What is the difference between a horoscope and a cosmogram? - this is the same cosmogram, but it takes into account the place of birth (see Astrological Houses). The horoscope determines how on the material level (on Earth) you can fulfill your program, realize your potential, which areas will be important for you, and which are secondary.

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Astrological Houses are certain areas of space relative to the horizon and the celestial meridian, and sections of the ecliptic that fall into these areas of space. Astrological Houses show the orientation of the ecliptic with the luminaries located near it relative to the horizon and the meridian at a given time and at a given geographical point.

Houses in the horoscope , as well as the signs of the Zodiac, represent the principle of duodecimal division of the circle. Houses reflect the rotation of the Earth around its axis and are determined by In astrology, about 36 systems are used to compile Houses. In this example, a table according to the Koch system is used.

Houses of the horoscope These are the 12 spheres of life activity. They can be of different lengths and occupy more than one zodiac sign. In this case, at different periods, your life may acquire qualities next character Zodiac.

If we assume that the length of one House corresponds to life, then we can see the following: each sphere of life (House) is divided into 3 parts and has its own astrological meaning. Planets in the House are always stronger than the Sign itself, they set the motivation for action. Connections between Houses and planets that are in various fields, indicate in which areas events can occur.

An example of a personal horoscope analysis

Ascendant (ASC)(starting point horoscope- the first breath at birth) shows your attitude towards your life, reactions to the environment. It determines the appearance and personal qualities, how others see you. You perceive yourself according to the solar sign (Your Sun is in Aquarius), but others see in you the sign in which your ASC is located - Leo.

Rising in Leo

Your self-expression, self-realization, self-realization occupies you more than anything else. It seems to you that if you do everything in your place in the best possible way, then everything else will follow by itself.

You like to impress, you want to be perceived as someone special. You yourself are a born leader and do not really like to listen to the instructions of others. You should have something of your own, some kind of creative project, business, and even something special in household chores in which you could develop and fulfill your own desires according to your point of view. Conscious behavior, dignity, openness, the need for respect, recognition, the breadth of nature, the creation of a luxurious living environment.

You are deeply offended if someone humiliates or shames you. You rarely confront the offender - you are too proud for this, but you lose love and respect for him. You dislike pettiness and hate being rebuffed and ignored.

You admire individuals as strong as yourself. With those you make friends with

You are generous and courageous, and people often come to you for support and approval. You are always turned to the world with your " best face"and rarely let others see you as tough, heartless or vulnerable. You have a very strong need for love, you are extremely sincere, loyal and ready to do anything to make your loved ones happy.

You are very generous and generous, but your gifts are never anonymous - you expect to be recognized and appreciated for them. You also expect from people dear to you the same extraordinary fidelity as yours. However, you often have trouble working with people who are as strong as yourself, as it is not easy for you to interact with them and share power.

I - House of the Horoscope: own development, personal "I".

Leo sign

You achieve self-realization by helping other people ( humanitarian aid healing, counseling). Helping relatives through the purchase of real estate. Ability to bring projects to life, ability to lead, collaborate and communicate. You can vigorously and decisively achieve a goal without fear of hard work. Characterized by courage in danger, endure pain patiently.

Planet Pluto

Development through a free profession, partners in business, through higher education, long-distance trips and transfers, through everything related to foreign countries. A business-like impetuous attitude to all started cases is characteristic.

You may have an unusual gift for influencing other people, and you yourself may be highly influenced by the powerful, powerful people you imitate. On the positive side, you can be the bearer of the force that leads to change, growth and healing in the world.

Ability and need for regeneration through internal energy sources. They take care of their health, but they need to remember that the body serves the spirit, and not vice versa. Strong need for change, possible change of residence. With partners more business relations than sensual, very talented children.

Negative: You can manipulate others, obsessively seek self-aggrandizement. Recommendation: You should learn how to use personal power to good use.

II - House of the Horoscope: associated with material means: money earned by one's own efforts, financial condition, talents, abilities. It is also the ability to accumulate.

Virgo sign

Material wealth comes from a profitable marriage, counseling, high-paying positions, making profitable deals with partners, and extensive cooperation with the public. Often the way to earn a living is associated with legal activities, negotiations, contracting and conflict resolution.

Income from a partner in marriage or business, as well as from cooperation, co-authorship. Quite often good incomes are brought by foreign trips and connections with foreigners. People around you take an important part in solving the problems of your material and financial security.

Characterized by a clear, systematic attitude to money, bank accounts, lack of adventurism in money matters. Everything is reasonably planned in terms of income, nutrition, health and treatment. For the manifestation of your abilities, the sphere of trade or jurisprudence, consulting may be favorable.

The feeling of self-worth is associated with relationships with friends, acquaintances, acquaintances and a life partner.

In the negative: the partner is seen as the cause of ruin. Divorce can bring loss of property. Parting with companions can undermine financial position. Money often goes to courts and "showdowns" with partners.

III - House of the Horoscope: intellectual abilities and the ability to build one's destiny in social terms. Ability to learn (primary and secondary education), short trips. Relationships with close relatives (brothers, sisters), neighbors, employees.

Virgo sign

The aspect is favorable for writers, journalists, lawyers, actors, announcers and entertainers. The position is perfect for political activities. You can become an eloquent speaker. You have many good public relations and business contacts, stormy public activity and life in plain sight. You successfully learn from your enemies and use your ability to educate yourself to expand your public activities.

If you make high demands on others, then you should be very attentive to the impact on you of other people. You can easily talk to people, are able to successfully exchange ideas and participate in discussions and negotiations. You need a partner who can stimulate you intellectually, for example by discussing and analyzing ideas, concepts and theories together. Your behavior in society is distinguished by ease and ease. You easily enter into many contacts with a large number of people.

In the negative: instability in marriage, flirtatious life partner, strange gossip and noisy revelations, many open opponents. Public attention is drawn to your name from time to time. Relations with relatives can be so complicated that the case often goes to court.

IV - House of the Horoscope: shows the conditions of life that we can change. This is your own and parental home, genetics, raising children, parents, traditions. Indicates the homeland (family) and relationships with it.

Sign Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius


- easy relations with relatives, changes in housing, improvement of living conditions, a hospitable home, the ability to receive guests.


- a manifestation of occult abilities, the study of deep secret sciences, attachment to the family. Testing through family and relatives is possible.


- an active attitude to the problems of the home, respect for traditions, relatives. It is possible to move abroad or far from the place of birth. Good opportunities for engaging in politics, ideology, for participation in public life (public figure, leader, deputy, politician).

Planet Neptune

In your home you see the refuge in which you can relax and unwind. You may aspire to have a gym, even if you never use it. You have opportunities to invest in property and can give good advice.

Your childhood and home life were associated with a fair amount of confusion or people with an unusually developed imagination, inspiration or fantasy. It is difficult for you to realistically, clearly see your childhood and relationships with your parents. You can search perfect love And home environment that you dreamed of having, or you believe you had as a child. It is important for you to find peace and a sense of emotional security within yourself.

Strong emotional connection with family, home. One of the parents may have mediumistic abilities or be unusual in some way. Often such people live near water or would like to. You feel your deep connection with your native land and with all of nature. Love to patronize the whole world. Take strangers into your home. Often exist family secrets or strange events in family life. Purchase possible real estate. In the negative: periods of feelings of loneliness, uncertainty in relations with relatives.

Planet Saturn

Your childhood or your relationship with your parents was characterized by limitations, a lack of love or happiness, which made it difficult for you to let other people get close to you later in life. You felt deprived of something, whether or not it was real.

Your youth may be characterized by emotional withdrawal or repression of your needs and feelings, or at least that's how you can remember. It is very difficult for you to forgive your parents and forget your grievances due to the limitations that you experienced as a child. Great responsibility in the home and in the family.

Profession - real estate trade, construction, rental business, agriculture, production of household goods. Under old age, you can become a loner, a homebody, or be connected with the house by special circumstances. Often such people choose to work at home.

In the negative: work is somehow connected with the house, full of fuss and fuss. Domestic problems and life trifles obscure the prospects, it is possible to become dependent on parents. Perhaps alienation, a feeling of loneliness in the family, the struggle to preserve the family.

Fictitious planet Lilith

You have a strong subconscious, a strong connection with the past and family. It is also a free manifestation of oneself in the parental or own family. Whether you use this opportunity for the benefit of the family or become a small home tyrant who takes advantage of his opportunities is your choice. In many ways, your family can help you, and in particular, your mother.

It is difficult to hide something from your loved ones, as if you see through everything. How you use it, again, depends on you, on how much you endure it, how skillfully you can turn the negative into a positive without stumbling.

Extreme manifestations - you are generally able to abandon the family (your own or parental), seeing in this institution only negative aspects that infringe on your freedom and independence, or a completely dependent on it, dependent person who finds protection from the outside world in the family and, above all - from himself.

V - House of the Horoscope: creative self-expression through pleasures, love affairs, games, hobbies, attitude towards children. This is an area in which you can show your talent, a penchant for art.

Sagittarius sign

– activity, creative realization, independence. You are happy to engage in social activities, organize cultural events, love art and understand it. Tendency to idealize love relationships.

Capricorn sign

- planning their forces, strict distribution of responsibilities in relation to children, partners. This situation often favors active literary creativity. For successful creativity, you need absolute privacy, you like to be alone with yourself. In everything related to the attitude towards children, entertainment and creativity, they are very restrained and rational.

Such a person is able to find the highest satisfaction in solitude and spends a lot of time in a serious study of the past, both of his own and of the country, and of all mankind. In the negative: obstacles to free creativity, blows to pride, attacks on personal independence. With children, periods of alienation, painful breaks are possible.

Planet Venus

You are a romantic nature, loving pleasure, optimistic and serene. As a rule, you are popular, talented, especially as an actor, often go to the theater. Love children, good parents, teachers and child psychologists. Your children are often girls with artistic talent and physical beauty.

You love romance and want your love honeymoon to never end. From your partner, you need dramatic gestures and open displays of love. You would like to feel in relation to your beloved someone very special, at least a queen. You like to create beauty in one form or another. In the negative: a lot of energy is spent on pleasure and entertainment.

North Node in the Fifth House (development program) - South Node in the Eleventh House (your past)

In the past, the path of a reformer and the problems of friendship have been worked out. In the past, you lived by the interests of other people, you gave them a lot. Now you have to go on your creative path, creative disclosure own personality through love for a partner, for children, using friendship as a basis. You can not choose between friendship and love, confuse the concepts of friendship - love (in the past - friendship, now - love).

If you, holding on to the past, live the lives of other people, helping them in the implementation of their plans and projects, live their lives, then the mass of the Southern Karmic Node will violate all your plans and projects - friends and patrons will become an obstacle in business. Your friends will suck all the strength and juices, and your social perspective may turn out to be false and lead to collapse. Nevertheless, you need friends as a foundation for your further self-realization.

The South Node in the Eleventh House indicates a responsible attitude towards friends. People with this position choose their friends carefully and are faithful if the friendship is already established. You don't go with a band just for the sake of popularity and recognition. You must make sure that the intent or purpose of the group matters. You are perceptive, people often turn to you for advice. You are a good teacher and mentor. However, you often feel lonely even in a crowd, as you are too selective in choosing your comrades.

On the one hand, you are looking for romantic relationship On the other hand, you often meet people in your life who limit your freedom and opportunities for self-realization. Love relationship it is in your interests to back it up with contracts and agreements.

VI - House of the Horoscope: state of health, the nature of the diet. Relationships with superiors and subordinates, routine, hired labor and service, voluntary submission (forced according to the XII House of the horoscope).

Capricorn sign

You love stability and order in everything. You value your work for the opportunity to show your independence. Suitable work with real estate (real estate agent, renting out your own property), in government agencies.

Aquarius sign

- help friends in creative growth. Frequent change of work and fields of activity. The ability to be a pioneer, bring new ideas and methods to your work. It is possible to work in the field of alternative medicine, bodily and spiritual healing, parapsychology and extrasensory perception, in the secret services.


You can easily immerse yourself in the business that you like. A strong motivation for you is the desire to bring something of your own, to achieve optimal functioning, you strive for perfection in everything. In all cases you show critical analysis, attention to trifles and details.

Independence, autonomy, striving for order are characteristic. You are an excellent worker, for whom the feeling of satisfaction from the results of work, as well as recognition from the authorities is important. Emphasis is placed on health, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Attracts alternative medicine. Success in the free professions is possible, but only after overcoming significant obstacles and obstacles.

VII - House of the Horoscope: indicates relationships with relationships with partners, including marriage - the type of partnership (which partners we choose).

Aquarius sign

Many connections and contacts, life in the public eye, relationships in community work. Regardless of the success of the marriage, you always need a time and place that you could use only for your own personal purposes. You often have doubts and suspicions about your partner's behavior and needs. When you learn how to solve such problems, you will be able to build your relationship with your partner so that love is mutual.

If doubts are not removed, the relationship will steadily deteriorate. You strive to support your partners, whose confidants you often feel like. On the contrary, partners are often deeply dependent on you, in one way or another you are connected strong bonds and your contact is hard to break. A secret marriage is possible, many secrets are hidden from a life partner. In the negative: celibacy or complete identification with the life of a partner, attraction to fictitious marriages.


You love working with partners. You skillfully deal with the public, you can be a seller, engage in social work, and jurisprudence. Marriages with an employee, relative. Striving for the exchange of thoughts and spiritual cooperation.

You often engage in exchanges, discussions, discussions, giving advice, negotiating, sending or receiving messages and sharing information. You are drawn to sociable and smart people with whom they could communicate and from whom they could learn. You love to have an audience that shares your ideas and, in turn, appreciate the eloquence of others.

VIII - House of the Horoscope: public finances, joint money, insurance, taxes, borrowed funds, wills, inheritances. Allows you to see what you can go through crises, risk, extreme situations to expand your consciousness. It is also the study of parapsychology.

Pisces sign

One of the parents plays a big role in shaping attitudes towards sex. Women with such a factor often grow up so strong that they believe that they do not need a man at all. They are able to prove complete independence in any new area.


With age, you develop the power of intuitive insight into the essence of things, understanding of partners, interest in psychology and metaphysics. Characteristic sensitivity to invisible forces. It is possible that you will enjoy the support of secret organizations. It is possible to engage in inheritances, insurance, taxes through a partnership. Financial affairs under the influence of a partner. Inheritance plays a special role in life.

Very often, the views of such people on the world undergo significant changes as a result of transformations that occur in critical situations. There may be a predisposition to engage in the projection of the astral body.

Although you really need close relationships, you often shut yourself off from others and do not trust those who would like to get to know you better. You are very sincere in your feelings and relationships with people and want everything or nothing from the people you love. Mother plays a big role in life. In the negative: difficulties in finding emotional balance and tranquility. Need to strengthen emotional connections with the environment, especially when becoming a parent. You can waste time studying useless things.

IX - House of the Horoscope: indicates the expansion of the worldview through higher education, long-distance travel, philosophy, religion, the study of other cultures and peoples, communication with foreign countries.

Pisces sign

You spend a certain period of your life away from your place of birth. You are interested in the culture of other nations, have the ability to get along with people whose interests differ from your own. You are a born cosmopolitan. Strive to satisfy your spiritual needs and satiate your curiosity, and therefore you feel at home everywhere, you quickly get used to the environment, not knowing nostalgia.

philosophical views and religious beliefs are absorbed with mother's milk and confessed throughout life. In the negative: the misuse of energies leads to a collision with the law in connection with the acquisition of real estate.

Aries sign

Active spiritual knowledge, traveling, studying the culture of other peoples.


You have strong convictions and are ready to fight for them if necessary. You are ready to devote a significant part of your energy and strength to something important and will act decisively in accordance with your beliefs, and not just stick to them. Sometimes you get so caught up in your ideas and so identified with them that you are unable to accept those who have other philosophical views.

Interest in travel, outdoor sports, philosophy, social, religious, educational issues. You are looking for new comprehensive knowledge, and this leads to trips to distant countries, to the study of philosophy and other humanities. On the negative: long-distance travel and long-distance connections hinder career.

X - House of Horoscope: The goal is professional reputation, social status, career and success. professional and business life.

This sphere is occupied by three signs, which suggests that in different periods of life they can be characterized differently.

Aries sign

- an active desire to rise, professionalism, rapid mastery of any profession. Self-realization is possible through the organization of public events, the ability to lead a team.

Taurus sign

- a clearly planned elevation is possible with fixing at each step. The ability to organize the work of circles, interest clubs, interesting leisure is characteristic. Children play an important role in shaping life priorities.

Gemini sign

– free work, career through contacts. Professions related to travel and literature, journalism, advertising, consulting, use of intellectual capabilities. You can become a missionary leading an interesting but spartan life. If necessary, you can convince anyone of the correctness of your views. important topic Travel is your life, and therefore you are striving to choose a career related to it, for example, a service in a travel agency.

Often this aspect is found in the charts of mentors of any level, from university professors to private course leaders. You can continue your career in a field that you have dealt with before and achieve some success in it. The aspect favors publishing work.

The aspect is good for a leader, educator and religious figure. good career away from the place of birth. You actively inspire other people, as a result of which they prefer to be guided by your views and beliefs. On the negative: Difficulty achieving far from home, long-distance travel and long-distance connections hamper career.

XI - House of the Horoscope: collective self-expression, friends, patrons, ideals and perspectives. Shows how your plans and ideas are implemented through friendly relationships.

Gemini sign

– a non-standard approach to lifestyle, innovations in improving living conditions. Update circle of friends, new contacts.

Cancer sign

- an inner feeling of new influences in society, excellent intuition, a premonition of social and political events. The aspect is good for public recognition and helps work in the field of advertising and propaganda. Often such people work in a charitable organization and are able to charm large groups people gathering around them. Characteristic is the ability to turn enemies into friends, emancipation in public activities. You are interested in new social ideas, and you are ready to apply them for the benefit of society, although often this is in the nature of a crusade.

You need a partner with whom you can serve in harmony and understanding. You give and receive from your friends everything that is important to you. Often you give more than you take, although it may be the other way around, but it is important for you to maintain the spirit of friendship and community. You can ensure that your friends will be proud of your work and friendship with you.

Marriage is made unexpectedly and freely, according to the dictates of the heart. Life partner turns out to be a friend. In the negative: unexpected scandals, senseless trials, marriage that fetters freedom, an unfaithful life partner. Friends turn into enemies.

XII - House of the Horoscope: this is the sphere of limitation or karmic "tails" by which you can see the main character defects, as well as what needs to be worked on. Solitude is possible, through prayer, meditation, introspection. In the worst case, loneliness or forced restriction: prison, hospital, isolation from society.

Cancer sign

Interest in mysterious phenomena, the desire to know the secrets of the other world, is excellent for occult studies. You usually believe in omens, as they actually warn you of danger. You can research secret signs and events.

Leo sign

Are you attracted social work, service, give your time and energy to charitable organizations or to serve and help those who are somehow disadvantaged. Your generosity and unselfishness will bring you and other people a lot of good. Invisible to others secret suffering.

Planet Jupiter

You are able to find the highest satisfaction in solitude and spends a lot of time in serious study of the past. Interest in experiences in the spiritual realm. Through prayer and meditation you try to get to the bottom of the truth. Deep empathy with the suffering. Helping people brings you satisfaction.

In the negative: obstacles to free creativity, blows to vanity, secret enemies, encroachments on personal independence, many secret loves. With children, painful breaks are possible.

Planet Uranus

You can devote yourself to a detailed study of the subconscious, become a real "confessor" for your friends. Possible participation in secret organizations. You may not even know what you are capable of. You try to restrain the unusual, inventive, impulsive side his nature or to realize it only in his fantasies. You may have strange dreams.

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Tags: express horoscope, horoscope from an astrologer, example of a horoscope, difference from a cosmogram, classical method

Interpretation natal chart

The even distribution of the elements in your chart indicates that you are a balanced person, have a mixed type of temperament. You harmoniously combine activity, a reasonable amount of determination, initiative, and the ability to communicate, collect and transmit information. You are moderately hardworking, prudent, able to plan, but not rigidly tied to schemes. Capable of compassion, understand their own and other people's feelings.

Relationships are very important to you - in the family, with friends, teachers and employees, and with all those with whom you come into contact. Your state depends on the harmony of these relationships. One of the main issues for you is the implementation of your goal, professional success, including in your studies. These issues may be more important than your physical comfort, food, clothing.

You have the average energy of the planets in your horoscope. You should be able to rely on strong planets and pull up a little, develop the weak ones. The more harmoniously different planets work for you, the more successful life will become.

Your energy is sufficient to withstand pressure from outside. The energy of the Sun is most strongly manifested, which is included in the stellium conjunction of planets in the 9th house.

The energy of personal planets is slightly below average. You need to be more flexible towards your goals, be softer in relationships without applying pressure, and give up a subjective view of the environment.

The energy of the social planets is quite high for you. You can well understand the tasks of your time and successfully solve them.

You have one inner deep motivation to perform an action associated with the process of cognition, which you can implement both in your profession and in other areas of life. It is desirable that the profession allows you to apply these strong qualities of your researcher and teacher.

Your leading motivation is to be a leader, to be the center around which people are grouped, to be in the public eye. You can implement this in public life, on leadership position or simply be an informal leader in your chosen field or circle of like-minded people.

The second leading motivation is curiosity, the search for information that is interesting to you. You can find yourself in literature (publishing), advertising and service, scientific work, accounting and office work. Everywhere and everywhere in life you will show curiosity, collect and transfer information, new knowledge. In your life there will always be a lot of people, communication, trips.

Planetary configuration - Bowl. You feel confident in half of the existing life spheres and insecure in the rest. Since the upper part of the natal chart is filled, the spheres of worldview, transformation, career of friendly communication are of interest to you.

Primary planet Mars.

The initial motive for you to take up a new business, including a profession, is the desire to win, to beat someone, to prove that you can handle this business no worse, the desire to become the first. Including to overcome some difficult circumstances, to find a way out of the situation.

The final planet is Neptune.

As a result of your activity, you strive to make the acquisition of faith, enlightenment. Or, on a simpler level, peace and security.

Work associated with these motivations will bring the greatest success and you will find stability and harmony in life.

The planet rising in front of the Sun is Venus.

The motive for turning on your consciousness and actions are emotions and internal evaluations- what you like, what you don't. Beauty and love are the main driving force for you. It is with new feelings that you begin each next cycle of life activity.

You tend to be more interested in the outside world, focusing on success in society, career, travel, friends and ideas. Home and inner life occupies you to a somewhat lesser extent, but relations with relatives and within a kindred clan are important.

You may be very interested in the outside world and your place in it, but pay little attention to internal, domestic affairs. You are interested in bright things, far from momentary topics and interests. You prefer to work on something significant, everyday life is of little interest to you.

You may not be very inclined to create your own family.

You are focused on the knowledge and perception of the outside world. You will strive for contact with people, you can be a good consultant on various issues. You are very interested in traveling and distant countries, nature. Most likely, you will want to get a good education and will continue it throughout your life. At the same time, you can be more of a contemplative and analyst than to act actively.

Aspect configurations

There are several closed triangles. Your activity on the planets included in the triangle is the most productive and successful.

Here you can achieve results. If the triangle has a long side and a vertex opposite it, then it is on the planet on top that you are best able to achieve your goals and it is on this planet that you can choose a profession.

At the top of the aspect configuration is Pluto in aspects to the 1st and 8th houses. In other words, in life you periodically undergo a series of crises caused by the vibrations of the planets in the 8th and 10th houses, through which your personality develops, the development of the necessary qualities of character. It is easier for you to realize yourself in easier (from a traditional, material point of view) areas of activity, in science or consulting, analytical work. You know how to achieve results, concentrate efforts on the main direction. You will be able to sustainably use your developed methods in various areas of human activity.

Sun in Virgo

Nature has armed you with a sharp and subtle analytical mind, the ability to see without any microscope what others will never notice. You sift through facts, events, phenomena like sand through a sieve, leaving all valuable grains.

For Virgos, work always comes first. You can find yourself in almost any field of activity, diligence everywhere will be appreciated. And if we also take into account your ability to observe official subordination, to clearly be in your place, then you, as an employee, are simply irreplaceable. Virgo is that rare option when a person can work equally well with both his head and his hands.

True, you do not tolerate serious and prolonged physical activity well. Also not your areas of activity, where you need to be responsible for a large team, apply strong-willed pressure, pressure. As well as unclear areas of activity. You love specific work, with a clear end result, and you do it right.

Virgos are usually attentive to their health. You are clean and tidy, follow hygiene rules. Don't neglect your medical checkups. By the way, medicine is one of the most successful fields of activity for you.

Among the organs of the body in Virgos, the abdominal region and intestines are most vulnerable. In addition, diseases can arise from nervous overload. Your responsibility and diligence are wonderful, but you need to relax from time to time, alternate work and rest.

Virgos usually have a neat house where they can do and fix everything with their own hands. Virgo women are wonderful needlewomen. Virgos are also good at working in the garden, in the garden. Virgos are indispensable in laboratories where accurate and thorough analysis is required.

Your shortcomings are excessive criticality and pickiness. It is necessary to distinguish where thoroughness and attention to detail are needed, and where not. You should be especially tolerant in interpersonal relationships.

The evolutionary stage of Virgo is differentiation and analysis, the preservation of the useful and the rejection of the harmful. Socialization, work, transition from individual to collective activity. In short, the need to learn how to function properly in the world, whether natural world or society.

Mercury is the ruler of Virgo. Often in Virgo, according to the solar sign, Mercury falls into Virgo, which enhances all the qualities listed above. And when Mercury is in the sign of Leo - more ambitious in thinking, but also a broader view of things.

In your case, Mercury is in conjunction with Jupiter, which may give some subjectivity and fanatical upholding of one's own views and statements.

Sun in 9th house

You are constantly striving for new knowledge. Constantly learn and you can act as a teacher. You are interested in philosophical and spiritual questions. Travel plays an important role in your life. Your education does not stop throughout your life. You have a broad outlook on many issues.

You were born on the waxing moon. You seek to know the surrounding nature. You will develop instincts and sensitivity. Your natural reactions are quite adequate. You can feel like an increase in strength, throughout your life a desire for further development, for new experience, new knowledge and sensations.

Sun - Venus, aspect = 0 conjunction

You have a special personal view of beauty and harmony. It may differ significantly from the generally accepted. It can be both bad taste and unique artistic abilities. Assessments of harmony and beauty come from within, there may be certain difficulties in personal, romantic relationships, since your inner world in this respect is very different from the outer one and it is difficult to match them. Perhaps your assessments or worldview aspirations will not be clear to everyone or disagree with generally accepted ones, this should be taken calmly.

Sun - Jupiter, aspect = 0 conjunction

You may have some importance and solidity, a desire to draw attention to yourself. Traveling and hiking, the pursuit of knowledge are useful to you. In matters of health, you need to control overweight, do not overeat, monitor metabolism.

Sun - Saturn, aspect = 0 conjunction

You are internally ordered and disciplined. You are good at setting yourself up for work. Sometimes a little stubborn. You do not have enough vital energy, but you are serious and reasonable.

You are highly sensitive. This gives you good opportunities to explore the world of the soul and the world of nature. Abilities in natural sciences, psychology, spiritual and occult sphere.

Moon in Libra

Harmonious relationships are necessary for your peace of mind, especially in the family. You are offended by the rudeness of family members. You yourself try to smooth out conflicts, act as a peacemaker. For you, all family members are equal, you try to build relationships on an equal footing. At home, you appreciate and create beauty. You may have works of art in your apartment. You can visit exhibitions, galleries, theaters with the whole family. In household chores, cooking, you also try to make everything beautiful, aesthetically pleasing to the eye. You can hold important negotiations at home, in such an environment you are more comfortable, and you will try to create pleasant conditions for your partners. You are capable of becoming a house matchmaker or a house lawyer, registering real estate transactions or registering marriages.

You may have a talent for growing flowers and arranging bouquets.

Your partner should be diplomatic, and preferably handsome, even at home, and above all at home.

For relaxation and spiritual harmony, you need a calm relationship, soft positive emotions. You can find peace and satisfaction by interacting with art and nature, flowers, paintings (you may like landscapes and still lifes in the first place), visiting theaters and exhibitions. You can enjoy successful negotiations and conflict resolution, appeasement of the parties, even if this conflict did not directly threaten you.

Moon in 10th house

Your success may depend on the goodwill of the common people, employees, customers and consumers. The boss can take care of you, and you - about him, and about his subordinates, if you yourself become the boss. You can choose a business related to upbringing and education, customer service or agriculture and the food industry.

Luna-MS connection (0.4°)

In the absence of bad aspects - popularity, spotlight. Good for artists, politicians. With good aspects - benefit from rich women. Often professional activities within the framework of a partnership, obtaining a position from a superior, often inheriting a family business, linking a career with family life, with household utensils, etc.

Mercury in Leo

Your intellectual interests can be directed to the creative side of life, to the topics of recreation, sports, theater, spectacles. You are able to organize recreation and entertainment for colleagues, field trips by the work team.

Your thinking is influenced by authorities. Their opinion can be decisive for you. Such an authority can be a writer, philosopher, politician. You can be the organizer of the collection of signatures in the election campaign of a political leader.

You need to develop objectivity of thinking, independence, impartiality. And if you are a driver - restrain your ambitious manifestations on the road, do not strive at any cost to be the first or prove to another driver that he is wrong.

Direct Mercury in front of the Sun. Mercury in 8th house

You have talent in the financial field. You can manage cash flow. You have an intellectual interest in everything mysterious, in natural and occult sciences. You may like extreme travel and all kinds of works related to mysticism or esotericism.

Mercury - Jupiter, aspect = 0 conjunction

Good intellectual and literary abilities, interest in travel are possible. However, sometimes it is difficult for you to develop a system of values, to separate the main from the secondary, to develop a worldview, to properly allocate time, effort and money.

Mercury - Uranus, aspect = 90 square

Great originality and eccentricity of behavior, difficulty in study and work, more due to lack of concentration, and possibly health, than due to lack of ability. Mobile mind, originality of thoughts, but nervousness. Ideas are eccentric and unrealizable. They are far away in thoughts, prone to hasty decisions. Abstruse ideas, little based on knowledge and experience. Often stubborn, do not like other people's advice. They often change their minds, you can’t impose someone else’s opinion. They make lightning-fast judgments, look for unusual, exciting ideas for the sake of ideas, repel people with tactless remarks, funny, stubborn looks and arrogance. Increased nervous excitability and vascular disorders are possible. Care must be taken when traveling and when working with electrical appliances.

Mercury - Neptune, aspect = 120 trine

You have good abilities in the humanitarian field, original thinking with elements of fantasy.

Venus in Virgo

You are distinguished by a reasonable, balanced approach to beauty, art and personal relationships. You can sew your own clothes, and at the same time it will be both beautiful and practical. You have the ability to accurately calculate proportions, design patterns.

You will not chase trendy trends, but you will not fall behind the main trends. In your clothes there will be small details that will emphasize your individuality.

You are unsure of yourself in matters of emotions, personal relationships, prefer to play it safe and calculate everything in advance. Such love with a caliper. You are clean, careful, beware of risky sexual experiments and shy away from relationships with casual partners.

At work, in your professional activities, you bring an element of aesthetics. Decorate your workplace. Do not forget to congratulate your colleagues on the holiday. You can organize a cultural trip, arrange a lecture on art.

In matters of health, you also adhere to such views that beauty and health are linked together, you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, and you will be happy to attend shaping and aerobics classes. Spending money on your health and the health of your loved one will not stop you.

Venus in 9th house

You may like foreign art and fashion, you study the culture of distant countries. You can meet your love abroad or just travel. Foreigners or work in a foreign company will also help you earn.

Mars in Cancer

Your physical activity is usually only enough within your own home and family. A positive use of this energy will be any housework, the ability to fix a water tap or dig a garden with your own hands.

A negative manifestation of such Mars is increased conflict in the family or worries about relatives and family. Perhaps one of the older relatives shows too much strong-willed pressure and pressure at home.

Sports You prefer to do with your family, somewhere in nature, or watch competitions on TV. But you may also be indifferent to big sport. Kayaking, fishing, family trips are suitable for you. You can love other water sports as well, but rather as physical education.

You will appreciate the economic man who does everything in the house with his own hands. It also treats your relatives with respect.

If you want to connect your profession with Mars, then become a home master, plumber, installer and adjuster of household appliances. This will pull the energy in the right direction and help to avoid many domestic conflicts.

Although you are naturally cautious, when you drive a car, beware of being influenced by emotions.

However, Mars is in the 8th house.

Life often puts you in situations where will and determination are required. Try to avoid aggressiveness, do not create dangerous situations yourself and do not strive for them. Remember that you do not need excessive strength or volitional loads.

Mars - Uranus, aspect = 120

Design talent in the field of technology, ability in experimental sciences. Moderately eccentric behavior. Love for adventure. Interest in aviation and new branches of technology.

Mars - Pluto, aspect = 90 aspect square

Beware of cruelty on the one hand, as well as unmotivated fears on the other, learn to avoid risky situations in the workplace. Learn to properly distribute your forces and use your will. Do not join dubious groups of extremist or criminal type.

Jupiter in Leo

You can be proud of your solidity and your knowledge. You aspire to become a mentor to everyone, so that everyone perceives you as a teacher.

You are trying to gain knowledge and become competent in elite and fashionable areas - economics and management, etc. All this in order to be accepted as one of your own in circles that interest you. Although you may be trying to achieve recognition and self-expression in some other area, it depends on what social stratum you consider yourself prestigious to belong to. You can actively study science if intellectual values ​​are preferable to you. Or, for example, art.

If you are a teacher, then the main thing for you in your work is that the students respect you, and of course, you will try to prove your professionalism. When you travel, you will try to visit fashionable and prestigious places. There, by the way, there is a lot of the Sun, which is directly related to the sign of Leo.

You will quite successfully cope with leadership work in any field, creative or economic, and even political.

In your value system, the idea of ​​belonging to the highest stratum of society, elitism, creative and professional success can take the leading place, you try to make you and your activities visible to others.

Jupiter in 8th house

You are interested in philosophical and religious teachings that consider the theme of life and death, a person in a situation on the verge of being and non-being. IN Everyday life You know how to use the funds of other people and organizations, you can multiply them. You may not like traveling if there is no educational element in it, or if you like traveling to unknown and even dangerous lands.

Jupiter - Uranus, aspect = 90 aspect of square

Technical innovations, incorrectly applied, and abrupt social and political changes can somewhat complicate your life, force you to change, urgently master new knowledge, fit into a new system of relations. Excessive impulsiveness, idealism, impracticality.

Spend energy on a task that you suddenly quit. Easily inspired by obscure ideas. Bad for speculation. You can get carried away by strange religions, cults, strange things. Many mystics, adepts, who are going to save humanity, live at the expense of their adherents. This aspect has representatives of Bohemia, wandering around the world. They have friends who cannot be relied upon, who can lead astray, and they themselves are also capable of this. A restless spirit seeks adventure. Fanatic, subjective aspirations, impulsive activity are dangerous.

Jupiter - Neptune, aspect = 120 trine

You can find yourself or just take part in environmental and charitable work, solving natural and humanitarian global problems.

Saturn in Virgo

You will encounter the greatest obstacles and limitations in your area of ​​work. Also try to keep a close eye on your health.

Officials and bureaucrats will spoil your life in medical institutions, when applying for a job, defending your labor rights.

You may have complicated relationship with the authorities. And if you yourself become a boss, then there will be serious difficulties with subordinates who may consider you a picky and overly strict boss.

You think that strength and stability in the world are based on work, distribution and precise fulfillment by each of his duties.

If you enroll in public service, then most likely your area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity will be medicine or labor law, as well as, possibly, management in the field of production, engineering and technology implementation. Your career depends primarily on professionalism in your field and hard work.

Saturn in 9th house

You can have rigid ideological views, which are also conservative or belong to past eras. Try to overcome dogmatism, and even more so do not impose your views on others. After the age of 30, you need to continue your education.

Travel can be difficult, mainly related to paperwork. Traveling by train is preferable for you.

Saturn - Neptune, aspect = 90 aspect square

Disappointment, deep emotional experiences; tendency to depression, despondency, sad thoughts; secret grief, loneliness; temptation, indulgence to one's lowest feelings and aspirations; self-deception, suspicion, hypocrisy.

The good side - can give great spiritual strength, concentration, spiritual firmness and high morality.

Your generation needs to try to find a reasonable balance between material and spiritual, external and internal, formally structured and emotional-fantasy in their lives. To avoid the danger of bureaucratization of spiritual life, the creation and maintenance of ideological or religious dogmas, as well as the erosion of structures and discipline in practical life.

Uranus in Scorpio

Your generation tends to take a different look at the issues of life and death, the problems of their own and other people's energy, inheritance.

You can revive the ancient mystical teachings of reincarnation by adding to it modern knowledge and approaches.

Sexual freedom in your generation ceases to be doubtful and becomes on a par with other human rights. Attitude towards sex is a matter only for you and your partner, and other people and public institutions have no right to interfere in this. You can organize and visit occult and mystical schools, circles, finding like-minded people there. Try not to have even the slightest hint of violence and fanaticism.

Uranus in 11th house

You may have unusual friends from all walks of life.

You can meet them in the most unusual setting. Your plans and dreams usually come true unexpectedly, suddenly, quickly.

Neptune in Sagittarius

Your generation must understand the ethical and psychological problems of religions and ideologies. To overcome interfaith contradictions, to contribute to the formation of a new global philosophy, where there will be a place for God, and materialistic science, and humanism, the global responsibility of man for what is happening in the world, and individualism. That is, to integrate entities that were previously antagonistic.

You may be interested in non-traditional means of transportation, up to teleportation. And ordinary sea cruises attract you.

Your generation should make a significant contribution to the unification of different countries and peoples.

Neptune in 1st house

You tend to dive into yourself. Good psychological abilities, intuition, the ability to see the depth of processes. Musical and artistic abilities are possible. In some situations, timidity and indecision are characteristic of you. Sometimes neuropsychic crises, depression, weakness. You are able to empathize, catch the subtleties in the mood and the world around you, observant.

Your body is able to produce the necessary substances on its own, regulate its internal composition. Decoctions, herbs, homeopathy are useful to you. Pay attention to the hormonal composition, endocrine glands. Your mental attitude is also very important for your health.

Pluto in Libra

The main task to be solved by your generation is to learn how to live in the world. Exclude war from the practice of mankind.

The second challenge is to transform personal relationships. Approve an energy approach to them instead of a socio-political one. That is, personal relationships are, first of all, the exchange of energy in different forms between two people. And not at all to consider the family as a cell of society and the state. To change the attitude of society towards sex, which should be a private affair of two, without bringing a public base under these relations.

Pluto in 10th house

Pay attention to the highest justice and always follow it. Do not appropriate someone else's energy for selfish or power-hungry purposes. Then you can expect success in business, the financial sector, social and political activities, in discovering secrets.

Ascending Node in Virgo

IN past life You have dealt with spiritual matters a lot. Perhaps they were in exile, imprisonment, were sick a lot, or sacrificed themselves to others. Now your task is to stand firmly on the ground, master the profession and achieve perfection in it. Take good care of your health, try to overcome diseases and maintain the health of others. You must be specific, considerate and practical.

Ascending node in 9th house. Stellium in 8th house

You are interested in energy management issues. It can be energy in the form of money, then you have good abilities in business. Or cosmic energy, then there may be extrasensory abilities. Sexual themes also occupy you. You can also deal with problems on the edge of the known or on the edge of the permitted, for example, forensic science, investigations, the study of secrets. By the way, your energy is more of a cosmic order, but mastering it correctly will also help attract financial flows into your life.

Stellium in 9th house

Your education will continue throughout your life. Your life may be closely connected with foreign countries and foreigners. Traveling attracts you and takes an important place in life. You can be an adherent of any philosophical, spiritual system of views.

Ascendant in Sagittarius - Descendant in Gemini.

You can use your ability to convince, be a mentor and patron in your profession. As well as a willingness to communicate with unusual people, a propensity to travel. Avoid routine, boring, monotonous and subordinate work. You have the knowledge and experience to overcome many difficult and crisis situations. Most likely, you are committed to some kind of faith, or doctrine, ideology. And strive to convert other people, including your closest partners, into your system of views and values. You need disciple-partners who will share your views, who will refine your doctrine in detail and in particular. And in your personal life, your relationship can develop in the same way. You are more of a theorist, and a partner should provide practical experience, specifics within your system.

Possible shortcomings and disappointments - the departure of students, criticism from their side, which you tend to perceive as a betrayal, although this is not always the case. You may also come across very practical and self-serving partners. Your social circle is wide and you tend to change partners, both on your own initiative and on theirs. That is, you leave, and they leave you. And you find, and you are found with equal success.

MC in Libra, IP in Aries

Your life goal is beauty and harmony, both physical, aesthetic, and in relationships. Establishing balance. You can realize this in art of all kinds, in the judicial, legal field, consulting, working with a partner, a client.

At home, you felt an energetic, ebullient, active atmosphere. Perhaps as too conflicting.

1. Natal chart.

The natal chart is the main working tool of an astrologer - a diagram that depicts all the elements that are analyzed: signs of the Zodiac, houses (fields), planets and aspects between planets. Houses are counted according to the Koch system. In the calculations of the North Node, its average value is used. To the right of the map are all the calculated data: the position of the planets in the signs and houses and the numbers of the houses they control, the positions of the peaks (cusps) of the houses in the signs and the planets that control them. If you are interested in astrology only for the practical purpose - to get the information you need, you can go directly to the 2nd section.

2. Basic personality traits

Nowadays, thanks to the development of technology, astrological calculations and automatic interpretations have become commonplace. However, in most cases, this is a set of texts describing individual phenomena and factors in the horoscope, the interpretation of which can be contradictory and confusing. Professional astrology is characterized by a synthetic approach, when the strongest and most significant influences are revealed and individual "bricks" of the natal chart are added into a complete picture. For this, the art of interpretation has its own special methods, which we use in this section to provide a comprehensive picture of the owner of the horoscope and its main features.

First, we determine the qualities and natural characteristics that are originally present and laid down from birth. They are determined by the position of the planets in signs and appear already in childhood:

  • Temperament (balance of the elements). The ratio of the elements in the horoscope allows you to determine the temperament and basic psychological qualities of a person.
  • Type of behavior (balance of crosses). The predominant cross in the horoscope determines the preferred strategy of action.
  • Dominant character traits (dominant sign). Character depends not only on the solar sign, especially if the Moon and personal planets are located in other signs.

Then we analyze how and where the natural qualities of a person will manifest themselves and be realized in life, which areas of life will be most necessary and interesting. This is determined by the position of the planets in the houses of the horoscope, and here the exact time and place of birth is especially important for calculation.

  • The sphere of realization (balance of hemispheres) indicates a tendency to individualism or reliance on the environment, the need for active social realization or immersion in oneself and caring for loved ones.
  • The form of expression and the type of experience determines what drives a person, what are the main incentives and needs that will seek realization in life and determine its circumstances.
  • The main areas of life (dominant house). The highlighted houses of the horoscope indicate more specifically the main areas of interest, circumstances and directions for the realization of the personality.

And finally, perhaps the most important thing is to understand whether there are energies in the horoscope and what kind, which not only determine the main tendencies of character, occupation, circumstances, the direction of a person’s whole life, but can also help or prevent him from achieving maximum realization. It can be power, wealth, but also the heights of art, science, spirit. This largely depends on the energy that will prevail in the horoscope. To do this, we analyze the planets themselves in various ways, their strength and significance.

3. Astropsychological characteristics

If you carefully study the materials of the previous section, then the main features and characteristics of the personality will already be known to you. In this section, information is presented and grouped by all planets-factors, symbolizing various psychological components.

  • The Sun, Moon and Ascendant form the core of the personality and determine the main character traits:
    • Sun - essence, consciousness, will, spirit, life force,
    • Moon - soul, feelings, unconscious reactions, need for security,
    • Ascendant - the image of "I", the role, image, self-awareness, appearance and vitality of the organism.
  • Mercury, Venus and Mars, the so-called. personal planets complete the picture:
    • Mercury - mind, intellect, thinking, means of communication,
    • Venus - love, ideas of beauty and harmony, taste and perception,
    • Mars - willpower, determination, perseverance, struggle, passion.
  • Jupiter and Saturn determine the qualities and characteristics that a person exhibits as a social being.
  • The higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) determine spiritual ideals and needs, problems and tasks of the spirit and irresistible forces of transformation.

4. Spheres of implementation and circumstances of life

In this section, we consider the horoscope and almost the same factors, but from a different angle, from a more practical point of view, namely, how circumstances and life will turn out in specific areas: health, finances, family, children, etc. To do this, we study the horoscope in the structure of its houses (fields), each of which symbolizes and, as it were, "responsible" for certain areas of life. The signs that houses fall into symbolize the background properties and qualities that characterize the circumstances of the house. The planets entering the house bring their energy and directly affect this area of ​​life, and the position of the ruling planets of the house shows which other areas of life and your actions or inaction in them determine the situation of the analyzed house.

About the authors of the texts

To describe the various elements of the horoscope, we use fragments of books and reference books of famous astrologers.

The work of American astrologers Francis Sakoyan and Lewis Acker is perhaps the most famous and widespread in the CIS among other translations of foreign reference books and enjoys well-deserved respect. It should be noted that many domestic authors cited or retold this reference book to a greater or lesser extent.

Grant Lewis is a famous foreign astrologer who sought to achieve the goal of making astrology accessible to millions. His book "Astrology for Millions", from which quotes are compiled a horoscope, became a bestseller and was reprinted many times.

The astrological interpretations of the German authors Hajo Banzhaf and Anna Hebler are taken from their book "Astrology: Key Concepts", published in Russia in 2002. These are exceptionally clear and modern interpretations. Bill Herbst's interpretation of planetary positions in Bill Herbst's houses is profound and also very modern.

From the books and lectures of Absalom the Underwater, probably many astrologers studied 10-15-20 years ago. These interpretations are written in a style by which their author can be unmistakably identified.

Descriptions of the elements, types of houses are partially borrowed from Stephen Arroyo's book "Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements".

An example of an individual horoscope

Individual horoscope

compiled according to the natal chart of a person (the chart is shown on the left). The natal chart, in turn, is built on the basis of the exact time and place of birth of a person. It is, as it were, his “space passport”, which carries strictly individual information about its owner.

Your individual horoscope carries all the information about the possible options for fate and life. It reflects the physical world, spiritual and spiritual.

Individual horoscope - this is an amazingly useful thing for every person. Great tool for introspection, self-knowledge and identification of their strengths and weaknesses, features of their life path, life tasks, for orientation in the processes of one's destiny. It displays all the possible ROCKs and u-ROCKs that you need to go through in this incarnation, all your abilities, inclinations, opportunities, the potential of the main areas of life, shortcomings, talents, where you should direct your efforts, and where you should not "go"; helps to understand internal contradictions, allows you to understand yourself, deeply realize your personality, identify your strengths and weaknesses, find the path to happiness and self-realization, determines the Mission of a person on Earth. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses contributes to the correct development and helps to act more effectively. Horoscope text - 20-25pages in Word.

Individual horoscope

(given in abbreviation)

Mars in 7th house

Your personal relationships often take the form of rivalry, otherwiseand conflict. Partner of your desired type - active and courageousman, sometimes aggressive.You like only strong, courageous and determined men.You are attracted to people in traditionally male professions.Of course, with this position of Mars, you can’t get away from the fight, trygive it a civilized form and do more sports together andactive work. You attract Aries, Scorpios, people with a strongMars and filled with the first or eighth houses of the horoscope.

Mars - Jupiter, aspect = 0

Aspect gives you energy and purpose. Are you ready to sweepobstacles in your path. Good for self-realization in sports, business,social and political work, travel and adventure. Mainchoose worthy goals.

Jupiter in Virgo

You need to learn how to put together a complete picture ofparticulars, details. Not avoiding them, but not obsessing over them either.You can successfully teach subjects where there are many formulas, tables,analysis various systems. such as applied mathematics, chemistry,biology, programming. Moreover, medicine.You can develop wellness techniques and workouts,lead groups of physical therapy, yoga and other teachings intendedto maintain health.When traveling, you will be prudent and careful, you willprepare them carefully, make the necessary vaccinations and try tolearn more about the territory where you are going to go in advance.Travel can be for scientific, educational and practical purposes.You can travel through a specific system to reachcertain points, visit all the cities or stations connected by somethen an important sign or ratio for you. ground, and especiallyYou like rail transport more than its other types.In your value system in the first place is logic, followinglaws of nature, expediency, the ability to explain and prove everything.You attach great importance to industriousness, you yourself work a lot in yourprofessional field and respect professionals in any business.

Jupiter in 7th house

Your partnerships are usually characterized by honesty anddecency. You receive benefits from a partner, material orspiritual, and possibly both. Your partner may beteacher, mentor, wise and strong (primarily spiritually) person.The strength and duration of the relationship is more dependent on your partner. Youattract people with the Sun, Ascendant or cluster of planets inSagittarius, strong Jupiter, ninth house. And also with strong Pisces andtwelfth house. Your relationship may be easier to develop inother cities and countries, traveling or with people from afar,it is possible that among your partners there are foreigners.

Saturn in Virgo

You will encounter the greatest obstacles and limitations inareas of their work. Also try to keep an eye on your health. Officials and bureaucrats will spoil your life in medicalinstitutions, when applying for a job, defending their labor rights.You may have a difficult relationship with your superiors. And if you yourselfbecome a boss - then there will be serious difficulties with subordinates,who may consider you picky and unnecessarily strict.Do you think that strength and stability in the world are based on work,distribution and clear performance by each of their duties.If you enter the civil service, then most likelyYour field of activity will be medicine or labor law, as well as,possibly management in the field of production, technology and implementation technologies. Your career depends primarily on professionalism in yourarea and diligence.

Uranus in 9th house

You have freedom-loving views and are ready to fight for them. Youcan attract non-traditional moral and ethical systems. You canvehemently reject dogmatism and conservatism. Do you like travelingespecially on an airplane. Are you ready to become a teacher in a brand new areas of knowledge.

Neptune in 10th house

Your relationship with superiors may be unclear, incomprehensible.Beware of betrayal. If you become the boss yourself, trygain spiritual authority, even to the detriment of their materialmomentary benefits. You can choose the Neptunian profession of a sailor,priest, psychologist

Neptune - Pluto, aspect = 60

Pluto in Libra

the main task that you have to decide -learn to live in the world. Eliminate war from your life.The second challenge is to transform personal relationships. Approvean energetic approach to them instead of a socio-political one. That is -personal relationships are primarily an exchange of energy in various forms betweentwo people. And not at all consider the family as a cell of society and states.

Pluto in 8th house

You may show increased interest, and under certain conditionsfind yourself in the following areas: finance and business, extremesituations and the fight against them, criminalistics, mysterious phenomena,political activity. The sexual sphere is also strongly attracted Your attention.

Sun in 10th house

Your life energy comes to you as a result of your awareness of life in the visible world, the collective culture. This is the realm of the 'guru's mind'. It can be deep and powerful or subtle and almost imperceptible, but other people feel powerful divine power flowing through you. Your task- to manifest this energy as fully and correctly as you can, because you came to Earth on a mission that exceeds personal interests in scale. Every time you take responsibility, every time you act in the right direction, you absorb life energy. To live, you must find your place in the world. The challenge is to find your niche, where you can contribute to the development of society as much as your potential allows.
You can appear conservative, three-piece suit and tie, formal and prudent, or you can be completely different, a person who rises above the crowd to assert his own opinion, however, the specific opportunity will be determined by other card factors. In any case, you are very receptive to power in society, you strive to grab as much as you can, regardless of whether it is earned by you, inherited, borrowed or stolen. Your career fills you with vitality, and whenever you want to cheer yourself up, the most natural way to fulfill such a desire is to engage in professional affairs. The symbolism of the Sun is too extensive to accept specific activities. However, she points out the following: whatever you do should be vital to you; you must do it with great dignity; you have to make an impact on the whole world. The challenge is to gain broad social respect. Remember - be authoritative, but not authoritarian.

Node (NDE) in Virgo

In a past life, you dealt a lot with spiritual matters. Maybe,were in exile, imprisonment, were sick a lot or brought themselves tosacrifice to others. Now Your task- to stand firmly on the ground, to masterprofession and achieve perfection in it. Be careful withyour health, try to conquer diseases and maintain healthothers. You must be specific, considerate and practical.

Stellium in 7th house

Your life is largely focused on external world, on yourvarious partners - business and personal. You can be popularin the people. You canengage in counseling of various kinds.

Ascendant in Aquarius - Descendant in Leo. you are independent andoriginal, engaged in intellectual activities, appreciatefreedom. But you lack the brightness of feelings, the energy of love. Are you ready to givepartner your mind and your faithful friendship in exchange for his feelings and energy.Your work, profession should leave you freedom and in the regimework, and in the creative aspect. It is better if your activity isintellectual. Avoid places where there is a lot of formal discipline,hierarchies and subordination, where the work is boring or physically hard.A possible disadvantage of your partner is selfishness. partner may notrecognize equality and democracy, and you must teach him this, but notoffending him. Admire him where he deserves it.Your relationship should be respectful of each other's personality.friend. Do not infringe on each other, do not impose anything. Both of you are bright andcreative individuals, but in different areas. Complement and enrich each friend. You can get acquainted everywhere, but most of all it is suitable for thisleisure time, various sports games and entertainment, theaters andconcerts, parties, where there is an opportunity for informal communication.

MS in Sagittarius, IP in Gemini. Your life goal is expansionthe boundaries of knowledge. For myself and for all mankind. Best Spheres Forthis - sciences: natural, humanitarian and general, philosophicalcharacter, theoretical work, teaching, all kinds of travel and expeditions. You perceive your parents as smart, intellectually developedof people. The first parent brings you specific knowledge, practicalskills, takes care of practical education. The second - likes to teach, givesconcepts, life goals and guidelines, is engaged in spiritual development.It is possible that the second parent is a foreigner or is far away.The first parent is engaged in the maintenance of daily practical lifefamily, the second solves major issues, gives a strategy.At home you can feel in an intellectual atmosphere wherethere are always newspapers, books, radio and other sources of information. Membersfamilies encourage each other to learn, orient to the intellectual path.

CROSS OF FATE - this lot, as a rule, indicates a problem area in our destiny, in your case, it is advisable to avoid close relationships with married men older than you in age, these relationships will bring you nothing but disappointment.

What do you have to do with buying your own home, this is the beginning of the 4th house, the position of the ruler of this house and aspects. The beginning of the house is in the sign of Gemini, which means that you are impulsive, versatile in your interests, great flexibility of perception for the rest of your life. You are inquisitive and inquisitive, can often be unceremonious and too intrusive, in an effort to learn something new and interesting to you. Frequent changes of residence, difficulties in finding a certain place of residence, restlessness. Ruler of the 4th house Mercury, is in the sign of Scorpio and the 9th house, in conjunction with the lot of Poverty. This situation makes it difficult to acquire your own housing. How can they be overcome? Receipt higher education, expanding one's own opportunities, for earning money, and most of all, you can earn money away from your place of birth. The sign of Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, which, in your case, can give a marriage of convenience, and this is the smoothest option for you. What do you have related to the topic making money on your own, then with this you have obvious problems. The 2nd house, the house of money income, is ruled by Jupiter from the 7th house, which also indicates marital relations, to correct one's property situation. Saturn in the 8th house in the sign of Virgo is also not conducive to making money on your own. At the moment, you are going through a difficult period in your life, try to pay more attention to partnerships, try to find a worthy man, you can really succeed soon. Correct your independence and desire to follow your own path everywhere, develop flexibility and diplomacy. August-September 2009 may turn out to be the most difficult for you, at this time it is advisable to refrain from long-distance trips (abroad) or long-distance trips by car. Try to spend this time as calmly and measuredly as possible, thereby saving yourself from considerable danger. It is very likely that the acquisition of real estate through inheritance after a certain period of time.

You were born on the 22nd day of the moon
Action: study.
Names: elephant, Ganesha, book.
Symbols - elephant Ganesha (Shiva's son) with a broken fang, a scroll and a golden key.
Mystical influence: Day of sorrow, knowledge of life and experience of existence. You can predict, meditate, but it is better to devote this day to study, you can move forward like years of hard work. They also practice historical searches and the study of their own roots, archival work. Frequent revelations in a dream.
This is a period of wisdom, the study of secret knowledge and its use. It is recommended to find out the future (not on maps). It is useful to meditate on magical and astrological symbolism. It is good to focus on pictures, on yantras (these are images of sacred sounds on paper, on sand). To teach others, pass on experience, prepare disciples, show generosity, or simply accumulate knowledge.
Social influence: Wisdom Day, contacts are not recommended. Practice altruism, generosity.
Household influence: Tears are frequent, do not travel, do not start new business. It is useful to acquire skills and crafts. Medical Influence: Diseases are dangerous, often fatal. Patients understand what is happening to them, they are afraid.
In the medical aspect, it is necessary to be especially attentive to the hip belt, the sacrum, and the lower part of the spine. It is better not to make sudden movements. Since the elephant eats a lot of plant foods, it is recommended to eat a lot, load the stomach.
Influence on the born: Keepers of knowledge and wisdom. The brain works (in the absence of horoscope contraindications) several times more productive than in people born on other days. Spiritually rich, fair, but impartial, even cynics. They are very conservative, but they study with pleasure and luck. Easily comprehend the meaning of things, capable of any science. However, the number of people born on this day is less than on others, sometimes 3 times.
Stones - blue agate, blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade and amber.

P.S. To compile a natal chart and interpret it, you will need your data: date of birth, place of birth, time of birth (you can ask your mother or look at the tag that was attached to your pen in the maternity hospital), if the time of birth is unknown for any reason, we we can't help you.

An example of an individual horoscope.
An example of an individual horoscope

Individual horoscope

compiled according to the natal chart of a person (the chart is shown on the left). The natal chart, in turn, is built on the basis of the exact time and place of birth of a person. It is, as it were, his “space passport”, which carries strictly individual information about its owner.

Your individual horoscope carries all the information about the possible options for fate and life. It reflects the physical world, spiritual and spiritual.

Individual horoscope - this is an amazingly useful thing for every person. An excellent tool for introspection, self-knowledge and identifying one's strengths and weaknesses, features of one's life path, life tasks, for orientation in the processes of one's destiny. It displays all the possible ROCKs and u-ROCKs that you need to go through in this incarnation, all your abilities, inclinations, opportunities, the potential of the main areas of life, shortcomings, talents, where you should direct your efforts, and where you should not “poke your head”; helps to understand internal contradictions, allows you to understand yourself, deeply realize your personality, identify your strengths and weaknesses, find the path to happiness and self-realization, determines the Mission of a person on Earth. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses contributes to the correct development and helps to act more effectively. The text of the horoscope is 20-25 pages in a Word.

Individual horoscope

(given in abbreviation)

Mars in 7th house

Your personal relationships often take the form of rivalry, and even conflict. The partner of your desired type is an active and courageous person, sometimes aggressive. You like only strong, courageous and determined men. You are attracted to people in traditionally male professions. Of course, with this position of Mars, you can’t get away from the struggle, try to give it a civilized form and do more sports and active work together. You attract Aries, Scorpios, people with strong Mars and filled with the first or eighth houses of the horoscope.

Mars - Jupiter, aspect = 0

Aspect gives you energy and purpose. You are ready to sweep away obstacles in your path. Good for self-realization in sports, business, social and political work, travel and adventure. The main thing is to choose worthy goals.

Jupiter in Virgo

You need to learn how to put together a complete picture of particulars, details. Not avoiding them, but not obsessing over them either. You can successfully teach subjects where there are a lot of formulas, tables, analysis of various systems. Such as applied mathematics, chemistry, biology, programming. Moreover, medicine. You can develop wellness techniques and workouts, lead groups of exercise therapy, yoga and other exercises designed to maintain health. When traveling, you will be prudent and careful, you will carefully prepare for them, make the necessary vaccinations and try to learn more about the territory where you are going to go in advance. Travel can be for scientific, educational and practical purposes. You can travel on a certain system to reach certain points, visit all cities or stations connected by some sign or relationship that is important to you. Ground, and especially rail transport, you love more than its other types. In your system of values, logic, following the laws of nature, expediency, the ability to explain and prove everything are in the first place. You attach great importance to diligence, you yourself work a lot in your professional field and respect professionals in any business.

Jupiter in 7th house

Your partnerships are usually characterized by honesty and integrity. You receive benefits from a partner, material or spiritual, and perhaps both together. Your partner can be a teacher, mentor, wise and strong (primarily spiritually) person. The strength and duration of the relationship is more dependent on your partner. You attract people with the Sun, the Ascendant or a cluster of planets in Sagittarius, strong Jupiter, the ninth house. And also with strong Pisces and the twelfth house. Your relationships may be easier to develop in other cities and countries, while traveling or with people from afar, it is possible that there are foreigners among your partners.

Saturn in Virgo

You will encounter the greatest obstacles and limitations in your area of ​​work. Also try to keep a close eye on your health. Officials and bureaucrats will spoil your life in medical institutions, when applying for a job, defending your labor rights. You may have a difficult relationship with your superiors. And if you yourself become a boss, then there will be serious difficulties with subordinates who may consider you picky and overly strict. You think that strength and stability in the world are based on work, distribution and precise fulfillment by each of his duties. If you enter the civil service, then most likely your field of activity will be medicine or labor law, as well as, possibly, management in the field of production, engineering and technology implementation. Your career depends primarily on professionalism in your field and hard work.

Uranus in 9th house

You have freedom-loving views and are ready to fight for them. You may be attracted to non-traditional moral and ethical systems. You can vehemently reject dogmatism and conservatism. You like traveling, especially by plane. You are ready to become a teacher in completely new areas of knowledge.

Neptune in 10th house

Your relationship with superiors may be unclear, incomprehensible. Beware of betrayal. If you yourself become the boss, try to win spiritual authority, even to the detriment of your material momentary benefits. You can choose the Neptunian profession of a sailor, priest, psychologist.

Neptune - Pluto, aspect = 60

Pluto in Libra

the main task, which you have to decide - to learn to live in the world. Eliminate wars from your life. The second task is to transform personal relationships. Approve an energy approach to them instead of a socio-political one. That is, personal relationships are primarily an exchange of energy in various forms between two people. And not at all to consider the family as a cell of society and the state.

Pluto in 8th house

You can show an increased interest, and under certain conditions, find yourself in the following areas: finance and business, extreme situations and the fight against them, forensic science, mysterious phenomena, political activity. The sexual sphere also strongly attracts your attention.

Sun in 10th house

Your life energy comes to you as a result of your awareness of life in the visible world, the collective culture. This is the realm of the 'guru's mind'. It can be deep and powerful or subtle and almost imperceptible, but other people feel the powerful divine power flowing through you. Your task- to manifest this energy as fully and correctly as you can, because you came to Earth on a mission that exceeds personal interests in scale. Every time you take responsibility, every time you act in the right direction, you absorb life energy. To live, you must find your place in the world. The task is to find your niche, where you could make such a contribution to the development of society as your potential allows.
You can appear conservative, three-piece suit and tie, formal and prudent, or you can be completely different, a person who rises above the crowd to assert his own opinion, however, the specific opportunity will be determined by other card factors. In any case, you are very receptive to power in society, you strive to grab as much as you can, regardless of whether it is earned by you, inherited, borrowed or stolen. Your career fills you with vitality, and whenever you want to cheer yourself up, the most natural way to fulfill such a desire is to engage in professional affairs. The symbolism of the Sun is too extensive to accept specific activities. However, she points out the following: whatever you do should be vital to you; you must do it with great dignity; you have to make an impact on the whole world. The challenge is to gain broad social respect. Remember - be authoritative, but not authoritarian.

Node (NDE) in Virgo

In a past life, you dealt a lot with spiritual matters. Perhaps they were in exile, imprisonment, were sick a lot, or sacrificed themselves to others. Now Your task- to stand firmly on the ground, to master the profession and achieve perfection in it. Take good care of your health, try to overcome diseases and maintain the health of others. You must be specific, considerate and practical.

Stellium in 7th house

Your life is largely focused on the outside world, on your various partners - business and personal. You may be popular with the people. You can do all sorts of counseling.

Ascendant in Aquarius - Descendant in Leo. You are independent and original, engaged in intellectual activities, highly value freedom. But you lack the brightness of feelings, the energy of love. You are ready to give your partner your mind and your faithful friendship in exchange for his feelings and energy. Your work, profession should leave you freedom both in the mode of work and in the creative aspect. It is better if your activity is intellectual. Avoid places where there is a lot of formal discipline, hierarchy and subordination, where the work is boring or physically hard. A possible flaw in your partner is selfishness. A partner may not recognize equality and democracy, and you must teach him this, but without offending him. Admire him where he deserves it. In your relationship there should be respect for each other's personality. Do not infringe on each other, do not impose anything. Both of you are bright and creative personalities, but in different areas. Complement and enrich each other. You can get acquainted everywhere, but the most suitable for this is the time of rest, various sports games and entertainment, theaters and concerts, parties where there is an opportunity for informal communication.

MS in Sagittarius, IP in Gemini. Your life goal is to expand the boundaries of knowledge. For myself and for all mankind. The best areas for this are sciences: natural, humanitarian and general, philosophical, theoretical work, teaching, all kinds of travel and expeditions. You perceive your parents as smart, intellectually developed people. The first parent brings you specific knowledge, practical skills, takes care of practical education. The second one loves to teach, gives concepts, life goals and guidelines, and is engaged in spiritual development. It is possible that the second parent is a foreigner or is far away. The first parent is engaged in maintaining the daily practical life of the family, the second solves major issues, gives a strategy. At home you can feel yourself in an intellectual atmosphere, where there are always newspapers, books, radio and other sources of information. Family members encourage each other to learn, orient on the intellectual path.

CROSS OF FATE - this lot, as a rule, indicates a problem area in our destiny, in your case, it is advisable to avoid close relationships with married men older than you in age, these relationships will bring you nothing but disappointment.

What do you have to do with buying your own home, this is the beginning of the 4th house, the position of the ruler of this house and aspects. The beginning of the house is in the sign of Gemini, which means that you are impulsive, versatile in your interests, great flexibility of perception for the rest of your life. You are inquisitive and inquisitive, can often be unceremonious and too intrusive, in an effort to learn something new and interesting to you. Frequent changes of residence, difficulties in finding a certain place of residence, restlessness. Ruler of the 4th house Mercury, is in the sign of Scorpio and the 9th house, in conjunction with the lot of Poverty. This situation makes it difficult to acquire your own housing. How can they be overcome? Getting a higher education, expanding one's own opportunities, for earning money, and most of all, you can earn money away from your place of birth. The sign of Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, which, in your case, can give a marriage of convenience, and this is the smoothest option for you. What do you have related to the topic making money on your own, then with this you have obvious problems. The 2nd house, the house of money income, is ruled by Jupiter from the 7th house, which also indicates marital relations, to correct one's property situation. Saturn in the 8th house in the sign of Virgo is also not conducive to making money on your own. At the moment, you are going through a difficult period in your life, try to pay more attention to partnerships, try to find a worthy man, you can really succeed soon. Correct your independence and desire to follow your own path everywhere, develop flexibility and diplomacy. August-September 2009 may turn out to be the most difficult for you, at this time it is advisable to refrain from long-distance trips (abroad) or long-distance trips by car. Try to spend this time as calmly and measuredly as possible, thereby saving yourself from considerable danger. It is very likely that the acquisition of real estate through inheritance after a certain period of time.

You were born on the 22nd day of the moon
Action: study.
Names: elephant, Ganesha, book.
Symbols - elephant Ganesha (son of Shiva) with a broken fang, a scroll and a golden key.
Mystical influence: Day of sorrow, knowledge of life and experience of existence. You can predict, meditate, but it is better to devote this day to study, you can move forward like years of hard work. They also practice historical searches and the study of their own roots, archival work. Frequent revelations in a dream.
This is a period of wisdom, the study of secret knowledge and its use. It is recommended to find out the future (not on maps). It is useful to meditate on magical and astrological symbolism. It is good to focus on pictures, on yantras (these are images of sacred sounds on paper, on sand). To teach others, pass on experience, prepare disciples, show generosity, or simply accumulate knowledge.
Social influence: Wisdom Day, contacts are not recommended. Practice altruism, generosity.
Household influence: Tears are frequent, do not travel, do not start new business. It is useful to acquire skills and crafts. Medical Influence: Diseases are dangerous, often fatal. Patients understand what is happening to them, they are afraid.
In the medical aspect, it is necessary to be especially attentive to the hip belt, the sacrum, and the lower part of the spine. It is better not to make sudden movements. Since the elephant eats a lot of plant foods, it is recommended to eat a lot, load the stomach.
Influence on the born: Keepers of knowledge and wisdom. The brain works (in the absence of horoscope contraindications) several times more productive than in people born on other days. Spiritually rich, fair, but impartial, even cynics. They are very conservative, but they study with pleasure and luck. Easily comprehend the meaning of things, capable of any science. However, the number of people born on this day is less than on others, sometimes 3 times.
The stones are blue agate, blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade and amber.

P.S. To compile a natal chart and interpret it, you will need your data: date of birth, place of birth, time of birth (you can find out the parents or look at the tag that was attached to your pen in the hospital), if the time of birth is unknown for any reason, then here you will also have to order rectification (calculation of the time of birth for important events in life).