Abstract speech therapy session development phonemic hearing
Goals and objectives of the lesson: Correction phonemic disorders in children preparatory group. The development of phonemic hearing and speech attention, improving the skills of sound-letter analysis of words, development speech breathing.
Equipment: Magnetic board, sound schemes of words, subject pictures with the sound "C", magnetic letters, sheets for individual work, colored pencils, cardboard Magic Snowflake.
Course progress.
Organizational stage
The speech therapist says: “Guys, I will now name a lot of different words, but can you guess what sound will come to visit us today for class?”
The speech therapist pronounces a series of words with the sound "C": juice, sled, saber, plane, Sonya, Sasha, wasp, fox, pineapple, nose, kvass, braid, ... etc. Children guess and answer that this is the sound "C ". The letter “C” appears on the magnetic board, subject pictures are opened for the sound “C”.
Introduction to the topic of the lesson
The speech therapist says: “Guys, today in the lesson we are going on a journey through a fairy-tale country with the sound “C”, where a lot of new things await us: interesting meetings, tasks and, of course, games. But in order for our journey to succeed, we must remember everything that we already know about the sound "C".
The stage of repetition of the material covered
The speech therapist says: “Guys, who will tell me where the sound “C” lives?
In the realm of vowels or consonants?
Children answer that this is the sound "C" - a consonant.
Speech therapist: “Guys, the sound “C” can “hiss” or “whistle”?
Children answer that it is a whistling sound.
Speech therapist: “Where can the sound “C” be (hidden) in a word?”
Children answer: "At the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word."
Speech therapist: "Well done!"
Tablets with sound schemes of words are fixed on the board.
The speech therapist says: “Guys, there are sheets of pictures in front of you. Look at them carefully and tell me only those names in which the sound “C” stands (is hidden):
- at the beginning of a word (sled, bag);
- in the middle of a word (socks, fox);
- at the end of the word (pineapple, bus).
Children answer questions, and at the same time with the answers, the corresponding sound patterns of words are fixed on the board.
Speech therapist: "Well done!"
Teaching stage. Development of phonemic perception
The speech therapist says: “Guys, now we will learn to listen carefully, memorize and repeat the syllables and words in which our “C” sound is “hidden”.
Development auditory attention.
A). Reproduction of syllable rows and chains.
Speech therapist: “Listen very carefully to the chain of syllables with the sound “C”, remember it and repeat after me in the same order (work behind the screen):
sa - so - su - sy as - os - us - ys sa - sha - sa - sase - so - sa - su es - os - us - as su - shu - su - su
sy - sa - se - su ys - es - os - as sha - sa - shcha - shchaso - su - sa - sy os - as - ys - us zo - so - zo - so
b). Memorization of words for a given sound.
Speech therapist: “Listen carefully to the poem and tell me all the words with the sound “C”:
The sun has set behind the village;
Tits are sleeping, jays are sleeping,
A mustachioed catfish sleeps in the water,
Sees a sweet, sweet dream.
The fox is sleeping and the bunny is sleeping,
The wind only whistles."
2. Differentiation of sounds similar in sound: C - Z, C - Sh, C - Shch, C - C.
The speech therapist says: “Guys, now we will play the game “Cunning Sound C” and see who is the most attentive with us. I will name different words, and you repeat only those words in which you hear the sound "C". Try not to confuse our "C" sound with sounds similar to it. Attention, I start the game: brush, elephant, heron, plant, sun coat, kettle, vacuum cleaner, drying, fox, bunny, kvass, chain, salt, puppy, bison, Sasha, man, catfish, dishes, noise, ... ". v. Fizkultminutka.
And today winter has a housewarming party,
She invited me to have fun.
The house is built from a snowdrift,
What height is he?
Here is such a height.
White doormat,
And what is its width?
Here's the width.
VI. The stage of consolidating the skills acquired in the lesson.
1. Development of auditory attention.
Speech therapist: “Guys, today we will learn to listen carefully to syllables and words with the sound “C”. At the gates of the fairyland, we are met by the Magic Snowflake. She has prepared a very difficult task for you: you need to remember and name only the “snowy” words from all those invented by her. So, listen carefully: snow, cheese, pine, snowfall, sun, sugar, snowflake, salt, snowman, catfish, snowball.”2. Distinguishing similar-sounding sounds.
Speech therapist: “Guys, in front of you are sheets with pictures. Take a close look
on them and name only those words in which there is a sound “C”.
Children answer: "Owl, pineapple, six, weightlifter."
3. Development of speech breathing and auditory perception.
Speech therapist: “Listen carefully to the tongue twister and repeat it all together:
On coconuts, on coconuts we flew like wasps.
And coconuts are high, and coconuts are far.
VII. Summary of the lesson. Evaluation of children's activities. Surprise moment.
Speech therapist: “What sound was our guest today?”
Children answer: "Consonant sound" C "".
Speech therapist: “What good fellows you are! Everyone did a great job today!
Therefore, as a reward, I give you a magic chest with snowflakes.

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Sections: speech therapy, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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The system of correctional and developmental education is a form of education differentiation that allows solving the problems of timely active assistance to children with learning difficulties and in adapting to school.

The need to overcome this or that speech disorder is dictated by the social meaning of speech, and the possibility of overcoming depends both on the severity of the disorder and on the correct understanding of its essence, which makes it possible to use the most effective means overcoming it.

In the Krasnogvardeyskaya special (correctional) boarding school, children with mental retardation (ZPR), with cerebral palsy (ICP), with severe speech disorders (SNR), mentally retarded children study. Logopathic students have speech diagnoses - general underdevelopment speech II-III level, phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech, lexical and grammatical underdevelopment of speech, dysgraphia, in combination with dysarthria, alalia, rhinolalia, stuttering. Hence, the main pedagogical idea of ​​my work is to help the child overcome speech disorders, thereby ensuring his full, comprehensive development. For me, as a teacher-speech therapist of a special school, main task impact is the creation of appropriate conditions, i.e. a system of measures for a gradual and careful impact on a student suffering from one or another speech disorder. In the process of my work, I provide for the development of sensory functions, the development of motor skills, especially speech motor skills, the development cognitive activity, especially thinking, memory processes, attention; the formation of the personality of the child with the simultaneous regulation, as well as the correction of social relations. When correcting speech disorders in children, I rely on the doctrine of the interaction of speech and thinking, on the theoretical position on the relationship between general and specific patterns in the development of an abnormal child, the relationship between speech development and activity, on the interaction of external and internal factors in the process of mental and speech development, on driving forces of mental development.

I strive to make the main task of teaching and educating my students - integrating them into the life of the school, class, and then adapting them to society. Orientation to normally developing children is the starting point of correctional speech therapy training. I direct systematic speech therapy work to fill in the gaps in speech development and prepare for the future in parallel with schooling, in addition to it. I build overcoming speech underdevelopment in such a way that in the course of work there is a readiness to assimilate school knowledge.

I'm doing a deep examination oral speech and mental functions of students. An in-depth examination has the goal of recognizing, qualitative analysis, and differentiation of deviations in speech development. Speech therapy diagnostics makes it possible to reduce the social deprivation of a child with speech disorders, to fully use the possibilities of sensitive periods of the formation of speech as a higher mental function, to effectively correct the pace of the child’s psychoverbal development and prevent the occurrence of secondary disorders, the sooner and more accurately I will identify individual problems in speech development, the more time will be for their correction.

In order to properly organize effective remedial training for first-graders with speech disorders, I need to have a clear understanding of the manifestation of the main defect and the possible consequences of the secondary and primary order.

Based on the available facts of speech therapy examination and their comprehension, I determine the prognosis for the further development of the child, identify the main directions corrective work with him, I solve the issue of his individual educational and correctional route, I implement it in various forms:

Individual sessions;

Group lessons;

Group lessons combined with individual lessons.

Choice organizational form depends on the nature of the defect, the degree of its severity, on the psychosomatic state of the child.

I, in my work, systematically improve the forms speech communication and means of the language in the following areas:

Formation of full-fledged ideas about the sound composition of the word on the basis of development phonemic processes and skills of analysis and synthesis of the syllable-sound composition of the word;

Correction of defects in pronunciation;

Development in children various kinds oral speech (dialogical, monologue) based on the enrichment of knowledge about the world around;

Formation and expansion of the lexical side of speech;

Practical mastery of the basic laws of the language based on the assimilation of semantic and grammatical relations;

Formation of lexical and grammatical readiness for the conscious assimilation of other sections of the Russian language (teaching grammar, literacy, spelling).

In addition, exercises are used to develop the speech-cogitative activity of mental processes (operations of analysis, synthesis, attention, perception, memory, etc.). Tasks, exercises that I offer should be interesting to the student. The whole organization of training is focused on the voluntary inclusion of the student in the activity. Conditions are created under which he would like to do this, and for this it is fundamentally important to give the child creative, problematic, overwhelming tasks.

I increase the motivation for learning by developing new interesting tasks, thoughtfulness and refinement of instructions, increasing the importance of assessing completed tasks, learning conditions under which the student's abilities are revealed and he gains faith in his abilities. When choosing methods for working in a lesson, I combine them in such a way that the types of students' activities in the lesson are changed and, thereby, a protective mode of learning is realized.

Every year the number of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech in our school is increasing. The development of the sound side of speech and phonemic perception is of great importance for the successful acquisition of the language and education of the child at school.

D.B. Elkonin notes that “on how the child will discover the sound reality of the language, the structure of the sound form of the word, depends not only the assimilation of literacy, but also all subsequent assimilation of the language - grammar and spelling associated with it.”

When teaching schoolchildren sound analysis, as a prerequisite for learning to read and write, conscious operation begins with the sound side of the language, its elements and their relationships. Based on this, it follows that the success of teaching a child in primary school is largely determined by how he masters sound-letter analysis, based on clear, stable, fairly differentiated ideas about the sound composition of a word.

Insufficient orientation in the “sound reality of the language”, unformed ideas about the sound composition of a word often leads to specific and persistent difficulties in mastering literate writing and correct reading. This is observed with the underdevelopment of oral speech in children.

In these cases, pronunciation correction is achieved with the help of articulation skills alone and has a minimal developmental effect. Correction of pronunciation does not create readiness for acquiring literacy: for this, it is necessary, simultaneously with the development of normal articulation of sound, to work on the sound composition of the word, to learn to make observations on speech, to form phonemic and morphological generalizations. As a result of this approach, children acquire not only skills correct pronunciation but also the ability to successfully master literacy and spelling.

Sound analysis is formed gradually, like any educational activity. At the same time, the action itself remains the same - only the degree of its awareness, the degree of reduction and generalization of the operations through which it is carried out, changes. Sound analysis cannot proceed without the participation of the processes of phonemic perception.

When carrying out corrective education of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment, I take into account the patterns of the process of mastering the sound side of speech in the norm, which are formed by gradually developing differentiation in the sphere of distinguishing the characteristic features of speech sounds. Based on the goals and objectives of speech therapy influence, the first stage of work is the development of phonemic perception. Since without a full perception of phonemes, without a clear distinction between them, their correct pronunciation is impossible.

I begin to develop phonemic perception from the very first stages of work. First, on the material of non-speech sounds, and then gradually covered all the sounds of speech included in sound system given language. In parallel with the very first classes, I have been working on the development of auditory attention and auditory memory. This allows you to achieve the most effective and accelerated results in the development of phonemic perception.

It is very important that the child is able to recognize and distinguish speech sounds as conscious. This requires the child to restructure his attitude to his own speech, directing his attention to the external, sound side, which he had not been aware of before. The child must be specially trained in the operations of conscious sound analysis, without relying on the fact that he will spontaneously master it. T.B. Filicheva, N.A. Cheveleva, G.B. Chirkin divides the entire system of speech therapy work on the development of children's ability to differentiate phonemes into stages. I, in my work, rely on this textbook, using the same steps.

The operations of sound analysis, on the basis of which the skills and abilities of conscious recognition and differentiation of phonemes are formed, I carry out at the beginning of work on material with sounds correctly pronounced by the child. After the child learns to recognize this or that sound in a word, to determine its place among other sounds, to distinguish one from another, I move on to other types of operations, relying on the skills that have developed in the process of working on correctly pronounced sounds.

Work on the formation of the perception of incorrectly pronounced sounds must be carried out so that the child’s own incorrect pronunciation does not interfere with him. To do this, at the time of performing sound analysis operations, the student needs to limit or exclude his own pronunciation as much as possible, transferring the entire load to the auditory perception of the material. The pronunciation of the student is connected in subsequent lessons, when it becomes necessary to compare his own pronunciation with the normalized one.

For children with speech pathology, special methods and teaching methods are required, involving a fractional presentation of the material, its long-term consolidation, and gradual automation of the acquired skills. One of the ways that increase motivation for learning activities is the use of a computer. The use of a computer in the classroom allows you to increase its effectiveness, make classes more visual, interesting, makes it possible to manage the educational and cognitive activities of each student, promptly make appropriate adjustments. This desire can be explained by the fact that the computer, unlike other teaching aids, is able to respond to the actions of the student. The child gets the feeling that he controls his own activities. And this is a factor that provides a more active mode of learning.

I build speech therapy classes taking into account the principle of developing the dynamism of perception, which involves building a speech therapy lesson in such a way that it is carried out on a sufficient basis. high level difficulties. I develop tasks in the course of which schoolchildren encounter some obstacles, overcoming which will contribute to the development of a logopath, expanding his capabilities and abilities, and in addition, developing a mechanism for compensating various mental and speech functions in the process of processing this information. Based on the constant active inclusion of inter-analyzer connections, an effectively responsive system for processing information that comes to the child develops. My task as a speech therapist is to give tasks that would constantly complicate this cross-functional information processing system and thereby contribute to the dynamism of perception.

This speech therapy lesson is designed for children who have insufficient formation of phonemic processes, there is an insufficient formation of the grammatical structure of speech, difficulties in reproducing logical and grammatical structures. As a result, children in this category are observed:

  • insufficient formation of the prerequisites for the spontaneous development of the skills of analysis and synthesis of the sound-letter composition of the word;
  • insufficient formation of prerequisites for successful mastery of literacy;
  • difficulties in learning to read and write.

The main objectives of the lesson are: the ability to distinguish vowel sounds, reproduce syllabic combinations with a common confluence of two consonants and different vowels, explain the direct and figurative meaning of phraseological expressions, consolidate the ability to do sound-letter analysis; correct attention, logical thinking, develop spatial orientation.

The lesson is based on the principle of the gradual formation of mental actions: i.e. from the visual-effective and visual-figurative to the organization of actions in the internal plan, the programming of the speech statement, the implementation of the statement. In the process of conversation and exercises, the speech therapist monitors the speech utterances of children, determining for themselves their level.

Organizing time the purpose of the lesson is to focus the attention of students, set them up for learning activities. Therefore, exercises for the development of attention, spatial orientation are included. With the development of spatial representations, attention is drawn to the student's ability to navigate the scheme own body and opposite the seated one, on the ability to correctly correlate objects in the surrounding space.

In our children, there is a violation of the regulation of muscle tone, insufficient development of manual motor skills, speech motor skills. Insufficient interaction of manual and speech motor skills - these speech pathologists need speech exercises. As a result, speech exercises are included in the lesson.

For each stage of the lesson, I give instructions, i.e. a specific task for students according to its perception. Instructions stimulate students to active work, aim at the analysis of the perceived object, determine the direction of their activity, and stimulate cognitive processes. The speech therapist should give specific tasks to students according to his perception, having determined the direction with a series of questions, tasks.

Whole speech material was chosen in such a way that, by developing speech, to improve thinking, since the speech material itself contributes to the development of such thinking operations as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, etc. So, when sound is isolated from the speech stream, not only the phonemic hearing of children develops, but also such mental operations as analysis and synthesis.

Since speech junior schoolchildren is poor in stable combinations of words, children do not understand the meanings of some phrases found in texts for reading - in the classroom they get acquainted with new phraseological phrases, observe their features, explain their meaning. Much attention in the lesson is paid to joint search - reasoning, which contributes to the development of verbal and logical thinking.

At the stage - the result of the lesson, the learning activities of each student are summarized.

The main condition for effectiveness is the activity of speech pathologists. The student's independent work, the search for answers, exercises, comprehension - this makes the learning process a process of the child's mental development.


  1. Tkachenko T.A. Development of phonemic hearing. St. Petersburg. “Childhood - press”, 1998
  2. Khvattsev M.E. "Logopedia". St. Petersburg, "Delta". Maskva, Aquarium, 1996
  3. Pozhilenko E.A. The magical world of sounds and words. Moscow, Vlados, 1999
  4. Uspenskaya L.P., Uspensky M.V. Learn to speak correctly. Moscow, Enlightenment, 1992
  5. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Cheveleva N.A. Fundamentals of speech therapy. Moscow, Enlightenment. 1989
  6. Speech therapy, edited by Volkova L.S. Moscow, Enlightenment. 1989
  7. O.V. Eletskaya, N.Yu. Gorbachevskaya, Organization of speech therapy work at school, “Sphere”, Moscow, 2005

Ekaterina Poroshina
Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson on the development of phonemic hearing Topic "Magic Sounds" (senior group)

Subject« magic sounds» (educational area "Speech development in integration with educational areas "Cognitive development» , "Social and communicative development, "Physical development» )

Goals: develop auditory attention and phonemic perception on the material of speech and non-verbal sounds.


Correctional and educational:

Formation of the ability to distinguish between verbal and non-verbal sounds

Educate in children auditory and visual attention and memory;

- Develop memory, logical thinking.

Correction- developing:

- The development of auditory attention and phonemic perception of children on the material of non-verbal and speech sounds

Introduce children to the organs of articulation;

- Develop articulatory motility and general motility;

Correctional and educational:

Cultivate a positive attitude, interest and desire to learn new material;

Develop the ability to listen to the teacher and peers;

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual assistance - work in pairs;

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards each other;

Develop a desire to work actively lesson.

To form an information culture in children through the use of ICT on lesson.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. Greetings

Speech therapist: Hello guys! I am very glad to see you!

We will stand in a circle together,

We need to say hello.

I tell you "Hello!".

Smile back at me.

hello right hand

Hello left hand.

Hello friend, hello friend

Hello to all our friendly circle!

Speech therapist: Today, guys, we have an unusual class, we will go on a journey through a fairy tale. And by what tale, you have to guess. (speech therapist picks up a goose doll)

goose doll: Now I'll grab Vanechka

And I'll get a reward

I'll take it to Yaga

The one on one leg

Children: Swan geese

Speech therapist: That's right, geese are swans.

Doll Alyonushka: Vanya, brother, where are you my

I already came home.

Oh trouble, oh help

Goose, bring back your brother!

The geese have flown away

Who can help me?

Speech therapist: Guys, Alyonushki asks to find and save his brother Ivanushka, his swan geese took him to Baba Yaga. Can we help Alyonushka?

Guys, how do we get into a fairy tale? (children's answers). Correctly needed magic words . I'll take you through a fairy tale, let's say magic words that will help us get into a fairy tale. Listen their:

At-at-at - we begin to play.

Es-es-es - many miracles await us!

Now let's do it all together (children repeat 2 times).

2. phonemic development perception on the material of non-verbal sounds.

A game "Guess sounds of nature»

Speech therapist: Guys, here we are with you in fairy forest, and it is fabulous, because in this forest they live sounds. Let's listen and tell us what sounds you hear(sounds of nature, animals, birds). These were nonverbal sounds. And what do you think there are still sounds? (children: speech). Right sounds that a person pronounces are called speech.

3. phonemic development perception on the material of speech sounds.

Game on the interactive board "basket of apples"

Guys, there is a tree in our way. What kind of tree is this? (Apple tree).

Speech therapist: let's listen to what task the apple tree has prepared for us (work with interactive whiteboard- you need to put in the basket only those apples that have sound Oh).

(The child comes to the board and puts apples in a basket).

4. The development of phonemic hearing on the material of syllables

A game "repeat after me"

Guys, look, we have reached the river, maybe the river knows where the swan geese flew to? Float in the river magic fish yes difficult but with assignments. We need to complete them correctly in order to continue our journey, otherwise who will save Vanya? And here are the fish with tasks (children catch fish with a fishing rod)

Speech therapist: the fish wants to check if you can hear everything well sounds. The one who will repeat the chain after me will jump over the river syllables without errors(sit on mat)

Well done boys! Completed the task. Everything works out for us. We will release the fish back, and we ourselves will go further.

5. Dynamic pause.

Speech therapist: Well, guys, our journey continues, everyone come to me, get up in a circle so that we have more fun to go, let's do the following exercise (speech therapist pronounces words showing movement).

There is a hut in the dark forest (we walk)

Standing backwards (turn)

In that hut there is old lady(tilts)

Grandmother Yaga lives (tilts)

crochet nose (show nose)

Big eyes (show eyes)

Like coals are burning

Wow, what an angry! (wiggles finger)

Hair stands on end.

Repeat after me (3 times).

6. Acquaintance with the organs of articulation, articulatory gymnastics

Here we come to the stove.

Look, guys, someone is sitting next to the stove, maybe he will tell us where the swan geese flew.

Hedgehog: maybe I'll tell you, but first answer this question: How do we pronounce sounds?

Children: To pronounce sounds we need a mouth

Hedgehog: Mouth is a house sounds(show picture).

In this house - Red doors,

Next to the doors are the White Beasts.

What are red doors? What are white animals?

Children: These are lips and teeth.

Speech therapist: And one more organ is needed for correct pronunciation sounds. Guess what it's about.

Always in your mouth, but you won't swallow it.

If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't say anything.

Children: language

Speech therapist: So the correct pronunciation sounds lips, teeth and tongue help us to speak.

Articulation gymnastics.

Hedgehog: And for correct pronunciation sounds be sure to do exercises for the tongue and lips.

(Children go to the mirror and repeat the exercises)


Our tongue is like a spatula:

rounded, flat, smooth (Stick out a wide tongue, relax, put on the lower lip)

"Brush - sweep"

I'll sweep the kitchen with a brush,

I'll set the frequency there.

(Open your mouth. Stick out a narrow tongue, move it to the right, to the left, without removing it deep into the mouth)


Here is a fun swing -

They flew above the roof

(Open your mouth. Stick out a narrow tongue. Pull your tongue alternately to your nose, to your chin. Do not close your mouth)


Comb the horse's tail

And I'll go visit her (open mouth, click tongue without closing mouth)

The good guys got the job done.

7. The development of phonemic hearing in words.

A game "True or not?"

Speech therapist: We visited all the heroes of the fairy tale, we completed the tasks correctly, Baba Yaga does not give us Ivanushka.

On the edge, on the path

The house stands on chicken legs

What is this? (hut)

Look who is sitting next to the hut?

(Next to the hut is a mouse).

Speech therapist: Mouse norushka help us return Ivanushka.

She also prepared a task for us. Listen to what is written here. Every sound is important when we say a word.

Everything has a name - both the beast and the object.

There are a lot of things around, but there are no nameless ones.

And everything that only the eye sees - above us and below us,

And everything that is in our memory is signified by words.

Speech therapist: the mouse wants you to call it correctly and never confuse it with other words. I will call her, but I will only call her correctly once. You should clap your hands if you hear the correct name.

Speech therapist: bump, donut, lid, mouse, monkey

Speech therapist: You see, one or more sounds changed, and the word is no longer obtained.

Well done lads, they did a great job.

8. Development of phonemic perception in words.

Work in a notebook. Exercise "What's wrong here?".

But look, Ivanushka is sitting in the window. And he solves the task in the notebook that Baba Yaga gave him. Let's help Vanechka and save him from Baba Yaga.

Speech therapist: Of the four names of objects in each row, you must find the word that sounds different from the rest and circle it.

9. Relaxation

Speech therapist: Well done, guys, saved Ivanushka.

Children, come and lie down on the mat, close your eyes and listen sounds of nature.

Speech therapist: Open your eyes. Get up slowly. Take a deep breath and exhale.

10. Summing up

Speech therapist: guys, at the time when you were resting, Vanechka came and, as a token of gratitude, brought you such flower medals, and said "Thank you" for saving him from Baba Yaga. And tell us what you liked about our trip, what test was the most interesting? (children's answers)

(Speech therapist says words, and the children perform actions according to the text)

And now: Clap your hands together (clapping)

They stamped their feet together. (stomp)

Everything we play here (listening)

We remember with you. (listening)

Goodbye everyone said, They say: "Goodbye")

And went home (go to group)

Collection of exercises for the development of phonemic hearing

in younger students


PHONEMATIC PERCEPTION - special mental actions to differentiate phonemes and establish the sound structure of a word.

Violations phonemic perception noted in very a large number children entering school and in almost all children with speech disorders.

The development of differentiated auditory and phonemic perception is necessary condition For successful learning literacy children. The readiness of a child to learn to write and read is inextricably linked with the ability to hear individual sounds in a word and their specific sequence. Teaching children to distinguish sounds contributes to the development of attention and auditory memory. Normally, the process of phonemic differentiation, like the process of pronunciation differentiation, ends in preschool age. Insufficient formation of phonemic processes, even with full compensation for pronunciation defects, can lead to difficulties in mastering writing and reading skills.

Thus, timely formed phonemic perception prevent the possible occurrence of secondary speech defects(this is phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment, lexical and grammatical underdevelopment and general underdevelopment of speech), while reducing the likelihood of dyslexia and dysgraphia.

IN last years there is an increase in the number of first-graders who entered the school with unformed or insufficiently formed phonemic perception, all large quantity younger students need speech therapy assistance, which is not always possible.

This collection offers exercises that can be used by teachers. primary school and speech therapists, as well as parents when working on development

phonemic perception. Exercises can be used in the classroom, during

dynamic pauses and in others regime moments.

The collection contains:

1. Ball games aimed at developing phonemic processes.

2. Didactic games for the development of phonemic perception.

3. Speech therapy work by differentiation of phonemes (on the example of differentiation - [w]).

4. Summaries of classes on the differentiation of sounds. (Differentiation - [w].


1. The game "The ball we palm" knock ", we repeat the sound together"


Speech therapist : When you hear the sound [A], hit the ball on the floor. After catching the ball, repeat this sound. A-U-O-U-I-O-S-I-A

2. The game "The vowel sound will be heard by the ears, the ball flies over the top of the head."

Target : development of phonemic perception, speed of reaction, consolidation of knowledge of vowel sounds.

Speech therapist: I will name the vowel sounds. Throw the ball when you hear the sound [E]. A-U-O-E-U-I-O-E-S-I-A

3. The game "Knock".

Sounds I want to say

And I knock on the ball

Target: development of phonemic perception, training for a clear pronunciation of vowels

Game progress: Children and speech therapist sit in a circle. The ball is clamped between each knee. The speech therapist pronounces vowel sounds, tapping the ball with his fist. Children repeat individually and in chorus. Sounds are practiced in isolated pronunciation with a gradual increase in the number of repetitions per exhalation, for example:


4. The game "Quiet - loud"

We rode in the mountains

Sang here and sang there

Target: fixing the articulation of vowel sounds, developing phonemic perception, working on the power of the voice.

Game progress: Singing a given sound according to a speech therapist's demonstration. The strength of the voice is commensurate with the direction of the movement of the hand. As the hand with the ball moves up (up the hill), the strength of the voice increases, down (down the hill) it decreases. With a horizontal movement of the hand with the ball, the strength of the voice does not change.

In the future, the children independently give tasks to each other.

5. Ball passing game "Pass the ball, name the word"

Target : development of phonemic perception, speed of reaction.

Game progress . The players line up in one column. The players have standing first one big ball. The child calls a word for a given sound and passes the ball back with both hands above his head (other ways of passing the ball are possible).

The next player independently invents a word for a given sound and passes the ball further.

6. Game with the transfer of the ball "Sound chain"

We will tie a chain of words

The ball will not give a point.

Target: development of phonemic representations, activation of the dictionary.

Game progress. The speech therapist calls the first word and passes the ball to the child. The ball is then passed from child to child. Final sound of the previous word- the beginning of the next.

For example: spring-bus-elephant-nose-owl…

7. Game with throwing the ball “One hundred questions - one hundred answers with the letter A (I, B ...) - and only with this one.

Target: development of phonemic ideas, imagination.

Game progress. The speech therapist throws the ball to the child and asks him a question. Returning the ball to the speech therapist, the child must answer the question so that all the words of the answer begin with a given sound, for example, with the sound [I].


What is your name?


And the surname?


Where are you from?

From Irkutsk

What grows there?


What birds are found there?


8. Game with throwing the ball "Catch the ball and throw the ball, call how many sounds"

Target : determining the sequence and number of sounds in a word.

Game progress . Speech therapist, throwing the ball, pronounces the word. The child who caught the ball determines the sequence of sounds in the word and names their number.



Target. Develop FPV, exercise children in choosing words with the same sound, consolidate sound analysis skills.

Game progress. The installation is given: “to catch words with sound (L)” (and others).

The child takes a fishing rod with a magnet at the end of the "line" and begins to "catch" the desired pictures with paper clips. The child shows the “caught fish” to other students who mark with cotton right choice. Number of players: one or more people.

    « TV".

Target: develop FWF, develop and improve sound analysis and synthesis in the speech activity of students. Prevention of dysgraphia against the background of FFN. Practice reading skills.

Game progress. The word is hidden on the TV screen. On a board or typesetting canvas, pictures are hung out for each letter of the hidden word in order. The child (children) must add the hidden word by the first letters of the words in the pictures. If the child (children) correctly named the word, the TV screen opens.

For example: month is a hidden word

Pictures: bear, spruce, dog, apple, heron.

Number of players: one or more people.


Target : exercise children in differentiating oppositional sounds, develop

phonemic awareness.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME . There is a house with windows. There is a letter written on the roof.

Nearby are pictures of animals. Children must choose those animals in the name of which there is a sound corresponding to the letter on the roof, settle them and windows with slots.

For example: houses with the letters Ts and Sh. The following pictures are posted: a dog, a heron, a frog, a chicken, a tit, a bear, a mouse, a chicken, a cat, a puppy. All words are spoken first.

The number of players is 1-2 people (or the whole class, divided into two teams).


Target: to develop FPV, to exercise children in differentiating sounds, to develop the skills of sound analysis of words.

Game progress. A picture is placed, the next one starting with this sound, which ends the previous word, is applied to it in the form of a chain, etc. Number of players: one person or more.


Target: exercise in the differentiation of oppositional sounds, develop phonemic hearing and analytical-synthetic speech activity at students.

Game progress . On the table lies the "middle" of the flower. It has the letter "S" written on it. Nearby, “flower petals” are laid out, on which pictures with sounds [s], [s], [ts], [sh] are drawn. The student must choose among these "petals" with pictures those where there is a sound [s]. The number of players is 1-3 people (or the whole class, divided into two teams).


Target: develop FPV, improve the sound-letter and syllabic analysis of words,

develop attention. Prevention of dysgraphia.

Game progress.

1 option. The studied consonant letter is inserted into Dunno's pocket. Vowels are hung around. You need to read the mergers. (One child points with a pointer, the rest read in unison.)

Option 2. A syllabic (sound) scheme of the word is inserted into the pocket. Various pictures or words are hung around. You need to choose the words that match the pattern.

Number of players: one or more people.


Target: to teach children to distinguish between vowels and consonants and letters, hard and soft consonants, improve the skills of sound-letter analysis of words, develop FPV and attention. Prevention of dysgraphia.

Game progress . Children are given cards on which 4 pictures begin with the same letter. Students determine which letter all words begin with and put it in the middle of the card. Sound schemes of words are given under each picture, but some of them are intentionally made with mistakes. Students need to find errors in the diagram, if any. Number of players: 1-4 people (or the whole class, divided into groups or teams).


Target: develop phonemic hearing, exercise and differentiate sounds [R] - [L], exercise children in the difference between primary and tint colors.

Game progress . In front of the child are two pictures with blue and pink vases, in which there are flower stems with slots. They say to the child: “Guess which vase you need to put flowers with the sound [L], and which one with the sound [P], blue - [L], pink - [P]. Flowers are nearby different color: green, blue, black, yellow, etc. Students arrange flowers. The blue flower must remain.

Number of players: 1-2 people (or the whole class divided into two teams).


Target: develop the ability to distinguish a common sound (letter) in words, find pictures with a given sound, develop attention, phonemic hearing. Automation of sounds, development of reading speed.

Game progress. Children are given cards with six pictures (along with the words under the pictures). The child determines what sound is in everyone. Then the facilitator shows pictures or words and asks: “who has this word?”. The winner is the one who first closes all the pictures on big map no mistakes.

Number of players: 1-18 people (you can play in pairs or groups).


Target: develop phonemic and visual perception, develop sound-letter analysis of words, learn to distinguish between vowels and consonants, differentiate between hard and soft consonants. Prevention of dysgraphia caused by FFN. Development of reading speed.

Game progress.

1 option. The children are given cards, each card has six words written on it. The host shows the picture and asks: “Which of the guys has the name of the picture written? (who has the word?)" The first person to complete the map without errors wins.

Option 2. The children are given cards. Presenter shows sound scheme words, students correlate it with the word on their map. The winner is the one who accurately fills his card with word schemes. Number of players: 1-8 people (groups can play).


Target: exercise children in the selection of words that differ from each other in one sound, develop phonemic hearing, consolidate the understanding of the word-forming function of each letter. Automation of sounds, prevention of dysgraphia, development of reading speed.

Game progress :

1 option. A circle with arrows in the form of a clock, instead of the numbers of the picture. The child must move the arrow to the object, the name of which differs by one sound, from the name of the object to which the other arrow points (all words are spoken beforehand.) The rest of the children mark the correct answer with a clap.

For example: fishing rod - duck

Bear-mouse goat - braid

Poppy cancer grass - firewood

Kit-cat reel - reel

Option 2. Instead of pictures on the “dial”, letters, syllables, words with a practiced sound are put. The child twists the large arrow (the small one can be removed). Where the arrow stopped, the students read the syllable (letter, word) in chorus, then the leader turns the arrow further - the children read again, etc. A syllable (letter, word) can be repeated several times depending on where the arrow stops.

Number of players: 1-2 people or more.


Target: expand the volume of the dictionary, fix the spelling of words.

Understanding the word-forming role of each word. Automation of sounds in words, prevention of dysgraphia.

Game progress. A word or a picture is hung on the board indicating the number of letters in the word depicted on it (then the children themselves put the word out of the letters of the cut alphabet and write it in a notebook). The installation is given: "Take the letters from the original word, compose and write down new words from them."

Number of players: 1-3 people or more.


Target : automation of sounds, consolidation of phonemic and grammatical analysis of words, formation of the inflection process, enrichment of the dictionary, prevention of dysgraphia.

Game progress. The child must perform the actions indicated on the card (“+”, “-“) and, by adding and subtracting letters, syllables, words, find the desired word. For example: S+TOM-M+FOX-SA+CA = ? (capital).

The number of players - 1-2 people or more.


Target : Automation of sounds, development of FPV, processes of analysis and synthesis, understanding of the meaningful function of sound and letters, development of speech, interest in the native language, love of poetry. Prevention of dysgraphia.

Game progress. On the card there is rhyming text, verses in which one word (or more) is missing. Students must assemble a rhyming word from the letters of the split alphabet and write it down.

For example: Sparrow flew higher.

You can see everything from the high _____ (roof).

Number of players 1-2 people or more


Speech therapy work on the differentiation of phonemes

Violation of auditory differentiation of speech sounds is manifested in the failure to assimilate letters,

in substitutions of phonetically close sounds when reading. The formation of differentiation of sounds is carried out based on various analyzers: speech-auditory, speech-motor, visual. Features of the use of certain analyzers are determined by the nature of the violation of differentiation. The use of kinesthesia in the differentiation of sounds quite often requires preliminary work on the refinement and development of kinesthetic sensations based on visual and tactile sensations.

The ability of kinesthetic discrimination is practiced in exercises to identify various speech organs (lips, tongue, vocal folds) during the pronunciation of speech sounds. The ability to distinguish the position of the lips is initially worked out on the sounds [I] - [U], since the difference in the position of the lips when pronouncing these sounds is significant.

Exercises may be as follows:

    Pronounce the sound [I] in front of the mirror and say in what position the lips are in this case. If there are difficulties in answering, the speech therapist may ask an additional question: "Tell me, when pronouncing the sound [And], are the lips stretched in a smile or stretched forward?"

    Say the sound [U] in front of the mirror. Answer in what position the lips are in this case.

    Pronounce the sounds [I] [U] together. Determine if the position of the lips is the same when pronouncing these sounds.

    After independently pronouncing the sound [I], determine the position of the lips (without looking in the mirror).

    Pronounce the sound [U], determine the position of the lips when pronouncing it (without looking in the mirror).

    Pronounce the sounds [I] - [U] in sequence and answer, when pronouncing which sound the lips are stretched.

    Pronounce the sounds [I] - [U] and determine when pronouncing which sound the lips are extended forward.

    Determine sound by soundless articulation, i.e. according to the position of the lips of a speech therapist.

    Determine the first and last sound by the soundless articulation of the rows [I] [U], [U] [I].

Similarly, differences in the position of the lips are worked out when pronouncing vowels [I] - [A], [U] -, consonants [M] (lips closed) and [L] (lips open), etc. .

Differentiation of sounds Si Sh in syllables

The differentiation of these sounds in syllables is also carried out in terms of auditory and pronunciation comparison.

Exercises for pronunciation differentiation:

1. Repetition of syllables with the sounds С and Ш, first with the same vowel, then with different vowels. (SU-SHU, SHU-SU, SU-SHA, SHU-SA, SA-SHI, SHA-SY. SASH-SHAS, SOSH-SHOS, SUSH-SHUS, SHOS-SUSh, SHS-SOSH, etc.)

2. Reading syllables, writing syllables from dictation.

    Raise the letter С or Ш after pronouncing syllables with sounds [С] and [Ш]:


    Think of syllables with sounds [S] and [Sh].

    Convert syllables by replacing the sound [S] with the sound [Ш] and vice versa. SA - SHA, SHO - SO. USh - US, etc..

    Dictations of syllables with sounds [С] and [Ш].

Differentiation of sounds [С] and [ III ] Vwords

The differentiation of sounds in words is carried out against the background of the clarification of the sound structure of the word. Various tasks are used to form phonemic analysis: establishing the presence or absence of sound in a word, highlighting the first and last sound, determining the sequence, quantity and place of sound in a word.

1. Determine what sound - [C] or [W] - in the word. The speech therapist names words in which the sounds [C] and [W] are found at the beginning, then in the middle of the word and, finally, at the end of the word. For example: elephant, bag, ball, fur coat, tablecloth, rat, sausage, horse, pump, vacuum cleaner, pencil, kid.

    Determine the place of sounds [C] and [W] in words (beginning, middle, end). First, it is clarified which sound is in the word ([C] or [W]), then its place in it is determined. Sample words: chair, bench, scarf, driver, reeds,sled, braids, mouse, forest, oats, bowl, car, roof.

    Pick up words with the sound [C] or [W] at the beginning of the word.

    Pick up words with the sound [C] or [W] in the middle of the word.

    Pick up words with the sound [C] or [W] at the end of the word.

    Lay out the pictures with the sounds [С] and [Ш] under the corresponding letters.

    Write the words in two columns: in the first - words with the sound [S], in the second - with the sound [Sh].

    Working with words - quasi-homonyms. It is proposed to determine the meaning of words roof, rat, and then compare the sound of these words and say how they differ.

    Clock game. Children are offered a "clock" (with a dial) in two colors, for example, green and blue. The speech therapist names words. Children determine what sound is in a word by choosing a clock of a certain color (green for the sound [C], blue for the sound [Sh]). Next, the children determine the place of this sound in the word (first, second, third, etc.) and put an arrow on a certain number.

10. Graphic dictation. The speech therapist calls the word with the sound [C] or [W]. Children write down the corresponding letter (C or W), as well as a number indicating
what is the number of this sound in the word. For example: scarf C3 -hanger - shz, pencil- Ш8, sausage- C6, chamomile Sh5, reeds - Sh5, dishes- SZ, etc.

    Compose graphic schemes words. Mark on the diagram in blue the circle corresponding to the sound [Ш], in green - the circle corresponding to the sound [S]. Sample words: cheese, ball, porridge, braids, table, curtain, helmet, chestnut, suit, rat, roof, cat, chamomile, cabbage.

    Loto game. Cards with pictures for words with sounds [C] and [W] are offered. The game can be played in two versions:

a) The children are given cards and the letters C and Sh. The speech therapist calls the word. Children must find the corresponding picture on the card, determine what sound is heard in the named word, and close the picture with the corresponding letter.

b) Children are given lotto cards and paper strips, each divided into three parts. On two strips, the letters С and Ш are written respectively in the first part of the strips, on the other two - in the middle, on the rest - at the end. The speech therapist calls the word, the students determine what sound is in the word ([C] or [W]), its place in it (beginning, middle, end) and close the picture with the corresponding strip.

    Fill in the missing letters C and W.

    Dictations of words with sounds [С] and [Ш].

    Composing words with sounds [C] and [W] from the letters of the split alphabet.

    Solve riddles. Determine the place of the sound [C] or [W] in the guesses.

A hole in the sky, a hole in the ground

And in the middle - fire and water. (Samovar)

New dishes, but all in holes. (Colander)

Antoshka stands on four legs. On Antoshka - soup and spoons. (Table)

I live in the yard, I sing at dawn,

There is a scallop on my head, I am loud-mouthed ... (Cockerel)

Mustachioed muzzle, striped coat,

Often washed, but with water is not known. (Cat)

Sleeps during the day, flies at night and scares passers-by. (Owl)

The tail is long, the crumbs themselves are very afraid of cats (Mice)

In the meadows of the sisters - a golden eye, white cilia. (Daisies)

Cracks, not a grasshopper; flies, not a bird, carries, not a horse. (Airplane)

I'm sitting on horseback - I don't know on whom,

Meeting a friend - I'll jump off, welcome. (A cap)

Grumbled live castle, lay down at the door across. ( Sobaka)

G.Sound differentiation [WITH] And [W] in offers.

1. By plot picture come up with a sentence in which there are words with the sound [S] or [Sh]. Name in the sentence words with sounds [C] and [W]; determine what it is sound and its place in the word.

2. Repeat sentences with words that include the sounds [C] and [W]. Name words with sounds [S] and [Sh].

The pine tree hums in the forest. Delicious fruits ripened on the treesshi. The fox has a fluffy tail. Natasha long braids. Svetaput on a red shawl. Fragrant lilies of the valley grow in the forest. Pathe noise drove a large herd. Grandmother gave Sasha a soldierteak. Grandfather brought a big catfish.

    Come up with sentences on subject pictures for words with sounds [C] and [W]. Sample pictures: bush, reel, scoop, garden, bear, car. At the beginning, it is proposed to determine which sound - [S] or [W] - in the name of the pictures.

    Complete the sentence with a word. Offers are offered that can be supplemented with words - quasi-homonyms. Determine what sound is in a word.

Mom cooked delicious ... (porridge). Money is paid in(checkout).

Dasha rides ... (bear). Flour was poured into ... (bowl)

Leaks in the barn(roof). Started up in the basement (rat)

The kid eats delicious ... (porridge). The soldier put on his headwoo... (hard hat).

You can use pictures for words - quasi-homonyms. Pictures are offered in pairs.

    Come up with sentences for words - quasi-homonyms. Determine in which words there is a sound [S] or [Ш], name the place of this sound (before which sound, after which sound this sound is heard in the word).

    Insert the missing letters C and W.

INcloset v.it co.tyum. Under the feet.ur.at.ear.In. hell, apples and groups sang. Poppies have grown on the field. Halo.and.stand in the corner. After.success.it.is in the closet. We bought.yr, .livki and ma.lo.

    Selective dictation. Choose from the sentences and write down the words with the sounds [С] and [Ш] in two columns.

The sun shines brightly. Pine trees rustle in the wind. Dedarling sleeps on the couch. Misha picks pears. Sonya feedscat. There is a red pencil in the pencil case. The fox caught the mouse. Peterbrought cones to school.

d.Sound differentiation [WITH] And [W] in connected speech

1. Make up a story based on a series of plot pictures using words that include the sounds [S] and [Sh].

    Compose a story based on the plot picture using words that include the sounds [S] and [Sh].

    Insert the missing letters C and W into the text.

In the garden.

It's beautiful in hell. Red wines sang. On the branchesvi.yat pain.ie groups.i. Grandfather takes good care of hell.

    Dictation of texts with words including the sounds [S] and [Sh].

In our room.

Our room is big. There is a closet against the wall. In shkafu hang coats, suits and dresses. There is a table in the corner. There are toys on the table. There is an armchair at the table. Grandma is sitting in a chair.

Fox and mouse.

There was a mouse in the hole. The mouse came out of the hole. fox uvido the mouse. The fox began to catch the mouse. The mouse went into a hole.

Similarly, work is being done to differentiate voiced and deaf, as well as affricates and the sounds that make up them.

Lesson summary for first grade students.

TOPIC: DIFFERENTIATION [С] - [Сۥ] [Ш] IN syllables, words, sentences.


    development of phonemic perception;

    development of phonemic analysis and synthesis skills;

    development of articulatory and fine motor skills;

    correlation of grapheme and phoneme;

    development of the ability to make sentences from words;

    differentiation [sۥ], [s], [w] in syllables, words, sentences.

Equipment: individual mirrors, demo tables, samples capital letters, rag ball, cards with words, tables with the characteristics of sounds, notebooks, pens.

    Org. moment. Let's start the lesson with conjugate gymnastics (friendly movements of the hands and tongue). Ex. "Pussy is angry", "Cup", "Swing".

    Guess by the first consonants in the words about the topic of our lesson.

Owl, son, catfish, village, sleigh, cheese. Wardrobe, ball, noise, school, fur coat, puck.

Today we will work with the letters С and Ш and the sounds that these letters represent.





AIR JET cold warm

Whistling (similar to whistling) Hissing (similar to hissing)

The auditory image of the sound is compared with the sound.

    Associating letters with sounds.

What sounds does the letter S? Sh represent? ([Withۥ ], [s], [w]) Consonants or vowels? Name which organs of articulation create an obstacle when pronouncing these sounds.

Voiced or deaf? (use the palm to determine the presence or presence of vibration in the vocal cords, ears).

    Count how many letters C? How many letters sh? (a table of letters C W of different fonts on the board). (The exercise helps to consolidate the visual image of the letter, prevent visual impairment)

    Dictation of syllables. 2 line entry:sa se su sha sho shi shka sta sta slu slu


    Read the words.

Ears mustache porridge helmet teddy bear bowl

Game "Tell me a word" Use the words that you read that are appropriate in meaning.

Gosh gave .... (porridge). Firefighters have iron .... (helmets).

Sonya bought a teddy bear ...... (bear). Give the dog with soup ... .. (bowl).

The elephant has big .... (ears). Grandpa has fluffy .... (mustache).

LD: How are the words different? D: One sound in the middle of a word:[s], [w].

    Working with words - quasi-homonyms. Distribute the words in 2 columns (according to the presence of the letters С-Ш). Board check. Connect words with the same sound. . six, sashi, balls, U, blue. Find mistakes. Write in a notebook. Emphasize With an arc (smile) W circle in a blue circle. Why blue? In which word is the letter denoting soft sound SH? Find and underline with a green pencil.

    Summary of the lesson. What have we learned to do today? Distinguish the sounds S-Sh in syllables, words, sentences. Let's check this now:Guess what sound I'm talking about (guess the sound from the characteristic): consonant, deaf, hard whistling - [s];consonant, deaf, soft whistling - [withۥ ]; deaf, hard hissing - [w];


1. V.I. Seliverstov speech games with kids. M.: VLADOS, 1994

2. R. I. Lalaeva Reading disorders and ways of their correction in younger schoolchildren. St. Petersburg: SOYUZ, 1998

3. R. I. Lalaeva Logopedic work in correctional classes. M.: VLADOS, 1999

Kindergarten No. 44 JSC Russian Railways

Abstract of the lesson in the senior speech therapy group

on the topic: "Sound analysis and synthesis of words"

Teacher - speech therapist: Mosalova T.N.


to teach preschoolers to determine the presence of a given sound and its place in a word; exercise in dividing words into syllables; continue to teach children to distinguish and correctly use the terms "sound", "letter", "syllable", "word » consolidate knowledge about the word-distinctive role of sound; develop phonemic perception, auditory control over speech; develop mental processes: auditory and visual perception, memory, attention; mental operations - analysis, synthesis, generalization; to cultivate endurance, the ability to listen and hear each other, not to interrupt a friend.

Equipment:"sound house"; sound cards; cards with the image of a "fox" for sound analysis; task cards (3 types); toys and objects: ball, car, tape recorder, gnome, hedgehog, dog, hare, mouse; "Portrait" Dunno in a frame; simple pencils; individual sets with chips for the sound analysis of words.

Lesson progress

Educator (V.). Guys, today we will play with words. And we will play the game "Echo". I will pronounce the words, and you repeat after me only the first sound: aster, duck, sled, needle, alphabet, varnish, scissors.

Well done! And now I will pronounce the words, and you repeat after me only the last sound: whale, house, sled, needle, alphabet, varnish, scissors.

Stranger enters.

Dunno. And I want too! May I come with you?

IN. We, Dunno, have unusual games, but smart ones, with words. Do you know what sounds and letters are?

Dunno. I know! There are sounds when you play the trumpet. They are so loud!

IN. And here is wrong. Who taught you this?

Dunno. Nobody taught me. I want to learn, so I came to you.

IN. Guys, let's tell Dunno everything we know about sounds. What are they? (vowels and consonants.) What vowel sounds do we know? (Ah, oh, y, s, and, uh ...). Why are they called that? (Show vowel symbols.) What are consonant sounds? (Deaf and voiced.)

Why are they called that? Repeat after me these sounds: [p, f, t, k, s, w]. What are these sounds? (Show symbols.) Repeat after me these sounds: [b, c, e, d, h, g]. What are these sounds? (Show symbols.) What are the other consonant sounds? (Soft and hard.) Let's play the game "Name the couple". I'll call solid sound, and you call me a pair of soft sound (the game is played with a ball).

Dunno plays this game with children and gives wrong answers, children correct him.

Dunno. This is bad game. Let's play with the pictures I brought.

IN. Please show me your pictures. A very interesting task: the names of which objects begin with one sound. You need to connect these pictures with lines.

Children and Dunno perform the task.

IN. Guys, let's check how Dunno coped with this task (check Dunno's work and correct errors).

IN. Well done! Now guess the riddle.

cunning cheat,

red head,

A fluffy tail is a beauty.

Who is this? (Fox.)

Right. And let's show Dunno how we can parse a word by sounds.

(A sound analysis of the word "fox" is being carried out.)

The teacher suggests pronouncing this word so that everyone hears the first sound well. Then asks what sound it is (consonant, soft) and what kind of chip can it be designated (green). The rest of the sounds are analyzed in the same way. The scheme of the word is laid out on the board and at the same time work is underway at the tables.

Dunno. Thanks for teaching. Now I myself can divide the word into sounds. See. Hand. Hand. Right?

Children. No, not right. You divided the word into syllables.

IN. Dunno, imagine that a word is a house for sounds, and syllables are rooms in this house. The most important sound in a syllable is... (children finish - "vowel"). It is he who creates the syllable. The guys and I will show you how sounds are friends and how syllables are obtained. Let's play with live sounds.

Distribution of roles: children become sounds - [b, a, o, y, s, i]. Child (b sound) puts vowels in turn on the petals of a flower, pronouncing the syllables that are obtained (ba, boo, bo, would, bi).

Dunno. Oh, how interesting! Can I try? Can I be the sound [m]?

Dunno. Remembered! I have more pictures! But I don't know what to do with them.

IN. Show the guys, maybe we can figure it out together? Dunno takes out cards with images of a watermelon, a drum, a beetle, a bucket, a butterfly, a pear, and under them circles are arranged in a row. Need to be done next task: name what is shown and fill in as many circles as there are syllables in this word.

IN. Well done, stranger. And now, guys, and you, Dunno, listen to the poem and be very careful, in some words the sounds got lost. Guess what sounds need to be returned to their rightful place, name the words that, in your opinion, should be in the poem.

It is not known how it happened

Only the letter got lost:

Jumped into someone's house

And hosts it!

But as soon as I entered

mischievous letter,

very strange things

Started to happen...

They say one fisherman

I fished out a shoe in the river.

But then he

Hooked on a house (catfish)!

I sewed a shirt for a bump (bear),

I'll sew him pants.

IN. Alright guys, you got the sounds right back in their place. Dunno. Well, I have already learned to read. I see a picture and read a word.

Dunno(sitting sadly). I realized that I still had to go to school. I will go to study.

IN. Wait, Dunno, the children want to give you a toy as a souvenir, but you have to guess it: there is a sound in the name of this toy [m]. (Children help choose toys that have a sound in the name [m]: tape recorder, car, dwarf, mouse.) The name of this toy consists of three syllables. Dunno. Car.

IN. Well done, stranger. You guys are also great, taught Dunno to divide words into syllables.

Dunno. Thanks guys, now I know what a sound is and what a syllable is .. And you are all great.