Autumn has come and the mushroom picking season has begun. Any mushroom picker should be well versed in their types, be able to recognize poisonous varieties and quickly provide first aid in case of poisoning. Let's figure out together what the most poisonous mushrooms in Russia look like and how they are dangerous to humans.

List of life-threatening mushrooms

More than three dozen highly toxic mushrooms grow in our forests, often disguising themselves as their edible counterparts. The risk of poisoning with them is extremely high, and novice mushroom pickers need to take this into account. Next, in order, the deadly poisonous mushrooms of Russia:

Toadstool is pale... This mushroom is considered the most poisonous among all the gifts of the forest and is dangerous in that it looks very similar to edible species... It can often be confused with the common russula or wild mushroom. It grows from August to September mainly in deciduous and mixed forests. Toadstool can be recognized by a smooth gray, white or beige cap and a narrow leg, thickened near the base. Even a small dose of toadstool is very toxic, and about 100 g of the mushroom is enough for intoxication. The poison of the toadstool can not be removed by either heat treatment or drying. Signs of poisoning appear within two days from the date of consumption. Provokes severe vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea and headache, a sharp drop in pressure, often the victim's body cannot cope with the action of toxins. Subsequent therapy does not give the desired effect, which is often fatal.

Stinky fly agaric... The poisonous representative of the mushroom kingdom belongs to the fly agaric family, and it was named so because of the disgusting smell of rot. Found in mixed and coniferous forests from early July to late November, preferably growing in moist soil. Its conical cap has a snow-white color, is abundantly covered with mucus and shines, the leg is long, but thin, with a growth in the middle. Minimum quantity there is enough mushroom in order to get badly poisoned. After ingestion, it causes convulsions, cramps in the intestines and increased salivation. Symptoms of intoxication, as in the case of a pale toadstool, appear only after a few hours, and by the time therapy begins, its poison has already managed to infect the internal organs. Because of the fetid smell, mushroom pickers often bypass it, therefore, according to statistics, mortality from it is low, but still this variety of amanita belongs to the extremely poisonous mushrooms.

Amanita muscaria. This is another representative of the amanita genus, which is extremely dangerous to humans. The panther fly agaric is difficult to identify correctly, the mushroom is often mistaken for varieties suitable for human consumption. It differs from its fellow amanita muscaria, known for its bright colors. Grows from late July to October in deciduous and coniferous forests. Usually inhabits in the vicinity of the species suitable for human consumption. You can distinguish it by its dense cap, most often it is brown in color, but occasionally it is brown or gray. Its surface is dotted with many whitish flakes that easily peel off the skin. The stem is thin, thickened at the base. It has a high toxicity, after using it for food, the chances of survival for the victim are not very high. The first symptoms of poisoning appear after two hours. A severe attack of suffocation occurs due to spasms in the bronchi and lungs, the patient begins severe convulsions, and he loses consciousness.

Whitish talker... Another type of poisonous type of mushroom, which is certainly worth mentioning, if we talk about the most poisonous mushrooms in Russia, is a whitish talker. It grows in meadows and fields, can be found near forest edges and pastures, sometimes in squares and parks. It grows in colonies forming peculiar rings or "witch circles" from late July to late October. Its white cap is convex in shape, a gray bloom is clearly visible on it, the edges are tucked inward, at the last stage of development they acquire the shape of a funnel. The leg is short, soft, cylindrical, all spotted, darkens strongly when pressed. in her tissues muscarine toxin causes severe intoxication. Symptoms appear quickly, after 20 minutes, the victim's blood pressure drops, his pulse drops, his eyes are very teary, and he sweats a lot. If the stomach is not washed in time and the antidote is given, the patient may die.

Before you recover to collect the gifts of the forest, you should once again remind yourself how to distinguish poisonous species mushrooms from those that are edible and do not forget the most important rule: if there are doubts about whether the found mushroom is edible, it is better not to risk it and leave it to grow further in the forest.

Since ancient times, people have been eating these tasty, healthy and satisfying gifts of nature (macromycetes). However, not all of them may be suitable for consumption, and some even pose a rather serious danger to the body due to their high toxicity.

In this article we will try to answer the question of which poisonous mushrooms of Russia can be found in the forest. In order not to be a victim, you should know them well. There is much for the health and life of a person.

How not to get poisoned?

Before we describe Russia, let's try to learn how to recognize edibles. "Quiet hunting" (mushroom picking) is one of the most favorite and widespread activities of many Russians.

About 30 species grow in our country poisonous mushrooms, very often disguised as edible relatives, which makes them quite difficult to detect. There are also pitfalls here. So, what kind of poisonous mushrooms of Russia can be found in the forests? How to distinguish between edible, inedible and poisonous?

Learn more about doubles

Scroll edible mushrooms and poisonous twins:

It is very easy to confuse inedible and poisonous mushrooms with real ones. Their main difference is the color of the plates. Edible mushrooms are white with a cream shade, darkening after cutting. After cutting, the plates of false mushrooms instantly acquire a brown-black color.

It is difficult to distinguish a porcini mushroom from a satanic or poisonous bile, which have exactly the same appearance and shape. A cut of a leg in an edible mushroom always remains white, and on a poisonous one it turns red.

Pepper Mushroom - false double oiler. Here, in order to decide, you need to pay attention to the color of the plates and the cap. In poisonous mushrooms, it is more brown than in butter, and they also have red pores on the stem and pulp.

Photos and names of some mushrooms will be presented below. It should always be remembered that if there is no self-confidence and certain doubts still remain upon visual inspection of the mushroom, it is best to leave it alone and not take it to the basket.

Below are the most common ones:

  • From July to October occurs in the forests false fox(orange talker). Her hat is bright orange (up to copper-red) in color, and the shape is a funnel with smooth edges. This type of fungus often grows in groups, and always near real chanterelles. It is very easy to tell them apart. The pulp of false chanterelles has a rather unpleasant odor. It's weak poisonous mushroom, and to get rid of the signs of poisoning, it is enough to make a gastric lavage.
  • From August to September, you can see the pale toadstool. Her hat is yellow-brown, pale green or olive. Usually the edges are lighter than the center. On top of the leg there is white ring. In appearance, toxic toadstool practically does not differ from edible mushrooms, and this is what poses a danger.
  • Poisonous mushrooms of Russia are included in their list and false mushroom, occurring from June to October. Disguised as an edible relative, it has a pink, yellow or pale orange bulbous cap. The center is usually darker than the edges. The light yellow pulp has a bitter taste and a rather unpleasant odor. Usually grows large groups usually on decaying wood. A few hours after ingestion, symptoms of poisoning appear, up to and including loss of consciousness.

  • From mid-summer to autumn, you can find the burning-caustic russula. There are harmless representatives of the genus, but among them there are also dangerous ones that cause a lot of trouble. It is almost impossible to distinguish from red. When its spores ripen, staining the plates in an ocher color, then it is easier to distinguish. Poisoning symptoms are usually disguised as a simple food poisoning, so mushroom pickers may not even be aware of the cause of the disaster. All parts of this russula have a bitter taste. After the fungus touches the tongue and lips, there is a strong burning sensation.
  • Poisonous mushrooms of Russia cannot be imagined without the well-known fly agaric, which occurs from mid-August to September. Amanita muscaria has a remarkable cap (diameter 10 cm), covered with large white scales. The color of the cap is soft cream. The long white stem has a darker, dense ring. Its pulp gives off an aroma similar to the smell of freshly peeled potatoes.

Satanic mushroom, gray-pink milkman, beautiful hymnopilus, false value - all this poses a danger not only to health, but also to life.

Deadly poisonous mushrooms of Russia

  • False Foam is one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world. It can cause kidney failure, which can be fatal.
  • Piggy long time was considered an edible mushroom. Studies have shown that periodic consumption of it in food destroys blood cells - leukocytes. Also arises renal failure leading to death.

The most poisonous in the world is the aforementioned pale toadstool. It affects such vital organs as the kidneys and liver, leading to death. Toadstool is so poisonous that it is not recommended to touch it with bare hands... Also, it should not be allowed to come into contact with edible mushrooms. Dizziness, colic, loose stools and vomiting occur during poisoning. The destruction of the above organs occurs already during this period, so you should immediately seek medical help.

The most poisonous mushrooms are pale toadstool, false honey agaric, red fly agaric and panther fly agaric.


Just like wild plants and animals, representatives of the huge kingdom of mushrooms can be dangerous. To become an experienced mushroom picker and live long life, it is worth getting to know these unusual creatures of nature well. For mushroom pickers important advice: if you don’t know the mushroom, don’t take it. Even a single toadstool caught in the basket can make the entire "catch" poisonous.

For a long time, gathering, along with hunting, were the main occupations of a person, and today, at the end of summer and in autumn, dozens of mushroom pickers go out on a "hunt" for mushrooms. But among all the variety of mushrooms, there are those that are better not to be eaten, as this can lead to serious illness, and often death. Therefore, we will consider the category of poisonous mushrooms, and find out which is the most poisonous mushroom in the world.

Poisonous mushrooms of Russia

In Russia, reports of mushroom poisoning in the summer-autumn period are received at the operational points of the Ministry of Emergency Situations almost daily. To avoid trouble, "the enemy", as they say, you need to know by sight, and know how to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones.

Amanita phalloides

One of the most poisonous mushrooms in the vast expanses of Russia, it is better not to allow poisoning with this representative of the large genus Amanita.

The danger is that outwardly pale toadstool strongly resembles edible Forest mushrooms, and therefore can easily fall into the basket of an inexperienced mushroom picker.

Above the toadstool's cap is a white ring, which protrudes characteristic feature pale toadstool.

Amanita muscaria / Amanita muscaria

Amanita muscaria looks very beautiful and appetizing, but it is strictly forbidden to eat them, and the name itself should scare away those who want to feast on a forest dweller.

Amanita muscaria is widespread almost everywhere, growing in groups or alone. Mainly they give preference to birch forests.

Not considered fatally toxic, but can cause hallucinations and severe poisoning.

False Chanterelle / Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca

Poisonous mushrooms also include the so-called "doubles of edibles", which, although similar in appearance, contain poison that is dangerous to health and life.

The false chanterelle both in the shape of the cap and in the bright orange color resembles its edible relative. It grows in families, and rarely singly.

But still, u edible chanterelle lighter in color, the cap is flat, but the edges are slightly wavy. The false chanterelle also has an empty leg.

Poisonous mushrooms of Ukraine

In the vastness of Ukraine, due to geographical proximity and a similar climate, almost the same mushrooms grow as in Russia, but there are some species differences, which we will present.

Entoloma poisonous / Entoloma sinuatum

The most dangerous mushroom from the genus Entomola grows in the Carpathian region, mainly in the vast virgin steppes, but it can also be found in deciduous forests.

It develops throughout the summer, and disappears by the beginning of autumn. This is one of the largest representatives of this genus, and the cap sometimes reaches 25 cm.

It was first discovered and described in 1788, and in 1871 it received its modern name, and is listed in reference books as poisonous. In Russia, they grow in the North Caucasus and some regions of Siberia, but these are rather rare mushrooms.

Fiber Patuillard / Inocybe erubescens

The Russian name for this dangerous mushroom is Fibers blushing, and in the genus Inocybe it is one of the most deadly species.

In Ukraine, it grows from July to November, mainly in coniferous and deciduous forests. Locally found in Europe and Asia. The hat is umbrella-shaped with a diameter of 3 to 9 cm, and the leg reaches a height of up to 10 cm.

Fibers contain a toxic alkaloid - muscarine, which can cause severe poisoning and lead to death.

Slender Pig / Paxillus involutus

According to Wikipedia, this species was considered conditionally edible for a long time, but then it was included in the category of poisonous harmful mushrooms.

It is found in almost all types of forests, choosing moist shady places, and can grow on tree trunks. The cap reaches a diameter of 15 cm, and the pig's color varies from light brown to rusty brown.

For the first time, poisoning from eating thin pigs was recorded in 1944.

Poisonous mushrooms of the world

Our list will be continued by mushrooms growing in different corners the globe, and are considered the most poisonous.

By the way, there is also a site on our website. interesting article about! We advise you to read and see these enemies "in the face"!

Amanita Smith / Amanita smithiana

Grows in mixed forests North America, and the toxins contained in this fly agaric damage the liver and lead to death.

The hemispherical cap grows from 5 to 17 cm, and the stem is thin with a flaky ring. The color of the cap is completely white or cream, and the cap itself is covered with bumps.

By chance, the spores were brought to the islands of Japan, where the mushroom took root and grows in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Amanita verna / Amanita verna

In appearance, the spring fly agaric is similar to the pale toadstool, but belongs to an independent species from the Amanitov family.

It is widespread in the forests of Europe and is considered deadly. It is noteworthy that the symptoms of poisoning are the same as those of the pale toadstool.

In Russia, it is called white fly agaric or spring toadstool, but in Russian forests is much less common than its red counterpart.

Galerina Bordered / Galerina marginata

One of the most poisonous mushrooms of the Strophariev family has a brown cap and a lighter stem with a characteristic ring

It is found mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, but has also been found in Australia. It is noteworthy that it grows in the subarctic and arctic places of Canada.

The body contains poisonous amatoxins, and if it enters the human body, they cause death.

Yellow-skinned Champignon / Agaricus xanthodermus

Poisonous mushrooms are also found in the Champignon family, and the Russians call it false champignon or yellowing champignon.

Distributed in Europe and North America, but it was brought to Australia by accident. It can be found not only in forests, but also in city parks, gardens, forest plantations.

You can distinguish it from edibles during the cooking process. The fact is that, unlike ordinary mushrooms, it begins to smell bad when boiled.

Lepiota brown-red / Lepiota brunneoincarnata

Another mushroom from the genus Lepiota is considered one of the most deadly. Grows in Western and of Eastern Europe, but not found in Russia.

The semicircular bell-shaped cap reaches 7 cm in diameter, and the color is usually pale gray with dark concentric circles. The leg is slightly curved and cylindrical.

Long-term studies have shown that it contains the strongest poisons from the cyanide group, so any consumption of food will lead to death.

Satanic Mushroom / Boletus satanas

This species from the Borovik family is also called Satanic Bolet, and it is common in deciduous forests Southern Europe and in the Middle East.

The diameter of the cap grows on average from 8 to 25 cm, but specimens up to 30 cm in size have been found. The stem is spherical and has a reddish color.

In some European countries it is eaten, but in reference books it is listed as inedible. It is believed that even 1 gram of satanic mushroom causes severe food poisoning.

Sulfur-yellow False Foam / Hypholoma fasciculare

False milkshake, called sulphurous yellow due to its characteristic color, is very poisonous, and grows in the mixed forests of Europe and North America.

Outwardly, it resembles a summer mushroom, so you need to be careful so as not to confuse it with an edible brother. The cap is small, only 1.5-7 cm in diameter, and the leg does not grow more than 10 cm and 0.5 cm in diameter.

After eating, after a couple of hours, nausea begins, severe vomiting and the person loses consciousness.

Noble Webcap / Cortinarius gentilis

Let the name of this mushroom not be misleading, since its body contains toxins that are deadly to life. Its toxicity was proved by experiments on rats.

Grows in mixed and coniferous forests, rather small, since the cap is 1.5 to 5 cm in diameter. The color is yellowish brown or orange.

When it enters the human body, it primarily affects the activity of the kidneys, and without medical intervention, a person can die.

Poisonous mushroom facts

In conclusion, we present a few facts related to poisonous and scary mushrooms:

  • The most poisonous mushroom growing in both Europe and Asia is the pale grebe.
  • The Bloody Tooth fungus is considered by many to be poisonous, and that even breathing its spores is fatal to the body. But while science does not know the facts of poisoning with this mushroom, but maybe just its frightening appearance scares away mushroom pickers and is not eaten.
  • Most animals in the body have enzymes that easily break down mushroom poisons, so animals feed on poisonous mushrooms and do not poison themselves.
  • The Roman Emperor Claudius and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV were poisoned with the pale toadstool mixed in food.
  • Poisonous mushrooms are widely used in folk medicine, as well as in official pharmacology for the production of certain types of drugs.
  • Amanita is the most recognizable mushroom in the world. Of the surveyed residents of Europe, 96% of the respondents recognize him in the photo, while the edible White mushroom learned only 53%.

In nature, it is quite easy to get poisoned, because poisonous plants and mushrooms grow in almost any region of the world, so you need to be careful, and it is better to bypass unfamiliar plants, and even more so mushrooms. It is unrealistic to describe all poisonous mushrooms in one article, but we tried to highlight the most dangerous for human health and life.

Be sure to watch this video!

Mushroom picking is a fun process that requires extreme care. But no one is safe from the fact that the most poisonous mushroom will meet on the forest path. Sadly, but it is in Russia that the deadly and most poisonous mushroom in the world grows.

Rumors about "Bloody Tooth"
In some sources, the bloody tooth mushroom is called the most poisonous mushroom on the planet. They say that even breathing next to him is dangerous, and to go to another world, it is enough to touch it with your tongue. There is no evidence of this yet; according to other sources, it may even be useful to humanity, because it contains blood thinning substances and has an antibacterial effect.

Rumors of its super-toxicity are largely due to its unusual appearance... Another name for this mushroom is strawberry with cream. Indeed, at first glance, it is very similar to this dessert, and even the aroma resembles delicious treat... The surface of the mushroom is velvety, white, strewn with scarlet drops. These drops are secreted by the fungus itself, thus, it attracts the insects that it feeds on. With age, the mushroom loses its beauty and becomes an inconspicuous brown color. Also, with age, sharp outgrowths appear along the edges of the cap, in which spores mature. Hence the word "tooth" in the title. Until recently, this mushroom was found only in the forests of North America, Australia and Europe. But the facts of its growth in Russian forests, for example, in the Komi Republic, are already known.

Our mushrooms are the most poisonous
In general, you cannot intimidate us with overseas fly agarics when a pale toadstool grows nearby. It can be found in almost all types of forests in Europe, Asia, North America and North Africa. It is especially common in forests with deciduous trees. These mushrooms are pale yellow-green in color with a white border. Loves dark, humid places.

Do not eat
According to statistical data, 9 out of 10 people die in the case of pale toadstool poisoning. That is, this mushroom leaves almost no chance of salvation. A lethal dose - only 1/3 of the cap! The tissues contain 2 types of toxins: amanitin and phalloidin, which cause liver and kidney failure. The most poisonous mushroom causes constant bouts of vomiting, dizziness, cramps, headaches and loose stools. During this period, destruction occurs internal organs Often the only way avoid death - their transplant. A health care, as a rule, comes with a delay, since the first symptoms do not appear immediately, but 6 hours after poisoning. During this time, the poison has already managed to be completely absorbed. Further therapy does not cope with the action toxic substances, and within a few days the person dies.

Remember what the most poisonous mushroom looks like and share it with your friends:
- a smooth lamellar grayish cap and a white leg;
- the presence of a "collar";
- straight thin stem with a tuber at the base.

Photo:, and

Every adult knows that among the mushrooms there are deadly poisonous species. Thousands of people die from poisoning every year. Such dangerous mushrooms grow on all continents except Antarctica. We present the names and descriptions of poisonous mushrooms. Of course, there is no way to list them all in one article. Therefore, we will only talk about the most dangerous ones found on the territory of Russia.

Death cap

Number one in the world among the most poisonous plants is the mushroom, ubiquitous in Russian forests, meadows and pastures. This is a pale toadstool. Agree, even in its name there is something unpleasant and repulsive. But outwardly it is quite cute, depending on age, very similar to mushrooms, russula or greenfinches. Inexperienced amateurs quiet hunting they are happy to fill their baskets with toadstools, because these mushrooms even smell nice and tasty.

Having barely hatched out of the ground, young pale toadstools have a clearly visible vulva (protective film) and a white ovoid body. With age, they acquire a white, greenish or grayish hat. It can be slightly concave or even. The diameter of the cap reaches 15 cm. The mushroom leg has a white "skirt" at the top, and thickening closer to the ground. It can grow up to 16 cm in length (usually about 6-7 cm), and 15-25 mm in width. The flesh of the toadstool is white and has a sweet taste. It contains a huge amount of poisons such as amanitins, phalloidins and amanin. To die, it is enough to eat only a quarter of a hat.


This deadly poisonous mushroom is dangerous not only because it looks like an edible one. His insidiousness lies in the fact that the first signs of poisoning (unrestrained vomiting, bloody diarrhea, severe pain in the peritoneum and muscles, heart failure, hypotension, threadlike pulse) appear only a day later - two after eating the toadstool, when the liver and kidneys are already badly destroyed. Another unpleasant nuance of poisoning is that on the 4th day there may be an unexpected improvement in the condition, which sometimes lasts for several days. After that, death comes. Death in case of poisoning with pale toadstools is recorded in 99% of cases.

Fly agarics

We put these mushrooms in the second position, as some of them are deadly poisonous. Many people imagine him as a real handsome man with a red hat in white dots. In fact, the fly agaric is not one mushroom, but a whole genus, numbering about three dozen species. Among them are the following groups:

  • Edible and even gourmet (imperial and caesarean fly agaric).
  • Conditionally edible (float or Sicilian fly agaric, ovoid, lonely, gray-pink).
  • Simply inedible, although not poisonous (toadstool, yellow-green, bristly, prickly-headed, gray, purple, pineal, thick, and others).
  • Toxic. To be fatally poisoned, you need to eat a lot of them, but in moderation they are hallucinogens. Such is the way for everyone famous fly agaric with a red hat with white dots. It is widely used in medicine, as a medicine, for example, against cancer, and in everyday life for baiting insects. Hence its name.

But there is in the family and is extraordinary dangerous species... There are not many of them. The list of poisonous mushrooms includes the royal fly agaric (not to be confused with the imperial), spring (or white), smelly (or smelly toadstool) and panther. Each of them contains the poisons muscarine, muscaridin, and some additionally contain hyoscyamine and scopolamine. Poisoning with these fly agarics is fatal in 9 cases out of 10.

Short description

I would like to warn you that only those who are perfectly versed in them can collect fly agarics for food, because in many ways the “bad” and “good” species are quite similar.

Let's talk about the features of poisonous representatives.

Outwardly, it looks a little like a red fly agaric, only its hat may be gray, brownish, greenish, light brown. Flakes remaining from the bedspread often hang along its edges. The pulp is white, does not change its color in air. Its consistency is slightly watery, foul-smelling, sweetish in taste. The leg is most often thicker downwards, slightly fleecy, has a white annular rim at the bottom. Some specimens have a white fragile ring on it.

  • Amanita muscaria. This is a real giant, reaching 20 cm in height. The diameter of the cap can also be about 20 cm. This mushroom is hard to miss. Its cap can be ocher, brown or greenish, and flat in shape, spherical or depressed in the center, with radial stripes. From above it is covered with white "dots" (the remains of a blanket). The pulp is light yellow to brown, odorless. The leg is thick, whitish, thickened downwards, velvety, has several belts. Hallmark from the imperial fly agaric is that the cap of the latter is bright orange or ocher, without white dots.

False mushrooms

This is also not one mushroom, but a whole group, which includes edible, conditionally edible, toxic (not fatal) and very poisonous. Outwardly, they all look like ordinary mushrooms - small in size, grow as a friendly family on stumps and old logs, have relatively long legs and bell-shaped or semicircular hats. You can distinguish "good" mushrooms from "bad" ones by their color.

Consider especially dangerous species:

Galerina can be safely called one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world, since when poisoned with it, a fatal outcome is recorded in 90% of cases. This false mushroom can grow both as a family and alone. He has a convex cap up to 4 cm in diameter, a long stem (up to 7-10 cm). The color of the cap can be from pale yellow to brown-orange, and it changes depending on the humidity. Almost always the outside of the cap is oily or covered with sticky mucus. The pulp is white or light brown, with a flour smell. It contains the deadly poisons amitoxins.

  • The false foam is brick-red. It is distinguished from the previous type by the color of the cap, which is most often saturated brick. But there are specimens with orange, yellow and even white hats. In principle, this species is conditionally edible. In all cases of poisoning, brick-red false froth is indicated by mistake instead of gray-yellow.


The pigs were included in the list of poisonous mushrooms only in 1944. Prior to that, they were considered conditionally edible. The fact is that they contain a special antigen that sticks to our red blood cells, thereby causing an autoimmune response in the body. As a result, a person develops hemolytic anemia, renal failure, and nephropathy. For this to happen, pigs need to be eaten for a long time (until their antigens accumulate in sufficient quantities).

Many people, having eaten them once, do not experience any painful symptoms, so no one associates the death with a pig. Death most often occurs in children and people with kidney problems. Outwardly, the mushroom is quite cute and very similar to the good one. It has a thick short stem, a fleshy large cap (up to 15 cm in diameter), which can be slightly convex or flat. Its color varies from olive brown to rusty brown. The pulp at the site of damage (pressure) quickly darkens. You can often see worms and insects in it. Using the example of a pig, we can say that the signs of poisonous mushrooms do not always work. If you focus only on whether the hats are wormy or not, you can make a fatal mistake.

Omphalot olive

This plant is considered by some to be one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world, because the symptoms of poisoning (vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, sweating, irregular pulse, impaired vision and breathing) occur within 15 minutes after eating. However, before fatal outcome it rarely happens. Usually, the victim's health is restored in a day.

On the territory of Russia, the omphalot olive is found in the Crimea. Outwardly, it looks a bit like tinder fungus. Grows on stumps, logs, trunks of deciduous trees. Its leg is very short (up to 3 cm), but it can be barely noticeable. The cap reaches a diameter of 12 cm. It is smooth to the touch, rarely finely scaly. Its color is always in orange tones with the addition of red or yellow. A distinctive feature of the olive omphalot is that its plates glow in the dark.

Gindellum Peka

Each country has many of its own poisonous mushrooms. Of interest is the Gindellum Peck species, named after the scientist - mycologist. In Russia, it is extremely rare in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Many consider it the most poisonous mushroom in the world and even attribute mystical properties to it, because it is able to secrete a red liquid similar to blood. Because of this, it is called the bloody mushroom or bloody tooth. In fact, Gindellum Peka is not poisonous. Some people eat it after thorough culinary processing. But there are few of them, since its flesh is very bitter.


Of course, it is important to know how to distinguish between poisonous mushrooms. Outwardly, they can be very similar to edible ones (for example, false chanterelle, burning russula, green tea). Only experienced mushroom pickers are able to recognize them. The pale toadstool is distinguished from the champignon by the color of the plates, which are white in the poisonous mushroom, and dark in the champignon. The flesh of a toadstool is not as brittle as that of a russula, and a greenfinch, unlike a toadstool, does not have a vulva. The external differences between other types of mushrooms may be different. What they have in common is that venomous species are never wormy. Some "chefs" test the toxicity with an onion. To do this, place it and the mushrooms in a container with water. If the bulb has darkened, then the contents of the container must be discarded. Note that these comparisons and experiments can be fatal. Therefore, it is better to avoid questionable mushrooms.