To date, Mars is the most attractive object for potential colonization. It is worth starting with the fact that this is the closest planet to Earth (not counting Venus), the flight to which will take only 9 months. In addition, despite the fact that a person cannot be on the surface of Mars without protective equipment, the conditions of the planet are very similar to those on Earth.

First, the surface area of ​​Mars is almost equal to the land area of ​​Earth. Secondly, the Martian day is similar to the Earth day and lasts 24 hours 39 minutes and 35 seconds. In addition, Mars and the Earth have almost the same axial inclination to the ecliptic plane, as a result of which the seasons also change on Mars. The main factor in the possibility of potential colonization of the planet is the presence of an atmosphere on Mars, although not very dense, which guarantees some protection from radiation, and also facilitates the landing of a spacecraft. Also, as a result of recent studies, the presence of water on the planet was confirmed, which gives scientists reason to argue about the likelihood of the emergence and maintenance of life. Plus, it is worth noting the fact that the Martian soil in its parameters is very similar to the earth, so scientists theoretically consider the possibility of growing plants on the surface of the planet.

However, it is worth noting the factors that can greatly complicate the colonization of the red planet. First, it is gravity, which is more than two and a half times less than the earth. Secondly, this low temperature(the maximum air warms up at the equator to +30 degrees Celsius, while in winter at the poles the temperature can drop to -123 degrees). At the same time, the planet is characterized by large annual temperature fluctuations. The planet's magnetic field is approximately 800 times weaker than on Earth. As for atmospheric pressure, it is too low on Mars for the colonists to be able to be on the surface without a special suit.

Mars' atmosphere is 95 percent carbon dioxide, so the early stages of terraforming the planet require vegetation to increase the oxygen content. By the way, the pressure of carbon dioxide may be sufficient to support the life of vegetation on the planet without additional terraforming.

Nevertheless, for the successful colonization of the planet, preliminary terraforming is indispensable. First, it is necessary to achieve atmospheric pressure on Mars, at which the existence of water in liquid form would become possible. Secondly, it is necessary to create an ozone layer that would protect the surface from radiation. Plus, you need to raise the temperature at the equator to at least +10 degrees.

With successful terraforming, the most favorable places for creating colonies will be the lowlands in the equatorial zone. Among such places, scientists note first of all the Hellas depression (the highest pressure on the planet), as well as the Mariner valley (the highest minimum temperatures).

The plan for the colonization of Mars attracts humanity primarily because of the large supply of various minerals on the planet: copper, iron, tungsten, rhenium, uranium and others. The very extraction of these elements can be much more fruitful than on Earth, since, for example, due to the absence of a biosphere and a high radiation background, thermonuclear charges can be used on a large scale to open ore bodies.

Despite the fact that Mars is the most favorable planet for colonization of the solar system, many scientists declare that it is impossible to implement the plan of its colonization. One of the arguments is the small number of elements necessary to sustain life (hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon). Also, many experts question the practical value of terraforming the planet (since it is not possible to test this experimentally under terrestrial conditions). In addition, many scientists are very afraid of Martian radiation, as well as Martian gravity, the harmful effects of which can lead to various mutations in the human body. Plus, scientists still find it difficult to answer about possible consequences long flight (it is possible that prolonged exposure of people to a confined space can cause serious psychological problems).

In the comments to the last post, a lot of people flared up various versions about the colonization of Mars. This article contains more detailed information about each point of the upcoming mission, so that you can finally strengthen your point of view on this issue

About the Mars One project

Mars One this is a private organization whose task is to establish a colony on Mars using ready-made technologies. This is the first project that plans to finance such a global operation through real-time TV broadcasts, from the selection of astronauts on Earth to the solution of complex technical tasks on the surface of Mars.


Many people believe that the desire to explore the solar system is a much more important achievement for all mankind than the local desires of individual nations. Like the Apollo moon landings, a human mission to Mars will make it clear to our generations that anything is possible in this world. The Mars One team believes not only in opportunity this mission, but also in the fact that they obliged do everything possible to accelerate our understanding of the formation of the cosmos, the origin of life, and, last but not least, our raison d'etre in the universe.

Working mission

In 2011, the creation of the first plans began. During the first year, negotiations were held with many space agencies and corporations to test this idea for strength. Response letters showed a deep interest in the project.
Since this would be too expensive for corporations, and too risky for government enterprises, Mars One decided to take the path of integrating separate branches of existing technologies.


The plan is based on current technology from trusted vendors. The project itself is not an aerospace company and does not manufacture the equipment needed for the mission. All equipment will be developed by third parties and then combined into a single whole.
A complete mission kit will contain the following:
  • Launcher. This type of rocket will be used to deliver a payload from earth to orbit (or from orbit to Mars). The plan is to use the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket (an improved version of the Falcon 9 that SpaceX currently uses).
  • Mars transit module. The module will be responsible for the delivery of astronauts to Mars. It will consist of two fuel systems, a landing system and living quarters.
  • Descent vehicle. The Mars One team proposes using an extended version of the DragonCapsule, first tested in 2010. This is the same capsule that successfully docked with the ISS (International Space Station) in May 2012. The Martian mission will require a slightly expanded model of it, which will include:
    Life support module, which will contain air, water and energy generation systems
    The power module that will contain the food
    Biosphere module, which will store special inflatable sections that will allow the creation of large habitable areas on the surface of Mars
    Travel module in which astronauts will spend seven months before landing on the planet
    Mars rover module


In the role of the rover, it is planned to use a large semi-autonomous system with solar power, the tasks of which will include:
  • Intelligence service
  • Quick collection of small vehicles
  • Transportation of large hardware components
  • General assembly of large structures
Thus, it will rather not be a rover (in our usual sense), but a mobile factory on wheels.

martian suit

All astronauts will be required to wear suits when exposed to the Martian atmosphere. Like those used on the Moon, the suits will protect astronauts from extreme temperatures, thin airless atmospheres and harmful radiation.

Communication system

The system will transmit video streams along the chain Mars - communication satellite - Earth

Humanity on Mars

Tell you about something like this - "we are going to fly to Mars for permanent life" - you will have questions:
  • How will astronauts leave Earth? This is madness!
  • How will they prepare for life on Mars?
  • What can happen in seven months of travel?
  • What will astronauts do when they are away from home?
Let's try to answer these questions and more.

Emigration to Mars

Buying a one-way ticket is always more profitable than taking care of the return trip as well, but what do astronauts think about this? Everything will depend on who you ask. It is easy to see that most people would rather lose a leg than stay out in the cold. dangerous planet, saying "bye-bye" to all his family and friends (with girlfriends translator's note), and knowing that they would never face them again after the Spartan journey to the Red Planet. However, there are also people for whom a trip to Mars is an old long-term dream. They are ready to face the planet one on one. For them it is unique opportunity research new world, conduct hitherto unknown experiments, build a new home for Mankind and come face to face with the Unknown.
The Mars One team will give everyone the opportunity to join the ranks of astronauts. Are you the one who dreams about it? Then read on to find out what's in store for you! Would you rather lose your leg than go on such an adventure? Read on and make sure you make the right choice!


Each astronaut will participate in a mandatory ten-year training session. It will include numerous aptitude tests in a group of four. These tests will be carried out in a confined space for several months. The purpose of this is to understand how a certain person reacts to close proximity with the rest of the team. In addition to this, colonizers must learn many new skills. In the end, these people will be responsible for every aspect of the Martian colony: repairs, growing crops, as well as many different medical little things like fractures. (a dubious phenomenon in Martian gravity. approx. translator)

One way trip

The flight will take seven months. The astronauts will spend all this time in a very small space - much smaller than the main base will provide, moreover - without much luxury and frills. This will not be an easy task. The shower is not included in the program in advance - only wet wipes, like the visitors of the International space station. The main friends of the astronauts at this time are canned meat, the constant noise of fans and a three-hour warm-up. Against this background, getting into a solar storm will be a significant adventure - after all, you can panic a bit and hide in a compartment with solar protection for a couple of days. There is no doubt that the trip will be tough, but the astronauts will endure - after all, this is a trip to their dream (dream can be translated as a dream, including in a negative context. approx. translator).

Living on Mars

Upon arrival on Mars, the astronauts will move into more comfortable rooms (50 square meters per person, with a total area of ​​200 for the entire team). These rooms will be based on inflatable components - a bedroom, a work area, a living room, a greenhouse for growing greenery. Thanks to these components, the colonists will be able to take a shower like everyone else. normal people cook fresh food, wear normal clothes, and lead an essentially normal life. The whole complex will be connected by a network of passages, but if someone wants to leave the base, he will need to put on a special suit. Installation residential complex will not take much time, and as soon as the task is solved, you can start building and researching.

Construction and research

Several main life support modules will arrive on Mars along with the first team of settlers. The task of the team will also include the preparation of modules for the following groups of people. All new modules from Earth will be gradually connected to the main base. Some of them will be duplicated for greater security and just for comfort. After some time, the colonists will have to take care of the construction of additional housing from local materials.
The planet will be rich in the amount of research needed. Astronauts will begin to study the effect of Mars on plants and own bodies solve many geological and biological problems. Who knows, in their free time, they might think: was there life on Mars before them?

Online broadcasts and television

All activities of the astronauts will be broadcast in real time to Earth. You will be able to keep abreast of all recent events (response time is about half an hour, without adjusting for data size approx. translator), as well as occasionally listening to the stories of the astronauts, who will definitely have something to say. What happens when you go to the surface? What is "adventure"? What does it feel like to experience gravity that is only 40% of Earth's? Answers to these and many other questions will be received very soon.


New groups of people are planned to land on Mars every two years. The size of the settlement will grow steadily. A little later, many of the living modules will be completed using local materials, so they will be large enough for a comfortable stay. The increase in the settlement will also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the colonists, as they will have opportunities for a social life along with hard work.

Is it really possible?

Mars One is not the first organization to dream of a human mission to Mars. Many had similar plans. And yet, there was no success. Why should Mars One be successful?


Traveling to Mars is a one way trip. This fundamentally changes the requirements for the mission, completely removing the need to return equipment to Earth, which leads to a sharp decrease in the cost of the flight. Mars will become the new home for the colonists, where they will live and work, probably for the rest of their lives.
Although there is a small possibility of returning home, you should not think about it seriously. Returning a man to Earth would require several built and fully fueled rockets, each of which would be capable of a round-trip flight of a total duration of 14 months. It will cost significantly more than a one-way trip.
In addition, do not forget about gravity. After several years of living on Mars, a person will be unable to return to Earth. This is due to irreversible physiological changes in the body, such as a decrease in density bone tissue, loss of muscle strength and a decrease in the potential of the circulatory system. Even after small trip cosmonauts got to their feet at the Mir station for two years, to say nothing about Mars.
Thus, subject to permanent residence on Mars, all problems boil down to providing the foundations for life: clean air, drinking water, food, and artificial support for plant growth (for the first time)
While this all sounds complicated, the Mars One project can actually be implemented today. Humanity already owns the necessary technologies. Many of the data obtained from past space experiments can be applied to this mission.
In addition, Mars contains some essential elements and fossils. For the first settlement, for example, a site is chosen that contains water ice in the soil. This water can be used for drinking, bathing, irrigating fodder crops, and also for creating oxygen. Mars has natural springs nitrogen - the main element of which is in the air (80%) - we breathe.

Solar panels

With this simple, reliable and plentiful source of energy, it is possible to completely eliminate the development and launch of a nuclear reactor, while saving time and money, and reducing the risk in use. Solar panels will be a good light source of energy - after all, the colony does not need heavy fuels to launch rockets back. The first settlement will have to cover an area of ​​about 3,000 square meters with solar panels. Although Mars is significantly farther from the Sun than Earth, it has a thinner atmosphere. As a result of this compensation, a sufficient amount of energy reaches the surface - about 500 W per square meter(to Earth - 1000 W). In the early years, the batteries will be located exclusively on the surface of the planet. As power decreases due to dust deposits, a special robot will clean them.

Simple rovers

By using relatively simple rovers, money is saved that could have been spent on developing more complex systems. Such machines were chosen, which, although they allow you to comfortably move around the territory, are not able to maintain the atmosphere and pressure inside their hull - this will become the concern of the Martian suits. This choice is optimal, as it significantly reduces the cost of development and delivery. The rover will allow astronauts to travel up to 80 kilometers a day. It's not really about the rover - the battery on board holds a significant amount of energy - but the suits, alas, are not designed for work lasting more than 8 hours. The speed of the rover will not exceed 10 km per hour under direct control and will be even less with automatic control. Although this seems too small, it will be possible to explore about 5000 square kilometers in a year (when calculating, take into account the viewing range, and the corresponding route changes. approx. translator). Don't forget also that we are talking about the factory-on-wheels rover.

Lack of latest developments

The whole plan revolves around the use of real-life, time-tested technologies. Even if a component is not in stock, it is only a short matter of time, because there is no need for a fundamental change in the part. All suppliers have confirmed their readiness to build the necessary components right now.

Lack of politics

The only selection criterion is the balance of price and quality. The project is not interested in the nation of the supplier. This distinguishes it from large corporations that dictate their external and internal politics based on many personal factors. Does it provide significant guarantees of good quality and price? No!

Thus, the theoretical basis for the start is quite ready. What's next for us? Time will show.
Based on materials from

The site browser found out what the first Martian colony might look like, what problems the first people on the Red Planet will have to face and how to solve them. Among the main tasks are the delivery of people to the planet, the cultivation of food, the extraction of water and the fight against radiation.

September 27, 2016 Elon Musk told about plans for the colonization of Mars and about the system of interplanetary transportation of people. The first ship with colonists can go to Mars as early as 2023-2025. But is mankind ready to populate the red planet and what technologies will help people survive at a distance of 225 million kilometers from Earth?

harsh beauty

Elon Musk knowingly chose Mars as the second home for earthlings - this is the most suitable planet for life in solar system. True, the conditions there are harsh: the atmosphere of Mars is 96% carbon dioxide, the temperature ranges from +20 ° C to -127 ° C, and the radiation level is many times higher than in the vicinity of Chernobyl. But the planet has a lot of water and carbon dioxide, from which it is possible to make breathable air and fuel for spacecraft. A day on Mars lasts almost as long as on Earth, and gravity is several times less than Earth's.

Curiosity's first Martian selfie

Delivery of people to Mars

The first problem SpaceX has to solve is getting people to the Red Planet. Mars is 400 million kilometers away, and passengers will have to fly for eight months to get there. In this case, you need to fly out at a certain period, when the Earth and Mars will approach at a minimum distance.

“So far, our attempts to fly to Mars have been pretty pathetic. And the Americans, and the Russians, and the Europeans, and the Japanese, and the Chinese, and the Indians sent 44 missiles there, most of which were either lost or broken. Only a third of the missions to Mars have been successful,” writes Stefan Petranek, author of How We Will Live on Mars.

Musk is also not all right with flight safety. Falcon 9 on September 1, 2016 was the second in SpaceX commercial launch history. Before that, the company lost a rocket and cargo for the ISS in June 2015 - the rocket exploded in the air due to a malfunction in the second stage. True, after that, SpaceX conducted nine successful launches, and Musk still has time to analyze the causes of disasters and avoid them in the future.

The very scheme of the flight to Mars will look like this: a rocket with astronauts will rise into earth orbit, after which its first stage will return beyond the Earth, a capsule with fuel will be loaded into it and again sent to the rocket with astronauts. After refueling, the ship will return the tanker with fuel to Earth again and begin its journey towards Mars. According to Musk, it will be the largest rocket in existence - the diameter of the ship will be 17 meters, and the total height of the launch complex - 122 meters.

At the end of September 2016, SpaceX successfully tested the Raptor methane rocket engine, which will be used in the interplanetary flight system (ITS).

Musk plans to make the first unmanned trip to Mars as early as 2018. After that, missions to the red planet will be sent every two years during the period of the closest approach of the planets. According to NASA, this project will cost Musk $320 million. The first missions will be unmanned, people will fly to Mars only after 8-10 years if the test flights are successful.

What will the Martian colonists eat and drink?

Water is at the top of the list of essentials for survival, but it is expensive and difficult to bring it from the ground, so the colonists will have to extract it right on the spot. The soil on Mars contains up to 60% water, and according to satellite data, many craters have layers of ice inside. Scientists suggest that in addition to glaciers, groundwater may also flow on Mars. True, their extraction will require special equipment that will stop the freezing of water immediately after it rises to the surface.

Photo taken by Phoenix Lander in 2008. White matter is ice

Water on Mars can even be extracted from the atmosphere, which is often 100% humid. The water dehumidifier was created back in 1988 at the University of Washington and can be used in harsh Martian conditions.

In addition to water, NASA solved another problem - they figured out where to get the air that the astronauts will breathe. MIT scientist Michael Hecht has developed a machine called the Moxie that sucks in the Martian atmosphere and pumps oxygen out of carbon dioxide. NASA's next large spacecraft, scheduled to launch in 2020, will be equipped with one of these devices. A test version of Moxie will be able to produce enough oxygen to sustain the life of one person.

With food, things are a little more complicated. According to Stefan Petranek, with the help of hydroponics (growing plants in water with nutrients) it will be possible to get no more than 15-20% of the food necessary for the astronauts to eat, the rest will have to be delivered from Earth in a dried form.

Theoretically, plants will be able to grow in soil based on Martian soil. But scientists who have studied rover samples so far are leaning toward the conclusion that Martian soil may be too acidic or too alkaline and will need to be rehabilitated and replenished with nutrients like nitrogen. Therefore, at first, hydroponics will become a more reliable way to grow plants. Provided that the colonists have already established the extraction and storage of water in a liquid state.

Biologist Angelo Vermeulen, who lived for several months in a simulator of the Martian environment in the Hawaiian Islands, is confident that the first crops should take up little space and be as nutritious as possible. For example, it can be beans or potatoes, which became famous after the movie "The Martian". But green salads, dill and parsley will become a delicacy for the colonists - they are low in calories and take up a lot of space.

One should not hope that the Martian greenhouses will look like illustrations from Soviet magazines - most likely, they will be hidden under a thick layer of soil or in lava channels to avoid the effects of destructive solar radiation.

As for fertilizers for Martian plants, Jim Cleaves of the Blue Marble Space Research Institute expressed the opinion that Martians will be able to use the bodies of colonists who died on the red planet to feed the soil.

“Astronauts are already breaking earthly taboos about waste by drinking recycled urine. If we can overcome the taboo of death, actively composting the human body will not be much different from burying it in the ground,” says Jim.

Where to live

The next key point for the survival of the Martians is the premises where they will live. People will need to protect themselves not only from the cold, but also from cosmic radiation. On Earth, a dense atmosphere protects us from radiation, and the higher people rise, the more they are exposed to cosmic radiation.

Unlike the Earth, there is practically no magnetic field on Mars and the settlers will receive slightly less radiation than in open interplanetary space - from 400 to 900 millisieverts of radiation per year. For comparison, the average inhabitant of the Earth during the year accumulates 3 millisieverts in his body, at 4000 mSv radiation sickness develops with a high probability of death, and 6000-7000 mSv is considered a lethal dose.

Details Published: 28.09.2016 06:28

When SpaceX was founded in 2002, it had two main goals. The first is to reduce the cost of space flights by an order of magnitude, and the second is the exploration of space and the colonization of other planets.

The founder and head of the private American space company SpaceX Elon Musk presented plan to create a habitable colony on Mars. According to him, for this purpose, it is planned to send thousands of people to the "red planet" at $100,000 per flight.

On International congress on astronautics in Mexico On September 27, an American entrepreneur said that he imagines sending people to explore the planet in a huge rocket with numerous cabins, games and lounges.

“We have to move from exploration missions to actually building a self-sustaining city on Mars, and that will take 40 to 100 years,” Musk told the International Astronautical Congress in Guadalajara. - The most important thing is to make it accessible to almost everyone who wants to fly there. (...) The first flights will be quite expensive. But the system allows you to reach a price that will be less than $ 200,000, perhaps even $ 100,000 over time, depending on the weight of the cargo.

The video, which illustrated Musk's vision of trips to Mars, showed an interplanetary transportation system with reusable rockets, a launcher on Mars, and a thousand spacecraft in orbit capable of carrying about 100 people each. According to Musk, humanity today has 2 main paths:

“First, we remain on Earth forever and then we will inevitably die out. The alternative is to become a multi-planetary species - a civilization that continuously explores outer space in search of new worlds.

Earlier it was reported that SpaceX successfully tested for the first time rocket engine Raptor, which was developed for the Interplanetary Transport System spacecraft (originally called the Mars Colonial Transporter or MCT, but in the future it is planned to fly beyond the orbit of Mars) and a launch vehicle that will take it beyond the Earth's atmosphere.

The rocket is supposed to deliver 100 tons of cargo to Mars. According to the laws of rocket science, it must be a giant aircraft. It will be larger than both Falcon Heavy and SLS. In the image above, the MCT is on the right. In this sketch, its diameter is 10 meters.

The first flight will be expensive, SpaceX told SpaceX, but our goal, he added, is “to make it affordable for almost everyone.”

NASA scientists have also been preparing the ground for the colonization of Mars for a long time. SpaceX is working with the support of the American space agency: their joint project is an unmanned flight to Mars in 2018. The unmanned capsule will have to test descent, re-entry and landing techniques.

Details about the Mars colonization plan from Elon Musk and SpaceX can be found.

Are we going to Mars? - Easy!

If any of the colonists do not like it on Mars, they can return, the head of SpaceX assured. That said, long-range space travel and the harshness of Mars' current climate certainly pose serious risks to astronauts. They all need to be "ready to die," Musk warned. No special preparation is required to go to the red planet. “We try to make it so that everyone can fly after a few days of preparation,” said the head of SpaceX.

Unfriendly Mars

The head of SpaceX did not say where the pioneers of Mars will live, as well as how they will cope with microgravity conditions. However, Elon Musk emphasized that the living conditions on the Red Planet are quite suitable for humans, and once Mars was very similar to Earth.

As Hightek notes, in the SpaceX video, the colonial ship does not spin, which means it does not create artificial gravity. In such conditions, astronauts will have to make a lot of efforts to maintain health and physical activity.

Issue price

During the presentation of the concept, the head of SpaceX said that the price of a one-way flight would be $200,000, and over time it would be reduced to $100,000. At the same time, at the moment, the cost of sending one person to Mars is $10 billion.

“People must modify their bodies for space conditions”

Tests of the rocket booster are scheduled for 2019, and the first flights to Mars will take place as early as 2023, but only if everything goes well. “Sponsoring this initiative will not be easy,” Musk said. The project will require collaboration between the private and public sectors.

Are we going to Mars?

According to Musk's plan, one ship will be able to deliver 100 people to Mars, but over time it will be possible to transport 200 passengers at a time - in this case, tickets will cost less. The flight will take from 80 to 150 days. In the future, this period can be reduced to one month.

The crew will not be bored on board the ship. The public will be able to spend time in zero gravity, play games, sit in a restaurant or watch a movie. “The trip will be fun, you will have a great time,” Musk said.

If any of the colonists do not like it on Mars, they will be able to return, the head of SpaceX assured. That said, long-range space travel and the harshness of Mars' current climate certainly pose serious risks to astronauts. They all need to be "ready to die," Musk warned. No special preparation is required to go to the red planet. “We are trying to make it so that everyone can fly after a few days of preparation,” said the head of SpaceX.

If the company manages to organize 20-50 flights to Mars, then a full-fledged colony for a million inhabitants - namely, as much is needed, according to Musk, to create a full-fledged civilization on a neighboring planet - will be built in 40-100 years.

Unfriendly Mars

The head of SpaceX did not say where the pioneers of Mars will live, as well as how they will cope with microgravity conditions. However, Elon Musk emphasized that the living conditions on the Red Planet are quite suitable for humans, and once Mars was very similar to Earth.

As noted by The Verge, in the SpaceX video, the colonial ship does not spin, which means it does not create artificial gravity. In such conditions, astronauts will have to make a lot of efforts to maintain health and physical activity.

Musk sees no problem in solar radiation, which can lead to the development of cardiovascular disease and other health problems. According to the entrepreneur, there is nothing special about radiation, and it only slightly increases the risk of developing cancer.

By Musk's definition, humans can become a multi-planetary species that can survive on more than just Earth. This statement was met with applause from the audience. Also, in response to a question from the audience, Musk said that he wants to go to the ISS, and then to Mars. He is sure that if he dies during the mission, then nothing will happen to his companies - his work will continue.

Issue price

During the presentation of the concept, the head of SpaceX said that the price of a one-way flight would be $200,000, and over time it would be reduced to $100,000. At the same time, at the moment, the cost of sending one person to Mars is $10 billion.

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When there are too many people on Earth, the active colonization of neighboring planets will obviously begin. Today, mainly due to the high cost of the procedure for space exploration, the issue of resettlement of people in other atmospheres is practically not solved in any way. But as you understand it is only a matter of time, money and gradual depletion natural resources our planet.

For the first time, I had to think about whether I personally would go on a Martian expedition with the impossibility of returning to Earth, about a year ago. Then all the media were full of news that international projectMarsOne is recruiting a group of 4 volunteers to establish a colony on the surface of Mars and broadcasting what is happening from the new planet on our TV. I remember that I even saw a story on this subject with a girl from Russia who applied to participate in the colonization of Mars and very convincingly spoke in an interview with some channel about why she was ready to dare this event.

To be honest, at that moment I was shocked by this state of affairs - you are offered to fly to an unknown Mars in order to build a civilization there, experience all the subtleties and lawsuits of the creators on your own skin and never again see the planet on which you were born never return to Earth. Perhaps I love the blue sky and air too much, perhaps I am extremely skeptical about the self-sacrifice of people, perhaps I do not clearly understand and see the mission of man in the Universe in order to respond positively to the irretrievable resettlement of man to Mars.

However, certainly in our modern world and life there are good reasons to master, one way or another, other planets. Including Mars is the most optimally located planetary space from the Earth, with found water layers and more or less tangible signs or possibilities for the creation and maintenance of life.

In this material, I want to consider all the pros and cons regarding the colonization of the Cosmos, using the example of the red planet in the Galaxy known to us, which has been considered by both scientists and science fiction writers for several years.

As a result of long and rigorous research on the issue, it turned out that to arrange life on Mars is not for you to eat chocolate . Although on the one hand it is located relatively close to the Earth, and also has the most suitable natural characteristics for the development of the surface by man, it is not necessary to say that it will be easy and simply not necessary to enslave Mars.

And here's the thing. Along with all the differences between Mars and Earth, which include the difference in gravity, the surface temperature of the undeveloped planet, and low atmospheric pressure with a small magnetic field, the red planet is also fraught with a whole bunch of dangers on the way in its direction . It should be noted here high level cosmic radiation, again, seasonal temperature fluctuations, as well as its tangible difference in one day. When flying and being on Mars, it will remain unresolved in any way question meteor showers , and the corresponding consequences. Also, a person lies in wait on the way to the red monastery perchlorate and gypsum dust literally destroying and infecting all living things.

And if you start a rocket on Earth and send it into space in the direction of Mars, today's science and engineering is practically capable, then land a flying object on a planet with a low atmospheric pressure it will be extremely difficult . This will require observing such subtle and sometimes unpredictable points as stopping the engines before the aircraft enters the Martian atmosphere, reproducing braking on the atmosphere, and also starting it with the help of engines while directly in the atmosphere, and to top it all, land on a certain pillow type.

But as you understand, technical difficulties are only one side of the coin. Although it is difficult and expensive to fly and land on Mars, it already looks like an achievable task for humanity today. However it will be extremely problematic for a typical individual from Earth to survive on a planet without oxygen and plants.

And that's why - firstly, it is still unknown how the adaptation of the human body to the features of Martian gravity will take place.

Secondly, due to the inability to go outside, a person will have to spend all the time in a locked room, in a limited circle of people - and this, according to doctors, can lead to deep stress, depression and other psychological disorders.

Besides, earthlings will face sleep disorders, working capacity and adjustment of the metabolic process. The researchers note that among other things, people will experience orthostatic instability after landing on Mars, Negative consequences waiting for man and in connection with the impact of cosmic radiation.

And yet, if we consider the colonization of space as an inevitable necessity for mankind, then, perhaps, we can’t find anything better than Mars. The flight to the red planet, according to the calculations of scientists, should take no more than nine months, and life on Mars will require small energy costs, if we compare the development of the planet with other reasonably possible ones.

Among the advantages of Mars in relation to its development by man are some of its similarities with our planet. For example, what has Mars has an atmosphere just like Earth, though very discharged, due to which a person can live in it for no more than one minute without a special suit, but it still protects somehow from radiation, and can be used for braking aircraft. Of the discovered virtues of Mars a clear plus was the confirmation of the presence of water on the planet. True, in a frozen form, but water itself is already an opportunity to support life, but isn't that what we want?

Moreover, so far theoretically it is said that on the red planet, right in the ground, it is possible to grow plants. Studies have shown that the Martian soil in terms of chemical composition and the ratio of a number of other characteristics is quite close to the earth. The advantages of Mars are also added in general by the chemical composition of its surface - an abundance of minerals, minerals that will allow earthlings to exist for a long time and happily, if only we learn how to mine them on Mars and deliver them to our planet.

Now let's go back to where we started - why did such thoughts arise in mankind as the colonization of Mars? Are people really such ardent exploiters that they managed to pollute the Earth, deplete it and overpopulate it, that now they will have to seek refuge on a cold and incomprehensible red ball, far from the blue sky, an abundance of oxygen and the usual force of gravity?

Actually, that's how it is. The key goals of Mars colonization are:

  • industrial mining,
  • solution demographic problems earth,
  • creation of a reserve "shelter" in case of a serious cataclysm on our planet,
  • as well as the establishment of a scientific base directly on Mars for the study of the planet, its satellites and further exploration of outer space.

Despite the fact that the first flight into space, as well as a visit by man to the moon, took place several decades ago, the conquest of other planets by earthlings is still being hampered. And this is connected not only with the high probability of the death of the discoverers of Mars and, based on this, the obvious risk of human losses, but also, of course, with the financial picture.

For example, in 2010 alone, 430 million rubles were allocated for the creation of a nuclear electric propulsion plant, which is being prepared by Rosatom. In turn, 70 million rubles were allocated for the development of engines, generators and turbochargers, entrusted to Roskosmos. All this sponsorship is aimed at creating a nuclear electric propulsion system of the next generation of rocket technology, for the upcoming manned flight to Mars from the Russian side in the first half of the 21st century.

And here in the United States, calculations in 1992 for the upcoming manned flight to Mars required at least $ 400 billion, which predetermined the government's rejection of such an adventure and closed its "eyes" to the development of the red planet for several years. However, already in 2011, the current US President Barack Obama spoke out that American astronauts still plan to fly to Mars. And in 2013, the world became aware of the project of the organization inspirationMarsFoundation, the purpose of which is a manned expedition to Mars, starting in 2018.

As for the financing of the campaign, its first two years will be carried out by the world-famous space-experienced Dennis Tito. Generally, the price of a flight to Mars within the framework ofinspirationMarsFoundation ranges from one to two billion dollars , which causes some suspicion of its cheapness. For comparison, NASA is spending $2.5 billion more on the Mars Science program.

As you can see, the cost of just a flight to Mars of a few people will cost space powers quite dearly. But if you take into account how much the government of the United States and other developed countries spend from their budgets on the creation of weapons and correctly prioritize, then space exploration will not be so expensive. Here, only clear knowledge is important - is it possible to arrange the life of people on Mars, and is it as rich in fossils as it seems to us from Earth.

The catch, meanwhile, lies in the fact that if you send an expedition to Mars, most likely, earthlings will succeed, then it is unlikely that you will be able to return people from there back. That is why the upcoming colonization of space requires those who want to fly to understand and realize that there will be no turning back .

Proponents of the colonization of Mars by people are very positive about this, and reinforce this by the fact that with all the necessary initial costs for transporting a person and ensuring his life on Mars, in the event of successful autonomy and successful organization of production on Mars, new planet on the condition of non-return, humanity will benefit economically. After all, even if the colonialists take a lot of time on the way to search for mining, Mars can be used as a testing ground for the implementation of scientific and technical research and experiments, which on Earth, in view of the danger of pollution of an already impure biosphere, are impossible.

Returning to the goals of the colonization of Mars, I would like to note that both for the extraction of minerals, of which there may be a great many in the deposits of the red planet, and for the mass migration of earthlings as a way to solve the problem of overpopulation, within the framework of today's possibilities space technology it will take not only a lot of time, but again an unimaginable amount of financial resources. And this, you understand, can turn humanity away from the exploration of Mars or other planets for an indefinite number of years.

The point is that on the one hand the first expeditions to Mars should show us that it is possible to live on another planet without the usual atmosphere and gravity. However, how much will it cost the Earth to recreate on Mars a breathable atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and universal suits that protect a person from powerful radiation? How much will it cost our planet to transport the same mined minerals from Mars to Earth?

Will all this be beneficial to humanity? Or maybe it would be wiser to take care of the preservation of nature and the atmosphere on your native planet? Today it is not possible to answer these questions. Perhaps we will be able to find out more about this after the first manned flight to Mars - by the Mars One expedition or the Inspiration Mars Foundation or some other.

Speaking of expeditions. Concerning inspirationMarsFoundation, then they do not plan a direct landing on Mars, but a manned flyby of the planet is being considered. Two people will be selected for this, namely married couple , which and will fly in space travel for 501 days. It is worth noting that such a short path to Mars is extremely rare, and it is in 2018 that the planets will stand in such a way that the flight into the launch window will pass relatively faster than it would take in a normal situation. The main goal of Dennis Tito's organization is to revive interest in science and the study of outer space in society.

Competitive international project MarsOne involves not just a flyby of the planet, but the establishment of a real colony on it. As a result of many years of preparation, careful selection of project participants and organization of the "soil" for the appearance of the first people on Mars, the landing of the crew is planned for 2024. The broadcast of life on Mars will be carried out to Earth around the clock thanks to special satellites. The goal of the project is to create a colony on Mars.

Another global project today is the Centenary spaceship”, whose plans include preparing an expedition to a neighboring star system, as well as sending people to Mars in order to colonize it. It is being developed by one of the NASA laboratories. The last project originally does not involve the return of people to Earth. That is, it will become possible only if people manage to independently organize a flight back from Mars.

Along with the fact that enthusiasts, scientists, governments and businessmen are ready to invest their time and money in the development of projects for the conquest of Mars, there are many opponents who argue that colonizing an unknown planet is completely useless and moreover, dangerous.

So, opponents of the Martian campaigns say that:

  • Mars is in no way able to solve the problems that face humanity,
  • there is not such a quantity and type of fossils on Mars that would justify the investments that are being made today in space development,
  • the human sacrifices that await us in the event of colonization are also clearly unjustified,
  • explore the fourth planet easier and more economically with the help of robots,
  • the unpredictability of the impact of Martian gravity on humans leaves a huge gap for concern.

It is also cited here as an argument against colonization psychological factor- a long flight, a permanent life in a confined space, and so on. And finally the question of the existence of life on Mars remains suspended. It has not yet been clarified.

In view of all the above contradictions, I would like to add that the opponents of colonization also hint that even if people manage to settle on Mars, the likelihood of interplanetary wars will increase, and you already understand what it threatens. That is why considering Mars as a "reserve cradle" today becomes even more dubious.

Nevertheless, there are enough adventurers who are ready to say goodbye to the Earth forever in our world. And this proves that man himself is a being aimed at evolutionary development, at endless progress.

Wondering if I could fly to Mars with the option of non-return, having considered all the pros and cons, I remained at my original opinion - no, I could not. But if we add to this sentence, instead of the impossibility of seeing our home planet again, the most likely chance to return, then I would agree. I would like to see with my own eyes what life on Mars is like, but only so that after space travel see the Earth again, walk on it with your feet and breathe in the all-encompassing air. Otherwise, this adventure is not for me.

Would you be ready to fly to Mars and never come back? Should we colonize Mars?