
Stone matching the sign by date of birth

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To accurately determine which stone suits Capricorn and helps him, you need to know the decade of the sign.

  • The first decade lasts from December 22 to January 2. Her patron is Jupiter. Capricorn of this period calmly and confidently goes through life, gradually accumulating knowledge and wealth. He always has his own opinion on any issue. Quite strong gems suit him: amethyst, serpentine, agate, rock crystal, jade, obsidian, bloody jasper, tiger's eye, malachite.
  • Capricorn, born from 3rd to 13th January, knows how to captivate. But he can easily turn into a boring homebody if he loses the necessary incentive to move. The talisman for such a Capricorn should "ignite", energize, give impetus to action. Particularly suitable gemstones for Capricorn are onyx, heliotrope, opal, sardonyx, chrysoprase and chalcedony.
  • Third decade of the zodiac sign ( from January 14th to 20th) is influenced by the Sun. People born in this period of time love and can work fruitfully, but often become discouraged and lose all their ardor. They need nourishing stones - garnet, hyacinth, alexandrite, tourmaline, sapphire, zircon, ruby, opal.

More about stones for Capricorn - in the video:

Charms from the kingdom of stones

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The main amulet of this zodiac sign is opal. The stone helps Capricorn to climb up to achieve his goal. Representatives of the sign rarely admit their mistakes and do not look for new opportunities. Opal jewelry will help them expand their horizons, point to an alternative path. The talisman protects Capricorns from diseases and signals about malfunctions in the body. Opal has a positive effect on the character of the representatives of this zodiac sign. From a dull egoist, he is able to make a friendly merry fellow. It is useful to wear opal for those who often speak in public.

Capricorn is a very reliable husband or wife. A woman does not accept flirting or coquetry, and a man seeks to protect his loved ones from any trouble. But often boredom settles in the family of this zodiac sign. Figurines or jade jewelry help to fight it. This is a strong talisman for family happiness. The stone helps to resolve a controversial situation, find a common language and bring in fresh energy.

It is useful for a dry and overly rational Capricorn to add a little passion and strong emotions to life. Ideal for this product with pomegranate. The talisman enhances fantasy, has a positive effect on Creative skills, gives a desire to improvise and surprise. During troubles, a grenade makes a person cold-blooded and prudent. What is the best metal to set a stone in? In any white: silver, iron, platinum.

Ruby suits Capricorn as a sign aspiring to the heights of power and financial well-being. The talisman helps to gain trust and respect in any team, gives courage and determination. The stone protects sudden death, violence and envy. Ruby brings happiness and love, helps to create and maintain a family. Almost all red stones have such properties.

Choosing a Stone for a Capricorn Lady

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A charming and serious Capricorn woman is often lonely, because she unconsciously builds a wall between herself and the whole world. Rock crystal teaches the representatives of this zodiac sign to trust people, not to look for a catch in every word and deed. A woman wearing a talisman with a stone becomes more sociable, soft and emotional.

A married Capricorn woman is sometimes too demanding and stingy with praise. She is too susceptible to the influence of rules and public opinion. Jewelry with garnets can help her open up and show her love. stones give good mood help you make a wise decision and give you the strength to achieve your goals.

Agate is very suitable for women of this zodiac sign, especially bright, saturated colors. Stones give health and longevity, energize, protect from dangers and intrigues of ill-wishers. Agate protects the family from quarrels and poverty, helps to improve relations between generations. Talisman with agate makes a woman attractive and sexy. IN professional activity stone contributes to the achievement of new career heights.

Carnelian - suitable talisman for unmarried Capricorn girls according to the horoscope. The stone brings good luck in love, contributes to the preservation of beauty and youth. It has a positive effect on nervous system helps to calm down and relax. Carnelian protects against betrayal, quarrels and misunderstandings. A woman who has jewelry with him receives the strength and ability to fulfill her most cherished desires.

Stones for strong representatives of the sign

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A Capricorn man who is engaged in business does not go on adventures or risky transactions. He is pedantic and conservative in everything. Chrysoprase gives courage and determination to make decisions about innovations, helps to adapt to the changing world of commerce. Lucky amulet strengthens health, enhances physical energy. Chrysoprase jewelry is a strong magical talisman that protects against damage, conspiracies and the evil eye. The stone brings recognition, so necessary for Capricorn.

Due to isolation and external arrogance, Capricorn, according to the horoscope, cannot become a leader, a leader, a real team leader. Decoration with onyx will help him get rid of the negative aspects of his character, become more responsive and friendly. The stone keeps its owner from accidents, dangers and disasters.

The Capricorn man does not seek marriage or a lasting relationship. He always has more important goals, and he often breaks existing connections because of his pride. A bright red garnet in a ring helps the sign to come to terms with the shortcomings of the people around them and consider their virtues. The stone has a positive effect on the ability to feel and understand your soulmate. Pomegranate contributes to successful negotiations and conflict resolution.

Rauchtopaz is very suitable for male Capricorn. The stone enhances intellectual abilities and logical thinking. It helps those who are employed in the scientific or IT field. Rauchtopaz makes this harsh zodiac sign less selfish, jealous and fanatical. The amulet relieves stress and promotes the perception of new information.

A properly selected talisman stone will attract the desired events into your life, strengthen your health, and protect you from troubles. However, natural stones affect women and men differently. Find out which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman in order to achieve the result you need.

About Capricorn Women

Representatives of this sign are active ladies, careerists who strive for financial success. A Capricorn woman can marry by calculation, but even in this case, family members will never complain about the lack of attention and care.

If a girl is a Capricorn according to the horoscope, she is painfully experiencing failures, prone to depression and melancholy. That is why the best talismans for Capricorn are those stones that help achieve the desired goal, talismans for good luck in business.

The main stones-talismans of the Capricorn woman

Which are suitable:

From precious stones suits you best

This is the main stone for Capricorn, it plays a role powerful amulet, protecting the hostess from the negative thoughts of others.


Capable of strengthening negative qualities its owner, therefore it is not recommended for quick-tempered women. Balanced ladies in ruby jewelry become even more calm, gain protection from hidden enemies. Remember that you can not wear together with other stones.

Of the semi-precious stones you need first black .

It will help to complete the work begun, save from envy and.

Malachite jewelry

They will give patience, wisdom, spiritual strength. So that malachite does not attract excessive or unwanted attention of men to you, choose silverware. Malachite has a positive effect on the health of the joints, restores damaged tissues, improves vision.

To stabilize emotional condition, wear rhinestone

The stone will soften the violent character, and inert ladies will help to open up.

black agate

Protects from poverty family quarrels, gossip, establish a connection between generations, make a woman attractive and desirable in the eyes of men.

By date of birth


It all depends on the decade in which the woman was born:

  1. If you were born between December 22 to January 2 inclusive, suitable stones for you are agate, malachite, rock crystal, serpentine, moonstone. These stones will help you not to lose own point vision and achieve material success.
  2. A woman born between 3 to 13 January, recommended onyx, . Talismans with these stones will strengthen your leadership qualities and help you achieve your goal.
  3. A woman born with 14 to 20 January, it is worth wearing a ruby, opal, tourmaline, as a talisman. These are talismans that charge life energy its owner, making it active.

Stones for success in love

The love talisman of Capricorn women is considered. He will make a free girl popular, and save a married girl from adultery. Pomegranate will relieve depression in case of unrequited love, and timid girls will help express their feelings.

Garnet jewelry will help you get rid of the fear of public opinion, as well as make a wise decision in a difficult situation.

Shouldn't be overlooked cornelian. It will become an effective marriage talisman for a girl who wants to meet her whole life.

Carnelian gives its owner youth and attractiveness, calms the nervous system and gives strength to fulfill cherished desires.

What stone promises prosperity?

A career woman is suitable as a talisman green chrysoprase. It will protect you from unscrupulous business partners and help you properly manage large sums.

green chrysoprase

It will help to achieve the support of colleagues and the recognition of superiors. Become a talisman on the way up career ladder. The stone will not allow you to succumb to emotions and commit thoughtless act, will give his mistress leadership abilities.

To achieve well-being for a Capricorn woman will also help green pomegranate -. Protects from envious people and enemies.


Making Capricorn sociable and successful can rhinestone, but this stone is more suitable for men. For a Capricorn woman, it is better to choose hair ornaments It is a kind of rock crystal. The stone enhances female intuition, promotes professional growth and, as a result, financial independence.


Talisman stones for health


To improve health and ensure good health, a Capricorn woman should choose tourmaline. It will help out in case of fatigue, relieve muscle pain and back pain, and strengthen overall immunity. Jewelry with tourmaline gives vivacity and energy, helps to improve the functioning of the heart.

Green tourmaline gives strength and heals, being a talisman. Black tourmaline is suitable as an amulet - a talisman against diseases and danger.

During the rehabilitation period after serious illnesses or injuries, Capricorns are advised to wear black onyx as a talisman. Additionally, it strengthens self-confidence, helps to complete the work begun.

Not every stone is a talisman

To make the gem become a real talisman and amulet, wear it as often as possible. The most effective talismans are stones that were presented to the owner or passed to her by inheritance.

Be careful - the donor presents the product, putting his energy and thoughts into the gift, even if subconsciously. Choose jewelry as a talisman only if you are sure of the sincerity of the donor.

What can't be worn?


Negatively affects the life of a Capricorn lady. Products from this stone lead astray, make a woman stubborn and principled. For the same reason, sapphire jewelry is not recommended for Capricorns.

If you are going to wear a talisman stone as jewelry, give preference to jewelry made of gold and silver, excluding costume jewelry.

One of the main traits of Capricorn is purposefulness. Saturn took care of that heavenly patron. According to the horoscope, men and women of this zodiac sign are practical, not afraid of work, can go to the intended goal, sparing no time and effort, without resorting to some crafty tricks, without changing their idea. But in order for this path to be accompanied by victories and good luck, Capricorn needs a little help. And Capricorn stones will cope with this task.


Usually Capricorn chooses a talisman stone among the minerals of the earth element. It can be, for example, obsidian, onyx, garnet, topaz and other precious and ornamental stones, the influence of which on the fate of the owner is nuanced, the representative of the sign must know about them in order to choose for himself the talisman that best suits him .

According to astrologers, the main stone of Capricorn is dark red obsidian. He is able to guide his master, if before that the question arises of choosing a path. Obsidian will not make a wrong decision, it will save you from bad deeds and the repentance associated with them. Paradoxically, but obsidian protects Capricorn from ... himself: he will not let him despair of Hard time and will not allow you to turn your nose too high during success.

On the way to the goal, opal helps Capricorn a lot. This stone Capricorn should thank for the fact that it opens up new horizons for him, unbeaten paths. The stone helps Capricorn in his career growth. And also - adapts it in society.

The fact is that Capricorns are terrible individualists, moreover, prone to depression, with such attitudes in life it is very difficult to cooperate with partners in a mutually beneficial way, to solve complex financial issues. Opal shows Capricorn alternative paths, he can even endow his owner with eloquence, although Capricorns are not big fans of public speaking.

Among the talismans of Capricorn are ruby ​​and garnet gems. Ruby is most suitable for an entrepreneur, businessman, bank employee - all those who want to achieve financial well-being and would dream of moving up the career ladder, and the higher the better. Opal endows the ambitious Capricorn with the qualities necessary for such achievements - determination, courage, helps to gain respect from colleagues and management.

Pomegranate adds wisdom and composure to this zodiac sign. With its help, business negotiations are more successful, it is easier to resolve conflict situations. Pomegranate for a Capricorn man is considered a symbol of good luck.

For women, astrologers recommend uvarovite (the so-called variety of pomegranate, but not red, but green). This stone helps its owner to achieve material well-being, and besides this, it protects from enemies and envious people.

Often, Capricorn women choose hairy jewelry for themselves (this is one of the varieties of rock crystal). The stone enhances intuition, helps the professional growth of its mistress, makes her financially independent.

And rock crystal itself is more of a male talisman than a female one. Moreover, this is a dark-colored stone, the so-called morion. A ring with such a stone will make you more sociable, helps him to reason soberly in difficult situations, without unnecessary emotions. Thanks to this, complex issues are easier to resolve, and Capricorns achieve material well-being.

If we continue to call the male stones of Capricorns, then the next one will be rauchtopaz (a type of quartz, another name for it is smoky crystal). The stone helps those whose business is related to computers. He develops the logic of his master, helps him to better navigate a huge amount of information.

Chrysoprase is a talisman that helps Capricorns succeed in business. It gives him courage if the matter requires the implementation of some reforms, and Capricorn is a conservative by nature. Helps to gain recognition from colleagues, create a favorable image.

And a few more talismans and their useful features:

  • jade - enhances performance,
  • hyacinth - helps to overcome a losing streak,
  • amethyst - indispensable for negotiations,
  • topaz - lures material gain,
  • onyx - brings to leadership positions.

How to wear

According to astrologers, the talisman should not be hidden, it should be clearly visible to others. If it is on the ears (in the form of earrings) or on the neck (pendant), then its action is aimed at making money.

Agates are inserted into rings. Ruby is effective in rings, earrings, pendants. Jasper is used to make bracelets and beads. Obsidian is used to make an insert in a silver ring and is worn on the middle finger.

Are combinations of stones possible?

The combination of stones is possible if all of them are stones of the earth element. However, Capricorns rarely combine jewelry.

White metals are suitable for framing stones. For example, garnet goes well with silver, platinum and even iron. He does not like gold and onyx, his frames are usually silver. Malachite adheres to the same rule, pretentiousness is not his element.

When thinking about which stone is suitable for Capricorns, one should take into account the character traits of the representatives of this sign. Most often they are quite active and purposeful, although they may not be consistent enough. It is worth noting that most Capricorn women are characterized by constant introspection and melancholy. For this reason, it is best to choose cold and powerful stones that will help you achieve what you want.

Description of the mark

Capricorns belong to the earth element. Women born in this constellation can use various talismans. According to the horoscope Capricorns are inconsistent, and, therefore, they do not always bring what they have begun to its logical conclusion. For this reason, you should choose those stones that will strengthen your determination. It's about about red gems. They will help you achieve what you want and make an informed decision.

According to the horoscope, Capricorns are ruled by Saturn. This fact testifies to the beneficial effect of cold dark gems on Capricorns. Women and men of this sign in need of good protection bad people and them negative impact. Therefore, it is necessary to responsibly choose a stone for women of this zodiac sign. You should also remember that the talisman should help set up the work. digestive system and musculoskeletal system.

Capricorns are shown gems of dark blue, green, gray and black, as well as fiery shades. At the same time, a woman can wear such stones all year long, without following what zodiac is in this moment dominates.

Having carefully studied the horoscope, you can pick up several gems that will help you cope with various life situations. A stone for a Capricorn woman should enhance all the qualities of its owner and help to reach new heights. Handles these tasks well. ruby, uvarovite, as well as fire opal. Of the semi-precious stones, hairy quartz, black tourmaline, Arabic onyx and golden rutile should be distinguished.

To increase protection against negative influences, you should choose malachite, serpentine, hematite and agate.

The choice of stone in accordance with the decade

  • I decade (22.12 - 2.01). Capricorns, who were born during this period, accumulate knowledge and material values ​​throughout their lives. They have their own opinions and goals. These representatives of the sign should choose rock crystal, agate and malachite. Also, a tiger's eye and a serpentine are suitable as a talisman.
  • II decade (3 - 13.01). Capricorns born in this decade are leaders and can captivate people. If the incentive is lost, the representatives of the sign become boring homebodies. To avoid this, it is worth choosing opal, sardonyx, chrysoprase or onyx as a gem.
  • III decade (14–20.01). These Capricorns need a talisman that will constantly energize. We are talking about hyacinth, tourmaline, ruby ​​and opal. Such gems will help you achieve your goals and stay active.

Capricorn stones

Talismans for a Capricorn woman

Stones contraindicated for Capricorns

Since, according to the horoscope, cancer is considered the opposite of Capricorn, its stones will not suit women who are under the tutelage of Saturn. These are white and opaque gems. It is also worth refusing to wear aventurine and moonstone.

Other unsuitable gems:

  • Sapphire will not bring happiness to Capricorn. This mineral takes away energy and makes a person conservative and cynic.
  • Citrine will turn a purposeful Capricorn into a stubborn and a liar. Wearing such a stone will lead to the fact that the representative of this sign will sooner or later lose the right direction.
  • Emerald will make a woman more restrained. She will wallow in introspection and lose interest in almost everything. Representatives of this sign already lack feelings and energy. If they start wearing emerald jewelry, their emotionality will drop to zero.

When choosing a talisman for a Capricorn woman, it is necessary to take into account the character traits of the representatives of this zodiac sign. In this case, you need to pay attention to the fact that the frame of jewelry should be made of precious metals, including silver, platinum and gold. It should also be remembered that magical talisman for Capricorn girls, a cat is considered, therefore, obsidian, tourmaline, garnet or agate, resembling this animal in its shape, should be used as an amulet.

Consider how to choose the right talisman stone or other amulet for the Capricorn zodiac sign. Let many take ancient knowledge lightly, do not trust too much. But there is sound grain in this information. Sometimes a date-of-birth amulet can make a big difference in your life.

In the view of many esotericists, crystals are souls.

Distinctive features of Capricorn women

More often modern man draws knowledge about the signs of the zodiac in glossy magazines. A primitive approach to this issue does not allow using the most powerful energy resource with full efficiency.

Firstly, the approach to determining the characteristics of a zodiac sign must be strictly individual. Here great value has not only the month of birth, but also hours and minutes. Secondly, the exact place of birth of a person is very important.

Capricorns born in the first decade are very different from people born at the end of the cycle.

Three types of Capricorn women

  • Born between December 22 and January 2. These are calm, self-confident people who always have their own outlook on life. They have a relatively easy process of accumulation of material and intellectual values.
  • Capricorns, born from January 3 to 13, are prone to stagnation in their movement. But if they manage to avoid such trouble, they can easily lead people. They show clear leadership qualities.
  • From January 14 to 20, Capricorns are born who know how and love to work, but can easily become discouraged.

Therefore, when choosing a talisman for yourself or your close person you need to clearly understand what kind of help you expect.


In the view of many esotericists, crystals are souls that are several hundred million years old. That's why addressing a stone is an appeal to its soul. Each mineral, as well as each metal, carries an energy that affects the one who uses it as a talisman.


Talismans common to all Capricorns are opal jewelry. This stone has a positive effect on health, pushing the boundaries of what is possible for the stubborn, but often limited, representatives of this sign.


Jade also has a positive effect on Capricorns, which will not allow boredom and tediousness to destroy the family, help to take a fresh look at the situation, and bring a fresh stream into relationships.

Jade positively affects Capricorns


For the Capricorn woman, looking for love Ruby is recommended. This energetically strong mineral will help not only to find your soul mate, but also to be faithful to her. However, this stone is not recommended for very young girls. It can take too much energy from them and deprive them of strength. No need to wear a ruby ​​and a lazy Capricorn, it will make them even lazier.


Pomegranate is very suitable for women born under the constellation Capricorn. This stone allows you to attract men with its calmness and prudence, facilitates childbirth, promotes a good mood.


Agates of various colors will help to emphasize sexuality.


Good luck in love, as well as the preservation of youth and beauty for unmarried girls, will bring an amulet of carnelian.

Protective Stones for Capricorns

For Capricorns of the first decade, as a protection, it is recommended to use the following gems: amethyst, rock crystal, malachite. They will become a serious energy help in all endeavors.

Women born between January 3 and 13 can seriously make their lives easier by using amulets made of onyx, sardonyx, chalcedony. These stones will help them maintain the necessary fire, without which their life will become gray and dull.

Capricorns closing the cycle just need to use tourmaline, hyacinth, ruby. Black tourmaline is especially good. It protects the owner from negative manifestations. external forces, improves health, positively affecting the musculoskeletal system.

Stones undesirable for Capricorns

Astrologers and esotericists who practice communication with stones are against the use of minerals such as sapphire, emerald, citrine by Capricorns. Sapphire depletes the internal resources of the representatives of this sign. Citrine makes them recklessly gambling. And the emerald turns capricorns into grumbles and bores. Pearls are also contraindicated for women, they will not let them find luck in love.

Other Talismans for Capricorns

Figurines of their totem animals work well as amulets for capricorns.

  1. Cat. Protects from any negative impact. The black cat amulet is especially good for Capricorns. It can be made of any material (stone, metal, ceramics). A live cat also brings good luck to people of this sign.
  2. Turtle. It symbolizes the confident progress of its mistress towards the goal. This talisman gives Capricorn endurance, self-confidence and the necessary degree. Goat. Just like a cat, it protects its owner from trouble, attracts good luck and luck.
  3. Flowers. In addition to the cat, turtle and goat, poppy and white carnation can act as amulets. They save Capricorns from the effects of witchcraft and evil spells. Their images can be used in the interior or as clothing details. Also, as an amulet, you can wear their seeds.
  4. For Capricorn woman lucky numbers are: 3, 7, 8, their images can be worn in the form of gold or pewter pendants.
  5. Also, good luck will bring collections of totem animals, consisting of three, seven or eight figures. For example, three cats.

Capricorns, like representatives of any other sign, need to remember that a stone or other talisman in itself does not have magical powers. They acquire it only if the energy of a person is connected, expressed in faith in their miraculous and help, therefore, the stronger the confidence, the stronger the effect of the amulet.