Fortunately, the actress, who has long gained popularity and the love of numerous fans, did not come immediately - before finding the love of her life, she had to experience many disappointments. Only the husband of Marina Aleksandrova, the chief director of Channel One Andrei Boltenko, with whom she is happily married, was able to change her personal life for the better.

Marina Alexandrova and Alexander Domogarov

Two beautiful popular actors brought together teamwork over the film "Star of the era", where they played the main roles. On film set they had to play strong vivid feelings, which became the beginning of great love and in real life Alexandrova and Domogarov.

In the photo - Marina Alexandrova and Alexander Domogarov

At first they hid their relationship, and in 2005 they came together to the Sochi Film Festival and were no longer shy about their feelings.

Marina was twenty years younger than her chosen one, but this did not bother the lovers at all. Living together Alexandrova and Domogarova was stormy and restless - they either dispersed or converged, rumors about Alexander’s betrayals with their ex-wife Natalia Gromushkina. Behind loud scandals stormy reconciliations followed, during which Domogarov showered Marina with gifts, begging for forgiveness.

The actress had enough patience for two years - tired of fighting for her beloved man, she decided to put an end to this painful relationship, which she nevertheless remembers with gratitude.

In the photo - a frame from the movie "Star of the era"

Ex-husband actress Alexander Domogarov was very worried about parting with her, filling grief with alcohol, but Marina no longer worried about this.

The second husband of Marina Alexandrova

After parting with her first husband, Alexandrova came to the troupe of the Sovremennik Theater, where she met her new love represented by actor Ivan Stebunov.

In the photo - Marina Alexandrova and Ivan Stebunov

At first, they carefully concealed their relationship, and then they stopped hiding, colleagues could notice lovers kissing near their dressing rooms more than once, and soon they invited friends to the wedding.

However, family happiness with Stebunov lasted only two years for the actress, and the reason for the separation, according to rumors, was bad habits Ivan. They say Marina was having a hard time breaking up with her ex-husband.

Marina Alexandrova's husband Andrey Boltenko

After mistakes and unfinished relationships in the biography of the actress, finally, a bright streak came - she found real family happiness. In 2001, Marina Aleksandrovna married Andrey Boltenko, the chief director of Channel One, and have been inseparable ever since.

In the photo - the actress with her husband

They knew each other long before the wedding - for the first time Alexandrova and Boltenko met at the Five Stars festival in Sochi in 2005, when Marina was in a relationship with Domogarov. Andrei was the director of this event and even then he was fascinated by Marina, he even had a thought that he would gladly marry such a girl.

But only a few years later, when Alexandrova had already experienced two broken marriages, one of which was official, fate brought her and Boltenko into common company. They immediately found a common language and decided not to part again.

In Andrei, Marina saw a real man, behind whom she would feel like behind a stone wall. A year later, the first-born appeared in the young family - son Andrei, named after dad and two grandfathers, and in 2015 the actress gave birth to another child - daughter Ekaterina. The children of Marina Alexandrova were born in America, in one of the maternity hospitals in New York.

The actress admitted that at first it was not very easy for her to cope with maternal responsibilities, but her husband was always ready to provide support. At the same time, Andrei was very worried when he worked on the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Sochi and disappeared for months at work, leaving his wife and little son. Fortunately, Marina was able to understand her beloved man, and they managed to survive difficult times.

Aleksandrova calls her husband the most good dad, after all, when he is at home, he devotes every minute to the children. Enjoying family happiness, the actress does not forget about work.

This year she returned to the role of Catherine II, starring in the film “Catherine. Takeoff". Now she is busy working on two films - "Return at any cost" and "The real scenario."

The actress admits that she is very grateful to her husband for giving her the opportunity not to think about the material side of life, so she can only act in those projects that she likes and do it not because of money. She calls Andrey the leader in their family, and this suits her completely.

The husband does not forget to pamper her with gifts and pleasant surprises, and this brings freshness to their relationship, makes them warmer and more harmonious.

Marina Alexandrova and Andrey Boltenko lead a closed life, trying not to advertise their personal lives, and do not like it when their photos get into the media.

Can a delightful beauty with a stunning figure, a charming smile, a clear look and a difficult character have an unpretentious personal life? In our opinion, the answer is obvious - of course not.

When a woman has such devils dancing in her eyes, expect trouble - Shakespearean passions. We will recount, perhaps, and we will discuss the men of the wonderful actress Marina Alexandrova and discuss her personal life. And let's do it kindly: like a woman. You are laughing in vain if Marina Pupenina (this real name actress) trained as a tourism manager or translator, as prudent parents wanted, it would never have occurred to anyone to consider her men, well, except perhaps for a legal spouse, and then in a fit of jealousy. We remember that Marina really does not like it when they interfere in her personal life. And we will not interfere, we will only count Cupid's arrows and talk a little about our own, about women.

Biography of Marina Alexandrova

In August 1982, a daughter, Marina, was born in a military and Methodist family. The Pupenins (Marina later took her grandmother's surname) lived at that time in the Hungarian military town of Kiskunmaisha. Five years later, the family returned to St. Petersburg, where Marina lived until the age of 16.

Schoolgirl Marina Aleksandrova

Charming girl studied in high school, played the harp, loved to be photographed, attended a theater studio, participated in creative evenings and dreamed of being a star. The name of the studio "Imagine" really contributed to this. So much so that Marina changed her last name and went to conquer Moscow. In the Shchukin school, they saw the talent of an artistic girl and off they went. Street racers, Azazel, Hide, Old legend, Rat trap - for 15 years the actress has played 50 different roles...

Four main men in the life of Marina Alexandrova

Cupid - the son of Uranus and Aphrodite - God is windy, and the archer from him is still the same. Either he will send his insidious arrow of love to the wrong place, or he will specially shoot aimingly. He has fun, controlling the will and heart, and his victims suffer: they love the unworthy, do not notice the devotees. Cupid especially loves beautiful and proud women: he does not throw arrows at them, but burning torches - the fires of love burn brighter from them.

Perhaps the manager Pupenina would have one love for life and quiet family happiness, and the actress Alexandrova would have scandals with fireworks, whatever the feeling. Where to look for the cause - in a complex character beautiful woman, the costs of her profession or in the machinations of the insidious God of love?

The first man of Marina Alexandrova. Alexander Domogarov

The star couple played love on the screen, and when the shooting of the "Stars of the Era" ended, they could not part. It was in 2005, and two years later, Marina and Alexander still broke up. But what were those two years! Half the country was fascinated watching a series about a well-mannered girl who loves an adult bad boy. Countless quarrels, worries, partings, betrayals and even fights - only the God of chaos could write such an insidious scenario for a husband and wife ( dark night). They converged and dispersed, cursed and reconciled, loved and hated, even tried to re-educate each other. And, finally, they took mercy on Marina Alexandrova up there, and took away her passion for Alexander Domogarov. And what in return?

Marina Alexandrova and Alexander Domogarov

The second man of Marina Alexandrova. Ivan Stebunov

Exactly one year after breaking up with Domogarov, Marina officially married actor Ivan Stebunov. A tireless womanizer and a drunkard, a rebel and an intellectual attracted Marina with her smile and amazing charisma. But how different they were! Probably, only one thing united this family - love for the acting profession. And then Ivan Stebunov is far from the ambitions and determination of Marina Alexandrova. The husband in love glowed with happiness in the photo, while his wife stopped smiling radiantly. Neither the insidious Cupid, who sent that very first arrow of love, nor the magicians whom Marina turned to, succeeded, as it turned out, in curing the actress from "Turkish". Two years later, Stebunov and Alexandrova broke up. Because fate, I want to believe, gave Marina a real feminine feeling.

Marina Alexandrova and Ivan Stebunov

The third man of Marina Alexandrova. Andrey Boltenko

Actress Marina Aleksandrova and producer of Channel One Andrey Boltenko have been leading a closed life for the fifth year since their wedding. Their love is not for glossy publications and glamorous photos. No more short-term love passions, Cupid's arrow for the third time, in our opinion, hit right on target. This is the most real family- with mutual love, fidelity and children. When a woman is happy, she becomes herself. There is no struggle, pain, game, painful passion and adventurism. There is boundless trust in a man, which is called female love.

Marina Alexandrova and Andrey Boltenko

The fourth man of Marina Alexandrova. Andrei Boltenko Jr. (photo of a child)

Four months before the birth, the actress flew to New York in order to experience the most long-awaited event with her husband - the birth of her first child. In July 2012, the couple had a son, Andrei. Caring and loving parents believe that their child is the most amazing and one day he will be able to change the world. In the meantime, Andrei Boltenko Jr. pleases his parents with his first achievements and changes them into better side. In September 2015, the actress gave birth to a daughter, Katya. Here is such a personal life of Marina Alexandrova. She finally saw her own happiness. How long? Is the cunning Cupid preparing a new arrow of passion? Wait and see.

The son of Marina Alexandrova (photo from Instagram)

The biography of Andrei Boltenko is of interest to many today. He is the author of popular Russian television projects. In 2009, he acted as a director during the Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow. Five years later, he took part in the preparations for the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

Where was Andrei Boltenko born? In what city did he spend his childhood and youth? Interesting Facts from the biography of Andrei Boltenko are presented in the article. It also lists his notable projects.

Biography of Andrei Boltenko

Born in 1973 in the USA. Andrei's father worked in New York as a translator at the UN. Mother worked in television. The family returned to the USSR when the son was five years old. An interesting fact from the biography of director Andrei Boltenko: he began working on television while still a schoolboy. The first project in which he took part was the 1331 program, which was a youth analogue of Vzglyad. True, the program did not gain popularity - it was closed after the third release.


An important event V professional biography Andrey Boltenko - participation in the production of the Eurovision Song Contest. For this work, the director received Boltenko - co-author of such television projects as "Two Stars", "Evening Urgant", "King of the Ring". But his track record is not only directing entertainment programs. Boltenko also had a chance to take part in the preparations for the presidential inauguration.

Dreams of doing video art. In an interview, he once admitted that he also considers television work to be nothing more than “applied video art”. In the future, the director plans to shoot a full-length film. He also has ideas about theatrical productions.

Personal life

Boltenko's wife is one of the most beautiful Russian actresses- Marina Alexandrova. In 2012, famous couple a son was born, who was named after his father - Andrei. Aleksandrova and Boltenko met in 2009 in Sochi. True, the first meeting did not lead to a serious relationship. The novel began a few years after they met.

Marina Alexandrova met her future husband Andrei Boltenko ten years ago. Main director Channel One immediately felt that this particular woman would become his chosen one. However, this understanding came to the actress much later. She married a colleague on the set, Ivan Stebunov. The couple divorced two years later. After that, the movie star flared up passionate romance with Andrei Boltenko, who did not miss his chance and proposed to his beloved.

The couple are now raising two children. Unlike many other actresses, Marina is not torn between work and home. Moreover, in her career she does not have to choose the most profitable projects, because Alexandrova does not need to think about the financial side of family life.

“Of course, our leader is Andrei. But all this is so unimportant. When you love a person, it doesn't matter who is the leader in your couple. Andrei gave me the opportunity to be myself, I can choose what to do, shoot where I want, I can relax, give birth, continue to grow in professionally Marina says. I don't know what euphoria is. I am clearly aware of what is happening in my life, and I am very grateful to my husband.”

Interestingly, from the very beginning, Marina dreamed of having a person who could be relied upon as her companion. In addition, Alexandrova would like her lover to spoil her and present pleasant surprises, not counting the money for their implementation. The actress's dream came true - she found all these qualities in Andrei Boltenko.

“Once we were chatting with a friend, and she asked what kind of man I see next to me. I said: “He must be talented, self-sufficient, and so that he can take, for example, and say: “We flew to listen to the opera in Milan” or “Let's rush to New York for an exhibition.” And I met such a person. I know that many even envy me, ”the actress admits in an interview with OK!” magazine. .

Recall that Alexandrova became a mother for the second time in September last year. She quickly got into shape and started working on a new project. Aleksandrova starred in the second part of the TV series "Ekaterina", which received a lot of positive feedback from the audience.

One of the most expensive models in the world, Natalia Vodianova, left her husband, wealthy English Lord Justin Portman, for the chief director of Channel One.

The heart of the fashion model, whose story is similar to the fairy tale of Cinderella, was given without the right of exchange and return to 37-year-old Andrei Boltenko, the owner of three Tefi awards and one unique charisma.

In order to be with Vodyanova, a secret romance with which the young telemeter has been going on no less than since 2006, he broke up with the star of Sovremennik Marina Alexandrova: in the same days, Vodyanova hired a lawyer to complete the divorce proceedings in London.

The romance of Andrei and Natalia, who for 8 years of married life gave birth to three charming children to the lord, began with friendship. Vodyanova and Boltenko, who crossed paths many times at work, allowed themselves only subtle flirting for those around them and did not Furthermore- until the favorite of the world's best designers started having problems with her husband.

This happened at the beginning of 2008, when even a model party, reminiscent of a terrarium in atmosphere, had no idea about the troubles in the Vodianova family.
Then it was Boltenko who was the first to lend a helping hand, which the fragile model has not released until now.

About how abruptly her life has changed with the appearance of Andrey in it, Natalya tries not to tell anyone, and first of all, her relatives, who are going through what is happening very hard.

While the divorce is going on, everything is decided by Natasha herself, we try, of course, to help, but only morally, - Vodianova's stepfather Alexander told Life News. - Natasha is quite an adult child. We can get little details from her ourselves.

- How do you look at Natasha's union with Andrei Boltenko?
- Only negative emotions... It's natural - how else can you look at it?! Because three such good kids... We look at everything with great chagrin. It will be really unpleasant if this divorce takes place. Might still work...

During each visit to Moscow, where Vodianova Lately happens many times more often than in London, princess European catwalk stays in Andrey Boltenko's apartment.

According to a few friends of the couple, most likely in the winter, when Vodianova's divorce is formalized, they will live under the same roof. In the meantime, lovers are trying to spend as much time together as possible, without being separated, for example, even while going to a fitness club.

As it became known to Life News, for several months the couple went in the morning to the pool of the Else club elite center on Ivankovsky highway.

They are not clients of our club, they go to us on a one-time invitation, - said Marina, an employee of the fitness center. - They are in the pool and in the sauna. They act like they're on their honeymoon. Although the magazines write that she is married.

During long separations Andrew is not sad alone. For several months, he met with the same age as Vodyanova, actress Marina Alexandrova, who in the spring of 2010 was divorced from artist Ivan Stebunov.

- They come to us a couple of times a week in the evenings, they always take not very much food. Apparently, they live nearby, - Stella, a cashier at a large chain supermarket, where Andrei and Marina were often seen, told Life News.

The director did indeed share the house with Alexandrova for some time, but this love ordered a long life: for the sake of Natalia Vodianova, Andrey broke up with the girl with whom, it would seem, they were such a beautiful couple.

According to British journalists, when parting, Vodianova will have to give Portman $ 10 million in compensation so that he does not disclose the fact of her adultery. Meanwhile, the true reason for the divorce of the girlfriend of the model is not called adultery at all, but the personality traits of her titled husband.

Despite title of nobility Lord Portman, Natalia brought money to the family, and after the birth of her third child, Justin began to have problems with alcohol.

I don’t want to comment on the situation with Natasha, - Vodianova’s close friend, former editor-in-chief of the Russian VOGUE Alena Doletskaya, sharply told Life News - it was Natalia who first told her about her affair with Boltenko.

Mom Vodianova Larisa Viktorovna categorically denies the existence of problems in the family of the star daughter.

I don't know where all the talk about divorce came from, she says. - What should Natasha do in this situation - cry? I didn't hear anything like that. And I don't know who Andrey Boltenko is.

But the name of the director is well known in the professional environment.

This novel has been developing with varying success since 2006, - says journalist Natalya Radulova. - In television circles, this has not been a secret for a long time. Why isn't his name mentioned? Why are they silent? Superstars work to be talked about on every corner.