Road, intercity, highway... All this is romantic at the same time, especially, but at the same time hard and tiring. Tiring everything: long hours on the road, constant pressure, attention to signs and markings, observation of the most expensive and self-ambushes of the police. It’s good if someone blinks their headlights, thereby preventing an unexpected meeting. You yourself probably blinked more than once at passing oncoming people, trying to signal a posted post. However, such signaling, that is, blinking headlights, turns out to be illegal. For this, they may well be stopped, scolded and fined or not!? You say, “Yes, well! Can't be!". Or maybe it can't... Let's try to understand this issue in the article.

Traffic rules on the prohibition of blinking high beams

So, we take a book of traffic rules and look for. Although it is possible and virtually, that is, on the Internet - SDA. In fact, this document will be key in order to find any flaws in the behavior of the driver. So the entire section at number 19 "Use of external lighting devices and sound signals" of the SDA is dedicated to the rules for using light and sound devices. Let's quote the main thing.

19.2 The main beam must be switched to the low beam:
V settlements if the road is lit;
at an oncoming pass at a distance of at least 150 m from the vehicle, as well as at a greater distance, if the driver of the oncoming vehicle by periodically switching the headlights shows the need for this;
19.5. During daylight hours, all moving vehicles must turn on dipped beam headlights or daytime running lights to identify them.
19.11. To warn of overtaking, instead of a sound signal or together with it, a light signal may be given, which is a short-term switching of the headlights from dipped to high beam.

Here we have collected points that just provide for the facts of switching light from far to near or vice versa. Note that nothing is said here about short-term switching on, switching off the light. That is, in fact, blinking with light is not reflected in any way as a forbidden fact. From this we can conclude that if the inspector stops the driver because he blinked the light, then he will have to look not for objective - direct facts of traffic violations, but for some alternative variations. If the inspector decides to issue a fine.

Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for a fine for blinking high beams

In fact, the inspector does not have logical and direct conclusions that allow him to issue a fine for blinking a light. This is not the absence of light, these are not non-working lights. The only thing that can somehow and indirectly tighten the blinking of headlights is Article 12.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. An article with a rather general wording about the violation of the use of lighting devices.

Penalty for blinking high beams (light switching)

Now we take the document - the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and read article 12.20 from it.

Violation of the rules for using external lighting devices, sound signals, emergency alarms or emergency stop signs - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

This is the only article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation that can be applied. However, as we have already said, there are no direct facts indicating that blinking is a violation of traffic rules.

How can I dispute a fine for blinking high beams

If you come across, frankly, not an adequate traffic cop, then you can avoid a fine for blinking with high beams like this. First, if you enter into a predictable and diplomatic dialogue with a police officer, then you can always mention that blinking a high beam in an alternative case can be punished not by a ruble, but by a warning. All under the same article 12.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
Secondly, blinking is essentially allowed when overtaking. Perhaps there was such a situation. See above paragraph 19.11 of the SDA.
Thirdly, if this does not help, then let the inspector write in the protocol which paragraph of the traffic rules you violated. This will not be easy to do. Since, in fact, blinking with a high beam is not limited in any of the traffic rules. As a result, such a protocol can be challenged in the same traffic police by filing an appeal.
In the end, if, after all, some not quite normal traffic cop issued a fine, then today's legislation allows you to pay for violations under Article 12.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with a 50 percent discount. To do this, you must pay the fine no later than 20 days from the date of the decision.

Summarizing the blinking high beams on the highway

Here I would like to recall the proverb that the road to hell is paved with good deeds. Don't try to please everyone and everything. If you see that there is a truck or bus in front of you, then you definitely should not blink. Since truckers, normal truckers, almost never exceed the speed limit. And the driver of regular buses even more so. If they get caught, then it seems to us for the good, since these citizens should be the most responsible on our roads.
As for the rushing cars, it is possible to warn such people. Even if the inspectors notice you and stop you, they will not find the point that you cannot switch briefly from near to far in the traffic rules.

Question-answer on the topic "Penalty for blinking high beams"

Question: Can I get a fine for blinking a light on the highway to warn of a police ambush?
Answer: No. There is no such condition in the SDA, unless the inspector decides that the driver has violated some related rule from clause 19 of the SDA.




Art. 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Petty hooliganism

The fact that citizen Ivanov I.I. 03/03/11 at 20:45, being in the bar "Impulse", located in the village of Sovetsky on the street. Oktyabrskaya, in a state of intoxication to the bartender Petrova A.N. was expressed in obscene language, did not respond to the repeated demands of citizens to stop illegal actions.

The fact that on March 21, 2011 at about 19:30 on the porch of the Oktyabr Palace of Culture, located in the village of Soviet citizen Ivanov I.I. he used obscene language, insultingly pestered citizens, grabbed the hands of young women passing by, blocked the passage. He did not respond to the repeated demands of citizens to stop illegal actions.

The fact that citizen Ivanov I.I. 03/21/11 at 19 hours 30 minutes, being in the bar "Impulse", located in the r.p. Soviet on the street. Oktyabrskaya, in a state of intoxication to the bartender Petrova A.N. expressed foul language, waving his arms, broke three bottles of beer on the counter, thereby causing material damage in the amount of 123 rubles. He did not respond to the repeated demands of citizens to stop illegal actions.

The fact that citizen Ivanov I.I. 03/20/11 at 5:00 pm on the fence of household number 34 on the street. Oktyabrskaya in r.p. The Soviet wrote obscene inscriptions of obscene content, in black paint.

The fact that on 21.03.05 at 19 hours 30 minutes on the bus stop "Renaissance Square" in the city of Yoshkar-Ola, citizen Ivanov I.I. used foul language, insultingly pestered the citizens, grabbed the hands of passers-by. To the repeated demands of the police officer to stop illegal actions, he answered with foul language and continued to use foul language,

It is insulting to pester citizens, i.e. committed an offense under Art. 20.1 part 2 KRFoAP.

Art. 20.20 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Drinking beer and drinks

Manufactured on its basis, alcohol and

drugs or psychotropic substances

In public places

The fact that on June 17, 2011 at 1300 hours on the playground kindergarten"Dolphin", located in Yoshkar-Ola on the street. Khorosheva, citizen Ivanov NI. drank beer "Volzhanin" / art. 20.20 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation /

In that 19.03.05 at 11 hours 25 minutes in the recreation park, located in the village of Sovetsky, citizen Ivanov I.I. on a bench he drank alcoholic products / vodka /, i.e. committed an administrative offense under Art. 20.20 part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In that 19.03.05 at 11 hours 25 minutes in the recreation park, located in the village of Sovetsky, citizen Ivanov I.I. on a bench prepared for drinking together with a citizen Petrova A.N. alcoholic products / vodka /. Art. 20.20 h. 2 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

The fact that 19.03.05 at 12 hours 15 minutes at the stadium, located in p. Soviet, Ivanov I.I. used intoxicating substances / by inhalation of vapors of Moment glue / part 3 of Art. 20.20 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Art. 20.21 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Appearance in public places

In a state of intoxication

The fact that 12.03.05 at 17.45 minutes on the street. Alexandrova near the house number 8, Volzhsk, citizen Ivanov I.I. was in a state of intoxication that offends human dignity and public morality /dirty, wet, unbuttoned clothes, appearance causes disgust and disgust, impaired coordination of movement, unsteady gait, incoherent speech, a sharp smell of alcohol from the mouth/

Art. 20.22. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The appearance of minors in a state of intoxication, as well as their drinking of beer and drinks produced on its basis, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, their consumption drugs or psychotropic substances in public places

The fact that on March 19, 2011 at 12:15 pm on the landing between the 2nd and 3rd floors at entrance No. 2, house 8 on the street. Alexandrov, Volzhsk minor Ivanov I.I. used an intoxicating substance / by inhaling the vapors of Moment glue.

The fact that 18.03.11 at 20 hours 05 minutes in the Palace of Culture "October", located in the village of Soviet, minor Ivanov I.I. was in a state of intoxication that offended human dignity and public morality /opened clothes, impaired coordination of movement, unsteady gait, incoherent speech, smell of alcohol from the mouth/.

Full text of Art. 20.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with comments. New current edition with additions for 2019. Legal advice on Article 20.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

1. Shipment of weapons -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles with or without confiscation of weapons. federal law dated June 22, 2007 N 116-FZ.

2. Violation of the rules for transportation, transportation of weapons and cartridges for them -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

3. Violation of the rules for the use of weapons and cartridges for them -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred to three thousand rubles or the deprivation of the right to acquire and keep or keep and carry weapons for a term of one to two years. June 22, 2007 No. 116-FZ; as amended by Federal Law No. 398-FZ of December 28, 2010.

Commentary on Article 20.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

1. This article ensures the implementation by citizens and organizations of the ban on the transfer of weapons, established by Art. 6 of the Federal Law of December 13, 1996 N 150-FZ "On Weapons" (as amended and supplemented), as well as implementation in accordance with Art. Art. 24 - 25 of this Federal Law and regulatory legal acts Government of the Russian Federation rules for the use, transportation, transportation of weapons and ammunition for it.

2. The object of the commented administrative offense is relations in the field of ensuring public order and public safety.

3. the objective side offense characterizes the action associated with the transfer of weapons, violation of the relevant rules for the use, transportation, transportation of weapons and cartridges for it.

For example, in accordance with paragraph 66 of the Rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814 (as amended and added), it is prohibited to use technically faulty weapons and cartridges, the expiration date, storage or use of which has expired, except for cases of research work and testing or verification technical condition weapons. The same Rules established that in order to transport weapons and cartridges, legal entities are obliged to ensure the escort of consignments of firearms in the amount of more than 5 units or cartridges in the amount of more than 400 pieces along the route by guards in the amount of at least 2 people armed with firearms, coordinate with the internal authorities cases at the place of registration of weapons and cartridges, the route of movement and type of transport, transport weapons and cartridges in their original packaging or in special containers, which must be sealed or sealed (clause 69). Carriers, after concluding agreements on the transportation of weapons and ammunition, are obliged to issue income and expenditure and accompanying documents in the manner established by the relevant federal executive authorities in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (clause 73).

It should be taken into account that the illegal transportation of weapons, their main parts, ammunition is qualified as a crime under Part 1 of Art. 222 of the Criminal Code.

4. The subject of this offense is an individual who has reached the age of 18 (Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Weapons"), as well as a legal entity.

5. On the subjective side, the guilt of a legal entity is recognized in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 2.1 of the Code, and the violation committed individual, is characterized by an intentional form of guilt.

6. Cases of administrative offenses are considered by officials of the internal affairs bodies (police) (Article 23.3). In addition, according to parts 1 and 3 of this article, such cases are considered by judges in cases where officials of the internal affairs bodies (police), if it is necessary to resolve the issue of imposing an administrative penalty in the form of confiscation or seizure of weapons for compensation, transfer them to the judge for consideration ( part 2 article 23.1).

Protocols on administrative offenses are drawn up by officials of the internal affairs bodies (police) (part 1 of article 28.3).

7. It must be borne in mind that the Federal Law of December 28, 2010 N 398-FZ in part 3 of the commented article made the following changes, which come into force on July 1, 2011: an alternative administrative penalty in relation to a fine is deprivation of the right for the acquisition and storage or storage and carrying of weapons, and the reimbursable seizure of weapons and ammunition related to additional punishments is excluded from the list of administrative sanctions (from July 1, 2011, Article 3.6 of the Code is recognized as invalid).

Therefore, subject to the provisions of Art. 3.8 of the Code, from July 1, 2001, officials of the internal affairs bodies (police) will refer cases of these offenses to judges for consideration if it is necessary to resolve the issue of imposing a penalty in the form of deprivation of the right to acquire and store or store and carry weapons (part 2 article 23.1).

Consultations and comments of lawyers on Article 20.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

If you still have questions on Article 20.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and you want to be sure that the information provided is up to date, you can consult the lawyers of our website.

You can ask a question by phone or on the website. Initial consultations are free of charge from 9:00 to 21:00 Moscow time daily. Questions received between 21:00 and 09:00 will be processed the next day.

Art. 20.20 KRFoAP. Drinking alcohol and alcohol-containing products or consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in public places (part 3).

03/19/12 at 12:15 pm at the stadium located in r.p. Middle Akhtuba Ivanov I.I. used intoxicating substances / by inhaling the vapors of Moment glue.

Art. 20.21 KRFoAP. Appearing in public places while intoxicated.

03/12/12 at 17.45 minutes on the street. Alexandrov near the house number 8 of the city of Volzhsky, citizen Ivanov I.I. was in a state of drug intoxication, offending human dignity and public morality /dirty, wet, unbuttoned clothes, appearance causes disgust and disgust, impaired coordination of movement, unsteady gait, incoherent speech/.

Art. 20.22 KRFoAP. The appearance of minors in a state of intoxication, as well as their drinking of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, their consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in public places.

03/19/12 at 12:15 pm on the landing between the 2nd and 3rd floors at entrance No. 2, house 8 on the street. Alexandrov g. Volzhsky minor Ivanov I.I. used an intoxicating substance / by inhaling the vapors of the Moment glue /.

Art. 6.8 KRFoAP. Illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues.

During a personal search of a citizen Ivanov I.I. On March 15, 2012, at 3:00 pm, a bundle of white paper, 3 by 3 cm in size, was found in the left pocket of his trousers with a green substance, which, according to him, he found on Oktyabrskaya r. P. Middle Akhtuba. According to the expert's certificate, the seized substance is marijuana weighing 3 grams.

On March 15, 2012, at 14:30, citizen Ivanov I.I. in r.p. Middle Akhtuba on the street. Oktyabrskoy acquired a green substance from an unknown person, resembling marijuana in appearance. According to the expert's certificate, the seized substance is marijuana weighing 3 grams.

Art. 6.9 KRFoAP . Consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription.

Citizen Ivanov I.I. 04/15/12 at 13 00 hours in household number 3, located on the street. October district The average Akhtuba used narcotic drugs without a doctor's prescription, by intravenous injection.

Art. 6.10 KRFoAP. Involvement of a minor in the use of alcoholic beverages or intoxicating substances.

Citizen Ivanov I.I. 03/15/12 at 1900 hours during a disco in the Palace of Culture "October", located in the village. The average Akhtuba persuaded the underage Petrov Nikolai to use an intoxicating substance (vapor of Moment glue).

VIII. Sizes of large and extra large sizes of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2006 N 76
"On approval of large and extra large sizes of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as large and extra large sizes for plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, or parts thereof containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, for the purposes of Articles 228, 228.1, 229 and 229.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation".

List (excerpts) of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the circulation of which is prohibited in the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties Russian Federation (List I):


Name Large size (grams over) Extra large size (grams over)
Acetylated opium 0,5
Hashish (pineapple, cannabis resin)
Heroin (diacetylmorphine) 0,5 2,5
Cannabis (marijuana)
poppy straw
Cannabis oil (hash oil) 0,4
Mescaline 0,5 2,5
Methadone (phenadone, dolophine) 0,5 2,5
methamphetamine (pervitin) 0,3 2,5
Opium - coagulated poppy juice
psilocybin 0,05 0,25
phencyclidine 0,02 0,1
ephedron 0,2 2,5
Amphetamine and its derivatives 0,2
coca leaf
MDMA 0,6 3,0

IX. Major drugs,

used in illicit trafficking

(Mixed international classification drugs)


Synthetics- this is a group of drugs that are synthesized under conditions close to the factory, and look like ordinary drugs. medicines(tablets, capsules or powders). As a rule, these compounds differ in their molecular structure from those officially controlled by the state. This structure retains or even enhances the pharmacological activity of the parent compounds.

Amphetamine methylenedioxy derivatives, Ecstasy group

Methylenedioxy derivatives of amphetamine (MDOA) - separate, special class entactogens, because it has a special effect on a person, different from the effects of amphetamines or hallucinogens of the mescaline class.


MDA (3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine, Love Drug, mol. wt. 179)

MDMA (3,4. methylenedioxyamphetamine, Ecstasy, Adam, XTC, ESSENCE, pier weight 193) was synthesized in 1914. It was first used in psychiatry as a means of reducing anxiety, increasing emotional openness. Information about side effects and addiction was absent, which contributed to the growth of its popularity in society. For a long time, MDMA and related compounds were thought to be safe.

MDEA (N-ethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine, Eve, mol. wt. 207)

MDDMA (N,N-dimethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine, mol weight 207)

BDB (1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)2-butanamine, mol. wt. 193)

MBDB (N-methyl-1-(3,4 methylenedioxyphenyl)2-butanamine, mol. wt. 207)

N-OH-MDA (N-hydroxy-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine, Fantasy, mol.

(All these compounds are prohibited for consumption and are included in Schedule 1 of the UN Convention and the Standing Committee on Drug Control of the Russian Federation)

PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS: euphoria, expansion and sharpening of emotional perception, an increase in the strength of emotions and sensations, a sense of emotional closeness and increased trust in others,

peacefulness and sympathy, the need for intellectual and physical contacts; increased self-esteem, sociability and sociability. Stimulant and hallucinogenic manifestations are not observed (only with high doses).

SIDE EFFECTS: Profuse sweating, involuntary jamming of the jaw, biting of the cheeks, blurred vision, fluctuations in blood pressure.

With long-term use of MDAO, tolerance develops, the nature of the effect changes in the direction of increasing negative effects. There are irreversible processes in the brain (severe neurotoxic disorders of the serotonergic system). Deep prolonged depressions, panic states, paranoid reactions.


Hydrochloric acid salts (hydrochlorides) in the form of tablets with various logos, capsules or powders.

The main method is oral. Inhalation through the nose and intravenous administration are possible.

A single dose, depending on the type of compound, is 50-100 (80-125) mg (for MDA - up to 230 mg), with the development of tolerance, the amount can be increased to 300-500 mg; however, doses above 500 mg are fatal. Death occurs mainly due to acute heart failure and dehydration.

Fentanyl and its analogues

Fentanyl (FNT)- N-(1-phenatyl-4-pileridyl) propionamilide is a synthetic narcotic analgesic of high efficiency (100 times stronger than morphine) and short action. It was first synthesized in the late 50s in Belgium. Under the name Sublimaze, it was introduced into clinical medicine as an intravenous anesthetic for pre- and post-operative medication. The action occurs in 1-2 minutes and lasts 30-60 minutes.

All FNT analogs are opioids, as they bind to opiate receptors, and their pharmacological action, including side effects, are similar to those of opiates, but differ in strength and duration of action.

Fentanyls dissolve well in lipids and therefore easily and quickly overcome the membrane barrier and are effectively absorbed by any route of administration. reach the brain quickly. The first effects develop within 90 seconds after intravenous administration, after 2 minutes a state of relaxation and euphoria is achieved.


All banned analogues of fentanyl have a qualitatively similar pharmacological effect of the opiate type on the body and differ only in effectiveness and duration of action.










(All these compounds are prohibited for consumption and are included in Schedule 1 of the UN Convention and the Standing Committee on Drug Control of the Russian Federation)

PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS: relaxation, euphoria. The development of tolerance and physiological dependence occurs rapidly. PNT derivatives have a substitution with morphine and, like opiates, have narcotic activity. Opium addicts perceive FNT as a substitute for heroin with similar effects.

SIDE EFFECTS: fentanyls produce all the effects and side effects of classic narcotic analgesics. Doses of 50-100 micrograms of pharmaceutical FNT cause analgesia and rapid loss of consciousness. Exceeding doses leads to euphoria, respiratory depression, narrowing of the pupils into a pinhead, increased muscle tone, and nausea.


Intravenous administration is the most common way. Also, like heroin, PNT is smoked and inhaled through the nose. There is information about two forms of the drug: for stabbing drugs (shooters) and for using the intranasal method (snorters). I usually dilute the drug very big amount lactose or starch. Sometimes mixed with cocaine or heroin. The color of FNT can vary from pure white (Persian White) to whitish or light beige (China White, Synthetic Heroin, Fentanyl) and light and dark brown (Mexican Brown). The brown color comes from lactose, which caramelizes when heated. The texture of FNT varies from a light and fine powder to a coarser, friable, similar to milk powder. May sometimes have a medical or chemical odor.

Appearance PNT samples do not contain any special features that would visually distinguish it from heroin. Fentanyl and its analogues can only be identified by chemical analysis.


Cannabinoids- drugs derived from the cannabis species Cannabis Sativa. This group of narcotic drugs includes drugs made from various parts hemp plants. Hemp belongs to the genus Cannabinaceae. It is a heapy, annual, tree-like bush. Grows in hot and temperate climate and can reach 4 m in height. The stems have a characteristic odd number (5, 7.9) of leaf branches with serrated edges similar to a saw blade. When flowering, a resinous substance is released on the pedicels of the upper leaves, which protects the plant from the sun. It grows both wild and cultivated. As a non-narcotic substance, it is used for spinning threads, ropes, fabrics; oil production; bird feeding (seeds).


Marijuana(THC 0.5 - 6%) are dried and crushed various parts of hemp. The tops and leaves of female cannabis plants are mainly used. The color of marijuana ranges from light green to brown. It has a characteristic smell of cannabis. Marijuana is used by smoking, both mixed with tobacco and in its pure form. IN Lately marijuana is smoked and combined with coca paste or "crash" and also soaked in phencyclidine.

Hashish(THC 2 - 10%) - made from the resin and pollen of the hemp plant during flowering. The tops are kneaded until the resin comes out, then it and the frayed remains of plants are kneaded and pressed into tiles or other three-dimensional forms. Hashish has the characteristic smell of hemp. The color varies from light gray to black depending on where the hemp grows and how the hash is made. Consumed by smoking or orally.

hash oil(THC 10 - 30%) - has the appearance of a tarry viscous liquid. It is obtained by extraction (extraction) of tetrahydrocannabinol from parts of the hemp plant with various solvents, alcohols or fats. The color varies from dark green to dark brown. The method of use is smoking cigarettes soaked in hash oil, less often with food.


It has a stimulating and sedative effect on the body, at high doses it causes hallucinogenic effects.

Physiological effects- swelling of the mucous membrane of the eyes, inflammation of the eye. Increased heart rate, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, impaired motor function, relaxation, fluctuations in body temperature, headache, dizziness, nausea, feeling of hunger

Behavioral Effects- relaxation, decreased psychomotor activity, impaired concentration, impaired ability to correctly assess distance, reduced attention, rapid speech, unrestrained talkativeness.

Emotional Effects- euphoria, a feeling of well-being, a carefree state, alternating with a state of anxiety and restlessness.

Neuropsychiatric effects- deterioration of short-term memory, understanding, ability to perform tasks. Change in perception of time and space. Increased tactile sensitivity. Exacerbation of visual and auditory perception, smell. Reducing the pain barrier. Changes in the sphere of sexual emotions. hallucinations. Loss of self-awareness as a person, depersonalization. Psychosis (at high doses).

Toxic manifestations of high doses - muscle contraction, anxiety, suspicion, delirium, paranoia, panic, cerebrovascular accident, speech difficulties, recurrent hallucinations (sometimes after 6 months of abstinence).


Smoking, smoke inhalation. Oral consumption (chewing, in the form of tea leaves or as a food supplement). Intravenous administration (rare).


After drying, marijuana contains more than 400 components. When smoking, as a result of pyrolytic transformations, they are transformed into 2000 chemical substances. More than 70 of the 400 ingredients in marijuana make up the CANNABINOID group. The main component responsible for the psychoactive properties of marijuana is trans-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The total effect of marijuana is determined by all active cannabinoids.


delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)



1. According to the Federal Law "On Weapons", the transfer of weapons, as well as their transportation, transportation and use are varieties of arms trafficking.

2. In accordance with Art. 19 of the Federal Law "On Weapons", state paramilitary organizations have the right to sell or transfer the combat small arms and edged weapons they have in their arsenal in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, or sell their civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them to legal entities that have license to trade in civil and service weapon and ammo for it.

Heads of state paramilitary organizations have the right to transfer short-barreled firearms for storage and carrying to certain categories of military personnel and employees of state paramilitary organizations who are retired, as well as temporarily issue weapons in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation to officials government agencies who are legally allowed to keep and carry weapons, with the issuance of appropriate permits in the manner determined by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

On the powers of state paramilitary organizations in the field of arms trafficking, see paragraph 2 of the commentary to Art. 20.8.

3. According to paragraph 8, as well as paragraphs 23 - 25 of the Rules for the circulation of military hand-held small arms and other weapons, ammunition and cartridges for them, as well as edged weapons in state paramilitary organizations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 15, 1997 N 1314 (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000 N 838), the transfer of weapons must be formalized with documents of the established form, the list, form and procedure for maintaining which are determined by the regulatory legal acts of the relevant state paramilitary organizations.

4. Transportation and transportation of weapons by air, rail, water, road and other modes of transport are carried out under armed guard with the execution of relevant documents of the established form, the form and procedure for maintaining which are determined by the regulatory legal acts of state paramilitary organizations. The weapon during transportation and transportation must be in an unloaded state separately from ammunition. Weapons and ammunition must be packed in a special container, which is sealed or sealed.

In case of detection of signs of opening a vehicle carrying weapons, damage to containers, violation of prints of seals or seals, the senior armed guard is obliged to immediately inform the military commandant of the railway (water) section or station (port), the head of the station, the police department on transport, draw up an act, take the necessary measures to establish the causes of the incident and ensure the protection of the scene.

5. Transportation of weapons and ammunition on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out on a contractual basis legal entities, whose charters provide for the provision of services for the transportation of weapons and ammunition on the basis of transportation permits issued by the Department of Internal Affairs in the manner determined by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Without permission from the Department of Internal Affairs, citizens of the Russian Federation who legally have hunting weapons are transported weapons and cartridges to participate in hunting and sporting events on the basis of permission from the Department of Internal Affairs for the storage and carrying of weapons.

Citizens of the Russian Federation carry out the transportation of weapons in the amount of no more than five units and cartridges - no more than 400 pieces on the basis of permits from the Department of Internal Affairs for the storage or storage and carrying of the corresponding types, types and models of weapons or licenses for their acquisition, collection or exhibition. Transportation of weapons and ammunition in excess of the specified norms is carried out by citizens of the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed for legal entities.

6. General requirements on the use of weapons by citizens of the Russian Federation are determined by the Federal Law "On Weapons", as well as clauses 32, 33 of the Rules for the circulation of military hand-held small arms and other weapons, ammunition and cartridges for them, as well as edged weapons in state paramilitary organizations.

Citizens of the Russian Federation may use their legally available weapons to protect life, health and property in a state of necessary defense or emergency. The use of weapons must be preceded by a clearly expressed warning about this to the person against whom the weapon is used, except in cases where delay in the use of weapons creates an immediate danger to human life or may entail other grave consequences. At the same time, the use of weapons in a state of necessary defense should not cause harm to third parties.

It is forbidden to apply firearms in relation to women, persons with obvious signs of disability, minors, when their age is obvious or known, with the exception of cases when these persons commit an armed or group attack. On each case of the use of weapons that caused harm to human health, the owner of the weapon is obliged to immediately, but no later than 24 hours, report to the police department at the place of use of the weapon.

Rules for the use of sports and hunting weapons established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. According to Art. 12 of the Federal Law "On Weapons" the use by legal entities with special statutory tasks of certain types and models of combat hand small arms for other purposes not provided for by federal law is prohibited.

Enterprises and organizations entrusted with the functions of protecting hunting and fish resources by the Federal Law of April 24, 1995 N 52-FZ "On the Wildlife" are allowed to purchase and use hunting weapons with a rifled barrel as a service weapon.