a cream that protects from the sun. IN rainy weather you can grab an umbrella, and even rubber slippers. If the weather turned out to be unpredictable, then you can easily purchase all these attributes both in huge shopping malls, and in small shops along the waterfront. The most important thing is to take a good mood and a great company with you, because Thailand is a holiday country, it is never boring there, regardless of the weather.

In general, in Thailand there is no clear distinction between the seasons, the seasons are divided only by our Russian tour operators who strive to make your vacation as comfortable as possible, which is why you can safely go 2 weeks earlier or later than the start or end of the season. Thailand is a very hospitable country, so at any time of the year every tourist will find something to their liking.

Thailand is one of those countries for which you need to carefully choose the time of year. This is due both to the specific climate and to the tangible difference in the cost of tours. So when is the best time to go to Thailand for a vacation?

The first thing to consider when choosing a time for a trip is the weather. Thailand is one of.

In spite of this, divide the year into three seasons:

  • cool season. It lasts from November to February. It rarely rains, and the temperature is kept within 30 degrees, which is very comfortable for a country with a tropical climate.
  • hot season starts in March and runs until May. The temperature often exceeds 40 degrees, which makes walking a very dubious pleasure.
  • Rain season takes over in June and lasts until October. The heat subsides, but high humidity does not allow you to enjoy the coolness.

Regions of Thailand

It would seem that this is the answer to the question of when it is better to go to Thailand to rest. The end of autumn and winter is the best time. But not everything is so simple. If it were a country the size of Belarus (may its inhabitants forgive us), then it would be so. But Thailand is one of the most big countries Asia.

For one trip you will have time, at best, to visit only one region. Therefore, one should take into account weather features exactly the area you are going to. Otherwise, it may turn out that the weather is pleasant all over the country, and it rains at your resort or it is flooded at all (it happens sometimes). The following table will help determine when it is best to go to a particular region of Thailand.

The financial side of the issue

Well, we have chosen the region, learned the weather, you can buy a ticket or book a ticket. But bad luck, it is for these months that tour operators raise prices to the maximum. Not surprising, because other tourists also know when it is better to go to Thailand on vacation.

If you, reluctantly, agree to the inflated cost of the ticket, then another surprise awaits you on the spot. After all, Thais are also aware of these weather ups and downs, so you should not wait in the "high" season low prices housing, souvenirs and even food. Therefore, if the travel budget is limited, it is better to go to Thailand in the "low" season.

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Thailand is good at any time of the year

January, April or August - what's the difference when to go? If you correctly combine the type of holiday, season and region, you can spend time comfortably in any weather. The heat is not a hindrance for a beach holiday at all, but rains are for excursions.

The rainy season does not mean at all that it pours like a bucket for half a year, without ceasing. At this time, the weather is quite changeable and unpredictable. Usually It is raining a few hours in the evening and at night, and then it calms down and the weather is pretty good. It often happens that there is no rain for several weeks. By the way, traveling in a cool season does not guarantee you good weather.

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Summarizing, we can say that it is better to go on vacation to Thailand when you can do it, without delay. Each season has its advantages and disadvantages. Good weather accompanied by an influx of tourists and high prices, and in " low season» you can save money, take a break from the crowd and find more attractive housing options. If you go with good mood- then no weather will spoil the impression of getting to know this wonderful country.