On the eve of fabulous winter holidays everyone dreams of miracles. So why not gift yourself New Year's fairy tale and not go on a trip? Not only to relax and gain strength, but also to spend time in truly heavenly places. I think this is a great gift that can make cherished desire and make the whole family happy. If you wondered “where to go to rest in December at sea?”, Then this article is especially for you.

Beach holidays in December


One of the most popular countries for winter holidays - Egypt. The most beautiful resorts - Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada attract tourists from all over the world all year round.

Egypt attracts not only great vacation, but also a good combination of price and quality!

For a small amount you can go and have a decent rest in upscale hotel rooms. Especially if you take a last minute ticket. In December, it is not so hot in Egypt anymore. The Red Sea, of course, is no longer as hot as in summer, but still suitable for swimming. If the water seems cool, then a great alternative would be swimming in pools with heated sea water. Evenings are quite windy and cold, but this does not prevent tourists from having a good time.


December Thailand just like Egypt, it is a budget option where to relax by the sea in December. Prices, in comparison with summer, are much lower. There are very few tourists, hotels are half free and prices are reduced. Thailand is quite popular among compatriots. Pattaya and Phuket, as well as the island of Koh Samui, enjoy a well-deserved interest among Russians. average temperature air in December + 30 ° С, and water + 27 + 28 ° С.

It is worth considering that not all areas in Thailand are suitable for recreation. For example, West Coast The Malay Peninsula can upset all the plans of tourists with rainy weather. But the southeast of Thailand is famous for its predictable, dry climate in winter time of the year. If you decide to try traditional Thai cuisine, then you should give preference to seafood dishes.


Popular in December India. The beaches of Goa are in no way inferior in comfort and attractiveness to many popular resorts. Even a long flight does not scare tourists and lovers of exotic travel. India is a colorful mixture of a lazy beach holiday with stunning exotic nature and amazing culture.

In most hotels all service staff speaks good Russian, and Russian-speaking guides have become the absolute norm in India. In addition to various educational and exciting excursions to turtle, crocodile farms, spice plantations, you can ride elephants and have an unforgettable shopping in local shops. And Indian cuisine will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated and "worn out" gourmets.

Exotic holidays in December


Cuba- truly the Island of Freedom with exotic nature, combined with luxurious beaches and the azure sea. Opportunity Attracts great amount tourists. This is youth and couples, and wealthy elderly people. Everyone will find entertainment according to their own discretion and temperament. In Cuba, you can meet thieves (many locals dream of profiting from the contents of an unattended handbag, jacket, etc.), in general, the rest can be considered safe. Prices for a trip to the island are quite high, but in December, a 12-day vacation can cost you $ 1,000 with flights and meals.


The beauty of this "oasis" is legendary. You can safely add the prefix "vip" to the country. Rest on Maldives in December it is distinguished by fabulous silence, solitude and incomparable relaxation. Everything here is like paradise.

The Maldives is very popular with honeymooners and diving enthusiasts. The tropical paradise also attracts connoisseurs of beauty and exoticism on the fabulous coast. In December here is optimal and comfortable weather!

Christmas holidays in Europe

In December, as you know, all Europe celebrates Christmas. Christmas sales are organized in all cities, prices for goods from last year's clothing collection are reduced, and Christmas souvenirs are sold. This period is a paradise for shopaholics. If you worry in advance, then a Christmas tour to Europe can be bought at an affordable price and arrange a real holiday for yourself.

Another option for a budget holiday in Europe for Christmas is a bus ride. Many tour operators offer interesting routes with departure by bus from Brest. You will pass Poland, Austria, Hungary, Germany and the Czech Republic, you can even drive to Paris and see European countries in festive decoration, taste Christmas sweets, buy gifts and souvenirs and just get to know new cities.

All tours abound with a rich excursion program. For the entire period of the trip, tourists are accompanied by a representative of the tour operator, who resolves all issues that arise. Many tour operators provide their branded buses.

What is attractive about Europe in December?

  • Christmas decoration
  • Sales with discounts up to 70%
  • European service
  • An abundance of Christmas treats and souvenirs
  • Luxurious photo sessions for amateur photographers

There are many holidays and festivals in Europe in December. For example, St. Stephen's Day in Ireland, the Dublin Horse Racing Festival and Beer Month in Denmark and Belgium. But all this will be insignificant compared to the main Christmas country - Finland!

Visiting the birthplace of Santa Claus is a childhood dream of many. riding on dog sledding, a visit to the Ice Residence of Santa Claus, a photo for memory and much more can be seen in the fairy-tale land of the Finnish Santa Claus. And, of course, plan your trip six months in advance, otherwise you will not get places in comfortable Finnish houses. After all, children from all over the world go to Santa Claus!

New Year's holidays with children in December

December is attractive on the eve of the most favorite holiday - the New Year. Many are planning a December vacation with the capture of the New Year's Eve on a trip, at a resort, in exotic country, V excursion tour. In any case, an unconventional meeting of the new year will be remembered for many years.

If we talk about, then, definitely, you should not change the climate and take your child to warmer climes or long distances, for example, to the Caribbean. Long-distance flight and a large temperature difference are not in the best way can affect the health of children and spoil everyone's holiday. In addition, upon returning from the tropics in a harsh winter, the child may get sick.

Give a child trip to Santa Claus. To do this, there are several routes, different in price, range, and capabilities:

  • New Year, Belarusian Father Frost, Belovezhskaya Pushcha
  • Our Santa Claus, Veliky Ustyug
  • Lapland; Finnish Santa Claus

In any case, you will have a festive mood and a lot of pleasant impressions. A winter holidays for Russians it is more traditional than a hot summer in the middle of winter. Veliky Ustyug is an interesting option for those who are looking for an option where to go on vacation in December inexpensively, but with a twist.

Skiing in December

The ski season in December is not yet in full swing, so you can afford it go to the mountains and go snowboarding or skiing Oh. Trails are waiting for their tourists in Bulgaria and Austria, in Andorra and Italy, in Finland, in France, where only wealthy tourists can ride during the season. And in December, even Courchevel is accessible to the middle class.

For young people ski vacation abroad is quite acceptable, as they are offered apartments for large and not very large companies. Fun pastime after the slope in the circle of old and new friends will make the rest complete.

Popular mountain resorts in Bulgaria, even in high season, are famous for their very low prices:

  • Bansko
  • Pamporovo

Resorts on the Alpine slopes in Austria are located in the Salzburg region. The level of service is decent everywhere. When deciding to go skiing in Austria, consider the resorts:

  • Kaprun
  • Zell am See
  • Saalbach

Finland has the most pleasant gentle slopes, perfect place for beginner skiers, heavenly slopes for children. Visit one of the resorts:

  • Himos
  • Takho
  • Vuokatti

Almost all ski resorts have rental equipment and suits. Everywhere organized free shipping skiers to the ski lifts. There are schools for children and instructors for beginners. December is a great time to relax.

  • Air temperature: 28-30°C.
  • Water temperature: 26°C.
  • Visa:
  • Cost of living: from 351 rubles per night.
  • from 67 312 rubles.

In December, warm, comfortable weather sets in in the Caribbean region, so this is one of the most attractive destinations for a beach holiday. But if you want more and vivid impressions, go to Guatemala. For example, in the city of Livingston in the east of the country.

Not far from this place there are wonderful beaches, the city itself is quite developed in terms of infrastructure. In addition, from there you can go on various exciting excursions: to canyons, and to waterfalls, and to ruins.

If time and budget allow, Livingston can also be driven to ancient city Maya - Tikal, which is in the north of the country. Although the easiest way to visit it is to stay in Florence, a picturesque place on the shores of Lake Petén Itza.

  • Air temperature: 29-32°C.
  • Water temperature: 28-30°C.
  • Visa: not required within 30 days.
  • Cost of living: from 285 rubles per night.
  • Airfare from Moscow: from 40 817 rubles.


When it comes to December holidays in South-East Asia Thailand comes to mind first. But Malaysia is not inferior to him. Especially in this sense, the Langkawi archipelago, bordering Thailand, is noteworthy.

This resort is famous for its clean beaches, excellent hotels, nature and weather, which from December to April just whispers.

  • Air temperature: 26-32°C.
  • Water temperature: 28-29°C.
  • Visa: not required within 15 days.
  • Cost of living: from 396 rubles per night.
  • Airfare from Moscow: from 38,222 rubles.


Another Asian destination, ideal for a beach holiday in December. Due to the fact that the territory is elongated, the weather in different points The country is very different, but Fukuoka is very warm at the beginning of winter. The advantages of this direction are clean beaches, a rich underwater world that will definitely interest divers, and, of course, very budget holiday on the background high level service.

  • Air temperature: 23-26°C.
  • Water temperature: 24-25°C.
  • Visa: american.
  • Cost of living: from 2,474 rubles per night.
  • Airfare from Moscow: from 77,082 rubles.


December in Hawaii is warm, but not too hot as in summer, and you definitely don't have to worry about hurricanes: the unfavorable season ends in November. You can stop at different islands archipelago, but the most diverse vacation you will get on Oahu, the main island.

There are beaches, nature reserves, temples, and branded stores. You can also go on a tour of Hollywood filming locations or visit the famous Pearl Harbor.

  • Air temperature: 20-25°C.
  • Water temperature: 18°C.
  • Visa: not needed within 90 days.
  • Cost of living: from 672 rubles per night.
  • Airfare from Moscow: from 52 472 rubles.


December in Cape Town is not exactly conducive to a beach holiday, but without it there is something to do. For example, to see local historical and artistic sights (the city is considered the cultural capital of South Africa); go along the Garden Road route, which stretches for almost 350 km along provincial towns, reserves and rainforest; go to the Cape of Good Hope or on a tour of the caves. Leisure options are very diverse.

  • Air temperature: 12-18°C.
  • Visa: not required within 90 days.
  • Cost of living: from 806 rubles per night.
  • Airfare from Moscow: from 14 307 rubles.


Jerusalem is perhaps one of the most festive December destinations in the world. This month, the whole city is lit up with lights, locals celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas, and every weekend there is a grand festival of arts called Hamshushalaim. It is accompanied by concerts, film screenings, and at the same time discounts in local hotels and restaurants. Bonus - relatively warm weather, which in winter it is impossible not to rejoice.

  • Air temperature: 0-8°C.
  • Visa: .
  • Cost of living: from 377 rubles per night.
  • Airfare from Moscow: from 10 889 rubles.


In December, the whole of Europe is also preparing for Christmas and turns into a solid Christmas market. Germany is especially known in this sense. But if you want to not only feel the New Year's Eve atmosphere, but also save some money, go to Budapest.

The wonderful Christmas market on Vörösmarty Square is open in the Hungarian capital all month long. There you can buy a couple of cute little things cheaper than at other European fairs. and there are street performances on it too.

  • Air temperature: 2-8°C.
  • Visa: Schengen.
  • Cost of living: from 2,108 rubles per night.
  • Airfare from Moscow: from 12 354 rubles.


From 7 to 9 December in this major city Switzerland hosts one of the oldest local celebrations - There are three reasons to go to the country's main resort town in December. The first is the opening Every year on December 2 and 3 in the Japanese city of Chichibu, the night festival Chichibu Yomatsuri takes place. The holiday is accompanied by music, a variety of treats and a parade, which involves platforms decorated with lights, and ends with a grandiose fireworks display that lasts for more than one hour. By the way, the platform parade that takes place during Chichibu Yomatsuri is one of the three largest in Japan.

You need to give yourself summer in winter without health consequences.

December is the month that gives the opportunity to celebrate the incredible New Year on the seashore. Round dances in new year's eve around a decorated Christmas tree have become quite commonplace.

The current generation and older people looking for new thrills prefer to spend the new year somewhere in a coconut paradise under a palm tree.

Which countries can you go on vacation in December?

December in addition to a wide selection of tourist destinations for next vacation provides a wonderful opportunity to unusually celebrate the New Year at sea. on the white coast in an atmosphere of warmth, sun and serenity.

  • Egypt

    The cheapest option where you can go to relax at sea this month is the resorts of Egypt. The only drawback is the possibility of strong cool winds in December. Therefore, you can’t call it a particularly beach holiday here. The water temperature in the sea can periodically become not quite comfortable for swimming and exploring the underwater world of the Red Sea;

  • UAE

    You definitely need to go to have a rest in the UAE in the winter in the month of December. Millions of people from all over the world rush here for crazy sales. Huge discounts will make you the owner of high-quality clothes and elegant jewelry. True, it’s not particularly possible to soak up the beach, December is considered one of the coldest months in this country. You will have to forget about the warm sea, but for shopping lovers it will not be difficult;

  • Cuba, Dominican Republic

    Cuban rum, Cuban cigars, passionate rhythms of salsa and cha-cha-cha, snow-white beaches, crystal clear pure water caribbean- what attracts tourists incendiary Cuba. December - best time in order to go to rest on the Caribbean coast. Located on this coast and the Dominican Republic will not disappoint you! You will understand that heaven on earth still exists;

  • goa

    Visit India uniting uncombinable things. First class service and utter poverty local residents merge together in this crazy mysterious country. Goa is popular in December as a resort place where you can go to relax for the warmth and the sea, and for the sake of replenishing your knowledge base;

  • Thailand

    Exotic fruits, beautiful beaches, a huge number of islands - all this is combined in the favorite vacation spot of Russian residents - Thailand. Toward the end of November, the rainy season finally ends in the country. December pleases tourists with blue cloudless sky, hot sun, smiles and kindness of Thais. Just for the sake of this, it is worth going to rest in the resorts of Thailand in the winter, starting from December;

  • Maldives, Seychelles

    Don't you have a dream to celebrate the New Year on exotic islands? There is not the slightest doubt that the answer will be: "Of course there is." Then we recommend going on vacation to the Maldives in December, or, alternatively, to the Seychelles, where vouchers are actively sold in winter. Amazing transparency sea ​​water, a peaceful atmosphere of warmth and kindness will make the rest the best in your life;

  • Sri Lanka

    In the first month of winter, ocean waves also subside in the resorts of Sri Lanka. The best begins climatic season for her visit, but this applies only to the western and southern coasts of this resort. In the east it is already raining and a cold ocean wind is blowing. It is possible to go on vacation dreaming of Sri Lanka in December, but the main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing a resort;

  • Mexico

    Begins to gain momentum, as a resort place, and Mexico, where you should go to rest in the month of December. Hurricane winds leave the country. The sky becomes absolutely clear and blue, revealing everything natural beauty resort, and the sea is calm and very warm.

Choose your extraordinary place on earth!
Make your New Year special!

Winter holidays can be interesting and unforgettable. Leave all the problems behind and go on a trip to warm countries.

If you don’t know where to relax in December 2018 abroad inexpensively, beach holiday fit better Total. A trip to a warm country will distract you from the gray winter days and give you an unforgettable experience. Such a vacation is in demand among those who want to change the situation and gain positive emotions. let's consider best countries for budget travellers.

The first winter month in this Arab country is completely different from what we are used to. During the day in December it is warm and sunny here, the nights are cold (warm clothing is required). The average temperature during the day is +17°C ... +22°C, at night +10°C. Precipitation is almost non-existent, but quite frequent cloudy days. The water temperature averages +22°С… +23°С.

Good weather kept in winter Aqaba. A young resort on the Red Sea with sandy and rocky beaches attracts many tourists. If you have already tried a beach holiday in December and don’t know where else to go, take a look at. A ticket for two will cost about $700.


In December, when winter reigns in our latitudes, a relatively cool and dry period begins. It differs practically total absence rain, calm. The weather largely depends on the region. A small Indian state is suitable for winter holidays goa.

With its beaches in the cities Kovalam, Varkala,Kannur famous Kerala. This part of India on the coast of the Arabian Sea pleases with a system of lagoons and lakes, the nature of tropical forests.

In the first month of winter, the average daily temperature is about 32°C. The water is cooled down to 28°C. Nights with temperatures of 21°C ... 24°C bring coolness. , in a comfortable hotel, within 600-700 dollars.


Thailand is a country in which is one of the few world tourism centers available throughout the whole year. By November, the rains stop in Thailand and dry weather sets in. the Velvet season, which continues until mid-February.

The weather at this time is not as hot as in spring or summer. During the day, the air temperature rises to 28°С ... 30°С, the water temperature is on average 26°С, but sometimes even lower. Such conditions make a beach holiday in December especially attractive for Europeans who are not used to extreme heat.

The ideal place to relax at this time of year is the resorts on the Andaman coast. Among the popular ones, Phuket should be highlighted, Lantu, Ranong, Phangngu, Krabi. The rainy season is here too big waves and strong undercurrents, and precipitation falls up to 6 times a week. But in the period from December to March, the sea becomes calm and transparent, rare rains are not able to spoil a beach holiday.

On the coast of the Gulf of Thailand is the oldest resort in the country − Pattaya, pleasing the lowest prices. The approximate cost of a week of rest for two is $ 1,000.

Cheap flights cheap hotels


December during is one of the coolest months. The most visited part of the country at this time is the south coast ( Vung Tau, island Phu Quoc, Mui Ne). In December days, there is little rainfall, the dry season dominates here. Air temperature - 30°С, water temperature - 26°С.

Coast Mui Ne popular with windsurfers thanks to strong wind. The beaches of Fukuoka are deserted, calm places that are deservedly considered one of the most unpolluted and beautiful in the world. You will pay for 7-8 nights, including flights, approximately $1,200 for two.


A beach holiday in December in Cuba will delight you after the snow-covered streets. From October to April, the country has a dry season, which means that the sun pleases with its warmth up to 8 hours a day. Daytime air temperature is 26°C, nighttime indicators drop to 21°C. Temperature surface water near the coast it is 22°С ... 24°C.

Swimming in winter is the most comfortable, since in summer you can’t hide from the exorbitant heat even in the water. Precipitation during this period is kept to a minimum. The sea is very calm, with acceptable waves in the north of the island. December is the best time to visit Varadero And Havana. Such a trip for two will cost you from $ 1,900.

Go to if you are still thinking about where to fly in December, a beach holiday will not disappoint you. There are many clean beaches that are municipal property and absolutely free. Cubans infect with their incredible energy everyone who comes here. In this extraordinary country, you will plunge into the world of exotic and fun.

If you could not get to the sea in the summer, this is not a reason to be upset. A beach holiday in December 2019 at sea, abroad and inexpensively is quite real. There is a list of countries where beach holidays are available during all year round. Besides, vouchers to hot countries in winter often cost less than in season.

Where to relax in December 2017

If the long-awaited vacation fell in December - lucky. The possibilities of the first winter month are endless. In the tropics continues bathing season, in Scandinavia, dense snow has already fallen on the ski slopes, and grandiose fairs and sales are starting all over Europe. Those who want to relax interestingly and inexpensively should pay attention to last-minute tours in December 2017.


The price of a beach holiday in December in Vietnam is low. Rest will be comfortable if you choose the south of the country, where it is dry and warm. On the island of Phu Quoc +30°C, water temperature - +27°C, in Phan Thiet +33°C, the sea will warm up to +25°C. Sandy beaches, abnormally cheap diving, exotic nature, tasty and inexpensive local food.

In Hue and Da Nang +22...+24°C, high humidity and stuffiness. In Nha Trang, the weather is unstable, with frequent rains, although the air temperature is above +27°C.

The coldest is in the northern regions, - + 20 ° С. It is worth going to the north of Vietnam in December for excursions, visiting temples, getting to know the unique culture and exotic cuisine.


In December, it is really hot in Goa - +30 ... + 32 ° C, the water warms up to +28. Dry. You are waiting for a beach holiday, excursions to nature reserves, jeep rides to waterfalls, through jungles full of curious and cheeky wild monkeys, as well as crocodile and turtle farms, elephant trekking, Ayurvedic treatments, a sea of ​​exotic fruits and tropical cocktails…

Fans of diving and spearfishing will be happy - the Arabian Sea is not only gentle, it is calm and transparent. A trip to Goa has only two drawbacks: an expensive flight and a long (at least two days) acclimatization.


Turkey is a favorite place for a beach holiday for Russians - in December it is not very comfortable in this capacity. The air temperature is +15ºC. At night +8ºC, the water warms up only to +15ºC. At that time expensive hotels with exquisite service become available to the budget tourist. Of course, the sea is cold at this time of the year, but walking in the fresh air and swimming in the indoor pool of a luxury all-inclusive hotel can more than compensate for this lack.

Surprise, but in December you can go on vacation to Turkey in order to ... go skiing! Starts in mid-December ski season in one of the youngest resorts - Palandoken (next to Eruzum). Altitude - 3000 meters above sea level, "red", "blue" and "green" slopes, modern lifts. There are good snowboarding trails. The only inconvenience - frequent fine snow.


In December in Thailand, stable + 32 ° С, water temperature - + 23 ° С. Rain is rare (except Koh Samui). The weather is perfect for the beach and diving.

The month is also suitable for sightseeing trips - it is not too hot. Tourists visit Buddhist temples with interest, Ayutthaya - the capital of ancient Thailand, national parks.

The level of service in the kingdom is quite European. But, since December just opens the “velvet” season, prices begin to rise, compared to the “low” season quite noticeably.


Holidays in Cyprus are ideal, if we ignore the stereotypes: "sun, sea, beach." The air temperature is +17 during the day and +10 at night, and the water temperature is a maximum of +16, which does not contribute to a carefree, relaxed bathing.

Therefore, in December, you need to take with you to Cyprus not swimming trunks, but a ski suit. Although the "season" opens in January, the Troodos mountain - the legendary "progenitor of Cyprus" - is already covered with snow in December, the air is piercingly clear, and the crowd of people is not annoying at all, on the contrary, it adds fun.

In December, you can freely and inexpensively go on excursions that are not available during the "high" season: in the Akamas reserve, Kollosi castle, on the ruins of Kourion, left over from ancient times.

Throughout December, Cyprus is preparing for the celebration of Christmas: residents decorate houses and olive trees, you can meet local Santa Clauses on the streets, and the atmosphere of the holiday is felt all around. And the festivities themselves with fireworks and dancing begin on December 23.


Winter in the Czech Republic is very warm by our standards - up to + 10 ° C, it sometimes rains, and if it snows, it is wet. Catholic Christmas is considered a home holiday in the Czech Republic, it is celebrated in the family circle. So these days not only museums and exhibitions are closed in the Czech Republic, but even most restaurants and shops. It is better to come here before Christmas Eve or after.

But New Year is very fun, open, all over the country. Prague dresses up with garlands, hay sculptures and decorated Christmas trees. There are fairs and festivities in the squares, in the evening old gas lamps are lit.

Many tourists tend to get to Prague on these days, because the famous Czech sales take place on Christmas and New Year's Eve. Discounts on branded items reach 50-75%. There is only one minus here - a huge number of tourists come to shop tours, and a place on this “celebration of life” must be booked in advance.


You can have a good rest in December and capture yourself against the backdrop of world attractions in Italy. True, it is cold here for a classic beach holiday - the Adriatic Sea cools down to + 12 ° С. But this does not mean that there is nothing to do on the beach. There are excellent waves near the coast of Sardinia at this time of the year, and lovers come to the island winter surfing from all over the world.

A more traditional pastime in Italy in winter is skiing. Italian ski resorts are considered elite. The best slopes in Europe of all difficulty levels, modern lifts, ski passes and an amazing range of "related entertainment" from restaurants and clubs to dog riding.

In Italy, noisily and cheerfully celebrate: Immaculate Conception Day - December 8th, Christmas Day - 25th and St. Stephen's Day - December 26th.

Prices for tours can differ significantly in the first and second half of the month because in Italy the first days of December are considered the "low" season.


Inexpensive beach vacation in December 2017 in Israel. Despite the fact that the air temperature in Jerusalem in December is +14C - +19C, the Eilat resort is open. At the Red Sea +23°С. This is a good replacement for the resorts of Egypt, which are inaccessible due to the ban on flights.

Pilgrims, on the contrary, tend to visit the Holy City, Nazareth, the birthplace of the Savior and the legendary Bethlehem on Christmas Eve.

In Haifa, the Baha'i Gardens and the Baha'i Temple, a religion based on beauty and harmony, gather their admirers.

Ski lovers are welcome to the Ramat Shalom resort.


Vacation in December United Arab Emirates lovers of contrasts will like it: from the Russian winter you will find yourself in a generous sunny summer. Temperature +25ºC, water + 22ºC will allow you to spend a lot of time on the beach without fear of heat stroke. In the morning there is fog over the water, but in the afternoon it dissipates. At this time in the Emirates, excellent diving. For a comfortable stay, Abu Dhabi, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah are suitable.

On New Year's Eve, grandiose pyrotechnics and laser shows are held in Dubai.

Dominican Republic

In the Dominican Republic, the weather is comfortable for Russians in December. In Santo Domingo it is +31°С, the sea is +28°С, in Punta Cana it is +30°С, the water is heated up to +27°С. The temperature does not drop below +24°С. An excellent opportunity to bask on the beach, visit waterfalls, go diving and rafting.

It is in December that the seasonal migration of whales is observed here, which go to spend the winter in the Caribbean. This is the only time of the year when the whales come close enough to be seen.

The summer idyll can be briefly interrupted by short tropical showers, but they are rare.


Swimming in Tunisia is cold in winter. The air temperature is from +10°С in the north of the country to +18°С in the south, in Djerba. But the waves are perfect for surfing. Fruits ripen. Oranges, tangerines and dates are cheap. Hotels announce discounts on spa treatments and excursions. In Tunisia, they celebrate the New Year with great fun, in large numbers, with street festivities. In December, the Sahara Douz Festival is held in Duza, a Berber festival, in Tozeur, an oasis festival dedicated to the ripening of dates. The holiday lasts 4 days, its program includes knife throwing and camel racing. Unfortunately, the closer the New Year, the higher the prices.


In Cuba during the day + 30 ° С, at night + 20 ° С. It is warmest in the resort of Santiago de Cuba and in Trinidad. The water temperature is +24°C, although sometimes there are small storms. But the rainy season is just over.

Havana hosts the annual Latin American Film Festival, and on December 31 you can see a real carnival.

Holidays on the beach can be combined with a trip to Guanaacabibes - national park, where at the beginning of the century Canadian researchers found the ruins of another "Atlantis".


In December, Christmas markets start throughout central Europe. In Munich, Cologne and Vienna, they gather huge crowds of lovers of mulled wine and all sorts of delicious little things, Christmas bells and local souvenirs.

Rovaniemi - the capital of Lapland, a city in the heart of the Arctic nature, becomes incredibly popular in December. After all, this is the residence of Santa Claus. People come here to ride reindeer and snowmobiles, take part in a fabulous holiday, make a wish. You can visit Abisko (northern Lapland), admire northern lights and stay at an ice hotel near Kiruna.

In winter, it’s good to go to Greece: there are no crowds of tourists, prices are low, and the Parthenon is beautiful even in December.

Inexpensive vacation

In Indochina and Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore), prices for hotels, spa services, fruits and seafood have been reduced. Despite the beginning of the "high" season, prices are not as high as for the New Year holidays and holidays in January. The main thing you have to spend money on is a plane ticket.

Relax inexpensively and combine skiing with wellness procedures you can in Karlovy Vary and Marianske Lazne - the resorts of the Czech Republic. The Baltic countries promise a European-style comfortable, but budget vacation. As an option, you can consider Turkey or Cyprus - there is no influx of tourists in December, you can live in a luxury hotel for little money, which is “inaccessible” in summer, and calmly see the sights.


Despite global warming, snow is already on part of the ski slopes in December. If nature fails, snow guns will work properly. After December 20, you can already safely plan a vacation even for ski resort Spain or Bulgaria.

Experienced conquerors of the "black" slopes will go to the Alps, which are famous for their wide distances, convenient lifts and developed infrastructure of resorts in Lillehammer and Geilo, the Hardanger Plateau (Norway). Those who do not like crowds will appreciate the slopes of the Norwegian resort of Kvitfjell or the Swedish Åre.

Finland is suitable for introducing a child to skiing or snowboarding, as well as an adult beginner. Sala and Pyhä-Luosto are low and safe slopes. Skiing can be combined with a New Year's Eve voyage in Lapland.

You can ride in Andorra very well, and in between conquering the slopes, you can appreciate duty-free shopping.

Skiing can be budget friendly. Poor tourists who are in love with snowy mountains are waiting for the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia and Belarus.

Sochi: Rosa-Khutor, Gornaya Karusel, Gorki-gorod - these are tracks for any level, from "black" to "green", for those who are just trying to get on skis or a board. Belokurikha and Gorynya, resorts mountain Altai are waiting for skiers who value good snow more than exquisite service. However, it is worth knowing that there is no snow in these parts year after year, and the current weather and the depth of the snow cover should be known in advance.

Vacation with a child

You can relax with a child in December in Scandinavia. Children are delighted with the winter in Finland, snowmobiling, reindeer and dogs. A trip with the whole family to Lapland, to visit Santa Claus, will be the best gift. The Ice Festival will be held in Kemi for Christmas.