Many people know the sign that says that you should not take out the trash in the evening. What it threatens, it is necessary to understand. Where did this belief come from and why is this action banned?

Why can't you take it out in the evening and at night?

  1. The ban on taking out garbage at night is also imposed because it may not please the brownies and defenders of the home. They carefully monitor that the owners put things in order in a timely manner, so they can express dissatisfaction with night trips to garbage containers. The brownie can leave the home, stop patronizing him. As a result, the owners of the house are threatened with poverty, they are deprived of protection from negative impact.
  2. Since ancient times, people believed that at night sorcerers could take the things of the owners from the trash can and damage them.
  3. Take out the trash at night - drive wealth and material well-being out of the home.

If you throw garbage at night, you can lose the patronage of the brownie.

Can I throw it away before the trip?

Since ancient times, it has been believed that positive energy accumulates in unnecessary objects. It stores everything that was acquired in the family for a certain period of time. It is not recommended to take out waste before a long journey, so as not to lose energy protection.

Naturally, do not leave food waste in the apartment, but if the owners decide to throw out some of the old things, then this should not be done before returning.

How to throw away unnecessary correctly?

After sunset, you can not take out the trash, so as not to invite trouble on yourself. However, there are a few more signs that tell you how to get rid of unnecessary things correctly:

  • if the owners plan to throw out old things, then it is advisable to first wash them in salt water in order to cleanse them of their own energy and negative impact from the outside;
  • the dishes must also be washed with salt water, and then thrown away with the garbage;
  • it is highly undesirable to throw away photographs or documents, it is recommended to tear them up and burn them.

Why can't you give it to someone else?

Since ancient times, it has become customary that garbage should not be given to strangers. Everything unnecessary should be taken out of the home on your own. Things that were in the house are filled with the energy of family members. When throwing away unnecessary items, interaction with its owner is eliminated and all bad things go away along with unnecessary things.

If you let strangers throw garbage, then the person loses energy protection. The energy of the home passes into the hands of an outsider, so only family members need to throw away unnecessary items.

How not to attract misfortune?

In situations where you have to take out the garbage in the dark, it is recommended to say the phrase: “I will take out the unnecessary, but I will leave well-being!” This will help keep happy life and material well-being and not get into trouble in the future.

You cannot take out the garbage from the house after sunset. Such a statement can be heard from people, even educated and far from superstitions and signs. Either they cover up laziness-mother with a ban, or there are serious reasons.

Let's examine this problem from all sides. Why can't you take out the trash in the evening? What signs and superstitions have come to us from ancient times? And what are the modern versions for the ban? How to get rid of unnecessary things?

Why don't they take out the trash at night?

Men like to “hide behind” a sign: they are at work all day, and then they remembered the trash can ... Who in their right mind and with a certain degree of fatigue and laziness will gladly run to the trash heap. But there are reasonable explanations for the ban. Evening is getting darker, there are more adventurers on the streets (especially in sleeping areas) ... It's better to fulfill the duty during the day.

Modern explanation

Reasons for the ban, not related to signs and superstitions. But quite real. Don't neglect the basics of safety when you're about to carry your trash at night.

  • The darker it is outside, the more likely you are to get into trouble. Why go to the trash can at night, if you can take out the bucket during the day ... They can drink in the yard - get into a bad situation. In the dark, they rob, beat ...
  • There is no light in the entrance - twist your leg and fall. Poor lighting in the courtyard of the house - you can accidentally step into the mud, waste products of dogs, cats. Simple homework will spoil the mood for a long time.
  • Flocks of stray dogs often gather near garbage cans. After sunset more likely to be attacked by animals. It is better not to entrust children with this work.

There are other reasons why you shouldn't throw out the garbage in the evening. Comic, but relevant today. Is it a little...

  • They pulled me away from the TV, lifted me off the couch, and forced me to carry the garbage. The risk of fighting with a drunk neighbor, who decided to talk, increases a hundredfold.
  • If friends are resting in the yard, easy to forget and go on a spree. In the evening, I don't think about work. Especially about the upcoming one.
  • Evening coolness provokes a common cold y. Who will dress warmly to take out the trash can.

These are modern explanations for the prohibition. Let's turn to the clues.

Folk omens

There aren't many of them. Take out the trash in the evenings - give birth to gossip about yourself. A person, as it were, takes out "dirty linen from the hut." The sign has a justification: the neighbors see - they consider you a sloppy owner (they didn’t have time to redo everything in a day), they stipulate. After all, grandmothers gather on benches in evening time. Boring. That's what they say about everyone they notice.

Why didn't the owner throw out the garbage during the day? .. There is something to hide. Gets rid of bad secrets with unnecessary things. So there are suspicions and conversations.


Every home has a guardian spirit. Incorporeal beings protect the family from evil forces, provide peace and quiet, and help in everyday affairs. They love order. If the garbage was not taken out during the day, they are offended and do not come for a very long time.

Sorcerers and witches use personal belongings of a person in their rituals. Litter thrown out after sunset is a godsend for them. You take any object - you induce damage. Then the attacker throws the thing to the threshold. The owner sees his own, picks it up - the ritual is over. Wait for troubles, illnesses, quarrels.

According to Feng Shui

Trash can only be thrown out before sunset. Otherwise, money will cease to flow, wealth will leave the house. The energy of the day is yang. And the nights are yin. Yin energy - peace, silence, decline. Janskaya - movement, production, success. Waste - yang "remnants". Taking them out in the evening, we mix energies. The natural movement of qi is disturbed.

Together with unnecessary things, a person takes out a particle of the energy of the house and loved ones. Behind short night she is unable to recover. There is a kind of loss happiness, wealth, health leaves the family. Therefore, in esotericism, it is customary to make dirty linen in the morning or afternoon. The positive energy will continue.

According to the same Feng Shui, unnecessary things cannot be stored in the house. It is important to get rid of them from time to time. But it must be done correctly.

Throwing away old things the right way

Advice for "hamsters": if you are not sure whether these things can be taken out, whether they will still be needed, hide them in a box (bag), seal them with tape and put them in a closet. If during the year you don’t need the hidden, feel free to put it in the trash.

More tips:

  • Leave clothes that are a pity to send to the trash can (you suspect that someone might need them), leave them nearby. But pre-wash in salt water. The procedure will protect you from the energy influence from the outside. Unnecessary things tear-cut. And then just throw it away.
  • If you want to leave the dishes for those who may still need them, soak them in salt water first. And then take it out. Do not use cups and plates with chips - throw away without regrets. And to protect yourself from negative energy impact, break it.
  • Documents, checks, receipts, where personal information is indicated, tear into small pieces or burn.
  • Old jewelry and accessories must be kept in salt water. Then send it to the trash can.

There is an imprint of human energy on things. Therefore, you need to take them out of the apartment carefully. It is impossible to evil people caused harm through clothes, dishes, accessories.

"Garbage" signs and superstitions

Some signs were invented by our ancestors a long time ago, others appeared relatively recently. Some superstitions can be explained, and some have no real justification.

Popular signs about garbage:

What is the dream of rubbish:

  • Things are running - it's time to disassemble.
  • You should not tell others about yourself - they are used against, they will stipulate.
  • Garbage pit - to improve the material and financial condition.
  • Fall into the trash - get a promising offer that at first you won’t like.
  • See garbage in the apartment (house) - to family quarrels, troubles, intrigues from outside, problems with her husband.
  • Digging through the trash - you have to protect your reputation.
  • Sweeping rubbish - to a painful break or to the death of a relative.
  • In a dream, take out the garbage - to establish old (start new) relationships, resolve conflicts, resolve personal and work problems.
  • Digging in the bin - urgently do work on mistakes, analyze behavior, lifestyle.

Ordinary rubbish, unnecessary, superfluous in our lives, and how many prejudices and beliefs ... There are many explanations why rubbish is not endured after sunset. Whether to believe is a personal matter for everyone. But there are modern, justified reasons for the ban. If stray animals, homeless people, drunkards gather at your house, then it is better to take out the trash can in the morning.

Signs can be treated differently. But the fact that millions of people believe in them does not allow them to be ignored. The notes are based on centuries of experience our ancestors, who were especially observant and able to read the signs of fate.

Do you believe in omens?

These superstitions may concern various areas human life, most of them are not without meaning. For example, you can often hear that you can’t eat with a knife. And such a sign is easy to explain by the fact that it carries with it the danger of cutting itself. Also, supporters of superstitions never pass anything to each other over the threshold, since this place is called the border between the worlds.
One of the most popular signs is that according to which it is not recommended to take out the garbage from the house in the evening. Despite the fact that many adhere to it, only a few can sensibly explain what such a statement is based on. It's time to figure out why you can't take out the trash in the evening.

Version from the people

It is difficult for a person to live without gossip. Therefore, often information that is not confirmed by facts is thrown into the world and propagates at the speed of light. And so a lot of signs were born. But why don't they take out the trash in the evening? People say that good deeds are not done under the cover of night. Therefore, if you decide to throw rubbish out of the house at night, it is likely to take out your “secret” with it.
According to another folk version, which sounds more logical, since ancient times, all housework had to be completed before dusk. And spend evenings with family. Therefore, if you take out the garbage at night, it will give the neighbors a reason to say that your house is a mess that you can’t deal with until the sun goes down.
Another version is based on the fact that garbage is the personification of prosperity and good luck. Getting rid of it under the cover of night, you can simply deprive yourself of these benefits.

A bit of mysticism

There is a superstition why it is impossible to take out the garbage from the house in the evening and more mystical explanations. Previously, it was believed that at night every residential building is protected by good night spirits that come after sunset. But they stay only in the house in which it is neatly tidied up. Therefore, if you do not have time to clean the house by dusk, your home will be left without protection, because the spirits will make a choice in favor of cleaner owners.
Also, fans of mystical superstitions are convinced that it is impossible to take out the garbage from the house at night due to the fact that with the onset of darkness, unclean forces are activated. Most often, witches and sorcerers performed their rituals after sunset and used objects that were found among discarded garbage. They brought charmed discarded objects under the door of the former owner to induce damage. Therefore a victim dark forces could be anyone who decided to get rid of garbage in the middle of the night. If a person found such garbage near his door, he should never touch it. with bare hands. Such a find should have been swept out of the yard with a broom and burned, reading a prayer.
Let's delve into the mythology
Why garbage can not be taken out in the evening is understandable from the point of view of mythology. Our ancestors believed in the existence of good and evil spirits and revered them.
In accordance with the mythology of the Slavic peoples, a brownie lives in every house - a good spirit that guards the home. It feeds on garbage and waste. Therefore, everyone knew that it was very easy to please this spirit, you just need not empty the trash can at night. Indeed, it is better not to quarrel with the brownie, since the enmity between him and the owners of the house often turned out to be not the most rosy consequences for the former.

What are they saying now?

If you doubt the superstitions described above, then the advice not to take out the garbage at night can be explained by more logical reasons. At night, it becomes dangerous on the streets, so there is a high probability of getting into an unpleasant situation. Garbage cans are a meeting place for vagrants and homeless animals, with which at night it is better not to cross. Not every courtyard has street lighting, so on the way to the trash can you can stumble or stumble, which will end up very traumatic for you.
Today it is very fashionable to follow the traditions of the teachings of Feng Shui. Nothing is said about the ban on taking out garbage after sunset in this Eastern teaching.
But at the same time, in accordance with this Taoist practice of space exploration, it is necessary to get rid of trash regularly. After all, it is he who prevents the emergence of new energy in your life. Therefore, the sooner you take out the garbage from the living quarters, the faster your life will be filled with harmony.
Believe in superstition or not, you decide. But if this fiction has been followed by many for a couple of hundred years, it is still not worth leaving it unattended. Perhaps there is a certain connection between the above phenomena. And if you do not see it, this is not a reason to deny the very fact of its existence.
Looking for evidence that signs do not work is tantamount to arguing about religion or theories of the origin of the world. Superstitions work on a subconscious level. Therefore, if you would like to avoid the onset of bad consequences, postpone the removal of garbage from the house until the morning hours.

I will accept that you can’t throw out the garbage in the evening, many people know. Just in case, the majority adheres to the dictated rules, especially since it is not difficult at all. It's better to do it than to expect nothing right problems. So with the trash can - it's okay, it will stand until the morning. Although no one can accurately explain what such a terrible thing can happen and whether there is evidence of this.

Where did superstition come from?

Signs like the one why you can’t throw out the garbage in the evening are considered omens of unpleasant events. IN old times people were ignorant and subject to all sorts of superstitions, otherwise they could not explain why unexpected troubles fell on them.

For example, you will accept that you shouldn’t leave your things on the street at night, the following explanation was given: the evil spirits will certainly take advantage of things and take away their energy, because it is at night that the rampant dark elements begin. The same with garbage - it's like giving away your things, which will certainly attract evil spirits.

Ancient explanations of signs

There are several versions of why you shouldn't throw out the trash in the evening..

feng shui omen

Adherents of the Feng Shui teachings associate this superstition with the loss of money. A bucket taken out in the evening will deprive the owners of income, plunge them into financial problems or cause unforeseen expenses. Chinese soothsayers explain this by the release of human energy, along with things, which is already weakened by evening.

According to Chinese philosophers, yang is the energy of the day, personifying work, prey, movement, vitality. Yin is the energy of the night, peace, tranquility, decline vitality. What is left of the day cannot be carried out at night (in the evening). Otherwise, the mixing of these two energy flows and disrupted the natural course of life - qi.

Rational observance of signs

In addition to the features of conducting household, and nowadays you can find explanations why it is better not to take out the garbage at night.

Other subtleties of superstition

Now it became clear why you can not take out the trash in the evening. But what signs related to the removal of things from the house or the disposal of garbage, we are still invited to observe.

Until now, we do not risk cleaning up before a long trip, even if it takes place during the day or in the evening. We don't clean or sweep, spending in long way guests. Don't mop floors before exams.

How to avoid trouble

So that happiness, health, financial well-being do not leave the house, there are some tricks that came to us from our ancestors.

But you need to know that prayer and superstition are incompatible. And if you happen to clean up or throw out the garbage closer to the night, it is better to leave all doubts about witchcraft spells and witch slander . It's better to go to church, put candles to your family and friends for health.

Our ancestors, trying to explain any phenomena or events of their lives, conveyed to us their signs and superstitions. Some of us believe in them, and some do not, but this does not make them lose their popular popularity.

What are omens?

Centuries-old experience and wisdom, observation, ingenuity and the ability to read heavenly messages - all this contributed to the birth of such a phenomenon as folk signs.

You can look for common sense in such a sign: “You can’t take out the trash in the evening,” which is one of the most popular and has been known to everyone since childhood. No one can really explain what such a statement is connected with, so the omen has been thoroughly overgrown with many versions and rumors.

Let's try to figure it out Why can't you take out the trash at night?

folk version

Our neighbors cannot live without gossip. Well, such is our nature, people - we ourselves invent information about our own kind and throw it into Big world. So it is with the sign about garbage, which is not customary to throw out in the evening or at night. It is believed that good deeds cannot be done under the cover of night, therefore, along with the garbage, a negligent owner can take some of his “secret” out of the house.

According to another more logical and understandable folk version, in the old days, before dusk, they tried to complete the entire homework, including taking out the garbage, so that you can spend the evening relaxing with your family. But if the garbage is taken out in the evening, then the neighbors may think that you are a bad owner and that you have a mess in your house that you are unable to cope with during the day.

According to another version, garbage represents money, luck and well-being of its owner. Therefore, it is believed that taking out the garbage at night means depriving yourself and your family of these benefits.

mystical version

As we have already said, the sign " Why can't you take out the trash at night? ", has many versions. For many centuries, our ancestors associated many superstitions with mysticism.

So, for example, in the old days it was believed that any dwelling is patronized by good night spirits that come to the house at sunset. Spirits only come clean house where careful owners live. If the cleaning is not finished before the evening, they will go to cleaner owners.

Some argue that you can not take out the trash in the evening. Most likely, the sign is connected with the fact that our ancestors believed in the existence of witches and sorcerers who performed their rituals after sunset. Basically, in rituals, they used things or objects that previously belonged to their owners. Discarded garbage was considered the most suitable for witchcraft rituals, with the help of which it was possible to inflict damage or slander on the owner. Spellbound garbage was thrown under the door of the former owner. It was believed that if you touch it with your bare hands, you can become a victim of a sorcerer and get everything bad that you wished. If you believe in signs, then with your bare hands it is better not to touch or step over the garbage scattered near your home. It is better to remove such garbage with gloves and with a broom, throwing it outside the house, on the street. For the best effect, you need to set fire to the garbage and read any known prayer over it.

Mythological version

As we know, the ancient Slavs believed in good and evil spirits and revered them. According to Slavic mythology, each house is patronized by a good spirit - Brownie, who feeds on household waste and garbage. That is why the garbage in each family was left overnight to please the household spirit.

Modern versions

If the above is more related to ancient superstitions, then for modern residents you can come up with more real versions, Why can't you take out the trash at night? , For example:

  • in the evening, the likelihood of getting into unpleasant situations increases, for example, you can be robbed or beaten;
  • in the absence of lighting in the entrance, taking out the garbage in the evening, you can stumble, twist your leg or step into the waste products of street animals;
  • fight with a drunk neighbor;
  • meet old friends and go on a spree with them;
  • city ​​garbage cans - a meeting place for stray animals that can attack you;
  • as we know, in the evening it is cooler than during the day, so you can simply catch a cold - not many of us dress warmly when taking out the garbage in the evening.

Maybe the above interpretations of signs are a fiction of our ancestors, but in order to avoid negativity, it is better to listen to a sign that has survived more than a hundred years.