Woman zodiac sign Leo (23.07 – 23.08) begins to show its character from July 30th. By this time harmless wild cat already sharpened her teeth, claws, learned to growl and be the first to deal with prey as a friend of the king of beasts.

IN from before us is a maiden-lioness:
Oh, this step, proud look!
She is like a powerful queen
The fans line up.
And later the lioness chooses
Of those who want to be a victim
The one who, burning with love,
All my life I am ready to love her.

She does not need to grow a mane, because her pride is controlled by the strongest male. We will talk about him, because without a strong friend, the Leo woman eventually turns into a cat.

IN from the lion - he is the king of animals in nature,
And among the people - one of those
Who can lead the nations behind him,
Forever doomed to success.
He is quick and graceful, he is generous,
Handsome as a god, but, unfortunately, stubborn.
And yet, how women need it,
And how crazy he drives the ladies!

If the boyfriend or husband of the growling sign of the Zodiac has achieved a high position, quickly climbs the ladder of success, building a career from childhood, then the lioness, using all the habits of a strong beast, will achieve unprecedented success. This duo is so good that they can even manage a ruined country. The same goes for relationships: Strong woman Leo does not feel weak with the same partner. Biography of success influential people forces them to use the same methods that they used.

By copying her friend, whose mane has to be maintained in proper condition, the lioness forces herself to be no worse. She may well compete with other signs of the zodiac, for example, with Capricorn, but sometimes the horns of a frilly goat are able to withstand the fangs of a predator, and she has to retreat for a while. This does not mean that the representative of the power of the Earth came out victorious: the Leo woman will gain strength and strike so quickly that Capricorns, fearfully shaking their beards, are removed from the path that the predator has entered.

In general, Leo is a woman whose characteristics fit in three concepts: independence, non-interference in her affairs, moderate violence. She is quite accommodating if played by her rules. She will not obey someone else's standards, but if she is convinced that they will bring more benefit than harm, then some of them will be adopted.

Lviv women cannot be measured by standard standards, since they will set the size of meanness, love or wealth themselves, and they will adhere to this standard all their lives. A quiet, calm life is not for these freedom-loving natures: inaction even for a short period of time has a bad effect on their well-being. Leo's depression is like a nuclear reactor that could explode at any moment. If men bring their lionesses to such a state, then it is possible that only ashes will remain from the representatives of the stronger sex. It is said that all Amazons were born Lions.

Leo woman in love

If the lioness does not show her claws, she is not just the soul of the company, but also the most tender lover. Honest, generous, frank - this is only part of the characteristics of a growling female, capable of passionate feelings (with the same return).

They do not accept dishonest play, so men must understand that a lioness will never be a mistress. She must have all or nothing. The position in the middle will never suit the one who can independently drive the prey into a corner.

If the partner turned out to be a “weak link”, then the generosity of the Leo woman will let him go in peace. They will no longer remember him, they will even forget his appearance, so you should not count on indulgence if you re-declare yourself as a contender for a close relationship. The failed partner is no longer the one who once caused pity, he is the prey with which the needs are satisfied. Often such men are used by Leo women as toys, turning into henpecked.

Leo woman compatibility horoscope

Marriages and unions are harmonious with those born in the second House of Fire, that is, with Leo. Long-term relationships with Sagittarius are not excluded: a predator and a hunter are a great couple if they decide to spend their whole lives together, having thought through the rules of hunting to the smallest detail: the archer will have to become a getter, and the lioness will have to plan all the moments of an exciting duel. Such family duets perform well in politics, banking, journalism, where one cannot resist without the support of the other half.

They can also count on an alliance. The stubbornness of this zodiac sign, plus the perseverance and calculation of Leo, make the couple invincible. They are able to pass all tests. With dignity to get out of any trouble and keep the warmth of the hearth.

For those born between December 22 and February 19 (Capricorn and Aquarius), you can also get lucky. Men whose birthdays fell on this zodiac period are able to resist the temper of Leo, and in such a way that he will constantly caress, turning into a purring cat.

The financial situation of a Leo woman

The law is above all for Lviv, so any business started is doomed to success in advance. Representatives of this sign are not afraid to have an influential patron, but for a while, until they get on their feet. They will be grateful to those who once believed in them and lent a shoulder at the right time. Even risky operations, the lioness always wins, because she does not hide the fact that influential people are behind her.

But the Leo woman is not capable of blackmail, she will not go for broke either, if she does not calculate all the ways of retreat, although she does not like it, therefore she will not embark on any financial adventures.

She knows how to save money, make bargains, help out friends if they are in danger of collapse. The unselfishness of Leo evokes a reciprocal feeling, therefore this is the only sign of the Zodiac to which debts are repaid without reminders.

And here is a picture of the topic:

Well, how do you like this image of a Lioness woman? Compared with your friends? My daughter is just a Lioness, and, to be honest, very, very many features are a direct portrait resemblance 🙂 Of course, I am not a Leo, but I also do not forget my debts. Therefore, I announce the winners of the Super-Duper Contest (I didn’t write a separate article here), as well as the TOP June commentators on the Mary Poppins blog.

Here are our winners for June. I'm waiting for your wallet numbers. Prizes await, jingling impatiently. And by the way, it turns out that Grisha can be defeated, right, Zoya? You are a real fighter! Not a Leo according to the Zodiac, by any chance?

Representatives of this sign are conceited, like real queens. The Leo sign is a woman, whose characteristic is royalty, is always surrounded by admirers, as she knows how to present herself, which attracts gentlemen like a magnet. However, the Lioness is sure that she deserves only the best, whether it be a position at work, items of clothing, or a constant companion in life. She is proud and longs for independence, but once married, she will be the ideal wife for her king.

Representatives of this sign love to flirt, even when married, but it rarely comes to infidelity.

Women born under the sign of Leo see themselves as

Horoscope Leo Woman.

at least princesses, but better queens or goddesses in general, so they try to match their internal status. Such women pay great attention to their appearance, manners, they always have a refined taste.

Fashion & Style

The lioness always chooses the clothes of the most famous brands, her hair is done only by hairdressers who are at the peak of fashion and fame, she always receives a lot of compliments, and a huge number of looks are focused on her. She likes everything around to be the most expensive, the most beautiful. Brilliance is present throughout her life. She chooses the most luxurious perfume, and she will also have the most luxurious interior at home.

The appearance of the Lioness is the standard of beauty, grace and attractiveness. She is able to simply charm a man and slay him on the spot, as she can choose the most ideal clothes, makeup, perfume for her, all this due to the fact that she has perfect taste. Even very tired and exhausted by work, she will remain attractive and graceful. All this is very like the men around her.

The lioness is often invited to various events, parties, secular evenings and presentations. That's because it's always nice to just look at such people. Men always look at her admiringly, as the most elegant woman in the whole evening. At the same time, the woman of the zodiac sign Leo is an excellent companion, which is also very much appreciated by men. She is very erudite and can support any conversation.

Many women look at the Lioness with envy. Often representatives of this sign have a beautiful loud voice.

The behavior and inner world of a Leo woman

It has an inner riddle, it seems that it is inaccessible. At the same time, she easily makes contact, but is not fully disclosed. He has many acquaintances and moves in various circles. She loves to be the center of a male company, where she catches admiring glances.

Such women easily take men away from families, the Lioness can fight for the object of her desire and win a seemingly unequal fight. Feelings between her and a man are like fire, they quickly flare up, burn very brightly, but they can also go out just as quickly.

As her horoscope says, the Leo woman is an ardent nature. She can be called a fashionable, modern, bright, unique personality. Every day, the Lioness is scheduled by the minute, she needs to visit various places, chat with different people and solve a huge number of issues. Her life is a series of changing events.

For all her ambition, she is able to analyze her mistakes, make correct conclusions which helps her a lot every day. Flirting is acceptable for a Lioness, but it won't mean anything. She takes romantic relationships very seriously, choosing her life partner. She knows how to make friends, but she has a limited number of friends, she is not ready to open up to everyone. Such women need constant communication, loneliness does not suit her. She needs to share information, and to be heard by others.

Positive and negative traits

most the best company there will always be an aristocratic party for Leo. She loves to chat with smart people, who can appreciate her external data, great taste in clothes, and there she can easily demonstrate to everyone how sociable she is. Lionesses can often be found participating in the discussion of the main gossip, but such ladies will not speak rudeness or even vulgarity.

In society, they most often choose a male company. It is important for them to be appreciated adequately. But in the women's team, they are also comfortable, even though they will be the brightest rivals of any evening. But their manners, upbringing and friendly attitude to the whole environment will make the Lionesses not only attractive to men, but will also win over many ladies. Many of them are even imitated, their appearance and become a kind of standard of beauty and grace.

Work and career of a Leo woman

Since the Lioness loves the public, she chooses

Representatives of this sign love to be public figures.

corresponding to this requirement of the profession. At the same time, the work should be creative, not burdensome in any way, and there should always be interesting communication with people.

The characteristic of the Leo woman, for all her tenderness and outward femininity, is a special male character trait, which is very helpful in advancing career ladder. Lionesses are always aimed at increasing, they need to occupy high position. At the same time, as such, they are not interested in money, it is important for them to manage people, shine among employees, and charm more and more male representatives.

The attitude of the Leo Woman to love, sex, marriage and family

Without making any effort, Lionesses make a stunning impression on any man. So that the representative of this sign does not lose self-confidence, she needs to constantly see the desire of a man in his eyes, constantly flirt, constantly listen to enthusiastic exclamations about herself.

How do feelings show up?

  • For all her beauty and serenity, she can be very impulsive. The lioness is looking for love, she needs it, but it’s not very easy for her to give herself to one man.
  • If her feelings are real and overwhelmed her completely, then she will be faithful to her companion, but if she sees that there are no more feelings and there are no those sweet speeches that she used to listen to, then it is easier to find a new admirer.
  • A Leo woman in love easily goes on a new hunt, in order to find an object that will admire her;
  • Often she becomes the center of the main gossip, several partners can beat for her heart at once, while she receives only pleasure from this.
  • The lioness needs love. Being in the euphoria of feelings, it blooms like a bud. Her surroundings immediately notice the dramatic changes in her appearance.
  • But the partner will need to make a lot of efforts so that she chooses him. At the same time, Lionesses fall in love very easily and quickly. A small spark is enough to ignite the flame.
  • Their ardor may not go out for years, and they can be faithful to their companion all their lives. It is for this that women of this sign are very much appreciated and loved by men.
  • If it so happened that a man cheated on her, and she found out, then forgiveness can not be expected. It is easier for her to break off bad relationships than to fix them. But she will experience a gap for a very long time and very hard, and she will not soon start looking for another party.

sex life

Sometimes it seems that having such external data one can be interested only in carnal pleasures, but in fact this is not so. What a man expects from a woman, he may not get at all from a Lioness.

The inner fire of the representatives of this sign depends on who is next to them. A lioness can easily inflame a man, make him fantasize, but in reality he can simply be disappointed and not get what he so dreamed of.

Marriage and family

The lioness is always restrained and calm, she is conducive to communication. IN family relationships It's easier for her to compromise. But if a life partner regularly touches her with his barbs, belittling self-esteem, then you will not see anyone besides an angry creature nearby. The wife will demonstrate her attitude towards you with all her appearance, making life together simply impossible.

Even in a legal marriage, it is important for her that men admire her, she always wants to catch their eyes on herself. But, even flirting not with her man, she will not give him anything else. And when choosing her life partner, the Lioness will stop looking only at the most worthy candidate.

Despite active image life, the mistress of the representative of this sign will be ideal. She will create the most comfortable atmosphere at home, she will always meet with dignity. For a man, she will become a rear, help him with support when moving up the career ladder.

She shows her wit, intelligence and inexhaustible charm in everything. At the same time, her mother also turns out to be one of the best. But at the same time, it is better not to anger this woman, do not awaken a lion in her.

Even at home, the Lioness needs to constantly be a queen, she needs her family to always admire her. It seems that she is now about to go somewhere, although in fact she is just at home.

With a man without prosperity, she will not build a relationship. It is important for her to be in luxury and wealth so that her life is status. She will never spare money for her house, making a palace out of it, where there is luxury and exquisite decoration. But you can’t call her a magpie either, everything in her house is matched perfectly and incredibly beautifully, it is always cleaned as if guests could come at any second.

She likes to host social events and invite guests to dinner parties, but only those she really wants to see. If you are not included in this list, then it is better not to come to her house.

Lionesses love their children. She herself knows how to perceive the world as a child sees it. Her children are always endowed with a great sense of humor and have refined manners. At the same time, they are often spoiled and are just as easily ready to spend all the money as their mother. The Leo woman allows her children a lot, even too much. But you will not notice disrespect, because her children know that their mother will not pat them on the head for this.

Gifts for Leo Woman

  • When choosing a gift, you should always remember about her need for communication, the desire for new experiences, attractive appearance;
  • She will really like a ticket to the country in which she has not been. But she will also appreciate a ticket to a secular evening.
  • She will remain indifferent to expensive perfumes and good cosmetics. You can donate expensive clothes famous brand, or an elegant clutch.
  • Also, the Lioness will be happy with things that will be useful in her interior. A beautiful figurine, exquisite tableware or an expensive blanket will be a worthy gift.
  • She will love the exquisite jewelry c It is very important that it be made of precious metals. But it’s better not to give cheap jewelry or exaggerated gold items. A lioness will always distinguish between a good piece of jewelry and a vile fake. She will also appreciate an antique piece of jewelry or a designer item.

Lionesses make an indelible impression on the stronger sex, and without special efforts. The character of a Leo woman is such that she needs to flirt and feel constant admiration for herself in order not to lose confidence in her irresistibility. She is seductive, but sometimes unpredictable and impulsive. These women are looking for love, but they are not always ready for deep, self-denying feelings, they are not able to give themselves to a man with all their heart. The Lioness woman remains faithful to her beloved person, but she can immediately set off "on the hunt" if she realizes that her feelings are a thing of the past, so they need to be fed with constant attention. Often, intrigues arise around such ladies, several men fight for their heart at once, whose behavior the Leo woman controls with talent and not without secret pleasure.

The Lioness has some features that you definitely won't like. Being sentimental, she keeps letters and photographs of former fans to her gray hair, and she has a lot of them. The lioness is far from a modest field flower, but a luxurious royal rose. And since you set out to make her your wife, you will have to try hard to ward off the rest of her admirers. If you belong to the family of the Dukes of Anjou or the Barons of Rothschild, your chances will be immeasurably greater than that of a person with the surname Smith. It is hard to imagine that the queen of beasts would agree to be just Mrs. Smith. It's not in her nature.

Most likely with early childhood The lioness will be the ringleader in the company of peers, and as an adult, she will turn into a trendsetter, views and tastes. If you suffer from an inferiority complex, it is better to look for someone simpler and more modest, because your dreams of turning the Lioness into a cute domestic cat are doomed to failure in advance. The lioness does you a favor by allowing herself to be loved, and if she reciprocates at the same time, consider that you were not born in vain.

The first thing to do when caring for a Lioness is to buy her many different gifts. And keep in mind that the Lioness does not care what kind of gifts they will be, the main thing is that they be exquisite and expensive. And you, when presenting gifts, should look no worse than a prince who has gathered for a ball. The second condition: learn to give compliments, and not standard type“How charming you are, dear,” and something very special that will immediately allow the Lioness to distinguish you from the crowd of numerous admirers. In short, act like you're an important guest at the Queen's reception.

Although many Lionesses are strongly built and love sports, it is better to invite her to the theater. (Moreover, keep in mind that the tickets should be in the front rows of the stalls, and not in the amphitheater and, God forbid, not in the gallery). The very atmosphere of the theater, its elegant interiors (especially in the opera), festively dressed people and the emotional charge of a well-chosen play (better than love content) will help you set it up in a lyrical way. After the performance, I advise you to take your lady to dinner. And no cafes, eateries, grill bars and other things. Only an expensive restaurant with a respectable audience and a good reputation.

Do not blame the Lioness for the occasional arrogance and vanity; after all, it is not her fault that she was born a crown princess and feels superior to others. At the same time, she is so sweet, kind and noble that people are ready to forgive her shortcomings. The lioness is an active, active nature. Therefore, by enclosing her in a cage, even a golden one, you will rob her by killing a part of her being in her. Let her, if she chooses, continue her professional career, or often host guests and return visits.

The lioness-wife is a true treasure. You will never see her in a dressing gown with curlers on her head and cream on her face. But do not think that she does not use cosmetics. Use it, and how. Loving everything expensive, the Lioness can spend a fortune on cosmetics and a hairdresser. The same can be said about her wardrobe. It is refined and luxurious. Fur coats, hats, gloves, feathers, jewelry - all this is the most fashionable and extravagant for the Lioness. To her appearance you won't hold back. I am afraid that you will not always agree with her only that it is worth spending such crazy money on it.

The lioness is an excellent hostess. She will always be able not only to perfectly feed, but also to entertain and charm guests. The lioness loves her children to the point of insanity, but at the same time she is strict in their education and upbringing. She will boldly defend her offspring if it occurs to anyone to offend them, but she does not sacrifice herself. She will never refuse a social event or a trip to the theater or guests because of the children. Many Lioness mothers do not give up their professional careers, successfully combining work with raising children.

Being very soft, gentle and loving among the household, with outsiders, the Lioness keeps herself at a distance, not allowing the slightest familiarity. As for fidelity, the Lioness will keep it until she is sure that her chosen one is not cheating on her. As soon as she suspects the slightest deceit, she will immediately repay the unfaithful with the same coin.

The deeply rooted desire to be forever loved and adored is expressed by the Lioness in the fact that she sometimes allows herself to flirt with your friend. Don't take it to heart and don't be jealous. But you, especially in her presence, will never be able to afford not only flirting, but even an affectionate smile towards another woman. Or rather, you can allow it, but I'm just afraid to guess what will follow. However, if you are very brave, take a chance.

Of course, in such an attitude towards yourself and towards you there is not the slightest bit of justice. But you yourself knew everything and went for it yourself. What do you want now? Ultimately, she is the queen and you are just a subject. But if you are smart enough, remember her royal origins, and give her the honors that she certainly deserves, you can tame her and get everything you want from her. Your happiness is in your hands.

Purely symbolically, all women can be divided into two groups, which will include "devotees like dogs" and "independent like cats." So, the Leo woman is not only a representative of the second clan, she is also the most regal of the entire cohort. Next to this woman, even the most self-confident, relaxed and pompous man can feel shy. It is self-appreciating, able to stylishly and and teach itself only with the best side woman. In each of her gestures, movements, a special charm is felt that is inherent only to her alone. And one can only sympathize with those who decide on a feat to win the heart of this royal nature.

Characteristics of a Leo woman

This woman wants to see next to her only a worthy person who is a real king. The chosen one must be attentive, courteous and, most importantly, generous. You need to take care of a lioness appropriately for her status - trips to the Bolshoi Theater, dinners in prestigious restaurants, etc. And at the same time, no one will give guarantees that the royal heart will melt, rejoice at the fact that you have been given attention, this is already a luxury that not everyone can afford.

This woman always has many admirers who admire her and are ready to throw the whole world at her feet. The Leo woman is a proud nature and at the same time it tends to be contradictory. She likes to be the center of attention and shine in all her glory, so she can be seen very rarely at home. She always looks amazing and even at home she is rarely in an unsightly state. Even if a woman does not have the opportunity to dress in expensive boutiques and buy expensive jewelry, she still looks exquisite. She firmly believes that she was simply born to be a star.

This is a seductive and unpredictable nature, and the feelings in her soul are rarely deep, which is due to the constant craving for freedom, and feelings, in her understanding, limit this freedom. Lionesses like to command, but it’s worth paying tribute, they do it very tactfully and with dignity. Yes, they can sometimes be brought down, but they are characterized by nobility with which they can admit their mistakes and even apologize. To obey is not hers, so she always strives to take a leading position, but at the same time she will never turn her nose up.

The problem with most Leo women is that they are used to building ideals that real men are not able to match. Therefore, in the life of these girls there are many novels, but it rarely comes to marriage, despite a large number of marriage proposals. Lionesses in general often fall in love and cases of love at first sight are not uncommon, but due to that very idealization, soon the fire and passion subsides.

Lionesses are characterized by selfishness, and the habit of spending a lot of money on themselves. But at the same time, if someone suddenly needs help, she will not hesitate to help just like that, from the bottom of her heart, without demanding anything in return. Weak side these women - they often live beyond their means, because the queen needs to look appropriate. And they like to give gifts, even more than to accept. The presents that the Leo woman chooses are always beautiful, expensive and by the way.

Lionesses, as a rule, are endowed simply huge amount talents, but they have more inclination towards creativity and everything connected with it. From it turns out good boss, but it is difficult to perceive criticism, therefore, in order not to spoil relations with her, it is better to keep your opinion to yourself. Or say it very, very tactfully. For Lionesses, the routine is simply deadly, it drives them crazy, but the opportunity to travel pleases, because this is a chance to show yourself and look at others.

Many people think that you can bribe a lioness with a bunch of compliments, but this is far from a wrong and distorted view. Yes, Lions, and especially women, like compliments and they melt away from them, but hypocrisy and flattery, and they reveal them with some kind of sixth sense, cannot stand it. And the person who decided to flatter is blacklisted by this woman and never comes out again.

Lviv women compatibility

The most favorable relationship for Lionesses will be with men of the same element, fire, and these are Aries and Sagittarius. A union with the same bright and brilliant sign of Gemini can be wonderful - this couple will feel each other from a distance. Fertile ground for development romantic relationship with a possible continuation, Lviv develops with aesthetes-Libra. If Aquarius agrees to be exclusively second for the entire life together, then he also has every chance to conquer the Lioness. With Scorpio, there are fewer chances for a successful love story and much less for romance with Taurus and Capricorn - the eternal struggle for positions of power will not give them the opportunity to enjoy each other, but to make them “underground” enemies is yes.

Leo woman in love

It is simply impossible to remain indifferent to this woman, but men naturally sympathize with her most of all. The lioness loves to flirt right and left, but she does it so exquisitely that no one will even dare to think of her as an easily accessible lady. This approach makes her feel like a queen. This woman is always on the lookout true love, but in fact she can fall in love deeply very rarely. If a Leo woman gets married, she will become a very faithful and devoted wife, but only until the feelings begin to fade. However, pride will not allow this person to go “to the left”, she will declare her departed love directly, since she will not tolerate deception and she herself speaks only the truth.

However, if you regularly stir up the interest of this woman, then she will become the most best wife- calm, noble and affectionate. She knows how to elegantly and tastefully ennoble even the most terrible hut, in her talents to arrange parties, thanks to which her man then gets a promotion. She is always ready for compromises, but this does not mean that she can be suppressed gradually, on the contrary, frequent attempts to do this will simply lead to horrific consequences for her husband's psyche.

In sex, the Leo woman will be different, it all depends on what kind of man will be next. For the prince, the queen is ready to open up completely and give him real pleasure, which until now he has not been able to experience. But if there are no special feelings for her partner, then in this case the first will be disappointed.

But mothers from Lionesses are excellent. They are able to look at the situation and in general at the whole world through the eyes of their child, develop the talents that are inherent in it by nature itself. Children who were raised by a Leo woman often have a good upbringing, have excellent manners, refined and refined taste.

And finally, I would like to say that if you decide to tame a Leo woman, then it’s better to immediately throw this stupid and obviously failed idea out of your head. It is simply impossible to do this, no matter how real it may seem, even being nearby, she will always remain a free and independent person.

As a rule, it is common to "eat" the attention of others. What zodiac sign suits them? They use admiration “ahs” and “oohs” addressed to them as energy aimed at self-development. Moreover, the “lionesses” are especially supportive of signs of attention from the opposite sex, because being “on the showcase of life” and demonstrating their “stardom” is one of their favorite hobbies.

The classic Leo lady is an example of a truly free lady. Even in marriage, she often behaves as if she is about to “knock” 18 years old: sometimes capriciously, and sometimes too playful or slightly shameless. The only way out for Adam-partner is to accept her as she is, because the Leo woman reacts with lightning speed to any attempts to limit her independence. But as for the chosen one, he is unlikely to succeed in “trying on” the wife’s behavior model: the “queen” will not tolerate his flirting on the side - she needs daily proof that she is the only one in his destiny, and nothing else.

Leo ladies are mostly idealistic. They believe in "princes" and to the last try to consider knightly traits in their second halves. When the understanding comes that "their eyesight deceived them", they are ready to blame anyone for the failure: stars, rock, bad heredity - but not themselves. To simply accept one's own naivety is to go against the nature of the Leo's consciousness, and the senoritas will not do this under any circumstances. So, who is He, the ruler of her heart and the ruler of her soul?

Scorpion. Perhaps, of all the signs of the zodiac, only the "stinging" man is associated with the Lioness with the "god of love." From the side it may sometimes seem that the relationship of such a couple is built solely on sex, they say - it's just flirting and all that. In reality, the Scorpio-chosen one, like no one else, feels a subtle organization inner world Leo ladies and literally guesses, and then embodies, her desires, including the desire for intimacy.

With representatives of such signs as Libra and Aries, the rapid development of novels is also possible, but the intensity of the emotional-carnal connection rarely reaches the level of relations with Scorpions.

With Gemini men and Leo men at the Leo lady married life develops in different ways: in about 60% of cases it is strong marriage, as they say, "for centuries", and in 40% - nothing more than a mutually beneficial partnership with some risks.

Adam, who was born under the sign of the Virgin, is most likely the last "worthy contender" to whom the stars predict a place near the "inimitable goddess." However, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn men should not give up ahead of time, because Lioness women will not be able to resist the heroes ...