Governor Perm Territory Maxim Gennadyevich Reshetnikov is one of the youngest heads of regions in Russian Federation. He belongs to the new wave of managers who successfully apply innovative technologies in his activities, having proven himself excellently at work in the administration native land and in Moscow. The governor of the Perm Territory took charge of the region not so long ago and is one of the most promising and promising government officials.

early years

Maxim Gennadievich was born in Perm in 1979. While still at school, he became seriously interested in the use of information technology in the management of economic processes and decided to devote his life to these complex issues.

At Perm State University, he studied economic mathematics, and together with a group of like-minded students developed software designed to analyze the effectiveness of business processes.

In 2003, Maxim Reshetnikov successfully defended his dissertation, which was devoted to the management of the economy of a particular region, and chose his native Perm region as an example. He began to work as a student, developing software for customers from government agencies. The first place of work was the IT-company "Prognoz", with which he remained connected in subsequent years.

Carier start

Maxim Reshetnikov came to the administration of the Perm Territory at the age of twenty, while still a graduate student, supervised issues related to planning and managing the economy. In 2005, he assumed the responsible position of head of the organization committee government controlled. For several years, the young IT specialist changed a number of positions until he rose to the rank of deputy head of the administration of the governor of the Perm Territory.

The activities of a talented administrator attracted the attention of Moscow bosses, and in 2007 Maxim Reshetnikov became one of the 100 officials of the Medvedev personnel reserve. After that, he went on a business trip to the capital, where for some time he supervised issues related to assessing the effectiveness of regions at the Ministry of Regional Development.

In 2009, a native of Perm returned to his native region, where he became the head of the administration. In this post, the future governor of the Perm Territory worked for only six months, but he managed to be remembered thanks to his active participation in the dismissal of the head of the Chaikovsky district. Thus, the regional administration loudly declared its right to interfere in the appointment and dismissal of municipal leaders.

Moscow business trip

No sooner had Igor Gennadievich properly immersed himself in work than he was again recalled to Moscow. Important role in the biography of the governor of the Perm region, Reshetnikov played his acquaintance with Anastasia Rakova, who recommended him to Sergei Sobyanin, the new mayor of Moscow.

In the capital, a specialist in information technology supervised a number of issues related to his specialization. Reshetnikov's area of ​​responsibility was the creation of a base for the MFC, the development and implementation of an Internet platform for direct communication between the authorities and citizens. He successfully worked under the leadership of Sergei Sobyanin in the Moscow government and in 2012 rose to the post of head of the Moscow Department of Economics.

Among Reshetnikov's initiatives, the street trade reform was most memorable. The practice of leasing land on which businessmen built their kiosks was discontinued. Instead, the city built the outlets itself and then put them up for tender through auctions. This allowed the city government to establish tight control over natural disasters. outlets throughout the capital.

In addition, Maxim Gennadievich introduced trading fees and patents for individual entrepreneurs and spearheaded a dramatic increase in property taxes for luxury property owners.

Return to the homeland

In 2017, Reshetnikov suddenly had a reason to return to his native land. The former head of the region was dismissed, and a native Permian who worked in the capital was chosen as a replacement. In February, Maxim Gennadievich was appointed Acting Governor of the Perm Territory and began to prepare for the elections scheduled for September.

Over the past six months, he managed to win the support of voters and won the election of the head of the region with a score of 83 percent.

Upon taking office, the Governor of the Perm Territory, Reshetnikov, set as his main goal the growth of the economy and the social security of the inhabitants of the region. To implement grandiose plans, he brought trusted people from the capital, with whom he worked together in the Moscow government.

So, Anna Lopaeva, also a Permian who worked with him at Sobyanin, became Deputy Prime Minister.

Personal life

The governor of the Perm Territory, Reshetnikov, rarely talks about the details of his privacy. It is known that he is married and has three children with his wife.

This should not get away with and remain in the shadows. The information needs to be made public.

It will be about, posted on December 27, 2013 on the website

State customer - Department economic policy and development of the city of Moscow. Name of the order: "Performance of research work on methodological and organizational support of the activities of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow to ensure the sustainability of the revenue part of the budget of the city of Moscow." Head of the Department, he is also the customer - Minister of the Moscow Government Reshetnikov M.G.

The name of the order is voluminous, abstruse and, you see, incomprehensible to a simple layman. It seems that someone should “support our “executive authorities” somewhere “methodologically and organizationally”, but if in a simple way, apparently help the officials of the Department in fulfilling their direct official duties- in this case, to collect taxes to the city budget ...

The tender documentation itself, by the way, is just as abstract and lengthy, even for professionals. In addition, pay attention to the date of the announced competition - almost on New Year's Eve ...

Apparently, competent representatives of other companies - possible potential bidders - did not figure it out either. As a result, only two applications were submitted for participation in the competition.

Here I will digress a little and describe a little background of this order.

According to the documents that were published on the procurement website, in particular, the protocol approved by Minister Reshetnikov personally, the initial price for the work, according to the calculations of the Department's specialists, was almost one hundred and five million rubles. Of course, it is already clear that such a price for not quite intelligible services, and even in the form of a mysterious research work, is initially fantastic, but the cost was eventually published on the site - 99,404,013 rubles.

Why, and, most importantly, why was it reduced precisely by so much?

In this particular case, it was thanks to the reduction of the initial price by 5 million rubles that the order miraculously remained in the full private competence of Minister Reshetnikov, who, according to the rules in force in the city, manages the budget of one contract worth up to one hundred million rubles. Well, if it’s above 100 million, all this “hopeless event” would need to be coordinated at the interdepartmental working group, in the presence of a mass of foreign officials - where, I am sure, such impudence would not be allowed.

Considering the further course of development of history - this adjustment of the price causes, well, just tears of tenderness. Ah yes well done, all outwitted!

It's time for personalities ..,

In addition to Minister Reshetnikov, two more are involved in our story:

Someone Bagreeva M.A. - a former employee of the consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), for the benefit of which she worked for almost 7 years (from 2005 to 2012 as a tax manager) - and currently Reshetnikova's deputy for tax issues. She is the Wife;

A certain Kirill Nikitin has been with PwC since 1996, and has been a PwC partner (a very important position in the firm) since 2006. Nikitin “created and leads PwC’s Russian tax administration practice” ( He is the civil Husband of Bagreyeva.

However, back to the order.

The application, as you remember, was submitted only by two organizations. More precisely, actually one. The first participant, who is also the winner of the tender, is PwC. The second participant is respected by all Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

The question immediately arises: why did Moscow State University become involved in such a story? The answer lies in former colleague Bagreeva by PwC - Kirill Nikitin, and now her civil husband and the father of her child and, another wonderful coincidence, the director of the Center for Tax Policy at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. Having obviously decided that the participation of only one company in the tender may arouse suspicion, and it is apparently more difficult for Reshetnikov to agree this fact with the regulatory authorities than to manipulate the price - Moscow State University was invited to the tender, no, rather even involved in Moscow State University.

The proof of these statements lies on the surface - the second participant (or the one who acted on his behalf) did not bother to reduce the originally declared price of the competition even by a penny! The classic scheme of the organization-laying - the competition was recognized as valid.

It turns out that the family of Nikitin and Bagreeva, on the one hand, replenishes the joint budget from the profit of the contract with PwC, on the other hand, at the expense of wages from his "close business partner" and leader, Minister Reshetnikov. Truly - all in the Family!

For obvious reasons, despite the presence common child and living together, Bagreyeva and Nikitin live in civil marriage, and they try not to advertise their relationship too much. Although for former and current colleagues this is no secret for a long time.

This is how these two live: the wife, with the blessing of the minister, accepts and pays for the work, and the husband does it in the sweat of his brow. Family contract in the 21st century, it’s hard to believe that this is possible!

The arrogance with which, after all the frauds described, Reshetnikov thanked Bagreyeva is simply discouraging - immediately after the conclusion of the contract in February of this year, she received a gift in the form of an increase right up to the level of “deputy head of department”. I forgot to say that the price of the ill-fated competition was calculated and determined by a certain Grigoriev, Bagreeva's deputy. That's for sure in the All Inclusive Department.

Mister unfortunate minister, have a conscience!

It's even interesting - who do you consider your immediate superiors and controlling authorities, "mastering" the budget in such a simple way that "decent embezzlers" would be ashamed to use even in the dashing 90s? Or is everything new - well-forgotten old? I'm afraid that such "help" of the minister is simply contraindicated for both the budget and the city leadership... Are Reshetnikov's "connections" really so limitless?

In this situation, no one can change anything without the intervention of the competent authorities and, most importantly, the city leadership. It remains to believe that there are worthy people whose powers will allow you to quickly restore order.

Dear Sergey Semenovich Sobyanin, Anastasia Vladimirovna Rakova, Natalia Alekseevna Sergunina!

To say that Minister Reshetnikov is “just setting you up” means to say nothing! In addition to the “quite natural” desire of this negligent official to “bite off” the budget pie, here one can see not just human stupidity and bureaucratic “permissiveness” - it rather smacks of betrayal on a national scale. The interest of a consulting company from the UK, a country whose anti-Russian attacks (the so-called "sanctions") will be even more abrupt than the American ones, in honest work to fill the Moscow budget with money is unlikely. By the way, right now and solely at the initiative of the British, they are trying to disconnect Russia from the system of worldwide interbank telecommunications (settlements) S.W.I.F.T., which will significantly complicate the work of the Russian banking system. We also see how today the ex-YUKOS continues to foul Russia, "dismissed" in due time from paying taxes with the help of such "specialist partners" from PwC.

What results in the formation of the revenue part of the Moscow budget can we expect after the implementation by Minister Reshetnikov of "virtuoso gray schemes" of pricing state contracts and disbursing budgetary funds by attracting foreign consultants from among the closest relatives of his deputy?

It’s terribly interesting, but do similar or similar tricks also occur with the rest of the contests of the customer Reshetnikov? I think, most likely, our readers have someone to answer this question. Let's wait!

I am sure that such an "official" and the city together are simply not on the way, but for the city such a "family partnership" is extremely dangerous!

Maxim Gennadievich Reshetnikov
Occupation: Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department for Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow
Date of birth: July 11, 1979
Place of birth: Perm
Country Russia

Maxim Gennadievich Reshetnikov(b. July 11, 1979 (19790711), Perm) - Minister of the Government of Moscow, head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow. Member of the Presidium of the Moscow Government.
Work experience Maxim Reshetnikov began while studying at Perm State University. In 1998, together with a group of fellow students, he developed a methodology and software for modeling and analyzing the effectiveness of various business processes.
After completing his education, he was invited to the budget revenue and expenditure planning department of the administration. Perm region, where he was engaged in budget planning of the region. In 2002-2005, he headed the budget revenue and expenditure planning department, and then was appointed head of the regional finance and investment department, deputy head of the Main Economics Department of the Perm Region Administration. In 2005-2007 M. Reshetnikov- First Deputy Chairman of the Planning Department of the Perm Region, First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Governor of the Perm Territory. In 2009, he headed the administration of the Governor of the Perm Territory.

Job Maxim Reshetnikov in federal executive bodies
Job Maxim Reshetnikov in the region was seen in federal center; in 2007, Maxim Reshetnikov was invited to work as Deputy Director of the Department of Interbudgetary Relations of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. From 2008 to 2009 - Director of the Department for Monitoring and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

In 2009-2010 - Director of the Department of Public Administration, Regional Development and Local Self-Government of the Government of the Russian Federation of the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Work in the Government of Moscow
After Sergey Sobyanin was appointed Mayor of Moscow in 2010, Maxim Reshetnikov moved to work in the Moscow Government. Between 2010 and 2012 He served as First Deputy Head of the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow. Among the most notable projects of this period:

* simplification of approval procedures for the redevelopment of the apartment. Approvals were canceled for works that account for 70% of all redevelopments;
* formation of an economic base for the creation of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services(MFC);
* opening of the country's first city-wide Internet portal "Our City", for direct communication of city residents with authorities without a queue and paperwork.

April 23, 2012 Decree of the Mayor of Moscow M. Reshetnikov was appointed Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department for Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow.
He is a supporter of a balance between urban planning, production, financial and other interests of the city and its residents, on the one hand, and business, on the other. He opposes the deindustrialization of the capital's economy, for an increase in high-tech production and the practical implementation of the scientific potential of Moscow. The main goal of the implemented economic policy is the creation of highly paid jobs in the city.
As the head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow, he is engaged in forecasting the social economic development cities in the middle and long term, as well as modeling a stable budget policy that ensures both the fulfillment of all social obligations of the Government and sustainable the economic growth in various macroeconomic conditions. A staunch supporter of the program-target layout of the budget. When forming the revenue part of the city budget, he advocates the improvement of tax administration, an increase in the share property taxes.Consistently engaged in the development and implementation of mechanisms for optimizing costs, saving budget funds, reducing costs through the sale of non-core assets, improving existing mechanisms for government contracts. With his direct participation, it was created and successfully used as effective tool analysis and control over the practical implementation of the budget policy of Moscow information and analytical system "Monitoring of integrated development" (IAS MKR).

M. Reshetnikov is one of the leading developers of the Investment Strategy of Moscow for the period 2014-2025, as well as the Investment Portal of the City of Moscow, is actively working to increase the investment attractiveness of the Russian capital, improve its investment climate, improving the competitive environment.
He advocates a change in the structure of urban investments, an increase in the share of private, as well as contestable (competitive) investments in it.
Advocates for increased private sector involvement in education, health, monument protection cultural heritage. The most significant projects implemented under the leadership of M. Reshetnikov in the field of public-private partnership:

* first healthcare concessions
* the first road concession in Moscow - the construction of the Northern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt
* long-term contracts for export and disposal household waste
* contracts life cycle for the purchase of rolling stock for the metro
* construction of a small ring of Moscow railway and transport hubs

M. Reshetnikov is the ideologist of the new tax policy of Moscow, aimed at the formation of a civilized fiscal system, the eradication of "gray" tax avoidance schemes, the creation of economic mechanisms to combat corruption and equalize the tax burden on equal business entities, the provision of tax incentives for socially significant, as well as innovative sectors of the urban economy. A supporter of increasing the share of property taxes in the total volume of Moscow budget revenues, more active tax administration. Consistently implements the principle of providing tax incentives for high-tech and innovative production. Personally oversees projects to popularize the patent taxation system Systematically deals with the legalization of the housing rental market in Moscow, implementation in the capital new system property taxation based on cadastral value objects.
Maxim Reshetnikov participates in the formation of the tariff policy of the Moscow Government, aimed at reducing the rate of growth of tariffs for housing and communal services for the population. He advocates the gradual abandonment of inefficient budget subsidies and subsidies, including for energy generating organizations and management companies, the transition to targeted social assistance the poorest categories of Muscovites.

The Governor (Chairman of the Government) of the Perm Territory is the highest official of the region. Since September 18, 2017, this position has been occupied by Reshetnikov Maxim Gennadievich. It is to him that citizens should apply if it is impossible to resolve their issue at the level of local governments and their officials.

How to apply

You can contact Maxim Gennadievich Reshetnikov through one of the following authorities:

  1. Administration of the Governor of the Perm Territory.
  2. Internet reception of the Perm Territory
  3. Governor's press office

Each citizen has the right to choose one or more of the most convenient ways of contacting the governor:

  • mailing;
  • a personal meeting;
  • phone call;
  • electronic appeal.

If you need legal assistance in drafting appeals, complaints or petitions, please contact the duty lawyers of our Internet portal.

Governor's Office

You can write a written appeal to Reshetnikov Maxim Gennadievich indicating personal data and a full statement of the situation at the address of the Governor's Administration: 614006, Perm, st. Kuibysheva, 14.

At the same address (entrance from Petropavlovskaya street) you can deliver the letter in person. In this case, it is recommended to have a copy of the letter with you, on which the office will put down the incoming number and date of registration.

Russian statesman.
Minister of Economic Development of Russia since January 21, 2020.
Acting State Councilor of the city of Moscow, 1st class. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Governor of the Perm Territory, 2017-2020. Minister of Economy of the Government of Moscow, 2012-2017.

Maxim Reshetnikov was born on July 11, 1979 in the city of Perm. After school, in 2000 he graduated from Perm State University with a degree in economics and mathematics. Having received a diploma young specialist was invited to the department of planning budget revenues and expenditures of the administration of the Perm region, where he was engaged in budget planning of the region.

From 2002 to 2005, he headed the budget revenue and expenditure planning department, was appointed head of the regional finance and investment department, then deputy head of the Main Economics Department of the Perm Region Administration.

Reshetnikov, until 2007 he was the first deputy chairman of the Planning Department of the Perm region, the first deputy head of the administration of the governor of the Perm region. The work of Maxim Gennadievich in the region was noticed in the federal center, so in 2007 he was invited to the post of Deputy Director of the Department of Interbudgetary Relations of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

From 2008 to 2009, Maxim Gennadievich served as director of the Department for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. In 2009, he headed the administration of the Governor of the Perm Territory. From 2009 to 2010, he headed the Department of Public Administration, Regional Development and Local Self-Government of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2010, Reshetnikov was appointed First Deputy Head of the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow. On April 23, 2012, by decree of the Mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, Maxim Gennadievich was appointed Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department for Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow. He has the class rank of First Class State Councilor of the City of Moscow. awarded diploma Government of the Russian Federation and gratitude of the President of Russia.

In connection with the statement of the Governor of the Perm Territory Basargin on the early termination of his powers, February 6, 2017 By his decree, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Maxim Reshetnikov Acting Governor of the Perm Territory.

Maxim Gennadievich on June 14, 2017 became a candidate in the gubernatorial elections from the party " United Russia"And on September 10 of the same year he won, gaining 82.06% of the vote. Officially took office as Governor of the Perm Territory September 18, 2017.

Decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin dated January 21, 2020 Maxim Gennadyevich Reshetnikov was appointed Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.