Virgo is one of the few signs of the zodiac that will experience a real miracle in April. And in order not to miss it, the wards of Mercury need to have an idea about their near future. To obtain accurate forecasts It is enough for Virgos to read the love horoscope for April 2019.

Love horoscope for Virgo for April 2019

In fact, Virgos themselves know whether a bright streak will begin in their life on the love front in April. Intuitive forecasting will help them plan the near future correctly, and the horoscope will answer all pressing questions about the most beautiful feeling.

In the first days of April, Virgos will begin active work on establishing close relationships with their soulmate. They have a lot of work to do this month. love horoscope encourages representatives of this sign not to ignore the demands of fate and not try to avoid what is destined.

In mid-April, Virgos will be able to enjoy the results of their work. They will notice how warmer some nice people have begun to treat them, and annoying fans will suddenly be engaged in completely different things instead of a futile search for the attention of Mercury's wards.

Toward the end of April, the girls and men of the Virgo sign will want change. They will begin to analyze their life again and look for mistakes in it, but the stars warn that this is a fundamentally wrong path. April of this year is an ideal time for action, and it is better not to wake up the thinkers in yourself yet.

Love horoscope for the Virgo woman for April 2019

Virgo girls in April will try their best to win the heart of their chosen one and will succeed in this. But for such a result, they will have to really try. In the struggle for happiness, the key point will not be new image with manicures and expensive hair, but internal changes. Virgo girls will have to work hard on themselves: attend development courses, read special literature, and even learn foreign languages.

Married girls of the Virgo sign will be able to relax in April. Their spouses may even give up some of their principles for the sake of preserving the family and improving the climate in relations between households. Virgos will also be pleased with children who will not require much attention, and will help to focus on working to strengthen family ties.

Lonely Virgos are a little less lucky in April. Girls can count on a successful relationship only if they already have someone in mind. The probability of a romantic acquaintance with a handsome prince is almost zero. But this month, Virgos can count on quite an interesting pastime in the company of handsome men with all the ensuing consequences.

Love horoscope for the Virgo man for April 2019

The love astro forecast for Virgo men is replete with excellent predictions. In April 2019, they may have a romantic acquaintance with the woman of their dreams. The stars only warn Virgos to be careful with feelings. There is a high probability that in April Virgos may have sinful relationships with married women.

April will bring good news to those Virgo men who have recently parted with their lovers. The love horoscope will read them a delightful reconciliation, complete forgiveness and the beginning of a relationship with clean slate. The virgins will only have to rejoice and enjoy this long-awaited idyll.

Family Virgos, on the contrary, will have several not-so-pleasant moments in the middle of spring. Quarrels and misunderstandings are likely, but the stars assure that they can be avoided simply by not showing some negative traits character. Virgos need to be calm and firm, and then their wives will not find reasons for disagreement.

The month will start with work on yourself. You will rethink a lot and reconsider your communication style. By making some mistakes on yourself, you can achieve even greater success. The manager will definitely notice such changes in his specialist and may offer you a more interesting and highly paid position.

You must learn to deal with your inner desire doubt everything. It is not necessary to indulge in unnecessary discussions with colleagues, which still will not lead to the desired denominator. Everyone will end up with their own opinion, and the working time that could be used to complete important project, will be wasted.

It is not worth fighting the objections of your customers or partners at the end of the month. Let them express their point of view and, with special favor, do as they please. In this case, everyone will win.

Virgo Woman: Work and Career Horoscope for April 2019

The beginning of the month can start with a lot of stress for you. Perhaps a mistake you made earlier will pop up, which will now turn out to be big for you. financial losses. You, most importantly, do not despair. In April, your business will develop in such a way that you will soon be able to cover expenses and at the same time significantly improve your reputation in the business field.

In the middle of the month, the working environment will begin to stabilize and even out. Use this period to your advantage. It's time to think about those projects that you have long wanted to implement on your own, in order to thereby pave the way for your future business. Don't be afraid to take risks and move forward with confidence.

Feeling a creative impulse, do not limit yourself in this manifestation. Perhaps you can discover completely new skills in yourself that will later help you change the boring field of activity.

Virgo Man: Work and Career Horoscope for April 2019

You are expected wonderful prospects. And it does not matter whether you are running your own business or are an ordinary subordinate. In any field, you can make significant progress without special efforts. Just do not immediately build grandiose plans and at the moment of euphoria agree to adventurous deals. The risk of falling into the hands of scammers is very high in April.

Despite the successful completion of all the started cases, you can quickly undermine your authority due to your impatience. Constant haste, the pursuit of material rewards and the desire to wipe the nose of your colleagues - all this will negatively affect the results of the work done. As a result, all your merits will be instantly crossed out by your own behavior and negligent attitude to many issues.

You will spend the end of the month in high spirits. You will finally come out the right people who will help you in business and help you open international market. And this is completely new level, which involves a large investment of money and the same amount of profit.

For Virgo, the month promises to be quite favorable. Personal life is revitalized, both passion and a more positive perception of personal relationships await you.

The planet of love Venus until April 24, 2018 is located in the ninth house of Virgo, expanding your perspectives. Stars are advised to develop relationships with loved ones based on common ideals, hobbies and spiritual interests. Love can be connected with distance, for example, an affair with a person from afar can begin, or a relationship develops at a distance. The chances of success in love increase when you travel.

Venus has the support of Mars and Pluto in Virgo's house of love, so love attraction will be more intense. Feelings will become stronger and deeper, more attention will be attracted by the physical side of love. Once a romantic interest is born, it will not be easy to resist the temptations. However, beware of illusions, because the influence of Neptune can give unrealistic ideas about reality.

As for the family, you will show a lot of initiative in terms of resolving family relations. The scope of your activity may cover the acquisition of household goods, household items. Communication with relatives, especially older ones, will bring both pleasure and benefit. Perhaps you will take part in the love affairs of relatives.

Virgo career and finance horoscope for April 2018

In the first half of the month, the stars are not very generous with the representatives of your sign, so wait outstanding achievements do not do it. Until April 15, 2018, the cycle of Mercury retrograde continues, heavenly patron Virgo, so obstacles, errors, technical problems, problems with transport are not ruled out.

It is recommended to be more careful when working with documents, contracts, reports. The time is not quite suitable for starting new projects and starting a business. It is preferable to continue doing what was started in the past.

The subsequent period is more successful for work and career development. Mercury resumes its movement in a straight line, and you will once again rush to high goals. The time has come to reap the fruits of the efforts that were made earlier.

Cooperation gives you an advantage as there is a positive aspect between Jupiter, the great benefactor of the Zodiac, and Neptune, who is in your house of partnership. You will succeed through interaction with others and useful connections. Trips will bring good luck, and negotiations will lead to good results.

In one of the financial houses of Virgo, the Sun and Mercury are located, which indicates monetary income through other people (relatives, spouse, business partners, etc.) You can receive investments, grants, sponsorships or gifts. Contacts with business partners from other cities and from abroad will be beneficial. Your ability to attract financial flows increases in the third decade of April.


Your physical form at an average level, but you are very optimistic, endowed with a sense of humor and know how to enjoy life. You are indulgent about your weaknesses, including a tendency to overeat, which can create problems.

You need to be more attentive to the state of health in the first half of the month, when Mars forms a conjunction with Saturn, the ruler of your house of health. Take care of yourself and take enough time to rest. The second half of the month is more favorable for health.

It is very important that the fire of passion does not impede perception and does not interfere with observing the real state of affairs.

Symbol of 2018, according to Chinese calendar, is the Yellow Earth Dog. The year should pass calmly, without any unpredictable situations and emotional upheavals. The earth element is always characterized by its prudence, thoughtful and balanced steps. The absence of surprises will help make the path to the planned goals quite simple and fast.

The dog will positively influence the expansion of the circle of acquaintances, in personal relationships there is a high probability of strengthening the union. She does not tolerate lies, hypocrisy and betrayal. The symbol of the year strongly encourages any physical activity which should have a positive impact on health.

The Year of the Dog in its element is ideal for the zodiac sign of Virgo. The earth element becomes fertile ground for achieving your goals. The year is characterized by general calm and stability.

The ideal time to solve all the accumulated issues as much as possible. In the hands of the Virgin, all the possibilities to deal with the chaos that has developed around. Even the very desire and attempts to do this are strongly approved by the Dog. It is believed that 2018 for Virgo - perfect time. The main reasons that point to this are:

  • single element (earth);
  • the dominance of Mercury (heavenly patron).

This position has a positive effect on all events and decisions of the Virgo. She just needs to be herself in all situations and listen to her intuition.

In the new year, it is worth more controlling your own exactingness towards others. This approach will help prevent tension in relationships with loved ones and friends.

Already at the very beginning of the year, the Virgo will have the opportunity to make an important decision in his life, which can lead to big changes in positive side. Spring 2018 may become a more difficult period, it is important to maintain composure and not commit any thoughtless actions. But in the summer, the most favorable time will come for moving, making new acquaintances and making strong-willed decisions.

Professional horoscope

In the coming year, Virgo can definitely count on a promotion. Such a result can be achieved only by long work, which is usually not a big difficulty for such a sign. Astrologers recommend not to stop on the chosen path, since this year there is a very high probability that Virgo will be noticed and appreciated.


IN professionally Virgo man can reveal his full potential. It is recommended to show special assertiveness in the performance of affairs in the period from May to June. This is a good time for the most daring ideas in front of the authorities or for starting your own independent business.

At the very beginning of the year, an interesting proposal may arise that should change life in better side. Communication with colleagues should not bring any discomfort. Sports are recommended to raise the general mood, energy, which is useful for performing work tasks.


The coming year will be favorable not only for Virgo-men, but also for the beautiful representatives of this sign. Throughout the time, women will feel their strength, emotional upsurge. Some rather violent reactions to ongoing events are possible, which is not very typical for Virgos. It is important to try to control yourself so that such conditions do not affect relations with the team.

In general, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog is favorable for changing jobs. There may even be proposals from abroad. The purposefulness and perseverance of the Virgo woman will help you spend this year very productively professionally.

Money horoscope

It is likely that the coming year will not bring any sudden large cash flows, but Virgo will spend it in optimal abundance, able to provide for all needs. There is no need to look for part-time jobs: one basic income will be enough for a comfortable life.


It is not recommended in the year of the Earth Dog to turn to such methods of raising money to the budget as credit and loans. Such a decision could lead to undesirable consequences in future. This also applies to personal (friendly) debts, it is advisable not to ask for this kind of help.

In the middle of the year there is a high probability of a large arrival Money. Most likely, this will be unexpected earnings, but the Virgo-man will come to him with long efforts in work. A good bonus or a new large order is possible, but winning the lottery does not depend on the hostess of the year.


The Yellow Earth Dog is very supportive of any activity that cheers up and energizes. The year is more favorable than ever for traveling and shopping for expensive things. A Virgo woman can fully satisfy her shopping needs, which will not lead to global financial problems.

The coming year may require a little more expenses for various household needs and maintenance of the house (repairs, purchase of new furniture). A trip on vacation will not affect the movement of financial flows. A virgin woman will be able to calmly control her work at a distance or delegate her duties to a competent employee.

love horoscope

The theme of love and relationships always occupies a special place in astrological forecasts. The good news is that the stars promise Virgos to find long-awaited personal happiness this year.


Astrologers say with confidence that the Virgo man this year will be in an absolutely happy relationship with the chosen one. The bachelor will surely meet the one that he has been looking for for so long. The Year of the Earth Dog is ideal for making the decision to start a family. And a married Virgo man will gain in family life harmony and peace.


Unmarried representatives of the Virgo sign should prepare for the fact that they will be paid attention all the time. This year, the opposite sex will actively seek the attention of the Virgo woman. An existing partner may seriously talk about a joint future. The legal spouse will reconsider some of his mistakes, which will favorably affect the relationship and significantly strengthen the marriage.

It is important to remember that the Earth Dog strongly encourages those actions that were committed at the behest of the heart. This year, on the love front, absolutely all decisions should be made, solely trusting your intuition, your desires.

As recommendations to enhance the possibilities of this year, astrologers indicate changes in appearance. For example, recolor or cut your hair, change the style of your clothes, get an interesting tattoo, and so on.

Health prognosis

To achieve tangible success in a career, Virgo must work hard and hard. However, do not forget that behind the tight schedule of the working day, unpleasant consequences for health can appear. It is recommended to carefully consider your regimen, to find time for rest and sleep in every day. Physical activity is also important, which will not only give a boost of energy, but also strengthen the general condition of the body.

Since the year is characterized by an increased concentration on inner intuition, you should be attentive to any signals that the body gives.

At the first symptoms that cause disturbing thoughts and fears, you should immediately contact a medical specialist for advice and examination.

In the list of general preventive measures astrologers recommend adding a clause on the exclusion of sugar-containing foods from the diet. Virgos should try to remove the habit of often eating sweet desserts, adding a few tablespoons of sugar to tea or coffee. Such measures are necessary to prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetes.

Virgo horoscope according to the eastern calendar

In addition to gender differences, for each Virgo, there are different predictions as to which year Eastern calendar she herself was born.


In any decision, it is important to listen to yourself. It is enough just to listen to the advice and opinions of others, but to do everything in your own way. Recommended great attention give rest, as well as organize a balanced diet, sleep schedule and add physical activity in any style you like (jogging in the morning, gym, aerobics, morning work-out and so on).

Virgo-Goat (Sheep)

The Year of the Dog will bring great news professionally, perhaps very profitable proposition which should not be abandoned. The stars promise a sudden replenishment of finances. On a personal level, it is worth a little to pacify any pressures and aspirations to achieve the ideal. It is important to take a closer look and listen to what is already there.

Virgo Monkey

Success awaits in professional terms, there may be interesting job offers abroad. It is worth taking a closer look at people who may envy the position. Virgo-Monkey this year should be generous with gifts for their loved ones.

Virgo Rooster

For such a combination, the coming year will bring exceptionally dizzying success. New acquaintances will amaze with their significance. The Rooster Maiden will be surrounded powerful people who will help with their patronage. Emotional uplift will help any undertakings turn into successful business. In love and family terms, everything is stable. The main thing is to be able to keep silent in time and not give unnecessary assessments and advice to loved ones.


Take everything from this year. Success awaits both professionally and on the personal front. The main thing is to learn to enjoy the successes achieved. Take everything possible from the situation and position. Career promises growth and development, love relationship bring a sea of ​​positive and happiness.

Virgin Pig

The Earth Dog promises to make the life of the Virgo Pig successful and colorful this year. The absence of financial problems will help great trips, as well as long-awaited purchases. It is recommended to always look positively at what is happening, trust your intuition and enjoy life. Family life promises to be calm and happy, and free hearts will definitely find new feelings.

Virgo Rat

At work, various interesting offers await, which should not be overlooked. The favorable attitude of the Dog towards hardworking and honest Virgos will help to find benefits in every transaction. In personal relationships, astrologers predict the strength of the union. Respect for your partner, as well as honesty and openness, will give love durability and strength.

Virgo Ox

The perseverance and patience of this sign can only be envied. This year, the Dog will appreciate and thank all undertakings. Financial matters will not bring any problems. Prosperity will help organize changes in the house, as well as a great vacation trip. In personal relationships, it is recommended to strengthen love by spending time together for a long time.

Virgo Tiger

The dog respects honesty and devotion. It is these qualities that should become the main ones both in work and in personal relationships. In this case, the patroness of the year will ensure success and incredible positive emotions. You need to appreciate what you already have and enjoy the opportunities available.

Maiden Cat (Rabbit)

Remarkable career success. Special development awaits creative people The Yellow Earth Dog will ensure many fans and connoisseurs around. Virgo will be surrounded by influential people who will help develop professionally. Do not forget about family relationships. Particularly good news is possible.

Maiden Dragon

All the possibilities of this year are open to the Virgo-Dragon. Create own business, open up new directions in the existing one. Make an offer to a partner that he cannot refuse. Everything should be done easily, on an emotional upsurge and trusting intuition, which this year will not deceive in any way.

Virgo Snake

The year is predicted to be successful both in personal life and in career. It is recommended to communicate more: attend events, parties. Surround yourself with friends for a positive charge of emotions. On a personal level, it is recommended to think about stability.

Brief forecast by months


The month promises to be eventful. Vacation is not recommended. auspicious time to start training sessions (training, courses). It is important not to forget about loved ones, properly planning the daily routine.


This month, you should be especially careful in resolving all issues. In career terms, machinations of competitors are possible, in personal terms - selfish goals from a partner.



Show determination in all matters. In finance, you should postpone the decision to take a loan. give Special attention diet, the started diet will be effective.


In your personal life, you should not go into everyday issues, show more romance and be sure to talk about your feelings. Possible increased work load. Patience should be exercised, especially in dealing with subordinates and new colleagues.


This month, you should wait with any investments in the business. It is better to focus on your own strengths, to work harder than usual, which will be much more effective, and will also help save money.


This year, July will be fateful for Virgo. This is especially true for personal life. In professional terms, the main thing is to be patient and attentive. Favorable time to change jobs.


Good time for vacation. Any trip will bring not only positive emotions, but also provide a long boost of energy for the whole year. The middle of the month is characterized by the implementation of creative ideas.


Pay special attention to health. It is worth adding to a comprehensive examination a change in the daily regimen, an increase in hours for sleep, and also control your diet.


This period will be a little more troublesome than usual. On the shoulders of the Virgo, duties will be assigned not only at home, but also a little more tasks at work. It is important to take time for yourself, your favorite ways to relax.



Perfect time to upgrade appearance: visit a beauty salon, organize a long shopping trip with large investments. Last month auspicious year of the Dog for starting your own business.

In order for Virgo to be able to take everything from this year that will bring success, you should use two simple recommendations:

  • be attentive to the people around you: be able to hear, show participation, trust, be honest and open;
  • show patience in everything;
  • trust intuition;
  • do everything possible to enjoy life: to please yourself, to be able to find positive in everything.

For more information about the horoscope for 2018 Virgo can learn from this video:

Detailed information for Virgo for 2018 (for men and women) helps you plan trips and determine the days for making important decisions.

The spring month for the representatives of Virgo will be quite favorable, and for some representatives of the zodiac - even excellent. Zodiac constellations should pay less attention to minor troubles that arise, since they do not store great problems in themselves. In April, Virgos can fully relax, such a pastime will only have the most favorable effect on their well-being and mood. But the horoscope for Virgo for April does not advise representatives of the stellar zodiac to go on long trips, since the road for them may not always be safe.

Virgos need to devote most of the spring time to their own self-realization and inspiration. It is important this month to direct all efforts to understand what is really interested in this life of Devs. If the zodiacal representative finds everything that needs to be striven for and what to achieve, then the whole year will pass for them under the sign of success and bright luck. In that case, if the Virgos do not understand at all what they are interested in, they threaten to spend the next year in complete confusion and misunderstanding.

Some Virgo representatives should pay special attention to partnerships or family relationships. If there are any misunderstandings between close and dear people, then it is the Virgos who should try to fix everything in an ideal way. There is no need to show pride or selfishness now (although the representatives of the zodiac are not inclined to this), only loyalty and good nature will help arrange everything in the most prosperous way. It does not hurt to establish a relationship with your own children, perhaps the kids lack parental care or understanding. It is in April that you can begin to get used to leading a family and cozy lifestyle, and forget a little about constant entertainment and partying.

The period is simply filled with various meetings and acquaintances. Among new acquaintances, there are sure to be reliable business partners, future colleagues, and, possibly, potential life partners. Representatives of the zodiac should not reject communication with people, but it is also not recommended to show increased trust in everyone and in anyone. It should be remembered that if such a person appears in the environment of Virgos that causes distrust or antipathy among the latter, then it is necessary to get rid of the society of such a person as quickly as possible. Virgos themselves must take the first step towards breaking such unwanted relationships. If this does not happen, and the zodiac sign continues to communicate or communicate with the enemy, then all this will turn out in the most negative way for Virgos. It is very important in April for the representatives of the zodiac to learn to trust their intuition, because it will help to take the representative of the constellation away from the most negative situations and actions.

It will not be difficult for open and positive representatives of the beautiful half of the zodiac constellation to find fans now. Ahead of the ladies is foreshadowed great amount new acquaintances that will be sure to be interesting and exciting for the latter. You can not reject the incoming love, especially this statement applies to single representatives. By the way, the former boyfriend will probably return to some ladies, he will wish to resume the previous relationship and start a completely new happy life together. How to answer him to such a proposal is up to the Virgos themselves. But it is important to remember what feelings the ladies brought past life or connection with him.

Horoscope for April 2018 for the Virgo man

The next month for male representatives of the sign is simply filled with extraordinary situations. Friends and comrades will invite men to participate in unusual activities, so the latter will absolutely not have enough free time for love and romance. When getting involved in dubious cases, it is important to always remember that they rarely end in a favorable end. But Virgo men are very difficult to stop if they sincerely desire and want something.

A busy time in the professional field will give many representatives of the sign excellent material support. Now the main thing remains not to squander unexpected wealth, but to use all financial savings for the right things.

April 2018 love horoscope for Virgo

As the love horoscope for Virgo for April 2018 openly states, the period of the specified years will pass on a wonderful wave. Representatives of the zodiac constellation are provided with wonderful chances to find a life partner and strengthen existing ones. family relationships. The main thing that is recommended now is not to get hung up on the monotony of life, but to try to have fun and very provocatively.

Toward the end of the month, representatives of the zodiac sign are encouraged to participate in some kind of entertainment, for example, visit a game club with a partner or go to a disco. Diversity in family life will certainly help stabilize partnerships and prevent discord in family life.

Health horoscope for April 2018 for Virgo

Despite the positive alignment at the indicated time, the general well-being of the representatives of the zodiac can let us down, a special negative may appear in the first half of the month. Among the common ailments, the appearance of colds or infectious diseases. The health horoscope for Virgo strongly advises the latter to carefully monitor the general condition of their physical health. At the slightest negative manifestations of emerging diseases, emergency measures should be taken to cure this disease. Self-medication is not very recommended, as there is a high risk of complications due to inconsistencies in the choice of medications.

Financial horoscope for April 2018 for Virgo

A calm month is expected for representatives of the stellar zodiac in terms of professional activity. The latter should not now strive to change something in their career, in particular, a change in the place of professional activity is undesirable. But Virgos can also have extraordinary ideas that will certainly lead to successful material success. In any action, it is important to trust your intuition and not get into too dangerous or extraordinary situations.

The Virgo April 2018 financial horoscope assures the latter that the time has come when the zodiac signs can breathe freely and not think about the constant lack of money.