Winter holidays can be interesting and unforgettable. Leave all the problems behind and go on a trip to warm countries.

If you don’t know where to relax in December 2020 abroad inexpensively, a beach holiday fit better Total. A trip to a warm country will distract you from the gray winter days and give you an unforgettable experience. Such a vacation is in demand among those who want to change the situation and gain positive emotions. let's consider best countries for budget travellers.

The first winter month in this Arab country is completely different from what we are used to. During the day in December it is warm and sunny here, the nights are cold (warm clothing is required). average temperature during the day +17°С… +22°С, at night +10°С. Precipitation is almost non-existent, but quite frequent cloudy days. The water temperature averages +22°С… +23°С.

Good weather kept in winter Aqaba. A young resort on the Red Sea with sandy and rocky beaches attracts many tourists. If you have already tried a beach holiday in December and don’t know where else to go, take a look at. A ticket for two will cost about $700.


In December, when winter reigns in our latitudes, a relatively cool and dry period begins. It differs practically total absence rain, calm. The weather largely depends on the region. A small Indian state is suitable for winter holidays goa.

With its beaches in the cities Kovalam, Varkala,Kannur famous Kerala. This part of India on the coast of the Arabian Sea pleases with a system of lagoons and lakes, nature rainforest.

In the first month of winter, the average daily temperature is about 32°C. The water is cooled down to 28°C. Nights with temperatures of 21°C ... 24°C bring coolness. , in a comfortable hotel, within 600-700 dollars.


Thailand is a country in which is one of the few world tourism centers available throughout the whole year. By November, the rains stop in Thailand and dry weather sets in. the Velvet season, which continues until mid-February.

The weather at this time is not as hot as in spring or summer. During the day, the air temperature rises to 28°С ... 30°С, the water temperature is on average 26°С, but sometimes even lower. Such conditions make a beach holiday in December especially attractive for Europeans who are not used to intense heat.

The ideal place to relax at this time of year is the resorts on the Andaman coast. Among the popular ones, Phuket should be highlighted, Lantu, Ranong, Phangngu, Krabi. The rainy season is here too big waves and strong undercurrents, and precipitation falls up to 6 times a week. But in the period from December to March, the sea becomes calm and transparent, rare rains are not able to spoil a beach holiday.

On the coast of the Gulf of Thailand is the oldest resort in the country − Pattaya, pleasing the lowest prices. The approximate cost of a week of rest for two is $ 1,000.

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December during is one of the coolest months. The most visited part of the country at this time is the south coast ( Vung Tau, island Phu Quoc, Mui Ne). In December days, there is little rainfall, the dry season dominates here. Air temperature - 30°С, water temperature - 26°С.

Coast Mui Ne popular with windsurfers thanks to strong wind. The beaches of Fukuoka are deserted, calm places that are deservedly considered one of the most unpolluted and beautiful in the world. You will pay for 7-8 nights, including flights, approximately $1,200 for two.


beach holiday in December in Cuba will please you after the snow-covered streets. From October to April, the country has a dry season, which means that the sun pleases with its warmth up to 8 hours a day. Daytime air temperature is 26°C, nighttime indicators drop to 21°C. Temperature surface water near the coast it is 22°С ... 24°C.

Swimming in winter is the most comfortable, since in summer you can’t hide from the exorbitant heat even in the water. Precipitation during this period is kept to a minimum. The sea is very calm, with acceptable waves in the north of the island. December is the best time to visit Varadero And Havana. Such a trip for two will cost you from $ 1,900.

Go to if you are still thinking about where to fly in December, a beach holiday will not disappoint you. There are many clean beaches that are municipal property and absolutely free. Cubans infect with their incredible energy everyone who comes here. In this extraordinary country, you will plunge into the world of exotic and fun.

If you could not get to the sea in the summer, this is not a reason to be upset. A beach holiday in December 2020 at sea, abroad and inexpensively is quite real. There is a list of countries where beach holidays are available throughout the year. Besides, trips to hot countries winter time often cheaper than in season.

At the end of each year, the flow of tourists increases incredibly - everyone is drawn to travel. Galya and I are no exception. How many times have we asked ourselves this question: “Where to go on vacation in December?” There are a lot of desires and options for where to go, but every time we compare our desires, our capabilities and the characteristics of the country (by climate in December, by accommodation prices, by airfare).

In Asia, the rainy season has ended and hot sunny weather has set in. The sea is warm and calm, just right for swimming and beach holidays. You can rush to Asia. In Europe, preparations for Christmas have been going on since November. Until December 25, all Catholic countries turn into fabulous towns, decorated with luminous garlands, elegant Christmas trees, Christmas markets unfold in the streets and squares.

Erfurt. Christmas market on the square of the cathedral.

In shops you can buy a lot of unique cute things, gifts, souvenirs. Everywhere festivities, light shows, performances of brass bands, choirs, festive processions. Colorful carousels, skating rinks, New Year's toys; sweet gingerbread, candied nuts, roasted chestnuts, gluwine and punch, pies, pancakes, all kinds of sausages, sausages ... in general, a fair, a festive mood and happiness.

Friends, now we are in Telegram: our channel about Europe, our channel about Asia. Welcome)

Where is the best place to go in December?

To begin with, it is worth deciding what you want more: the sea, the sun, fruits, summer pleasures, relaxation and bodily pleasure. Or a bright colorful winter, a holiday, architecture, sights and frost.

Swimming in the sea, basking in the sand, riding elephants - the best in countries such as Thailand, India, Vietnam - these are the most popular and well-studied destinations summer holiday. Countries have been successfully working with tourists for a long time. Big choice hotels, ease of booking, the ability to relax on your own, without travel agencies and intermediaries. These countries should be added. We were on the island just in December. I liked it very much.

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Eating mango and pineapple in Dambul. Sri Lanka

In Europe, rest is of a completely different kind. The cities themselves are beautiful: medieval cathedrals, museums, town halls, manufactories, art galleries, architectural originality. In such cities as Brussels, Strasbourg, Nuremberg, Cologne, Zurich, Vienna, Paris, Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Helsinki, it is beautiful and interesting at any time of the year, and at Christmas it is unforgettable.

Although, in our opinion, it is better to go to Paris, Rome, Venice in September - early October or in spring. These cities are always beautiful, but there are fewer flea markets.

in Brussels last years put on a great light show. It is worth seeing, and walking around the festive city is also interesting. And then go further, because in Europe the distances are short, the roads are good, transport runs often and regularly. Getting from one city to another is easy, and there are no borders between countries - travel for your own pleasure!

Fragments of the Christmas light show in Brussels

The light show is different every year.

Museum openings on Christmas

In Europe, you should pay attention to the work of museums, art galleries and shops. During the Christmas holidays, in accordance with the traditions of the country, on December 24, 25, 26 they work according to a special schedule or are closed. Grocery stores are also closed. In big cities such as Munich, where there are many Muslims, eating is not a problem, but in small towns ... and cafes and shops are closed on December 25th. You can find out the details.

In Asia, museums and shops are open as usual.

When we choose where it is better to go on vacation in December, we start with the question: “What do you want more - swim in the sea in December or a holiday of the soul?” But this is only the beginning. Next, it is worth considering the weather conditions, the budget for accommodation and for the flight to the country, whether we need a visa to the country and whether we will have time to get it. After comparing our capabilities and desires, we make a decision.

Weather in December in Europe

The weather in Europe is changing. A few years ago, in December, in the same Germany, grass turned green on the lawns, and the temperature was around zero. Now you can expect any surprises and a sharp cold snap, and ice and snow, slush and heat. Strongly trust the predictions of meteorologists is not worth it. You can still predict something for 3 days, but I don’t believe in long-term weather forecasts.

To get an idea (namely, to get an idea) about the weather in the city you need, I recommend using the resource website address: Here you can see a map, a country, select a city and find out what the climate is like in the city . Those. day and night temperature, rainfall, etc. You can also see the forecast for coming days and an archive of the actual temperature for past years.

December weather in Sri Lanka

The island is large and the climate on it is "convenient for travelers." Six months, from May to April, the season of rest and good weather in the northern part, the rest of the time in this part of the island there are rains and strong waves. Therefore, in December you need to go south, where there are such beaches as Hikkaduwa, Unawatuna, Beruwala, Weligama. IN central regions there may be some short showers. We wrote more about this in.

December weather in India

There are several types of climate in India: humid tropical, dry tropical, subtropical monsoon and highland. In most of the country, there are three seasons: monsoon - hot and humid (June - October); trade wind - cool and dry (November - February); transitional - very hot and dry (March - May).

Goa at Christmas

In December in Delhi, for example, the temperature during the day averages 21 ° C, at night it drops to 9 ° C. Mumbai is south and the temperature during the day is 31°C, at night 20°C, GOA during the day 32°C, at night 21°C. As you can see, the temperature drops a lot at night, so don't forget a warm sweater, hat and sneakers when heading to central or northern India in December.

Weather in Thailand in December

In Thailand all year round good weather. But in the winter it is excellent! Therefore, December is the peak season. The sea is calm, the water temperature is 22 - 24 degrees. There is no wind. You can swim, sunbathe, massage on the beach.

December weather in Vietnam

Vietnam is a very beautiful country. There are cultural monuments and good comfortable beaches. A feature of Vietnam is its length from north to south. Just like in Sri Lanka, you can travel to Vietnam both in winter and in summer, but in different parts of Vietnam.

Vietnam. Beach on Phukok island

In the north of Vietnam, the period from November to April is cool and dry; from May to October it is hot and humid. In December, it is cool and humid in the north of Vietnam. Swimming is uncomfortable. It's not worth going.

In the south of Vietnam from May to November is the rainy season; high humidity throughout the year.

In winter, it is worth going to the South of Vietnam in the direction of Ho Chi Minh City, Dalat, Phan Thiet / Mui Ne. In December, it is best on the island of Phu Quoc, the beaches of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne.

In the popular Nha Chang, in October-December, the water turns a dirty brown color.

Which countries need a visa

The question is important. If the vacation fell unexpectedly and you decided to go, then you may not have time to prepare documents for entry into the country.

In Europe, the Schengen area. To move within the zone, across the countries of the union, a visa is not needed. But to enter the zone itself and the country where your plane will land, you need a visa.

In this sense, Asian countries are easier. Thailand does not require a visa. In Vietnam, if the period of stay in the country is less than 15 days, it is not needed. India requires a visa, but it is very easy to obtain. You need a visa to Sri Lanka, but you can do it.

December travel cost

The next important question is your budget. Many are looking for places to travel cheaply. It won't work cheap. But it's economically possible. Especially if you are driving on your own.

There are two important moments: the cost of the plane ticket and the cost of living in the country.

A plane to Europe is relatively inexpensive, so you can fly to Berlin for 131 € (round trip). To the Czech Republic for 178 €. To Spain for 190 €. But, the farther the country is from Russia, the more expensive the ticket.

We use a ticket search engine airline sales. One of the convenient features of this search engine is a map. low prices, you can constantly see it with us to the right of the article. Click on the map and a new window will open. Choose the city of departure, flight period, length of stay and the preferred price for the ticket. And the search engine selects a convenient flight for you. It's great, right?

Now about Asia. Accommodation in Thailand, India, Vietnam, Sri Lanka is inexpensive. In India, it is 4 times cheaper than in Russia (we compare prices with Moscow ones). In Sri Lanka, it is 3 times cheaper than in Russia, in Thailand and Vietnam, about the same, maybe a little cheaper.

But! Flights to these countries are expensive. If you buy in advance, six months in advance, then for Christmas and New Year you can find tickets to India and Thailand for 28 thousand rubles. To Sri Lanka for 30 thousand rubles. To Vietnam for 34 thousand rubles. How closer dates by the date of departure, the higher the price (as a rule), here you need to monitor prices and monitor offers. We do this through the same aviasales search engine.

If we compare the total cost of a Christmas trip (air tickets + accommodation), we can see that a holiday in Europe and a holiday in Asia will turn out to be about the same.

Sometimes you want sun and sea in December. Sometimes you want a beautiful Christmas and a holiday. After comparing the weather, conditions for obtaining a visa, ticket prices and the cost of living in the country, we decided that in December you can have a budget vacation in the Czech Republic. That Christmas in Prague also turns out to be inexpensive (compared to Stockholm, London or Zurich) and bright. In Germany it is more expensive, but in Germany the holiday is more noticeable. Here are the most beautiful fairs.

In Germany, you can see not only big cities and the capitals, where the holiday is put on a grand scale, but also small picturesque, incredibly interesting German cities, which are quieter, calmer and more like a historical tradition.

We can recommend you the following route: Munich - Nuremberg, leave Nuremberg for a day trip to Rothenburg ob der Tauber and Bamberg. So you can see a noisy and traditional Christmas and stroll through medieval Germany.

What else is worth considering? That airfare prices are increasing by the end of December, i.е. a trip in December will differ in cost. Prices for flights from December 20-21 are more expensive (peak season, prices fly). The decline in prices will only be in January. A trip at the beginning of December will differ in cost from a trip at the end of December.

November 10, 2016, 0:41 am

Do you have warm sea in December? But the flight is preferably short, and hotel prices are cheap. No? We will look for ... In our review there are 9 countries: both close, and hot and interesting, where you can swim in December.

Closest to Russia warm country for a holiday in December - Israel (4 hours of summer). But it is warm, not hot. The water temperature just above 20°C is more suitable for bathing seasoned travelers. It takes a little longer to fly to cool but sunny resorts in Jordan and the United Arab Emirates (water +22°C).

To get to a truly warm sea-ocean, you will have to spend an average of 8 hours on an airplane. Sri Lanka and Thailand will meet you with the most comfortable water temperature: +26-28°C. In India, on Goa, the ocean in December warms up to + 25 + 28 ° C. The weather is pleasantly hot +32°C.

It takes about 10 hours to fly to Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar. Sea water temperature: +21+25°C, +28°C and +26+28°C. The rainy season ends there in December. You can safely travel.

9 countries where you can swim in December


In December, pleasant weather remains in the resorts of Israel, but the seas are already quite cool. On Red and dead seas in December only +22°C. In the Mediterranean, the water cools down to +20°C. Look for hotels with heated pools. sea ​​water. And the waters of the Dead Sea can be used for healing in spa centers.


Both on the Dead and on the Red Sea - the water temperature in December is + 21 + 23 ° C. in the capital, Amman, and famous Petra– the weather is coldish only +14°C, and at night even +3°C. It may rain, for excursions you need to take an umbrella.

Sunny - in the south of Jordan in Aqaba. The temperature of the Red Sea is usually warmer than air +22°C. Although it can be quite chilly at night. Comfortable weather on the coast of the Dead Sea, here the water is again warmer than air + 22 ° C.

December is a profitable month for traveling around the sights of the historical cradle of Christianity, swinging on salty waters of the Dead sea ​​and enjoy the sunny weather.

UAE (United Arab Emirates)

Arabian nights in December are already quite cool and the gentle sea is not so warm. The water temperature in the Persian and Oman Gulfs is only +21°C. But there are few vacationers and prices are cheaper. You can safely visit local attractions and buy New Year's gifts at the oriental bazaars.

India (Goa)

In December in Goa (India) - the opening of the beach season. So, welcome to the coast of the Indian Ocean. December weather in India is dry and hot up to +34°C, the ocean warms up to +28°C.

Amazing sandy coasts, beautiful views and evergreen jungle. Fishing boats and... beach vendors. On the beaches of Goa, you can easily meet world celebrities. You just need to know which side to choose. north goa more democratic, famous for its parties. South - solid and more calm.

Anjuna beach in the south is quite a lively place with different clubs. And Tiracol beach is a quiet place for unity with nature.

Goa is characterized by low prices for accommodation and meals. This is one of the main advantages of the resort. You can join the original Indian culture by visiting the bright local bazaars with exotic souvenirs and riding an elephant. Joke. Sights and traditions ancient india worthy of a separate excursion program.

Sri Lanka

Just like in India, the heat in Sri Lanka subsides in December. Air "cools down" to 28+30°C, and water to +27°C. A real beach boom at the beginning of winter is experienced by the southeast coast of Sri Lanka. The ocean waters are calm here.

The western part of the island is more suitable for surfers - waves are possible off the coast. In the south of the island you can watch huge turtles.

In December, the Ceylonese celebrate the "national month of birds" - you will get the opportunity to admire bird flights. Christmas in Ceylon is celebrated on December 25th. At this time, it is better to book hotels in advance.


Out of competition for the warm sea in December - Thailand. Great weather attracts crowds of tourists. Water in the Gulf of Thailand can be warmer than air +29°C. The weather in December is perfect for both rest and excursions.

The cleanest and richest sea in Thailand is the Andaman. Resorts on its coast are perfect for a relaxing holiday and active participation in educational trips.

For a beach holiday in December, all resorts in Thailand are good, with the exception of Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao - it rains there. IN high season locals tend to earn money, so food and taxis will not be cheap. Accordingly, accommodation must be booked in advance.


The beginning of our winter falls on the opening of the season in Vietnam. This is a country with excellent service and oriental exoticism. Waterfalls, lagoons, amazing beach scenery. The most popular beach resort in Vietnam is Nha Trang, but the sea is quite rough here in December. When it is still raining in the north and in the center of the country, it is already dry in the south and the water warms up to +25°C, and the air to +26°C. In Mui Ne, the cool breeze is suitable for kiting, the water temperature is +26°C. In Fukuoka it is pleasantly hot, the water is +28°C.


The Khmer kingdom also has access to the sea. Beach resorts are located on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand. They are still little known to Russian tourists. Resorts are not luxurious, but quite comfortable.

For example, Sihanoukville in Cambodia acts as a place for relaxation after excursions Siem Rimp - Angkor - Phnom Penh. There are no attractions here, but night life just bubbling.

In December, it is hot in Cambodia 30-32°C, the water is warm 24-26°C, but at night it rains, which wash clay from the coastal hills into the sea. That's why pure water fluctuates periodically.

The beaches are all different, you have to choose carefully. The beach in the town of Kep is remarkable with black volcanic sand and quite clean water. White sand and spectacular views can be found on the islands off the coast of Cambodia. The main thing is that in December it is hot, sunny and warm ocean.

Viewed: 25031


Where is it better to relax in December at sea abroad? best beach holiday: TOP 5 countries and resorts

The first winter month brings a lot of joy to Russians. Snow is falling somewhere, somewhere people are already skating, and preparations for the new year are underway all over the country. But there are those who, in their own way, prepare for the new year and choose hot country to meet New Year by the sea on the shore with sand. A beach holiday in December 2018 at sea abroad is quite possible. Open in many countries beach season and inexpensively you can relax in Asia, the Caribbean and Africa. Our experts have made a small TOP destinations for recreation at the beginning of winter. Watch and compare it to your list.

Residents of Russia cannot imagine December without snow, light frosts and New Year's fuss. But life is changing and many people no longer imagine a Christmas tree in their apartment instead of beautiful sandy beaches and warm sea. Are you one of them? Then let's see where in December it is best to relax on the sea, so that it is inexpensive and beautiful.

Cuba is number one.

To be honest, we put Cuba in first place simply because you are unlikely to ever forget the new year that you celebrated in the Caribbean. Distant Cuba has always attracted tourists with its endless beaches, its leisurely life and carelessness. And in this country you will meet the New Year holiday one of the last - how do you like this prospect?

In the first winter month, the weather in Cuba is sunny. The air temperature rises to +30 degrees, at night it drops to +20. The sea, or rather the ocean, is very warm and warmed up to +28. The winds are left behind, the rains are the same. The spruce waves are noticeable and under their light noise you can easily fall asleep on the beach.

In addition to the beach, there are other entertainments in the country. These are rare cars that drive on local roads. This National food, which you can try everywhere, and it is not expensive. Plus, don't forget beautiful nature islands of freedom - it is such one and only here.

The Indian resort of Goa is in second place in our ranking. It is very cheap to rest here, the only thing that is expensive is the flight. But this is not such a problem, especially when you consider what beauty awaits you in Goa.

In December, the resort is dominated by the sun. During the day, the air warms up to +27 +30 degrees. It is a little cool at night, but it is unlikely to be below +20. The water in the sea is about +28 degrees and this cannot but rejoice those who flew here on vacation from sub-zero temperatures.

Also, do not forget that Goa is India and it has its own culture. rich story. Many excursions, elephant riding and museums with the history of the country. You will see how the locals live, what they have in common with us and why the locals are in no hurry to go anywhere.

Dominican Republic - bronze medalist.

We can argue endlessly about the honesty of our ranking, but we insist that it is the Dominican Republic that should take a place in the middle and get bronze. Firstly, and this is not a secret, local beaches are constantly recognized as the most beautiful in the world. Secondly, there are amazing hotels called bungalows. These are small houses designed for one or more people. In the Dominican Republic, bungalows are located right in the ocean in shallow water and often have a glass floor, which allows you to see the bottom of the ocean and swimming fish. And thirdly. It is in December that thousands of whales off the coast of the island of Haiti, and this spectacle is impossible to miss and forget.

As for the weather, 99% of the days the sun shines here, and there is not a single cloud in the sky. The air is warmed up to +30, which is not so hot. Humidity is average, and at night it is much easier, because it is only +22 degrees. The ocean off the coast of the island has a temperature of +27 degrees. Local beaches are clean with white sand. Sometimes they go around the corner and seem endless.

Half of the tourists come to the Dominican Republic not for the beach, but for surfing and diving and others water activities. And you should try yourself in something, we are sure you will like it.

Vietnam is the fourth so far, but it is breaking into the top three.

From year to year, there are more and more people who want to relax in Vietnam. And it's not easy. Resorts and hotels here are modern, many opened several years ago. The beaches are completely sandy and it is a pleasure to relax on them.

The average water temperature off the coast of the country is about +25 degrees. During the day, the air warms up to +30, and at night not lower than +22. There is no rain, the winds do not blow often. You can be on the beach from morning to evening and not regret anything.

My favorite form of entertainment in Vietnam is diving. Undersea world keeps many secrets and stories that diving enthusiasts unravel. The underwater world has not yet been explored here, so divers often find valuable things and items from the recent war.
Tourists are also entertained with trips to waterfalls, excursions and stories about ancient history countries.

Thailand is the last in the TOP.

Many will say - no, the resorts of this country should come first - and they will be right in their own way. Thailand has long been number one in winter in terms of beach holidays. And for this reason, we left it in the TOP, but in the end. The country has been visited by millions of Russians, and many have done so several times. Therefore, for beginners, Thailand is an amazing country, and for experienced tourists, it is a common place where you can sunbathe and swim in the sea.

In December, the country has sunny weather with temperatures under +35 degrees Celsius. It gets cooler at night, but not by much, around +25. The sea will delight you with its calmness and warmth up to +27 degrees. There is little rain, or maybe not at all for the whole month.
Natural attractions and cultural monuments are the best excursions in the country. There are so many of them that you can devote your entire vacation to trips to them. But there are also ancient temples that are worth visiting. And don't forget the elephant village.

At night, life in the country is seething as well as during the day. Thousands of entertainment for every taste. Tourists happily accept the rules of the game, and it seems that they do not sleep at all on all days of rest.

Where else - the continuation of the TOP.

We do not insist that our TOP be equal. It's just our opinion. In addition to these five countries, there are other places where it is warm on New Year's Eve and you can swim in the sea. For example, Dubai or Israel. And if you fly away, then there is Mexico and Brazil. The list goes on: Indonesia, Maldives, Seychelles, Egypt and so on. The choice is great, and you probably have your own preferences and your favorites in the TOP.

To start our traditional recommendation review about where it is warm and the sea is warm, with standard phrases trite. Winter holidays for the majority of constantly traveling tourists has become a common practice and even a tradition. As one said a famous person: everyone is drawn to where it is warm. And in December, I want it even more ...

Vietnam washes South China Sea, so the water here is slightly warmer than ocean water, in the Gulf of Thailand it warms up to +27 °С, on the sea coast - up to +26 °С. The air heats up on average + 30-35 ° С. Despite fairly frequent rains, there is usually no precipitation in the first month of winter, pleasant and dry weather sets in.

What to choose and go

In the coastal hotels of Fukuoka, the quality of service, the territory and the surrounding landscapes are not inferior to exclusive options. It is washed by the Gulf of Thailand, which creates a special climate. The average price per day here is 1500 rubles. in a day. In some cases, it reaches 6,000 rubles.

Halong Bay is famous for its scenery. Rooms in hotel complexes are more expensive, but start from 1200 rubles. per day. In Vietnam, there is such a feature, tourists can buy a room in boats, floating hotels. These are small cruise ships offering seaside cabins.

It is worth going to Vietnam not only because of the budgetary costs of hotel offers. special attention deserve monasteries and temples, Asian and European culture, which can be clearly seen in places of worship. It is also a place of good coffee and tea, which is grown in the depths of the peninsula. For many, the idea of ​​​​opening a business and exporting coffee will be interesting, for this you need to go to Dalat.

Island pleasures in the Indian Ocean

The TOP-5 proposals included five islands. It's about about dear All Inclusive, which will cost a fairly large amount, an average of 3000-5000 dollars. Cost may vary depending on accommodation.

In the TOP-5 we singled out best resorts near Hindustan, where an all-season steam sea is offered, or rather the ocean, and not a heated pool. In December, vacationers expect pleasant temperatures and rather high prices, which should not scare you - after that you will earn more:

Seychelles and Maldives offer active species sports, diving on the atolls and tranquility. No hurricanes, frightened millionaires, only unearthly beauty for you personally. You can rent a villa or buy (temporarily) a hotel room.

On about. Ceylon Sri Lanka is usually visited by surfers and divers. The resort is known among lovers of active travel. Thanks to the relief, rafting, hiking and mountain biking are practiced. The best hotels are located in the city of Bentota. In Sri Lanka, if you wish, you can take a full spa course.

The only downside to island tourism is the price. Otherwise, at the beginning of our winter there is a high season and excellent conditions.

We go to other continents

If none of the listed destinations appealed to you, we recommend that you go to another continent. A small plus in the cost of the flight will be offset by new experiences.

Warm in December

  1. In the USA in the state of Florida, you can choose not only Miami. Weather: +30 °С during the day, at night it can fall to +17 °С, water - +25 °С.
  2. In all countries and islands of the Caribbean, the thermometer readings are from +25 °С to +35 °С. The coastal surface also warms up to +28 °С.
  3. In Haiti and the Dominican Republic, it is also warm in summer: + 30-35 ° С is felt, the ocean is + 27-28 ° С.
  4. In Brazil, closer to the equator, temperature indicators are set at around + 27-29 ° С, Fortaleza, Belen and Rio de Janeiro are considered the warmest. At night near the coast it warms up to +26 °С.
  5. Australia: +33 °С awaits you in Darwin, instead of Australia you can go to Bali, where there is an exclusive tourist infrastructure, as well as an ocean surface temperature of +29.8 °С.

There are many benefits to these trips. First of all, new impressions and nature is still different from Eurasia. The disadvantages include higher cost due to the flight, a long road, as well as acclimatization, especially if you are going to the southern hemisphere. The most unpleasant thing in this is climate change and malaise, so add another 2-3 days to active days for a quiet pastime.