Annotation: The article is addressed to teachers-speech therapists preschool institutions. It presents many years of experience in the automation of sounds at the initial stages of learning using sound symbols according to the method of M.F. Fomicheva. Colleagues are invited to adopt one of the ways of working with children who have impaired sound pronunciation. This technique is suitable for automating any staged sound.

Here is the sound. And very often further work on automation comes down to only repeating syllables and words after a speech therapist, which leads to a boring lesson. Therefore, the proposed option for automating sound with drawing and simultaneously pronouncing a word will interest the child and diversify the learning process.

It is better if this work is carried out in workbook preschooler, as the spent material with a speech therapist, in the future, parents will be able to repeat and consolidate at home.

Consider this technique on the example of the sound of L.

So, the sound is set. How to put it into speech?

I stage. Automation of sound in direct and reverse syllables

The child is introduced to the sound symbols of M.F. Fomicheva.

The plane is buzzing L-L-L
Anya cries A-A-A
Olya groans O-O-O
The train is humming
The bear growls S-S-S

Moving the pictures along the lines-tracks, the child simultaneously pronounces straight syllables.

For example:

"The plane flies to Anya L-L-L-LA"
"The plane flies to Olya L-L-L-LO"
"The plane flies to the train L-L-L-LU"
"Airplane flies to the teddy bear L-L-L-LY"
Then reverse syllables are worked out:
"Anna is going to the plane A-A-A-AL"
“Olya is going to the plane O-O-O-OL”
"The train is going to the plane U-U-U-UL"
"The bear is going to the plane Y-Y-Y-YL"

Stage II: Automation of sound in words

Consider this stage of work on the example of sound L. A speech therapist draws a picture and asks questions to the child. It is possible that the child himself draws or paints a picture.

Sample questions: “What am I drawing?”, “What am I painting over?”, “What happened?”, “What word will I write under the picture?” etc.

Thus, the child pronounces one word several times, the sound in the word is automated.

On the page in the child's notebook there are 6 pictures in this way:

If a speech therapist or a parent does not have artistic skills (and they are not the main ones here), then you can replace the drawings with ready-made pictures.

Words-pictures are typed in this way until the specialist is convinced that the sound is introduced into speech at the word level. As a rule, words with a sound at the beginning of a word are selected first (lamp, magnifying glass, boat, skis ..., then in the middle of a word with direct syllables (pigeons, baby, saw ...) and in the middle of a word with a confluence of consonants (shawl, ball, flag ... ), only then with a practiced sound at the end of the word (table, woodpecker, football ...).

Stage III: Automation of sound in a sentence

We need to go back to the first picture. The speech therapist invites the child to make a sentence together for this picture. For example: “Think of the name of the boy or girl, who sat on the bench?” If the child finds it difficult, then the adult offers options for names: Lada or Lena?

So in parallel develops phonemic awareness. The speech therapist offers the child to dictate a phrase, and he writes it down under the picture already drawn earlier. Here, in addition to sound automation, grammatical categories are worked out.

For example: "Lada sat on a bench."

It looks like this:

  • Alla has scarlet lacquer.
  • Lada sat down on the bench.
  • Michael found lilies of the valley.
  • Volodya dug for a long time with a shovel.
  • Pavel walked in a puddle.
  • The wolf howled at the moon.

Further stages of automation of sounds can take place in the classic version. This is the automation of sound in tongue twisters, poems, texts and independent speech.

I hope that this work experience will be useful to colleagues. I wish you success!

Volskaya L.M.,
teacher speech therapist

In our many years of practical activity, we constantly use a variety of aids for the correction and development of the speech of preschoolers (for more details, see the books “If a preschooler speaks badly”, “To the first grade without speech defects”. St. Petersburg: Publishing house “Childhood-Press ", 1999). One such means is the visual symbols of vowels and consonants.

For the first time, the methodology and results of the use of visual symbols were published by the author in the article “On the use of visual symbols in the formation of sound analysis skills in children with general underdevelopment speech” (magazine “Defectology”, No. 6,1985).

This method has become widespread among workers of preschool institutions. According to the numerous responses of colleagues, the use of visual symbols of vowel sounds allowed them to achieve persistent, fast, conscious skills of sound analysis not only in children with severe speech disorders, but also in preschoolers suffering from mental retardation, as well as intellectual development.

Over the past academic year we used our symbols in the classes in mass groups of preschool educational institution No. 582 in Moscow and the result was very positive. Behind short term children of the 2nd junior and middle groups have mastered the complex skills of sound analysis, which children at this age usually do not master without the use of visual symbols.

However, for those who first encounter the data of our research, there are quite legitimate questions: Why can't you teach your child letters right away? why load the baby with “some symbols”? what is their advantage over other symbols?

Let's try to answer these questions.

(-First of all, let's think about what a letter is? In any language, it is a graphic symbol of a certain sound, used, as you know, for reading and writing. Reading, as the famous psychologist D.B. Elkonin said, is a recreation of the sound form of a word based on its graphic designations, that is, a kind of decoding of information that was entered on paper, a monitor screen, etc. using certain characters (letters).

Writing, on the other hand, is the coding of information and, in particular, the sound image of words using the same symbols.

IN different languages the same sound is different letters, which, being completely unrelated logically with the sound analogue, are not easily acquired by some children.

We assumed that if we temporarily replace some symbols (letters) with others, which will, firstly, be easily remembered by children, secondly, quickly reproduced, thirdly, will be logically connected with the sound analogue, and fourthly, will enhance the sound perception of the baby through additional reliance on various analyzers, then this approach will improve the acquisition of sound analysis skills and make it easier for many preschoolers to prepare for literacy.

The possibility of mastering sound analysis and synthesis by children of early age was mentioned in their studies by A.E. Olypannikova, N.A. Khokhlova, P.Ya. Galperin, L.E. Zhurova.

Yu.I. Fausek cites many factors that say 4-year-olds are good at sound analysis, but she also points out that "it's impossible to analyze anything fluid." D.B. Elkonin points out that materialization the process of oral analysis can significantly increase the speed of the emergence of a skill, as well as its strength (“Development of speech at preschool age”, M., 1958).

We believe that the merging of sounds materialized with the help of symbols is a simulation of reading, and laying out words using the same symbols is an analogue of writing. Only both of them happen in a lightweight, entertaining, playful version.

The selection of symbols for babies is not an easy task, since at the age of 3-4 years the child's thinking is too specific, it is based mainly on sensually perceived objects and objects.

At the same time, comparison, analysis, transfer of images, distraction and other operations of thinking necessary for the child to perceive and assimilate any conventional designations are still in the formative stage.

Not all symbols are available to preschoolers of this age. So, symbols in the form of arrows, complex geometric shapes, parts of objects, elements of letters or numbers are not perceived by children of 4 years old.

We tried to find such symbols that are easy to digest, quickly remembered and uniquely associated by kids with the corresponding sounds of their native language. When choosing logical connections, we took into account the age and speech characteristics of middle-aged children. preschool age, as well as the originality of their attention, perception and memory.

Recognizing that the use of our symbols is an intermediate link between the stage of improving phonemic perception, as well as sound analysis and synthesis of words in the pre-letter period of literacy, we tried to link our symbols with generally accepted symbolism. (red squares for vowels) And blue- for consonants).

This approach further enhances the differentiation of sounds according to these (vowels-consonants) essential features and echoes the patterns familiar to specialists. However, in traditional schemes, these are just squares, (in our case, each visual symbol evokes a direct analogy with sound (unlike letters!). ,

It is known that the formation of the skills of sound analysis, that is, the operation of mental dismemberment into constituent elements various sound complexes, starting with vowel sounds, since they are easier to perceive, highlight, differentiate in words than consonants.

When choosing symbols for vowels, we relied to a greater extent on direct, momentary visual perception (as the most vivid) and selected an analogy that can be reproduced easily and quickly, and also checked in cases of difficulty.

To do this, it is enough for an adult to draw the child's attention to the position of the lips during the articulation of the corresponding vowel sound and to correlate each article with geometric shapes familiar to children. (We denote the sound U with a small circle, the sound A with a large one, and- horizontal stripe, o- oval, elongated vertically, sound Y- bottom half of the circle. The E sound is not used.)

It is no coincidence that the color of the symbols was chosen. All geometric figures, depicting vowel sounds - of the same color, so that the attention of children is entirely focused on their form. The color of the figures is red according to the symbolism traditionally used for vowel sounds in the pre-letter period of literacy (see Appendix No. 1).

Consonants are perceived and differentiated by preschoolers more difficult, therefore, to designate each of them, we used not only the visual image of an object or object capable of emitting the corresponding sound, but also a certain gesture symbol associated with the visual.

One-color pictures-symbols evoke a memorable, vivid visual image in children, which concentrates and clarifies the perception of the corresponding consonant sound.

In addition, the unity of color encourages children to react more sharply to the difference in the images of objects depicted on symbol cards.

The choice of color is not accidental. All symbols of consonant sounds are blue, so as not to disturb the child's smooth natural transition to the assimilation of school symbols.

Practitioners can catch the similarity between the image of some consonants in our manual (the girl is crying, the pump is whistling etc.) and similar for M.F. Fomicheva ("Education in children correct pronunciation". Moscow: Enlightenment, 1997).

We recognize such a coincidence, but only in sound analogies. At the same time, our symbols differ in many respects from the colorful pictures of the author I deeply respect.

Additional to the visual gesture symbol reinforces, enriches the auditory and visual images of each consonant sound, creating an additional support for perception and expanding sound reception.

Such a complex effect of various sensations (auditory, visual, muscular, kinesthetic) greatly enhances the phonemic representations of the baby.

We propose to acquaint children with symbols gradually, as they study the corresponding consonant sounds: two or three in each lesson in mass groups and one in speech therapy.

The order of assimilation of consonants is determined by their acoustic and articulatory features, which affect the perception and reproduction of each sound by children of 4 years of age. (The sequence of studying sounds is reflected in the thematic lesson plan.)

Many children at this age still distort, replace or do not pronounce hissing sounds at all, the sounds P, Pb, L. Therefore, we did not include them in thematic plan classes. However, we offer the corresponding symbols for individual work with children, in cases where the child pronounces the indicated sounds correctly.


The adult, followed by the child, reproduces each indicated gesture for a long time and at the same time repeatedly repeats the corresponding sound.

A gesture symbol combined with a visual one (see appendix) creates an accurate and stable image of each sound being studied.

Consonant sounds are offered in order of increasing complexity of their perception.

After the asterisk, gesture symbols for individual work are given.


M cow lowing (attach the index fingers of both hands to the head, depicting horns).

N girl crying (put palms on eyes). the wind howls, the trees shake (wave hands over head).

the fountain makes noise (hand movements from the bottom up and spreading them to the sides is similar to the movement of water jets).

the bell is ringing (movements of the right hand from side to side, as when striking a bell).

the little train puffs (circular movements with arms bent at the elbows). the drum is rattling (movements with the hands, as when playing the drum).

Hammer knocks (sharp swings with closed index and middle fingers -

mi right hand).

goose cackle (arms back like goose wings).

Heels knock (pointer fingers down, alternating movements

hands up and down).

We warm frozen hands (place the straight hands of both hands at the level of the mouth of the la-

bottoms to the face).

We pump the pump (clenched palms move up and down).

The mosquito is ringing (thumb and forefinger of the right hand are compressed, circular

hand movements).

Hush, hush, the baby is sleeping (index finger to lips).

The balloon burst, the air comes out (rounded palms spread apart,

and then press against each other).

The bee is buzzing (large the bottom finger is in contact with the rest of the fingers

right hand, circular movements with the right hand).

The ship is humming (fingers of outstretched hands, closed, under acute angle,

depicting the stern of the ship).

The plane flies, the engine hums (rotational movements bent at the elbows of the arm-

mi in front of the chest, then the arms, spread apart, sway, depicting the wings of an airplane).

In conclusion, we note that with the help of our symbols, a teacher (or parent) can form the following skills:

Synthesis of sounds into syllables and words, that is, modeling of reading,

Determining the position of the sound (beginning, middle, end of the word),

Determination of the presence or absence of a sound in a word,

Differentiation of acoustically and articulatory close phonemes (B - P, T - D, K - G, K - X, C - 3, C - W, etc.)

Audio analysis word composition,

Etc., which are inaccessible to children of 4 years of age with normal speech development and are practically inaccessible to children with speech disabilities without the use of the indicated teaching aids.

Planning and conducting classes

in preparation for literacy

In mass groups of children

educational institutions

At present, the age of entry of children to school has decreased to 6 years, and the impatience of many parents who, from the age of 3, begin to acquaint the child with letters, force him to read, write, and turn to teachers with the same request, is quite understandable. Is it always justified?

If the child is high cognitive level, a pronounced interest in learning, good performance, he has no disorders in the emotional-volitional sphere, impaired attention, memory, speech, and he pronounces all sounds clearly, then you can learn letters with him at 4 and even at 3 years old.

However, if some phonemes are not pronounced correctly, memorizing letters is difficult for the baby, reading becomes an unbearable duty, and when trying to write words there are frequent and persistent errors, then the preschooler needs additional preparation for learning to read and write.

Let us clarify what is the essence of the methodology used in school for teaching literacy and what is the readiness for it, namely the necessary amount of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Modern Method not only used by teachers elementary school but also teachers preparatory groups children's educational institutions (DOE), is sound analytic-synthetic. This means that in the process of mastering reading and writing, children first get acquainted not with letters, but with the sounds of their native language.

The task of a teacher at school or kindergarten (in the so-called pre-letter period)- to help children distinguish sounds according to their belonging to vowels or consonants, and consonants, in turn, differentiate according to sonority - deafness, as well as hardness - softness. The last factor is especially important, since such consonants are indicated in writing common letter(compare: nose- carried, garden- sit down etc.).

Based on this method, the study of sounds takes place in the process of analytical and synthetic work on the word, that is, the child masters the basic skills of sound analysis (mental division of the word into its constituent sounds), as well as synthesis (combination of sound elements into a single whole). And only then there is an acquaintance with the designation of sounds with letters. At school, this period (pre-letter) lasts approximately one to two weeks, and not every child is able to absorb the entire amount of necessary information in such a short time.

A psychological study of the process of writing in a beginner shows that the child cannot write down a single word without saying it, and for a long time uses this pronunciation aloud (T.G. Egorov). It is important that such a reproduction of the sound shell of the word becomes correct, analyzing, syllable-by-syllable.

From the methodology of the Russian language, it is known that speech-motor analysis of words (slow, syllable-by-syllable pronunciation), which should be specially taught to preschoolers, prepares them not only for conscious, literate writing, but also for correct reading (without omissions, substitutions and distortions).

Preliminary analysis of the word in the course of its pronunciation and rereading following the letter, introduced into a stable habit, become a means of self-control for the beginning student.

In turn, an unmistakable determination of the number and sequence of sounds in a word is possible only when the child clearly perceives, distinguishes well all the phonemes of the native language and pronounces them correctly. These are the basic prerequisites for teaching children to read and write.

Given the above, we formulate the main tasks of preparing preschoolers for literacy:

> improvement of phonemic perception (the ability to perceive and distinguish speech sounds);

> formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds;

> development of sound analysis and synthesis skills.

It should be noted that both clear, correct pronunciation and stable skills of sound analysis are possible only with the advanced development of phonemic perception in children (R.E. Levina, R.M. Boskis, N.A. Nikashina, etc.).

All three processes are phonemic perception, pronunciation of sounds and sound analysis, being fundamental for preparing a preschooler for literacy, are interconnected and interdependent.

We assumed, and then saw in practice, that the transfer of the start of work on sound analytic and synthetic activities using our symbols to earlier (compared to traditional) dates with the advanced development of phonemic perception allows us to expand the scope of readiness for teaching children 4 years of age to read and write, taking into account their age sensitivity.

Pay attention to modern tendencies to the intensification of teaching preschoolers, we considered it inappropriate to postpone the start of work on sound analysis for more late dates(5 years), when the pronunciation of most children will be normalized naturally, and thus "lose" a whole year.

We offer in bulk kindergarten do not wait for the formation of the correct pronunciation in all children middle group and, strenuously stimulating their phonemic perception, start learning sound analysis and synthesis as early as 4 years old.

Two conditions that are necessary for children in such early age easily mastered difficult skills - the use of auxiliary symbols and exercises in sound analysis and synthesis only on the material of correctly pronounced sounds.

stages of formation of sound analysis skills in preschoolers 4 years old (using symbols)

(Aster, Duck). (AU, UA). Determining the presence or absence of sound in words (vowel, consonant). (coat, rock). (BUSES). (pictures, dishes).

Synthesis of words consisting of two sounds: a vowel and a consonant (UH, AM, UM, OH). W Definition of the first consonant sound in words (Coin, Bathrobe, Airplane).

Determination of the last consonant sound in words (plane, pump).

(cat, fluff, bull).


Analysis of monosyllabic words consisting of three sounds (SOM, SOUP, MAK, MAL).

(beginning, end).

Determining the number of syllables in words (one, two and three).

Defining multiple vowel sounds in words (HATY, LEMONS).

Synthesis of disyllabic words consisting of two open syllables(FLY, OWLS).

In terms of their intellectual development, psychological readiness for systematic learning, as well as the state of speech, children in mass groups present a mixed picture. Many of them have not yet completed the formation of the correct pronunciation at the age of 4, therefore, one cannot speak of the completion of the formation of phonemic perception.

Usually defects pronunciation side speeches concern hissing (Sh, Zh, Ch, Shch), sonorous (P, Pb, L) and, in some cases, whistling sounds (S, Sb, 3, Zb, C). Less common are children with more serious disorders, the correction of which requires the intervention of a speech therapist (general underdevelopment of speech, dysarthria, alalia, rhinolalia, etc.).

What are these defects and how can an educator, a parent notice them and at least approximately distinguish them from each other? After all, a child at 4 years old can speak incorrectly due to physiological (age) reasons. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Alalia- in translation, this term means "lack of speech." But it is not so. Children with motor alalia speak, but at 4-5 years old, even their parents can hardly understand them. This is the most persistent speech anomaly observed in cases of damage or underdevelopment of the speech areas of the cerebral cortex. In such children, there is a later (after 2.5 - 3 years) the beginning of speech, a slow rate of vocabulary replenishment, active use of facial expressions and gestures in communication.

Here are examples of the speech of a 4-year-old alalik child: to that- gesture (dad came by car), ma am- gesture (mom, I want to eat), the cat is there- a gesture (a cat there is a gesture depicting a fight).

Parents and educators should be warned that the noted speech defects do not go away spontaneously and that their elimination requires a long, systematic, qualified work of a speech therapist.

According to our observations total children in the middle groups of mass kindergartens, whose pronunciation (for various reasons) has not yet been normalized, is approaching Lately to the 50% mark.

The child's auditory and articulatory ideas about sound cannot be unambiguous if the sound is perceived and pronounced inaccurately, incorrectly. That is why it is recommended to carry out exercises in improving phonemic perception, forming the skills of sound analysis and synthesis on the material of easily perceived and correctly pronounced sounds of early ontogenesis (individual development). The vast majority of children pronounce them correctly by about 3 years (T.B. Filicheva). These include vowels (A, U, I, O, S), vocalized consonants of long pronunciation with a predominance of voice tone (M, N, C), stop consonants pronounced shortly (B, P, D, T, G, K ), fricative voiceless consonants pronounced for a long time (X, Ф, С).

Synthesizing words using symbols, we easily, in game form, with great interest of children, we achieve their skill of merging sounds, we model the process of reading.

By analyzing (dissecting) the words obtained after combining the sounds, we prepare preschoolers for correct, literate writing.

We propose to distribute all educational material on preparation for teaching literacy into 10 lessons (as indicated in the manual by L.E. Zhurova et al. “Preparation for teaching literacy in kindergarten.” Minsk, 1992).

At each lesson, children should be introduced to two or three new sounds and the same number of corresponding symbols. All classes are held in the form of a variety of games, the name and description of which is given below.

The duration of each lesson is approximately 20 minutes, the regularity of holding - once a week. For educators of mass groups, we advise you to familiarize yourself with guidelines, which will help you improve your performance.

At a normal level of speech and intellectual development, a child at the age of 4 masters the entire system of his native language: he speaks coherently, deployed, correctly pronounces all the sounds of speech. His lexicon(according to E. A. Arkin) is about 2000 words. This is the so-called "high standard".

In cases of “low norm”, single distortions of sound pronunciation can last up to 4.5 years and disappear spontaneously, without the intervention of a specialist.

Let us dwell on the cases of speech pathology.

General underdevelopment of speech (OHP) it is generally accepted to consider such a form of speech anomaly, in which a child with normal hearing and primary intact intelligence at the age of 4-5 years has all the components of the language system unformed: phonetics, vocabulary and grammar.

Here is how, for example, the retelling of the fairy tale “Ryaba the Hen” looks like by a 5-year-old child with a general underdevelopment of speech: Mika bizya, that's it(gesture), iska MPa(the mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell). Such a story is imperfect phonetically (omissions, substitutions of sounds), lexically (replacing a word with a gesture) and grammatically (lack of word agreement).

dysarthria- persistent violation of the pronunciation side of speech, due to insufficient innervation (providing nerve conduction) of the organs speech apparatus. Such children speak indistinctly, sticking out the tongue or deviating it to the side, often with profuse salivation; they are difficult to understand by others.

Rhinolalia- violation of the timbre of the voice and sound pronunciation, due to the incorrect participation of the nasal cavity in the speech act. The speech of such children is also called "nasal". In most cases, they speak through their nose, have a cleft upper lip and hard palate. Sometimes, after an appropriate operation (without classes with a speech therapist), the rhinolalia persists and the child continues to speak unintelligibly.

lesson plans

on preparation for teaching literacy using special symbols

for children 4 years of age

(mass groups)

Lesson 1. The concept of the word and sound, short and long words. Acquaintance with the sounds A, U, I, their figurative counterparts, articulation and visual symbols.

Isolation of the first vowel sound in words (A, U, I).

Analysis and synthesis of combinations of two vowels (AU, UA).

Selection of words with a given sound (A, U, I).

Games: “A hedgehog walks along the tracks” (1st option), “Live sounds”, “ Miscellaneous riddles cat Vasyatka”, “For whom is the picture?”

Lesson 2. Acquaintance with the sounds O, Y, their figurative counterparts, articulation and visual symbols.

Determining the first and last vowel sound in words (BUSES).

Definition of the last vowel sound in words (coat, rock).

Determining the presence or absence of a vowel sound in words (A, U, I, O).

Emphasizing a stressed vowel in words (pictures, dishes),

Selection of words with a given sound (Oh, S).

Games: "Ran up and gathered", "Various riddles of the cat Vasyatka", "We skip into the courtyard of words special set"," Arrange objects (pictures) to symbols.

Lesson 3. Acquaintance with the sounds M, N, V, their figurative counterparts, articulation and visual symbols.

Definition of the first consonant sound in words (M, N, V).

Synthesis of words consisting of two sounds: consonant and vowel (AM, UM, YOU, HE).

Selection of words with a given sound (M, N, V).

Games: "Shop", "Various riddles of the cat Vasyatka", "Collecting buttons", "Substitute the symbol for the object (picture)".

Lesson 4. Acquaintance with the sounds K, T, P, their figurative counterparts, articulation and visual symbols.

Definition of the last consonant sound in words (K, T, P).

Definition of a vowel sound in the middle of monosyllabic words (cat, fluff, bull).

Determining the presence or absence of a consonant sound in words (K, T, P).

Selection of words with a given sound (K, T, P).

Games: “Postman”, “Do not touch the ball or catch it - try to guess”, “Object and name”.

Lesson 5. Acquaintance with the sounds B, X, C, their figurative counterparts, articulation and visual symbols.

Synthesis of monosyllabic words consisting of three sounds (MOSS, POPPY, TANK, BOK, BULL). Converting words by replacing one sound (character).

Selection of words with a given sound (B, X, C).

Games: "Lay out the objects (pictures) to the symbols", "Various riddles of Vasyatka the cat", "Gifts for guests".

Lesson 6. Clarification of acoustic and articulatory differences in sounds B - P, T - D, G - K, as well as their visual and gestural symbols.

Synthesis and analysis of monosyllabic words consisting of three sounds (HOUSE, SMOKE, LADIES, THERE, COM, COM). Convert words by changing one sound.

Selection of words with a given sound (B-P, D- T, G- TO).

Games: “For whom is the picture?”, “We will disassemble and assemble”, “Various riddles of Vasyatka the cat.” “Gifts for guests”.

Lesson 7. Clarification of the acoustic and articulatory features of the sounds K, X, C and their visual and gestural symbols.

Determining the position of a consonant sound in words (beginning, end).

Games: “Bag-idea”, “What is hanging on the Christmas tree?”, “Let's find the hidden words”.

Lesson 8. Determining the number of syllables in words (one, two and three).

Synthesis and analysis of words (SLEEP, NOSE, COM, SELF).

Selection of words with a given sound (C, 3, D, K, D, T).

Games: “What toy is gone?”, “Flower-seven-flower”, “Remember the fairy tale”.

Lesson 9. Determination of several vowel sounds in words (HATY, LEMONS).

Selection of words with a given sound (Ф, C, P, B, K, D).

Games: "Ran up and gathered", "Cube", "Various riddles of cat Vasyatka".

Lesson 10. Synthesis of two-syllable words consisting of two open syllables (FLY, WOOL, OAKS, OWLS, SOUPS).

Selection of words with a given sound.

Games: "Magic carousel", "Collecting buttons", "We received a letter from Zvukovograd".

For a description of the games listed in the plans, see pages 27-30.

At each lesson, when introducing children to a new sound, it is necessary to explain its articulation. In our description of the characteristics of sounds according to their articulatory features, we tried, firstly, to reflect the essence of phoneme formation: the presence of a barrier to the exhaled air stream in the form of a bow or gap in the oral cavity, or the absence of such, and we recommend that children concentrate on this. And, secondly, to create a game situation, they introduced a “conflict” between the Air and its opponents: those who put obstacles in its way of movement (Tongue, Teeth, Lips, etc.). When describing the articulation of consonant sounds, the order of their study in speech therapy groups is taken into account.

Defectology No. 6 for 1985, pp. 68 - 70

As you know, when teaching children with general underdevelopment of speech, an important place is given to the formation of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills, which has a positive effect on the formation of all components of the language system.

In her many years of practical activity, she was repeatedly convinced that in children of 4-5 years of age with a general underdevelopment of speech, mastering sound analysis and synthesis at the level of even vowel sounds is associated with a number of difficulties. It can be assumed that these difficulties are aggravated by deficiencies in attention and memory, handicapped transference and generalization, increased fatigue, which are observed to varying degrees in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

These features lead to the fact that children with this speech pathology have difficulty mastering the following skills:

  1. Analysis and synthesis of combinations of three vowels.
  2. The selection of a vowel from the beginning of a word (especially in an unstressed position).
  3. Emphasizing a vowel sound in the middle of monosyllabic words like juice, poppy
  4. Emphasizing two vowel sounds at the same time in a word.
  5. The definition of the last vowel sound in words like I sit, window, owl.

Moreover, the last three skills, if the exercises are based only on auditory perception, are not acquired by children of this age at all.

In connection with the noted difficulties, I was looking for ways to make it as easy as possible for children suffering from ONR to understand and assimilate educational material on the formation of sound analysis skills.

Our educational experiment took place on the basis of kindergarten No. 1853 for children with severe violations speech from 1977 to the present and consisted of the following: we offered children of 5 years of age an additional visual support in addition to the auditory visual support in the perception of the studied sounds.

A similar support is visual symbols - geometric shapes, appearance which resembles the outlines of the lips during the articulation of the corresponding vowel sound. For example, the sound “y” is indicated by a small circle, the sound “a” is indicated by a large circle, “o” is an oval elongated vertically, the sound “and” is a rectangle located horizontally, the sound “s” is the lower half of the circle. The sound "e" is not included in the program of the first year of study, since there are no more than 10 words with this sound in Russian, and this is not enough to form a sound generalization.

All visual symbols are made of thick cardboard of the same color, so that the children's attention is directed only to their shape.

It should be noted that these substitutes are offered to children sequentially, in the generally accepted order (U, A, I, O), as the corresponding vowel sound passes in the classroom and only after a firm assimilation of its articulation.

Thus, when getting acquainted with each vowel sound, children receive, as it were, a double support for perception: auditory and visual, and such a visual one, which, unlike a letter, is easily and quickly remembered, helps to instantly reproduce the sound and, therefore, greatly facilitates the mastery of sound analysis.

After passing the sounds U, A, I in the classroom and mastering the visual images of the corresponding symbols, games can be played to analyze combinations of two and three of these sounds.

The game "Read, do not make a mistake"
Target: learn to analyze combinations of two and three vowel sounds. In front of the children, two, and then three characters in a row are laid out on a typesetting canvas. Children pronounce (in chorus and one at a time) combinations of sounds based on their substitutes: ui, ay, ay, oui, etc.
Children are asked: How many sounds did you say? What is the first sound? Second? Third?

Game "Count and Set aside"
Target: to teach to analyze and reproduce sound combinations in a given order (i.e., to synthesize given sounds)
Each child has 4 symbols on the table. These images of sounds a, u, i, oh.
The teacher pronounces combinations of two, three, then four of the indicated sounds. For example, ao, aow, aoy etc. Children must determine by ear the number and sequence of sounds pronounced and lay out the corresponding symbols on the tables in a row.
Then the speech therapist asks the children:
- How many sounds did I say? Repeat them.
- What is the 1st sound? 2nd? 3rd?
-What is the last sound?
What happens when you combine the sounds "a" and "y"? "O" and "a"?(children, looking at the symbols, pronounce combinations).

Game "Pick up the figurine"
Target: exercise children in isolating three vowels from a stream of vowels and consonants; develop attention and memory.
Children have substitutes for sounds on the tables a, y, and. The teacher slowly pronounces vowels and consonants: i-o-a-k-p-i-o-r-u-i-o-m-i, etc. Children raise the corresponding figures when they hear any of the three presented by substitutes for sounds. It should be noted that without relying on symbols, children under these conditions cannot distinguish even two sounds.

The game "Spread the pictures"
Target: teach children to differentiate the sounds "a" and "y" at the beginning of a word.
On the table are pictures depicting objects whose names begin with the sounds “a”, “y” (stork, duck, iron, etc.). Sounds in words are in stressed and unstressed positions. On the typesetting canvas, a substitute for the sound “a” is displayed on the left, and on the right - the sound “y” (large and small circles).
Children take a picture, pronounce the corresponding word and put the picture on the canvas on the right or left, depending on the initial sound in the word.
In a similar way, the differentiation of the sounds “a-i”, “i-u”, “u-o”, located at the beginning of words, takes place.
Subsequently, you can exercise in distinguishing three sounds, for example, "a-u-i", which is given to children with great difficulty without visual symbols.

Game "Choose pictures"
Target: develop memory and attention, teach to distinguish a vowel sound from the beginning of words.
Pictures (10-15 pieces) are displayed on the typesetting canvas with the image of objects, in the name of which initial sounds"a, u, u, o."
The task is given: to choose pictures from the canvas, the names of which begin with the sounds "a" and "y".
Then two children are called and they are given visual symbols of the named sounds: one is a large circle, the other is a small one. Children, constantly controlling their auditory perception with the help of visual support, perform the task.
After the pictures are selected, each of the respondents puts his sound symbol on the canvas and names his pictures, highlighting the first sound in the words with his voice. The rest of the children check the correctness of the answers. Note that children are not able to perform such a task without substitutes for sounds, since they quickly forget what sound they should look for at the beginning of a word.

Game "Repeat after me"
Target: develop auditory attention and phonemic perception, exercise in the reproduction of syllabic rows consisting of three and four syllables.
A syllable series is pronounced with easily pronounced consonants, for example: to-tu-ta. At the same time, symbols of pronounced syllable-forming vowels “o-u-a” are displayed on the canvas in a row. Then the speech therapist asks the children to repeat the syllable series.
Reproducing syllable rows with the help of substitutes allows children to retain and reproduce up to 4-5 syllables in memory. Moreover, this does not cause difficulties for children, and the classes are lively, interesting and give a great learning effect.
After pronouncing syllabic rows with visual support, children repeat the same syllabic combinations by ear much more easily.

Game "What did I miss?"
Target: exercise in the analysis of the sound composition of the word.
Children have substitutes for the sounds “u, i, a, o” on the tables.
The speech therapist addresses the children: “Guys, listen to what Dunno says. He skips the first sound in his words. Let's outsmart him and guess that sound."
Clearly, keeping the stress, approximately the following combinations of sounds are pronounced:
- weaving, - head, - slick, - pears, etc. Children raise the corresponding symbols and pronounce each word in its entirety, naming the first sound.
After the children have mastered the ability to isolate the first and last sound in words, have learned to analyze the reverse syllable like ak, ut, you can proceed to isolating a vowel from a position after a consonant in monosyllabic words like poppy, juice.
Here is a variant of one of the games on this topic.

The game "What's in the middle of the word?"
Target: teach children to distinguish a vowel sound in the middle of monosyllabic words.
Pictures are displayed on the typesetting canvas, which depict cheese, poppy seeds, a cat, a whale, etc. Here, on the bottom strip of the typesetting canvas, symbols of the sounds “a, u, and, o,” are displayed (three pieces for each sound). The called child pronounces each word loudly and clearly, then finds the desired symbol and puts it under the picture. Then the pictures change, and the work continues until the “weakest” children learn to cope with the task.

The game "What sound is hidden in the word?"
Target: teach children to find a vowel sound in the middle of monosyllabic words.
Children have symbols of the sounds “a, y, and, o” on the tables. The task is given: listen carefully to the words and look for what sound is “hidden” in the middle of the word. Then slowly, highlighting the vowel sound with his voice, the speech therapist pronounces the words: juice, world, cat, etc. Children raise the corresponding symbol after each word.

Experience suggests that these techniques in teaching sound analysis to children 4-5 years old with general underdevelopment of speech make it possible to achieve a solid assimilation of the acquired knowledge, without which literacy is not possible.

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Everyone knows that the learning of preschoolers should take place in the game. Learning to read is no exception. To help a child master such complex material as sounds and letters, games with sound symbols can.

A sound symbol is a graphic representation of a sound that displays the features of its articulation. Sound symbols are depicted on cardboard cards approximately 10 x 10 cm.

It is recommended to study sounds in the following sequence: “a”, “y”, “o”, “i”, “e”, “s”. Do not move on to learning the next sound until the previous one is mastered.

Lesson progress:

  • show the child a sound symbol and name the sound, articulating clearly: the child should see your lips well;
  • correlate the symbol with the actions of people or animals (the girl is crying “aaa”, the locomotive is buzzing “uuu”, the girl is groaning “oh-oh-oh”, the horse is screaming “ee-ee-ee”)
  • say a sound together with the child in front of the mirror and draw the child’s attention to the movement of the lips (when we pronounce the sound “a” - the mouth is wide open; when we pronounce “o” - the lips look like an oval; when pronouncing “u” - the lips are folded; when pronouncing "and" - lips stretched into a smile ...)

After the child learns these sounds, you can proceed to the tasks:

  • catch the sound
    An adult pronounces vowel sounds, and the child must clap his hands when he hears a given sound.
  • attentive baby
    The adult calls the sound, and the child must show the corresponding symbol.
  • chorister
    We sing the given sound with different intonations.
  • broken tv
    Need to make from cardboard box TV screen with cut out window. Explain to the child that the sound on the TV is broken, and therefore it is impossible to hear what the announcer is saying (an adult silently articulates vowel sounds in the TV window). The child must guess what sound is being pronounced. Then you can switch roles.
  • sound songs
    Invite the child to compose sound songs like “a-u” (children scream in the forest), “u-a” (a child cries), “u-a” (a donkey screams), “oh-oh” (we are surprised). First, the child determines the first sound in the song, singing it slowly, then the second. Then the kid, with the help of an adult, lays out this song from sound symbols and reads the chart.
  • Who is first
    Show the child a picture with an object that begins with a vowel "a", "y", "o" or "and". The child must clearly name what is drawn in the picture, highlighting the first sound with his voice (for example, “u-u-u-duck”). Then the child must choose the appropriate symbol.
  • echo
    The goal of the game is to fix the clear pronunciation of vowel sounds. An adult pronounces a series of sounds (sound combinations), and children (echo) repeat what they heard, for example: [a] [y], [i] [o], [i] o] [e], [y] [a] [s], [y] [a], [s] [th], [e] [th], [a] [o].

As mentioned above, teaching a preschooler to read should take place in the game. Phonemic tales are an extension of sound symbol games. Phonemic fairy tales help to consolidate the child's knowledge of sounds, as well as introduce him to letters. Phonemic fairy tales help the child learn to separate the concepts of "sound" and "letter".