Sri Lanka is an amazing and amazing place where tourists from all over the world rush to go. In addition to a great beach holiday, you can see a lot of interesting things on the island. For example, to see live elephants moving freely through the streets. On the island of Sri Lanka, there are more than 90 species of rare animals that are on the verge of extinction. For those who are planning to go to warm country, you need to learn in detail about the holiday seasons in Sri Lanka.

The famous island is located next to the Indian Ocean. On the island of Sri Lanka is a small state of the same name. The exotic climate attracts travelers from different countries throughout calendar year. In Sri Lanka, winter and summer are practically the same, and even the water is always warm. The air temperature in the resort year-round is about 30-32 degrees, and sharp temperature drops are not characteristic of a warm country.

The island of Sri Lanka fell in love with tourists with the opportunity to come here at any time of the year. But still worth knowing about climatic features resort. The northern and eastern part of the country is located in subequatorial belt, and the southwest is at the equator.

The calendar year in Sri Lanka is divided into rainy periods and dry periods, but much depends on the geographical location of parts of the island. In some regions, permanent hurricanes begin in May and end in September. In the period from October to March, unfavorable weather again repeats, but not on the entire island. The air temperature throughout the year is kept within 30 degrees, and the water in the ocean warms up to 29 degrees.

In the middle of the island of Sri Lanka, the climate is not as pleasant as near the coast. On the territory of a small state are located high mountains where the air temperature drops to 14-15 degrees.

January in Sri Lanka meets tourists with a hot climate and drought. This month is considered the most favorable for a beach holiday. At this time, the mark on the thermometer reaches 35 degrees, and the ocean temperature is 28 degrees. In the first winter month in Sri Lanka, there is almost no precipitation. In January, tourists rush to visit Colombo, Hikkaduwa, as well as Bentota or Galle, where the air is always warmed up to at least 31 degrees.

February is considered an equally attractive month to visit Sri Lanka. During the daytime on the island, the air temperature is stable at around 30-31 degrees, and the water in the ocean is warmed up to 27 degrees. Most favorable rest in February for visitors to Sri Lanka is considered to be in Colombo or Beruwala.

March differs from the winter months in the presence of heavy rainfall, although the air is still warmed up to 30-32 degrees, and the water is up to 28 degrees. But prolonged downpours can hurt beach holiday and walks through the streets of Sri Lanka. Although tourists like to come to the Indian coast in March, preferring to stay in Negombo or Bentota. If you do not like rainy weather and do not want to risk your vacation, then you do not need to visit Sri Lanka in March.

April in Sri Lanka is considered the hottest month, and is also the last month before the start of the rainy and windy period. But precipitation in the second spring month are present, although not in such large numbers. During the day, tourists can enjoy the heat of 35 degrees and very warm water in the ocean. If you decide to visit Sri Lanka in April, then choose resorts in the northeast of the country. In these places, rains are rare, so you can enjoy a beach holiday.

May in Sri Lanka is the first month of rainy weather in the southern part of the island. high humidity and heat not every tourist will like the air. The air temperature is heated to 32-34 degrees, but relative humidity can be from 90 to 100%. Permanent clouds do not allow the sun's rays to look out, and tropical rains stop for a short time. In May, in the south of the island of Sri Lanka, tourists rarely manage to swim in the waters of the ocean.

But you can enjoy a beach holiday in Sri Lanka in May if you go to the northeast of the island. Nuwara Eliya - perfect place for holidays on the coast of the Indian Ocean during this period. There is practically no rain here, and the sun shines throughout the day.

Tourists who went to southern part Sri Lanka in June, should be prepared for frequent heavy rains. A large number of falls at night, but during the day the sun rarely peeks out from behind dark clouds. The northeastern part of Sri Lanka is less rainy in June, the sun appears much more often here. But with swimming, even in the northeast, there are problems due to strong storms.

July in Sri Lanka is no less rainy than the previous month. In addition to heavy rainfall, monsoons often occur on the island. In the western part of Sri Lanka, rivers can overflow their banks due to incessant rainfall. The east of the island is characterized by sunny and hot weather, which contributes to a good beach holiday.

Tourists who decide to go to the island of Sri Lanka in August can have a good time. The rains here are no longer so frequent and plentiful, but the humidity of the air is still high. The sun comes out more often because of the clouds, which allows travelers to sometimes sunbathe on sandy beaches. The resorts of Kandy or Galle will become the best choice vacationers in Sri Lanka for the last summer month. The air warms up to 32 degrees, but rare waves can spoil the rest.

The climate in Sri Lanka in September contributes to an excellent holiday, but only in the northern part of the country. In the south of the island, zenithal rains periodically occur, and cloudy days do not allow tourists to spend time on the beaches. If you want to visit an island on the coast of the Indian Ocean in September, then go to the north of Sri Lanka.

The second autumn month is a great opportunity to spend a long-awaited vacation in the east of the island. In the resorts of Batticaloa, as well as in Trincomalee, the western monsoons arise, and the air warms up to a temperature of 34 degrees. In the south of Sri Lanka in October, it is no less comfortable, and Unawatuna vacationers will especially like it. The lagoons of this resort have warm and calm ocean water.

If you decide to go to Sri Lanka in November, then get tickets to the southern part of the country. The water in the Indian Ocean is warmed up to 27 degrees, and the air is up to 32-33 degrees. It is not recommended to visit the northern part of the island in November, where it continues to rain.

December on the island rarely meets tourists with precipitation, but the air temperature at this time is considered the coldest. During the day, you can see a mark of 31 degrees on the thermometer, and ocean water is heated to 26 degrees. Tourists love to visit Sri Lanka in the first winter month, regardless of the region of the country.

To summarize, at any time of the year in Sri Lanka you can have a good rest. The main thing is to choose the right area of ​​the island in order not to observe heavy rains and strong winds every day. Although some tourists like the coolness and rainy weather when other travelers are crazy about heat, hot sun and warm water.

When choosing a ticket to an island in the Indian Ocean, you need to take into account personal climate preferences, as well as financial capabilities.

Everyone knows that Sri Lanka is a unique tourist place where you can not only relax interestingly, but also see a lot. Where, no matter how there, you can see live elephants with your own eyes, which literally walk the streets, as well as 91 species of rare animals that are on the verge of extinction. In this article, we will find out when it is better to go on vacation to Sri Lanka, as well as what it is holiday season in Sri Lanka by months.

Maps of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: holiday season by month

Let's start with the fact that this small country is located near the Indian Ocean. Due to the exotic climate, it is very popular. Every year, the state is visited by a huge number of tourists from all over the world. Due to the fact that there are no large temperature differences on the island, winter differs from summer by only a few degrees. The air warms up to a comfortable +32 °C. The water in the resort is just as warm.

Sri Lanka is characterized by the fact that you can have a good rest there at any time of the year. It is enough to know a few features of the climate. Recall that the north and east of the country are in the subequatorial climate, and the southwest - in the equatorial climate.

All on the island the year is divided into periods of rain and drought. Hurricanes and storms are there from October to March, and from May to September. Basically, the temperature throughout the year remains at around +30 °С, while the ocean warms up to +28 °С. Note that in the coastal zone the climate is more pleasant than in the middle of the island. There are also high mountains in the country, where the temperature is much lower and can be + 15 ° C.

More about climate

In January This country has a hot and very dry climate. Basically, this is what you need have a great holiday, since at this time the temperature reaches +33-35 °С and the ocean warms up to +28 °С. There is almost no rainfall this month. The best place to rest for this period is Colombo and Bentota, as well as Galle and Hikkaduwa, since there the air temperature does not fall below 31 ° C.

In February no showers or storms either. According to most tourists, this month is the best time to visit the country. During the daytime, the temperature remains stable - about +30-31 °С. In turn, the ocean warms up to +27 °С. Tourists will be most comfortable in Beruwela and Colombo.

In March daytime air temperature observed on the island from + 30-32 ° С, the ocean warms up to 28 ° С. However, precipitation increases, showers become much longer and stronger. It is best to relax this month on Bentota, Negombo, Wadduwa. The rainy season in Sri Lanka just falls in the spring. That is why, if wet weather is not to your liking, then it is better to stay at home during these months and go when the climate is more favorable.

April- this is the last period of time before the start of the rainy season, respectively, this month is the hottest. At this time, precipitation increases by 1.5-2 times. During the day, the temperature reaches +35 °С, and the ocean warms up to +29 °С. This month it is better to go to the resorts of the northeastern part of the island. There is practically no rain, so you can safely bask on the beaches.

May marks the beginning of the rainy season in the south of the country. At this time it is very humid and hot there. During the day, the air warms up to +33 ° С, however humidity reaches 90-100%. The sun practically does not appear because of the clouds, almost all the time there are tropical showers. In May, ocean water becomes not very suitable for swimming. However, in the north-east of the island, the weather remains sunny, it rains very rarely. At this time, it is best to go to the resort of Nuwara Eliya. It's warm and sunny there.

If we talk about the summer period, then at this time it is far from dry and sunny throughout Sri Lanka. In June the rainy season in the southern part is in full swing. Go almost all the time heavy rains. Very often they pour at night. Cloudy weather persists during the day. In the northeast, there is drier weather and much more sunny days, but swimming is still difficult due to high waves.

In July rainy weather is observed on the island. The monsoons join heavy torrential rains. It is very rainy in the western part of the island, so the rivers overflow their banks. The east is sunny and warm weather, the temperature in some areas can reach +36 °C.

The last summer month is characterized by low rainfall. However, despite this, the humidity still remains high. Among the numerous cloudy days sometimes sunny days begin to slip. But despite this, in August you can comfortably relax in the south of Sri Lanka, namely in Kandy, Bentota and Galle. During the daytime, the temperature is about +32 °С. In the ocean, only occasionally waves rage.

Autumn starts sunny. In September you can meet zenithal rains. Especially bad weather persists in the south. In turn, in the north of the island it is very warm and there are much fewer cloudy days. That is why we recommend going on vacation to this part.

One of the most comfortable months for a holiday in the eastern part of the state is October. Thanks to the action of the western monsoons, it is best to relax in Trincomalee and Batticaloa, where daytime temperatures reach +34 °С. You can also have a good rest in the south, namely in the lagoons of Unawatuna. In this place the water is very calm and warm. The temperature of the ocean reaches +29 °С.

In November most comfortable in the south of the country. Water warms up to +27 ° С. However, the rainy season is still going on in the northern part of the country. In December, showers are rare, but despite this, it is considered one of the coldest months. During the day, the air warms up to +31 °С, water in the ocean - up to +26 °С. In the south at this time beach season is in full swing.

As we can see, all months are good in their own way. However, there are months when the island is especially comfortable and cozy. Speaking about when the season is for a beach holiday in Sri Lanka, you need to take into account the fact that not everyone likes dry sunny weather. Some people like coolness and light rains, so you should choose days based on your preferences, capabilities and, of course, finances.

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In Ceylon, 2 distinct periods are pronounced: wet and dry. Almost 90% of the precipitation here falls in summer time, from May to October. The rest of the time it is almost always dry here and there are wonderful weather. If you are interested in when it is better to go to Sri Lanka, we can say that the period from November to the end of April will be optimal. Regardless of the weather, the island is always warm: about 28-30 ° C. The water warms up to an average of +26 ° C. The exception is mountainous areas, where it is relatively cool in winter and the temperature can be +10 ° C.

The most important thing to know about the local weather is the monsoons.

From May to the end of October, the time of the southwest monsoon comes, which brings rain, strong winds and storms to the tropical island. Because of this, it will not be very pleasant to relax in resorts such as Hikkaduwa, Mirissa, Unawatuna, etc. But from November to April, the best time to travel to Sri Lanka in 2019 comes.

From May to September it is more comfortable on the northeastern coast of the island (Bay of Bengal). But from September to April it is very windy here.

Resorts centered on the east side, such as Trincomalee or Pasikuda, offer guests good weather from March to August.

Winter trips

In winter, many guests rest here, staying at resorts located on the southern or west coast. Because of this, tours to Sri Lanka on New Year are the most popular. Naturally, it is in this season that the highest prices for vouchers are observed.

On the popular coasts in winter, the air warms up to +28 o C during the day and up to +24 o C at night. Sightseeing and beach holidays are great at this time. Here you can spend a magical St. Valentine with a loved one under the rustle of palm trees or a tropical version of February 23 in the company of good friends.

If you decide to go on excursions to the center of the tropical island, keep in mind that in January and February the weather there is changeable. And in mountainous areas it is even cool, especially at night.

Hospitable Spring

The most favorable time to visit the island in the spring is March. This month, almost everywhere is equally good, so if you are planning your vacation during March 8, this is a great solution. In the first two months of spring, it is comfortable to ride in the mountainous regions of the country. But in the period May holidays it is better to go to the eastern resorts, for example, in Trincomalee. The air temperature in spring is around +26 o C.

rainy summer

The rainy season in Sri Lanka traditionally comes in summer period. But the quality of rest is largely affected not by precipitation, which most often falls at night, but by the humidity created due to them. At the same time, the air in the summer can warm up above +32 ° C. The ocean often rages at this time, however, such waves are only a joy for surfers. But again, it all depends on the chosen location.

June is the best time to visit eastern part islands, as in the west or south the monsoons create unsafe conditions for swimming. In July, on these shores, the weather worsens even more, but in the east and north, on the contrary, it is favorable. Many trips and tourist reviews in July are devoted to the so-called "cultural triangle" (the area bounded by the three ancient capitals - Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Kandy).

In August, an interesting situation sets in: rainy and turbulent weather, although it continues, this picture changes in better side and gives tourists a chance to have a relatively calm holiday. Sunny weather with minimal precipitation sets in on almost all coasts of the island.

In summer, tours are low cost and allow you to travel cheaper. Despite the rainy season, here on the island, in the summer, there are many colorful religious holidays celebrated on a grand scale.

Autumn whims

In September it is comfortable to be mainly on east coast, while elsewhere it rains and hurricanes occur. In October and early November, the weather deteriorates almost throughout Ceylon. If you are interested in when to go on vacation to Sri Lanka in the autumn, then best time is the end of November. late autumn on the southern and western coast of the island, the long-awaited favorable weather begins to set.

If desired, from now on, you can plan a combined trip Sri Lanka - Maldives. It is from the end of November that there, as in Ceylon, comes best season recreation.

Monthly weather in Sri Lanka. Climate features. rainy season and dry season. We find out when and on which part of the island it is better to go on vacation.


Precipitation is practically absent. Many tourists consider February the most suitable for holidays. During the day it is stably warm - about +29 ... +30 ° С, at night from + 20 ° С to + 23 ° С, the water in the ocean is about + 28 ° С. The most comfortable weather stands in the southwest of Sri Lanka: in Beruwala about + 30 ° C, in Colombo up to + 32 ° C.

Beach in Bentota. Why not paradise? (Photo © / Rockside Beach Resort)


Daytime air temperature +31...+33°С, nighttime +24...+25°С. The water in the ocean is about +29°C. The number of rainy days is increasing, the showers are becoming longer and stronger, there may be thunderstorms. In the southwestern part of the island - Bentota, Negombo, Wadduwa - winds blow at the beginning of the month, sometimes there are short and warm showers.


April - last month before the rainy season, it is the hottest. The amount of precipitation almost doubles. The air temperature rises and reaches +34°C during the day, +27°C at night, the water in the ocean is +28...+29°C. You can go on vacation in April to any resort in Sri Lanka, but for a beach holiday at the end of the month, it is better to prefer the resorts of the northeast coast.


The monsoons are starting to kick in. Very hot and humid: +32...+34°C during the day, +28°C at night, few sunny days, frequent tropical showers. The southwestern region is flooding. The ocean water becomes cloudy and unsuitable for swimming. In the north-east of the country it is sunny and about +30°С, there is little rain. The island's coolest resort, Nuwara Eliya, reaches maximum temperatures: +27°C during the day, +18°C at night.

Batticaloa - the northeastern resort of Sri Lanka (Photo © / Naval Beach Villa & Rooms)


The rainy season is in full swing, there are few sunny days. Most of the time it rains at night, with cloudy days. It is very damp in the southern part of the island, in the northeast it is drier and more sunny. The water is +28°C, but swimming is difficult because of the strong waves. average temperature air + 31 ° C, although it feels much higher.


The monsoons, hot and strong wind does not bring the expected coolness. It is very rainy in the west, sometimes rivers overflow, causing floods. It is hot and sunny on the northeast coast - in Batticaloa and Trincomalee + 35 ° C during the day, in Jaffna + 32 ° C, water in the ocean + 26 ... + 28 ° C.

Rainy season in Sri Lanka (Photo © Denish C / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


In August, there is less rainfall in Sri Lanka, but the humidity remains high. Cloudy though sometimes slip through sunny days. The weather in Sri Lanka in August creates acceptable conditions for relaxing on the southwestern coast of the island - in Kandy, Bentota and Galle (about + 30 ° C), but sometimes waves appear. In the northeast, the ocean is calm and warm - up to +29°С, air temperature during the day is +34°С.

Weather in Sri Lanka


The weather in Sri Lanka in September has not yet settled down, it is still overcast, a frequent occurrence is zenithal rains. It is stormy in the southwest, although the water is warm. In Galle +28...+30°С during the day, +26°С at night. In Bentota there is a strong wave, and in Unawatuna a lagoon protects from waves. In the northeast, it is warm and there is much less precipitation.


It is best to relax in October in Sri Lanka in the east of the country, as the western monsoons are in effect. In Trincomalee and Batticaloa during the day + 33 ° C, at night about + 25 ° C. However, by the end of the month, the weather in the northeast begins to deteriorate - the rainy season is approaching. For a beach holiday in the south of Sri Lanka, only the Unawatuna lagoons are suitable, the ocean is calm and warm up to + 29 ° С. It's hot and rainy in Colombo.

Beach in Trincomalee (Photo © / Sasvi Cabana)


From the second half of the month in Sri Lanka begins a high tourist season. At the end of November, it is already dry and warm in the southwest: the air temperature is +29...+30°С during the day, +26°С at night. The water temperature in the ocean is +27°С. In the northeast it rains, the monsoon exerts its influence.


December in Sri Lanka is considered the coolest month. Rains are rare. During the day +28...+30°С, at night +23...+24°С. The ocean is warm - up to +28°C. In the southwest, the beach holiday season is in full swing, in the east it rains, but most often at night. The mountains are cold and humid.

Beach in Hikkaduwa (Photo © iris0327 / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Features of the climate of Sri Lanka in different parts of the island

in Ceylon beach holidays are possible all year round. It is only necessary to take into account that the climate of Sri Lanka is slightly different in different parts of the country. In the northeast the climate is subequatorial, in the southwest - equatorial.

In Sri Lanka two seasons- rainy season and dry season. The monsoons have a huge impact: from October to March, the northeast monsoon acts, from May to September - the southwest. Monsoons bring rain and storms. In the inter-monsoon period, zenithal rains can be observed - this is when short showers fall in the afternoon (the sun is at its zenith).

Medium air temperature in the daytime +28...+30°С, the water in the ocean warms up to +27°С. The climate in the coastal zone is fresher and more pleasant than in places remote from the ocean - it is hotter there, more humid.

The island is flat, divided by the Central mountain range. IN highlands mean annual temperature+23°C, in high mountainous places the temperature can be much lower. One of the coldest places on the island is Nuwara Eliya: +16...+18°С during the day and +10°С at night.

Map of Sri Lanka resorts

Full house in high season in a street cafe in Hikkaduwa (Photo © / Villa Paradise)

During the rainy season in Sri Lanka, 95% falls annual precipitation. From October to January it rains in the northeast of the island, in summer (May - October) - in the southwest, the likelihood of a tsunami increases, there may be floods due to overflowing rivers.

Despite the fact that during the rainy season in Sri Lanka it is cloudy and damp, low prices tours during this period attract part of the tourists. Even in cloudy weather, you can sunbathe here, and heavy showers occur mainly at night. During the day it can rain 3-4 times for 15-30 minutes. The main disadvantage for vacationers during the rainy season in Sri Lanka is the restless ocean and muddy water.

On the eve of a storm on the beach in Hikkaduwa (Photo © / @maxkuk)

Holiday season in Sri Lanka: when is the best time to go?

From the reviews of tourists, we can conclude that at any time in Sri Lanka there is enough heat and sun, and the water in the Indian Ocean is always warm. For a full-fledged beach holiday, it is better to go to the southwestern part of the island in December-April - it is sunny, dry and there are no winds. But on northeast coast of Sri Lanka the holiday season lasts from May to September. October and November are transitional months with changeable weather.

How to plan a holiday in Sri Lanka:

  1. Look for tours minimum prices on services and It is convenient and reliable.
  2. Check the monthly weather information above.
  3. Look at the month you need.
  4. Find a good hotel based on traveler reviews and location.

Just a few simple steps- and the rest will be great!

Our travel tips:

Intro image source: © Dhammika Heenpella / Images of Sri Lanka / / Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

We’ll tell you by months what season is better to relax in Sri Lanka so as not to get caught in the pouring rain. Read before your trip.

Eternal summer with warm ocean and consistently hot days awaits those who decide to choose Sri Lanka for a beach holiday. All year round in this tropical country, lying near the equator, the water temperature is kept at + 27 + 29 degrees, and the air temperature in the daytime does not fall below +28.

The island is divided by a mountain range, and the weather in the eastern part is somewhat different from the weather in the south. In general, there are two periods in Sri Lanka: wet (May-September) and dry (October-March). Tourists dreaming of a paradise vacation try to make a trip in the autumn and winter months so that the rains do not interfere with swimming and serene sunbathing. The peak of the tourist flow falls on the period from to.

You can also go to Ceylon during the wet season, since it mostly rains at night, allowing you to calmly see the sights during the day, which are many on the island. One has only to take into account that the sun is almost invisible in the summer behind a dense veil of clouds, and the humidity is at a high level - not everyone feels comfortable in damp closeness.

Comfortable season in Sri Lanka


At the beginning of the month, squally winds and thunderstorms are still frequent, especially in Galle and Colombo. High waves rage on the ocean, not allowing tourists to swim. The monsoons move from the southwestern provinces to the northeastern ones, changing the weather there to more humid. In the north-central province, it rains for half the month.

In the south, at the end of the month it becomes noticeably drier, the air temperature is +29, the water temperature is one degree higher. By evening, the heat drops to a comfortable +25 degrees. In the mountains, it can be cool at all: the temperature during the day varies from +20 to +11, at night tourists even have to turn on the heaters.

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In Colombo, Bentota, Hikkaduwa, Wadduwa, Galle and Weligama it rains up to 10 times a month. Warm and short-term, they do not interfere with excursions and relaxing on the beach. The sun shines 10 hours a day, heating the air up to +30+31 degrees, by night the thermometer drops to +24.

Kalutara and Beruwala have similar temperatures but more rainfall. In Negombo, the nights are cooler - about 22 degrees Celsius. In the central regions of Sri Lanka, there are 13-15 rainy days in December, and 16-20 in the northeastern regions.

The bulk beach tourists arrives in December to the southern and western resorts, where there is a lot of sun, little rain and storms at sea, and the water near the coast is warmed up to +28 degrees. Surfers choose Negombo and Kalutara because of the suitable waves.


Due to the northeast monsoon on the island of Jaffna and in Trincomale, the conditions are not the best for recreation: the humidity is high, it rains quite often, the sky is overcast. Slightly less precipitation falls on the central mountainous region, and in Nuwara Eliya the number of rainy days is reduced to 8 per month.

In the southwestern and southern resorts Sri Lanka rainfall occurs about once a week, it is sunny and hot weather, with daily temperature +29+30. At night, the air cools down to +22. The sea is relatively calm, the waves are small. You can devote time to sunbathing, go on excursions or try Ayurvedic treatments for yourself. wellness procedures.

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The south of the country is still great for a beach holiday: the sun shines for 7-9 hours a day, providing daytime temperatures up to +30+31 degrees. Humidity in winter here is kept at 57%.

In Nuwara Eliya and Kandy clear days rare, the sun is mostly hidden behind the clouds, although it rains 8 times a month. In the northeast, the air temperature is high, but at the same time, showers are pouring, causing occasional floods in settlements. Yet winter thunderstorms in Sri Lanka are not comparable to the summer rainy season, when streams of water fall from the sky.

For the purpose of surfing in winter, you can go to Hikkaduwa, Kalutara, Negombo, Weligama. A calmer sea awaits vacationers on the beaches of Unawatuna and Dalawella, as well as in Wadduwa.


In March, Sri Lanka gets drier and hotter. The northeast trade winds are losing their positions - in a month it rains on the ground from 3 to 6 times. Given that the duration of showers does not exceed half an hour, and they usually go in the dark, you can ignore them at all.

In the southern and southwestern provinces, during the day the air warms up to +30+31, in the evening the thermometer drops to +24 degrees. In Colombo, a real "sauna": +32 degrees during the day and high humidity. In the east and northeast of the island, the air temperature varies from +30 during the day to +23 at night. You can take a break from the coolness in Nuwara Eliya, where during the day it is only 23 degrees Celsius, and in the evening +10.

March is considered perfect month for excursions, as you can move around the country without fear of falling under torrential thunderstorms and hurricanes. A beach holiday will also be excellent, because the water is warmed up to +28, and there are no high waves.


Before the southwest monsoon begins to rule over Sri Lanka, bringing storms and heavy tropical downpours to the south and west of the island, you can soak up the bright April sun. Even if it is increasingly hiding behind the clouds, it nevertheless provides an even tan.

In the beginning, the southern and southwestern coasts are suitable for relaxation, and from the second half of the month it is better to opt for the northeast of the island. In Trincomalee at this time, there are no more than 6 rainy days per month. On the Jaffna Peninsula, even less - about three days. The daytime temperature at these resorts rises to +32 +34, with the onset of twilight it drops to +24. The water is warmed up to a pleasant +28 degrees.

The closer, the more uncomfortable it becomes in Colombo, Wadduwa and Negombo: there is a damp closeness, it rains more and more often.

Monthly rainy season in Sri Lanka


By the end of spring, the weather in Sri Lanka deteriorates noticeably. Monsoons, originating in the Arabian Sea, move from south to west, bringing with them torrential downpours. In this connection, the southern provinces are no longer suitable for recreation, but the northeastern part of the country remains quite dry thanks to the mountain range, which holds back the further advance of the monsoons.

It is most pleasant to sunbathe and swim in Nilaveli, Arugam Bay and Trincomal in May. In these resorts, there are only 4 rainy days per month, and the humidity remains at a low level. Temperature during the day +31, at night +25. There are no gusty winds, the sea is calm.

In Colombo at this time, a real steam room: humidity reaches 90%, it rains for two thirds of the month. In the southern resorts, the situation is similar, the heat is only slightly softened by a breeze from the sea.


The entire southwestern part of Sri Lanka is flooded with heavy downpours. Moreover, thunderstorms occur both at night and during the day, and can last for several hours in a row. Accordingly, the level of air humidity is at a peak level of under 90%. The ocean is very stormy, it is impossible to swim.

But in the northeast of Ceylon, peace and quiet. Rains are rare, there is no humid stuffiness, it is easy to breathe. The sun shines brightly here, warming the air up to +33 during the day and +26 at night. Nuwara Eliya remains cool: 19 degrees during the day and 12 degrees at night.


The most suitable conditions for recreation are in the northeastern and eastern provinces. Trincomalee is especially popular with cozy coves, where it is quiet, calm and there are never high waves. Most of the time, tourists are pleased with the cloudless blue sky and the warm turquoise ocean, there can be 4-6 rainy days per month. The air temperature remains the same as in June.

In the southern part of the island, monsoons give a little respite: thunderstorms are slightly less than in May and June, humidity drops from 90% to 80%.


In the summer, the resorts of Sri Lanka are mostly visited by the local population. This time, although considered low season, in the east and northeast of the island, wonderful sunny weather reigns with daytime temperatures below +32 degrees and low humidity. The southwest coast is still not suitable for swimming - severe storms occur here.


- the last month when monsoons dominate in the southwestern part of Ceylon. The ocean is still raging, heavy rains are pouring, the sky is hidden behind a dense curtain of clouds. The temperature during the day reaches +28+30 degrees, while in the northeastern resorts the thermometer shows +33 in the afternoon, and there is almost no rain. The tourist infrastructure in the northeast is not so well developed, but this does not interfere with the excellent beach holidays, diving and surfing.


Mid-autumn is quite ambiguous in terms of rest. On the one hand, monsoons subside in the southwest, and new ones have not yet arrived in the northeast. On the other hand, the weather is becoming completely unpredictable, and a tropical downpour can pour in any part of Sri Lanka at any moment. The temperature is approximately the same everywhere +30+31, only in highlands Relative coolness remains around +19 degrees during the day.