Crimea, like almost every resort, is influenced by seasonality. On the peninsula, there are several stages of the holiday season. The highest demand for housing naturally falls on the summer months, when everyone comes to the warm sea.

The first wave of interest falls on the end of February-beginning of March with the first more or less warm days. But also rather dank months, in which staying on the peninsula can hardly be called comfortable. Usually at the beginning of spring people come here only for the sake of visiting sanatoriums, where there is no pandemonium and long queues for the procedure.

An ordinary tourist has nothing to do at the resorts yet, and the excursion program is very, very limited.

When does the season start?

The first wave of tourists arrives May holidays when it gets really warm. At the beginning of the month it is already quite warm to go to the beach (average air temperature is +16..+22), but the sea has not yet warmed up enough (+18..+20) to swim in it. In addition, at this time, winds occasionally blow (usually in Yalta, Evpatoria, Feodosia), which carry the upper, already warmed up, layer of water into the sea, raising cold water masses from the depths.

May is a rather deceptive month. Today you can go out dressed in summer, and tomorrow without a windbreaker or even a sweater, you get cold. However, by the end of the month, the weather usually recovers - real summer comes. There are already a lot of sunbathers on the beaches and there are even a few who want to swim.

peak season

By the beginning, the water in the Black Sea begins to approach the mark of +20 degrees, which officially opens bathing season in Crimea.

The storm season, which falls in May, the first half of June, can have a serious impact on the temperature of the Black Sea water. Due to storms, the layers are often mixed up, which is not conducive to speed dial temperature.

The beginning of summer is considered the best time to visit the peninsula for excursion tourism. In June, various festivals, competitions, city days are held at the resorts, and pop stars and theater artists also give their concerts.

its peak weather reach at and when the peak of the tourist season is fixed. By the way, in terms of price / quality ratio, the Crimean direction is one of the leaders. And then not very wide local beaches take on something like this:

The Velvet season

The "velvet" season is considered a short period that falls on the first 2-3 weeks of September. Dry warm weather prevails with an average daily air temperature of +20..+25 degrees. Water in the sea during the month cools down to 19 degrees.

It also attracts by the fact that at this time usually most fruits, berries, mushrooms (apples, grapes, figs, dogwood, pomegranate, quince), vegetables ripen. If swimming in the sea is not relevant for you, then you can come here until mid-October, when the trees are already taking on their autumn color.

Very beautiful nature meet those who come here. In the forests and mountains, there is a kind of mix of red, green, yellow and orange colors. This time is considered one of the best periods for excursions - there is no heat, no crowds of tourists, and therefore nothing will prevent you from enjoying those creations of nature and human hands that the peninsula is so rich in.

The "velvet" season also attracts those who prefer not only to relax and admire the beauty, but also to receive medical treatment - heart patients with respiratory diseases. Well, and one more, quite important for many, plus of the “velvet” season is prices that are decreasing compared to summer.

low season

From mid-October, resorts begin to die out. It begins to rain, the sun is getting thinner, the storm season resumes and the last tourists leave the peninsula until next spring.

In winter people come here only for sanatorium rest and celebrations. But weather conditions leave much to be desired.

Is it possible to swim? What is the air and water temperature? Where to go and what to see? Let's discuss this and more!

Should I go to the Crimea for the May holidays?

Crimea opens tourist season right at the end of spring. Magnolias and peaches are in full bloom. The weather is comfortable but not hot, so sunbathing is much safer than in summer.

There is no large influx of tourists and huge queues to the sights. On the beaches you do not have to fight for a place in the sun. The flowering of conifers makes the air pleasant and healing.

And everything seems to be fine, but what about the temperature?


May in Crimea is warm, up to summer heat still far. Thunderstorms are usually rare and short-lived, but it doesn’t hurt to bring an umbrella and a windbreaker with you. The rainiest settlements of Crimea in May:

  • Alushta;
  • Belogorsk;
  • Gurzuf;
  • Malorechenskoe;
  • Small Lighthouse;
  • Nikolayevka;
  • Partenite;
  • Fishing;
  • Simferopol.

Air temperature

Daytime air temperature varies from +17 to +21°C. The average temperature at night is around +10°C. On the south coast, the nights are 2-4 degrees warmer. In early May, it can be cool and damp on the coast, in Feodosia it is often cloudy rainy weather, but last days months can be hot in summer. The warmest region of the peninsula is considered West Coast, and Sevastopol is called the sunniest city.

Are you planning a trip? That way!

We have prepared some useful gifts for you. They will help save money at the stage of preparation for the trip.

Sea and water temperature

In the first half of May, the water temperature in the sea warms up to a maximum of +18°C; by the end of the month - up to +20°C.

Can you swim in May?

The swimming season opens first on the coast Sea of ​​Azov: it is not as deep as Black and warms up much faster. It is advisable to start swimming towards the end of the month, they start sunbathing on the beaches even earlier. In other areas, it is better to limit yourself to an indoor pool in a hotel.

Real prices

In a restaurant In a shop Drinks

Which resort to choose?

Evpatoria is a popular resort for families with children. At the end of May, you can plunge into the sea without fear of catching a cold. The beaches there are sandy, the infrastructure is developed. Guests have at their disposal parks, squares, cinemas, coffee houses and restaurants, water parks, theaters (including fire and living sculptures). The dolphinarium hosts shows with dolphins and others every day. marine life.

Based on budget holiday you should choose the village of Molochnoe or Zaozernoye. The prices are much less there. You can also safely go to Shchelkino with a child: there is a rental of children's cars, a catapult on the beach, and inflatable towns. And if you drive 30 km to the west, you will arrive at Cape Tarkhankut with an incredibly beautiful rocky coastline. True, there are not very many amenities.

30 kilometers from Evpatoria there are resort sanatoriums Popovka, Mirny and Shtormovoe. Beaches up to 100 meters wide differ quality coating from sand of the smallest fractions. The water in the sea is clean, and the bottom is shallow and even. Sanatoriums pleasantly surprise with prices - unlike southern resorts peninsulas. Between Popovka and Shtormov there is Lake Oyburskoye - the "dead sea" of Crimea, where already in May the water warms up to + 22 ° C. You can take mud baths in it for free, and blue clay rejuvenates skin. In Shtormovy in May, people go water skiing or windsurfing.

Saki, Novofedorovka and Coastal climate resemble Evpatoria, and the beaches in these settlements even better. The water warms up well at the end of May, and here less people which is also a plus. In Coastal along the beach there are parking spaces, visitors have a place to leave their cars.

In the village of Frunze - to the east of Novofedorovka - it is allowed to camp in a campsite, then you will not have to spend money on accommodation.

Which city to choose?

On the coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov there are villages located in shallow water:

  • Azov;
  • Golden;
  • Kamenskoye;
  • Cape;
  • Novotradnoe;
  • sand;
  • Semyonovka;
  • Shchelkino.

All resorts have excellent sandy beaches covered with fine sand with a high feldspar content. best service and entertainment are provided by Shchelkino and Mysovoye. Not far from the Arabat Spit there is an ancient Arabat fortress built by the Ottomans in 1705, as well as Ak-Monai quarries. Nearby is Kerch, where there are many ancient sights.

Alushta - clean mountain air, mild climate, rich vegetation, stunning landscapes, spacious pebble and sandy beaches. There is medieval fortress Funa and the Valley of Ghosts. Hotels, however, are expensive, as are services on the beaches.

What is worth seeing

In May, Crimea is visited for mountain hiking trips, excursions and sanatorium and treatment programs. In the spring it is much easier to explore the sights than under the scorching heat.

It is advisable for flora lovers to come in the first half of the month, when Crimea turns into a flower paradise: roses, tulips and other plants are in full bloom. Guides definitely recommend visiting the Palaces of the South Shore, when their beauty is emphasized by the blue of the May sky and bright greenery. While walking through the old parks, pay attention to the beauty of violets and tulips.

Mountain excursions to waterfalls are popular - in spring they are the most full-flowing, and dry up in summer. The Angarsk pass and the Dzhurla tract are known for their six-meter waterfalls, but they are far from Uchan-Su (“Flying Water”): its height is 98.5 meters. It starts on the southern slope of Mount Ai-Petri. There you can also walk among the clouds on cable suspension bridges hanging over a fifty-meter abyss.

Excursions to the mountains - sometimes on horseback - are also arranged in order to see the caves of the Chatyr-Dag plateau: Cold with rock paintings (its length is more than 200 meters) and Marble, one of the five most beautiful caves on Earth. Along the way, there are many streams with clean water. drinking water, but in the second half of May they dry up.

In the Opuk Reserve, the May steppe is covered with a carpet of wild tulips. The reserve is also visited for the ruins and catacombs. ancient city Kimmerik. A little further away is the "pink" Koyashskoe Lake. And it becomes pink only in spring - microscopic algae and pink crustaceans actively multiply in it. By the lake dries up, and in cold seasons it is gray.

Yalta and the South Coast have been created for urban tourism. Housing here in the off-season is easier to find than in the summer. Yalta is rich in palaces and parks. In the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, a spring “tulip parade” is being held - an exhibition of fresh flowers: thousands of tulips, daffodils. A cactus greenhouse, a green maze, and an exhibition of dinosaurs are also open to visitors.

In the Alupka Park at the Vorontsov Palace, more than 200 species of plants brought from different corners peace. The amphitheater-like park descends to the sea and appears as a natural part of the landscape. The Bakhchisaray Museum "Crimea in Miniature" presents all the architectural sights.

In May, several holiday events:

  • tulip parade in Nikitsky botanical garden;
  • Yalta jazz festival "Jaliton";
  • championship of living sculptures in Evpatoria;
  • celebration of the City Day in Alushta;
  • world famous tango festival in Sudak.
  • Travelata , Level.Travel , OnlineTours - look for the hottest tours here.
  • Aviasales - save up to 30% on air tickets.
  • Cherehapa - take reliable insurance.


Is it worth traveling with children

Parents should consider the age of the child. It is also important what type of recreation is in priority: active, sightseeing, beach or resort treatment.

For a child under 5 years old, Crimean holidays in May will not work: the beaches will become warm only at the end of the month, and long excursions will quickly tire the baby. Plus there is a problem with transport. It is not easy to travel along the roads of Crimea without a personal car, especially with a child. If you're going to go, it's better to go to a sanatorium.

With a child of 6-7 years old, you can walk along the embankment, appreciate the "tulip parade" in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, visit children's park Bakhchisaray, go on a short excursion. With a teenager, you can go fishing on Lake Oybur, go on a mountain hike, if health and physical endurance allow.

Travel with the whole family beach holiday better in another month, and if you just want to enjoy boat trips and collecting shells without a crowd of tourists around, then May is the best month.

Sandy beaches and reasonable prices make the best choice for a trip with children Evpatoria and resorts of the Sea of ​​Azov.

What time to go to rest in the Crimea? — It all depends on the purpose of your trip, because rest in the Crimea is multifaceted and interesting at any time of the year.

The beach holiday season is the period from mid-May to mid-October, and its peak is in July and August. During the rest of the year, Crimea is open for excursions and visits to sanatoriums, most of which are open all year round.

When choosing when it is better to go to the Crimea with a child, you should plan your vacation for the end of June or the beginning of September, especially if you have a baby. Prices at this time are quite reasonable, and there are still (or already) not many vacationers on the beaches.

In which month to go to the Crimea, it's up to you, but we will try to help in choosing by describing the main pros and cons of each in this article!

Crimea in winter

For residents of most of our homeland, the Crimean winter will be more like spring, because the air temperature in the resorts does not drop below 0 degrees during the day and below -5 at night. And in areas protected from cold winds, for example, in Yalta and Feodosia, the air can warm up to +15 degrees during the day. Snow rarely falls, but rains and fogs are almost permanent companions of the winter months.

February is the most cold month per year. At this time, strong storms occur, the sea can even freeze near the coast.

Actually, the lack of the opportunity to swim in the sea and cool weather are the main disadvantages of a winter holiday in the Crimea.

The advantage of resting in the Crimea in winter is that the main attractions (with the exception of natural ones) are open to tourists, and it is much more pleasant to see them without crowds of tourists and in comfortable weather for excursions.

Also attracted by the lower price of air tickets and prices inside the resorts than in the high season. Therefore, if the purpose of your trip to the Crimea is treatment in a sanatorium (especially when you consider that not all people tolerate heat well) and sightseeing vacation then winter is just your time!

When planning a holiday in the Crimea in winter, it is best to choose one of the major cities of the central Crimea - Yalta or Alushta. They have enough entertainment even during the closed beach season. In addition, from these cities it is easy to get to all the attractions located both in the east and in the west of the peninsula.

In addition to the undoubted advantages in the location and developed infrastructure, the fact that the winter in these places is the mildest speaks in favor of these cities.

So, in Yalta and Alushta average temperature air in December during the day is +8, and at night it does not fall below 0, in January and February it gets a little colder - the thermometer often rises above +6 degrees during the day, but at night it also does not fall below 0, as in December.

The southern coast of Crimea, as well as Sevastopol and Evpatoria, should not be chosen as the main place for a winter holiday, since they are quite remote from the main attractions of the peninsula

From winter fun, in the Crimea you can go skiing and sledding. You can go in for winter sports in the Angarsk Pass (located not far from Simferopol, just 30 km) and Ai-Petri Yaila and Chatyr-Dag.

And going down from the mountains, you can pick mushrooms. No matter how strange it may sound, but in the Crimea, it is winter that is the mushroom season.

Crimea in spring

Spring is the right time to relax not only for visitors to sanatoriums and history buffs, but also for those who want to see the nature of the peninsula in all its glory and splendor. After all, it is in the spring, while there is still no scorching heat, that you can see deep rivers, lakes and waterfalls, enjoy the spicy smells of flowering herbs and listen to the singing of nightingales.

When is it better to go to the Crimea in the spring, because it has so many faces - March is still cool and unpredictable, April gives a feeling of the rebirth of nature after hibernation, and May will surprise you with the splendor and richness of the nature of the peninsula?

IN March the thermometer needle usually stays at + 10-15 degrees, sometimes reaching +20. However, frost is still possible at night. There are still many tourists, so you can leisurely and enjoy sightseeing of the peninsula. In March, the nature of the Crimea begins to wake up after hibernation- primroses, buds, and almonds begin to bloom.

IN April gardens and steppes bloom in the Crimea. The nature of the region is revealed in full force. This month is ideal for visiting mountains and gardens. The air temperature during the day averages +20 degrees, but, unlike in March, there are no night frosts in April. The number of tourists begins to increase - mainly those wishing to receive medical treatment in sanatoriums and lovers of hiking.

May in Crimea, it's almost summer. During the day you can sunbathe - the air temperature reaches +30 degrees, and lovers of cool sea ​​water they may well swim - it warms up to +18 degrees. In May, short-term showers still occur, which begin quite suddenly. There are more and more tourists in May, and prices are getting higher.

Crimea in summer

You can talk endlessly about the summer Crimea. Summer in Crimea is the time of the sea, sun and festivals.

What month is better to go to the Crimea in the summer? It all depends on the purpose of your trip and how well you tolerate the heat.

IN June there is no scorching heat yet, and the vegetation retains its juicy and blooming appearance, but the sea is still not warm enough for beach lovers - at the beginning of the month, the sea water temperature rarely exceeds +19 degrees, and by the end of June the sea warms up to +22 degrees. The average air temperature is kept at +30+32 degrees. Therefore, in June the number of tourists is much less than in other summer months.

When choosing when it is better to go to Crimea to relax in June, it is most reasonable to plan a vacation for the second half of the month - the weather at this time is already more stable and conducive to a beach holiday.

July in Crimea, it is a time of exhausting heat, but this cannot frighten the crowds of tourists who descend on the coast with the desire to fry in the sun to a “crisp” and swim in plenty in the warm sea. The air temperature in July reaches +40 degrees, and the sea warms up to +24-25 degrees. July, as well as the first half of August, is not the time for excursion tours and spa treatment, because it is much more difficult to transfer all this under the scorching sun than in the cooler months. It is easiest to endure the summer heat in Yalta and Alushta, since their favorable location allows the winds to save the city from the sweltering heat.

Back to top august the heat in Crimea reaches its peak - the air temperature stays at over 40 degrees, and even the sea does not give coolness, since its temperature reaches +27. In the second half of the month, the heat begins to gradually subside, and the weather becomes more comfortable for recreation. At night in August, a noticeable cold snap can occur, so if you plan to visit the Crimea at this time, then you should take with you not only a swimsuit, but also a couple of warm clothes for evening walks.

Of the pros summer holidays in Crimea, it is impossible not to note the variety of the freshest vegetables, fruits and seafood, which can be found in abundance in restaurants, markets and shops. In addition, it is in the summer that you should buy collections of medicinal herbs that grow in abundance on the peninsula - then you can be treated with such collections throughout the year, brewing medicinal teas.

When choosing when to go to the Crimea with a child in the summer, you should pay attention to the fact that at the height of the beach season - in July and August, outbreaks of rotavirus infection often occur in Crimea, so you should take care of a first aid kit in advance and take a medical policy with you.

Also, one of the disadvantages of relaxing in the high season is, of course, the crowds of tourists on the beach and on excursions, which makes visiting them quite difficult, especially under the scorching sun. In addition to these inconveniences, it is worth considering that summer holidays will cost you more - after all, the prices for accommodation and other services during the holiday season are much higher than in the rest of the year.

Crimea in autumn

When is the best time to go to Crimea? - In the velvet season, many will answer! After all, the beginning of autumn is one of the most beautiful and comfortable seasons for relax.

IN October it gets cooler, but the swimming season continues until the middle of the month. In the first half of October, during the daytime, the air warms up to +25 degrees, and especially warm days the temperature can reach +30 degrees, but the sea is already cooling down significantly - the water temperature, as a rule, does not rise above +18 degrees. Rains in October are quite rare, but it is still worth taking an umbrella and a windbreaker with you.

IN november weather A in Crimea it changes a lot, and it becomes quite slushy - it often rains, which can greatly spoil the impression of a vacation. The sea is often stormy, so November is more of a time for relaxing in sanatoriums than for excursions. Crimea is preparing for winter...

Tickets to Crimea

Where departure date Return date Price Find a ticket


1 776


4 160


4 219

Mineral water

5 160


7 308


7 520

Nizhny Novgorod

7 520

In this post, we choose when it is better to go to Crimea for a vacation and compare the pros and cons of each month.

It is good on the peninsula at any time of the year, each month has its own charm and its own characteristics. It all depends on the purpose of your trip, because someone comes to swim in the sea and sunbathe on the beach, someone is more interested in excursions to numerous sights, someone flies on a paraglider, climbs rocks, goes hiking ...

Crimea in winter (in December, January, February)

Despite the southern location of the peninsula, there is snow here in winter! To celebrate the New Year under palm trees in the snow - there is something in this :)

Of course, swimming in the sea will not work, but going to the sights is quite, although the weather may not be entirely comfortable. On the southern coast, the air temperature sometimes drops below zero, then rises to +10+15, especially in the bays, protected from the cold wind. It's colder on the west and east coasts real winter albeit not as severe.

Weather in Crimea in winter

It is also possible to be treated in a sanatorium in winter, and low prices for everything will be a nice bonus (except for the New Year holidays).

A big plus of a holiday in the Crimea in winter are also cheap flights and almost complete absence vacationers.

Take a trip to Ai-Petri cable car, go on a short hike in the mountains, visit Nikitsky Botanical Garden, where snowdrops, mume apricots, winter flowers, almonds bloom at this time (toward the end of winter). It is interesting that the locals gather mushrooms in winter!

Choose for a winter holiday in the Crimea big cities on the southern coast - Yalta or Alushta. Even though low season there will be something to do here, and transport links are better developed, you can go anywhere.

Crimea in spring (in March, April, May)

Crimea in March, April and May is a time for nature lovers. It is during these months that nature wakes up and shows all its beauty. Everything blooms in spring, rivers and waterfalls are full of water, and what a smell…

Weather in Crimea in spring

In March the temperature is about +15 degrees, although the weather is unstable and even frosts are possible. But as few people as in winter, you can enjoy a relaxing holiday.

In April lovers of hiking and in general rush to the Crimea active rest, because the weather is favorable: about +20 degrees, the fields are covered with red poppies, apricots, peach begin to bloom ... In general, incredible beauty!

Sea in Crimea in spring

In May there are more tourists, some are even swimming, and the weather is almost summer. The temperature can reach +25+30 degrees, although sometimes it rains. May in Crimea perfect time for sightseeing, because it is not yet as hot as in summer.

Read also:

When to go to Crimea in summer? (in June, July, August)

Summer in Crimea is the main beach season when most vacationers rush to the peninsula. Prices for accommodation, meals, entertainment at this time are the highest, as well as prices for air and railway tickets.

In June May flowering is still ongoing, sweet cherries and cherries, young potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens appear ... At the beginning of the month, the water is still too cold, so it’s better to plan your vacation for the second half of June, when it warms up. This is especially important for tourists with small children and those who definitely need a warm sea.

The season begins: water parks, cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, sea excursions, and travel agencies are already working with might and main.

Beach in Simeiz

In July and August in Crimea, the warmest sea and the largest influx of tourists, it will be crowded on the beaches, there are queues for the lift to Ai-Petri and other attractions.

The temperature in the second half of July and early August can reach +35 degrees, it is advisable to sunbathe on the beach in the morning before 11 o'clock and in the afternoon after 15-16 o'clock, so as not to turn into a grilled chicken. Such weather can be difficult for people of retirement age to endure, it is also hard to go on excursions.

The advantages of resting in the Crimea in the summer include an abundance of local fruits and vegetables, seafood, freshly caught in the sea.

The price tag on housing and everything else skyrockets, landlords may not want to rent short term. So my advice is to book in advance and on the Internet, search on the spot during the high season - this is a bad idea. Prices for hotels by the sea in any case will bite, for not the most good options they ask a lot, so it's better to live within walking distance from the sea, but pay less and live in comfort.

Crimea in autumn (September, October, November)

When is the best time to go to Crimea? For me, the answer is unequivocal - September, the velvet season. Wrote a detailed article about my experience and the weather this month on the peninsula.

The first half of the month is especially good, when the sea is still warm, well warmed up during the summer months. Most vacationers go home, among them schoolchildren and students. Lots of fruits, apples, watermelons, melons, peaches and of course grapes.

The air temperature is +25+28 degrees, water - +21+23 degrees. True, by the end of September it is much colder, it will not be very comfortable to swim. But the whole month is ideal to travel to interesting places.

Prices at the beginning of the month are still close to summer prices, but at the end of September, sellers have already made a profit and are reducing prices for everything. Souvenirs are sold at half the price, hotel rooms are the same.

In October in Crimea, you can still meet rare vacationers on the beaches - this best time for a secluded and relaxing holiday. It is good to be treated in a sanatorium or go on excursions. The air temperature drops to +15+18, so take warm clothes with you.

Eastern coast near Koktebel

November- not the best time to relax in the Crimea, cold, slushy, storms at sea.

What conclusions can be drawn?

  • For a good beach holiday, come in late June-early July or early September.
  • April-May and September-October are suitable for hiking and outdoor activities.
  • For sightseeing trips, it is also better to choose late spring or early autumn.

If you are thinking about when it is better to go to Crimea with a child, then choose either the end of June (when it is already warm and the water has warmed up, but still the main flow of tourists is still ahead), or the beginning of September (the velvet season, the beaches are much calmer, seasonal fruits appear and prices are dropping a bit.

The Black Sea warms up to optimal temperatures already in May, which allows tourists to swim and sunbathe on the sea coast. And for someone, summer spent at one of the resorts of the peninsula is the best time. Skiers, on the other hand, love winter, and romantics love autumn, which is why they choose the velvet season for relaxing in the Crimea. Whatever period of the year travelers choose, Crimean peninsula will provide many opportunities for active and passive tourism, entertainment and solitude.

When does the holiday season start in Crimea?

Traditionally beginning of summer The holiday and tourist season falls on May and lasts until mid-September, and sometimes until early October. Winter holidays in the mountains begins in December, when enough snow falls in the Crimean mountains.

There is also a holiday season in the Crimea, which lasts from October-November to April. Off-season popular with those who want to see the sights without heat and crowds, go on excursions, walk along the old streets and embankments of resort towns.

Thus, travelers individually decide when the holiday season in Crimea begins. It is important that the holidays bring pleasure and give positive emotions.

Holiday season in Crimea by months: when and where to go?

Tourists and Crimeans share calendar year on several periods:

  • Season, which starts in May and ends in September;
  • Not a season– from January to April;
  • Off-season- November and December.

Holiday season conditionally still divided into high or large, low or small. High season starts in July and lasts until October, and small covers May and June.

Among the others features the holiday season in the Crimea by months is worth noting such as:

  • May is different warm sea, temperature changes, riot of nature and bright colors;
  • June– there are more and more people swimming in the sea every day, prices in the first half of the month can still be the same as in May, and after the 15th they rise sharply;
  • July- the beginning of tourism and maritime season in the Crimea, when most vacationers lie on the beaches or bask in the sea;
  • August- the peak of the Crimean season, when prices for housing, services, food and entertainment reach the maximum limit.

The Velvet season rest in Crimea by months is as follows:

  • September- romantic, soft, warm and autumn, which gives tourists unforgettable emotions. The weather is warm, the sea is gorgeous, there are people on the beaches, but there are not so many of them. You can walk around the sights, go on hiking and horse riding excursions to the mountains, wander for hours through the forest.
  • October- a unique month when it stands during the day warm weather, and in the evening suddenly the wind catches up the clouds, and it's raining. Tourists still swim, but the swims are not as long as in July. Long sunbathing on the beach will not work.

Separately talking about the holiday season in the Crimea by months, it is worth stopping at off-season. November, and then December is the best time for recovery, a romantic weekend for two. In December, you can go to the mountains to go skiing, snowboarding, do other winter sports, meet New Year and Christmas under starry sky surrounded by picturesque rocks.

The holiday season in Crimea by months - January, February, March and April - is considered non-tourist and non-resort, although the number of visitors suggests otherwise. IN winter months skiers and lovers of extreme pastime come to the peninsula, and the first two spring months beckon with unique nature, clean air, privacy.

When is the season in Crimea for a beach holiday?

Tourists answer this question differently. It all depends on individual preferences and the desire to swim in the Black or Azov Sea. The water temperature in these reservoirs allows you to make short swims already in May, and someone does not risk doing this, waiting for the season in Crimea for a beach holiday to start in July. On south coast the water at this time warms up to + 26-28, in other regions of the Crimea it can be several degrees lower.

Great time for a swim in September and October when the season in Crimea for a beach holiday is not yet officially closed. "Golden Crimean autumn" does not quickly cool the sea, so it is quite possible to swim in the mornings and afternoons, but in the evening you should not do this, there is a high probability of colds. The water temperature drops at night.